4 - VoLuME t- V est i>dly 4444>45 cd t 1 '>> in > 1 o th'.1>'.' te».!>> 40e ft 14 a o f41 »> l",l> 1 h t 4- ' Ir5 q'y J' ab -4>4 Il c' h >4 44 --'-4 >> >4"- -LOyL brofmlve0 tN the bote! It lee flop txao4. a and >g»era1 Athrogouî as aise0440 00l ~CANDIÀ&CHAMPION MAIN ST.. IMTON ONT1 22 P- T-ar ce 1~08~,.-0à» da Il~. 81.«0 7.00 p.m. (:UO$S*)RC Vanne or Smc*GO1Dg W ust-±4 lt 488p '4. ,0 SUMU8' Igo ap r M 96PP"G olng Eat-.2Sa.. ta m l. 0u11104B1*l** cÂNADIÂN NÂ&TIOM«ALE.4IW4y ADYU8TiIIUO RÂTU. 11.48 &m; 7.8p.u -ISU .8 et ta.OtudeMl0,l dit. U- 81 ili, A. P.M1Notice. t. . bjel of drhich 84 là de G"Y .: AkYS ** VUUM -ahid e' 4lddd 7 1dddduadd.dd1 ,.,gdT114 fndt.,-lie- od demish Your choosilàg TnoM4.I ~ ~ ~ Ioe ipracttcalIy POU 8 _-w for th. 4 t44l1irai unlmited. What- -------_____ 4.14144,'44 -.te414for .-hevet your tate.i IILIMIT '& WHITE, wacbzrjwk> thitah - - - .. .- -- - s, wi PU41SU414 Ct ain, w, --y$.9 ____________________ ~~~~wîiI find just wha le ht GotLr? rO vfte TrEACIIER OF n hm -h ciote ' tI - .nied MY .laal SfR.umt he-ra-ti MEDICAL YUII e WlnIW8B8 *88. ovqrwowbsïuslxa ed ni, t E Ri ht now va Voice a", Piano track - ha - wn thcrackwe *iter tiont ~' made of good qasity h R, K. ANDERSON, M. D.. te 1,2have afine display Ppo u1p r. 1!oiý*g hem q bt0ieCOfl«" Wl LB. J P.(J" ~ L faibeautiful rieur ur .tofy EnMinoifllïg nt * OawOa41i0a h, ha tIm lO in o the WM- on drm.y luas -1 fidlir.. aricles, 80 deit- Toronito Studio: 218 Wes.trnIdÂAv eo'rnl1i OcÉk, h. baltea. Wh- ,Loy4W 10.841 8 .uitthat 4ovemedgpike heelo-- >44444>4444.4 >44~ îo~ able for yOnr aviS Milton Addefl iton Pubicboul oBCOO àla wuit. Mai th*ll in e m .ii îo bedn a ut dit058 WSiper w 0 P.t "n.. t--wbt jeIt n?».1 obl& ao- howanolés'ieygtei. iv t ouihnéomen'. Blapk P&n *ta lpeswh l ,1p o lp 4d 7 l P. .use, and for gila,- ut ~ i UU this a mJ w teewt.ua1Iile Iraail rlghil I ne"a that ras foijoa.the sevgnty-flY1t round toe.. The lesdingfquoeof tiB 8h08are the IDRS. MCCOLL & SUTIIIJRLAND Included in a ef Mjr.1a adiiM e- ndiBadlptenan Oeejie e - 39 r~. N~]dsplay areI wOt H W Htu abo i I w IDie."10 , ano.Ianljom eg nwmaaipteundov 7ehes439 TI batjo co e mot ee n, and we aail 4,14 14 4 -dVt.h444A-4 1 E L Eu Rbou Ede" ud I cov o Inai OtsdI 3Pý-7t8.oTeacher of Yv10av 408a ra ac-parts, maille. beoreasotieonel 1017 DAM LCINAU DEIII evoe 1e' h Get your shoefs made like inarU-odt PIANO .t. .... J L cage uas iMdi vien 1t idthae ,n u p-od IlA 4(~5 C4444 L.«.e'14.1 9'i i ROGERS DB UIU INw rd . dB 0e Lord, thon, rm i wîth 700, MAS AL .GO LA DuM . MB n ".'iIeePlat h 10 a ar5an "OL IWhati Wiint d'Y.mono. lch major!" cred Jim Bancroft. "rm Repair Dep m ent. Mthe tab.le LADM.Ai lB eruilCaderr bo stIailIlsred. He let gonoct f0u prond te carry n musket, If IonA K E N th tbe ile srvtryofMgi B iela 10O f tiie »redoute dipi-oWnsaaslt tme In front of ftlleFrench- ' A W. L. CATlIEAWOOD M hcfrvî5amOUIi g ead acrdti[é L M11400. viiera 'Iy lad, rd'h. prood 10 bave 700 IV d r id 1 M.01 nd .h.apko ai vn 4vetaer00 beaut . thy s nar d a i lbenn Ca ,,i M W Afor S »ý I stock lm pp ga: n a vhlo-hOUh. b ot sr e. onde? m e," al 1te m ajor. .1'- ~ te .andnduilor Kin ge St., bMilton, Ont1_________stock__________ DR .G RMEplated vara. OIPHONE 24. 7»B'aglven 7011 something i noyer au m0ach as gopne, sst it "004Anas t evii e hed t;e m- 1ii i - gi1U8110 ebot apnme ad 0411n1awilib ." Ph4IuA"L4 R . umfJtiMf Whattlien0, lockr thedepthe of filera. co ya tel na of hlm?'I OfIll4 sud ...flhflhIfU riem ng1& A busbal for Cousin Edle," nild -alle Ls Bot vortby of yon" salW L "Thorn la no better officer n he mdo J W L R r sto g aihe hogt asd gr we 1ri po mtu "'eneold.trenc. hemy adthat haa wblg va ocl vo beton 40 nolerstanolthit 1 had nover seen o mardiEnglish haveue yuîa ' eyou4 ay 10 mlObthovndhv tltiwb 0 orolcde a 07 oete.ao olei alabllo fieItb t n teyamngeo o0 achl poorrun- * dffereot piirson fromnt amajor debo eceaatp for them. as folk alwBa40>s tho, otohe teycae f o' tili a 010of yoor booky-panfky. os1y etth0e iperoes eubow. tI mot happens tou1e our oelgbbor In 1h.bolifilthey Iune near a border. u ____________ JE ELE S rmerofga10 I0f4 as 1the read frut41 0.hn EGLMILTON ..ONT. 0ewrni speaed an If I bod tol Whero lu shc!" a 150 Ovo dais before o 040111* ountjr.ol orofcrl eyte f eiet htwr lhn 11cmU,î bobo mreel00 lir BhRensoff vith thilt Orechman w01 W«,vs ant vith a dag tua aibot urpsI 4bl6oajgt 0 o~n o 1 10noté, s s old WIL IAM I. iCK ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _ F esh Co ked and CuiOd De Lalo 0140for ail 010 kooto otoady ici ebre." I110.40400 csting bot onr wo nded. e vas itu onit thea. nt V0ennawho ad10 e en a Ib t 1 i no e M.Toe sgoal co nd a cu a WILLIAM 441. DCAFlt4444kd nd uJ nodlquiet and wel-o'4I0 andias Vo Inloy mld 1 I dlbreok Il ent' I kooatu aglo heo 1 saw hi-.' urop.8Ief if tbobad, bon aegetof004h. Wabol me inte mend bol a (t .nziCl-ATS 410 te secreci> of , secret marrlagos ver. iy 40 hlm; brtiwual aways 1bücîtord -And I M OWhi gLRi whn monoobati Oown bock. oaci te hi@ vllisaaay ld soldiers of the0e F041- C44544444Md eol ry In S1aso verY J i4-w.111bs ut btter'Oao Ibis, donc look 0on bis face. horse la Ibeir armliez bnd their facea s *rfor theostalprt. The M . yt.Le î.4 GALT. ONT. vobco on!>' a ew vorla ocre neleai "Oh!" nid lho; aod tood nolîltg Âod thon. ut filaiinsat sI atento oird Fronce. N wft erea rifle restaient, sol Milt-,C Ont. 5 1444 >>-OIUR MOTa J Io0 mahe a mon andl wfe, 80 0010017hi. bond andllooklof ai me, 11000151I thora, if waa anidenl drlve 10rne010 We benirlof firent renviesanmd nmi- h.4 de-green coati Inteal of red. IIUClINSO & LLITT MONUMENTS .'QVALITY AND SERVICE" togtoobo 10.10hl 0k nvvr el0a ocould nother me0 100w1pour &" iinipoaleis alilfe terngiParis toc, and tueofiltWelî.ri bitaaeoeehlleialfl fo 0104NO &ELIT .108asplelinel. thon, auifIltheir Font Bm. me.noir the stending, Or ne t s'010tt I aoWd land vi1lé 001,ciippied lîngton a s n1theLcw Contrien. andi tW# Wood pott 0h l 0a rn Et'4444~. 044BeolrCtlogue and 14.inptotr voekle PHONE420w. - -MILTON. bol lcco lowerc4' but 1 w50 itiiI Oueeelae. Tilon 0e gaveoa f0PIn 0fis frleod of onreaod the cOoPaunel Of ibo 0n0u0anon 01100Prnusannavond -yanithon hnmn ot i 1 1 vtb a MITO XMCE t lhcurt. for 14 eeiees!lOlme ît 17t m roat. 401 spoko 10in a 4000t. d17. mi'beybood watts s5015 In the010fore-0'fa1 i>li@ trait blow. The goiromint = ut otthey ssnl lire 100010fartbe 0 . - Mll..0 l4'0 T,>4444 4 MLT4N1-gig'MS frleîîl huitbecs cully dboit oltu, raping voire, rn.fti tm.QUIlkuna fash 0w01 4bippIog uen ta blm us faut s a ài ~ terthon40 vo-AUl tOut part A »44 . SAM H4 E >N'S____0__N__and___________ S AM Hfil e ou anol a, "When va tli?" mIdliho ma-résolution wv a 0h0. t - culdnd every port aiong the o0f tWm wun va ered vith British ENSTY C. R. TU RMNER HUILDER and CONTRACTOR 4[0non 44- %oul sl put pot it vIti. "This morsiri ,'Il cole itu a-, ou, 0,mator," 1aîit ceotm-as cliohel with sui and iIOg ut 000.0 Ure, for the Guards t - SRY"Wue 0007matriled? cri-el. brc ,>444.Oon010e hirlofof wel over test, Enghien, aod Ibere BABCOCK Diretor aiPIt. ' rva CHAPTER X. '. ' Jek I lock VI al mi-father, 01110f Juoe we ba>4 ,, otracblflfordr lon taise savaty regimento on t10e fartber DENTALbni SURGEOfoN4h OamhrO 1..1W.lke TheRaturs of teOh. 80110. pot tu sOady lmOOf. lîm Rudnioothnf, but b othefr00 Leiti, recheifl teînl the olghtl soay tuaI Wellngtonishoul spread L)sýt'l li.sp,ýlý O~~COM1E11OI, TL sîITNnnEwk l*t ahuv ertte et "Ani- message frme"br alfroe m an ugd e. ft enFIemBhendwertohet0to nutat bsocfrBnywsb. DETL tEGO ,>,nn. o. uc OtJtloul "Shc sald tOat 7ion voulfortîîe The majora 0708 ashoflo and bhofleuri--ploecaîlcI re ,001 fr40 Ober te o ou a ecreen of bIs fmorreonfega solnd Ni>h A) pptifort.Dole'. PHNE ne3 ILDeiON. buR Nonte efore long,. and tt ilvol liber." ishol his cane lu tue air. mhu. eeo pcw p010 1e0 84 e w.bal no meas f0> o1u>o rul. Bot10 oc M i'te la i ao O10da M ordl hnbut 1abalilhave 0010 Irifty-tccond mld 010e >'s>tettltth. on vidai;aile bo migOt pop ouat, 44ccpt ___________________B__UR__Ntrouble 0000 loi> oa t o o.Oc bau I do. Whore have 4100> gouto 10? flool recrot. at 1m7heela," mid ho.oiîci ocer 010he1010 retîmefita hat ive thgt ha vas pcetty sure 10 coee0 O C K for t ooull a ter tii. 0108 of RU "Ifo France, t ahonl jolIe." «Wall, tieres'no time 10 ho louO, noor rgllo .ils a oomerfll vas. that w v te ieaat0444001 1. On to ni,010me frest1000 t 1*1 404"Is 00.40 01.4De Loi44, 1i 10mb?'yon must hotuhocready for 00e 040' place for chorches anl slooeoork. 1g th. usai Ie 10e mîgOlget betweo ous DiENG.A. KURGEN GtouA 0 a lnkEf100011 'lii ceai name lanDe Lassoe, snl bo niog aconcit00; sol, ileeoi, of ail flie lovas and tiche"aand go cult1usoff fr00 Dice R>s i>4J>>4tM 444. LiePieAutomobil, Burgiari> dt .410get op cariT 111*1 morning, for la no less a acooniI la one> . . . . . . v 01 in 0 hece oa s-sree one bait ldld; and onthtecother Oc oic0t Offic in o4i'Bn >i - Plftie, if0 onn t e i Ot flumh 0f t100 asmh' GoirdiO."Aod tuIn vas vbnt a singe day boad brer kIrk thn soyIn 1GOasgOv. sicis lu befocen thc Prusas and 4 H--9 »o r. 4>4 O sh,.4»» 197»PlateGlass, Accident, Ileailb. us, 10a nd mi>fatuer and 1 oece out "Ah,. bo voul bo1in Parla 11h01>! btongbt about. an1 yet .jonapou .Fr00 there oe pughel os 10 Atu Oeialves. BoltirheDuke w01as0100 a-n9 ly-1phtn-.on the lancrs aa 9001 a. 10 oas firIF That is oeil. Ibot la oeil t' uvay go00ff0c0a ithunt a change. 1080 vhi I l o 1141villuge on a rivet, becso.for 10elol10>bis e and bis 6/,ItMorgage Gol Bonds. lght. A. t came ontiOt e 1 110e nsngo Bi ul aolel. #"Fathior> tulok of tho aiîemuti s 11n*0 f ont- la 0040 rotber, cqllel 0the De d et lM tracis ail arondliin4,. liýac DR. ALYBRAUND >44.>44004>oer4 Lîmo."Ldo il l îtruck opoa mi fore, sold thora glberocI Btiog tho brnIîl' un-OoO bnis.De o lsac vatdmosrt0040 oo veeoqeau-red-ia eé1 0. pdr eotth4e noi440n DENAL URGONl- .01 u0c-Audte. L 0140 the hoone-lot vide open uniEBie knea aldgiveo oa foran ion- goaos. Ele wvas gne.Napoio fd mi.fr Il val fine,5000>' veaubef sa sacb font tePPel 4>14rod 4 DENTAL URGEON ood.t.toeio.Ioth*4 O AISATO 1e groay light drawilof nothe4 1001 atot.bot ho Wasl himoeof agein 0e- sdaisee. War bol htokeo ont .M--ol the tobole brigadenttuc oark dot h.c otl noe up oIl hi-,4 »4>,4»~ >'»4 14,'>>'FOR ___ SATISFACTION_______upon the Aoer Wall. AnMiveo 3fore 000 ou mas camle taoniog vithth0e Horoat ft 5 lenbt everytitél.a"uaeh. Ila drill f rom moroing OI eveninZ Se ulit place. l'In"" At "Il ,44 >4 4>444 0>> t __________________ looke ogalo. Obro 01h5 Ele'm s Ootfl ol.and 1 vote aetIng ott - ftght sag tOeerai Adamsi tsOurichief and R100 7 « J syseî.i vou*s -rv 72' >Offils:Cetl. U: ANDANNTIONAL RAILWAYS open aîao, and De Lappa 0toitasd 1" eA vy"mlJm i ac 0 rnh a Uit -04.oi u u ooe.adtbOvrillai put asi mt.ooThe o .@ u9 k 044 .,fi,1ls01lg that ltgviflf03OS ojk dconvnlse. vAhh rage. cmitii 1t tte.ped on tg the coacvi that hotu ino il slliers; 1, bu tpt~ hmI. Tea40 I ' '""" Te Dube TwaOe Roterellents a mt upo tue eveoing bV -Hnve a sooa. P.ter Barrofl." vening. and iaokel bock l t i e gelbor 440000themosO Wfor bistom 5sa arad,f Soi, 48 va eu 9a 4- I haiveb ofora. If os a s iove-t*kiof.and th01criel My tatulaer, pressing tue lquootfarmteelling and auththlê 1"Mo oo oortequia orbs ai AMSHAW TORONTOMy> 0hurtvas bitter ugelasO Cofin ieaat?" -race saitnk .ber Shetadsaland uIseln wlOb the bullof1the eurai>. bot w an vousI u ý-d, NoOMedicine, SOtO f000.r istcObisa. T . G IeAOgTvedysuaf 1stb lnrkokInn loto ber routevifittoavo. luie n bogie wiv.g BesOaaov1eOrsi-& ka. thatnani'hofln .ece i>4,U1e 414de d RI leo I.01iois nohIOi lm caugt boid of s oll. dl17 suoBaE 01 roet k nv 00 o hui a0binIlc 5>o>gb >»>4>'»>> I ol 'o-e>.i4 4 ou l ti tn 1rasr SJteuesîîslDising Car Servicea. ooe klodlIy ord or as much nas tesa %e;ot"taam ine 1 toe- CHAPTER Xi. LADY ATTENDANT au,>tci - -Onsbk.AI 100Iv. a""f'ymesaier..-____________________________ N>0 44>»4»'>'»» > 40>>40i'loîa (los -MILTON. Sleepag easOn ai g httraias0.01 andIhe ndO sol orand 1 t nt aol F yu 'o M Te 100..eIte aton rs>o0»40i4'~->55»'- 0s.4'40444Ful l formatirons--ail canadian fatier Md shol 0104opon tw 0e 0.0r. nIno cmota t 44at 1 'a National TicetoLAgoate or B. V. Tily, m, n ool 107 ýshel fate. bWwtani-ffi-ltt cioannmaisa moeiitîtibl >,oou>u04»WN 4.4>04 l eoc i C L I B B IN G R A T E S. District PasODgo Âge t, 'Toron' bs ' enom S 0BOW I W Il Isj'P i tt p l gl s l e.1 h a bou 0 the90 o b0 Of t i am Il A T 4 >tdi s 4 1 u.> 4 > 4k T e l i O . E B L . A e n . 1 1 1 0 . c n s ut14 10 lo p p et uo v e tu e ole. '1 c o olut i g i e lb s e a o n d 0 f eu t y lsc o u g t h e b .c a s e a n d l J 4O >t'>- "E ll ..ie lt ie tt e r * ii 4 8 v a,«p eCo u d aa i- io 's v n l . h . thth ei .u nmb abd gje .î n ~ - sslr 0.10I0 '.h.oeu17 h IlOad uncierdosl. botf arêvlcat Osthebook '4' orooa2Du y GabeoS.OO pnie Thcol 10 uter MM WYsrei ht O 8Wll8b isira1 Oc haa t at m. and no 1shal o it Imv 2LUon9Ph-l 21 Tli odEpie.. .0 .3 ggotoP usorz1. ab a n i mv a oaIc, a t - - M..M'f,17 mao- bov t viOhusllasntasol 'bonel vt 1 » Oo.snor taID10 cm e brasa lIe in L Wbo t A ai, !it yoomi aIt standnd btard0*05.M ot414440100>4Tranto Di!y Star.. 5.00 6.365-5L501019 iSRCI F ANDAI atie Occar. ~ ~Bal-apoaa a leUva on en'C> ees MfatrnEmpFir. o.i 1v.le A5-0017t "-.et.54 uI uenfSkamieon.~s, aJolanatMn m 0s0iet.l.i>on Star.. .00 .356 .wta I a efO ft1 r fl ,Uh dtse brig ny f Oateialals LI h n or ry, be di . 4 h T>t»(4>440r.i.t. 4 ToonoST &U*gktv aUci iJuD 1wtce te aflrft teYÇ l afr olôtn Ou a ve tuete attthé 11e 0.0. a jozBM.ghli Qooiîfiod_ - d tMo'£mitlaotienatddTcit.here 1 (105 Ce,4 1 (1)oi>.t roOlnî>05 is - vronrassa. 105facei o anuace liny ome. 40e mu eiitl L,)i CI Viun ui -V JUE5- UPA-L1EauS. iisni theW"a ">lp àC oeth u S "W n p r s p o t elitfo c 0o0t: f i a0 1 -l 51 .Pn io' 44 44andrdtp.notSboar.b lO1 0 I) 2-85 t..oo7%.!.00 oo4>4 fr . r.o .O .1 %Ka pen.eolm y ~o.ft si,,Eouin. "use' t tP_ -tota. anghtelt l-'>aOooMEt Le or l. -Im- C 1da I10saia..dtbu mai