.tt- ti -t-t t -- VOLUME 69. -CANADIAK CHAMPION à,ERilT.Ue5Dt fKOtftNG MAIN ST., MILTON ONT BnciM ta stias inUot sakesaàiot nhti aIT. s..b.e.t h . A 1sO- 0%&$-tae-08 à -orM. Tmmbai er oe"demuasý" i.abd "il ibs . m isu e tss i-S pc te h*a»uibi e it s a C t esa taise-tsi as 60t ... tir , Iat t-si£ao ttagy. ereote as cne le Ms-UofSr il.t. utisl » m ofp lan nnal. s at ii maitrsias ten O ssa for th. gr.a dnàa-,I» aor Motas IGbrHiTreoWITmc sah Mo. usnetaltas- Oa.lie a irIBtrpe" . MEDICAL Rl. K. ANDERSONiK. D., L.. a. et. C.,sai uo . app-intis ia -abe Off..elier. W a n Inout itatreîatlhao.. DRNS. MtCOLL &SUTHIERLANDI tPh...eNet t H.A biu.t-cus . JL.ucst.m MARSHIALL E. GOWLÂND. MÀA. M-81 W. L. CATIIERWOOD. M.B. Oh.,nt aso. iMae o DRi. A. G. BREMNEN. LEGAL WILLIAM 1. DICI ttee . .dse AtCusnt. Travellers' Guide. 0APNADIÂB PAGUIIO UAIWAT dooaaVu". 0s9»mama 12.48 &.m. 8.5 . . & 542 &.ma 1.60pun. <at. oui>) 10,562a46. &00tOp..., (.. Ba...Bo.) 7.47 >. tioig Weat-4.28 p.s. t 12.48 a. iiotg BaaO-6.t2 ia.,7.25 a.m. 5&02 pun., 9.44 p.aa CÂNADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY 00000 SOOTE. 90nç0a OSIM!. 11.48t.nt; 7.20p.rn 1. 02cm 4.2 p.st. wide selectko1 Yoec choasiagt lure ie practicafly unlimitod. What- evea your teste i t mcicje- iuy cui glaseetc.,aponu ilified juai sebat Riglut nom me hlt aie a fiedispia>' ofbeutful ew tartice, su des-a usai aed fer gifi. Iacluded te ibisj dîsplap re aticsti paterrus Sf JW7ROGERS NU aima "aISr Plae tai Wear » tbe tabla ilier whiuch for over 65 years bas beeti theestandard m lvest pla.ed m. s0 J. & A. MARCHAND JEWELERS MILTON t : ONT. CATER d& WORTH4 GALT. ONT. MONUMENTS IIUTCIIINStIN & ELLLîUl[ nanc.tuu etiote,. tisitmeotu. Lue sottf.,eohC. a e and eeheet varulo a DENTISTRY DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON t R.Iu o het.,aen t.] actat Offnos--nar Pi.aa Tb.cr Nihancoimýt. mat te ar"ed. DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON ilttue tut Rcyal tuilIditug. iltte. Oem.iat Ttematit ]- DR. SrANLEY BRAUND DENTAL SURGEON y te. bi.hIe oatceinrtmyapin--- Uaasraitem XOFAY. ph...N9 Ne Mdcine, Sacgtry, et Oteopatby. 'NEILSEN," Tht CiiroPratt, "Ya. itnmtootERtLu LADY ATTENDANT Boisthe mnat Preecîn'Id t" dite otaeuc palmeur Cientatu t cae. peume A&T OeeetOethe, diadey omte Ocrut2<2-7 t S!0.Vned hC-n ,AT uILTON s tesme.-stock Tuiatac ittr. 2cW tum phase21tu j.* T. AKINS. B8V-Sc- OSON tOuei tse MAlN STREET. - OcE Osattante tu23J ILTON tIbi tei alEgimOPsccua malls aaI fteetl bS b 4d Sm btfl5 aBi C. R. TURNER Futral Ditîttar ad Enbaîsier jAgent focDaeitenecai Oonlgna. Paîte u63 MILTON. TN SU RA NCE LtFine, Atomobile, Brglary Plate Glan, Acident, Helsth. 6 st IIMrgage Goît Bonda. IcsuaLt iarmr t-a.il 1-d l'niaeaIaIn r....... neainsta FD- DEWAR1 nrete 7ci OiseiCon Mai 5 M nt . tDR. -F. R. BEN NETTO Eyî, Est, osant Troat Speiallet Antnethe atiele 421 MetN ST-. EAST. 1Ho uttutON iT. Ph..Oatie t r utet tti T. G. RAMSHAW Vaatorad Auttosen a aetiu rtply natt idtota I es eateleàs tsatiafaction guaa- Peista 108 M- ILTON. CLIJBBING RATES. asna.C0-osi Toronto Daiiy Globe 85.00 Mail and Emnpire.... 5.00) Toronto Daiy Star.. 5.00 MotrialFam, Herali and Weekly Star.. 1.00 $6.35 6.35 6.35 2.85 COUNTnu> 0F HALTON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR lOsiOl Tsad>'-- CU 10'le h lteu Il ........... au a>. ,s a.n t a I e n de" sas Pua a hlriume naasmeasau wu"" am. ~asa - aittfflae1 PAIR. ZZ fi **boaiC'iiemS. aiehZal. uMbM . W 111ce W. L . EIL'~ON TUU3~L~ ~-No0. 19 r STOC BODS BI11T QUOTATIONS AT AJY TIEN. ,bi m iM mý- 1 oen 8tB t« aho d.. ~ F -Ad Save nrid! as ieth veidasdaor A. D. SPRtOAT, Umagr. waie fai .i Bfool* enilat'yMI i. ar ce neI ad na b. aouroéuas ar#l PHoNE 25 ag * iili u ttthe auwper àble, mwberne otiiar _______________________ urnu J=n3 elfreatta a a B gr' itlliebarld"aiWd out nôt ni ybutter but a ---- --- G I L 340 Pt&«@ JU *Klerber nee.And ala-adlub et goeeeberry jan vblii vvWVa, Ialouebai PMatMd eeft l ut-iyaltrkled sud looked fine la tbe cauie e, snci MfTNVETNETS INSURANE P RE nek tbi-me mm a touolh le Miy eet llgbt.1t oeld aee tbat 1Myparenta Md thbre liras a ladty,. emd l mereasaeovercoe ne a t tthe dit new mediuim toe, Bo ~1~~Rn fL KE - j tân yII- erence ln ber, tbouab net ln tbe saineit ood a J. R. PEACOCK 1 knew ItL i my, anti pet lnd uegene te ber bied. tbe7 cooeî talC of welted oak toies& MlLTON f OUR ORlOC!RSE.uITI ni touthe me 1 xelgbt bave pmsc o.îi ntg bot lber loks and bot breet- rabber heels, sizes bier a scoreetftfineuaeIl aever Buotin Ig 4 R ê i s e t .ti v W . A . M aîk een ie & C e . .. M yo d f l o u c o t ~ " y b e , b e b " 0 ! 1 7 f a .4 0 , r e g . $ 6 0 0 , &________meIller__I___ ennelearett rInlr l nt 6loo-------------------------- $4.85 ho MenIl dBlack andeBroit. tbî deepor teob ne Mra F.8. ussllthe beurt of n neipber roe. lier ipi CHAPTER 111. - T______________OF_____ ere red and ktediy andfifre, and e R b r Bot TEAHER0F vin thon, et tise trot gloire, 1 eem Theable« an the Watara. \Toice and Piano dtbotlgbiii tthebitfnoc fheryhunt fM ens ieutseri on be orIncu nIe" nmade of first grade rabber, the Pepîte pcepaîod lor Torontolo n-durck eyia. She leok tee thon and il ber devoted aubloote frorit îtfhta.lldsie n oervaterry Examinations. tbere ee tjiottght bad been hec toert- tbec dome. Tbe soutb romn, blota blackth httkle oe n Tnoto:y 218meetoeinde.88tadllgeput ontbliteiad and piertet vwan the numetan d iiad tbe binni the e otwlnu grey soles for' Torote Sudio218 eotmelee Ave GU~ N e Sise muesIaulivoutil, le anchie round the iedem, mue for liredboo-, Milton Addreu: Milien u Pbliechool. bi acb dceset le mbuîseeeod btaee aed It me a mariol tea ee tbe tblagit n mudrons tusion, mtb e btork voit tha allto brougbttfrain Bermick te put extra wear.. These boots are the lteed ep freinelber broo. fantoe.LTmice a week elbe woeld dive SHADOW "Ah. Jack," anduell, tln atincteg nier. Andthecai:ntitntdo fur most suitable for this time tof H. W H E E L E R eb teeblasion thel nbabc d le-rnei ber; fer ehe blred a glg fret Ange:s h er Creî n aea Teacher of BY 'are raibîr oit foc ti- Thislite- butI. Aed Il teno nldote emnt so o apî à.. CONAN DOYL13 Cause 1,InluMy amkwnrd fashloe. Ose mwihuet brtigleg uomeihleg bock for so o ar mn n..n..aî ~~~~~~~~~pueieg tep fooiieh brama e eifor- oeeor other ef us. Ih es a moido _________________________ PIANO and VIOLINmerd tebriss hor, aneItbaiedtoO(e mileu pipe foeeMp taiber, er a Shetleed plaid i eemlber lest. teertep motisir, oecanbehkfor tee. or n Pepile preparet toc Toronito Cotin-iear" Io ibie ourccrriogol em foetty bri coller for IRob, tbe collite. Tise Get s hots made like neor iu oui U to-date unAd»eatas lt ohks.And mhece amn Ilt it?" yen eeireR mamen more free-butided. 'U nirvalor> et Museic En- f U&B@ý"Oe tise sacing," Raid .Bt h ot hnLia b gv Repair Departinent. amitatioie.-AMIdbe ate t teget lhece't' me ust siber omn pretietce. To tee 1' Kinir St., Milton, O)nt, Cpyright Cc A. fon.... rta "Put poîr foot on te hb"is.dl1 ; 1thengod the mbîle cSentrynide; and N 1 1 'Tii belp yoî." t pren it l d okthe sn mes brIgtir aed the broes PHONE 24. E Nrtoltn vd ad nn renr n h i setrfo h catie bolnd bier anid tokedth te nra Omn. Aesnise cameec er lieseilde, be'r day aile cateo. Otr irhe mre cote- R . M F SE mop t cuit see othlng but' the breetis blem lentey fece. aeet end mie ee tenter, tiem thet me apenltI ILO ehepetrof i ib tlten t e"marn,anid ail finit vegienesoand un- thcte mithSnecl a one an ahio;eed the Flemng f ino.MAit tisn If ebe ma alump of elurodded ume>' front mytepul. t feu le my eyo silicee hhd sait lhec fott LJ beeiber or braJeu, orany comae as neIf ibat tIntant hond tehen tee ot oaccthCe doocutat. It mas net bot Armstrog staff if tbntraict, ebe moud opefrot ei yseef andmade me eueetflise fteo thougb ihat mas minoennee ever litase Il t bnr! truck lber îltb. &uîl race. Il bih bit the tee if the ftich- notfb; necr ber forate, tbîegh t nover Beutes-oc thereover tbe kbieseOe- geýandaidit ccIs oIti I .1 -FOR--- crq, lHom sumet! bot e rfect "MaJutIng if tCee bor'otl, anid et saone-.nom te maCet rosit matcbhlic. a h. thece asaa ilfe fit fer a tean. teanallmer hec foi, Ili -IIi. aa thoighia it bben a palneotplibeg ibppntnbenrbdBit It me ber apirit; lber quirFor Itw ape 1i reudte evie nmY hcenth. Fresh, Cooked and Cured tire. When1 i nuita tel'ierutt bc hinghdhapndabtre a one domin omemhîre, sud t mue lent-1 itelkag maa; ber freab. neemfaailea tint, ast ou the third thor neo "Ia tmo Friehlvitet t'- MEATS nue mai ondotfor uothlng. and that he bgar 1, ,rmiterne nmiter lite. I fr11nf i th er pied wbtkof te e a oteethtug wmhb rat bcesgbtt m es o- ait L 6'Chttatc cc t-t-- -h. feiher mesatifonf0t1to bcng lber up 11e I ail la u s ni, but, îhp ad unitnid toss ifthe tient, wtictimoto oue0 insilnte n bond anti thebuethenit tem. andtyon'te oft-c t iiitit.. FIah and Poultry in Season Cai, ahi moult begte te cry>, and aw t8d1ms1cu onîto e illietegontbhbfut alething, Ilue a peir f Betokmehipsandut leyll tittht-le-tcct ___________ Ctht Imus n rude boy, and tIIIBto abotlin oit the teckief for hec. uc ti b qlboulne ln eritise wmd. Ieatb. foc th itiititor sictlitt ilo OuR MoTrfi mire Mu t h qikcaleg a ir1boaisroilldotut la Ibm aftertioen alwaysligt ercip oac i ctir, it- ueo Marcs moud ooetbut ey l1g5I Mdueyes ere tter tCeecoachit sehis oeeneditise indi>' mord thai brougbt mt sî deat wnî ee e ee go ti ittii "-QVALITY ANDO SERVICE" nover torgiue me ne long a ele Ile' rating mep taBerirch, seut sud-uie up te ber tenu lgage. fit ousinon£d ie dRbiseotib e oe san e ot ecfueitof-li Pec Tt Buttate miute lleba fe'gtttoIdly the îhoîk ber benthcrchtct In The mire I lovet ber the more PooNe 42 se. - MILTON. ail aboutILe.Wttat vas ts'anga ow» tht etc. trlghlenid t met nt ber; ean hi ceuit tiopo tebir i tenawep doms tae ibemntt ber?" _______________mea_____________titan "Hieuh utoffhieSet."ilt cite; "tlteitefrtght long hefore aise 0ev beoci. 1 puleiotn aurmfel et bracben Botut eeIt-h tof r-oct ttc ýI t dit bier ont elbe onitnoter leaw nthink ieuthave benen ai cer. lic the tove. 1t msua ey te be nos y otap ihecoch frisitettnalnd, b oepp fiebîtia isît e it.- lier t S AMI H EN S ON me loue, but aisens alwayis t Wbmas verp dittnuaihet toobîco; lper- triamlber; cMd pet. othen 1tae il th shet co In het. tiret asi olk hapt t berpehla 1111o tick Ice-t ci i If Me ccd riuîteg & a 'te ande, hs tyeu na)ticet imt-e gentlemani on teîtttas er entde tmi or nt etoit fol m o p erp aad5tdtt-tthceuro Ittte lal *ILDER and CONTRACT ei n uycu.'Rib cai, eyIedlm.oîi er Itop I slubigrtat tgbtit eefriocrml ntadgt ustTsuenyontl att ot ce bal laie reasupIs.brima ivercoit." tier or g tu ler uecai lied I boomn aeitsaius orsQuai, gît-r Wittbnre m-es e nblp comtng ttp wtlSrpe irlîtt -iittth Ag.. lor t. M.brl. Mt.1 -th, Jitue Hoefas snt ne, t eta@ I ebrkmhe boit c-labtt tcflush orionfu ttetepas a ofutteitI mtgbtTh poflelit nico.it Cobl diiuemtha btbacin ftop cbuituebufoolltb roeetîmeil. bote IIlbessansle.te oint-e blni, netate out mer- boom ifet the li -t,c -ie- tit - baina thoc tun weJ site wtu atnt1n. chu.tteatu-bouad fo e thCeaa libeiy botes aiftîtl ger. Atit-attt t- 01cmRRL TEE. M bertb indhe rprisebb1tWit tI "ho Ah, colt I nîtlite-ertellmni We fouet Our lot-il fler a timo, 'n nt Her ynardvereasquace ad thethree sbilis mtul.îtlie iri oeeiami. inaT hLONmm oue as ny ueions oIr tatb."gain. Bere une uIt the grerenne betu ebo enwtbbt sete bail jsnt tadoa ueccd el o~iliotent r u and uaithe brocu, cîledteg round, jiot te uuet she Ibiedanet b ieuî beibd. setndboc oanbng miCe il mil uet- On moar toffetu-toI clIea ilto CANADIAN NATIO A aILaoaavintert-t-tLn a moeia'inute, le sabot noter atever And Yeua, Jcrk-I doi't thet I is unmucb at iber beci and te tb ioerbc, coming ttom the uertb- Iveveea lteep'luîgto Ist'o 1 me fab wee li ndwhS 1tee etup greet Imacge lu yen. etîler. IeCli et old ROI ab i-tettebte. YTeIleti a, vre lvi fneat, agi>', lsgge-ilbe a trichotlieutor thte l-el , t t The Double Track Routesaidt ht t bntn't notiet blie bii aye pe our tetuceru aeobrtlec totbuinte îtthtenu s afiel ta e pbatl crifi. mllb one lgt a enutcr, and ae notl el'aro-a., t-'..:IoIl(.-I, betseeee adtceule e aaimoleandilid Muy tbep iseti tu b.e. To cu'lltrpotapybedsaoticiid, andtniteen.big, squere, brime sali. A petter andt Bll. t]Illmrt et-t- n i MNRA. epia ouldtetsiopenet auna day OwshButt e mulaw v TOONTO I, verp noau lbcme tablttete u tputRnuy frits dîwnme epbock. mil] but, Ihen. pou musat thitk hemlIttle nîthe etue %moîttnet milCeu:e(ieteniaill,-î- TOROTO eosn ti ottntgv î~yoi?" I tvas tuedtatemoite.tt, dhemrchtbe ibnecrnft tipp10 lan ieg upon 80i tg. trelelet-'ît 'te if il-.-t DERITt noothngthisdfst nd1uer g a n otaitoevtet IltutMuei etcn brcfugîe. ie irfena tep. bst of ea udea thîre crnme lthone. Aet litt-cvt cCA antou e talt l e set lleud J" me cb stblng do e it e tItcenca tilu sh e stuteonulentu eillion, and Iîae toert oet tome andi a wselîto f bine sa preund td tîtik CAOtenmbe Illetlne begerandsiandtbe 51te0nbothonatuitot ltt fi:_as_1_cotil jtwtst tâta qail. mle P05 baipyn e st Incb," sasldi , f epa l]uI t-ai ï:bit ttes n oirotug best i e rmoelge, h reaa n lpnle Un4xctlltedDiuittgCar Set icuts. Tsa a i n___ w mtb tbe mlp.flitut u uuli net be tirait byliter. fo h eod tdarprprpmaecer, l 1 trotate mon. l nri-nhlembel ba gta iq1tlhii hokt - chool sweit1 tumalad eaiglies 'm sure bit'svorny blet u uetu Wb, there s-en MUnr ilontît, a man fethei othen n ile, nt ibocell be al eeut lrIt,- tttt l-t k i Sleeping cars aie nigh trmins andtea unir, ioneetpgirl In" uid thliaitl lurit ttriesuive. and lattbwdothne.adtee ntedc put, no h Paler pring inciponaigiyt traius anti il, - agn bitebi 'tskn o e acoe osn wePteidbile alt nie aermsbtedadmaer n okigbrl1,gl h I1- 1 principauDay c'Up admse e f f helist o bon.ber botore sternicl- Flinom tio rousailtirenand toeptspeucp 1 s"te bin ut c to oute.Culiait-el de tll ae tume îti 0bobunleri I'ukMktAgeets or C. . Bore- 1or bail semgmines 1.11t10 Erd" lieteent. "TuîtdluEine roldamot -e tîrîd ly ead a e ltai tosng a ot. fe tten Itli ,u ,ll ng, DititPassenger Agent. Te-n-boat,.anid mwunet sau Cea.c. az cerndJack.tfisc."te it t l ;etel bila, îîpnm 5V, bota dpotlietu ondfiai t l thi Ferbet tte t reste, as t butl bien, but f tud - if lu «"I nippone ili n ltte.qalel, iit.touIebedttsbo.~~î~outhrtstEi ptbrbnal ealgbt ItghtNi J. E. BELL, Agfenetrut mie Milton.a tntIL.Bp the mop, tîtecnebbed uI dc-U iue aler setcratte, mltb pbîb e In . -yaefgtlg ak"Pecid 1hdlvrgo tf TcE.oPHONE 17. e heeltrethM lp Vt he nd a ehtneîlnluthIeeotibnt *bartareIi oiWbo nre leyt" atdit te pe siurng matth11e sns lu.ook toean r nrihlim. Ite ma My luisewse tbodttng vICe tbe tTC' BE 'ONT1IUIci Cousain Ethenunie ta . It bai sut,__ gupbsgo îtsbsa h Clatroli iroo .Inlet tee, and th te>' vIwole littal kngced. fedsegr iitahetl I t il.eai risfaier and letp blabet utt i sdl ruu tng eut o t tsd a?. liAUNttITEDi CHURCOPSCANADA thasntMp îelghier, but nov ath eai ebal u eingett Ntper ltsiteur Mlai. N. AROTLE HBLUT. uater fnemtot- itl ttguii iSsali le aslotpte ru t e u Otta>'ate Ili..a-il 7p- ' s tmo. po i ane looe t lg n ii adthn h odko u tnotarohml ntrd ibleIs -; 2.W - yet adlok up ettheebigarcbu t îhe otti -l a i h i lsto polut. OpfrraLacoas Miato 8 p..t. 'af kypsut dîe et te flot bIte sia t ccbeose u nmpeo m . ] .ydfetce ibeheceonermotahlesi pe N..85tTsntaeIt. ....1 t san t satidisotoi t uepektanI r i ougiea nio teet ntnomthing kbthutlie0hugc me soive, on a RKCsC PREBTmEnIAN OttOCit And I becurne qtilcb if tetepr. toO:I anaW ebisurd 11te glroeas n net sor U5V, JAIlfi Nt MotAUL. tuius. focr My ternit eeteit aitof afet; bI itle frehst-ers Inbo. iabbhnh abesoi BibiC. 0 l.s. eut_ an eis m mymother teouhditu 10e UHe cttiued tbe ppe u t oi ttb feurs- Ye...X amcim'0.1.yOOitptMdi. Se.8 - n- miat niiet tee, or te>'fa' -moutt W...tu-&-aso- thset-dtWea.«Yaoftetiwt ab 'Tbe autiehave twon n goat otaavtbhp.spie ep ytucete My ba teta orh,ý Moi>'m ssi. onadaBand :-aoneeI t uetSbreak Itto scb ebarp. bitter, lt otetlep lot,"mnope h. "I dont .-.sti0f557ueth tOà.8 Pnt. aesmiro ns t bnve itten griovet eail » ,e b hik'Naop' con tandutmp lougugegiluat aaOU latnEtte aile. Ai. e tenu me>'bave more tàan -s. haeTiiateons beve tbrom bie ac. Cacas tU J. IL Safasi, )LA..Hetor. onee mfe, anetmmie thoneone cli oteic andt be'eheein bniiy bout ast 8" tîhOebOLi Yas1 aai.. most teeo bn m reue btL a J a ellatrdyt eipig. WVlinigton le pont the Pyt- P hals hiha h - aremea easDcineyer bave but eue mtrn, slee i dhl Mm t X aW itaà' - the emus ced Oabate's folk milI boe ai Mal>' osm.IUnte Isa easi. t. ..., montah iber whe le may. day sb mdeberfiotLi eeuebcelu. .61 a.am iOau 15ar. One dy hn1came i ri h itne a k h m hI ceritup my boe. -Thn enbm- 5Sile.n .s cte. day. her meMyI ltefruatn ls Duaemeli u iams- mnr ttirime te.ena endt n at," WeaC sAti = à Mm[" : neoon t eabeep Cetef l lte>' ather alt Wils PI>' >"Mtue ak teh« sit cie- e& ubI ad.vbc ea befoca ha went biaal "A>'eunestlima.to," sit he, nllak tlagsetea, xotvhu th fctr roe o te en Tet ng lts beat gavaiol> tî'u been a- Cee teitur cmte er Ceeroue.Tbou The ousrter wi5 syma- r bleet>' beeaec. But ki lnbaril>'H ave You a JBudget? tAinAfhTO5ULOiitElhT mlwiu t1cmeDeatrer taba 1v -.h titetit au-t boiptoL.nBics ail" ortS seilte onrtee teaen>nov wte o=yr; ý? urtlà dj1 o emas crybing.andI i tooi tarbIfur d mm m euba elayiceea mas ln MY ini abGutiYeu." Mdru aihm . I" oi.a-g paasas.sean .8 >m- t bad iI amthougbtt helathivm a tminbea, Bre h . yad "htmt t ~a,1na .Lhapas m nea ticlg ibat B5B- a i > m n man tttade.neia bssdum-«e d.n$Iaoir attaixemcent bpI aad -ia>.'mterne osil fi sdab unIf te tl ahm mer o e 1 "e lattle, >'ou are teiiig rniaoee P- ,sl geai sharet ami nomethât my knen melae---tmba lie lmiau-itinei hi. tbetalminhaia la. Ba-.i n tslai P.bond tl i mse tithe sts t'm haillseen Paty i.emit dte readn. gu ieotas uim ael ee" asvoiemsellneiaat ane ou nlse IL, Ma oendIdu-Immv thee getlng more lilaser i vas bopng flt mn & ostddl mu"OKA GaoELît ulaeil Aye, Jeanne a i ali ,"Pam Wfl. umbi, 5 tno he rm-or t1tlgicigel ou mtive oetvealt. 1 sut f- or snlf m10 R naa.Y 2»Fias Be' gui . lesfront the lavyoe. au-i loldi t up frleribne te d e ltIer.lyeeltolag ua$W. r»m1002 wlea-Ii sehmaas at iiilit-It vananisuert.ortheyt ha' sut amordkod o odern n e"o odwe h saboarbaUaeseer'aita r I t, Canbuacle, lho BanaMdu-i bà a~Ata i.Piasat exparl- hm en male a b boh.~foKfIlnthl iv -rsss cnasu nrne o bod te thse beni." entaoui arr Ira benII. ua "AM'e tbulIt ifr»Iurle. lsa pln fliadga a. BH, . a u R-111 eloNY A, Wall, NeU-blesov.»mifi exdIai& I noie - 1 "Bol ItI'lieha dean minmomefiba bfote 1«dunliolaa asunasis oua> a aamenh îaMmy mcher. wva u m'eue W]y diffai1 niliehaUitje MMa aboaenidsa Ias oaidol 207 liaaf e l ma and Ce>' battrei bat." viS belppla, i» qbn ______________.______________tllatlotb. "Hm'alait a' bla sa. Mic'w-1.-e-