Itb .upl cnsie*gi home. Phono 24 CAVULL Aàrr»y *EVW& SATU#RbAYTrRA1". uaplu watnu Cmi Fi liaplo Wiosnt Cr.anlPxdg-a umLtmk &, ........ay..Tr...........s Us. T S WEEK IEND CHOCOLATES9 85o.. b. Here i. n real treat in these High Grade Chocolate.. A good aosortment of bard and eottcentre.&iReg. 40c. nand 50c, lb. Weekend Speclal as" NEILSON'S 1CE CREAMI in Brick and flulk. ALSO OYSTERS. W. T. BARNARD PIONM C14 Chai" RED & WHITE stores Redpath Granulated Sugar 10 Ibs. 68c. California Prunes Large ix. 2 lb for 25c Asparagus Tips LIBBYS 1 l in 33C Mayonnaise Comfort Soap 5 cokes 19c COFFEE SER V-US BRAND 1 lb pkg. 65c Chicken Haddie1 SERVUS BRAND C.kcd. riady ta tnt. j pî. sIte 35c 2 ins 35C Head Lettuce (alioroin lctbcty 2 bcadi 25c Fresh Spinaçh 2 lb 35c LUX 3 pkgs lo 27c Cookiug Figs Choie qulltp 2 Ibi 19c Cooked Spaîkl r iEINZ Large ti, 2 for Me 1Sual i tom. 2 for me ORANGES Caliocoa seedlem Melsu alto45e dot- PI~O R. CUNNINGHAM MITON "Quality Awa.s lgher Thon Price" Cough and CoId: Remedieis An ounce of preven ion is better tbaP a pound of cure. A eold remedy mi the bouse when you firat start sneezing ofte n prevents furtber trouble. Here 18 a ist of reliable remedies. RexaU White Pine and Tar --------- 25 and0 ERezaf Cherry Bnrk---------- 85. 0., Wampole'a Ta.leesu Cod LiverO& oeom BiTrmoaunddletU------r--------- ------ ----o-------m------------- -- Sme MuSg oe _ huM. cd uI,"m@ýba @ 4 b M t. a . ê d e U NI b h a v a * - mM e. 22c-==In wet.b..5 fooie, mmu. mit vime.bien etu mW.B Txm CH.AI5paeiterSfub BnUlr me f=uoy wiï.** The. tovuonot niiobi dl. imraid1 = fnB noh Soi. nd Mm.. JIamaoold. not. =st the we&.nd athe basbortM. idMrs . MILilMieecot Hi won PRIM.-mm . V D. Dm«ar vo mmra.Andiow liot 09ni Lleiou.. Pil. e ngt. Mu. A. Jawmon. Mign io.nianghar ofthe. Walkar Str.Amherst , tbrIoSI Oandet, ti. honm, Of bif. i.Tbou.FO MiseTToima ndjoni- iltan. mn tii. weeed wiit erfriied. UrM. P. .Mooen 4 vmne.-Aotoo Pre ;Youru brolnig a eaconli m" IQMeninlent hbrnéinbAyr ta recupeat. for a teur dnys befrs e.. sumibg ber dutles on Uneilton pub- lie "ohaut taff. li. Jeu.. Mray viebes taex.preue br approeelaton for kitndaes extend. ed ta be on Une occasion of tiie deMti ni lonintavisuogton. Mso&a S pring Fieblon Qart.rly. Magmine Tablon SAbuta,.and afnll linonifpfttern n o Ick.It.eteorders ni Qnhhrlm àhompany'm. iti I. Waiii. of te ti.afat!osthe Depa&rtuant nifRadolog lu the Ubild- runa goupileAl.Toronto,.Lalaiii itiiv bronehîtie dl bar bonis bore. Win. Andegeebu bail.den .ewts4c - aerontu ibi arber ebop. The. nov olgn. wh ie eillnanted every nlgbt. la ery attmnol.. I.0.0.F. Dsc..-The olices amd uenibers bave iscei. invItations for a eobre nnd danorta bubielu 10 oir bail bei. on Toaeday *vouln&g. .2 L1 Aayi eu of.I nI 4 for Wllae».o.UnTnalorrPou eveulngs hy appointent. (oue & mue mn ev gnode. Abun unny à manple ta coan finu. Milton at thi Tventy.ssannd Annuel1 Convention onih tii uplro Hortieul-1 tarai AmnOeIIIOhM e I.thi in B9dvaid Motel. Toronto, UNb. 9 *"li1 reminiongfer tUn gr*" baquet en1 flday nlght. Tii. 1.0.D.BF. vil boi lIanon@i& meetingaet thasboi. oi Mrm 0. R. Tarnir. uHn e t., an Tbiiorsia Fei. 1e, et 3 p.uIt =La advisabl ta ebmqge ate 0.104 ta rlday binag the. internamlDot et Corne enily. No s»b.r" ve o SPatty =aI..TIOtaI, J Rau.4"gien b>' Ib Un 'w .1 -Misnr190- I iety, in Don eienSiiq Ruonon lrlday li Mcd lad. .ý 'n T. » cLira. M..... rv iai TeAmi eetiidtvU0wi et=Lga Il»u.Dodgt elot. mi Ti.a ol feetn ai tiM.Ballo nu 0, 01en ie nslng pu~prudeW.B o nd o1iT.wealVime. la 1 I d u t "m, w w oln f e mm. fotouete d r s. b htnv rfl i meTo wnaip-. Rld R. AnderoT C. Wdeibolt SeH Bub, jr.;Eoengonil-.t- liT. jehoîn J. W Billt. T. Mc GIonand R. 1. or. W.aJ. ;nmemgvp MDnihsAAdro, W. Re d .x E. l e at; H to- . Mc iD.i& R.PR. d .C.ioonW ortt aR. Bu bb Mnsnl Vu i T oni-P.Ies- le Jh ric . bWi. M ilo. one T oert r:derme,0ti.lRue 9 enon mn4toeiiA.l noe yt ir O eow pr-A ut T .op rettu bn -.4 rOtinWgiTkOtW. lgl b gve n bhtloofyinrUSj=no làte ince»3 Tmuid bnilgton.boa riuzdi hoplu&mam ontngn Ad tMmdh'àcet rndernilathe. Mo a,ýtiPbie elionevnigupo U i a 0 BOe0tn nt.othet Mb e qi .0ioe Aulorif saday sebol udayu mee-Md*-flW.- idd y h wolde i lvu% a an wre t o lu aoued t u -1elr wietord lis. por % oAedt : he T. PA L' CIIRCU.e ahy UMM açmw In Fordps ont~~~~~e 1*0 .atOpaba& Cane e ot.. dvted AJ0Ot 5f' wumoite-A f.. Age Mrbo.uit-e ilton iton.4 s8u»-pIg. &ek ofld. Arg eSW k ane t dup. Appit J. . Wieoo, Phione IDeS l'à OUOW0 AE ln n ~$Ik~oe hildreii'a n Hoàe 6 O~aj*~lPIO ,,.~.> CZ~waas. el. ...280 paur 36 lu W it.Fantioite 34 in. Btripe»lnote .......O Ua ...Up-d.CI.aoapoe sale. à...... .190 yd i~~~~~~ 7 i.OIB685pieoe ,Mixig B, I Iset P« ctIsldm rMMDuu. aiApeona.Joat hat yos52iother needs. 1B egulor 80i yd. ck.aM ot Uni liyd Onily 9 uta loft ... Cdonc Saie69C sot ii us AiI.weu.IMadkiaw Ç.ats Men's W tj nderwear Bogulady ly d uto $12.50 Shirts and Draws, ba ioes... 890 es ç leavaneç al..........*5.49 Combination .... 1549 on S Grey Wool Blan-kets Flannelette' BIankets à eWith colored border. Ibex 12-4, bot quality. q Cleaa'anele o.....26cati, cleam'noe sale......*2.29 pair à De net Ferget to'Visit Our Remuant Table. ' pCATrS AND DRESSES FAR BELOW COST ib --HEý-WA LKER sTO RE -~ For Milton and District. asiebr. AfP G. B. 8Lokm. phone Fou AALC-.4 Oxford avea, due lot____________ April. A 1> W. A. Marshalpbon, iHir-il VEInaO,. W I Wools ÔoSAL.-Hncdwood. eut F te ordrand dellîered. Apply M. Jo, e ifting S e s.. p . oue tr.. 4t Arean aid to health. FOS SAL-Qnmtlkty nibaled viieat tm.. alen a 'qnontty Bonnes-nte n api"o"us'n . o Apply AllsmUcOiudy, phone 2&. ryapiro urinLb o stctuntr vinoed of their oômfort iOnaa&.. phono e iln~V quality and stylo. PM ReEt On iSALE 2 itnty ranie PA IN boee In BuÙta Wmrd. Boit v.ry CIARN r.nnmblo tarlght pst.Apply Stoo adScacr rom EL Dvin.4oe el. -_Satean_________oan -)Fa SAL-uie hted Hoieowm acyie. Otb"suApyG. Oo0 r-Rai Soles fer bard veir. Brd-.Aeb, pion, 291U ______ -Fos SàAL-Sfle ai barase. 40 gond salpine bna, 2îfoubJersey Son MacNABB'S SHOE HOME 20 gond iv. rendyl ta Ionb. Aclp J. Aolasod B.&1.2.Milîton, Dio. 111elueBe Le 110-r-2. ToNme n h ?on SALE - Whita Legiiorn baby THaONS 4 MILTON. cbloks. Marais 22c. April 2D).. May____________ 17., Jnms15a. Ontani blciinf5c. fftapon r-bi. 25 tf. AU i& ofd.n Ttucitlg Dne4ili Many notarilta"taîl rroýidIy tii.. mincIt. lure.luiéec, ehort ,or lnag tiey ne". hadla nolor aCcident, "ut ditanou. ilsmable piieu-Stanl.y tmp fIoret iunhapEtbat the ont il Baudpiione 213.Mitan. Pli Iionbson tae aIe of the otae t.sotaate vis aanet a&oopuli.flnag%.-No. 207. Ioep oo tir aotmd. 8tok~tkiig Brgans! 12 paint cf ChllnaWhîte Bock Button S3hono........... 4 44 airs of Çhul,#rm!t- Shoee anti Oxfords, leaher or panco solea, md ubrheols ................. 35.09 A nuxel lot ni Wonien'.Bc. onsts fSteapBlippera andi O.loalý da i .iMd nuéanoe e i ut214. 8 -49-sl.-oê ÔIUhJ boeksudhrcsvn X idlak sn'patent ~pi~~ siu~s Mtor orxford,' eh.;. 2i-7 . u U55 obowd W Ws1 gl.t in, Ki andCaU, Ehôeo4 in loaok 'i soi rnw3.HoM.otreli onin sluNtallpos - It'-9 Staunton Semi- Trimmed Wallpaper that these happy paperhamogers are using. That ia why they ame able to finish your rooms so much more quickly and to give you such excellent service in every eýucan bring the hrlghtness and beauty of Sprlngtimne ght labo your home at every season id, the year by re- decoiatlng wlth these ' qulsite S EMI. TRIMMED WALLPAPEIS. We carry a full ramige of SEMI- TRIMMED and, can suli you for every room at a Price that wgl astonish you wtth Its moderatton. W nvRe.~ your igiecton of our T! n tîîity for 50 (i co'xk, 34 : k i rits letton of rieke nto. the Ibm- intaisn aiiogb polcybiiodem th oa eut- lmppypoiinj polcybo* vother hnamd-, CLEMffTs" &CO. ta bmotets. trespna. etc., id nt The (Ikampion Offce. moIte a aistakr o ins 1nied naltetini. toer Oi overnnient viii ex- oezntalmnic,ipal- Ai lie Ore*i m ar for ermoffloAM. and sundais. itSeleià" mad nllty. In4*mUokdeparted owdage on. bin l te thUooko t- rage Mi em.t th~elU i u*ITn rteýrbMthe'a il] -i- IL MILTON at 10