Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1928, p. 3

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t. I .1 i i -I .11 l. 215 MILTON RED h & WHIITEI Stores po toes, No 1 Ontario, 15 1l). peck 17C It-~lititaiesQt7IIE -21,'s tins 25e -:1 Av1ier G~oldeni Batitaîn, - tini 17e ý :l,'(,Marinai aile, Upton's, 40 oz.jar 32c titl,( (l'lei Net, iTa ioîica - A itl \innînîa - Na1fiîa Soap, - tait tin 33e - 2 lbs. 19e 3 3pkgs. 19e - 3 bars 20e K Qîîaker (>ats,- large pkg. 25e * KîrflKiits - -lb. i17c fitjOeSlice(l Pincapple,- 2 tins 17ec tai-e green lieads,- each 9c R. c U N NIN GH AM EIR i 'Q.uality Always Ulgher Thon Price"- Vackenzie s Hly lime! Cough and ltîuIi. nNe heCoId Remedies - f i 1. lý A.\ If~i the Meloide for the throat, f ,loii i1f1Yx1h44royrs Rexail White Fine and Ife\tll Cod Liver Oil «I V luthEiiuision, RealTasteleqe lCod ttîltiîuiit shteets, Liver OHl IWtempole'e Tastelese \\ lH/ ~ Comnpound, ~ j~,Smith Bros. CogSyrp Rickers Syrup Tar and i 'ti rôtsferCod Liver 011, Wanipofe's Tfi t Lase , Vli ad, Scotts Emnlion, Buckiey's Bronchitis I )115 otcc, Mixtures, Vx .Lîjîtii, Chasea Cough Syrnp, Rexail Congh Bark, IYi 5p , forehound Cough Drops iiibfon l pa, Ayer's Cherry Pectorai, ti pry Rexail Cod Liver Oil and 1\ t ii o Pmders. Creasole. J. M. MACKENZIEY Phm. Bl. Phbone 40. The -Rexall Store. Miltonj f al Suiings an Ovrcatinp e n ttid that we axe on the wrng sideo thetee i Hýiiits.iowever, il bas proved otherwise, tIbasta our iot rient l. t:11t truleie wbave a fu linao! SuitingB sud Overco±- In mirtaitor made order ira givea atrY-afl on evis> Coi" -t, al o ercoats. \Ve te selliîeg Copple>', Noyeuanad RandaII ?'EoiiYiO.wmf foi i $1900ta 3.0in Tweeds. BluaendBiAk Siegi, i, uto ineasure for S2500 te 50M&ê Noyes and Rando.iarethes.bai fldwtfD0BU a 1ý-id .-o-'ar uis ad OvorcoatOum"J5~5 ~G E0. ILTS ' " 5c it il il mean for 700 Ibis mult? ]i, Iii t put off too long-have the use of ià nom. 'l (,îuf antd hear the "Newr Crosbey" anS R.qgerj 11 nU' 3o we hava a good lineup thia fait. iii tiiist important thing to consider when boy- itialtois service. ~Get your sel where you are' ar -e ett'tiii- in a few battery operated machines - jtd T., Y e' %wil be :quipped with nowtubes itdini a Rîadio it wll halto your advantage to iVs t'y ,et fuly guaranted. tnTires are poing stronger Ihan ever. Gel i"('ttMlire tdtllar value. Tires :Vulcanizing :Tubes Cayell Battery Service TloaSla.hoor 4. &O tno ba a om uan In.> Sun hm"Vs irw. IP. D. SaSSero Drluqais, hmo la- itialieg a nov claver millli ICleéilg, Presin.g and Dyelag ES Vadazera. Chodte lue' la the Bloga on th=a coaceosuthe.eday.. tT. P. Bravn. f Oelbuene, islted hi. a..Tuas J., bameou Suaday. IMr». A. P'alk. uf SlatyBayi. riit. lag ber alter. Mc. 1G. A. Beasatreet. I75 Orange Peko Tei, 214. Si.00 Uabrath's Sale. IHayward & Boas, ut Druasquiu,bava urch da feue nae beaay tranuport The intariur o A. h i?4acNabbe aehoettora i. bisa insproved and rr. painted. Stamped i Lna,. D. C. M. Easridary Cafta. and Slk Faîî-Shcrsnan's. Chester HBlt, ut Paru, bas accepted a position witb tbe Goodyear Rubber Co., Toronto. Mr. and Me*s. F.E. Broseuridae ara going tes movo te their cottage t Oasagh uhort.ty. Mena Wrk Pats, reg. 2.25 for $1. 29-Galbraith's Suif. Mro. Herbrt Heuene, iof Oubile, riciteti her sjter, Mro. C. W. Martin, here retetty. LOL., 2385-Regutar meeting ont Nov. 5th. Einttittutoftsticer. A gontd attendantei a rrqtseted. 2t Spatial 1 Lighîhanse liverails $1,75. Art Waes, Your Tailur. Mr.and Mrm.P. L. Whtte and tain. 1 'arsoa - ttr asre. iiy asotoren ta tebibtîon n 11usd transtA F.omer reetrtina tbut the irbeu tby viite frindo. ~ oiniotor tif publie morksfo fr Cunada wher the viitedfrieds. woiiid bave aopterhbaud but iasaad- An extra bus tourtes Milto every iatety ono tbe scst pier. W. J,.I day ait1U.202 noonsfer Hamilton ountil Hamtpsbire, of Equesns, badl repuet- Cbriot.uas.-MiLTOO BS IttNno. Pd that irbes tbis wor ara@ capiteid a total of $37,000 woutd hune beau ex« SOS and Overcoass Readyto- pendeS tbio 70e en our barber." eair" for $15 and op ai aadanar's. Ketiagg'o Crs Fakes 3 far 25C. We are gtad to state that Mms. Emuer- -Galbraih & Cîaspasy. sotnFord, Drumqîin, basoreonered fenes ber reeen tsocyrro iliumss. BruLmOLA AT PALEOMO.-A bure- MesIMoon F.H. bibott oJtry a coasmitteid during Mond&7 t OubviMajr)e . vStS Heron. Citr.1m.ofnigbt t Paiermo seben t. S. Woe B Mtkiartey, nsea hr Boyne, rentî . grceey and drygondsnstoremuanter McCatney ner Bone, ecet eYi.dTobaceti. a case ut teaasealaof A HOME for a womoin about iflt aimoD, a quaotity nf aseno unoder- yeara. ta linn aitb twn peple otin meor. etc.. vere stteuo. Entrafle a mo yearo. Apply A. Wilsonr, Pearl St. 2L elteted by prying open tbefrontdour. Mr fn Ms ark Meiannet. Orange- ihief Bore, of Oakvilie, ln invetigat- vne, visited bis parente. Mc, and Mr. i Tt'ho. Metunnet. bei-e on Sîînday. Sus and Onrcoaiî. "Oade Sa Potese DAr.-The W. C. T. T'. aid mesra," fr $19.00 ad ap. FIÉ and monunttrt epnmtttee iii tattie faitt ssiStaCtisa guaraîSeeti aS Vastizers. on t ag doy n oM iltatiaonNon. lt.h. HRGEO WID UCSTh New Seedtess Raisins 19clb -Gsi- titiS seatber ta lameS foe the ubtrt- hralt's Suie. ageef iiitdtîekoatong tbe obores tf Ailaege att fper r i ittîtttentis naittag for theStirtied packd a noian ochars, erti, napandesnacttria. seietbey etate. ao otide markets. Thecrp' are neceesacy lefore tbe ebuoting la Rondoe. eaiiy gcod. A tam gond bugg bave MuionHrtieutitrtil Soiety ba.c Cern eeired atong the Burtifltan sropling the oldibers'moi en tintat JOno P iedocks snra tiiuig in ,morê Vicotnia Park. pientiiitt. itnctobasnttproved ta CE ,Ihecae anS danceeio thteOîtdfetictrn' hilli(11, Oserceat Wcek St Wales'. Janaary Friday. Novn. 11h. invitationts ltaer. piceo right nov. Sec aur stock. mit c Bep thia date otpen. 2L aew.. Na obigatian ta boy. -Art ES. merontlauit, of Trafalgar. who Wales, Your Taller. huit a patytie trobe a veeb agît Yes- toi-day, is stillino a rtîtal condiioîn. The Miton Ladies' Lan Bowling ae r,neryoircytacrepot, Cht ldithela versttesesfuiiaea t at the boumeof M. and Mes..V f arnetTturner, et Onksiie. pleet Pittiteon Tîîeoday eneniog, Oct. i7tb. oitMiton, ianiatce.sekslrîig mheriabotieieihtyoinsobers and thne tripwith the Bcantfoettd iint (loi), iitndm epenttartenjoyabto eveuing. I seieh mest tn Milet, Caprei. Qîte. 'ilie tinners wrce : Ladiesi, Miss Kelly; FISH.-Freub Tegîtt and XX'titci.tîi p ,1t neti, Iittisi tct consolation. atuays tin sale nt the CntraliMet i u-. W. Anîdersonand J. J. Wison. rMaiket, one daac eas ofBeîî TteeiThe rcetîtioder tif thea eningmwas iphoine Ofice. npenî it soctialinitarenuese. mbicb in- lidd a daintyilunch provided by thbe SATS'BDAY SPBCIAt.S--B. T. ladies. garvoterd Nirrric rotrsa 0ulY RIMMtAGE SAL-Ti'e W. A. tif -$219 ecrlatFluer Wa33e lb.t (iaceeChtircb mitibtiid arammaga Chereeul, 2 nsa" for 25c. Stuss- sale on Xeduesay attrnoon. Oct. day ouiy.--Cleseflts' ltardsier. 31lrin the sebotii-rtitia. Afteruotie tenseiti he oerved. Contribustion viii fSpeetal Dtaplay utA01 s ilieribe gladliei-teised on the asiuig. Nertdeigno. popttiuc prces. F'ie NaieatSatrda, jt.20327, at isat Atitocsey services in connection day and Strmî Je.wth Knox Chrceb, Mitono. viii bholà Carrtiu.o neot Snndoy. Oct. 28ib. Services t Il Rer. Canon tuttIt)Wnodeoeh. ef ta. m. and 7 pu., etnducîrd by Bec. S. Toi-n ta, seul ho the principal speaker Buchtinan Carey. M. A., tif St. Audrc's utte ritce Doy sct-vice nt 1hr Chncch, Guetph. Speciot muaic by the memorlutin Vitoria Park, eti Son. Mtiptc Lent Quartette tf Gall. Monday dey. Ntiv. ittb.cet. 29, napper and roncert le the S. S. f Antîu mrîio aiHainn eîitc ourn Snppec eroed frtm 6 pm., tri- AnulmeidgSoiey viitic beltl mmcd bCc aspiendîd ptîctinu y Ban. Cidreo's i oieywl iehl nSamuel Landy. iB.A., tif Port Credit. etMhendo nnnH on, Mlton Sel enerteîc; Mcs. E. A. Puitridtr Mt f ut l Onrdtstnnne.Mit Qua ticette, aosiitther ilocal utant. Ad- MilieuPigb Sebtiuut miii S-aid is An- mîssaîinAdats4X,, ciidren 2X5 nnjai UCommeneement Bsercissea atra Selton aaate iTrday and Friday, Oee t nd StrayS51as uaate ,th, Remeashar tbe date and trop it Etaciric Irans aaly $2.19, Floor Wax tiP-T. 33C. tb., Churcaml 2 sauct 25c. SaS. Mr. Walluace King, ni Caotpbeiinilie. urday aaty-ClaaesellHardirare. utabes ta ntbsk is ta fientis for ERXD Fou The RoAD Rocm. kininfliian sYpat owniutin At a peiat metg oftheMilittun bis recesit hrearosuent. tbe drattof Business MensAsstoitin hold Mon. biaseifo and cbild. day enenguarrangements more osas A. B. Mitiono. mbnba beenac tuing picted foe tbe holdinig of a Sasia rosaI jas manager tf the Luctnow braeniofrceeons Satoeday attarrieufi.Nav. 10. th. Bautktf Cotmmerce for noverai ltet oot. open ta contestaats liin e mostntiso. bas retueoed ta bla duitoins utîbin a radiust of eigbt nolas of Mi . th.aMiltonsibrunch. toni. There iiiha ao urantace e.i I.O.D..-Te rgiar metngofthe Firot prizas. tustap t second prise. [lobtrstiftheEmiremi t beold fotise ; third peine, deet. Therrue. ut Mes. JacksnnAguem'e. Qaron 58.fiiie bTrfalga.upMiecnintha"n o tn Fridy to'atirrow) t 3 Pm. 1i.eTrat enrthepoadet baselntaBuBa FreadAiexunder. tiressossOCrner. dbe miet ln t e aals u Ofnte wil mîiotisan extenive ciearing saleo f Street, doms Main Street and i lnishlla Ifra stotk, impiemonta. and Percber-hait un bons on Tulesduy. Ot. 301th.tt1front ni tomnhal Ip. .t. J. Kare Auonuear, iPhone SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER - ieh 36 Atan. grade bery etiidiled 8peetaadEp Try WL NO fratr u11 - ni7 91",S, Att uoller tyta.itltrasaa paires. eeaninÇ and ore"arne. Ldis enoeutt oveat priae. Eyel aumsas iokaspcày. Fitlm ort edbhy oeemabl-tflovn and paismlskisg guaranteea sodpicra s uierate. ' O p cjaiS.Me. 15)gbsonwivth 2eawm PouaieaMartin St. Miton- experionire t18Byeaaa.auasls tamiltoaL WA"s AN ALt-NIGHT WATCB5tA5. os nrec assed oWba best aptiami ork -At tha aaxt ameeting oS tsa tair coman- ta ha obtained snd et nevj MedfiaSo dbaeaau raa tha Miltan Buni- cot. Oaa doy uaiy, TRURS kv, No. C'abs Ma Asstios mili ha prenant ltS. roas 9 u..ta 4 pam (uoe aay. tb rsloif"skinlg abat an ail- -B. tL. Sherama n tudio. Milton. îglt seatahsOiafl haappoIated. F u oupsusa DMseasstiiLk"N-A M,. and Mn . B. B talbiaitb pn- aspi»g=deauttUlsm il ha glves naunou the eagageasent ut thei le dat lyq uathe lIFrs Ungla. Ou. *daugite. Mctia Macla, ta Mr. J. A. Woodatocb. in Miltonan um Tady IVganisan, a2M at san af Mr. and Mm5. aternoa snt. MopauumuttivsU a! plan qju tha lenS o etabar. ville vil c «L ad ib"tonIs 0uM1811-D P. I.Liae, Opteis- canlseîl b. »cea ini f Sk. am oeaapécWallts 1siy ha coaialt54abut vSaraaimm ugodM.Sa agraeUo fer siunes UWSGramhe â= a jatSg w.bppi f= j~d..MitnOpgNt.~ttd iucIn aina= of ai wy aurMuit ai mup~uOiUJs.~ te&la obi ~fg b lbfaen .éii i ua a O Wlà i hI B *hMhya~5iiiw..tiftAi "8w~, GM. 8w~" hmt.dsg - Eaims A ca.ndy ~.ni. ~iy-0ca Ajoli' fur amaao 1 Mg t. dmaps1e Soy' li ..h "ma, II- Ami. serviceasmiii ha hold la Kilrie terian Ciurlon au o- day, OctSOts tb abIl Landoa 7pa. to ba :.au-di lyv. e . (J uf Princvilo Me l by KaxObarclo cboir, Waterdon. ab buSh srvîca. Concert un Manda y ovonlng. PInSt- lam prugramase. Mm pteri. Dld yoa my go teithe &Y fer a poil cheampOveresai? Su W isla, Yoar Taller. VcGflTAutzsD A A EOI .-UP ta dote unfavorabie ireather baa aut due any doasaga tu anythias un tbesaaady tand. On the dlay. baseaver. veg. etablce ara mafferung cenaaderably. aud piowiae Je bali gbeld op. jBye aud fou sebeat look verr gond. Tise appie ceop la iglt and qual y pour. liaavy Fîanelet. clired or wibte, 14c.-tlalbralth'a Sale. To HOLo BANQni.- Tbe Mittan Business Men'. Asociation ilasaking arrangeasent@ for a banquet ta ba heid in the fleur future. t vhicb ad- dresses mii ha deivred loy pruaiout business men. t is. xpected the a ker othe evening wilîbe one ut tSe Cabinet Miolters ot the Ontario Ooverssasnt. h'articulara tater. 13.00 mnda a SInger Swlgg Ma- chinaeSa ypar home. The halance on easy paynieat.-Sherlnali'a, Milt1. tutuereportof tout vert'.smeeting if oaknile towrooncilthte Outyile iStr-as:"A lsterwasreooeive Wtiîsi atch. tiîd Pente, fiutiaitpois. B RO WA~N 'S tseac piffe withOXeh thdpz lortipen;t cho ts 13 hitghet,~ DR ST R E Tesame s bo e ept Ihat the firsl prîie te girls s acamera. _____________LseoN COU.NTt lt. C. T. . V I For a Cold Sm the Headl Fîrsi $200, second $i1. thîrd 50 cents. a box0f C .Q. for girls anti boe cditebotS Senior Try abxo .,. anti juntor grades. NATtONAXL W LC.. ND Dcc. sLtîtRIZie Coida ln Throat or Chest Over it priet sineiuding ,ornie attrac-~ wii be relieved by tice c hequrs %oilSecgîve th ie abovr to usingcontestantslin te rDomninion. Nyai's Pinol or CreophoS Pasi cer tfcates wmut Se f0cm ta aitl contestants Whto do wetlint their rsamtn- atnanod Honoue certficates tu ibose W sho do very wel. 7IUE~UdUI~Every Sondant Sohoot nn the Coonnt et S p ecia Ls Haitonis etiiblein thene conpettiono. For Friday & Saturday PAOTNN Camphorated Oi, reg. 2f5C190i ANDO Camphorated Oil, reg.50c-39c R EPAIR ING Castor 011, reg. 25c ----19e H. Wheeler, Phtone 24 Milton Castor 011, reg.,5Oc ------ ____________9___ Eps -11-3S __,_re. anc 7i Epsomn Saîts, reg. 25c --- c Glycerine and Rose Water, reg. 95c ---- -- --- 19e Babys Owo Tablet 250-19fc Joint Ease, -reg. 60c for -17C SOLE AOBNCY FOR Hunt's Famoas Chocolataa Try a puonS of orme Wek-end Chocolatei, recg. 60c, for 39c. AGIENT FOR A utumn Footwear QIIALITY laOunr Watchvurd ia Bnyieg OuneShues. ý'e lias-c 15cm lrtiin thec fuse-i kit andactaent t10 Ui c SaNy tcocta boots, ai rtabiuniaile priccta. 'uVien neset yoîî îhiiuk of Siîoet cone in andsiteStar yourtll. Eaitman'a Kodaks, Cameras and Filma Repairing --Scissors tlround Leove your f111118hase to be devciop- edadpinteS. Quick M8cNABB'S Service.SHOE HOME At mouWNse. nri4MLO SATURDAY TREAT'1 NUT CRUNCH with a groand. nul èenl.re, rolleS su hua cocoatutReg. 40Io lb---------- -------- --- - -- ---Siauday 'Treat Ft'ece 29c lb. WECK ]END CHOCOLATES 350- lb. The qualy of our assrlmnr nover changes, it's alirIt he bsghaat. Those whe bay Ihoon regularly 1know thii% but b- hlose *ho have nol yet saMpied ,,r t"Week-%Sndwe a ight gay you a"e msam in foct, everyttsing tha o st o.,u a ke a gIe i o I;1 loeeen for the kiddies-suehwaour thomhn pre prior thiasolit of timely suggestions opecia]It prtted tior Nov Soml ~ onr.ti Cboloo AlMhaid - lb.esc Paaapkln Ca4OCLATE DANiS 26 for e O poma. s- lM.1e Doazil Nuts lb. 2701 Our 0w,.n 0Oou n Dakery Producfs ANISIN Baer.v ProuLee jelyRos i1RsaISIS1ASTYT 24-om.9 Madera Ck-.15: I for 0 DREAn Lest 7 CherrCakne lb. 350 PEU!!BREAD 5e .\~o ~ 10 Bars 391 Palsao live Glace Cbarriloo lb. 49,5 DOMINa UNEi PACK ioodedRailnuPkt.15. IBAKING P rer 2_ flayaldo Petiteos P 0W ER Chula us-az. "Mc iipîd 2e. 2 "nu-231, 1 SC flTo_ Caaadian JoUly Somma lb.%Se 0 fflid Ouma DOo lb. ase CHEESE Leoalo Almt Fe 5 .Chacolai Diao WE Solicit YurPatronage ILIGIIEST PRICES PAID FORGS BUTTER AND EGG1 Our truîcks will ghadly call at your docr. HALTON CREAM & BUTTER CO. PHONE 58w. - MILTON1 ad A large nuashar oS the ludiesof a ! Oasagh Prashytarias Cburcb paid a om eoial niait te the manne tout maet and tenu ntaut entyable afttrsonasith bars patar anti hin vife Isfellose.biP. and vises a eplendid lunch mou serrei by K, the visitoes. me. ffel Keep ia mmnd theo O <v erunà vie@iaout Omaabpresbyteriaa uchvisa us Babbatb. Nea. 4tb. ut i eus. sud vals 7.803 pm, Mcv. Kensatb Maaas.B. pa A., iof Georgeti rtownaIIIpy tefer1 paljsltfor the daY. here vilI ha N peial munie mita soobita. Bu. The lMOd asnambProvincial Banda ito, Sehaut eucontla. under the directionsbrio a!I the Onta10ReoBligiasn@ Edacu CamaDltha agaay tbraugh b hAI neblgther. sIlîttata lanehet(*ait diab .1OO 092 KnoaEax Freabytrausg.. SOhsSb..,ad m Otase. Nov. i-2,Is Obh5seOO5~eb. ilSabbath boubiisle .LnM la.s solauts ttean sud eodmsaiun services hetd aI I.mL»"Beetan me l irgnl ty llSenaday. Eigbt novnient. rMso aoead lotoiithe obsîrcli ls"ip uf bath c rs. s n l aîad the annuai thank ki a05)asnagb Presbyterlan Chuteli BoékuySaday ut bath nen. a.onr naase on yeuren m4mitnn the noitetian toFD yortuetsart t 11,s.J4 Omagi 3 ps. ound ,y , A Sabltl wimaIl.pent rau saS !contant. -et o!Truaking Dom-lile f ,etc., sort one bg fl bMi prioms-Staaiey p 7.mutea. Pull infife-. oletdiatances. Csbtep 0 v promspt attantion. t. Twrasa raoSa- OSai1 3M Inkiroîl, --DmImoa.bse jac. WEDNESOAT, Oct 1sît The 'Fortune Hanter teatueisg 8Byd Chaplin. A raasady deas. Laaeis snd iaagb semin. ALBO A COMEDY. beriat. 'Tbe Seontet Arrom." Epi. code Nu. 7. -ST. PAUL' S CISURCII. SUNDAY. OCT. 285h. utl asn-Moruiot worsbip. t2 o'ctock-Cbcb Scisoot and Brother- bnd.S 7 p.m.-Tbe evenilag service will ta ailhdrawn ou acconint nf thea aqoiverarli services in Knox Cburcb. Wedneaafy ste8 p a., Bible Study. Att are invited te atl services. Tenders for Wood and Ceai, Tendersomit bo reeeined for the de- livary oftweutylve cordé of fret-eltu aardseood, beenb and asapte. te, ha de- tivered in tbe Gant yard b v the Ist ni iiebeuary, 192, ais for tbe detiVar.y ni anthracite coat, irbataver io reqoired freastina porpolen, port tu be de- ircred rigbt amup atter tendersaor arded. Tender to bereceivedtip to Nur. lot by AuCuns MCGIBBnON. Govaroor of Gao], Box 3351 Milton, Oot Ilalton Liberal-Conservative Association A meeting of the Liberat Conoorra- tive Ansociation for the Coonty of Etatton mittlibetd ibte TownsHll.tMilton, Saturday, Oct. 27ih, 192f AT 2 P.M. SHARP. A publie - meeting vii lie beidoat3 o'etook. tu beoddreooettby the HON. W. H. PIRICE Attorney.2eO ni fOntario. A cordial invitation o esintid tii ail to attend the poblie meeting. G. ARNOLD. T. A. ttuTeeotrnq. StoBbre of Bcouomy and t and Neyer .,Underso1d Ladies' and Misses' Winter oats, *l ALL NEW STYLES AT 'RBAsoD4,Lx PEIcEss *72 in. Flannelette Chldren's WooIea Mit, and Gloyes S Thursday, Friday and Saturday Several coloras and sizes 13C. a yard, 2 for 25c Thurs., Fri. and Saturday ---25c pair Wh ite Huck Towels Womem's white Flaudeet Night Gowns i'p * 60.2 Thurada>', Frida>' and Satnrday Thurs.,Fni and Sattnrday--- 19C each 89e eaohj 4 * Unbleached Table Linen Men's fancy Socks ik56 uncbos wide Silk and wool mixture. OP » ib Thurs, Fni and Saturday ----89C yd Thurs., Fri. and Sîitnrday---- 39c pr. * Fancy Krinkle Bedspreads Ladies' Cashmere Stockings ' 0t Blue and Rose colors. Fu fashioned, black oniy. 0" Thr-,-r.-udStud $ 2.25 ea. Thora., Fri. and Saturday---- 59c pr. j SWalker Stores, Limited #P -ONE LINA 0F A LARGE CHlAIN" ' For MILTON and DISTRICT 3 Saciety Satety Laugua euSne st How ta entîr-Study the tireise tes- tsons trou Temperance andi Lite gtsen in the Norlhern Miessenger" bginning Nortenher i8. Write gtnte exartinatiafle A in Februaey, tOSO. ONTAnto W. C. T. C. PRIZES n yiý» Sienntioilv1t 1 ears ilsive,

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