RANCI at list, siau* If ou a voy - -SPEGIAL PRIZES: Aid.t fi _fer Red Ito.sOumw Palme vitd Ve bo t lii e 0--r Inu i5W *A#-nhhlte wlnlgsa,@ash la u lb.ha sl;l ta dallvard stdosussi boekh Th« arlge soial l hillbudf &u uu msPaemneraeo llenishes. Addeese May haresaluasi trou) the soettar Inga outcdloitheg ai s Wh ver ___________________________________ Peu. 5dl75Wm «i a a udy seyai te etai li have yoor tickets ptienbld f th heeuardeh -- - - cady on Pair d&y. fld rt ianresoop lacertainsly MAEoeOIM. j WAIM WATU BYSM& Ber_ CLASS 42. 08e 0f M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lrKw«« IbibAe- ~ a cusi eiee.bole~Obi Ilissua I i1The T. BEdon 00f Ltd., Torons«to-Beut agricalturu toeawelght o10-f i ýdont e à. ulois WU& Bataeille Tisséshtanne h isWIéPtenTht ce. wsoesr 7 O gAk e Ihe, m4exhihsite y a frmr lving in the district coveed hy Million' t is1.11 -6trit m x, Tisera are teomo anecdotes uhie l,«cita.eovnsa nd villagesvitentand *10 cash. Zwich lin ie th tjargowOprflp ira Sten toitdand losenonthlog 0 vny e feVcIan,e.l=p 2 (Otario HorserBreeders' Spele-POr thce animae two rioddU- usswnttaO» tteyaelsse bu uhlnsitn ppeal tu the oriseos.n ngor ortatwostern (Ohio, yu d, sired t a oisilllon of a lHtsbreed, regiatered le the C6dlanNational an si greairlqpreed ta h âen flIn oua-f eve ll as riil, leLaeStock maris.11oovsseeutp requiremeels, name and reglatration No. tu utiollise 000rlsY of th. vm liaé benmnerather taîdetruet y onec or tte vorldso argent siarterlegvcn with enry-let 8M1,2nd 8IZ 3rd 88f theýre vho actunly stampedany letlige te.rInternetatnd cl'nrm. Thoraep iplY synstonie onder pianoa annone- 3Coec oh-etcl S12 ie ytnealo n 7 n 5 r taire for me. vtmsattro orstieell-known anecdotes, one 4by engneereg experte s.yslaec <flirts- f 9sùrdb h&gWo- e 7,2d$5 Comare wih suthrn oisin arttilSlYonby Sir Walter Scott tO Iau ScienceMonlitor gaT he -11%deducted frote service feen for 1lfm. there tlaonot auch oor, for s tt tinanch ter eu.Th rju t7femparcd ettl ther dealing ul~- it cii rosint10,0011000at the et&u". oeiBa. I. 0Kn t E otnT h ad lnutelr mea Wear black, bot the aloiptere à 8,111 e11128comment modo ty George Elght Ohio coutes vblh iehllutegsie e ome ros. t pic domein SciEn, 850 ouote dy nnHdoon the ar l oOrear and the girls' eyes fRash tevheniont, Inventoir 0f the Ineomo- cm tîe egs nnsra etest or Persian=Lisnb C net e 2 aSonce, on0 Mo ritonEHedsr Sei),eve n lghtîy thnt It ailheroims a pIc- fit-e, vhlrh are vos-lb7 et relteratiotlonieftheate visigedta eretIs o eso a n 5alwneo uka rFet e ture. I n y Waltlis 1rame acrensan- tn lellîng thcetory ef a memtorable iservie îe ren îa ia n 3. enltmBnail fginogoni itncut other sqoare vhlct broucitbarst nncdent istiet ocrred uhenlho cao -tI en $dveriean lns.o ThiGod5 legg&C- 85(X). t'Éit f rie rw n &tn on dreams et fthe pat-the Pinta Mayor, t ool, Sîr WaterOfcotit isad ib ot] asse oa drsom ie tu 1@ ondWane$W.00cl. os MKn twHmitnBspa-rneco wtlc dt oe the scene or mnny, There uns a boy lenOclaie i cieetaoudontrotehapecle cn nu'a oedn-lc nand mnny a bull ehci hool b tood alcaye nI the top, differenre 1n lin voter Une, Mr. J. IL n, duffereni pair onI mme qoalily,10 o edeivered Ivo ceeke later-aliowance fgnOmr could1 th t almy effortsosup- God h rmsesi. o dult's forrosioat 82o.0 Itwsbr htth uleoosiPlant btm. DaY rame &ller day, and This tringn Up a possiibe conlet 7 A. L. MoNt-To h ietr el ielarget aomtcr of member' met tswer hed fr te ryalCou itll etept lis place, do wct wt -thte agreement bteecotish. tickts, ai toast l15tube od aro okbue an 50 and aInoute enectîonNocndayn oold; MI 1ai lengt 1 obncrvcd that, lUnited Scateî and Canada rogârdlag oilI abula 0oaly a Occam paa) and wctnoa questi on une aited tim te diverioeaof latoe cater, elmilar te i A. L. htcNatt-Best 10 Ibn coant toney. pair boote, value 85.50o. gene. lwY unyn wthbi ingers at a that In ienioagn choes ator le tatou 9 Palmer Bot Besi 5 Ibnobtier in prinîs, cnath#5.0 Few ecIles have sort a mode_ and rartl ular button of ltii caiteont. To out for louage disposai POotàe0. rlet apponcanco; the tntais, th. r. roanove 11f therefore, becamo 010.41- "W@ have looked loto Ilbat ankle 10 C. Toletzto Bent pair dreaird chicten, ceth 85.0.F sM » c taurants, the gorgeous yeilov len t lamyYee; 8.4Inan Il 1son' sas-yarefeily," Mr. Gloyd laisi, "sod raa r a Iarinen ayvao I est rmee vt atil.do not chiot wew l!!haveanny trou- Il W. B. Clcoentn-Best bal mlt-riing tread, cash 8.50. CUSTOM {CL( Europe. And yt vtt nneslai"de -,tnt ueomy anxaty luto O te blo ciii ilovernme e emen2t .FsPno- ono o eitotBd pîn cs 5(1 o we are tac te taOit, andwiitc m 500c15Oetmy messoira; and itII ur-watcdie.urerr1sen. s-ou tbo f aitohRe ppecah$50.fr ourselvon practlcali?' la village ltfe. ceeded tee Wall. Waen the boy va dtiv0esint t urt I elont oins 1 o liant etlyrctemd ra etuFao nodw Idadrid la pertaps tce oui, raptal staauin tionend. tîo flucers no gttnoyppec8 siâb tl t worl nec.thoaat-1crTa.h 82 80. Namestloter eft adfosmioo eeaprnîBakinPowcr 0f Europe uteraon0e aari, ss lloîtor. again for te bettea, bel fi wns net orpr ftcita , tdifeenTegt ereh8.uaueide oie oiinSoe hnPrhsn od The centcal square, clled! tho Gte oet 10lte toit. He mnted efofuadeda nA tretur lnUnlime fronthe Loto Eras 14 H. Stertono ilcolpair Black Cchin Banteme slot gude, 8250 ;2nd, ttle fus, ta unique lasthea unriel. ' ittout possoneaoetis plae; O aocwîte .- goons,81.00. la th eart of tho utele 8p;nict dld te over recoelt, er el-er,1Ibho Goder t'liePlans eof te engineering world.ad I hâve an Impression ISatslaeve, suspcc t o une 5e no or et emnloî, te câte o t ip 5Relas-race, haIt-odle, four imen, residens nof aay rural actuel ncctiou on aIl the ronde la Spinâtor ee-n in filsWrng trenstue mliles euteulh i tu',leccuanty-lI, by Wlter Store, 4 treaticlot nirts, Gordon" quel tyvule SpanitshAmerica leslte 1listes mont- Tte anecdoe o chc sancîlaed pint cenat ef Cleveland. Frea tors 2.501 cet; 2o4 oy J. M. MacKcazîc, 4 eunotain penn, value 81.25 cact. lcpaecer o dal ur ogSlog:uue ots act oboeter' tatlue, eîectrically oper- 16 Slccplcchnue, oeneileer, 2 terdîeu-.lnl8700, 2nd 85.50, 3d 3.00. friands t certain ousn le cday. lmaet n buodred yeaco wbec It vue nord, weuld pump I0l oetctlea ads Theatrea deont sient oetîî 1.80 propeeed toeceotruct thefetraril- tuos lu Sumotît, Portage, Truoutulî. I7 Beni bcrd Holulcinu, by 0.W. iltynas, Burîfogo, 3 square test sutug es, and finish untîl t i.m. Ato, tut. cap btween Mnchester oadLIvere Mabeaîeg, Genugu, Lute, Celumbla vatlue 815. lustrai t gofagin tacit te boid, you gý olol. Tterc cere muer tîmîS 5cr- and Start couaite. Thf oo commua- te cafre,ancd If yan bal- s pant sons Who mancSonger lInte Prfject MtsIen clude soinse cfthe otee 8 tbodJes ybyRoetrîSimpounEastern Lti., Torote ec nver- fricads peu are larltcd 10 juin thoti , aa. resu l. ofimet uIhstro geateut steel tueedcfe and boas-y vrvIc8. tertulla. fftflfffnl"àtlOn l so oceasanc tat a caler ueru.19 Bcat berd Sterttorou, ty Burtiogtou Scel Products Ce , Romelo nseel Ttec tertullu, c lthetcSpan- t'b-stflas enthreugh Pulameet Ttce sotem wound mateeel-nIer fence postn,velue 810.50. Arrow S it ish equîrnîrel for n club, lu one et aut the woIte anuc thIt eur- orufibr te upprexîmntcîy 1,260,000tIIlS the oet cbnrucertcll fntitutiot latut.. eruo c cl-y eaminrA. Wlcpernona. t wculd uet include lce- 20 BesIt erd Ayrutires, ty Frost Steel &WireCou. Ltd . Ramiltoun îe Spain, and eues batoc u te clgb- restateuofilou br te Rouer0et [and or Coyatoeuceuuoy aut he u utlsenc, vlue$8.00. locaît cetury. FriansIgenerîlîr [ordu, Stcphcuon u uettioneS by Sevecol bousier stations, lu oddI- 21 Beslt erd Hrfrodsty Clemeots & Ce. Wre geste, value $8.00. îîîecury mccl meet legoter lu eome n Peer chu amto-n ly insout tce t tte main eue on tlelauts A cale and discunu ltrrnturec,art, propossl Nue, Me. Stephenson," front, cliite nerded lu pump ttc 22 Bruitbed Augun. by MasyRuarrit Co. Ltd.Order vlue 810.00l polites..Bascithfe Peer, Ifa cffcstraycA un walc ero, rthc 600-fuel cldge seulS 2 olu oitreticc enlu bce du ute luei Th-l-u offuffa ,fc05ut ttc Beetoateen tuatneut Se uuan teurd clrcum Such u uTtean ceulA runa eeu- anti tomes n lodevu races tnrred, bll mile teelu. tesitwonthe e It ree-lut utt te Tuce ef Londua la anld te be 'tance"' Verry awucu, H lfy lord"', 04andulimlteA culer ouPPîy to y Art Wales, Slctcr, value 87.50; 2ad ty J. W. Cuxc, Slk Stîrt, vlue 85.CO; due lu the dem1,0 ut Henry VIII. i but replficd Stetenone, Ilu sblo rouS muoy ef the enîler cite u eofsrit-3rd tbyBlain k Honnal, 50 lb bteg etflou,.G l el1e tuey tuuld loot ns aIeut sanho d414 Nuttumtrîuu lungue, -vccy uct caltera Otic, wtlcb îauuplyface 24 rs. N. A. Siclair Beat pair drcnsed ctctecash cnt$5.00. G I elB urd mndeci lu, the cu!- citer sturtage troubles. Otter uo- 25 HGRSESHGE U(INTEST cl te telti on Salurday ai 2 p.m. Suitutlc prises Br5alns ~menitien, tee, OmalIbte are thet., cll te icard tthe ihcnners. ar.os mle cnal, reLEGEFIe OF THE SPEISI. wner wnk gysemwenîdnitalab iuelatte01ld Coutry. Ansfui Bonfer Long Tc.-rories a havee houucthttcextensaiun cf c- Pesoale Tnschess.Whls District, trio ligtt line Oreag thttc atl. rR IA LS 0F P E 50 E f over 71 per cent,.utrt etoeeslegeut. the Sphin, wclr lly of Canda ire tomaai onts» Sruocler.' casaiumenter RUA CIO AR. ig fe orund ofeacur w HEaPEDtME 2.17 Trot op Paoe,............*200.00 body out n led lo.Ti aflb-ho L D M RUA CIr AR. ticI tolng to o edla Inhole dis- 2.24 Trot op Paoe..............o. $000 Fullowing are tte datai of 1h. Bal. prapouudingag nridle oeeyPas rmoehre aysatfot n tbe ton CouoalpRural ctool Faire lft tM.îet-tp. Fulluce telu u cghlywa WUII RFIULLT wuormreAuor oysOc leoî u tn'e yerfloe yIsatdah h i-Puror dicîdril50f 25, 15 eud 10 prcent.R-olthYerw h Brotville, Septeitar 1t. sîle Wilas oufliocu 'Whit a It vomn th.rngounnu lrsen begbl J l lu uîuin t mncy urni. R BR L lbteinSp . lu inthe murlung culkconuftuer legs, Wocligble Jîng3huccocdiu Non, Sept. 21h. -et nou n oe.and Iîî thc crrsiug Taking Lydia E. 2J pet cent. t eter uond uclhing off dluorra. 6o emuen oong Trafagar, ept. 4th. egstli nud totce 1 a co Pinkham'a Vegetable fyBrs osa hd Bulntn e t.2t anti 25th. in tecn he o ntw oe- CompoundFTre tcrentleerad four tseco ;bsttreifv atedo fGPinoinitialeos b o e 25 & 39Sep. ed til y a ktîces ot oso, toanwer- _______Thecocumilîce ruoercen lAcright le drolare îoff us-change the urder tig ahee.-.eaey anti quiektat Milton(Chamion OrpI et 2. ecdtat ttc rePly eue Mau tîmaevî, .. -ru lcsemuct us lu lutuucy os« ducu et Pot Oolore,nt.-*'Mtertueiog of lAc progrum eofuy evrot nol fllicg cnîielatudriby or ijecasse ut cet ou.em pet...Ie.pf. FAL FAIR GA TES. IceSudîte a upport imoceslI t aau nemm-esI -neoferpclsccilc eMadhr or to au th - ~~stick. Wtereupuu te menIer lhrsw nereusoanad f Y ecue edoei iern.Pe At.Sp 19itsecî douc front tecrue. acd ttc erunfit te Domîinion HurnesAssociatiuon ruleis t guvero. "o popetyStaade aa! fise (duclwn._ . .....Sept. 1212 perie cae rwredd clOSthe king- 1 ýI ac nloni tnist'glni Geretown. . 2-22..-PnSept.Witetodom andy orttezeltuuds et Oe fioeolGjvoaiec o-offor frees BffreensilO...sept. 2domanTtche moue ote OpIec !le Ce.8 nd ~iel frruyfrpoelc.estionte. Writo tu: Burlinptuu ep. I25 26 Ter-a vaoouomphnxoft egt, ooa-titdverts-ta ind E. HARROP,.,freoident. A. L. MacNABB, Sccretary.E te SelPrd SILlON (f.uooy Fail,) SEPT'. 228 oîdl t cor ad-dnr lmteveon Erna (WVrlds Fair) .. ..ct. 29 tramitste mnster ofte Greet fatle hale enon ____PRESTO_________________________ Cotsville. ...... ct. 29 c Inhvinno eelugn. and owalng apia _________ mn&face lnetend ut a cemunis. Tteth p-n il(efui adnPaî il ram ace, beceves- Io carvcd loto an .- ve lat me sud e (Ao Te t eou IBeryle Wc ne pesiov~nluofetcruel luterecusttutton m evesarmuetCoi OU&tnfCM »d preifte, hfutgiro satisfaction anti arr-" S ttcnx. tbc ut ttc e u I e Cook Rs"stli kpu tiewae oupdascnder-151y.- usa,- . : ic eC AIl Kîude of Tructîng Doune-iver Mattag Bref Bette,. Meo, W1.3H.oBn2mnutNo.a,3SU 149 *o alch.lurnîlrer, et.,s-rt rlong Misslsofthletfusrosseetof P Crti-e, Ont. oa.ts o ce-eu dsetauce. RI.osuanbepimtne Y Igaud' ccausInteodais ftmt Ad Rourd. phone 273. Silton. Pull inform. Afi trila oe Suutth.Amcclu. Sciuen- THE COO N> 155 E 00<uncliot.. ation aI Ccapern Gaagel.t. 27. tehvn entyn omk bs pdneBot atuiain AI LisolF air tin pour, Mayor more plitalbifr tct ecteg pru- The upidoanluetfsainteu mure ttroult blalcolte lu la bvnc 10 tiret peine fer rsé ceso euarp lu cy te meat un ohlct ragedaIc a aoall Mumaclîusetle ucofud srîzecs85$W andthel. ttiSt1. oral luires. tire popfulation -sfteeedftou te cdie- Tlîcucprfocsare Wl e-lt colla It lasuhcen dbsovcccdlthuttneru se,.i oeemore ond argutenuolu aiîe ter.befIo.tenanudlthaed vcy ow- tueur ofut uttouuaaucffedblffte Eoqueîung Aïtfeuolforab Socfety bao Iy ltîle ftubd a luo, lunoneeuert hel Uite urd Stutes Publie Huut Sec-' decfdedtou repealt te publice pcaiîng.meut ucary righty ducs v-uer tul ce. TtcIntecutiuuonuaseu teaced and uiriggcomprttsfons hld o t l ecau nA tacug te munI. tOua siagle ow tol t aaS utît - aA tîct tlofthttcFairlye Ins, w ctluScutitc e eutvasacccbp Sic- dnenserofethOe udderu Asacnun te greal euuuesu A ibeer c c il te givt tluubnhutbc rt rtaf Wesut t emlît caopasteurined au mure cauesno ,ne eCou tion 40 c om t el tos tue pblineahl twoyreare .Ttis tettuti mnp bu ut coutsier- dre repurtait. Pastertonrltlueld cnasisMmà ebsi et ege huete ulcecol r îtale cutenerelai Importancesb! Il Cam tave ifeeventeA te uatlre outean ksu.lm auie5~eIso i sctuu sueosing uandt t oa tt ppldl uoîNeaeby eueey cecumuuty, large or viytc.Rdw d ntlas.W of Gerzeîucc anti Aclue, for ttc test soll, tat tus pcovldcd te, pateur-let.slmc d ls.WiefcIui ! spho n Hw GMaoriec tetturtFc i t Fa oegi i,mPopulation. lzatIno uts indisksupply tas becu aisNeA m mAispessIl a rstr enfittuth i Y ýW0 ý _pOdrve toths nesuesa sstmotsTolephone vlîits, of iigfg umcttin pe l nutr u- Wnaoc a n soîf 1r1,9u- epidemica et 01k-terne icensee Ap- cus - .mteltl sign oseitnoe to senr ut1t -.pni-atly coumunilste,lite tnmaa te-é a ocawek-E le n sqesng ndth twnsofbom-loge, refuse te proit 57 rucht Olers. é.,eoun andAcArIn. Aasecond rupl an aeverag*o esltcos f cil te acardeti fur junior pnpils. Sil una l iaeoms 40_______ anstigf catc o v e r n dt i r o z e t e t a i n c u l t c g o l e n ùt e P e o p l e = e t zl e r l a u d a e s Iu i n E £ tM a imo r e a c is . h e h s s e n w r theursestor pilching canteat, wuti mis ____ ouestu__ imens Ns veaeable tas àtinter content witl âîuo te open tu nîi Torondboy. l!!g bnn t pr osl f tmnA t f tah wi Frsll rfirst prtdth for velntt, freot spiniet la a uiteFrBa. pwere ilong îetters, then riche, than butter lauti substance. Ciom»et&CO. - n Milton, Ont. sotrone, na stuTeale nth etacbo nem tt C hat Tjy&Son a - Milton, Ont. occaflonanote bstween ____________________________ r__ the gowofntheuittnant ndheya TrDy&s. m .JahrerVisita. tssiliand apparoatly ut Importance 17W5 in relation tb theenervenitatsyietemnon FOr vîgairrtaits. la aie. provisdon hy titis --_______ But pow - titey vlalt Spiusact, tee. provides about the 11 Better Pickles Baumfk.Ths cîl asteOPUV6M poweofut reveeling commrv, anti D . s s. J5usuv. af Make mustard pides dis ym in puras emlt htody% tsiete u b r T r h e sae u le w ow oden tstde. You c e athec l5i.U pacticsclnrccmnbssnarjof ntame _______B.;;_____" you dcucsi--maketeckes&isa, 7t1"Canadian vIse@seat joto a th e..j.tl dag owals bgh standrds of qtf5IB. Puce! Ui7ated States are penny caoariWtfser od r ateel ssn rnbber irew.I imu-U8aUr and flavour -cm nthe anif&M enOf Ga.Tsnsas Fc0 1 punai f-11i1," aiaim Rger W noh 'W mu nom" .- Here's an Opportunity- E spEciALLY to those men whowant the distinction Sand quality as well as perfect ,RAF'I fit of individaially-tailored THES clothes. And to any man who is hard to fit, this special s ervice is a realL boon. satisfaction it'means-what 10 added comfort-what extra service and, appearanc-- ta have your clothes made- to-measure. Interwoven SocLs ?T WALES our Tailor : Ailton 1 ts Brui-lC p in IPerformance a nd Appea ra nc Six isth IIOÉ ftW snpdnive- rxep six! 0-.reo Sesbetnsaie.nneacégpkmeesaeansd eranamy r«eult Icoan importent mechaiSlal dcamccancn cauh r"gan1emaelut, . a Vureonafaldng. etc. More intig.ng eaty nd heSuchk deair Of rscggd nuatetwhels ndlarger de.. And, bSeesd il im brillimaca Sd'Ineautyandi perfor- masnce, Pontiac Six lma a Pesu.frdepenuiebe cee. a cer dt ails dsrssagh awg a t-4ng& de>ling drive as ud na -e*à lsd- *ameqàkd freahaneethi w"hi urtedtde. tip. Csmeinan ad kaesL-4s. ià a. a-oes Msn'IWs.Ê.pice six. prmp-en-s JAS. HOUSTON MWILTON - ý' ONT. hoeeente pruufire Youing tel- &dal tdo sou-,chRig V-OLUMR 69) 4CANADA KvERY THURSI VAIN ST., > 1 h. pII"f.f1f A1 07 1h. .P.ff-ý - -Ud. . PfT I)WS. ECL1A& LE( DENT] D R. F. E. D.Sf AN L AI' Mef1(dl du J T. AKI f ) f " Sint C if.,ftf.fu W jruai.n btcce frues on LOCI