To see and hear the "New Cro!y" and Rogers will convince yon we have a good ineup this fa!!. SERVI CE-.mmm Tlue mot important thing -to consider when bay- ing a Radio is service. 'Get your set where you are assured of service." ,We are getting in a few hattery operat.ed machines slighitly naed. These will ho equipped with new tubes and batteries and are for sale at very attractive prices. 11' interèsted ini a Radio it will be to your advant.age to ses us. Every set fully guaranted. Goodyear Tires are going, stronger than ever. Get inuliue and get more dollar value. rires :Vulcanizing :Tubes Cavell Battery Service PHONE 245 MILTON1 CanREfD & WHITE stores, Flour, Peerless Pastry, 24 IL bag 95C Soap, P. & G. White Naphtha, 4 bars 15e Lushus JeIly Powder, - 3 pkgs. 19e Tea, Hill Top English Breakfast, 1 lb. 69c Salmnon, Tiger Brand, - tati tin 33e Magie Baking Powder, C'"'Y 1 lb. tin 34e lorn Flakes, Serv-us Branîd, 3 pkgs. 25e Icing Sugar, - - - 3 lbs. 25e Chipso, for quick suds, - large bar 19e Pure Lard, Dufs - - 2 Ibs. 33c Ratsphurry Jam,- - 16 oz. jar 19e SPeachies, Serv-us Brand, tin 24e 111 R. CUNNINGHAMI W 30OELIlVER -"Qualty Always tllgher Than Price" - ~ ,lacenzie's_ IFIy limne! Cough and CodngliAdrivs the CoId Remodies t li es ido s A y of the Meloids for the throat, flong F1' Ditroyers RBossu White Pins and liexail Cod Liver Oil FIy Coî1l, Ejnîsion, Tangefot inshets, Rexaîl Tasteless Cod I ~ es, Liver 011,8 M'hizWampole's Tasteles Compound, j Fly lus, Smith Brus. CoughSyrup Riekers Syrup Tar and Insect Pow er, Cod Liver Oil, Wurnpole's Throat Ease, SW ison's ils Palis, Scottes Emulsion, Dragn Fl ]PodeBukîsys Bronchitis DrgnFyPwe, Mixtures,L Fly-Ex Liquid, Chasse Cough Syrup, 9 Shaho lySpry, Rexail Cough Bark. 13 ~3 '~apboFly Sray, Horehound Cough Drupe Tanglefoot Fly Spray, Aysr's Cherry Pectoral, -S Rexa Cod Liver Oil aud ~ Kesting's Powders. Creasole. f Je M, MACKENZIE, Phm.BI Phone 40. The Rexail Store. Milton Eu-luo.aiReMist!. fai i lleV» a. slMs > bu. Asmasher Siniemit atend" thse faire et aril as!" ookmvsle jeS. Mes. JsmnsmStewart admmd siy. of tjlsitesbarn. vw siMre.ladSt mth mes.W. y. Jomof tJacksonsvile. Plorids. le viaitimg bu e"«e. MMELR u Shserman. toa4lÂaïxum eo ?sms.De n d MouresBanting LUenes.for sale y Wns. Pantan. cutbu We aie sry uiteporetissaMms Win Hamaiton leinea tGanerai Ron. piliifor a fev vesSa Mie L Pieree.oftToroto. epet tihe wuek-end vitis bur feend. MinaRâten Walker. Pearl St.. bers Dout forge tut rend the tva large &de. of Walker Stores, Llnited. su liages 3 sud 4 lu.tte a"l e Mir. aud Mmes.Re Baker. af Toros ta. s"et tise week-et ahtie houas of- ber brether, A. U. Meffablo. Mr. sud Mme. tarlee Wilson, et To- renta. vsmted isprets, Mr. and Uri. J. R. Wileuon= i day. Mie Sybit Joboson, tav n Ibuba etsened bosne str four-rntie' vsitssg lnMgiuand miSeoiumd. Missniieoeglnsa K1 trey te attend- isg the Torosto Normal Sebsul pre- parlsg forsa fiet crams temhera rertîi- este. Jersey tlotb Dree.fise vsul toit. regutar up ta SI&55 esel. te clear tels week$7.5-Watker Stores. Lirited. Mes. J. W. titt, vbo bas been visit- lot ber itor, Mms.B. Wilknson, bar returseai te ber borne at itoctiester. N.Y. FISP.-Fretb Trout sud Whitte Pis sap ays etest theenetral MemS oe 00eut of Bel Tele- pbone Office. Tbe snnai tearbers' convention for HraitoandoiWentwartis inspectarate in tisg betd lo thes bîgloscboi berse ta-day mandta.rnorrov. Horse and catUie teieves have buen operating at Bottnasnsd sorne arreets bave bus omade. The eattte vere re- covered at tee Toronto Stock Yards. MAsCBLii.-i5i5a9. t.hrtoos viii bc open for rnarcoiiing. etc.. day and nîglt. Cor. Broute and West Mary Ste. Phone SU. The Horoby W. I. wiii meet at the borne of Mr@. T. Bovden os Wedse- day, Ct. i5tb, ah .30 p.rn. Soul on- Question drawer. The Meiudy Boys are giviot a dance ithe Orange bal. Borshy, teis vn lag Gooid's Orchestra, of Miton, viii suppty theemosss. DsCE.-A dance yl ta helO in I- itotti bail. Firet Lise. Rquesime. te. morro voo.Music hy Messres. W. fluber audJ.Bste Mr. aud Ms. Baward Delofo Osh- ava. sud Mr. and Me. <Ge. Allery. of Toronto, pet the week-end ah the borne of Mite. Alitrrys brother. Tho@. McJannet. Actonsà new covered skating risk te sot te ta but teis year, the round!l aud MSrdmore &kCo. haelog bees ad- of the by.imv. Woodsa Lavender and Blue Label Slk Lingerie Veet. Knicker and Slips mldO osiy lu thin district ly Wsiker Stores, Lirited. Mes. E. A. Partrldge and Rov. N. Agye [Murbt vttt sisg ah the oves; m seiof o the Raiton Temebers Asoiation ln the btgh shesl be this evenineg. The peeson vho stole a sweater frein tee town halihere dueisg thedanceonO Frtday evonise isst iu ssked te retorn tatoue0 sud save furtber trouble, s ho la known.-Boa 676 Miton. Gt yosr liedervear ai tht Meats Shop. Att mov stock. -Art Wales, Yesr Taller. Tbe exhibit of Slover at; Bramnpton faie var vonderfol. la tbe protes. uioatcltam for florat dispiay Dae'@ Relate got firet andS Mes. WiliiHamil- tes, of Miton, vos seod petos. M. ssd Mes.LJ. Mande and dauglo- tee Mien Myrtle,nd Mr. andS Mes. S.J. Maude moidughtee. Mesi. Boneoa, ttended the wedding of tbeir cousin. Miss Agnes Mamie. ah Prestos, on Sept. lttb. ReraXILU aDitivsoo.-Reckless drtv- isg, anuiS utting.lO n oadeansd iigb- vaye viit tacbetked if rareful moor- ite sake uas af theecoosplimit carde peovidad by the (ioverrnesh. W. T. Allamo.]LU.. vhs bar busn ose otftiotigvsuds proiseot asol- tees for tee pan 72 yeaes.hbarsold bis lav pesetios teu10. W. iMorley. af To. routa. fraerely of Mîtto. Gd ithe babil e nl"« bhmsfoc Candy. W. bey «r nuppllss efte and tbey are f raab. 0sr 39p. choec- laies tanneS habst.-Sbtras Ice Crosa parer, " iasi, Milles. Win. Jobustosn. ut Trafalgar. wss retty flusi $10 sud coeafor drtv- loig a traction engins vite rimaIson a.1se tee Duod*s Rlgbvaky. This chould tà a aeusgtu oteers ss thee penalty iloto taie nevesees Alexander Weldle0 .qugeutng ton- eipe geand oh sas. WbolenDovlu bts 02sd Jr. wvu tavîsd te jaile eieo"ah Ra&iton OuMty Fai re u Sahrday tat. bt vu unable ta tae prenant on stent ~lue@& lory Clum - mUeifess Siassa premlwMim d lDylsj- AtbtessI tale' O-m" mur vuIsy.-Art Wals, Tour trgo. T, ng ormeunedn Toronto. mtahasbe b e *Mr. mesd Mos.W.L Dura. ; ibou, tu M. Nerssen Ome, 4imbcsa. ranteb. thse mseeetesete "0 aodPb" Sb0ou Sn. AuleeVecherdssS5$.amSeaiers a". 020.11 "TiiMEDO, tMm vie Chu. muray. A mue ?jdran s Ulàghà Rend Barumols *eatordmy TreaS" adv. Misa flesuor Olements. vhs soder- avent an operatto in a Hanmilton hon- Si receessy. retusred borne yeaher- R er mny fisends hope for à spedy reovery. Waikr tores, LUrntted. veicosme &i the deleastesth ie ScoosiTemober' rouvenuomoi enteod ans oyitation ta theni te visit sur store. The Junior Varmere' dance In the taohall bars on Piday eveisg lit vms enjoyel ly a taras sosber ot y005e people who vere preserit feoso ail parts of Ralton couoty. Meralis Orchestra fornisbed themusitc. The Marrait Orchsestra, piayed ho n tfar atteodauce at the towo hait os Toesdny eveiog nI the firo0th: ts sertes of damoemta ta given duri»g the @esson The next dancesii aed onTuesday eveotog, Oct.LOt J UiS T ARRIVED I-Genmlae Fr Ftit Bats. Speclal 13.0.ILTMORE MATS, $3.95 amnd5.00. ART WALES, Yesr Taller. The tors, athtie corser of Mais and Martin Streete. sext te thse post offiee. basa been mesieider. Twao cernent bocks and roheda tase have beeu put is betwees tise curlo and tise ide- wa.ik in front of tise posoffice. These improvesest are greatiy nppreciated. Dont forget the snnai Barane of the Y.W.M.S. ta tae helin taKnox Susday Sebocl eeom os Satorday. Oct. 1itb ah 3 p.m. Aftersoon to. bsking, eaody, noeeity faory vork boflhs. Nothiot over a dolar. Corne and do your Chrishtmas shopping eariy. The reguine meeting of the W.C.T.U. wiii bc heid ahthe home of Me. L. J. Maude os Friday. Oct. Ris, a5h- p. m. Mr@. George. ni London, Dominion Supt. of Beetifie Toerýnco. viii bc prset and gveasaniros. Every wmninterestedis nteusperance ta coodaiitîtra o attend. Phonographe providc the freateet varlety of estgrtalsoscslt for the esesey. Lt us show yen how easy Il Io te ownonosef tht latcst. Wc always have tht mev records.- Sherns, Mals St. A utumn Footwear QUALITY lb eur Watchword le llsytng est Shoco. We have thein t rom the finest kid and patent to the heavy work boots, ah ressonable prices. W'hen next you think of Shoes corne in and sec for yourseif. "sp X»1l7-"oh rfet ta thbe ssortosent au.tu vldus.l style. Zzct coptes e ri ligher priced c-4: 4 luEmafsÈ DaLveitFe.* Bmadctots end Plapsint, seil* femOurina 5h. PROWuta Coliash fachionan ewest asdmui s 4 fu.heart shapedi ýpeintes! at, centm e et ndbo.udht#j4 uop fros, the seet, 'silovita plesty of freedsm for bat and Yet sang emeeg o teprovide mouid coostort. 4 Aloo large, wei tured shawl cotisenveraI styles of 4 cuifs fsaturiog the mow Spiral shape. the pointedtcuN and the large stze steatght ciff Tise'fo; ued througbsi 5 é gae4 Mandel blended te match eat colmoi The coats are* XWith Satin 4 dg Lu c.and Ray on l3ocades. Fsiiy intoerted witb toute bltteni.Shows 11. in i fc. N- tt row, Rmgish Green, 4 v'ir, r t ueltosewood sud Grey.$4 D t Ç' qi Ji, 1l fus,$2500to $27.50. g 1 IV17 EfG 11 010 IGDAYS, oach .....$ 9 5 0- fC-n,.'.Qssastity Buing r -q .tm ,« enemrat Sav- OP f-s s g inslllce.W. 4 z;ý'R -ibl.P."ttslisasng on ~~ 4 to yos. OP & 47 *O ofe tile aCa S es'à,i Miss n itl oe' Si, es...... À 2 Womenl Bi4e a m onteEarl andSav WA'RSTRS Lmtd For MLTONnd Ditric 1h leavos a good feeling in the co. muntty vhos the Poli Fair bai becs a grand socceua. Me. sud Mes. Woolgaransd usnco Toronto, and M.and Mr. Mlpre aniS daughter. of Hamilton, vsiifed Mes, Cros ovee the wýeek-end andS ah- tended the fate. Ted Ci os. cof Hamil. ton. wsar luo here andS piayed in the bond sud for the dance at night. Central Rplng--Scissors 6round lieut M~arket ________MILTON MacNABB' SHOE HOME The Berne Whcre Quallty Ceomis PuoNs 4 MLWN.eo B3ROWN'S DRUGSTORE Specials [For Friday & Saturday Jergeu'e Violet aud Glycerine Soap, reg. 15oc-- for 25c. Pivers Complexion Powder (Floramaye and Rosirte), resg. $1.00 -----------89o Gay Pares Talcum Powder, reg. 35e----- 2for 39o Kotex, reg. 75e.------50 Fruitatives, reg. 50c--39 Jotit Éase, reg. 60è for --.47c English Heslth Balte, reg. 500 --------------»6 Beef, Pork, Veal, Bacon sud Cooked Meats. Mlso Fresh Eggs sud Butter always ou baud. C. CHRISTON Succossor ho S. Bock PROSE 13 : : i MILTON ticee it,14.hwidc-. of ilk houer, hi,- mciket. ui t hc icsilie Clrc- îcf.lge ilctlot ie ieghet ho get c Iîiîandiiiquit icchief on NOTICET TO CRIfDITORS Il, fthe Maifir of the El.cfdle ilJAME. 1iilfNS ALlA'., l f cfhue Village ci lunC.Plîelliple. ci hiccase cf Hc."lf, l' zh.t . thîlccufcoe. ý V,î.cd ';'ma îecif ccaiuci, chaper,c . e. cc tucufe,i h.t .11 uC hie aîi, atinîs. di,di.c or, l..tuîth.cuith duc if Je 92:iiu. ,tthc.Ifyciot ulphin thefC,0n0y cf Wellon. areuce quircd tcisd cyrsoc OE-ucofct.atateof th.m-id J-- Hig- g,coA)Il..c..-hifcccîth. llih dy f Ncc Il thit,--sm -md .ddr.-e, f011 ePe, c. f t11,1 c ths,,e aueocf th. _ iîf..yse, hiod thes,.1aiduly -cresd J'cýi ,îîtory dcclarnî,s. Aftor tAes id dote t ' r di pruceedtucdistiohiaith. s,f h, iud dcca-d ....g th.eonties c ;,uflci flecci,, alucîcregagrd ceiy te the -1 h o o tII,,, hI 111 e c th. .iaor HUTc.OINSIIO & SL 107. 30 llc.Oîce CORN SYRUP 5-b-33, Auasilesiitnsloua (EuekwlseatJ 2e Pc.e bNaie Urvup Pé ieo.y'0 D!ISCUITSp.e"g6 Ràpz. OLLMOATS rOflidi RCE Blues Rose ~co vOUP WIE BZANS 5 11. M &O T1,1. a BamuIPm t Pms -o ~c~,lh.ZSe CHRFI -- COFFEE ras& et O. 9059e 33e 08100-280 a.69- 0- LL0 LamA N . 559 otib- sLli DlKfl.E un 1IL« fiN sag wM m z mm 2seKE TCH é?'P aTUIMA ceuall>un 31 Large c r' We Solicit Your Patronage BUTTER AND EGGS Our trucks will gladly cadi at your door. PHNrHALTON CREAM & BUTTER CO. PHONE 58W. -. - MILTON