Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 1928, p. 3

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PBEST-O-LI~ weliave jut instàlledEUup.edt now ready 1to e.careo01yourUeo. Iws Goodyear lPQ lw. le . CAVELL DATTErIM *EIC Phone 245 SATU RDAY PEÂNUT TOFFErà S Penut Toffee, a good hornemaado Taffg& Reg. 30a. a lb. .......... .........Saturdiy Trial Pdi c k. lM. EWEEK END CHOCOLATI&S 350. lb. flere is a reai tret in these High Grade Choclates. A good a ai hm . ut~L aseaul: 5~~~5?'U by~ e.t5 seU slla.va -e lý lausper Park ilieayfoc uopu Po"e l.. th . L iderd advio- e, ot side >uppd ihh naînooîo as-er tle ele oos- ,waitjoc their tetacn their oue baild- 0 eet. i- ara eretusary nveocuce of oh it. Fruai e aill lie a îdeighenth he veran- to o hall, 9 o ff to thu -t ils open iii Le Crnoi with rhair, teepin siih tis deiged. lifot andy nal womeo fi 19zO. ap- ndu ut g of maper eou!me ba van an- ver the 1926 a ijved~~e& Iswfk lW. will b. gla show - othe- lat et yles of spring * r. Unehf od'. mlm ies;Sprin g Neckwear Ladie' YS-" Pe Silk Hose ~ .~i.MU satof lb. Millon AilI w Ptt New epring satais, ligb±tly 11qui itïïM urSPfCIAL $.0.Specli Y his Woeh $1.50 pr. ~ EMD,,B'bô1Z.eàM Me n's Merino ljnderwear .Tnet the"quet weigh for aow. Ladies' Silk andWool Hose â t f= =,,%Shirta and Drawere Many patterns todchoose from. i calme *l 0mtine SpeciaifThis Week 59c each. SPJÉCIAL 8-1.00 pr. -.ahsasty rTe a a01 asW84 tn.q leeâ Mt. sua ied.m -Vcii farthe hmoadomtbeA ,obley yther vlsL W ueofLnlem;Oicotsfd us and l"t -e t. .Wilson Wecarry aful ineo ioem, icoh n us a bat bawu terlirs 1 . UrtrBSsi anqu e b '-Our picsare* the- îowest ru dep tubvLlai. DAreIi WJ.l Mpiît. ev L'.bb, or Burllnglci. ten gve Ti.wwl oustratil lectu r5 .if rea e1uMjlA K I R S O I fore the lecuretsh.e ad0 a ev e arbe la bis usualhumoral"manner. T E W LR S O E -Th. [adie." vas prooeedbyReel! = .Wu = as hlt:.M M sh u r. 11P XebtBe sew il L b.eeah&bur For M ilton and District. uthe lbeelbra options ofter- ed this pear theSa ocety boped t eaab tête M mark. Cjanon Nafier- sponilandau lexpresSe4 leboet amWgrstuod ie ousebuolthes oreatDý ulcafllau. excerllientpro- CONDENSED AOVERTISEMENTS. a srsenaioté prisea ta tbe via- BoAnasmu WAEIEDz. Apply ta lira.O serais theerlodow, diaplay sontest for J. Keotnut. or phonse 114 J. 927 the Prclgs termisnolpd w"t Lb. siga fNatonalkotbem. FOR, SAL-8young pige. Apply Ihus eo.dlon.g vbat as ane uf tha Most tlideon Baffesas. phone157-r32. enj0ybe oucceUfObnquet@ever FOiSAL-1 pig awrtksnild. Ap- beld la Milton. 1:se Home and lichool ply AffanMoOreit. phone 293-r-4. lub cleare a oeat sum for fia part of WANTED - CapblgIezt;Igond thecoiertjomal ____ 'agea. Apply Mndr. M. B. Quvland. L- 0. L. BANQUET AND PAST MAS- WANTE-A bond asbing machine, This is I ~l g:d ondtion. _M. W. Clemest TERS' NIGHT. phour 2l1i.S up S ao I cbý~~o- SLE1igander or 'iiiCe-Sy ip ea o os Monday evening aoer 200 mmn- ebag.atios e.-J. E. Meoitisoo. CoiiBrnl .2 27 elbes aIl frieudi aieodiîd ose af Lb. 1 phone 18 r-l3. rwm an24.to ti. 7 eMot sucasafi lbanqesc,. edun-NoaTOADF0 der lb. auspices bi LO.L.. No. 2M.1 DAILYT TEkflR O N FO Mltton. Aftert&Il haît pirtakeo of a TO"lNTO.-P-. Haysrtd & son$, R i o i lr p 51.pi 3 Isptosreput at Lyles a1h1 Hrnb, o phne eMieon Il the 'vives af the members of theWAOFoSL-OLbr'ags GdeSysp u C MalSyu . 59 Ios M. J. Carton officiated ne toast- 'vîtO gras-ci box. Apply ta WfL. Mc- -master, the toust lât bains au folowi :Cure, telephone 77 v-41. Mlton. Leilta m . 3o l tThe Klng-Propo" dby Lb. chair- i- .W 1ýiet.pint- etn sab 3 l. mas. Ail joneilbeartlly in siogise k'AINTIEO.W ]mnoaSahs~ God Savethe Kin o r and dcoratoir, Main St.. Mitoni. oSoi Our (lontry icg.uoed by Hu. N. ]Box 23. Eîttmnates gfoc. tq h es 7Î .A. Horîbut. respooded ta by Itou. P. Pua RENT OU SALE-2 @tory frame quality louis. aid o. 5New rW- Mcuiols.osse ito StlaWord. Iteot very IpYî QI.Blat Painte - 9c i L0.tu-Propa5ed by Oouoty Master reauooaisle te rtgist party. Apply tiso. c tina Chasu. Brooks. respouhlei ta by Bras. H. Dawson. phone 258J. slm duringLet.i Sardinea 5..weoiss..Ols 2 tins 25c tAddie, ofthe Lb.Beaodge, and Ernest HldrO is eite Pat Master ut LOT- 2 geeor. tram the proises otf FsyJaa-u rba t tin 35e l Ittodge. Mr@. Elles Ferrier, oear OampbelIlile. 'D.ion ie and Chateau Che e o iu 37É . 'est lisuSter--Propioad by lieu Jas Anyone kuowiig of tbeir aihPeaboot .et oui « .011_% on l.tI 4 echi.C-à1b21c Harrtson. respnndcd ta by Deputy pleane notity lira. FerrierCampbell- c-'ariniiuî 5 iî (jIacot er Norton.il. LOW.-HemnzSpaheti sui. 2 . 7 a ~Prolpoed by Bru. Itolt. FOi, SALE- Backrye incobator. 110 Philip. aepooded ta by Bru. Tboa Me- oed't osns i;s- qoantity otf s. hipa.5us Jaone.. iraPslp aod Mes.Mnde.cetandehowrand se uto. ala, bard Ris «'-,9lTâ,êFg 5I Ournr ssPP 01 _yWoslç sd sott vono. Apply Jobs HardyI tofi Moste Har uyliondon. iesposded Milton- 2t "b' ta by Ses. Wes. LIdsay. Harnby. lexcellent pingraus by tbe foilowinq feu omiprted stock. doe ta farrow oBr oe a 5 i a.earite wl bel plau ied t.mISU55 dApr. 2od alan cholos yoong Durbam haIi. 3 eyiia6rfe1c CaEl ,!dteeevebo elr pld tsmsel"ives co'v:due Mar. lOLla. Apply H. Bon »- er" u,1c C..p Bilyer and lroso ;Instrumental. derson. Ktlbrlde. St. Psi.Nias eMoutaio Bras. andl J. Bristow duel, Fi AENavy Tasse 3 roua 21c JeIY_-" 21 lies.. . cOliu ni T FMKe R LEks -Whte li born baby Rice 3 i. 25e ____________ il.M««& J Moallm sd T Moerr chcks Marhbý2C.. Aprt 20c., Ms-i solo. Miss Hrs.euaand g.Mraistow OCli-.'stmbacisg . Victoiey 5TASTY " Wriwed Tiao2~î M tMoe. autlsaalBsn e. g. Apply lu -LIer Brus.. R. . ,________ d- impreulve a"ilinstructive addresve ?filon hn 0 -i 8t.B ad onn e h- woes eliversil byHeov. (Capt )lRutber- "" ~0 a rS m.afod, ai BurliogLon. Bey p. Mas- Ail iais of Triieking Dose-liver vIciat r .m ta0a- d.hunes. aof Bosby. CanonUsatel aod stock. furoîtore. etc., short or long F1 eBar. 2N. A. Hxurbuts ai Mltoa. Aller distances.*Iteesosabîs prlues.-Staoifry PM 40c -1.pis 5 i tîtein a t h.addteses evstyaue Exardtphune 4", Milîton.Pull infortin latob h.à bail sntelng ta thlsk about. ich atioat Oooperes Garage. Ns. 2m. CdW en ui doi W htoatimulate rmg NoTC IIteprt b okamon the rmughWlOihePary e tGrn3suoity.e Milfn lgs. D!Zt 15Ib j. aentens Qxfores roist LeeArec&a mtana Le. o InM0a oge . 1a 'l sa&M b*eil 7 mht pleaue ruturn ibeesa Lulqh r ean kni s- able tu [ln.ieO' iWslgmoues ne ta b&MbauN custa urpalqeSP4fl,2 "-s. de teox. Ml'Là Esv. . . K. u- ad55 tarsa e frkagtheestrou Je, Sr55Fake 2 . ci 1-dC 11. O . S . o'wsuss bande tien é- gram lhcese lielBa cs er-L.oebos sou. LP.9, »md AmPIsE. P.. ta uI,.Wh5. '1T. ndn. OIITIIARIES. ________________________ U zaL11»d tt. wi.. JN W.t - NN.?E «Z UEROGATE COU RT 0F mî:'Ui §aIEU eeàbat of *ïiefor ~ ~ * Jan.e21%%, bIs ud year. lRs vas ~~~~~~~~~I, "isbae , iaieAd.lil Bam..,lt foniTl OUT of "ie tue.assýo t L.tatsaoBoian *I 34m Olnl 7c-f seile se edte the5ilbe s l ilo hes 0M oie lusheTownsheip (il î1W "d i mithi in tltL es. MeleshsK i« shs5tW.ul 0 01Z o. ttILrd ,i Mt N la -tse Counofol i în,e a aabli ilWnafb.at nd lnhut. Are an aid to hoetlth. li.dcm ou ~er h nLf . sia e nsil t a » m - 2Mo h ,a gi ires u r n ,tc 0 ~ Uselao~i!~ Ioata b Aeth enjmty Try a pair of ours and be con - - 2-" t~ ~ o se~n-t ~ ?f~X1t vinoed oftheit cdmnfort, us Me .1iJth .boay, Ic2X.î oehs ii : -rW u f ty, and style. UV t he r r iioiuic ahi tnttrior un e l ae reiln u.isL..aiiefai niu ne55hsud sd- * *. 1F * -i -i n~, 1" t il .îtinment of Lrd and uot centres. Reg, jc. aa and 5. t ---i- -" -am - G âp Thein isiof &e.o m b. s~ Weekend Speoimi 85e. have beau undle vay lorthLb.purobas.m et bta.i .tul i la o the raut Ion, andI t làaDw nova- Bie ornDoisepa ai resowy. ________________________________________ nounuesilthat Lb. dibisbees us019- ise Womwn' ebaxi Clubare Et. NI ISONI JERSEY MILK BAR, the 1espain cboo- : - ~ l ~h~ sregini ta hl a banqnet tuLb IIL IIi r moade, 5c.bar FREER wth evcry ourchase of fivu c. 11M.0. Bratola owLiei b or Mdten n l sue ofthttper.Whh olrs Wth for wiîdow diapiiiy. 4.B. <Colemian, s-nila t a r aeI ux suea hs asr Dn onMyWô u .t et h muRselMr teranMn» m by a Trants man. neies.expires Mr..andl Mn. . aet. anal &uaI ~A *R ARDnev concetu vîlI taesoser Lb. prop- Darvldsu, aIl of Kitchener. «peuttLb.à W T . B AR N R erty lmmesately. TIhe nvepoin y vesk.ud ite Mr. andal lire. acticaptse akng seveat changes. Daldsan. ~ PIS SE 14 - . . MIL.TCON- ni pide an sp-to-ilste bathing ftornby W. I. wilI iment at the bome 12 NI 14ash. of lire. B . Wlsaon on WeilpedaY. f SPRINtU MILLINEET OPENINU Matge. I4tb. at 8 p. Huil til, A beau-9 st;lMISS OAROLL-An unusllY tiful tesught tram pressar POOtry. _____________________________________attractive dsplay of bas for Isuie' m. Margart Gemmell. wbo bas anal mima..'ear vill iebovn. The b..u 111 fa.rLb. Pont is veeka. bas latent aavelty, baand »'"t amatch- fuity resnvsted, ad bas reeumesilb.. e l'hand aelbats tfor bth matean Mdd tent thebise co '~~~a"a ml/LIN I.lasmisnthLb.Legisraulasthnt styles andpuicsaoa Chain k Frfasiandatrday. Mar. tisee. W. do tels vork quickly anil I _____________________ __________________ te andl lth. t ltes arrolis. Ail veli.-SEEIixASa SvODIo. Mluton. .u are ordiaiiy Invlteil. At the nosmaI meeting af Lb. Gaond Swift's 5kaiI Picnic Shoulders, ~21c lb. LuoK :OuT voa HanIx-Il a hsy. Ioade Association, bellat Toronta.H.a ___________ mart-anpearsag. auper-hlgh-pressute T onuter, Heeve af NelasonTownship, PEAS Cooking Figs ouîBSnmal ffertoîlet youIooofutthe geat- 1ceayflaiutHg Icar \roLîkid cud huce ,iliy hopens est tbins ofuttheeâge, ta meil pou a voil- ouThebiiade fipa.ene fyHut lSnlar Choic quaity hompon'a knuvn automutive il very muis be- yull be piessed ta lests bat hi. tn e-« No. 4 îlot, 2 tins 25c 3 lbn 27e 2 lb. for 25c taliLs markt prise. drev bin 0ercnuering tram as upetatius for appea- t bok rail. If you vant Liat ocisad iL dlulLli .. .. ......... ............. .... . .. ................. . . la uns af Lb. bush. makre aura ut delilu- ery beoeyo c edguda aay trouieMr. H. L. Shsermsan lu vislUJng ah Maple Syrup Gne up Liquid Foor Wax ts aa-are aeb thesld vtiL.hume of ber brother. W. 5. tegrSup e iuohtag e silyery rator. Humas. Niagara Faits. Ont.. to-day. Prerand hi k jobosona tOus peouct ut an age uof i. wbere ber esthe. Mes. Roman, in 2 lb. 25e A RARIS TiLAT-The bumurouuî 3 ceiebeatiog lber 88th birtbday. Imperlal Q. 75C fiait Jt. ize 39f ret farce-uuesedy. "Bs-hfib Mr. BobOs HRASTER, Aprll 8.-Bave . .. .- .. ..... ............. ... ......... .......... . 'i b. preseoteil by the Atos et yu ut m eI esra ysye under thbe peesunalditrection uf Mr.A. yrSnl0t .reiacarle-r.,astle, Magnet Tes Red River Corsai Pare Lard B. hillisan. ot Miltaon, In Lbe tGrotcaly-At hl baiL 5te'varttavs, on Lrday, liarcE YTour Taller. Druasoel The 00w breoft i ud DUPFS 9Oh. ah8.11 p.m. . noder the aupiceo EX î.Wil sbrvy Ailiecu Impoveent eage T ail un ber sîter. lilas Brandon, West lb pkg 59C 28c pkg. 3 Ilb pkg 49c pIs-y viii b.e olloveal by an Impromptu liary Street, yesterday, Mes. Frank lovei by a dance. Admisionlu85Hi- sba"s residesce bresskng bier riglat Head Lettece Fresh ToMatoees NCW Carrets ubîiliren we. Ses blst. HniTa ip. B"maiirNWAimrw Ro r AwAED5D LJoTRmAcT.-Tisa santeaut Ileuil or l FL ()ElDA TEX-AS tbyiarai-Beamptan ms-i bave an.'v ta, building a ne'v publie sulool eL 1 rnitrty oMm c.àasthesrecasmeniatiuus Zmer , &S. N.8, Nesn. bas l1oc iacb 25c lb 3 bonsces 25c o te rei dg and grandijry e> te wred oFrnanae.bui ah tee Fai sie caiteil for certain andl contractor, of Waterdaws. ~0 ~ i ~ A * ONT mproveiaentsoa t ieprenaent building.1 Ha c W1NesHAumO" sot oboolete Lyps ut archtecture..foui yoursell eatiag uses-p aanay. Ou. KT leputy-Reevs James Hama'vnrtb and - i-J y late.best Lo iebobs-i. Sold as Prceb is Commesttee on Count Pro t fsnsy xboxes ebl.-She.uaa'a Wbits l"Quality Always i-gher Thon Prce pstlia visitt iltn tbL v rM Mlton vers grealy Isipressed i vtb tise AISoTHER Nav ELuLIrIC SiS.-J. esalwyoBs u ofltas uunty M.Mackenzie. PresldssLt ftbe Milton - ngsiviianever for many yeara to Business MenaAscain ubl cameBapo ase. nevç electrie aigu plaesIn lufront ut bis This cmeBr atota youle. idrug store. i lua alarge-siseil oie andl ,;Tte aoeetbil nnvel. something nsw. A SL. Patrick socal viii b.e given os ifi renda yul glus yoonemtsing Frlday evening. lMer. I1 t htee Ades llm"aiicltra.home aIflir. anal Mes. Nugent B. Sn.- Anotst vi~lnte amalrl reh.clair, Nlaon tavnai .u l m sie Ths tada..' Aid, iiteé gnetinge mntaof eseerman Oucslaies'Aid Fu1 e you ii ~Socety. Gooil prugramn. parmi 1de Pee m yu il onleInyor wnsale, rlresiseents. Yurar e td tertbiay paty. Admissine25c. and le. la ýf cK en ie s Na mlerttubw aid. no u stteebuv yuaint We wvilcicalsliy wioeae ever ue CHAOiOED LAoNnsn.oan.-Tis Gibso At S. Paul'. Unitedl Oburub bCoouýl-ous ah Oskvile basc h.W l Remeies Adumiin 25. uiananlbis sou. A. Pscet, FaMSPlies Rxl eis pTLaMglrAttee.hi aew virtle eivli anan ldi p o. W rec m m en thes k ao .rto t isesp epl - fko v ilhe te Pure Satetre. , îh W remînbheeemdr iro anda. RHal -I M-% ue. andlti.ta (attle Saits. à o Gentiali becsuse- vs no'v teey vili glu. bale a Lusilusbt veek. l. B. Comp. Pco. Ainosal. Cupperan satisfaction. fi ilin Smith. oa iondon, vas eleste Bars Goull'a Danse Orcestra play O ilefer, Biset ntimniWhite' Piar andl Tac OuagisSyrup tGrand Firet Principal. A»aother for eurnext admusor pay. uVoIIit bo FoAlura affe" usn sitel vrsHE.K»P"1rYim bJmaepe ' P.luuii Pi n Tî i u le01, oilhh Ores*,istulP <2eing li H n . AIm, as nl~~.ise.' Po Pirtiobe îTîar, -r P.llaislog liMB1s-'anvas9=y For PaOma lsl as 001raO B"9usyoUr Veterinar Cl ba-ho . gL v bil i met Gan uelen.at <f tise Iamil- Barbe, Sisap. a. ta J. &Émoua7tala Woiple. eue only the Bruachiai CugbitRiidy an Dittiot . . omSp. Garoicn . phone 55v.. Milîton. ~Spurestduu isîrbJeliy. Dlgftiiu.Tno esIi i okil.traey~ M.and MmH. IL Thomsas. Faise $Fleming@ stock Reiuieiea. EmuInlOUaof LiaI Live 011 litltos.sd Bupilntenaelsoo-vsrBuearTrsé zoic Sa ~ve.tba.Hurne. Liniment. Cherry Bort Coufg b Syrup ta West Districtl;IB.-IL Oom. H 0.viev uew= n f e ol d Gbalsantic Baisais, Leery an CTuicMei . 1oretWi. Gak enzie. uar:bil. er, M ÏstllMi, lau Porteru HeN-iiog Ohl. __________ .B.Oep .M ak . AltM l. 6. -------tan, vas appoisteil s-Grand BsEUd. U& M& A "U Ce""U"", Cbiiî ~ctni.e Bc. 71M City Dairy lis.e lIebeam ii5s Psim t vLlnuslr igsi alnm Aivin n toc. Bimton. CoiSlon iiM T h. action Ésoy ëquimky. l ~ CornErecttomef BrcksEuitac, a ias PCo&b*abOb = .»Zrt.egs0 ular kindis. Oc. bar. ove Dr da-a.vinuts, Ae i hefilee ot Dri nkrsof91 eu" " il s. nn ny

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