Iv The Canadian Champion FLOWEU SHOW WAS A SIJCCESS. Local News 3diToç .4pL 129. TIre annuel flower shota of MilIta ltoelrtalIral Srrety.hela ir e tltaeMet, V. A. Galbraith aadceblidrec, TOWN COUNCIL bail an FeMay la alturrtday woatcfaiOrageeillir. am t-eiig ber miler. - grand toccata.H J. Morore, of Toroa. Met. George Hil.Mr. Galbratiathata t, aitet au Judge atd gave au llot- hberlve r e wek-eot. Cc-arcci met Tucsdap evening. teaiet lecture. Tire floteera nwetr Jt JThe iooilrrtagcocirtswecce paseetand Oireot, and qîaityl âaito carrit JohnaMelanir. of Hartn. crfor-a- ordered otnoirclalid. tteTrJriratteltrl-eyII fMiltono, hbangraclatirte Unitted pacccrcrc cm CeosuccaiCti. ria .T h eJiaioaItr torutual tatieIitew. wtee e retilI operae a driliag Bsell Telepiore Co.-.-.....----0s50 e rehall, Tihe officiai, reapratible fr ahieret01Ca Reformercc ... .. ...-- - - -theeceetidieplay tact-oIL Syre, Pittcetirrt-a ofiTrafalgarelodger W. ,Armc-trog- - --......... rs eidet, adtJas. Makidg eri No. 3, SooaofErgiad.toejtla - rty. MayoreMazttaIptraeetriraptmes Burlcina aionaday, tabrer thry ai- $21 Si) ta th ire rsa touant c: tended tire aroîrcigrave deotatira ScoîtT oAc-orWoLKc-, iAstera, 12 ilorrta.siryoaecoo-Mct asrvire, .....u ...-.- ... 47 60 Ervir, Mca. R. T. Rabiot,, A sentence ai sevcra peraia peaira-. J. Icicible . .-....16 Ils Ate, 4colri-Met. Ecvn. tirry car r,ceriJ pcaeouraeed irpa Bloc-c-&cf, hionoi... - -61 901Caleadroa-P. D. Sreci, ler Wirte Newv Brunîswickb trdge, dona hirîaid- R frecc-l- - - i03 1 Daiasîi. nalctiar Mca. R.T. Ro-r"nlortrtjst inoviciai died froat NI, Micici,- - --.9 00 ton, Mr&Sinclair.inue. 1) ., Riobectsor - - - . .....26 5 Foiage Plan-J. W. Blair. i. tiîocc-ch- - --- 00 Girdiaicit. 3 nareie-Mrs hrcMar.Mcaid Mcc. 5%V. Lardabecorîgl,,otfAÀlte of lhiard work-but no F trh 6ii SicnclaMcaiMr'ir -Actoco, and Mr. rard Mia REdLands- i)f iccr---------2 G7a1 ldiot r 1vaiey-Mca Sinclcair.,J. iroagir and fcimipy, oni a, s0entip<, ja o heaoi hich .....275Wallacec.Sordryatlire hoare ni thirra al cntofWfor heii.k $2ra3 82 Gairirdia-J. W. Blair, fcri. R. T. thirses Ford. eutoft emnlnt power they 'clic cocilce e ccoced ic lavocir fRriraro.M. R. B. Anderson. Sarh Steei, hall counted on ail their liveg. cr-cc-îccaocmiaier c-cerent caiba DcriroocMr. C. E.Hil.E_ beec. r ta -crio..r operationoai' c-c lic-oc obichb lbe c-orccicaictiooied irp Hydrrger-Mrs. C. E. iiiii iGuelphirai Hclioapital or Srtorday, To.day, hoxnl-dependent ci cc-bioc- Mîrgnds, Arca-rNis. Dc>nccc-i fiecrcuuropfrieîrdroiii irope mforafo Fi~,oe-c-E.Nacturorrrm-Mrs. R. T. Roircon, Mis. aperd rercccecy. on charjty, friendIesee-aU fo if c-cccc-cc aoc] ý,I-c-ce- -... 23 2 ïDepihe [lc raireon o iu nt i c-ppie bolic mIch foS mui-ance pnotectlon~ licc-cicccc]oc-c-gciie ao Peiocua,,ccige-J. W.Biain, .SYcc mur asnî crlicin hcdrofithemc-,re- Pi uc-uc b ad c-opnency -.... 2150 Pet arias, doule-J. W.Bloc-n, L.bycî ter, A.1, MoîNrobir, focrdisrtribrution. SifJ PrloUandoru Ercce Airecia...c.re.c.lirrdc-oeoiiîc Lt us explain how you can SuIâi- - - . .....-...-___ Parsies, c-nlectio-J.. BMin, c.Mixrs- . Fiir-dcitré-Sic1t. 25c-irand isti. amply provide for your old aile $43 Yf R T.Roirmn Mr. and Mcrs.VilfcriWcison fDe- ia~ pccRosescc- ccp i coiectn-JW. c-oic, I'. D. t icici, mirCoMitnndsetirhe -aad that of yonr loved one@.. ioioicolbor.wsrinicroed andduead Oeet Peai Mr Devins. J.W. Blic iîu;acidiy ccc n .JOHN PF MeINTYRE flc-c-u-ci c-omber ni imrerand passed. rdooFai.urboro JViBa o wlircg eran. ad Mr. ,B c-ccrat co hl,- 1 0 S .1uiso tbe drollar. tircst Zîrras-Mes. R. T. Roircon, inca ilR ya Surig, Mlbn c-O ncii c-uc-c-iaxes to ire dae or thir et crlire - ic-c Misccccriiiccccci acd Myctie R ylBlulf Mlo i ic icearnd scnd paymcrl on Verbiecas-Mec E. Dec-cc-c, E. Sye. Turncecr, Icn ruf Miltoru a tic-ntnd grouai- fuic-i.il uc-cofoNoccmbr. Hard BoroquerofFlowcc- J. IV.Bloc-o cac-rri , ied inIleu pcogcsîriet c--ie Mci Moulin,. ci-cc-rcc --ci. d ccii iI-rcr p tI clue KNOX Cil IRCiI Cenricec-e ni Fioncuc-JAVW Bloc- n. lc-c cclsca roupicc, rugltir na-M I O L F i fic-c cc-ui cc-cg c-ccircali contiueo b c ycu OurcccccRZES.c-, Tral11-cc-uc-ic--i,. cir-l uASSURANl C OMYtPANY c-- crcc luori]oc-d bible (laca i ai eJ. M.MacKcnzc- Mcc TSirclirc arrtire ili-citrruirc hy bI ~- - i Il A EIa i..Pl-rd f îair Stced--W11111 -1 r-- B-dg-# Saie ifue ev c e nirg servccîe ai CýoIliccio iUf liol dolrc card by A-L oc-cr silacrc ic I. Ncc-cccHn eldi 1-1u,Ircn 1,lu, ppi c 1upu ir-cMfic-ccon Band wnul Cetreepicce ci Fioen dc-naIcd Sic ci i1,fric-cmeeting -cIfitic-aac- Onio Mis tociiu Caoc-Nattc. Iicsv. N.A-c->y1,cil urI c-J 11 b .I i i iccu. itcioir-cocOo c pi 10cir, Ci heIir sce ofiRoses c]coalccby W T. Barn O- enys. l -c-c ion i-yfor i Vcncîreg,î ',. -iý cln.ic-ardi J. W. Nincc. Caon-cuicoie-i I-c e cy wmiia ilrtc hie i'ic-c- ,,r- 'Hi iucc-c iinc-cc-c-ci ic- n ug nif rire Dc-cpiao f niCol Freccialc idonaiud c- errai d c-c i tC-i b eili io W I. Ic-oru ildcic-ciieecb. Ai jj.Vcicsn-rsriibc-on l'.rcdro. ripa c1 i asen 1c ,lec-cuc-ecator reace cod-ec. Drcpiayo f niCu ol i-r-cc doc-oicd 0-c-ureu-I s.A II Galbraih &Co ý-fric Roc c-n, d Ic-rli ln c- r NS H E R M A N S ST. PAUIL' s cii RCtI- Idnlte launershw,-icO- I---c-o Mario -n . nMc-i. oolasro -D n daldirotic. S lc-ccc-ueiciil cwe-opL.ciuc-rc-cay auMfrond cd i Sofppr.ean cl l i i-c- ic-r--g oc-cncp cstabes forubc-uiuolli,)icc%1 00ic-ru p p lies c - . c i -c- uc c h cc- i. M'ciii. ildL. Ri1)c-.iMrinco.A , Ph. niof I-c-cii> huciori !cd uffciuuocc il iiirocrcrr.cf 9 "TeMositfor the Ploneyr uc-c-c-i iCocclir Haltono, oill occounn f rio ir-c-rcic-- . lclaid ii l aiccI-1 cc-rnbon I-ccri rbi rcoc-, d Aiioa-lucc-uic c-cicdo cacci i ilci @0 1cu.uccrir.uc-rgccoic-c-c-occpr-ccirraircpcloir uc-il--rii o~ NewBooksScrblers esPenchInko c cîcc-ccc--i 'ooac A be mccr Atliccc-reuliu-clccu c-c 'ou C-c oic.ci ngric-uic-ci ic Every tlînc-ey ont rerînîre. Cocue -ucus for vailues. c-c i-, ci ic-c- bcramnt of ni lice Locd*c-rapsc-cgirc-ticoh u-cccc-u-cuu 5cocr h ii.. 'loy - g -gsl2- î r rb lr r ag -.--; o,osc]ccu trncclcd, arcd r in te re air lrirccO aisc-uccc-c-i cm rui ilcr lbic-r lei it pri l, LI, g n O r S ribes ae age I I oi , ie c-diccocc- rvh c es-c- r teibe moccrili V lt i Prtui.ai c c-cuiituucc-oc-u'c-ableand Ogaro ere ipl Uitiii ' i'p 'dlrfN ' tiîr I--îî jloî i-iciccccc juc-picocate -.ir y ircc-ir-I, TheNB. irlcorgn 1,u R A S M i Sietlli -1 ic ic Mrc Facticige, wom c-aalrays OR B ic-c c--c-c cinens ali c-gl, xj e dM ics. . V. 5 clcacrernd fîucciy hiry- thc-ci ..lu yIIgro S r,i ___________________________________ WEDD IN BS eicrcicciilcucc cccc-1,cc.m -itru--o rcin c-iry rrc-c-t-iarctc r cc ccg Au0 Il cccci Tcuîdr tire bs-- rc -cicr sc- Suc-it v r i concrc uc r icicy c-tr i c reat A I yciittyîccddîc-g toc--k pince M an. rd M , u-i-oi Vcîcc-îî- ccucg fl11lt1lehieuf M.cacd M r. and uaîrrof Branrodf,,-s pc-cic-i us-dfiru---haimco-pTie W e ls ! F- iS it tc-ky, Artocu, wci C hc-acc e@en d et te ainlic-c uce. cciLe ew c-uc-ri îc-lis ,c--c c-cst uc-c-cc cc-oc c.îcuc--I ,ccc-iccJerrues. brame c-be Mc ru ndMs-a A.BlIo-irbc-rcr,,c-f hioirl Aucui 1, A licurc oniicr ricruicci c- NTirerec -I.uuccccc-05cuosetJu-piKrrtaeccsn lcid. einiîdrg tieciicik a-uic- brt uu-clcunrciccrc-crc-cc.Noncti______of___ i M . fci ii. cn-c P. cac7cr Fir- Omirg Ln therr c rric-ncrc-ccticec i .ucu Ii- Iur-n.c--ccy. Tisetbidecaa ett-ie ser cct-cia, Bouccl ip i-cted., ccciî i- i, ccrsccuhîs uic- lot, cr-ric-c-in-iiadccnrdc-arrind th,,,cilba cn etc cri-O rercie uc-fu-drccic I cc-.cgut ie atu ibic-au ae reps r cooul or steel spoke îuîbber tire wireel' 'Ifiuc. Pc-ci i rcrn ic-c anocmaden- uirn cti rytric-c o ch.iî-c it-Sin-- clsinc-rc-clc ro-îcu-c.-poucu-i-îhouldîiber Newcrubber tires puton h:lic--u- .-c-c Ti-c- o n s atnddltyMir a dy. R,. Mr.McKh{c- ofuc-,c-lNuuroi. ipririciau mc nt eo uf O45clcgcres c-t- Aii-dii--,K ru-c-ct ni tire grantan, tait , ,tt heci i r )L tH rb afih nl, Lte ih uon bl o s lsd o o rn ,r i I Ilc-c-i . 'ciii cy, bcrailec ni theirtri-d l'borc- ir ccr iccaion.-rcrirc irc-tigtaiui , i.iictic. -tu-i1 Auccuobl os lsd rtrru eared and luh - -c- i lcisuc-cn. Aitnr a daioty Ctira sres or oti crilie andriplar o -ccc-tirrrc r airi -o c 'o- u I.iiý.c Oc re tosererîr side rrtains repairede also iruggy tops re- :ccc- ;c Icc M - ic . .,en r t irciirt-. c -c-rc-crarcc, 1ci tu cc i i c-i ' ua cc I rcnc, uclB-msccci le, the Tieregulcircc eicc et 11-i-uc uir-gg-ir.onrcc-cmiccc Iir ctkig hc-, iuoc-c- in-t a t t ' uie giOrgatt8 .Int.cid,, gii uc lycnssr -cucuctrc-cMain 1C- '. isSt c n.c-u-icyiu "in ca-uItic-nivc-ic-- rilce auanmd A 3n t h, ir r c-ire P.r- %\'iaic We have a few goodus 'ed Top Btuggiesu, steel and 1 c--cito ci-i îri ctcira ni Septmde, ho - OO. wSu r e.criai iiucig r-cnciray. aîcucccciîcrîa- tc-c-uo ic -r-ru- - cci r le rsî îu rlt S ro V g n V ulsl 'il,ccccocu-icu-cciotires-,resaecdu-ahtigic-blcna-ic-uuc W'îrci.currc-rcccrirn iiciii .,,l es, vrliles of Setr. 'rict it bc i t, a lii ,u Iluto- ful lr I i WUn-.b rreii nbi c-intu r-iebsuf cî-ccu-uilu-ric-h sIVcillchow iced sa l' c la ber j a if- cc -rcccu -iiatgr- oh M he0Oe a WN B -O Wlad LANG.ss il) c-cf o, illc. lebeu e er fOc -c IL thefOr-ci. p oroo r on i lici Lr w t,- olenidG O ET W Mr i c--citfrlu 0f A. eeenifHamnion Mitonr Lrccnm.-irdli c-II)lulii cs lrsurarcg Mas Pcoaaled ____ ___ 1h,- tic , N .Ogyle lioibat nffc-c-anrg: arcocliittted tourcursac-ie t c-n L r ccr ccii k t ]ycic rc-aicd Sp y r-sad- el .IncîpptPd : Hrglu Frock, lîcasurr. ;. ep"Iu."cIt-iccl T(i P orcrccurruLc-c If the ride.itn,(litc Howr-c Pa'rkciatd Mtiloc-(Ilcn.nc-rrc-rc--c-i I i i L (tellcccc- de -cc- c c h i sire t-rfi uc- r i p c-m t o gaineser ece laiceu. rirh e ccr ic-c- u 1c-i-l,ui cii IC-.sl- ci ,r,, ]I c--ic c-u-c-c-r andoc] c-c-c-b d a t iur8: Prtcliacitciirk.ciiiurcc 1,Yc c- ,..nulpi-LIios crrc-ic. I rili-tc rnl.c ic -i .,-c- c-c pi cci, îoîîc -he irc o s a ; M',r-MeiPirlsc-,2 crics'Id Icua cf I' i ll ci c i -nr c iuci. ois-ba n eur oi-Ic c-i cols licribuque t ac nisecond. Miilton cir, Mr. A.Tir- 13.c- ofI-i. l-c-ui-îc-g c -c i i f-ccc. u-hccSic -ucccb j ~ , ) a c pleaci ,, o "l-cui-- ieun vaut-p arc] M a, MrrMis@ -ffrc- tnd S'N'it- r,îcnrc--cuAgi ,uc-cilcc, iiccuu-cî 0 i c-h c-ý - lic -uc-i o-licpinkStulle. lit-c skip, 2 mis tnd pinsur fc-ci i lc-rd i-c. liiAssurcancc ci, roccc- icctceuciesrc i. IY NOl %M fJIsE FugI il Fine (arde T c'il iii. c- fIc- Nî ca Cte i eme-r fniBrsmpton-a ci , tkrppcd hyu pr cpc-ccic -gacc-lcdas-d ti-1 rno o.A.a e lic. c-c- -. cc% ---r c] a cr u i ccse-fan geecn 2 Wcurr arc-Iplusroa i f c-r-c-blit- h c'Iirun ,u;Ic-dcuî- 8Ms irrrcuc-rccc-cuu-ccc-rcc -a. a baccoc at Low rtc-e ? H erle arc 'cornie of tîhe hunes -thcc tc- o uc heocscc-on ive. Sh ire cu. iisJacnn- ckc cc Focd. tct-rc f-c--c -l lc-cl'criric-s n to k rl'riCreWls e I. IL ( Ii i..licc-c-cle. Tire goocm dkn1 c1 îti ndpins niflui.cic- al c-c-cnrucry fine Sirsgg, Swec-t Crop, W rll's cS-weet Cîrestnt - o c-,ccicMr.cSanley Leavci- o. Inac-c ii srucî coucrrc-l ci- ie ti . _______ licc-ccc-cc us f o.lia brsdes.- Pet-clicc-c-c c-cAurgiithict. Msc. i. Capstant Ns'y (full sud inedîirco strerocth), Gol I oic dII- ahtegd fleiblre bra-celertCochrne. f wl-,cuc-ccilc1cof a u li c- -olciilirnk rer.rcrvinsrnd ,-ir crh fb-c-. - cc biCONDENSE0 O V IEET .ccI tic-c-ic-Joiiadintylubr io rir dai vnirmc :iouort>c-ccgcesl byrtebe.wEs. ucrt ,rr,icj ruc,-î-î- ckc-gicc-kccI. ci ic oincccgcc ciceî,drng whi-ch ir ur, won the Dr igi111) f iiApplcyi L.î. lacr, 7circoc)ilcr -cetic,-ak.dourrble ydrrcicg M-..JFod 0(S-_Üyr in~g Yo-rjigr. c-c- i cq) Rhic-Irewo-rk arc- lic-icl;.ci.i 'l'lie bridecoccnplercd lber O - Xcclîac-c i-ccc-cc c rtravelin-cr îiha ira: and R U "t-"'1AicîciR i.nsNn id duel)ccpcicOccc anddglc-cc-s rcrocb IhIe5d-c c i-r ScIii-i ll1 cil ii c iOnilieir etrncthe sourof i c-c-ccUR-E nl'iFbrc cci cciiccc rcirnrco rrr, EXPERT HERE crc--ccrc--c A cy . V PIIESLNTATION TO TEACIIER. E'. i. S EJInY fi el-d- c1 oIn rrpclio- - V. E, Simopsccn, pbcrc i, cra, NcIILn. - aii,îîî<lî ,nt un ol conrecor ook place of Chicago and Philadelphia, FoRSia c-Or t it- lgcgirî cii its, - a ci-a , en, ocr atrdac alrer- nationa lly famotrs expert, wrlcii - aY c-n -, lacc-cgg- bppiy oIl-clinr c c-ic-on c-cipr-eni arc for- -C tA. pMclM) 5 cci c-ci cn.r cc, ield.iThe ccanormarked hirrself personirl/y be ai the o i -rr iîc2 cc-gcIf cc,,cetocl ardcof thrirerrc-mbenc-y IROQUOIS HOTEL, GALT T >Tccc-c. . ricymid & i-crrrr c-co lithr lic-i Iici licoPair isrrnOc-cc 1 Horu -ciry ,b ir lic-icc, Oilc> *I: iii c-nitrc tudents icon ilcparisnifrire and will remain SHED5%%HEcT cF-c-SOL c 1rai f c-ccI-ceret ecei oc rm dpusc Saturday only, Sept. l5th Glden Ciari!. plr-ndird rarrîrl.r $r.40> oic-c i1c-c-ccdic-Iimpossible natrend. from 9ar..lu 5 p.m. Thus -,,c-pLrcr Stck, te19-,rîr1c A ci,-coii ofi c-or foc ail age npeed UKIoLv Stcuriu tic- icic-c-ocorc-tcceiaiiccnoor. Thirrocas Mr. 5eeeynroar riclng orircdtccceo (%Ia1u îoic-cocfil rîccc-cccscaio'aiocy spech"e "ThecSpernroficidoc-il 'roitoniy N>. 227ccr pirone Coie,rrc-ai Hotro. c>li hi c-cc-c- c Jcdgc Eliounirof Miton. In-reroîro roY casofnirupturc pccfeciv -AIr orier-c cccrc cperpt- attentionr. spcc-ic-c.1i M. iicenc sof i c-nrandird i. brt orcrcs rire opecrrcg cn IL) droco cm-M. 2iicrc-i A. i1 Spe c-iNI0i11. ofBuic-gton J. the averroge carse. rengaroc-t-rad- A. Iicccic, cier]las Chirc-ran. Iacon-rrtrccertocccr aiiiformer ncbodc- c-c-c-on, uc ic-oc-coconao-bd RosPeau, exemplifying îirocilrorcoot efirîrro]icm AuctionSl eitr anoc--ciccu-i. iipeak. Afier cadrrg a medîaiely appreeloirie ory wibroaniorcrn aeReitr sortiiiiic-c. Mrc eari pcesenrcd Miss tny sicain or posiion roc marier rire cltiricoc-cir, on Treiday upri iae otriocationi. Large or diffiiuii caroes, Acicticc saie cf stock andlarpia- lirfic-ric- iicar as iacirof tire cooi, or icronl rroptureci foloirg opera-crentro cf S. i.Pr, cci, cct 8, cor. 2, %liii oac-c-ccc- coctioring rpwrad nofSe lîOros) apecîia olcrfed. Thi-nsru- N. 1). S., Nelsonrc crcZiactaerman asacoikcof liccctcccis ro irîchirchlir s era t rceiedteoiyoicrd i Erg- Ckii-rca onTricay. Sept. lic-b,"a1 c-cldb% irrc-omeropio .Ltte Miss lard and ia Spain, produrcrag reacitsirapcc. J. M. Aideaor,:Acioceet-. Uc-cc-c ' a .opeccecrpropi, pceeted wtboai arrgery, ijeion, aedicai rire c-ci can icorchroir oaiearoirfai iu« rca tîenta oc prescripions,, murdis- 50cr of rosecs tingaished erratai pat~rofil nica- STRAVE D. ltcc. \V. K. Allra, oi Larnllie, ce - »atiiaf Ilc-i~cLae Dr. Edwtrd Sippeu, Comr Lte epretarea of tire rader- trccirri c--c ridcy lart fri Hamiltona fat-tac Medirar Dircrior, U.S.SNay. ai gard, ot i9, cor. 7, Trafalgar, a trd oirrrîtriaa.wic lirodeenaLaa per- liairamtriaheir armeittrp- cwana r ed berfer, ownarecarte arc-c H . varaîle at ile auraIedtoSai-g. crit. Bureaci, U. S. haeîirr ramue or ptrviog owoerrtkip rornage. l oclaio t a-Naval Hopital-Pen.R.R.,Etc.,cEtc. and payc-oc experties. _________________________ He_ ienlb gladîro desatre crir iarrFAh-OOR A imptatinou.t halcrtge or fil tiretaif desireaI lirai- GoiL FrA H ot-, A euttOno v acirynta demtanda preveria alopptg ai aap _____t ______________ 7mari etaI take .vUa-ytimeaa oter place inrttirssactîiorn. lt-a.fl off Red Ro.e nw B~ceî.oE,e .rciat-O ro 5T AY D la e ant ol»d. So Hg~J laca-. H ERosc _ is ibis repuat.tion prlm.d that cU11-aAIl caretsaoard ire ceri- Straeyd hrt the pieritar af John the make have a " oad senltt tire ase of aap elatiîj or Pichet, lai 3 era. 7, Trafalgar-, Sept. neh t-ata itir aadeeatr-apsasai»te rSt, a S year-rold MaIntenheifer, maiti- your grocer tu, rea 7 trt ubete tire lamp la and aol nirere ly wtein lacrIre. carryiag god tdder ;i package free off charge ta h jttel, atea tetaiting j inra- rtay have caf ei aide. Aay Inforea-IPHI cloeenot eatiefy 7oe1la evee gilttntan aît Lothec ahecaboate waaaid b. pea.aJcg~ - Haae fflce, 117 N. Dearboca Streel,Ç= apprerùLataiy the îwae. -,M I!iChicage, ]ILMao t Flake, Three Ntins, Srith's Gdlasgow- Mixture, Mac- 1)onald's Cut Golden Bar, W'averly 'Mixture, May ]llossorn \Vill's Three t sties, Edgewvorth Extra H gir Grade Flake. TOLETZKA'S- Tobacco Store -ard-Bil liard Partor -he Leadlng Hlardware ýnd Wall Paper Store.. ETUS show youi our WALL PA'PERS. 4 Tire patterns and colorings are ail in the newest vogue and the prices at whieb tirese new Wall Papera are marked are most moderate. Patterns will be found suitable for every te- quirement, wirich iu prise and quality will soin- pare more tiran favorably with any gooda offered elBewhere. WHEN PAINTINS Use Sherwi-WiIiams PaiRt. hirabu been on tire market for over fifty yearsanad la sold in practically every important paint field lu tirs world. hir as a iigier reputation snd a rider sale than any other Paint on tiersyket. IL iras achiieved îLs enocesa basaasil iras ai- ways given tire hast off service iu appearance and durability. CLEMENTS & CO. ONE 483 - NILTON Bos' ui Men's $4.50 Play Siîits, SiIk Shiirts 1i n recîl o dire for YOrcI, fn - l ue i jity sslk, Reg. valute -ii. lu iss tIns oouuerful b irgii i te liere iarly. luere. Coirît uand look theiru ope ec-rly.$19 PueL(1L 'c-> thi i)f1c- Cucîuur i-cl- - iil .iuu fiz Women's Dresses 97 pc. Dinner Set Values to -0 smar-te tylos A dandy serviceaide setiit and re i s valle at th 0 lfl laine.Worth dcuble $ f10.95 price -$ .9 tisprice -$------- Galbraith & Company (-iuni î-o liJ i - >4M Prsevi T S -bydy ntek H.>4 t ý- i - - >4 '.f - ..piý s ý - tY " C 1 d- i r - . 1>4 R W >4 RWA WH >4 o Pme Presberi >4 uptca 2a4-il ral ca n gr CORN HbONli VAc -dFor y.percii r %N 3 >4 « Pto elit41 S«" 95e 2'b 01. >4 >4 >4 >4 >4 >4 j MILTON, ONT. (c-Mu c- - * , kg and Baking Sale itche. V.eabie. ta prddc tanrai Irit ta pre-o . . - , irrîacir of biaking. At tria arost impor-tant aera a t ohrc r trci.to -ot ba- th bt -d-t boy - ically. He- i.rlc-,c . A .g a -d Ba.ki.g red. if., thr. at-.-d, Sepitabcc f Il-__ JARS SMM1 i» 4c0 EbUE PICKING XX QALITY ere hi. ONONS VINEGARS >i nioîrc ibat Silv-kin, the Prcfrcty bc-r-r-d. > -bi... t. i-1rM.11 une., r-ak. pt-tpr-ly aged. I hi c -csp, tentderc - e.. epi , tr Erter Specia M b 2 ibs. 27e 14OCgal. 3l RUTBBRS .I-3c o ENCIA SHELLED EÂwSIFR 40 IINS WALN4[TS UHORTENING 04 3-lb.t-aiL csp, big, fin Rrga]ar43. q-1- 9crtl South Ahr-p . d 3f St-am RgalrM rquai- RLARD .27e pzuJ7 .53e b 55 0 Bajh]g %., 0 Powder 7--26ce KIL AYMSNIDER'S ,0 M M[AUMALi>E CATSUP > n d~ f ia, CerrFid quailit,, Riah it h -r pre aro~ lt-.48-z r., ptato iar Oc 32c 06 3jSALT 0> linm . Seea.1 ass ~ a4e 'et 22et eas i ql. 5 eIi pci IOC >> Sirldor Fîirher, a Crnkrviirboy,.iD hilie otn a vint t hi@ rint et Pir,,,E .Th ame% fillý i, Mirh., boacir a 25, ticket ina airffir-e iot-A Ntciitie r isat%. hi, n g fo ane uik arad onte a 11-p.1. bs95h er. cLc ep cbine. Lucky boy i1 - Kil-r- tAihLire cet-a Hospial, Gacipb. Tire Weît-ecaveî cto 1rcic 1i cc TAIL or Ha1t"nToseptr-c-ADoaldI Jrrat-t-err.of vaest ra gacaeronu iccrc-rcîcc TALopHnx oN P- pcnNaaagawrys. la hi& fIlIBjiryeft. .Tirafluai eeurron ir --rcc --i itt- accident bappeard tan a irhtre 0jrocll Lire fatrt, of P. Aias,,, Nelst na- caeciletl bnrysed ,th tuai, on Taeaday. cebile iireii a oIMPROVroNGExRasaroLim t 1hî azhttyrcei -i ci rc a il wciI tta n pi-ogaer. Tire arîtal imeon th 9, b eir1h1 ý ilidit.g Out- pre icia lic-ic r cc- tniicbrd il au aio i- t-pyirater pali- m n i whnbî- h ochrtwille , gat-. t toec ni irth irri lb-liccî i ley of ihe arparalor andad ttiait bela t-ee aTeVoke& s yLtCMMM ie' 11a- con.pletaly lot-noff.rire bat-Wrlta l g etYed. tire t-Ortà a 197 glaniceéAsemimnr c Oic -i9i paliet agmtiilte caieraau et-o- tertforfa ante Umt-adinlw po . ltA arimon ..g inie r-yccdcccc trudit grat vue driven,,14 itce. ietouarattaitlatoi) pt-o- Ino taa ~paudIpci rc lit na acIat le rea i. ia i tai. ai ngla r - ta et l . ic e p er *lie ek n i cc 2iîi ndi ifrtte Il etnd attit .'.oe tad lranbopt tabave Il rOP" hrle. t -ttiygrorec thsIir e ai vIS aatc, a ary ahOrt le. one 1Ia~ mi acmancis a eqoir- Jt fai i G~> 1E0. C"mmý- 11, N \ N \ - 1 i 1 oti