rt auet batîsaU d j,, tadIoteke acre ac e4Irek CAVELL 134+1n §Mi -MEJ Phone 245 MUé 771. SATU ~t*Kv TR~AtI ChocolaIte MaIlow Fludge Chocolate MalIow Fudge, a boipemade ludje filed wth iiasmlo.Rc .a b ...bi atacin Tccat PF"n2k.cM jwc et oc"Ii au eTeea M ",'.,timaiàuw. ilig niu.-n a. - - J - J lbotu ireii fiflireins U ew.ouSn- Sbleu"n 19.lID, -n- 1; _ i. . tanuecm 3113%sa WEEK END CHOCOLATES 85o. l. ln.glu tniu I2,3K4 .40 »PiU e.hn- cacwlll. Here is a real treat in thece High Grade Choe*teL -A good Mas!VIL. mlo ait.e au1o.-lbA =1 tidIBBIOBa nila r-l imtrent of bard and ilftcentres. tReg. 40e. and 50c. lbt. ilbcil Club wlI b. bndi OMM upublic em Mil- t nct a " gelu tul mduiieL ou Wrda.Mo r e i 1rd. et &30 tof Pe0cii Ticans.Mmllaàththe~ a. Ue. Me MeFul. f Kna ~ iiii au oeda .e ai-nb andOi saita wiib a meula c0 as Ou î i i We e bclau.OKUPts-to. n onaîEncilutbe an liewtb tbe oiew of namocae Wekend Speclal 35c. teilais b. vOl gnn a..t alk c, tie musclaIei Paf. mg teaOcnia ewà eu"»rl Tb poga viib.lvie,?IL1liaaTangaPr-t LOOK 1 Three ive cent packages of GGem for 10.-l Bl"S &dbdmfilecilt5c.0. .raPlcn.~ 30e 0111 aR Clcke,» SPrI1119 *g v co _______________and___rk Sparmint, 1 Sweet Laurel and i1p..'kage of Nipa. vlIkcaps te .ate.-AOT vALEaUg1~ie bougth outindclgtu voreer, alai Ue. oe. "yac i, StCii.7l TRIE SuERloGàTE COURT Corq W T. RAR ARD~ l Piii.m Miton. o Thoni.THE OCUTIOF HALTON MLTON DUMR4 tb Wei Odet ptaeIS -m < Lam I tin' i tRuiom- W .T B R AR - ulInd«n. ti1wOldU int idclf4.qgm yicl.9 uldi. ld a-onoxf Pi=tulahe bbcMaler ot th, EntasetrLE ~JPHON 1 - - - MITON covel. u laen qatre. ffldand = 1nIe l- ocpartuesbillbus. KERP. Mi eftheicTownaofI Milice. iu Saturdny, Miatch lotlaaed l7ib. Read theimocuuty of *Haîlc. a un drm ad.on iti pae.D" a PuNITUTAniT.,-4hrOwn t- dececid. nd. ce t 1.htampage. re cci S to-day tint lciahm crae a1 Th egular ilce meetiug cf ithe Joba WoàdScek. Whe ceaped tram c~asne ~ ahpn i __________________________________________ !tUeiletouW. f il hn bnd lotcte J1.1horbaccrosiamboulesaftolr be halliea i. tliai alï,i-tec- nei tic boime cf Mm..A. . ReveIl o benh e u tmed tauKhigmto uiutenu- ~ ~ ~ itnoiic ucaa .Ma. 2mbRnMui iIaay ou"Dnno. andows mreettlai thea ICii, ai Toca l=F..Cc n dlcl-ucodatlu eOeOOO" eci n Hamiltou, bid dled ltoin plint. ac.euendamn 6pec o mii bbc bîtoyof youc boumeorfaro. Ia, oala uTledy o id be ». mBiticc ci e cmUrne he mat 9 , ler ceuc-a ChaiRED & W ITEDita.-The Toronto dallien reetl 1frby Te urt-Oldf60 ______ puneftc~~.i ChainRIf > & IIITI Stoes Kcryboy mecain. nofaaanvi8ifu.m a h T U I u.v aoeoooedbbc estbaud ,iei al ifYs l dàiUauSIfor em.alcog fron ai t'a t___ n caet dcie annoueed te deah an fliurail& bdat le delÉe TH E o Mma David Bell. cfGocderteb. Thc Th yen mbo arc undelded wbat t UM r dtethe ib mintier aY deceaeed lady mac Uic mldow c i lofbcet lat r eotheai doee uaa iencie ei d vidBotniLoivll, kmt c t ,- jeet pla t, u.Ior a eret uou 0 n 5pecials for Friday and 5turday n, ay. et e cuhaac!ou.ih1 c -m nofoe I Xisob dat n h Dods oumme.wmluua i liecturme o bon Rcedpath Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. 68c baad ta Matlaiid icmctecy, Gadroi. â::ci. 0&50.-X.. a..aalton, Miltoic bautitn.ale91dcc A St. Patrck lapper sud cancrt, Pbonec28-r-9& ae.a Iit, hs t a. Il-I, m toedec thbcasipioes cf tbc Waeaan'a WopeerFLOOI aIe MAire VEÂ- hsMalien. Ontario. cekis ouy 5l. i 6e Auxliâry cf Christ Cburob, Onigi. About ninecn'luicr Tucaday nIi. ial rtccreh@e Aduiaictr. Bee-kis Honey,5-1b. tn 65e uitbl le e t the homecof Olffaid followigsa aftemoooebeavy doaw'. Beaty ce Frîday cveeingr. Msrcb pour cf cala, mbti c llcd thenStx- lelli. Scppe eet- i7 ocelocel cnme-mIa rcaita eneccuue propor T E NDER S lied and White Matches, 3 boxes for 23e cap Athant.ndl.Eery Us.gtore eakcaidgedon arten tBUR hady eteom. Ticcaiueneilibridg an Mcile arne PaoccvYooa Briceiça.AIev a cacle gi maerta bncI p sud 5cm Teders cell lierecclvnd iy thc unde- tblukie cf it B uiDs pcce e- o c usic th alieI led sb enc igned up ta Apr. let.. fer furnace a tbe buldings te givoley lock In ocelool ground Scflore Ibntiti of tbbcl. A. ChA(PcaLL, PEAC ____________________wintert'1Icin gl o 70e fty 2-S'Nec- fod homealndateit su cyry Scc.-lreas. mnY rae fer 58. ar at Cfiehcl. cllai ou tic tact aide of MilII Street ____________ Fresh Texas Spinach, 2 lbs. 29e Plant 0bn a t Mîlen.pride.- and norhiedcoMai tl il Tn BBY0HC me. l olKlc. A. Hutib n le ofieta lmet £W*ochadwanaresoe tare iern A YC C S ALLEGEP CitICTN TUtt0i DGT. miii mnyc -fe cil! f ater. ecoamenst tt ac Franco American pgetlare tin 1,5c rai HppXr., aged 26. af Taeoeta. oue~a lqdagcr. Cinnicute &Cblt In.ît Sp g tiW as arrnti. bhoprcviueI lpolices on ctitate alr I t out $.s ud aSla! -..0. Wi b n ora and B. Odrday et and e nthe Hatanolhiar P.1 anr, e l aanloe cd oun a oIonm. enrdaaeîlalr wmilîn trying tuma Mathan py - r.0 1800L 49e Magintrais S sIda. hardware artile. but tnne ne. 10 iRSTSCIO tlunt's Pure Strawberry tiam, 4 o.jar 49e ged e vtiPolcele tattadmnsfo i eepet e nul oc ceig e ___________________________________________ breakio . andwmsu cemanalecorac aly. ath"cf M. sud Mra. HWni.Me- one mccl. Happera@ fathnr la etrie~- MuInn ili UnIr fIvmontIe'.tiid BntiiegE t. . 0 ___________ PHONE Hm C U M 1 mc8tHaàM MtLgOs terniî agson au i-cul- cao Iceail, vIaobcd riniteo- Order er andcetodimPulîntmen tebayc olha temnlg. - îri ed troaumislta o f dîplailiea. aSwoddmiaiict _________ 30 l CD 110HA ONT. h ataatOaGirl iinI*itgwllgwIl e n feecd te a aarater ot g BNSTL AT QuiIty AIwa.Vs Hlgher ThonPie bh S. S. r)j fbi nidOuoaRicy aemaa'urti n 8 -lAER2 inppliî.Wl ________________________________on.Sabrday, Mcci ltAi,abS 'oce. uaiud aanfnty u ilo EESHEGAEGETO a@exibtonan al o hegi EoiInth aet ArtMberk-TH O[YOFATI. rea aid to health- lestier worl, oig aiid wool flomtca. eIWO plauleg ul marc fial.dcp luin SieS tjraaanS eacPsd OHelebn m= lmbeudampve-iBty1% pjoiA e ii Mit(et=c aitthte niteof BRfiIMrT Try a pair of ours and b c on - tianSlbîn frenodi. aîng aand eolte, Ile U l a. u m tBt oe iSarvia' ORHT lnae oethie Tomsilp fi 4~4S3tJ~NS3StISSSISUSUU3S tltcailtmiin eci the bitn~lnanl i Cacoy aI Haliu.vinoedM ftheir comfort, it.Te ilaIepmnt54-mhbgic nn.WccmaePriacena 'Theatre. Tburmday, Mcccm.hlacacomciNei-w*an ~inhe of Hae.- qait n sye anet.j a Ai AtNaiolc e. - le - MIsd ..Sece la- XuIgt la bemah fune and icautîfia cstumesa arc jinci peanc lett e lngt lbo.I SUuorSpaud ecei h ib i i.a .sIec h ta makc bhilaattractIoen ctertalciâm%ýt, = myseum.d = =ce"ho- goe by bbtent e Cho il. mo ot aibdt twM.l.e IPWN MacKenzie' ___ Admiclta 15eanS ic.Wby ect a permnaent 1i'aUIugfet n oca eirurhil:~.I~a laCIcr .i - OTAGAIÀN. IN AcÂl.-Wsn. Warn. lcamra Ulepileg BlicueaIl iu minu tc ý l,.c« iI See m cictaa uer tat m b carin i tglgai bmint<nal âge 21, Brampton, uic baS aevel mreyo amv for no dlhog ot mi na~L .cde br fei an in ePari enuatylail Baup- uao.ng o c to. o buyIg3 »h& Rmd 102,in 1er isa&» __________________________________ tan, an a char~ge cf mac accated Sab AU indB lie5Pub 1110e-e.enb. _____ifm u 0emnr&R&wuiI Haninilon.iSu. IL 7 B0taomtJee e. n!upn cauplcticu cf terniu Po u Farm Suppies RexalrRemetas lm inteb-lnnOtsumiam d FanaCnstalepOense In CRon tarie Halthe touruii e Il he a ou- tc Oina um eniaNtoa towa' tNol omrt MacNABB'S SHOE HOM itlels Pc. etiau b us i ko ge ia l "ive Oa arcSai -e ctppier »iofUTcricuucitUatricel n&aie c acbmW#ao tr cf ar s i iem fSe Sag',,,a c bcAnt ac mnao P aceul CPoppense ma iaTerti. v ay adaGeorgeton. RleaietbeS li" orSODnSES AY machine BlacI sloa Tatleta.niWhite Linicmaentnaa Plemng'sStok ORtee ac bmlsed ofb ci' O w i ltniair Iet mccl pl.ciitesudema LIn ar i -~au ~ W.LIt7a Bn e t o inimoe r nt. CheIryT able cs t h iln Li lm at ic f et rla Rcfce m alotila.rit T om omm fi ce ct' C uteo caga b ic rani o'l O c iiedy a l li G udtit b Potr@Hcattng 011. Itr~ City Dairy lice Crieam Dflg iChmtb Dry Ginger AIe. Mn oUt<N*e-e f S o ft D rink a f & Il kin d m. G e m LCZati Ce-fectiofer7 .Poo oa bliocclatc Buti. *Ill1118POP ed:n. _ ulan ktuda. te. ber. lfa L:aiga br. > Ohécolainaimlu b -oit-,m- Sinus. valcuita, acmoai cam emteço. mnt u" 0i -a fruisteafoal iu lb. Ob-lFue -SP»EOIAIi.UI cabafnifoc250. HMaaSyu p t; Il' I Siaio j 3 9 c~gEI Sardines 1 RuciroCal Maa'niSiBS 4.- 25c Iaaoh WMithe up n 2 3c> L r e l u 8 Ajylmer Beans mith1Ptk 3 .1 - 29cé ~ge 253 fer 25e Çofelae a À", Spna lIa.. mIen Bic g 11b"isetB3oaP hni Sos'3c Bi. lb. ti 359C dte~eté u va ue. Dbs s r ive it yoneree- goe ~ w -rgood uçed.9 j Caro ready for dellvery. qc k aale 4ve the ibn 'i Yety s flWOgtY1O of spi Wear. 0f b1 b ib iton and District.