Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 1928, p. 4

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oirdun Jacesn. .AL X.] rils.foadsoyf iitanem h enos"rad pedoebmtod5re Bast DhUtiriRayai ArclsUn rdPatate i tle A e& Rab dietiet are ollleg fac Ma e ehceld ho sbacedebuMs Aere ffrme.utted te /Canada imrpacte over 8,000.0 e gg.tramLbh United Statesà ttheUeltsd St.esmcly 1,7( Whatle tas malter with Abs Mhe cula(!.ofaiBar.i Farn, Goreonvaep MLIL. 5IL15Y. direcar ecf theOsadianp ootîreal, te,-JIvua sasys cceett. 801,cr Fcx Breedere AsmcA lalrd, biliomns walan d1= utl cne dsp Abs ancmal meeting bold et Tc 1 mt a trascfler rb5commended Pechepe ieIoj uit as vmeil1 Froil a-tiveci',1Iprcàt ree. 'YoolGeorgeton Ictermadiete wold mtolbnov mefor thcesainescditeniaindide't vin t-be grcup I amrnlaprfet holtb, civecnccgetlc. tonacd Actan might bhas 1 arn happy ta ccgatlais pou cnpour asotirer endiles argument mediojie. treccmmend t on cevey -Wbo Won the Wasr ?-Fergj ctCasion." , -Mc. Émery Lsmey. Record. 'Fr01 a-tiers" cvrrcame consitipaiicnte SnatOE101LY INJURCty .-Thre cature's sureol woy. Tire ilemitcid bis bhretonlathe liosedale R juicesofo ripe, rcsh fruit, ccmbincd wAlh Snsday aftercooc, NIAi@ Stans heaith-buiidicg toeics, getly and 'myrclp 8>McGllStraeet Toronta.1 restlro e aturnl iesetinal actin.0e, SeelI of Ostrilise, suffered a brait wîi th'Fenit-îa-tiee". Ttya boî-25t legl. a fcactured rigbu ecoanm and 5set 1ildrocits. tsred sil-.-Oakvîlî News. Ponziîa Forau&oN 1 Rit annooocing an inrreaseincthe HIOLSTEIN BREELERS' BANQUET. gasoline Premier Perguson s _____man wbo ues e ie igbwaý îCrowded ont lmi oeeî) cIouIld pay tiheinoct." The« tintrteierease rouAd; TIOr llioc District Ilolaein Breerd- be puBtrmoreclceariy aed tou er'Cltiîhield theultirai aenal bae-ly. qut e tic he ormnity Hall ni Pater. NcKw NAmO eFoe TonoNTre tron Friday cooclef. Fei. 24th. The l'a!erino omnrreI,,oitîîte provided a; MaPhaî catils Tronts ca caoltooIc elIIt I wicbticollCitPy." Wbat's 'Torontao dons t nsoitlformeîr ocoîhiers of lie Hosteiri 0e- O e'ýeboscdmilerails 13reede.rsoClîlîc.cî-e ,o.ts ton alarfe otleroottaesbadinefrrta nuei-ofewinpmtce" surd fried.~ î,îîtenisnî A tohstoth le Kng ow"propoord CttIoey politiral atsaioe ta by NMc. teglehao 1l Ponp on ""l new baredin for Hogtawc. reopîî,îdedt1i by thie urgngi ! oftic mMiton Bus, daiAy, by wey NntiîonlAeIiei,î. Tic toaet t-o Ourc ino. After Jan. lteta 7.' Ciounîtry vos proposrd by Mr. Danvid- Satnrdny 7.15 a.m., Il.40 a. te .1o o Menîowvcle and ohs rroponded m,. Sunayc040 a. & &40 P t,, ly Ilth.elîlrire gof Thc Mîpte Leaf.ltuesoHamilton daily ut 5h tîcoîll lGolloo'ny oi Ai ted tir oicg- itatirday 10.10 hon., &t0 p.. lotg (if hpeoe onsswelt as tic com- .1pon. Sacdays 5.10 p.. l. loîîîvlîp hîogof wiici folowed. peiel 10 trip tichets otdl f Tiîc profondi consiHted of short 1 poet, speeceshI-y tir Preideet. Walter Teane t arc' a tlcîîîc. ef Miton; VcePredcotliTranalS.Prcsbt Tios. Btl, eîi iorgetown; Ser.-Treas., - e belli onKnox Cirri erbi Frank G(. Stark. Mlton; Lornr David- 'on Fridap afternoon, Mac. 18t ilîî, Me,.îl,..cnnePnc Presidet of oot il ooeit of the fol Il,îoî tîoeo iedr' /olcey onk. aprour. cindy. îî,~t12 iîîle îl 8. ioîîn.Mîeinitooobacd-tair.Aflernoooc1 un . ltlrofS. ideiy.Moiceiical eerd. Therfîecy workbcor loinbe-wer prMde hyhiis Jsieare hotdieng ibeir amenateah anoil NI. NI.tPeelng and Frank Pet.fcyohîr.P .C jet ee, îî tîciiîlcI Ore flvn Itrs. 'ridupMr tb. .W Ci I coî,ik Stalrk.nuit FrankobHadldey. AFia.Mr tlet3pm littiecorr,îeIy cOlo provi y twoo A RAQO TIIIAT.-Tihemi '-oloe,î-îoIgenîîllecîîMec..eo. Brecion pet farco.comrdy, "BasblulbMr. and,, t1,It gî- wi ltiîe presenerd by tir Adio An s,;, o îwu., giyt-c îytIhi der lic peritocal direction of lil îîî.y 1,1Iiîl.-î,, I,,îo[inion Fi'eld- Ir. Miieoc, of Milton, in tic t. lof,,ctire I ié,- " ,-coAssoceia- halStesmrttoc.n, oc Friday, Iîoîlof u,.iol. It-tlh.I,tlîîed 9tîi.nt8.t5p.mn,onerthe aus I made LIIS 'lIîî-ly tic Bo.tPni Alhgrooc e provecn,eLagu bIvîediîCanda ihelastcat fcccyears pay wiiii>ctaooodby an Imp îîîd laidsti--e'oiîothe iî,edicg and S 8eaiog Cocteet for silcorc ,l-înoîinIf ilîgi-cl,-lo îr-irdlowedhy a dane. Admicci( ..lî,k. childrenc. S1e.cr his. Elîîîsp-oaker et1tire Penicg ________ rl, lî,,,îtiiontif 1Toronto,. Mlîoc'b a .ip oiîd tbe etani or HORNBY- ofllîîilîclass, pureCO iPC ndividuelsi. lie laîireentstrcssoripounthe dere- aihLîy oteductnth foulrniboysoand (Crowded outlasîoweei) firls, co ihat ley nday bafitted t10 he Me. and NMrî Stuanrt'RoirrtE 11,cte-fyrnitlîllontirferiersof o t ertaiidia age numnhcof the boy. 8-io ni,-aî,o toonrds tîiîcenîd pîîpiîntnasai,g Party tact aiîstn-ioll îîcgc tic fticro to kP Aller a icectînie 1on thoicepriz a,io Iîstoc lt Il Ithe Iintellgent boy grîscOont iy liordion Chîchol îîyti( e oîd of. Io thecoursecof RusseelKig, io actedrasjod li.s ttItIrCs M. Mralliade a y iertnch, aserdilu r. h1t;iorou il..î-IItctioo, bt ticoigh*ie cîî'orne, aby aited by B illibIbhIilî tieroir "Sanee tie lre. Saucdcrs. The yoongf i.îIll11.>Boys ad Gilslfor lic Frnîs' î'cnjoyed tiomîcicco ilommeesell At be ehî-of thelîrpogcaniîMr. cîcro anS pianoselectioes.1 iel 'îî, thle (Ifi,,îi iýiMaster of Cere- WMaIneerpropoedaccry '"NIIli, tcodecei tic vote of îiaobo for tic bncpit-ai i<îok,il-t.4 hi),IIîto ie t[icrnlei-î"f îi..dcsof M. ad Mr.StRoI thîiîî- tIwoî, 'V,,,cîo iti,îîîe foc Mr. GeorgePecooebfelicon1 ti eI,.T, , thlliîiîoSheidnîoedyiîtoeandirohe oflt l Ilt -tocîruae alfewberearmo. Sic wsiecdeg tie i 1111IcînC. 1111 cci iîddai] en,'ic,,en bc lipprd on lie tI l,îîîiî-îtîî' îl ottois For surfae. Our symnpatiecgoi 1Ih, eîi., tî, (i.îîîfry, verd thiîslomily wobaoe hat l . il I. o Iîflirces f,,y 1928 e.c- îîh atly. : W],.î,rc.d-nhater The commuonion service 1ioi, lIILtî ; ist ivoe Prec., Tio.. Boston, raghîend Hornby1 1iIîî, ,.o-gî lto.e2od Vie ] Pec.M. tilan hrcesorere wel tg .ii oî,N ,cîni:Sec.-Tceas., tFankhde.pite thecoid day lent Sxdal GI. 01,îk. Miton Ie Dit>ree-ctIP Tcîîi. Th ir Bii.day party bed ath, gr-cM. i)ca,îyrandS D. Piooe.F. or Mi. mad Mro. Iot. Dartin Ne)..îîî : .Watso, Toîîoley. Tboîoday ecenief orn a rai and .1iiiiii S epp, lLil)L EsqIes. elî agratcrowd presnt Ko I.ieClly aunitB..rIcot I, LIIIOfCludîes md tic tablec de0i toi.,il,:Nh0-agawIlyalyn . ItineCint, deopted for tectwvle mon l'a,, )lellIoIlle, iîîl Mr. Itchiio. î(Iftir prar aid there mac cioci Moiritr. feief îhin ait tep 10 get tudr Thi lîî I,,k o lice. Wnte)î Ilgron' day tables. The programma Yoîîî,, ilîeherA il agaî, în tic rosi, fond oce oiti tic Knox Obu', f,î 1,11e.tee quaîrtette. Mcc. MeCallun iîîoSlIG. STARKe, soonîeftee rradicgc, Minc Coul secCncry Trracrer. vii, Miss a Kleen McL NOdîLtO,, R. Jil. NO.-aned Mary Joyceriano seetiot R,-XIo . ,î, cn-lecaI îimrW. F. DovîriofiMMtn., ein hi Mis, Ada L-h ,'eiec.d 1m, Mil y, enoriled himîcif. The ton. Pvdna piendid lunci, and Wesey1eley aadded qut ailargecenuimtatbeir niv e,,oflhîkî lie. cho 'ono long inî %iîs,,co. hîre aon lalnksm iti and ma-JOHN MILTON CHAPTER I.1 rIn. licd on Ilondny in. Hamilton 10 OOcfnIlie.,pitai oltec a brin ilinse,. Il. C. HtllI, of PortNelson, bac de- (Crooded otlact orri) cioied ta Sorehi. nehk-tîe înduoiry in The itti îeeuei emcetig of tai tOkî le. Tic. lecencoey icooey ha. Mlton Ciepler, IOD.E, oui lîe n îîlocibed. and arrangemnts tie home of Mrs. C. R. Tirai areacen) y uî dec woy ltueovo tWThnrcdnp. Thc varienc reparte a tIabtille. o vrry sucesiiymzr. Dcnation made iî Abs Nationa lsitue1 Blind, tie. NRvy Longue. acdt1 iorc et Canadian ports. Tbree were giveri i tticpublier ebol RESTORED TO "a vitn~i~cstni 0000_ HEALIN ritan eunshtc ashldi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t h e rdo n n d H o m Th r e t c hA rt fcr 1928:th on Rcibra. nJ. iq eai n A -Mdlokmar AinlteASi minket up a theeluy 2112D doa and selle ,7W dcuen. Oenedm A 1 VIL CURnE Demas tuw"sa ua m u a i lb.PA Pasiom.-gim la Air. A ramrbab" ev awperaiun foi the oure!ofdeafius. vich Ai1J led mbbabd beusflsiairesa i ths mearlty 6rf cases treated.bas bas poeroid by Mr. Vlneout Nesflsl ephAbalmIe surgeon ai Abs Qussni Hospital for hldren. ltsrkney, apf ths Londan îExpIem, vhlch gos os: Se dlaccvered Abe nov metbcd 1i ladia. aben an cAs Sikh aaldtel tbrsetened te etar"e bimif tademi) If Mr. Nuested dii nat dc aamethini le ours bis d«feafo. Perfarce, Mr NesfieAd decîded ta perforez a diRA rauit pince cf eurgery, eucccoded. and seat the Sikh hoea lth bAs bearing f nIIy resiored. Mr. Neabield slnce then bas par. !crrned the epersice more iban 200 times ou pople of aIl accu. -The ImpravemectiIn the bearti 0f %saur patients who bave buen dcal fcr tbfrty yeas bas been asftceish- a, ' ho oritez le tac London Lancel, ald nocase bas ever beau verse af« ter the operaicu. In many the deef- nm bas boau arresed, ohîle In tbî grcat mejcrity the bearleg bas butn greatly lmpravcd." The oporation consista brlefly Ih emilag a nov passage întc the cavlty of thc mIddle car bobind the car- druin. Kr. Noufleld deeribsboy be Ors. pirforeood the operatien. "Onee day," he vrites, "I fcund te the cantoument houpîtal of Joîhul- Pmr a fSe dSikb of nlxty-live er more lylng on the operatleg table. Re rafoced to move until I liat per- ated on hlm, as ibis vas bis Iecky day. About a menlb provlcuely 1 lad extracted bolb bis cataracte. ami ha bslsved that the cueocf bis deaf- nus vos an masy maiter. 1 bad maci timen retuccd to operate, caplalnini bhai the oye vas on the curface anld the organ of bearleg hld0len at the btto nIofa loeg earrov canal cm- mldddInatihe sull. Lt vas Bbese isuselees that finally coggeaied tu ey mAsO thc operatîce. Va o as vepy bImportunais, and ead tederd, taken an naBi of stare- aJi n emc B operaicd, acd no I ask- ed Bbc dorBor babo 10 give hlm bhlerofors, aid operilcd on bath asra. Tbc mae made an excellent eSvery, and ornt borne bath neen and hearing. This hrougbt me îuch e tream of olmîlar coffereen ibat I dId eot i.o ow vto e pe vltb them - "I amn aliet astoueded mycelf. sOmetirnes, et tic Pehulco. nalO Major NenIIid. "t caus apthal in a certain enlier ofcrases, thepc ha-v-cbren wcederful cu.res;corne are falr; noce an voree thon hpfore tiîe hpepa 110e. *'My attention waî tenst dipected to be procaleece oC the diocase -shîle I was le the Indiee Ordicai Service Ic 1919. 1hadeerrceen so aey deaf eopie. 'Ocafîcosa lcduc tote eon-eciry of air loto the ear, tirougi what lc knove satic euîtaciian loba, vici mon frorn the tiroal 10 lie middle lBt lea ipossile tu cet 10 tbic cr- gan, and if onc triec 10 rernove tic icîtrocîten by hiovieg tliohtihti tbe Il oelp ceede lie stobaenre into a col-de-sac. Therefore it ocourred to me 10 make abat ene mdciiraIll en addltlonal Bobs frorn the onteroal mr aroond 10oie middle car. "Tise civra lieperson se air InIet whici fosto10he midie cor. This La deliae operatioe and etele a great pipilcal effort oe thoeorgeon. "I ose a locali hethetie and !bioroform aid tie opopation taec bool hal an boor. So fur as 1I mn stke out tales li te only definie at- empl ibai basiectamnade lu lie bis- e-y of medîcice aid eurgcPy in Ibis Duntry te produce ieartcg." 6.,000MOranges Sold Dsily. Sornebov the Iccaity abers 6,000,- >00 oranges cnebange banda As uns lay doservos a botter carne iban Pdding Lane. Bnt l l sas Ibis vcry eolid-asondlîg elreel liaI tbe crange lus In London taie place. And thle ale cf l6,00000 0 d oti Acludo rw 1,200 cases of Palcema and Me»- as& lainons, tagctacr vitb large mmu- Inruonts cf grepe fruit, applen, îlaes and qolto a lot of mistîsice, cm F'rance. Aitegeiber nver ZOt.- e0.000 veresoccd beoeaChristmsas iPudding Bans market, vblch mIata beoleder ihan Coveet Gar. le Lt vas bers ibat, saies "by andle' senti o laie place vhec the dhesi bîdder, beora a llgbtcd cas- le rsachd ascraincmark, tcck the oslgument cffersd fac maie. I sts.8 bu&. eUasl Ir rrila;An.1Ma a seuee eUSn - Mo. t 2 5-.e W tu ent, but g8iiusse out-the roumasie aB - S a Avm bd", revleb4 touz In Plerer Tb* rubahevey ofan ZPRIIT-LR iIeOc i aneist OUF la the tropial bouslai da1is nt4f .UqW.yAe M" GsLa emet«1a-lisuns ci-mmair; mi.t brbsdbp5015. 5f;.aAgoSda. tlre Prs. .etfgOA aa *&Mbw These roUes of lestc .:ii.siIn le 18 ath. iek 1414 d. duit r-ho lu on the -de o t redbsve ahh2u.4eiq Ighau dguroo. Tsar mter y7-r h Abs t- 21 coeitt faalw 01 B talescama tea Aht Dasrt. jungle 1"' gdand bush are givlng flp thir serets. 1fi.abec. rlier s slulO a lhbver. sleeping sAknus.o»» f r& cara 2ck, trl cii 28effleMr African dalb em makte reeeeremb vrk ). meowWl r. hAaait SffeH - dngeausAs anyremte orers of v..lh bager. 4 eylAsder gas pslme ID '0the continent. Thot le vhy 9sUltie ILp. ons41d%, circuler sasw. ohPol. exploration bs een carrled out ln per. DeLavaleIilu&-Meepreer2012. lAbodOBIaa lerlh in tracesof the net cles. barrel spraT ýPUmp,48rd Lf &nr4ents, Prohahiy the fablsd l .4d co gfo=nce.utkrc.24-a.sre -Ophir. itsYond e certan amauni of dais eeebai2 my1e.grAnd- vor ai the. fasuis Zimbabwe rtelce iaecri.na trou> poea Prâ«lcimY ncthAng bus bec duo un At y omber. 24 foest tss of encuver lest Cition ibai are knovn tae rl=cefor dc. oe ieee.aan ho aaang Ahe apode of the ex- a quantlty cf rem.. owhers, n porer. B -j. cai barreIs. fac wskcve@ At Iayasse. n Sotthemru iijdai, wh.trees, nechychea. etc.. et.. là there ane mlles cf torraced wafls HARUfSS-2 eMt -double harassa. y lens BS e lopes cf a inunials range. sec brtwchit& è set vorkhaome. nest Na arganAsd Party cf scientiste bas '[alge harne@@. rui«ler, ai.et*- lnvesiA6±ed the strange findji vhicb FLTRNITUER-Kitchen tableo aik gt bave been made there. An urcce- atee, Quebec heater. 2-barnerorcl ts.ftAg beingles vasdug up bey a a:tae, barre] ebara. cupboard. Iran nfermer flot long esc, antl experts bedsead. 2 lawe chal ire liheater. asreed ihet theY vers thauzande cf Poaîtlvely no reserbo ne tee yearom nid. The b16a11431les vesOf Dure farin la eld. copper and had-evld.esty boas made TERMM-AlI coaeof 0$0 anduneder. b crelfsmen Who undersicci the art cahi; ceer that arnaunt 8 mcntbVe credit y cf rd*ning minerais, on spprcvod jciltnote, Seud.neis 1 Zimbabwe h bs srbed tbe Ater- fericree mdInumbor cash. 0 per cent. et cf emmystars an" aiber jancAout per anncm off for eush. ctlesuAsthe Rhodes"n bu.h bave BEN PETON. Auccioneer. *boss let abuse. Ther" le a fargniten W. A. WiLsoNq, lri. ri lt the no fthe AsZambest rnuch_____________ greater thon Zimbabve.,aili v5lle Sasd brick icwers and laveolusgecns CLEARINGI *heva cut cf tAbsomIta znc. t bas issu flvlated. but Aat i l.IL tsi iis A uction Sale lest liy mayeocntain Abo bey ta Abo my.tery cf Abs cid, unk.ncvn gcld * vcrkers cf ibadosia, fer 1m191Y cf the The cedercigned bu bec instrncted by buildings utrungly resemble Abs arch- JOAHN EIOI * tecturu cf gSuh hArsabla. JNTA EL 014 Partugue etiemenla araecf- te ccii by public auction ai Lot 7tb, ton redlseovered As the pam foeosis tb ice, slqeeing, on c let st Africa. Juait priesta eailcd TliIRSDAY. MARCH lîtit. 1928 eut cf iabac buund fer Africe as ail1 p.m., the iliowlng. eai1 sAs l±ei cnuy e Ht>lSES-Grey Percberon mare 4 Abs cllear cf cas cf theso Medioval Yrs. acppcaed te ho n foad ta Orbie. misslans lntersstiag relievers fcund eI ercbercn gslding 7 y,.. gray a f ew yer@ &9-e& prieute private verbeon mare. »sai,aclver Plate, a modien fiver cAl'rLE-Blarh cv, milkiing oeIl. crase. gcld chais and branebtecb- jerscy.ttcistrin ccv. cal! ai .14e, black laadAsg canncn beartsg tic Perte- ccv. calfant ide. 2 baccws. milhîn gcec royal ccai cf orarme, eil. ced c.v due tm tA iq fuehef. Waye afier vave cf Avadere evepi bred Jersey. in rai!.Jersey-Holstse. seuibvard ic oRbcdosle or voyaged sPrlngieg. half.bred Jersey baler. le tperiliusly froute e oai st inyObos caif, Jersey belfer, Incalf. Hlstiisao tc tbe Afrlcan Cast. Perelan pttcry due bisr. 24. fat eteer 2.yr., ehoribera and Nenking chine bave been fond hu 18 meonthe, steer 1 yr. brifer t yr. As nome cf the ruaas.and thora arc bine heifer 5àmnthe. ced heifer 6 many relics vhich -are suppased tc bo menthe, bloc st-rer 8 monthe. ths van c f Abs Phoeeiciens. PIS ANOD SHREP-6 ahcp lbogs.2 lnabe Kalabsel desert cf Beebcan- mhearling Shropshire eccea, rrgbisierod. land lire a bravepeoaple clîrd tac IMPLHEETS-Deering, bieder 8 Mgke=ks.Prcf. 2E-HB. UScbvare, fi., Mecojrmick mcwer ô fa, DeMvn« Abs vel-inave South Af rIcan scien- dise drill Il dise. geerlue Dearieg hai tint, Abis they are the descendants Icedere, horse raie, ocshati sii cf Malean vba colanteed Madegascar tooîh cltivation. nov, souiller, Olîper 2,000y"aru ega, esaidon totahAse idng po.2 f Werno cchhtpcOW. meilan-d aad builltcvons near the Wllumcac pino No. B. bey tedder. lae of Hocbcaneland. MakalakaJacsonicW on wt-bbox.bery meana peaple cf the îsun, and tboîr wagon, light mari@& wagn 2ssas, artesare eerteilythe arts of tbe eut buggy pcle witAb hifaicre", bgy Thoir tevas eOder a splendId field cf set tetrnationtal ab'cp slgheiLbauer, rsscarcb.Votil Prof. Schwvarzsait-Bissel dis.ste, 1ralier 2 drau- he ed theen a year or no ago the .xist- rcr, fasnicg m.1,,set farm ualu 210 enCeof tis rmotetrib washar i 1sg.set hravy aerd barroa.a st llhi esc oribi reotetrlo vs brdy serai horaw 4 squares ceder shinglos. kncvU c taanYcn.-Nw e eer tac uiper. feris, ehavelà and sumer- aid-Tribune, eus er rle TheDo Sau. B ARNUIdH-ioet heavy tainbar. The otoistWho incomellil e asseut hearY single bersese. ut The aiclsiahale umplle tcploug bharnesla. Stop clears fàOetch. Icave bAs car fer a limeeaun sldoin BAY AND DGRAN-15 tons mteed dc btter ib a Isaehin cberge cf bey. 150 bue, cals. Rayai Bouer,.Ir adcg. quantity cf imteed aralia. An amuaissituationnvas caased F ~ U 2Pd arsaa rss vsce 1n aesgmi.tcck antther ilichea runad te ethsba mc sandng sarferAbsunelef Astable. mne[ table, Iran b.d and epelegae hlecharge. and I vlsruay uppesed 1I Debey chers N. B Abs righla caer vhsn he tried tae R 8Aî na c 2 ndudr fur a long vhAlO Abs mes oadeav- eu ,;over ti 5Rmeltt 8 maetld craid11 aral te sain pu»eeseLn.-but W"enun- on spproaed joint ecces Aa0sd groin ausceseunaiastleetdently ho tauied te eu. % er nnu Îfr" bie hure, The dos stoppe&. eacksjt e BN P M.Astit r. ýpe» ha he. luoklaali Abshecar, s-ndW. A. Wumte arkOi.n Aen vwith an éoqent Ilooknifapulugy trattied cffand lay duvu l.slde Abs al tesuail akucvseddthet doegs uuickly leiara lu roepgnsseb lplsg n &DUa-t-ola *@ vBjsmpup hm ur e h"su"he. h«» ait car.the y bey eelb.hseur A sehsm. lu a ntfot to buld an ladies ualvtratp nt Durban. souu Acria. it la mir els lare o.sen- padsals, o 411ft#,W.a large preu- g5eves _-«. « i-mm ,bas llxott gao u le bindel Ai ps ýhW1" Ski line view of Canadian Metropolis M "I of esiii tCànada, inos fortcaeseaalto posneni a geat oateut lplaygrosed thn M . ib.butfevstpitrm thcs'crday metter-ol tact wncid of teade andS comearce itosylvaî ry~s n svcpsascti ibepr andtcreveîry ugo le vter tîccet aifords.jàerou, il lce yfor the *acyp and cwift runoîfor tioebse wae thrlle MaetttRoo I111L ai h utomohdait ael imes. - From theirni wece tic camnera tue , hhs ýl -i 60, ltrad thesurouedmg dstrict iî obtateaito Man ufattuîng planta vie vîth Ith( lbsd d tefne cf Notre Daeeconcants vith a s at groainceeiator. At thic rt - I, use. hiss1Il~ ubIla Bride toeiring tic tctend cIMonteaIccit thtie'outb shorc, crossng tic t Il-- a" bhtAàwt~eetefIeansnowcv(ConsOinsNational Railwas p ptecropi), SAON of the NEW OLDSMOBILE SIX o mcv is A Asin gs ir,. nitc Une, in ,r"= mc nite-m cmfar'teg. e sprit crf to-morro iî ie its C=Iseis rv ymre thsn'amin mie isighmî losepue sped . le t r ive c tis cv ldcnh -- Da AetuoOlemeAleudrh ndAsasitt ...e and .V .. henv tbude y Ni=br rtltune rs.Learn &bout itshev e1rieig festues. ha sisncd A 5rl H.PAb .,sy theinrLale f cejcya it .n hr s aisfattionAbat bave beretaicle Adetificd hieh pritedlno neor h m te fcoso n - caS.AUvaaldrive At. 1%mnyen vIi kncv, ae cnly drivlng cau tob u . thel tht. ncw Oldumchllc An ndecdti to ycars ahcad the PAneCr of Loy Primc. e-Is MARCH lOth to l7th, 1928 - at the showrooms of Cooper -Motor Sales MILTON, ONT- PRODUCT OF GENHItALMOTOItS OF CANADA, LIMITED 4 010 4 4 4 4 4 4 A; 4 4 4 A; "A; 405 /0 A; -j i LLIE68 PUBLISOHI T TURSDAY ~MORNI. MIL fuN te dvmeace. i~ th. Ur mafR Kb. ANDERSl"', M.t). abfic. p1-t. -pý1 . K. ADERON M.D. IMR HALL E. GOçL&N[),MA. W. L. CATIIEItW 0<))M-I. 07110E sed e0dIInI. II DR. J. G. S[TII, l \1) Eye, Ear, Nosp Tý GI. At.et fil Ph- f.i, LEGAL WILLIAM 1. D<Lt eOler.Soliitor-1 M .-cc ... y THOMAS A. IlLTCHI'cS0N DascIie, SolkMl, C -1- Man I.Brec MII T, DENTISTRY DR. F. E. BABCOCI DENTAL OURCTE/N4 office9-h DIR. G. A. KIN( DENTAL SUE. I0ý -DR. STANLEY BRI DENTAL SUE.5ETý OffMnAt hîi.-o Ne madinle, Sîrgery, or (JsieO 'NEtgN," The ChiroVradlor LADY ATTEINDANT

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