j Local News. J;negj Bsafr.. aal.a a.nn n...s.oy..II 500055 * a* hsr1.d *555 55 o a ma ent s forw htlr t e pa d is nodn5.hnlnn a anl n. tha fl RY UInet a nom*ina es s t Pî Tisemer ye tai-tie sore1sF h '. U sîc l >"'sscîraNoDeth.hie sidArtto mstecrOn W"postage tas lito e ieacth e rd M o t e e o t s a e s O t a r i a H s g h a p s 1r tieL Le r i s e t o s o e t h o e s s s d t a s c T l r i .-I J'1/ »stm sol lîr eet to pa te te o r trtis peroteas4alclrtp cler te thes r eîist'ccrs od issog the end e trc osl at ccre t e sot eci os , te iselocl trl issen70 atrreîne- tise sîcisIieiisierpeinees=bîsIn i rossed tesFlHallnseceas tp Alss e i e e i p t e ti n s M .o p Pt T hu n eï 'isîs ro s 1 g o ccentnt tneeî deCoi 'siretpeltees fsomtise O At , Doripi ettsegdtbcm se titi pirces, oserrprlt scoolissntyem taciisg tise pred50 60PRIYNN. MNste le ..lbc tase tsc lessia nerreeosteisoîspNitettegif stIcîraeep issit bradeolettretissado, en thssîsti offcOffice Erre tpee sostt grslssc ias tso isasss siertetrîe n. sdqscbae mag l a r air is fr qe' t c i urlmil cui bs cl rispacsi a - ni- n - sco slos cnttepop. ois? sir agon eI moft e Slslsli lrrscly etficeîeActiseepntlprosfbas thera oeM IL T O seus lrodtooter e Orngeîll hi n n n t!tttW tn a c-clssso si Mec nd th ele rresctlc mî se oetp s e stîd scr-otin o th aIe le t fra mailccopa heftos tecordep isagsoe s lices V a.Po ariclaorN o crcsheltcmno re o ete mîrs oi teostampoatiseo o thec. ose Mîllîse m a. el sep pes s fnt e lie mcinVrintecaeofalrgseii)- ;J Yie A ts l ostsa e sa E a t imprscs.iono a c or e t altll isiicif o tssîrs nctc ot Tegwas Dsrc elsîsîs rISe, lit tes nuls s ose ofd 1er (ar s m aosst bi t o e i r. freoinon nibn e e s re to u Mayssssdsoo s al,0osdansdaetergiv Aen ts o ste s c i-ct-l I is l G ypo t elt trless îo sîc rie sint o c A B N J N ~ L N ~itio.eape I sc ld le i t sh ond ssifeleeo-n tes s strisel, est s s uot it ,Theîtde o 0000 WstetentativboninsWforTtherRrflece i l hes atslo s i tl li i v e f rt h s o l ts i o n ofta l r riais e a il C, i l i te i lt t de b r îe ' w ih v UOerd1eran ler crr seN t inP tIMaN fertileaijf dcci h e r, eed Ctoed t e id e x lirles-n îîs4 's lseituractso roneti(h),s less e A ctsili b ei i c talc oeredîueg $1t2feelis s tîsc eettee c a t eh e a r e s ta d i r ile n r eis rp e s u r o515l fi -rsh uts rerettos e iatSadcelse indss-sssss'sle' I s idClpmnt & Cat- - Mitan Ont asusce etfrotred od pot hie Tsa is e 's-dC e- Un' - - c i C o . T claspaco erfmrc pittemeos Myt9ise s- irAlen, nDerifa t&ion m - - Milaue t o nle Ontnx finrs lr 12 ess bse g osttr nd C iun - J lo g V lo eu lis-crcl o s e c cLss e. e t tstie e perr'c ' ' 'is sws slss s- e n c r o tt a nde er erk s fils e r 1)Id tiis r ha io e t se q r .î c ,Cri e ,c cpG ueelphctt h "li1i tcsccs ie t6-o ece s nett e te n'thecttc atroishas sti tCed dat-s lisea ao h t e s c l l n e isai ts h a l ltt e e e c d f o o e l d r r r t g l Ils - i t hs f o' a l ic s r e e o u t s o r r to u t i c i c d -r i m sIc-sel tii utc 08ito e se lr-etI ttc t- - rpinat o ino ir eotoc aw e est tubr weiLiinIresipet Iloalti, tiere I' iaS,'gd po lces ftreti trocuia a Ls No la d aey urtrsispce. T n iue 71s-c teaat passe sitaisegceelîibetc ' s lvicecsdcsan1expert'p i' r il ajam ilesutotltheîtliftond ictscsetsc.. anif ancc il lto r ftby paig a I, ;i tise ecatic tc cte ccc irrhsss tesi ietenelee rir i etOF -fli B SE sccl o pae rsotsscctIN O T RE DE O t sIcog l ct t a.ctusc anierrle dt ri tndtnolex-,à,tterr rrona ry a 3 s fot i0cr ,css f'oria ste rOidc tiai tu ss snn L\. *pfse -et ro mtea cd r esstehý,hu c Pr--ri e ct- issp 5tio ntc s w p p ecttrik ts ,hew lo tot , i- si c r e siri csiltirslthesc0eeriiored a-ed o eolslras, c a te - IL O peecu trsfrocs Io ei o ny - R 9O A ES Y U im dosllel yortiecssts iie ir h .fl eaqarerci rag ile r.rlct cusoe oprs iftaroc c e dinr fitiler las rside esîro lle.cH nasrecetîos ae tels e c i--s re. Imotl Pence t-mis-Aesseenfficientst ccfiloerc andOecacita eGo(M ) ciN soco ise mci sms 'e iscc c -, ta, Oc-e ire si 'i rest- ce i--su seoilacoutyisreretel n atles peoje e cta les- i hoisir isn.'tassthto Stesesn, teeciatinettittnheoiss oi eîmdtend irtan deot st lu m n oc pa ttnndpeepnt leprdiProveebonpciall nsoCutoenlstabrles Asei <isc ad issi Cam iet lstioat o- isofsithies ta is tittai Secis LooccesiscoiildAllcntwrodep'arsths aiseteîmp..ii etisa TaltsAllertic Mitestitentt. ncwveresen typ te tis Atasdi Peel et tse eililckît esige r tia tececetsceerstest he tislIofeslceistîc Betea siotl ûnas5 CanaisanPareti Dîtenrît-eet eiisacîretro tisereostostiaset te ritteaiar tise cesîtceisot et ch erren t f theail oJ fa t fers tse la getyin n1e.7sre tIller t tsa P r r is 10 tacre c ci o il ttf ee tilt st s. c at e ot sî tef l f An s tn vng î apZî.edni ', 4rf;eti ncr daothteeteiris, T;t ce Cegtie cit tse ,rcefltttbsscegiT ouTtrsotB u ild ing$.O OO ntere2h0etes gseisisrleolese ie is tstte M0 ee eteeien dFuoor tM IsBîLssT raON Cote Ires e eecneersbehesqamoiWiocbcesrr FL18 rEsa x osN: ClnsnTerhe TiDo-Casln ati rd teSpantise seee o Ltegises-emm9taedandts EoetT TssitastitlIric Deorge -, uid ewhoseo gai Sine akn t. It f r aPetacnnis avatiebvastise sixhO C Bans ',);)le*ilnreetso log go,00555 ailfgorstiahildibrn esamuce, -- ra ellngPro isor ces)anieeDrTisetisY5e iy apdsdng tisa"tues shot' et if aur oficiaiset Britee ebclsurei Mo lauroe tise et' tous ea t-r:Idetesbrens et lis trrore sirr lrdeer ose tisa tiselcectionsgrt itr Orsi o tisa A F'dt cmoSchoors iTri l r "t o % e - , a i sr tm e t fVh r e .d - , ,sc n B f e l e cn s s n y . t , e n r . . a n a d t l dc.. 5"c 55ccs. ý o , k t s 5 fo r s s s sts s tl e ha tis eis pis it d o g y r d s etbise Cty daeca nMas ailse t- l"tTis nf ias n eso rIa , n is ste ibIb skp-ar a sti tissiP t t l s s "l a s is !~c a c- tfs n h e.ina o n - a r a t s e D sfin, ek ,is o lhDa is e t C e s e sa a J 2am m m ,,lt I irln e i n h a e a n s h e r S t o î if e d e o e t s e n I a t,- F r i qt P . n c i s n i e s n . .n g W ai s g -i i - - b\ 1e nbonnetgolr]sietiforn Menreal eti c Btt-m de b s b es opirte c las et Eeisthsarrorm ti n n ho e pl i in it yp ý R jsaat-gktsa etgi]si eti-d ladies' atsjedigdmardwati Landes continenal c aitt, lierngaimentfipartilts-itareînconl1er aoayr-sse 55lland ese cm.ngt rs cor 111 fille _______________________AND___________ nCî 5 et A W Isia, e PtKL GY e inete i rooni, t t ise dît pa isîta ,, a nidir ita toil isse thnelossebth i . sinl antis - liriellongfor sisaridnniaainesi Cati. 50000 Lifteta Ten on ty-tttlaIie, iis Tender ccii t ere etiisuisLNe22sorphse nsasecia ky *cet madeesian -ons. si htmeth- TseltoLrdtnesast tI1vl 1 th sane ju btiseexcsanalîssinte li a t s e v e p ts e c f rv ea sII i I L cIq tsU d , , h a s at. 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