Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Mar 1928, p. 3

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1928 Ras Given Us Borne Ba Ml Good Radio Prog rarne Il snoct 100 late 3et to have that Radio yon bave been ~~b*U5 em5U w -îý,derincg installesi. lonouosciWmtot Tueeday evenlng. '1 c new low prices on ]Rogers Batterylesa Sets should Toronto lea" t.sng l L( % ry appealing to anyone considering a new set. &= dZtb e fHoruby. vieited I ut lis leionstrate one of these wonderful Sets in your1viMmtD.srepues. rontModshmfom fi eL of charge. A phone eall will bring one to your i trip tu Vancouver, H.. Mm. M. E. Nixon bas laces. confied to thse bouse tlrougb ilinees. New Stamped Lisen1 Embroidery ika and losse.-Shermass'a Studio. CAVEL BATER SER ICEMie liii Stewart, of the publie~ CAVEL BATERY SERVCE chool staff, epent the weekesd in To- routa. phone 245- Miton CîsOda MaE&aarn. of tbe Bank of Nova Seotia staff, oSaiu., epeat Sou- _____________________________________________dayua ieuhoume bore. Mise Clarice Walker. aurae-in-train- --ingat Toronto Gaueralilaepital. spent -jSunday ut ber home bers. Mis S. R. Slows, who bas been via- SATU RDAY TREAT! weeksa <trnd om.fo Mm._Water_____ ,of Toronto, formrrly ofMilton, arrieed hornoast wrerk tram a two-montbs trip ta thea PEANUT CRISIP WNToMntPiza-r.FD Dewar won lotand ird pc-ie iathe f 1'ai 'ip ood honsmnade Toffee. Reg. 0. a IL Toronto Mail and Empires@ ad. scitiag eoalat hld la8tweek. f ......................Satuoday Treat Prîce 29c. lb. Robrt Randall. wboudereesias operatios tor- eppendicitia ai the ides-n - ral Hospital. Guelph. on Monday, WEEK END CHOCOLATES 35c. lb. is sing as well aasau b espected c Mm. C. Hanley wishes to tbask ber i 1 1 r al ieat n tiesan Iligli G;rades fYocotes. A good frens and noîgbbos- for kindaesand' sympihy exiesdsd ta her io ber ce- iihaI and >sl t iîi t i eiis. Rieg. 40. and50c.lb. sent beeaemet e deaîbof ber brother, Finlay MsCltam. Weekend Special 35c. Cowaas Orr.-On aseseset of Used __________________ large amouotladveetising ibis seek Beenral locl nsr.tems haeboas N tt h N-~tEtEs l .KlIIt he es ltas hiic. cded ot. Tbey will appear seat w. i r FIRE intli every îîirchtass ilftI e 5c. wee \ý'PL .1.fi'l dispay. AINTENOIf. W. Clemecta. pet- er and de irator. Mais St., Milton. ANDTIsER NEW ERien-Rcn W T o m 'i.u iuArt Wales, ose ofai1ltons a v- bre l ITN busaness men.,Isas bad as attractivea PHONE MLTON triasga plased in frot of is _________________ aairig establisbhment. CanREfD & WHITEf stores kv lp'tli GranuI'itcd Sugar 100 sack $6.59 Pancake Flour Pastry Flour BEEKIST Ann Iiii ja s ELliX LS BRANII HONEY 18c Pkg 7 lhbhag 32c 5 l b pai 1 6 9 CATSUP Orange Marmalade Shelled Wainuts '1iE BRîtGIANDIl NHERIFFS-i ýcpîy qiîaity QI boulle 21c 4 lb is 65c 1 lh 49C Floor Wax Sockeye Salmon PLUMS IS i Hic ýNDi BRîv G-AND Gi-en ggtcie (1Ri% I lb in 37c flb in 24c No 2 U15 C 5 Head Lettuce sunkist ORANGES Grape Fruit 1',iii.ltii uliaet asnd juiciy .Fl,'lItlDA L arge hem bhail 10c Medium oze 45c dhz. 3 for 23c POE R. CU N NIHG HAM MILTON 30 OT "Quallty Always Ulgher Thon Price"ý 'MacKenzie'si - Farm Supplies RexaIl Remedies i salLpeitiîrn.. Suiphu W~ie reîiiaisend terree:,ig i i 'a iinni C3pperos siti-tastias. - ~ ~ p Âuugs IioAîîon WhitePienuindTc i Sy , ( , " id lira-. 1 iiCi e b lîig ia yiuii \tericio r Wri aiit. ib n ~ ~~~~~ îîiig-Siinb trrn i TraaabetaI t e LinLmc nt 2 î-iî LiimOetnt. CheîrryHariCagh Sytp d.iii1iai't(iairuticANainri. Ceerp atd lîaTinic c ', tu'Goal.nagOil. kCity Dairy Ice Cream Dnsm hmcl PoF. Hellrbora, lseaet Paser - Alva Ola intck. Brîmotaone. - pare hoîphur j I;-i uc.iima Pies. Castes. Rtaelle Sata, Cc-ase Tartar 3 Lisseedl Phosphate Sasa lt lra Giîrfsr AIe. Msgesi5il5i Citrate, a ene3 k Nîii lrian al LiI H un-hasd Leae. po. Liaaiice -ý,L1,ik rait i Hs um Caiphar, Licorics Bot x., Lirirca. Po. Lcseed Bloastans- c.ppoFi Conf ectionery Pa sa &ea iaer. adaksat fl= delIi.is, Saîphateofa!Zinc Choilni te Bais, als-e Pop. d:zn, P.. ihuarb tarns. 5c. bar. Saffran, Pa. Nue Vomiem Lange bars 19. pasCddLiver iLI ( hoionaa in baL- Bar- iho--ax,.- walaruta, ..airael. IMscellaneous "' Geodi ft ntresfro, n35taft60e lb. Oraa, Frits.t SPECIALS I Vnli a Pare Catila Sosp. 8 cakes for 25C. Hits lSyppfa! Brehaund (aîrgh Srsp, reg. tiS. Special l9c par boutle. Ahwells Cal LiverGil Case- pasnd, Reg. 10.00. Specisi S9c pe boutle. Potasse Iysi Choride cf iÀme Diaseand and tyota topes Rit. sunset. Tvwlsk anda:lk& Son.p Dyne, Lyscl. u ia parmstdebysle, ltarelle Anht ,st ,stOu Spirit clasplers Csad lesr 011 fer Vetriisry use. S serai Spirits Ni tre. 01OIt a Soap Liniment O(li PrJiItI clinicat Tbemersuuiti. Syclnges laenb Niîpples. ÂAbseib-t 00"- m Bandages. Adbd- eTaPe PorossuPlaitia. Ulis ypb055 Sewinag Maciae. $5 placea sen@in polir home-the balance la easy pop- met.-SHEssanAca STUDIO. A. S. FPaster. rditor of tbe Star, bai bees eetd cbaresaaof tbe idabsîlis Board of Edaatios. He bas aiaoheea Petetd Preidet cf tbe nerly-oca- ied Nes aClub is St. Jobs tiUnited Cbsrcb. Na--ILS- CJersey Mik Gar. the beat plain lbîînniate Bar made. OGsi. . lîar FI-LE wiCbea-ry pîrciase of fi- 5ic bars. Wateh fta i rowda display at GAIt'AallinS A canaîn of tbeVillage aoflEden Mliliaaand viiiîlty tonasireaallicibrs for the itallatin of H-dca Etentrîs powerliai lierai serp nîîoeesflasd prospects are tîrîgbt fan, rbe eamuie- ton ni arangemns a nd tbe buîildisg nf tbe liseercle la the sommer. in ls ai-nbh tus ibL..0. 1- Nn. 23ý5 wiiilalld ibsieascîîat t'aitMstees nigbt and baaquet. Aliriierabenici 93KS arereqaested to attendriat7 pria. sel'p. 2t 1 Me. anid Hra. Albert t,. Patteran. Milton. Grt.. aaaarrscs tire engogs- tuentotfnitbeir daîrgbtee. (tara M. A , ta Mr. ErneestL. Pries, saitfMe. andl Mca. Jas. Prise. nof Hccîiia-. Ont., the marriage ta take place i1aietly in Mrcb. Hans Godarî' Dance Orcestra play foîr pair exst danceair lpliay. Vialin. gritai anilbajoainiiecplearesrcery- body. Far particslamu apsia- ait O. K. Barber Sbnp. ar ta, J. M. blarîntaîs. phone 235w.. Miltan. Mc-. and Mes. T. A. Leslie. of Streeta- vilanssanre the engagemetof therr nly dsrgbtar. L.illias Grîrilla. ta hie. Nnrmani Oscar Cook,.soa ai Mr. and Mes. Vitiianîi Cob, Isliagtas. tbe marnage tn lobe place ijaietiy ini ('Iorie sanie. Nnosats sesed foc tIre iid,-sphLtiung tirese-aet eomedy. -PatiyN MLae. Tbiaga GHum." gireri bp tbe Young bXccstra Mirsiînaary Soc eleta-. oinmoxPreshytecias Ssbaal Recru onaa rîdaa- aigbt, Mas-ch 2trd. S. 0,E. iN'acE.-Tbo, rachre and datnce. gises iy tberu5radaiesi- bers of Trafalgar Lndge. Sons rît Esg- land. ia tha taca hall bsre oa Priday 7eesiag lsat. ws agrand iairss. the atteadansa lîeiag large. Goacicrius cmS providad by tba Troua Orchestea. Cama ta the Prineeus Theatre. Mi]- tos, os Mach lStb.and hbritha mus- ical play, ihieceiinsathe Pirsaa. or A Tastaliatag Tiagia." presented ba- the Maustain Cnion Choral Clasa. an- lai the direction af Mia. F. H. Russell. Full partisslare liter. S-casEsMVILLE Scuoor. CLOsai.- On Fridap tant Sic-artiule hrgh and ptiblin sbaal aatboc-ities deciled ta nuise tbe sihssle foc-as indelsoit par- aino aa it of!the peeeoa aot sac- oral cases a! ararlet faner us the hamac afhbigschoalestsleats. Asnumbereof casofaturmpltehave alss bars repart- ol. Theanassal St. Patrirba ibacasesell hobaeld is Knax Choch secl-rooum on Fs-iday atternoan, Mai. iSth. The haothc twill constaet o!the follawisg fanecy oaîb.aprasc. eanly, hakieg. taaeehý-and-taLce. Afterasan teasocill beaservd. The fanepseork cotelittea am. holding thair annel ehaseer a! fancy cari at M".. P. W. Caaoes Friday. Mai. Sth. atu3p.m. MOTOR18TO AraI linJUns.- White motaorinst narth af Druqai. îecently Dr. sol Mms. Jabeetas, a! Trafalgar, in a.teptiag ta gins s transpoart trucrk paria!f the rosI, lot the bigh- sesy in tisir mi, wh55h. gain g dace theîebaukmsoi, braks s elephana pallu ntwan asIsdel ou tbe skating ries. Bots accupante oe e jurel. but Lise car vaà only lilglstly damt- sgsd. Thi loy paveent as ths cause 0uthe iaccIdent. SPECIÂL OPTIGÂL OFFER - Buth grade besny gold4tledicl wand Eps Gl.. etisicetsmt e piseri ains t, oc- anly ffl. .Ailtdosmetyiu cIoftasseesane Insu aIt ovei prisca Eps.examia- eh by our walt-issosn anh paisielaiieg specluliat.Me. Esghossý5it 28 ysasa' expeioci; 18 pees ceeieg tle Milles. Tan are suseed of tise beet eptical woîb ta bu hiniel d inet-vey modeesin nul. Ose day oui!. TttiSdyc daech Rth. fesse S a.m. le 4 p.m. Icoma erly.-El. u. Sheausa studlio. Milet. kmm PClIDsytinna. sebi lte d ~n Osei bdar idWMiAM Fdlay and R uiuy WNud 3 "lb* Gay Retreat" fiatsalgTMed lMim ud Sm Cohbim,. rousthe @toreyby ntsard Marssail. Western: 'Thse Law Rider" Camedy: 'Fessd Feellal" Scemlt: 5"The î«seCantry" WEDJIESDAY, FER. 7th. with Richard Barthalmsas, Ails J oyce asd Montagnse Lana. Cuucdy: "Under Cever." of l-Sak IScotîal Yard" Epicoda No. 2. Raad Sarsards Sataiday Triai' adv. on thie page. woe are sorey ta repart that Wm. Wbalrlaa peumosia. Hic maay friendshtrpe hce ill asaonaive. The lea p eso dansa aivnsbp lb. af- usceranas mesmbars ot Eveesrg Star Rahakab Ladge. Na. 79,Hilaon, laist nigatiwai agrand ssaas. "The Flanar Lingers." PM.Cîsac Creaus sias friands ihcssghiLs gaad- eo.Taise a brick hanse.-Sherman's White Parlai. Mais Si., Miltas. Milse Jean Hilyer, af the Past Office staff. woabas bees easfsned ta bar home tbrogb iltsesuisable ta ha as duty agaisn, w. ara pleaiel tarepart. M. J. Brsssell. aI Trafalgar, bas pur- abaied saine registaîad Shoribors stclak fiaseSmith tiras.. of 3Meadaw- vilte. ta isprane bisaerdaofsattle. Lana aNs ARs. atACTUas.-Casgbi an the bell af a gummisa machine wbiie at worb. Ed. Fields, o! Bramp- tas. scas aaîîousa- isjacnd resestiy. Bis rîft ieg and arm oece ftctured andble salteecrta about the head and face. NsEW Coran OF Par .-Insthba se pointret ofW. G. Marsbaillas Chiei of Policesof fGeorgetowns, tbe soassil bas ecird abighlyrespected and capable isas.-tirargetaca Hersd. Me. and Mes. Lewis Ragera. Mai- vera, wsh ob aassoase the engage- ment Of tbeir darsglter, Jeaaie Laucisa. Guelpb. ta James Ernest Miller. sf Miltossso! o the iats Mr-. aad Hrs. Jobs Milier, Ccescnee, tbe ciarriage ta tairs place i1aietiy early in Marsb. A RAsE TraCAs-The bamaorus 3- rot farcs nomedy. "BasbftiiMr.Sibbs" rmil be preeed by tbe Actas naît. iîader tbepersaaal diectionaof Mr.A. E. Miaoa. oflMMutasaib te towshbip hait. Sterto. ,cri Pridip. Hierh ili,. ai S.t5 p.m., aader the auspices cf Asbecase luspeanemeat L.eagae. The play wiii bie florcd by arr Irmpromptuî Sprstisg Cnîatst fone ilser sîrp. toi. iiîsnd ha- a dose. Admisoins35r., chrtdre 21n. Sesbisl. CONOENSED AMURTSEMENTS, FouîSas-1 gsciinn. Apela- Paes- cii Fioedptoeb8r 2 c2. FORSAsE-lu A quaiitiita-out iand liap. Appr Joyce btuas. Milta. phoineî 62 r-1.l. Para SAs-201 ead utfPaîltp. alaa at5iiebosecinir aime--h. Parkinsona, Wooadward As-s. FnOR Sas- Satona hay- jiagrani. tiîîrhanbdsi alfaifa. Appip T.EI. Weîe. Mltoa, phase 219. Para SAsE-Grade Duîbham es yasrs. fresb. Aepiy .. A. Hall, li.. Il. ru i 3 îla.p nr1 r-ti1. due Apffl lIs. Applp iW. A. Marsalal, phase 156-r-12, Miltocn. Pas SAsE-Bayo Percheron geldiaf. risilif 3 pra- a- 1leya. Appiy Pied Marruaona.Geargetaowa. Pou SasE-A quantity oater esr Rerei. gas't testefilN. 1. alaa White WVaa e oasofinor ed . Appiy J. H. Gai- iînstb. phonîe 98-r i. FUsRNTPaORnsSasE--Starp trame bause ri Southir d. Pont sony roassnabie ta rîglat postp. Appi e o. B. GDaweson, phase 258 j. Fan SAs-a - White L.eghon babp sbicsa Mareh 22c., April 2ic., May 17a.,'Jase 1i. Custom bstcbing 5a. pe egf. Appis Tiebier Brus-, R.RE 6, Miliopbonîe àK211-i ,, 81! . Ail Kialsofa Trurbiag Dose-lice sockb fuietître, et'. shart or long distances.itiaassnable priaro-Stanlep Ezaoidphone2-3. Mitons Full iînorm. atlas t Coapere sGarage. Na.227. 'Weil Fitting Shees Are an laîd to health. Try a pair of ours andi be con- vinced of their oomfort, qnality and style. REPAIRING 1 Skates sud Scissets Groend Uri-Red Slas fer bard waar. MacNABB'S SHOE HOME The Home of 6o.d 5km.: Pasora 4 MIL-TON. Nottoae to Creditora. Jonua FeuIheimn Betae. Ait cedlom has cim eiaet tise fu"sof Jocthos nsis.i uleiof the rwcveuip cf TeslaaIp.lin teet et Baltes. Gentianmn sebo died an Lb. slieler an or bies.the thith day of liare. 1 aller wbleb dahe wet-1 muâm . ilt dIsIibM e iiid eulale as. meei«tau. sudhep ihsel " hi rà fer mq juilt li *W o f thse @or.Wb é:0" ledso wàe6w Efu*IkdethIt"iRe do.51' StOre'l5 ,on Inw Uré 01% 'à THEj, SU MN UEWK iUR STOE an Dsrit lista uic alla A uction Sale bair iI îîîîîiî.u53 i i a p-udin au O lulidig chiai [i HORSES 2 Hoistein Bulis for Sale. REJý" D cibur. Afato eilIl> l"'l1' .neupnd lb. nias , hen von van a renie RELL, DdsbîîsyVAlis, ia-,l ,y ru ng a bail fensi s gond alion atthe1 - ebsiv Iir i i-v tebal Abkrua.n VICTORIA IIOTEL, BRAMPTON hai îcdi-edI-i S ii l, ' hnaandllbna -c. If i -i l ceus sremt Saturday, Mar, 10th, 1928 "aes" îîlrmîgcr e i1,in1, sannfîn 1 il rec arron fî op co e l"I f .... no a-, ~ 12 i ii (miles o7illneeaniic-n nnd :o, in el K.eci i kf 3 ofiage, seigiiîg ig lî tlnîi l iii lai i ii1'..iTe, ir i li-cd i,), î-iiinni TIIRMS-Caho i iî in i i- ea, A - a i in eosuc ,:,- BEN PECTII. A iii i W ci e, MnîARSHALL BFK its I niî, Clecbrn hR. Mi lt( iliiiOnt Fashion and Comfor/ by wearingl Archgrip Shoes TheAr n ipShelisirin -tThisrîl aflra ge olt l et. ling li11 0w' i ol hei h p ll r i ,eliiî t il eyar cn i i t baea g rp ig rh itiuig li a %egtoi tle i t equal oalprso he I r. Coie o Faken ia 'haeStr andb Iaeyu étpoel itd %Bave"Archorip Oxford Cane apsesliT g tel iebear- lua o hier styie. 1t ii i vr utble fsr dressoar n tee as sr. Slaîe aI asry fine vicikid aînd camnes in w.Aame~per~o'le~ black or brasan ARCHGRIP LINDA Tb ss a seat, dresoy -buttans soa T a sas table for alI oscasonose It appeals lIPV.~s.greatly to the ladly particuIse of ber ap- peniaisca andi comforl This ahoe comas in black and brses hki and pst. leathar. Watt.h Oup Wludow for the SeaaOn's Atet In S511k Houe. Get your Shoet madp new- in out Up-to-date Eepair F? MA-~EN GjSoap 10 bars lç Hasdy AmmuonIa Powder 3--..14)c Balbbitîle ClssssecilOche P &c Broomes.*.. 39c CaseîaCleaserS i n xtaalseg 69 Chic-m 9c pkt* White Naptisa EîaSîn No..s . I Qi, IWashboards sor Polsh saCbiret. Sap Zinc 39c Glass 59c Snap .--,17c 1 - 9c Sos. 14c,. Cloîbc ifee3lss .10c Ciabisd ssd Aylri JleCa abae Crasshed Pe icklis CbaePineapple, Butter Pike 1 Ocbtti. fi.23c 1'5 c :~ 39 c Fih arclanes 2 Ti..29e fr-FAST eeAClrhiiiic's i-lb. pkg. Sraeaide I/1.s3I Arrwroot Bread itC- Th. reiced c Corned Beef 25c ,saButter .fss.drd. f Sciies Vitone hAbu 33c 42b Keen's Cillas 1ell1-, Fi-t 3-Smiis Milk Nut Mustar Dates Cooking MustarFDatesBiscuits 25C lb. - 27c 2 lb- 15C 2 se15c B U RN BA BYCHICKS K Click rbhase rsy n o s nb.iîni %i and siIlav aS. C. Vhiiîe Leghorai ii Il. P EÀACO ÇaP. Brbe k. M rhsandd1rl p.11ler]U 0 ".a~My.l-: -..- li-..- i 1 W ' Custo ase ia ing. 5.iai HstcbIngEggo .%.- b ai A asab old Pillai Ordeioely and avoid dsaippoislmnesL. ERNEST L. WALTON. LPbsneîMSr-22. R.R.2, Caspephlîs le. FOIR SATISFACTION m11w Meay Colcie. ofLaeci. atiandel dddigbito1 social gaibirise lat thebabse o!relaivin G aIto HOCKEY. jPrsday .i*lu - la twss#6mdly games plaped stAYr "svile dot& siMllisssby tal 1 csw- y of lait serais baeras Baie aet ntarneedidaLeafes- yilnsClubs, Milto 1 tis ame Due 51 06? ttisotgan y1 >fl as,.15 .g by . age Wet 11 de to v J, Me MACKENZIEP'!I Phffne 40. The RII tecol uk- ý ý ;ý,4 "àffl Ni fi p p le 1

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