The Batterb, Dr ore jitut il tahed Wbun $uIo beda Lê u~ig Putas a Goodear Tipes nt Sai._ lai U.ToronLo. onNamiatuae P eh avo isale a 4-o-aeV M it l on Frin" Wesl.y onrtircdok.LUsvrk uaznt. lh. eeuswlhbsstajM . CAEL SA UR AEYTEREATI-eh Phne25esro. Salyudrnn n ea .1OlnicaW. . aie deo u t a" Mm Uet.eMîl.of hmlUto. Nas Turig Dligtassmothasvelet i tw favrsataw Leodas insfner siu Lala Guelire WEEK END CHOCOLATES 35c. lb. Datisi vanu, aL SLrtiatlle, snlîIÏt lus t Thaa""e,0, '" "'s&t- Ilere is a real treat in these High Grade Choclates. A gond .)'~ er(ment o hard and soft rentres. Reg. 40c. and 50c. lb. Weekend Spectl 35c. Easter Not So Very Far Off!11T DoI e forget to buy pour Enster Eggs and Novelties early and ejoycl 005 ng thinwn le the range of stock is goond W. T. BARNARD SPiHONIE 14 - - . MILTON '.. nan ~ ma W u .. D I k IAHITF stre 5pecials for Friday and 5aturday Pastry Flour, B' A'N"7 lb bag 32o Chicken Haddie, lIL'OAD 1e Campbell's Soups, 2 tins 25c. HE:ibjz Beans, ei tin, r-ao9tins27 California Prunes, m±uafl. 2 lbs. 23e RiCe, fancy quality Java, 3 lbs. 25c Lettuce, fresh leaf or hei d, 10c. P11,HR. CUNNINOflÀAM MILTON - "Quallty Always Hilgher Thon Price"- ivinztie's~ è Farm Supplies Purse Solpretre. Silphur Ca('ttie Saltg, Po. Gentian SPo. Aîsseed. Coppersu tilleer. Bleck Antimosy U' ihas. PoAtoro Pi.etion. insTa,-. 001 Tas- Po. snrPn R-îrs seave-the HôrnreLiniment. P~nortr@ ng Bulsn Cîty Dairy Ice Creani j Atonay n s tockt Bricte, Enquimo Pes,. Cortai. Dry Ginger Ale. SofI Drinks oflaal tinda. Ce fectionery ChIorcoate Bora, ail the pop. niai kindi. Sm, bar. arge bore lOr. cocsolat«eIa la aI- Bor- deaux. clutuLa. raraiea oreaascniras, nutL entre1. fruit centrée. routs 8Me Lu 0a lb, Orehard Fruita. -PECIALS I HyhmIla Pd"les"iaLB OOIe Rezail Reniedies IVe reomnsend the» remedire heaasse ce Luoon tIsry oill giva * s&tisburLlon.I White Pine and Tar Cougb Byrui Codl lis-r O11ilt hCrpaste PemnrtiosbLinssis-st C1ctd Tabltea. Whsite Lieiment Brossshiat Cough Rrmedy <uasrris Jeity. Digesilce Toula Emulaioa of lCodiLiter 011 Cherry Hart Cougb Byrop: (iciery ansi Iran Toole Dirugs and Chemicals Fn. Blelaeboru Insait Pocder Brimatane. Pure Saiphur RonchelleSBalta. Or-sai ara Ltneed. Pph ata w Hagnesinin Citrate. Fr. lab Borabounsi Leaces. FaT LsInls Oum Coip bar. LiaricBut ENuL Licorm Pu04Lssss*l Bluaitauna. Fs. Jamalra GI nger = Magulasla powodr asiqk Doudallisi Sulr tc n Sufm. Ps. BOx Veejiso Puce Ced Uvar M0 MhceUa62eu5uG hum for-100 is1lSpouffilat. l ScaaL Laurel and uni package of Nips t BAILHARDS Confetcmery Store. W. A. Farrah. costamae fier. laf t tuai on Thureday evenlng for Nec Orle.ansidothar pointe siounoua holiday tur.-Oakvllle Record. DEcAn-iÀLtonaitTuE CHAMPION rereicasi a ropy o an obtuary notice of the death of Hfenry Biagle. cso diemieuthLb.haine ai bis danghter. Mr. Mar Weagert. Hermosa Cal., on Feb. 20.h. Daieaaed wsonharoi la Maman. Germany, lu 1824. ami rama ta Nsew York chenulha cin19 yrre ah, alter- warda comiag ta Caaa cni satllng lu Ballen îouaLycIsre for maay yaarse bwca Iladar ln business andi ive affaire. He c as un expert rab- net maker. WIy not a permanant plaatiag of floners thiaspring? Bloomn ait um- mer. eaay tarcare for, no dsgging andi storifsg of route. Or hnying of esedss aach year. Att tînsis. 25e. aach. Or lis the hundrasi 16e.each.- Mrm. WiiI Ha- milton. Hilton. WHsaLxn ABouNn A BOxor-Csafi. lleaiopmaagrr of Lateview Farm Trulalr. cas ruauiag a gazolineen Sine on Friday lest. andi ohan the cheel hacamne cet lheatLamptesi ta onpe liLonth a smieL. 'Vhe haiLcaught the sack andsi iectIiag sod. atteî chlrling hlm arounsi, hrac hlm oith much fores gint tha corner of s building ohera hie -au bond hy Clay- tan Hachura. Lina arn caàsevre ljiresi ansi a gaih in hi, forahias ce- quiresi liceettches. To Hyns sCanal - Pl.*.i taks notice that the power ciii ha if So siaye. MarrIs IILh. April Jet aod SOLh from 7.10 A M. ta il &.m., andi Iron 1pinm. ta 5.30 .m. This ilasecesaury on arcouant of repairlog hilgh tensien ine.-Miltoa Bydgre Lomnnalofn. 2t A NEa. SEntylcEs Fin HorT .- Cavell Btter-y Servicesbau Insalilei a tacu -date vulcaniser. ansilasunon reayt Ltiraeofniltira trouule. Brout lu ensiange. alizs. reairesl Mr. Cavell advlses us thatliehasu- s»Wied aIl teLisa nsary e.iment ta givo fot tire ser-vire, tIs ime bruni .fb services whîch he hansicen in Lbe p nt on BaLLeries andi Radios. Ms. Cayeu informa us Uat hea.yatem of patehiag tires a ntirair diller-ra than Itluae twosyeareuilo. Tha otd- faionesi mathass of isartisg fitîrie ici the bhiocoutban givra oay to Lbe ason criacrosi palch chirh lhe gurasi tees cil ooiarthe rest of be tir-e A triai dili no douht conylara unyone cho la staptiral. The aMraIs meetng of tha Home and Sehool Club wiii ha heisiin the public srhooup nrlda,. March 23rd, t 3.3C n.m.Rov. M. ieFauai. of Rasa Pr-e, qnterian Cbureh. ilii gnce a tait01o ~~reand." The program cili ihagc hy Mini . Rilots ansi Mié teort Ir-om. BouRLAuS AT BrRaEMVILLE- O Bundy mrraigbar glare made as eaiy entry into thIaZtleponitcslles al StBreetivitii ansi gt saw hlU$«4 corth of etampi.aà ainasi amo,,nt o asra. 820 a reginLer-es Viitary Boai Pfus $lOIB, andsi saal<leds wonhà local ctizen ailadplacas inlutLb.oft e.b District SUparintendenL Gibsor an aos o trERelusihone arivasi sari] 1n the ateo a n4onitLlaFvinais mContabla Owens, Branptan. ansiAI rIon. sf Ceokoville. made a thurooîl sihnt the ilucesfor éina, Thei f isef made the round of LIse village fand itILus tatesi hay gKLtsevees cau 'able cdues. Beaastiby youe humes on the outi iside. onere oui' a faon1100 IlR un.ambe our lawns ame or somme' licIag-r-ihn is Iyoue gratiudeism Ila ~ ,asd you wchh a guos i dspia don tLgu nt sitcbMd chers tuaplant Do il rlglt. Bave o plan dracu am fuiloon I. The mai IllS b. matis tiou. imnteasof dtappontmhàt.Ad singican. piano dravn ( Ileequlrsm eguuamL gisan. ea-Mm.WIM nard Gor-don-Gl ora¶ O. ýeTaIse4o RmaeB Baùml f* jeuP char" JIl .saulgtheen liMas flus ga .i la. 5 mr.Jt3a eaoi i Et Neonywecis. Masl 12t1ime dsssîîriulî fro orsli, la»e clll. C rst.î tlt.1 lis-s-, Ssud s . loi... al nirgli.s i s-liai. Il thit iîr thni i-, icul lci al,! anf- îlos-i. s-d IL i-lii bl i-tsiti 'l"r, lof1 M.iîîîîî l-ii'i 0"-i r t Iiir i " it,,I Il u.1 . isig lI.'iî e and piI .- glîise.. pIlsi imle- Les.AuLe. ucioek os--e s!etci.. t- lot 21. N. Salat tose ctioseer. n.tofrm- irend at Mies AlI Os- tus.. 6.30 P. p.i. Bas t5.10 p.m. us.. 11.11) 11.10 pal. I frm any nourerld au Cattrale, 5of the r Nmpa y ln. Mr. gniç Ena- o f dom- slarienra I ustriai seitsea ¶1 ,ib»ANDSERVIO*o -MI LTON- PineOeeinbsa u" 090 e i-, Heruli ans imame <s, pb's mrlUS dsbb ( ani cl adart.smie O or ç e 09C -- ea Dprt -etwe are ~ Dg .tùhe latest styles,ýW -7 thdeinvite you to 9ur Formar peuW ZIaut. en o mm'of e1 he.JLh. . H"Borne: Beout"11 -'i» N& -L Thursdays Friiay & 5atoerday, Mar. 2s 30 &31V *FEUTivàL or TuESaBONI."x- A 1 i rese4$. o 400 10Hats $395 to $25.00. Coats $1000 to $75.00. h nei. FOuBR Sa_4i; hugu. mPhono NUSEBALYSCLDSaMu e 11.Hilton. TO COMPLETE THIE ENSEMBLE WE ARE SHOWING noe-ntaun hGeph ahie won"u. Apply, 5iasUPIO t tHoiery, Gloves, Scarfs, Ln ei n assd (eneral Hosial, . bcrgb odFOU SÂLE-MlebOar&d.narY neM. hadly malden reti7 wh.ueLletof Apply P. 0. Box 401. hohgwater overtuiiiid. It avili lis FousÂa.- pige 3 mouCha aId. , a *î Qc;'ste 6 merIweek bafarelle wllble ableto Appl Archle S&rI. eeorNew Spring IMCss U0oodSDilksS, iesetts d rmea ber du' Hosesands abep cllpped hi' machine. Seor PtrPnPit n igasd B îrlo.g O V tréatL.o havé beau lunLb.aODuubYty.ling 10B07 Boa Sà..-Seked barley, O.A.C..Nsi. @tores nallng obacco and i rgarae". 21 11.00 hus. Appui' J. B. MeKînnon. - andi IL Ia rumorasidna prosacutions phone 158-r-13. 'P F'or Men's Eaater wear we are showing New Ties, Shirts, di mai' follow. The agg.radlg lospeetor Stz Oà.TasouitSALE - Amerlema aIhm ailegisarloaradsg . s naiBarnner, 90e.bus. Ârply Ciarlsga &Socks, Gloves, Hats and Cp.lj LIsnsinregrdLugraln ~ MeDuffe, MlLon. Cap.OP BÂZA-Willl tbe ladien of Lthe con. Foa SALEu - Purahrsd WhiteLateg- i - gregaLlon of S. Paula Unitedi Church bor e okaeba,9e.adza pleaaae t ull oie tsthe b LadIes'Aid Phone 271rr2. of Lbe abois aongregaLlon ara PIaiag FOu SALE.-Pair baavy Clyde mares. T i Lu bold Lbasr annalhauaar t eatiraL un;sinra-leaneasiglléoae t f A I T R S O I week u Demclaver1. Apply W. Mark. tEor. S O R su.fPEDB EI> MrrrcI-Roy Wales. FOR SALE - BiHf Rock eggeao ol Trfla.ia oaigîL faal atelaoag. 1.0for Il), 10.00 p ar100). iog an au msobile iraehloginq tu A l . MBlls, phoae 2n1r-1. Hall. 1,Trataigar, ..utroi o 1AIN rse hOal. For M ilton and District. rnBapeadase nnenlapolirea Mgfis.t- reaLta o as~ rata Shlldes court at oakviîîa ouiAli drsLku obH n' wr Frlday lait. Befora haîag redeasedMisuyalToaSL L Walea wao reqcalred Lu puy Lthe couLa 1pA5INTN-H. W. Clemants paint. of tIsaeourt, 125.00. erandi dacorator, Maiu 8Bt..Milton-.----- BOX B&. EntilmaLes gîan ras. 4l Sec aur "Kneckonl" Sprlng COltS, dean White Blon- IN TUE SURROGÂTE OOURT OF wllh Caps le mtch-ART WALES, IlsonBard Claver. 14 hu.ApplIr - TEE 06UNTY 0F HÂLTON Your Taller, Millon. wood Couinon. phoaa 217-r-f. M Ito. o h Ftt.o E Thefunral51thalat Iav.ThoaiDAILr TuRiaruOT T ANI) cRCsM in the MtteretIcEcs aLE e Thyd touna a the ]ta v oras TORNTOa.o-W. Hayward & Boi. RH. KEEP. lioth Le'rocs, af Milton, ce *oy thera wai lret ota n n a y. H o rnby airphone 152 r-h Milton. tha Csnnty of Hilton. Lsuscdrymnos service in WastisisMeascrial Cburcb j Fo S.L-.AlIalfa neesi, arlegaefd cNod. h'b srbieh was conductasi by Roc. F Giuinsmare. la fual, sivîag umarean Sa oo 5 iearof a Rrn c iase Farrill. anistesito Rr.N.A.HurI. gîldiag colt. AppîT F .W lesonCsu u prnua hse lc 0bust. of Milton. Ri. Val Tilton, Bue- phoane 284-r-2. 2L- .attt5 » r boo tl t h d y scs.nrî ary, l,= randi Rev. Mr. Danieli, of Biat. FOR SALE-OprbeiJrî lc nn ssiOs STrnoIseCnto ' e P r rieranusisabla for Yrar e ta, -IdSor or thaaeocoi tJoitcdCiurels. Hamilton. SOnar.cockereln T r 2t i , Aadli oll s or , a.a Rya r oe- Si cmay u ul.Apply 0. E. Huaband, ilotsfile0 Li Kmp. n o c i Priacph. T.atre ,.rLefo a.ia dey ol Marac19-MSth-ilna&re. lu ncm Thate Milton, ta.nlgt pd=ne 190 -rtsecnra or tair clam. anis Thureday. Marrh 22. t 8 seloek.under peTATE8 r ANI rOSaMRSAL-A th utât. : e.aanrîcr.if arr . ai I alfriaTomSf asaies f .aie'AI o Eo 1Pru-faw baga or flod 1statosiand hrsnl'Lo- asou. .c once '=icanis s.oatosotoh daccli hytpier ofa d brb ies'a 00eof 1 LIe.hast. la Barred Rock' egga, 6U. a aatltag. nsilo._Ar5r th.2 1AissthO iaei5n Dot miisi iL' phone 2M9 rag 2. cese5nO th. petiteAtcsisaýhareto. ToHE Lnis 5N.'haFouRm XX OUSALE-2-tary trashavi&rreAs I .11. s&c less R aiin1 2 j Hydre Csmmsioce on geaiain tBosth Warsi. RoaL cary kcali .. .,-rn praorshoto e lIbm andi Coa. Tolîstza haro eaehhac r nbeailigiL rLyeApîvieil by oS hi r AtIthetie o hnt diO.-iiicl n elr aehs large elertrir ign erecte i n front of H. Dawson. phonea258j. roaaeslycO3-1hitosfb. as iPai &4)V ytheir elace of hbuiness. Miltn!I Fou SeALE Baby ehicti andi hatih uo)teic s uicon. , A 9hday of Mrrh. 1cc2,r. u e La . ue.lscn53 Main ~ reetcilii Lu cary attractive j ng ilgga trLrpnestasi Whte Lieg' THOMAS A. HUTCBHINSON. Li coming aommer. eapacially avery nr e, stons hatching. $5.0 SMiton,.nroe. cks2 1 a lctric igna onu1 le aren t their heot. 5M Hilton.-L ______________ tY Sa ae I r atTorfind tth li FOu SALE - A boy dnvlng mre,2C DssIlotatoahll sLOL tandard hrad, quiet ta rida ansidivarey Marrell lthe Orhestra.iltonlte.a.]o barnelli, cuLer andstable iIs -Scki" amn n 5 2 asorrow (tlrlduy) avensog. MarcrIs 0. K.Andreri. th e r. the asapirsa f Lthe Haton District tIOCmphallviil. UFilI»F44,n Ol9) iHolatein mraareClub. FOu SALE- Baakeya incîbator, i11 W l1 ItLiII9gII ___________________________ le No - B s.sw r p u F î.wA e . o ed LWo aaons ; a q atlty of A . - - ulLeeing olFORbFIRButt a g ýri.eth aina posasinIard Are a n aid ho health. Sast TSY ukha tf meetirgofiathe HltonaiA gros ans it  ppiy John Hardy, ýTn, ukha 3t toma teyel&e tonlbaJria.MilLto. ILTry a pair of ours and ho con- 1SC umn DeiFlour22crhat d. inc tmaire er ensfota e uilsia B ou BLE soea talas eidp oi rybuildn ThI S I -Pure-.bresi York nOon viuced of their oomfort, Also.Cesc phrseaend poultry bugoiling ha one importei stock. sdue te farrow Cickî:Sop- f- pnpul iabuirhdmtib s ooAnalocor yogDr quality and stylo. 24c .ach o-ca su. 25C e s a attl shs orthes in god.ow, dio Mur. 10th. Apply H. Haneial n - a tteilesu thexiiingori.dareon. Kilhride. I2t:iaein wbscn iia iEASTER-APRIL tb. FORusBALE - White Le bora baby MEPAIRING Chef Suc Fui 4Arrt ri "Send Ilite Wals-" rbickî. March 22C.. Apris 20e., May Sktelisud Scînnors Groud 27c bottsu Bea ~2 il--23c B Snd Il te Wale.", Ap Custusm aerBisg e.R,Fns "SulI eWALES." I rion pyTi iarliro38 RH. 0 ixe Cam Is-yCrta TIsehome of Mr. ansi Hre. W. Tirk- AiltRîineof Trucking Dona-lîca j Roed ilisi Pic l ipcuit mlsteseeo ol LPt tc uraitura, etc.. short or long b osae s-i.u I soc rict' a rty on Satnrsfay avening. Idiatiors e scinabla Priia.-Btgnley 25c I h 2 Seti 40Bc )n ch&~i isgse, iaAls nlzrd poo ,Milon. FaIl infsrm MacNABB'S SHOE HOME 25 it. 5..2c Sr 0 3c_ atertairied abouL LoentY Of ber? ysRae t CoopraGarage, No. 227. Siri1 friands. h ôm n as arie Yîkpg Oortai2h uazl a usa 19 ettaaORfsily dacoraedpfor tIa occualo1Fou SALEHomeof Oood SIos hf î1- varaihîs rug two.b for rherccaoulnol'Oase1VOO22Jara 25C --t,' MarinaJade s.r Ofansi a dalaLy luncbcn conserted L'bthelac sdnuble led aad nprlaraga leMILTON. i. tha balanes of tIs ervraiag hiagg p;u eot ____________________ xtninconcIs.chîlsi' aiandi ________un_____________ inlalylng gumes ansi dancing. exen i r. F Clarkea -hon. -~ ___________Rcie Ce TuneCK R ucxxtn.DRVERaINJrEojon no . 'ilJ0.U r- imu --i n -Imprlaanrsf oithin Lhe rab nI the TZA Gem Lye 2 25c Cfe aIy aa em ploy ai of Ise Trafalgar to nn.- l a 5 9CL.. i 1- ehîp uiliLlas commîsaiosi. hala aur. C f o 1.1h. du 2WC5 bh roci eaple from semrlous lajury for S .U P ' *,. LlSO3.lbL fl 79e s ltln 33C sy deuti onSBaturdai'. cheu ha vabiele m. ~U U u Ul a, rollai doca -a O-fiot ambaakniant jN 3w is te iIKK tu- cloua gothebaSlaenmlle Creat bigaî t on Lb. Torosnto-HUmilton hîghcvai'. The Liisk vciorackesi bayonsi repaie. ~ lis Bobo. Hamilton, Hilton BeloItag. y, hrll athesridetsof ilton fo ' ork ShoesTh N w Fod C r lr Blgh ScIsual and Ail SanLe Sunai' Cris ihiol seholarefor flicarThe New otdCta W~ oho le a paLlnt la Guelph Ganrai ag* mUV*UPh id Hospita, and wohMmu ailsthaoks. E E U.-> U CuIcaxE TusE? FOUETi G The greatest car value. Nwrayfrdlvr ld- Frank Hopprn0of B esthis car. Drive it yourself. b:. acatfur I bo md of q117ha We have somne good used osrs41or qucck sle Ci meu têtea ou shrgef odà eu ______ u$id udMe" et L. <'v fnleoner it)iou4snee 1-1926 Chevrolet Coëch ad W» fouind a M lassmoee oi Jh wBopb. thS It-han aouWeble 4»d 1-1925 Ford Coupe 2. « eiiWdhe~5~ .ld e4~ aî SI1 1-1927 Chevrolet Coupe l 'uuola3,nhgnia irs~e el$~ 1-1926 Ford Light 1DIelvr 1s!*"a irmlassproia*-A" ~fWehaveonh&iid acarloudofFORDSON TAT0- -j -l F-1