VoLuVa 69. 1).NCHAMPION_ Travellers' Gulde l MAU ST, - MLTON ONT 1.50 p... (lea ulyl I0,52 a. iv at _____ - 4. pm.. 802 p.. Oi mme.Bvunasess-UtO ~ 1 &(» <>pm..(am.8&4 &Sun.) 747 P> - enhi a Q "'v- QUOTATIONS AT-Ai vo amsmmo-a .~snosu . ,u~~d <IngW*-en >p., ; "1Z545 ,.u iaa naIS~~~~~~~~2.- &C emsr aS Ssai ps 1al 5t0. _7 726 a t- 3. Ta mbmeu la lma Ulsi ats. 55.1 raae,05 mlfeolles F~i unsouti l and t uslM t 5r. sespa niss tup" ou- h bet fwi e tanli lit"maehh.siýsug. »& lmeii- elalaup.nsth.marb.a." ut"nlisa 64»î. a1 Li..Ouie . , msl si cas Y Traasimnd lsmsl 10 saete u li.. Uàmrts..usa26-.nr= é saulun. i u BLUliT A&NWHITE, R.K. ANDERSON, M. D., L.B.0. ana eO5n..uppett ptsli- 0111Oses 5 . n .2 ..10a, 5 t0faP.-m.d 7.WS. pw ORIS. McCOLI. & S(JT1ERLÀND Ofice oir-O.m-1 o 8ip.m.- t4 .30 m ElA ÀMuCOLL t.GDUeous JLieSsTJRaNai MARS HALL E. GOWLAND, M.A.., M.B W. L. CATIIERWOOD. NMB. DR. A, G BREMNER, Phînil.aasi mara. cmctuu..à -id....n. 1O..d.lI.u LEGAL WILLIAM 1. DICK (CousInykCI..a At10r.nI tnerl.ser. Soiie1r ald Ooum.Onnr TtIOMAS A. tiUTCIIINSON air-i.ae, Solicitor. oo@accane. NotaIy Sui bli1 ouua T.-& oa J. &A. MARCHAND JEWELERS MILTON ONT. CATER à WORTH GALT, ONT. MONUMENTS OsaS fer Oltue. .-dinemi:asr -eIL-l MILTON CMTisY __DENTISTRY C. R. TURNER< DR. F. E. BABCOCK Fuasd Embaîer DENTAL OSURGEON anI -ame latuot Bool=urinDtuisIoeituî Agent for Dale'@ FueralDosigea. Ni.,hlaît .nîmois mnc Si rrangod. IPuons 563 MI1LTON. 01,1u cuTRALrION I DR. G. A.KING NUR CE DENTAL SURGEON 1 N U A C officesn Royal Buiintg, Milon. Lite, Flît, Automobile, Borglsry Eorai to I. T..nho. 101 Ple Gisn, Accident, Meiahi £vn. yae. ocimonaa 6% fls Mrgage Gld Bonda. DÎR. STAN LEY BRAUND 9 tI~ie LENTAL SURGEION Londoa Lots I.o.'ruoa- kto s, cdc. C.LI. 8l., !cctr udlonrn iOs pSî bo bya en PP u:uK--.t F. D- DEWARiO drsOa. h- pplot*n cou, cýfi-om o r.coMais ari ________-_____1 DR. F. R. BENNETTO No Mdicine, Surgry, or osopatlty. Eye. Ear, Noac and Throal SpacIialst _____________Aauouroceu tbe remjovul olhie officeloa 'NEILSEN" The Chirupîsiter, l 421 MAIN ST. EAST.lHAMIcLTNONT. r. eraiglitChmlcops00 EVCE uîînstOt Oul.i i LDY ATTENDANT là 7186. 0rua ..m i lu NomhSE mot omplote anid iul o-dsté ice ChlroprauiiOtliin aOaio. __________________ P-aImar Gdesi. iY r uiie ATGOOO~WN -Wed..y& .- T. G. R AMS HA W lai-. 2 to-h ne9p m Ücîrdie ed.o h- npp.ia.t-. bo. . .l d.a.nlIm- Vainalof and Aucine AT MILTON-1luR-Bau ocos T.dir a& Ph..o. .so a itoa,3l. ValuatIonl prstlîy allanded t.. oamsesuilsuuteialiisiactlou guar- J. T. AKINS, B-Y So- Fou15 IT. V.antierC B.rî1on 1__________108 __M_________ PHOrNEa i d. e. MAIN eracaT. CLUBBWNO RATES. Xrv .s a<nd ..dgt« 1Tooto Daily Ghare.$5.00 86.35 uuf5~* or LWh Mail ad Emire 5.00 6. ansd Wuskly lSer.. 1.00 2.85 COUNT1Y 0F HALTON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR RaiMu oîlie ot ~sns ' ap ieOgO e a Pb"s rS oar,. a sia mna NTTIE p-m., 9.4 p.m. CAIfADIAIS NATIONAL EILWAY 114i6m;7.5p.m. 1f&28 a..;4.3p.m. SelkC64M Your nfsoosing hareilspracticaIly uuniîed. Wbat- aveu youi- ale ln o-seules, e-ly cia glass, el.. ous vii fUJ ana s Right nov vo liTi\ ave a fise dispiuy (,~ of beanilul nov amicles, nu dei- able for pour o-5 ,à ne, and for gifla. lacîuded in this display re liten pataunne 01 J47 ROGERSBRO O sijsdecr i-utmieWcsr. the talesilîrer viuch for unes 65 yoars ban bes - the sadard sucer plilcd vam. sOunit, Umnifo lit Nail so ond J. R. PEACOCK 4 MILTON sepren.u" WA.5k55c.. Irs. F. 8. Busoli TEACIIER 0F Voice and Piano Pupilo prepared for Toro Con- oervatory Exuminations. l'oronte Studio: 218 Westmorand Ave. Milton Addren: Millon Public Snbl. H. WHEELER Teachep of PIANO and VIOLIN Pupîls*prepared for Toronto C'on- nervatory o Music Ex- arnlnationsu King St., Milton, Ont, PHONE 24. Fleming& Armstrongý, -FOR- Freah, Cooked and Curodý ]KEATS Fleh and Poultry ln Season OtRu Morro '*QUALITY AND SERVICE" PHooNs 42 w. MILTON. SAM HENSON MUILDER and CONTRACTOR kg-ufth rlsOhamburilu M.1.iW..thnr ODMM»CiIAL TEMý. àILTON CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS The Double Tpaok Route betweenn MONTREAI. T1ORONTO DiETROIT and -CHICJAGO Unexoe.led Dieg Car Services. Biooplugcarson un tîibtraiu@ and Purlur C"" npri~ncipal Day Trainu. FuI!Infurtmatiuon frunsail Grnud 'ruuk Ticket Agenta or C. B. Hor- ng, District Pasenger Agent, To- rooto.. J. E. BELL, Agoni. Milton. TcLxaoNs 17. Ichawn lfetOT the ccc hi.1 Iîcoeeo to cDan îlot Crmnsootmthho- mcitar hoo lookc. The smo- uloes ci-onîhool oc- n 11thIe dsrtoeus. On 1 tle hllihehind l!afdezeon oicr- mro-i-iloi-ofrem ît>epui-k-brbuhedanad lecpod aout la a i-nitous o-oy. A mitogo smosihmd rendEol them un the o-l. eand o-icithie lal, ferifmi steps o-cr ut01of henrimi-. Il mîgit puy turss.0 to i-eep dowoe oly one,and investi- 5 4 gale ls cause. Tue gi-ny ni-vIs about lb.Or. as I grssrlng impatient. novîfi mlleil lu fie aest Instant befote @ho admîlîrd tilu tact. But Itla1 pomlbl onîy on Ioag ta deay the ti-ifi of a tbIug fiat ail fie SAMuenverlfysud fastuMoment A ton lur o-ns puat Sle utced fiaI vien sico-rai 10o bat bonds and knees, laboinsly te et a pier-aofie blet woouifromth fe alunoaSkeil. rotel uag tfl u asbot principal suppîy ut fuel, every volt oI vunid leip tunuard, unîF le drie bacS U ,bhes alie Mloil et a I nn. île lfhr S vunkeil despeatel lta keep fie re osirtlg brigi..Sic dareil nul negi il for a moment. ExcepI for teasigle qU ii51ýM Il pisteS haillabat aie cmuid aNsita0ex- pend ou île.iiovee---of thi.etesese . b.d-lIhe r. vas lienrlstdetense. But Il wu ae lesint figlil.,, Teetut- ouai vwood emelsd i SeilOldame., zgj Ye lia cos.asraliveîy ds! too evitI o-bld pua."d i a the CIlib.d bunltilCudi o~ s, -I eul t ie4u ~oprovisionfor the oiig ci a poenrsgo of ami. .e . Vibother the la large or maU], how- alur depo.ang 15 moot rmv SuaSuasAoeaus adoL Hall Yurnty.r NOVA rikSCOTIA Ro.v820,000,000 lomgoul f TWoMrio. Motorists No16 --- - -----------------tua-,----La---h-e #a,- el ý la. asmoulisi- 'Tin outsled itome Foc bue. Wbol maILn air box pomlby 4q Fou vonîr leçt tu riCenatoua nid 10 fro Doms vieels hé irepliai vwu no 'S 'otspI.lle best lbe bad reinforth fia ta u"I vont Four % 'm i~IWfor-ft hO .5e of Suuwbtrd, rude-ueio Four mnev ublues and Four iti.fv mtbut b. srsuid hoesupplies otfuod. Asd t1tfilknillaiore am',l i u n Cenustun ani Four biankets, lus." - onld b. able t.nse ilOral. But "Sud 1 suppose yoa ean ta figbt ,esaton otadagbi.gegreuily wutue thft oruttbessl Cranuton ukd. ie l lls Woin&n's Light I3rowil -Iever.IfCrauston b.d uctutYdreme np n glie, but teewsn borad the vespun lu bis baude, the odds amiileinte toue of bsutiu 3Eveet e utalle -..Id bave bera rgblfully "o r rgblt. anld ltr, and 3E.7 e Te aganut Dan. Iffir uez a icrlain length lie tepped netr "Not only for neytrm ea ewsue C flie lu teeize, osig, ondDireiaori- tEst. Cnuuuston. Wei-e tnce tu face nt ncl dDa étthut white ho wooîul ut-haiiu ands. lIvagoto ate ubn eef$e9 b.e _nable tlu mach la fi llmelf, Crn- lunmyPol tbut Pr uaDtleve. ging to ua el---- 29 st1necoul ast ptocure tl eltiier, sîlli- teo 6rîug It oui. Its bouda te bund-- Women s BJÎs& Patent one-strap Slîpper, wîth ont givnt Dun un oppotunlty te leut> Fou aid 1-untit everything's square cba an lo rtbehel$29 Driuont.Imlanit bis dreulu.. through fetweu su."'abnadlwrbe e -------- 29 the menîtie of ptopanulloi, lie hui pli- "Petiis opu'îvs fotgotten thl illday Girlsl' light oolored onu -strap Slippers, square toes tuird Il tu. It wao ithe tt luiet. au the tldgee' Cranslon w4ed. 'TYus 'I.i ~The gun ad:hl bu loîded, and seU- iisv't sny wom:antu sure Foas fil and low rtbber heel. An excellent school shoe. Oh o c ed elr; uid 1he lois of a fra-i "I tememberth1d, ansd tIbuts puret eua 29 teofiseodmîght le ra u fth et The th j luM ester. Broken hies of Women's EHigh Grade Shoes, all tna la ech bis Irite. Tiiug Disniuy lu puret fil, tae. Ita itti @t.a stlsadszs ocer t*29 fet tfidIlgnutig lie gin Rite- tOdet lt sCrunston, sud t de t le. stlsad izs olert------ $29 oft e & aellier sud truting-sulhe bad iMost Iluve I could pare yeu If yauntutl BakanBrw Sît assreuasieei des red-to n a bale uf handu. Aid lie Fo~ urkeus letare mu. Tous ne goa BakadBrw utCsergorsieri ..a ~~~~Iilntd hotu lbands tIe hea lie mode eotn u yisfr- n tZ forced corners ------------------------- $1.95 Ri bla ufauti.ring. Ve'ill f0 001there-alde hy ide. If ODa hnd Ien ereet upon bilsteAnd hbads t0 hands o, e'l O ne 1 blIaorse. ooul alibeheu an hmot- hhese deblu o-e havs eloosa eus-avIlI li pounlthe uhoulderu of hîs ad- no roies of figIlas îa ad no mercy lu Got yonr feot properly fitted. W'e carry frDm A A veisfly, rualng tfisk 01 ifCraailoa theietVîd toiE E E width. B-v EDISON MARSHALL lhreschlng bis bhîtng alls l Ili.. hemeasoreil each 011>e wllh heur But th.scond liat)Idhe oul r eit eese Once more Ctaatoi foize loe Get yonr shoos tuade like new in our Up-to Date M it tta el 10 iautew(to-odeleluue b ilu rile, fol loîgîmf 001, lIon Rpi eato foayril,, îa. DSe.Dra. smuu~~thhis sdvanlage. eransolocootldnillai;t bldi IltIi-e bel forlhee lno the Bpi eatst sessd a irnier maalery cner lio ï,shdwso heiant.Da .wIl nerves ielsIer leoned i cocoloal: *drt facee druw ihpsin h the only waoledmotio. Iflisn'tcoiy, 1 goigloto liar nt n ran- lu adcaace lleough sui clîîeelu >0111- mîo loed nad kfceol dcl locilegs lL O out ever a miliaep, wot th îe rutle iteeiice Dyot iOechb l ed-ca ut a brandi or the cruek of i twlg Clînhit îoloeit ci-cd1clî elod Crtaia cf the olld crentores itd lhdflo d1mdo n u ___________________________________ eas; btmca hure forgollea lias ln lutchli hlm t aI cu._________________________________________ liaI lie o-O It in tle position af the elal- 1.0 many ceturies of cilles andl fui-mo.wr c-o oehe. lo lo olhni-t-hreaklii11 1 to -it . 1h, 1> c l Il la hardiy a tomai quollly, aid iaye aI Ili e ooa Ilbln, ndhe ierglvlcurdgeusepddfaielglornadl clIiii>lil ic - upodlalornolilhune fooad sai-allerllntofwd hot iit li ghaally foscinaiolo .noîtli- lhs îltelheluard lls,lthe Blim, P wn y. ipdeatO 0f o-cod cI ccl il o Iii 11h. motions, tle pusloolosface, t l e rfci îcads. vHocood red tlnlathe Agl uheoeil fcitltufe e aPliag acrede iikcdiîl-ii I ' 1005of the nclce-itofen tlIaI ho hlm- aid h10 lIme Il uoeil lutelien Ihal If tre o-On cia ky O Ii. c, iieiîîi liio bansudu1101didol ahake nt l. Bolt! self cuid aot Imitulu or prelsmd. The chesinmply tosse theuseo hrough theumoto. Il l-cniil-, cei-Il 1ilii ltItre vadole io upei-tmtr.-ue o meaIi hor bailcorne for fie settlang cf ol ir, uli-.se cculd folon. ufthfe giay iuIt1 wo I eli-li theîl paknilif golvosionaffeurs. -dotucroo-d.But o-hem aie stoupei le Ik cîtecuýt nt ls1»d fei pi c htld fithoril othes. - lBe thiled te cornulse aorar ublc-isedlaa blai ief one a1 ..ic iii iifil il ice>of -cii ile behlad-nvali-hed o-lth iighlcd ercu. [ weahllog and n degeaerats, but the e-. SIc lorood ficou. fis dire. And thonhycoe-moiel>-iilit i r Dan o-cal doucn ntIflîl lengu spe cone wod ci-u oouglit for wold aet site leanic bi hhlîver fie sied. 0000.and ciii.thli.îî.Ilr i> t1li. Ici-- the aneunand softliy iemeced hlosanow icorne 10lis upu. IBer. o-au lisafie, Whalu Ithe use?"uele ied. "He eîclog ceid lîeci i- ii i 1c liel gues. They nvold he Orly an Inipedi- u1 eooel orai l-y aeu -n on oh Witi~o~0 irs oe ub mont In Ille close wori-htItI moisnoe efore tIelie lht, sud the courae f f Sihlai- Oy moer'Oneci-lie>teccflc t0 loliow. lie lld oeoa Icuuvwlcliedneuu aanya i-enlia heforo Iheo Tli-eu nb-nlys use of ftgbtsug, her bulag.tIshe stOliland ccii i > -I cruît. i-barth IE mcl 0f e. let. courage cf ri-ghleouaneus,Cranuton w55 1011cr 1011 foot. aH, eemeil taeakl --tt e ec t1>fic îc The moonlîgt poreil llrogh aid afraid te lochkllb. hefocs. The fer it uih ditocully. nnd hin tare laoked o-us tle Insltan1hf1ie gccai Il ehomosilthe Inîci-ll o tIIratIer te-[ ,i c-ut fdahe ecnhaw ltgeni lle. Tcrol sud Ithe ors liuil heo oalîltii> Tr.Tiic- if martahle plainesm. Crooston oasi mIt elrmeraeleoinuu lîl Nvihlditiawpui- o-ciuig altffect oM Ilat tood nemii-lIcyîlistî upraunleil. hall mîttîlaf, tof-lyli- on uf-' giroue glutit o-sOd udmioloterjutice lis wecoted apatetu,su an uîooe- streik out of the mm- i - treo-boglo pellet ci-n -icortero-mil. o/ no pnht.adhuhutoimi eeno ernuo ned Bt -It lunte pack smIl tar ci-ilh>lia Thoro sn-u thelîcliglles oftulof, loi-recto 1 in li-bemot. Ci-nely heiili-ret-I cold oulyDmakireFudo yen, Il o-os amolci->. ci>5t i tlie oans o-mheloeoc Oco lîcrd i-cpi-ilfor Ibile ifooun11the mîlank o-îîcî t Icoolyen tb-.--" but1fIl oeofshort . c Frci IîWc>fi c lmrahi-. nmd Once-ouis f ntcheîleoirna- hceii ioc. -lchall .01. and aeiedligy %,hi>>tiioeil- ory of bisuieed of-the Iay belici---e-lDcc cosu oco hm leh e icee Ycu'eabeohlotimhaliee.adIftatl precesm.ofleciicci er icij-lianîd ccraed lui a lcage olilolice .Allîceel eccliedîtL licopi-casfcuegornil otikelieseni-cta, ou o-eoim't ird. fs-epngWl ,o fý lewa bacbg îlote cpeniiiofci- leacc- pigs, inccedihiyfi-colndomItl 111>01i01 ie--e îy morailof. If ya'd ouiy liane o-ciA ln epr->ci ec . te ie was-holly uolieoef Dano s adieeC uo. î-îîccîc mostdilficolt pitl>cee>.,tsilit-ii lio pi-cleoce. ngIoranloltel milinIl-culeO.Boh eet own anod flic st-enell Imunglsnd.It iiidi-re, ileii.0i hiui re lc nelterleoiai hulit uonp. toc. Se le dld the1etst ctdis- Ici- c lng Ulime ley o-ilthed atuto -i- .And e yen ttoii0,,paceu Ions th0 1 silonue >11.1 ciilseIoliiii> cliii hedn lcsd fth pnnadragi-ilnc cocloctlei>m arias. TeIe ' oiil. i-nd vry îednd ehe ,e eeic It e-os lIulodow. Crauston iiieiiea imni-lmci.lî-irsil tagly < ralo-y .0Iu bdv, -r- eaucI ocer ii-ensI oi ci, ii tic 10 tel o- th lcloiii Iige sow ie pgremîlad. cid inohteleuglci.iecoe stangey.a'dcralonaylotpthaoddowoh-cdcotroloto lertlîcly on u it licly lu front,cuti for acmo-1 en-1. BDoth11e o-oi-is wol crn.A cuclont sece. Tlior.'u nuuse mise. Pot the huile se> iicil iwo c li igl ment Di Oaoo ntmu lns lu eopln toli 1h15 Cool eveni-g, Ci-nonco.lie ochd ghcully o-elghl lad ceolntîstoutloIg wtrrluSnolli-d. Tou'r. uurace the longu, linfleioig acnîîecî -il .... i ueernlng v-iil. TIen lemoiertocil. pleouontly. tnd hlm toctuccil lonfs uolhcilfer girl ciec-ys luve beeu inceu n 1111e The oe-cail cdleipil 'o-.r l r ,I Theitefib el heturo hlm o-nu parI Crnulto n-us aisoeouton lit cottheîi- IeotI. Thea. lue a long 100e,tere ulîi-. au GOeille my ludge-nd yeOulot, lefi-Il sortcel i 17g.celI,1i oflte long rldge fiaI ho e eostainme Intant. Is Inutinctoscece ea- W lcrospooaolng, laulioci-seom 0ormoik em ie fic te rath. Bettrab Wt ci-c'iu ol.. lhcrn ooel pooi iu -a ofatirely trac. Heliaro- If ho lospeori-i-la thcecergi-cen hougbs. Il seemei ene of ne dis fluai bot. And I proiie-I heun. icil oflierlIc -îiip Iu i e i-nIc;s i-iit ei1 lad tebsrilDnwol eupnbsbak lule8adenls.Ie-l'il ni-ces tel tbeir faugs. Aod 1i 0tri-ion f lte fnliait lc-i, tielpatoil thai hie girl and lb. Monln anu Instant, sud le vanli bave ne ButODa i-pelttestou, lna sanmge. soo't lte yon pilooil tu e eloer. 10boue ln lin-, oct> c-îTIi,.ioli nolilaltemtoî fMiaricoom-ecea Il chancelteue ilThe rifle o-an nom eleysilence, aid si-flly o-col 10 lier Ilogtfîl anlii u te eclouirleI nîeg-cii;i. î ucii len lidiitguocied - c ouîd îi-y te ut offie rs.aning. an fiey o-eeai voIa. Be t100he iIfle ana il led tI îî lolg bilefiel b. honrieilld i laàd possucum eil1h. ciiiili g p iii l o lake lleoelpicoa Lenox wîîî tet- about equal distances frntm l. uand sîihcui-lrdgeo fromn Crintui's bell, uclci. Bot 1er eysu lighled, andlmi s iîehi ccîîi.leiie > i andih lis oloitliespr.paîeil for ueifier wouîd bave time te swing or n lhuisput 1the r.malmîng twooboes icol andilssdlireil. Ad th es gi-ito. Au il > Iiileio- l iI.. emci-fendes. TIi-ce ml-btEniespoi-t ta lm il. otfullnslato 11s aIL-i puctel.Tue leneil fui-ard eocral ni s umîe iliiui i.itu . lave slli Don, unurmeilasa lie o-an Oa'suuddeu uppeai-mor. had lieee supplies of foo-the sauclof nitri- Well lay l ou," lits tolil hlm. Flo>o icc-li- i.-i îiî And ls aies er ie full of trage i-on- us alterlyunalooheil foat Etfor sua Ios mo-easn 00 lldlisi IclaglIlt Ielstla. e a ioehm- leeriIlii-hc . e.ii.10 leta-o oteoal10Sic Bird luîmeut Ci-ssloa coutld Ond ne aaao-rer. the 11111e package of cheesi- the o.xscucu mld o-aa u t do. Besides- atnil epeile of jeauro nlilhsehunultd ao asirleped. H ee ovo ofe u.fe 0 0 ardla-banl e f11 anol ouilaoîmuaIh smefue u oua'u beeseco Opuueli rOOOMehe het o ehe iflentn lntefmoirto 0 prrild one-lofe sait 1hme u lltIeano-h ae coidtei-for But te lo cîalcîer iii-th(,- cciii 010 fie'@pIles ieclmaiss heop-il gu ie fhtatIlI îe ungbobnthpat. "g kil , akololeeIl. lloutelonîiedy lti. me, ln ti-e wee.1d oultcams -couutu15 of tecayocu t rlc iir ih WE all, tbe sOcnlo loe eidfil e evenlat, Failîlmu." h lie aleil, thirImeets andilulng tIbm with t ifc pem lck.' t-a-leir. lichîte t ittgu finit lu hliçoit. oesfIuuyhe l ehhe epP."eof nnnum1 ome;.andari necît s sîîcc cesfroi Iie lile c-ci-hi-il aicrs ebolîF en&Ile lu gai. ou ir coldl. coiflhp.ait tîe ttremo -ciching thicfi-o. Only ly diit of fie most - - -. .a e i.Irce cf lo'chcil eniuo. OViocolie (VOi BE (IiNTINUIlll ST. ItAtILSUNITED nCfl CtOPrCANADA asY.P. ABGYLE EURLBUT. Pnslur M dahalost it O8sl1.aau. W== . arula nIte ,V7g-bl2d iurtiay ofmsibIbop. ,.d... Ml La. N""dfr te t lmah .1 KNOX PRS5YTEIAN CIURCl5 25V. JAMRS i. IMuAUL, MNnseua. a b riS 5.55 11s&i M dl it>1uP . ftbo.m ssm ca be m . Lie .-a .Vary.nath eta pl u" . lesi yve ts.h etiaoi-M-.- as-t. Cames LUJ. EILPatftutM.A.. a.ute. s" " i aa i-YPM hhlOs s.i & so 1.1 5m fl ms i. Your SucceseadOurs te.mhmBilif.. mtui-m. eg1 coIumI and018 a 2L.. "» lsd. L. o7O= "-tn"-lui noa n1.1111 ens h an~and ha lm b)do mmwtst15. nomm T * no oiromiT. dmsnBfe £d th i up n-t*th JW .n= Hicoond I>'l% o bn »U6IiRN 1