/ ' The Canadian Champion ST. PALUS CIURCH. Arbitration Board Meeting. 1.s hl d lst, tF'lt at the hot t T helial I THE WARDENS INER. M,, W tý Ct.t w ele nt y th.- , g' i'---t tttt, tt.ht.t tthat.t.ftht.> N N 'a,' ,,Det t e, ,eeýIc , The l",lt 'tf l11--1 h;-fii t 'f.'- e ,',,et-ttitd-a-t 11 11 t-t" '- -t-la -t, t. -t- J -t--t ,tt 1,tLi j"d Ti -r CIr :o ODur Patrons f, il -,A FOE 1 - , 't -- -t-t t, ht, -t.., t- tt 1 t - icI.o - tJe k le NI f f utt-I OBtt- It-1 t t- -t t I t- t -p tt t--t1 t-- B- Ilt 1 t LIt t Ilit al Ot ýc t-t-t -t ut' ,eal Bargains in Used Car,ý i12 h!f C o u(' pe I-19-17 ('h - t -- ift.5 Fordf Coup-e C1h20 C "l] -19i; I-t-taCottpe 12.. -t -d-ttýf -P)-27 Frd .Tudofr 102' t tj;' (t -IRES, TUBES AND REPAIRS RD SALES AND SERVICE, -- MILTON1 -tt RE *-tt--tt rea S nga for ea t t " "s il FRE MARKLE, Xm sS opr Mtfon Ilv t- Notice to Creditors --- AT THE--- -- Milton Economy Store t t, CHRISTMAS GIFTS S e i -tf-tfps La i n~ s-t: tla l I d k (a- 1 , 1 t- arf~ t-tI Notice tof Registration of('tîî-r.tttfftittl (('lIt r e Piee-s and SIi iît' " A Merry Christmas to Al:' The Milton Economy S3tore Next Door' to Pvinrtces-t Titealî'c M 1MILTON Ni iP- -t- t lt t t -t t- - -- - it - tt t -t-t! It t o - t" tI, le, t Ilt l- IlOII - Il j -tt t tt- - ------ t , -t-t t - - -ttt--l(,- t-tt-t - - t'-'t---- - - te-t -tM-ttl, i -tti-t-t-t-t-t-t t92 ttti-ttt t-tt it - t---ttt---tPh, --t--ttt I- ' --, -t ad -ti, A i. i et-t ilt-ttttt t h, f- -'t, ttt, -ttt-tat--, tta.d i-i - .1t.' oI ,b I hla,kl sL-t- ,ttB R f-, t-t tpra.king .ttttt't s l ,tî, î.Ilt--i At tie,,t.,httdayDe, III,____________,_11,I-t --tl b,,A ttti t' lt-ti FriayDecs 23rd, at 8Sp-a-t yr-I lata-f aiM i t i ie. 72o is stili o ~, £ angeS 4 ., flad 69cdoz. SaaerSîm Forias 39c doz. -Filberts rlstils 1-lb. pkg. Nuts Alodalb. Biscuits Almonde Filberts- - - - Brazils 29ecIL tÎ~13U1r Christmnas Christmas fur a Cake -t Puddings -bati rich Our Own Make ini an individual _jeinanearthenw'arebowl boxtwz sIL.a -t bo 1Finest Quality 2 Ibe. 35C ?MinceMeat Libbylr.oygal 34e MT., Tbla 1-b. CANDY et TASITY" Chest Eclmg 1-b. p4g. R isins 2p1-1h.WCBoxe 9ert vanSt29Ce Srnyna Tble3-lb. Box »9c Dates 199. Figs 251b. o 9 KrvnStnls Chrimstras Aaortoga Cawlia Wines 29c bot. 23e an~d 25c lb. 1 ine" sou5 Chrisumas rackos Md5 49* 209 C-.. em tcln s 1* 5 27, iýýSELLING OUT!I Estate of A. R. BEWS OVIfRCOA T SA L e have deci ted to eb e()i Il,( ( n'-t S~acrifice Pries. 1,11s -- eui' w -if 1 a b-arga;rî antd v-' .nfU 15Men's Overcoats at - - $17.00 S4 Men's Overcoats at 12.00 Mrere priced ij) t o$2.f S6 Men's Overcoats at- - 23.00 Wiere pri'î( Ill t f-io -: isMen's M ci Coats at - 6.00 Checked and plain, w'cre piriced îi11 to $S10 4 Boys' Overcoats at - 6.00 Sizes 25 and 26, weree p-iced Up f i S6Youths' Overcoats at -- 9.00'ý Weî'e pricecd qp (o $15.(wH. IJ. W. COX& Co -Bews' Old Stanid- Main st., Milton -t B U R NT e np a e ' F ra te rn a l V is t. S atl e D a m a g e C la im i fo r si atth tI-t 'l' t0 'oe mahrra " , M i,-,,t0,, ýP E A C AC~Ç i 'i- r .W a l , rr a Ham lto-t .-t Ot -. ec. i t.ar.tita era~,, D T-.&- hry itht C.P., tatnd thrtee id, . -,,,t C) - abaguéhîîw ý,-,,.d are ieth I n a ed i a , prae T, ,,,nttot,,J. Kt-tp. and A, E. t Lb , i , i e 7 dI e em rr en ii a cttty ca re ai t i-t t-t.2-t .LILbfeld Dc xc J!lH7ko. ,'Htam ton. -otinael far th.' thn Ya a . obt.iisittt00an-r trigJIvaaktd. bîtil, FO]R SATISFACTION A- excellet pa ram cf caal anal~dajury 'd Thlaert ,ctttt--t - obuof f t. amdb.1 ctaty. Hrrraded4am aîaon . and wGet a.. noine u ti b iill eunell aCter wbscb , Toront,, Ure hO b- aide htati,,ai 'y dma mai Aw_____ 0atai* eail and ail a n. "5,. flIT PAYa To À' B-ttTB-w XM~ ~qI M Pij) l t~t -tf~t e si