- ~ ~ ~ J IL oa l ~N ew s ' ,I- ( 134) Conllir1 Ilbe -roc " lra m o 500bai. long tuaîthe prt o<raal f bu At umio.j 1 M lAred tus lmaotas *a*l Pldy odSaora RerdYbtai m AngMuat ..ga d wr on# adworne« ua à m-29& boobol Mark for ltah@ Iaa gi lmi Faaa24o rotpg th pmmn Rnât r erelpta vrewero 11,11, 1 Mead lump'aa al 0 0 l.n ita. foi Born, ouas., o.om3Du S. a te" b o ofy.h,. mww y a lo 'unPe l l 5 00buliefor aI m ,u A is go od teE' le 1QoThado" o aeiimt Complets abaaaaet ai p.hao or b.B "Oaoty Fair. j..Po.. f7oquct oet Ires wib <tbote isolaIW hmlPi oahrHlo' t1ftf Jaleute1 laoiam A apanao -Pu. acreeno s arrlnu ocentoe<a.j i al r4 a wettàtfl ha a cee-Rm rage n.oe brIlliani elournuaset =fneIa oo wi-Iho a r vebto irma. thearmtuo 0"a ci àaa foloubs pr (omuabt on ithe ed e .a you Snbuy metsnonie best oo record lu BrIu. u lve. vultrtabibm Pair a rght il enbih Auiu ofrafo trlle b hColorcrla. blay tonnlait par- royal Ioooe. Open yoar homo to omimat. wlt: to Boa travellil Od or thm canad" a Your bOaOy rloodo.Ince, rg Auim Eastrn SeriJoornel, toruotor omer the pIeu T« t>ramxro mphonoNo. je 88 W. ,d(uJae00400 laaff-Wiaderaoore blahway. Saad oa Your items nqof newa-au early P*BSTON. NT. AmoOOg atbr groupa tal e oi la the week as possibe. l rq tioned tbo Alpine Club of Ca.i. ltahUe aam ur rh adt BHagCutu. Wblch Mdelisucamp ut <th Alaa 01 ha oe ororkfidmk ___________________Ibo HauglixGlacirefrloib rsala t. amly cireo. A T the ril GOUNTYofZn=FAIllI SQESING CJNCIL EOtba. O aubtm. llocT uecee Âpproolmatoly noDrWe vaile bwore on Suruday. OSept.3. The Esqursng Township Council me Alber-ta this rbar. Ht la oataiaT.CAPOOfc.Woooi.I ibis rvening at 7 p. m. Memherail1b letgia M.IL T ONlpama u gnatifclo u rr___________ Present. Reer Leslie in thechair. Thpoly teee ova tora ful Prie ,btRrsaifconndm- conlîcmed. Communcatios werr read tated. Complote figures for 01. ornab t l nhuitod trictly teooc"rd ofRailsray Commisoioners re vter costruction linb prvlr ,,ao 1.,,ra , 'd.aen Yoi alvrtera Radial ce asings ai Norrai. and rom Mr.'1 vers Dot irallable.but grain mm eTooCAMPION. tho nonvpaper StwartofChldens tiltr e oresstte tatexeniof facllis. wîth tho largo and iiereuiig elreula -s jiit. 2 8 &1 2 99 1928 ciîld ren Tax rateu were aruck as fol- hied beei Progressnng rapidly le ani t ielo. ioas: Townshop rte 9 rilla. couity rate Parto of Aberta. T'Me Oaety of TiuCaîEIN-Lire Stock, lurîiture 20 mites, gererai school rate 4.8 raIs.'tho elevators varIied romt sSu re, ang or alaort distanres. Cali Ou $ 5 0 bF I"E 1(]en trett tîthlu 2.4, Creucent treet bubehete 140,000 buobelo. The No. 227 or phono Commiercial Bote 0 N. g , gii1î 6,9. alio Trustees rates arrordiug to, Alberta Wbreat Pool obomte bas 110 Ail order rrecivo prompt attention.____________________________________ ~oocceoed grain elovolor rompaW« h ave la- -hM. àMlhoiok. ApI l-CleaL--That Tresuorer ce- 1927anid proeUecally ail tho publI i îd fTu-iu oelr wrr..a dB te oo vr fund i,)I-ced C Thompst laut ou dog groin levitor romp0O.00 ar Befhavei- Mi tneof ro "te.. ohs eor long Ïccsdorrro1 2 ; 2:Bel] Tree r reused thi eitorago cparol idoitaek . ea ubeprcs pon accoonats t0 date 84.10;j .a aac, tucai reo-rse M ciotiog 3501 Voeras Lst,.olrs FrtoTr-tmsiIn ubr Oard, phono 2M M ilton. Foîl ,'--..T..A..N. sOationery aod tas 1260, 35; Aleo. Mc- of yearo the Npigon front may o atboD at Coopra Garage, NO.22- AT RACTI ON KaY. rolictors slary 1I,27, $45, es ný alOteabntod. Hydro-devola*.. Any immigrant who rupeets (,.ni i I ( change, osage, rtc.817.5, total 5$49.75; mont w a-l rmpaungfion - dasIam ntWoffremel ao Iiydco ltc ric Power Cotn.. orcI ta sept. =iu lua wtor levels, s.reatanai work wouid ta a-oh adelard tac toy( j S HO I l ]st. $7tt-Carried. outcion of tbis eceoptloaly awuy. Canada dora net neIns CA POS1)SI00,F Ie CoceCro hlTraae s o<ob s, but (ho carottai requia.. Peie aid (hep are bond taetbcbittier. CI>I(IJL)ENSPBI. hoptlaccooot for indigents as folloon- lion of tisetrust (bro.anoumons ba ly dlappointed. C00 S Atm" -Hlospital toc Sick Chldrro, Torosto, apparoitiy rsrenthe l.Wold Curh.ruliaig e Cnais AIOLN iNSANID ]RIDES. cre of RbyTenoant, Joly litstela IsI,: mont fnrufo îorat Oi-îm or(orado itie of oîeoPLNESTN $5c5 are of Evrtyo Johntos, joly it thlng of Is la04standing. la omotfor cas-a tdr igtiiueqon otUDLjJ'.ll(o- l>N 41 (10 Sltt, t$5 _5, tG eiph Gerireal Hosptl, guesta of the Bugslo a mp bo a cteo mîChrsel t e iu-idlecuai tbeyN II W t.oipt, rce lMs jo. isdpAprîl broogbt in 1205tiounds etf fns71. aoamoofrofioiouEgay«_IB.G..O-î NI) V !th te April 251h, 827; E. Y. Barraclough. teedny, eoonting i fair uumber of hahveti AM re oclnlante ibyn prooecot- toc support ot Ackroyds tor Auguot oda onad is-prniIoniargt luga basmn e ted ail tgrite (lSiSII. V(IN;(N SePtcocbcr. $1711Carced.osrr-aut tiePounlenoucaglt intoran. Hest ct-i/c 2 Nu-n s Se S11 E ;sc-COshe510TEsc. CuecleCiace-That Tecasorer P m osly i thePîko n peborl te itI*er Dg roa d shots as pesentrd bp Road Sopt. MaioUdulrg o broug h e HILTON HuAîveTOc r.L eru n.cte es1î leoieil.l)<i cor(ccorod rloeoLos sd 4n ____ Mton .0 a.. a a ves Harnil Carton aered.thogt tat theretoratof te itnPamioi.iueso-î. Bttrccb c ci. CacoApprIse TsaI e donion uter lve, .tr ha hdet u tnbp. u7 aar hiro o. ~ îC ot-ttl'ti tli-~ "f S$200 goivy se otepoînca Brick lonofnhrougneieshan Urd Hm.ailto aosd. L'al,,,.. 171M1131'(?N,7Ii.Tb etao-ro o, -i o.rlo t iooo-h o oltt -- .cS.c.l cnc Co.,foreassistace gie owonshipîo thason-dYoa- t 720a.m 112onmtpprn- bou tt6 ro2.(ficpi td tcciititeutii 0 oicie 00 hcl oi c. r,. cc-.7 _________ o ad belot priand 1 il, bock theiNipion troNt.oCu yro"Ham.lto Sotgodatise.40ieo. OiW F<coidicc hPcceutc bovioaq-r-ototlttci 7.,.it à- P-in..heeehc aoionocfzdp(o placehIlteus arelr i Co, be c reivcrtandL tis Ihe Trrs. nen- md Impotant HaMut to n idn s rz -Ba o a n s.&otii a. hr.V2sIi,-, n 'iznr t x- aticel teidape prize 1d to pl.c thttEitirely iewtnddiliorIant alcrîs & Nîxoît. t theootrotrc h e p, lI. ) 'il ro CaIScto Eparce engu-(.Cc7î-- - ' c -. ibo llci t tlittaksfccs ees oe ngr ge ntO nio2 ~ - ratn. aase .4 .n n n rz -1 b.lltl ý1:w o -Nx n t£utae h a-t'l, nte1,t, nie u '-a'dmcthe th e cu osc c edît d, tucsao nothe ngpar g e euCpedi- , IL PutIt oone tc5 ["/ jc piîe Of tcco, c-hich ccjc., tîî'n,;- en etesutcmayfr t e nd- bea Pacifie Rattoiy In thoplaceenor iIaISH W t Tricote. Thti cc tc c ,,' t tcp70tiseeooc cr o5. ! -n. 'c c contri iro mac ued ecîca BrItihCniâs Pon t ho eIand.$a15 ici Cci('.,H mlo .ý(ia tcI ,e ,r tt l11 <beacc AppriSe That tracee h-geonl- 1tebe oododtaiien (hrough the Do-B L . 0 r/oc î îcî i (.'V a. u, pooc' nta!i"r i-itiiledco ata-an lparcsIe otient of Colonleotton and Do- onBBay1..o e r"1 .\,-I1: iZ on hcp of Esqoesîo1 torr thr yeac 1928' VeloPracil ofthtio mpany, vork- Ii'olrang in tise sohedîtt ocf the Itt jrizc -4 13 cc.d-lîîll 0tt-ss i 2ri s-t tr i - Sttc o Z i-ilttii bt-o tîc no aod thai sacd h0 law Se o radoa îtrst ng In co-oper-atîcu -lith Oie Ovor- Mltoni aid District SoftbatlLcoguetu0 he tic n 1 cTallec Scilo i io r-h.t c e tî -w , I- tiriid.cCarieu. ppcs 'tl ec ntcocsio-eelfcthe uttii :,irilicI cOf ot tîtco Cacîd in Srteres Cmmîle < b. Sept. 74-High Scbool cs. Hornhy. iciitiî X-~ stoles, [AtI. on lte iuocnoýiettce.i' , ouSSBuoo t t co-cc s :, Carico-Csccîe-That te hylaw te Brittis Gveccooet Tise dtailînA. YPA. vs. Ziraraciao. 2nd pJizi/c 4 î1,'f) îîp .1î- t-lit, -:ct,11 urtlch11-i-t ' t old ,,Izcj0 n a ttto la, a so c tie Townoship otftc5c4asm fotolie Of (heso ichemes have been nego- Sept. 24-Kibiev.M fa.I1ýI >*I- (:,il:,I 1 P.cit tucno risl" ' ýihitisere o.l.,îl ccae i a iscg Sien cead a fiSntietîrar.I ttd durtng the pi-meut cliiita , nin u.filîes ccitstl c, .J "l. .5-l-î/tc (em aI. 555 scccii bucctososerf c ca lxonmp ooci-isecondhand oirccncnes anàMt. Union Ys.cttlcc-c-c -1 iirocceSascdadIh dlm adt Canada rtf Lord Loont. UudeSec- Sept. 27 High chool vu. A.Y.P.A. hr i. htt, - i ici dî o ciftc ctc0c,. cun ta ccci and the seal nI the rcoaco retur ofStalo for Ittmlrlon A-Rin v.Zrrcno.S tL -i..r~F tanaloPnthe tc.c- atro, hcd Carced. rtsns hî-mt f(oOo- O ct.fi l, ti Kîthlilde va. Mt. Unono. A .1' .\îits iicii-igh. of0<tise mccid. j' - - acfi Ai)pcihc tileave-That trace e gan Sotirrantcu orarattee. one un- Moitit vu. Outlaws, - ic creaIIîc bclong toeici - edtitrodceuce a bta tua laassens tise, deitahtrng peociden for tho building Oct. 11h-Higzh Seiool ca. Ziramer-rano. 'IIntm ie_-ý1't I eJII h scci al srhoot csectionand uncon ichoot if 0one ttndeed cottagea by Oie Honr- va. Kittaride. riea vc b "nçý sctiofthe Township for lise pear Conadî&noPacifie for (ho use ni Oct.gth-A.Y.P.A. vs. Otawos. A REAL JIAITON 01.11 BOYS~' REINI<)N (here are m10000 cila cI, c c al cnoStlstccofislu ci t/s 8aod tSar said SY-as S nw e nd ra Brittis familles, 0 Tbay VIIt le MoiTaI va. Mt. Uiton. M SO ieI.JTli nrdfhit.isi ,z firs tie.- arred.use temaie fmiles ccOtomd Ot. l - ilZ Snool a. (ilrcd. tI fendthewincOnOicc to-t l Inconi-e--c, c l ric-ilto Carrîrd. phe y-awto te ad o mo o<nittois andeuami Ot l Hîqis Svo.sool tExhi bits frots îlje- f-soc c-ond he'-îî, i ici liii-()Ull Çtl lloîscSothsuri Kîlisîde.- i o oi okts, sud tetorc sr)'. Canadîan esoditious unus<a,.nr tauoby n. Mol;il.lc'oultlt issess theosocerai cisoot sectos acd IlITe befois being eChlle. ~ fel.1-A.Y P.A. vu. Ml. Union. Cattle, Sheep, Potiîltî- Lile Vo-s lotî- anîîslsrdhohfO g itO,17 cnonscrhooi sections havîng been read focâ ta, i hoir riai. Zîrmerman vu. Outlaws.ron -ho ist tîme ho nowra te lse acond and Octe. 18-High Schoot vu. MoTai. Floral DirttlaYMId - 1 ani i r odclîc-. tîcced tunes acd passed and tise crpocato Hrainby v.u t iltaws. sclat atached Caccîrd. HOOB. ct7. 31 A.Y.P.A. vs-oM. a fftonb7ideV APPclhr Corrne Tliat eacr tac grant- HRB.Ziraramn v. Un.ion. TakeaDOfa ndMe o FiensiLrul b te Pd toi iiloduco saiy-iaw lu dîsccisuîe tise- - - Oct. 251 Hih Scho s I lcn ___________________________________ c ttet f t h 1ee aiwuy So u tnd The regîîtareoîeting of OroagisL A. Horthy vo. A.Y.P.A. arnccolthe diiereit scisoot section en- anid SVtd 0. tîois îîtsoot the homc oi et. 29-Ziraraerman va. MoiTaI. MILTON CITIZENS' BAND IN ATTENDANCE Iilool liero acni that said op-tae bc Mr.n Irooceo Wed îesau. A large F Kitheide vs. Outlaws. _______________________ ________ iociccad a fhe trime -Carrd nombrrsere Pecsenuand the progra ov. IsI-Higis Sehoot vs. Outaws, CasticiCiac-That the hp-taw 0 og.MssBeiis 9 Hoi-nby vu. Mt. Union. AD IIIO :JeSz2--------> 3. dc lccbcte tice raioay bous interest Sac- npterîdid instrumîenttuais ad v Miss - isli-A.Y.Ph nsv. Moifal. W I S O ý-c év 2 . tcg etc cad lice cccl ime Se now ead Myrtie Galbraith an eeding. Ms. Zimra n vs. Kiisidr.ý[I(S 3 c he ,nrond and thîrd timer aid passcd Marshall, cfPitocn. aine gavesc pr- Ail gamnes ai-o ta Se pluped in the Children i-t the parade Free. and thcecopocate scai stacied.-Carrîcd did report cf her visiri to Vancouver Milton Arenu. Firot aid oeond t(noosE.rA.L uscîsna -e t h- W.MS. convention. Mro. R. piaY Off home aid homo gouines for ti se E.HARROP, .L.îcsA,n l-ARM SALES IN HALTON. Crîcater rend the nriptore lrusn,î and chnanpionahiP, third'game if neccuonrp. President.Se'-Ta. Tie. M.lltnInrn oe g% d in pras.S cý,T e llcîîiplri-yîconne u rchined altrmhich-unie fruit was o,the caata-Aic ntclecipicrninearnînfisM th i -unondstiing theis tmonanry The Auomobltclubce Parla îcnrnstiiecirri-Mitcs. Societp Mes, 0. Stecrtt pi-opoard a 0« roito la t@tonoifr i-n lHnbet Pot hanosol hinbis 5 erer tariît S nider. Corners (c 'Vater sote of thnksanid titu ronght the The Autenunhils (lob is ulitnotiocnrai lîccy un ccl iteindalo.meeting to n clone.su, imii o t- c f-l. HowarduecHocm, f Esqtîeiag. hs1Hornhy SchelFai meto &rduv-rma-nitaussye -. ic li ioacre tarin taStainley Bock ortdoy. Tise veatherranofinetanid curs- artorsauni aetreoa'ru ta-t heis tut Mii.thtoeatteodono largo. Entrira lu tt aI121r,6g1ru3It.nsamiàt Gec. Socucrî, MidîIl Ibid Trafalgar classr es e eage nsd thtenhihita aboya, ldouni aof0<thnni nioeonoci-1 bas cl the 250-acre Dudlep Atati eclipred thone of peervio prît-. S. S. leint aportâmou aid vumon. tuipatîror (ni-st i l o.Aoceiinn gentlemtan. nid No. 7. Tiafntgnr, Mi.. Gladys . M ILabi ib csolrnn lc Mr, Soiilh isso pîtrhaîrd the Wesley Cicaro, teannir, wnmthse hiid. Hrgh- Itebav -is c d o s aco thnnn ticoerIurî o tsoaîthtio i-fi-est Pu pîiinner cf T Kton Co.eiip aoacoi.ol hceie rtteaca - <se NesaciioisstoEro~ng. 11aa110V. Cmedl, ingotng to oigan NIc. DIhioer hau piîceisnd Tho&. A Id-seond highcnt 50001. ai ni-i-ci ntor- ft~ oeiybagfo hradiI-wl wes netiscr idence &LMun'sCorner. Iboosdinaled hy i. EtoCc., Mar ti-p opon fr ho.an te wl AnrulnvWiiscn, l'aloi-mo hbans ienni-. 4 rcict, .Eqieig :u rdhi- n (bie doora te il art5t--he. suidbis X) are frrite ohn ueila0 highro( pPtp']. racre of nct cf rîk. (ber potasa, arItera Or mulrlaa- solSIcunlinacre(sen tcohn donîted rcy T. I-tonCo.. Helen Chia-. in (heale In îdition Ihat Ihrr cran O)Clogeuartun u Brld.. hotu, S.S. N.. 7. irafalgar. à arse. md abun the buotsapirit Of the Plana do la Concordo Insitiution, ii-eOticernfiiCmbr trShoieOimn)aha,, Scpt. 1. The tite Mis ano FALL FAIR ATES. INlatieioo<0eCaforrf..~ nt eOtnnn ci- loytna -non,er. 'rV.Lhuit&ter MIDuN.t& Sid hSo ire 0fSrini octak Distance, finfair as tise Corcocîco Pacife c onendapast eresrdn ogri ie utiuîîc.laft icuicerrW.nusei-u MIac T Ccntp Fnte> SEPS. 2229lai lageon âten ecace a(haTie s teimorcaiacoranout,,tinOePet fsacano00ste CnutaiAtanicancPcii Toteime s thditic.JLq;a o s o e Ipotttet r an Si,,Quci o iicflt-taa Torpcfd eoAtaedeccncteec dol tisee. u Ca f hePadt taneflwAtn and trultng litage Canait0 POnchocd EOIT AI-h orio alofVc ropacî . a d t.2ng-e ati tL odn alcoittisopen -rihies wooiQui tcstclOtuaudT tohccaee ccdnveetisen o euyhctcitizen ers atobs jarrenonhtceaiumaîtus il, cvî-uiîct h a ditictnr t or-P u trethe ___ne _ele ____of____ i , 0. Plitc icxti, yorngo nid 58 r-am agCohcctin- -Oc 9 aia (h aSept.lao pluat. asfaoc'fulltoi-g noder aurpL veiern ure et ro eeProkc y cyhoacyni.eca b cON ARO tedoWa b a Chas. rOýfMunîtoba. loa crdiloeThtwI00w, imisheootise .Eielha th cite. u tud ofheni te s t t g une - al ttr, 8Sa l e R elg la ndr.iloss raof Ih. ..plant aI in mn O noot ri- mmttd ltBe onFo g le y Io n a-ns "as 'aluresudslccé8 bLngmesurd b ctire H.dinmlI eiMitotOt.acrrdl(aiW uc.r r Neso, toisînoblor. Atl a îlotýmolelh, Ilcit cicrsFtoTcHur inNsonenfrifieh Oi-ca p oatillovotîaCo.aaotiaa-it Psubli c n t e lincf rn--piAci ersathiotarra onian ounaltheIheh yer 182uare t usig a lt c ker. Fair n nute s Se t 8bntatn rd a y. Nlto , O n..m litth. (Va hit forh- <aIl; ccc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ouiciiutIndciiOcutrtnk tsena-.ns tie ercfPotuitro ____________ -riceacyt, th peng-rout thfnii- Ilnitfiampic nrinrek p r tha aForilms Byentlosco Eaglinisrerieeraaoyrm ains or, unuthe P Lot înon on o tr- O§M CI(F' __L J rnans & o. - Mlton Ont i tirrnuio ns u sieh otche 171confeAisi' the command FAR T. SA EartoINE PaRgittinsg-ebe, nd oramend thel 100cor-apre@.AeRoneof uoer9a Dy. SnTORMOtoNntTmot Luttutciy tscWid l i s evN. I > B ce - I o a s A e e t e n j o r u o ptn ehee 1 7 2 c m e h eiO e a s -hi l i l l r ti n o . c o . 3 a s g a e s o !ta du s ia Q u e O n d" I l c P - n î o . f y O w -CcO a iny o fr t h e o 5t ict. F ARR ' E a l q i Men F OaL R S A E W O D B N 'AK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _raa h u o 'enoslcnoprsd(aanhe oretomacyitmi _ _ _ _ _ _ n a moH v ailnw itu bluabl pineand ohe Mutard liand ofthcr DPconccYsioo l i on e 2 4 r -. 2l u g o n d. . u r i t r .t ah et e i0ai a U n s c u ith isu T O R O N T O s r e c c iiirim W g1 t -u theM 'TomaetI pp,- -I t wmade uigt GESTRN TH phno24 --.M EETING M d Pc le noeiAaab as and mikugnrts, - V~~tfnon P- eoM --W ihoth otsnninatenty ý' 0 (honeor i îr - - cs5.O ~ i--i.h -- JIPS [R. F. E. DIS. G. D R. S lA NLI 1cie il-t il loOcAi i.T 1a< m 7n li -Ait lr3 tui ý 0 ,ri LOCA r ii.,i.,c,,O ,iJcicoes.ilia iui c mc. OooO r uoi e r c n r i 5i ,,n,,,ciat..nao bisti tl'tit0î,' j i VOLCMB( f ca c o , MIE W t. ihrrl lt oct r. LEI NlI 1