XMAS OqIy n Wosk jwïay 1fL~ Y1rXmüs hopping easy this year. Bny eOwmethîng th bl e enjoyed and appreciated by tihe whole, ý t itvit until the at t das, M e.0,t ... ( Onbsyiot Mi iday and Saturday, Dec. H&* 17 AiE S licu oniesouuales, TeInpbuoeaýpictus'e Batiks far teo iiddirs. Seliiug Setcý, Repe GAamen Toyo. oils. iametof ail lins VO eilage Gaines, Backs Dcesrstioso Bells, Tinsol, Getuuc, Hercolaire Ti ts, ttilelouzisea Binuîug Gre, sgToge. Seals, (Carde asti Booleleto,i CsetS (amec, ig ntor .ss, repe esper, Ool'd Tiso1IPapar1 PCture d Stoecy Bos Fasey RapineOCrda. ucer Baka, cotectioeory 25o t- 85.00bote. Tuuo ket Tray, Tay SieesBso eti ctos, ail populsr SXinan tnckinga, Tranofersauatleors. Cameiras, Moelle Organte Ouàed Pipes., lafote Orgauso Fiietoît Pesa, igars tati> and 16 boxes. FoVctig Popor,tieMsA g Writing aperamâe I,t ad Caes. 4 stBuldng Bsk.Bloskssisér- Mook1 W Cheeker Boards and Mon. v4IBi15&dBb.- - f h.one 40,5 4ii.Rex l SOe tho De t.assl Le., o, Pe lreat s excptions. Thse Co. sotilOdcd esemrys men asd ti ierre ba i t mas rocs. sisgsanexcursion traintsous Torontog te Petocteno, aast sos stated testa t wassA de itl prIr! maksogitbe trip, ansay in terbors. art inter-. rotiog and lestrabitîe ose for teosef arbo Look ih lu. -Tho BeULaal,;eow f marsonsssmade gndie ps-psule-ç S.AeNr T.,s.ssVisoros Msn.sse.- TIse repart of Santa Ctaunsl vitetose asa est Rth îes 8eIriýe store, osnih presiaus Siturdayattnrins. aas m arese our tayi emlttod rousSa woosouoeçS ,pbn. 01s ai maal43aaestisa ode rfoe-. i atoo ami ûbeirou. i gl kidjosseiht rsiisvsi theTel fi rnS<c5ft-kd tIrnia<tles,'à lonueù mihMSinesaOtsrdaY 8t 3 pao.- -- 'sby r'rin a one.Rosa Barnard 3 "Sàturday Treat' tiarshy rdrin a OOè.advoiispage. *'The RedS Raides" ()lissrtivient w il please yota. Prices range froin $40 00 Waerman'o Fonaa Pens, $2.50 A weselro mlodrois. fil),(-otiplee wit lon speker nd al equpmen. to7:00. Frec engraving and flair- PLO T up, esitîplete witb loud speaker. and aleupun. j m A. Marchand, JemOîcys. " TR Le (;isr experience serve you if its your Auto or Radio., Ienta"av en made tu e thfoe Cupge celte for prisosr ai t te toms bal ibis COMEDY CAVEL BATER SERICEe. Wtb jaiiolin othor townsol-u CAVLL ATTRY ERVCEfe-iog frnam cerreroeing, Act i te "Ose Nous' Maa's'ed" Phione 245 Milton griarnsog ffr the moo.-Acion Pro.______ r Heoo0tyjaiiberoeo sot __________________________________________ ennnsdcd. il mdil accommodai, WEDNESDAY, DEC 21. 2fpisneeo 'uTcrareat preocot 12 co______ nvaics ibe joli. hich flesroum *IS ZAT MO" fr8mr. 1 George OBrien ood Edmoond Lewe. Yrdiey'o Old Englisa Lavander. A COmody draina. Santa Claus Mixture 25e lb. BCoaiplebelneiStoore COMEDYa ]Tif î-gýýixieture vOfbeiceinade caaiiv, concieing of The Besl and ainsi complote stet of Smfith's New Home" v,isiixtiirein lie cmi il :ivoars siteSatinettes and .tcliist, SAeloBeOIofor mue ever ofsalla Mil- .oswihuaKeEpoeN2 t I i] iv- îei hue Sens foO-10 IÀ25 tle1275-a roui glut.- Hos thiaoyEpiiNO 25e. lb, 2 lins. for 45c. kl AETemenSbop. ____________ îihssmierOf theoHomeasoif Se Cleooios& C'ooada, tboei àcbee1 Club and ail mothoris are in- wmittbseea o ebuornnXoos pe. FANCY PACKAGES vitedtueom..tu tbespublie 'sebonestsl. l'h.fsdoy allersoos, De.. 22od. et .îî ii i i i ii ii - c ileilî sevciiiei îl 1.30il. ta attend coceroin otheodiffereot The l'toess ntes naiùl dolicti ap Faeiod binesocs fsetingog f th, ctce Prices l'som 15e to $5 00 Box HacodSceis.Xos cards, nom books for beys. SvtiNsses IME ELaE Oatso girls ansd grsms-p.-Shermans eS sfi meting et the Miltas BULK '1tJr('1raAmTfl~s Jie, t soiciatieeonssfirld Nominaotien doy has becnsetsotre BUL I aOCOLATES D M ela eveisg.elsait -saadecidcd Fridoy, Deec. 2rd. thelcties te b vils! dii (îîsiivqii Iorne iivihii.g i1îxthetd o Moday, Jas. 2. ,ig.at clb,, C smsSelt3 te.~ iiec tHehoo sib slr. Special Polka Dnt Seacle, BI Pcg..10 an 50 lb, CrismasSpecal 5c. 3 hs.$1 0 Telic ccctsny neent shoesd the As*.-ART WALES, The Mct's Shop. I isaiitbcin a tieaniisg cesdi- Tho.Co'ssssteecibarnsin Eaqaea I Ii v il v iii. racevr a l Irev ivcoîatîîî, liiicîaii y andeiiscnoisc. Theoist. a-tslnhreplaces theone es ronyed AloNuls - tiiiii Oranges. ierit J MebcSbyfîor5nd ,55mofaspt.c c ThiekvIil ic -siiat .Trafalgare Ceyse Sehelil, en Thucaeiey, ;-,niiScrt.ny, R.iB. Glbraitih D.2dsipe eeyeinîc FaiiM. 1".Canton W. W. Breonitge, et Esateoice. Xmes illal14-paloed Cebsisosthe etîtge es ail bcced etfseln Xma GÉS Haai i tthe Ottawa Xintec liFair ece- Cu iasadSîtrerware. Besi quai- eaîy ______________________________________________________iiyandi leessi prices ai J. aed A. Macads, Jewelers, Miltoa. Xmas Carda, (old Eogllale design), ___________________________________________________Tags, Sertie, etc., ai Iteecas Grog Gise her a aeeelog machine for Store. a'ca-,~ <~ m,,,,--a- aaontdtbe suetfils a Singer, as Mleon encehintiarcenakicg ai. Chain RED 1) < ifI TEi1 Stores finat meanas alîleliote oflservice So'd tnontii.nettcni.g. tbee a iys. Ticey ___________________ ase le as $3 a iiseth.-Sherman's. tecli ye-lbout Leeai seekly la th.ed tîtstul)tngeiliîcî ii, iiiii a alsîîîîîîsv. Send vetsicia OIMao _____$1,75suit,_and___r ahacet, tDaffernsScbeni, 'sS . 0 (ranherrles Mixed Nuts MINCE MEA 7T k -iiiginfeiîiOi'isAIT WA LIFS. cay, Der. lied. ot8Opta. iecu asî \\hiî- iîaî1i riileaiien 15.ssve.sne ICe Cceoat Calen fen i. tiie. ladNe.v iiîa l iii u XaTin Ataet- ite î,it i- cetssodàa nduîns dli, Aliiiîiie îgii itvle eld ln the ceiincll Or motto e rvcicand Quality. 15Cb th lfî IMi,c, ynîebssean...ge. Plaie Seiig deor e. ice vesea- 24C lbth.viieccis tie a ve .î aXeî-et-ccabie. Appiy te. MsteHaliThoam.- Ai , ,ii Si i lliiinefrday rcning, Stccvo.st CutrRiisPEA S 1)iI-. fdiiThe. i iivingrliv andi ce svic apei-Ited :.viain- Xaacencceet le Milten Higbte cms Siv n-fciil Ca iiil ;aic Atittant, E. piîbiii-svh,,.l on Tiiiinday, D-c.l2et. pki; 3CcCandes 2 tnMieor2Ac ciais, ;ttpIcnidii ycgcaaî efchaec.ro.cdilla, CI~~t~r aiin'Cd2;tt te 21.Il storiv;îlîva. cnusni dieivgues tAdsei-uu25. ais15. Ii, tvilIt1\ ti I. B C1; i..r. 1)îS.R.i. iciY.1. v v Almonci Sing gccýi,, i Cao- <c iiiil The cii eficiiiîese S Tea Caddies tl iedc ci'., fi i1i un s îîvcîîe iece nst y ne- ets e .eeiiia Se icec ;,la e nt, ic ...ssn tî. .4ocriptiviî 95 -o.. ceeîîia,c, il 3P., S. eohnes Snw Apples V-F[A RD DA lIES II, oiv Iiaece,) rcci fit l-iI. esavi.ta-eviin i g 1)i c .1el" flýA.,f M icine cf th-eflaite- Laleal IBookes cf Fiction, alto BSya i i L.î401. il l BB 20<b leiiiia Club n il bc ilciue hRoyal aud Girls'. Gel ileernai Browso Irog lis i,c eI,, nist i- b. Store. - AIcusihorIiieiieicymwiliivcset XW. A. NiIoeiha.reec ntoîîe is Il, iiit Sylhia. -i Sel vel ice iac,î an , i tenili . ya baacd iaat R CUNNINGHAMd MLO Iý,iý.lt hs omrfo .W atln h a iii ' NT, lut A iîiei.tiancd 'ns, T. t.:Dal' ico teone Victoicia Anc. à 't(ualIIfrAîwavs Higher Tu rc" ThePoCgahi tl h e tcnec81N DELiiAînTi -Marshall A. alil-ruent erlaîne.Coeneand sec 4ItvcaLetise e ne tîctth. Holet.. F ______________________________________________________ ue ne ýPleeneibetic, aod get SOtoeIf Lih-annîai covenitien le Tern- nen Xmac recoeds. -Shermans. terothnek Mi.. ('uiybli clas t Il, iîîs vrlttui,.eThe'OcHa-ta ele laeo ectany-teaaancn ni theg ~ i~t4~~ie~Ç5 ii iiciiia;îittîeCI, rancied oef Saltoe Edacotieol IAssoaciatien. I et ficiRotyal i'1fi, cno TeCeep.. Cofocllonery on bslk or le faocy tth> eteitof, l teet - J bo. (f. P. M.C. ce creasu bricks and MacK,.z,'.11aupacte nithe lcaalnycaptîî n-iiiagh la isynna sioday Svlaeni FI, thaee frt Xeîao cnlertaiiiet oill bld inthe if th e yal Foirn,-e bîbc e 'l' n hiinctay esesief, Dec. 22.v Iff c K e z ie s te gieotestnisun, Spicotti progenammse. Adimissies 25c. iiiiiiis c -iî ofii the dilteent and 15c. ________________________________________ n-viin C iaeada, cmagcestot Ns CaleIcAvL C.tee.-Holtee Oea- ihcic,,iveiiethebntte ner t cn OrlSesinsopeedbeheeoacusiay.b t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'l-I s î<irlg iCnsîî vGlavitil lcevî. tanmlicche eseevyfaae ofatige Elliet peitilse. Thene bcbngh 'it tb îeîîcîacn tfîîoseîtc enio ýîiacaes te, etid Dputy tiiuenîuîhîîtrynhiipateifi enhyndciell.hîidesSbeff E. E. Y.er, ile fficiated in s E < 1", N NIl ,olt-SONHENIOVER i~t0 ioi liii tee atde. kid gloes.P ____________Wieî Walcbea, lvory Sels, IvOry Leave yoor erder ourly fer the Gifs WrthWhie. pprprite ift fo ~LanPs, Milllary lirasheS, Ringsanad fomoos Beliy lirownas Choclaies ai Gift Worh Wile. Apprprite Gfts or Jeweley aI Redoced Prices ai J. and llrownos Drug Store. i . -., *.,, ~ Everycane. A. Maclstlots, jeweeers, Milton. Give (iievee anti]et thent bc -C ii v01,iD DI) PetSlies Gaod oeecs St St)te $2.95-e .4. k il. dlii l.iîiiiiiî vO'.,iii (irciiiîdsisti tvdeysie ATWLSicMn g, \',Nethelioieiiivv'iCraist - teck.-ATWLS h e' rjjiLý jt'ý iiake the ionl ofiii <t. St lJi.. 11ilimii. 'If F a TcaIaey IGUREonTvDnvT. iceceeoabit et t~~~ iiîiieiIiiitIilIlciiliiigteiiiiîi $2 AS sAE.btipleititirfr mrried peple. f . i)tii i i 2Ijiv g. ltaiiii 87,271 v i ii ý-- RT W 1i FSTh a dit shcows Ilesn sto rieosare the lii. .ii50',iiaCiriINii.S e n St o, ot.fgn 35.0&ipot deethe yoar otc liii iiitii l .i Cgare55vk5 li t nslie neces.COTSvia1e7uVtntiv Pt.AYnueeyeer lîtb. Beoet iat yette ogetice 1 ii'u:1 11 . 81 )Ctarslvcincny is cli box. focrlagifinect s l oa e nrution). Ths lith e er et yee marniage. asdthteoJ [1lI L lui v i'. i' " ofcLoýy35 Iý i onnfticeppeehioitytefolone aiîmeenofyesrsyeuhe asumera-.M lucliiicvct81.'25liarv-Scivh andiiC-111i1, iieinoniof eiieteplayuthe ictio. rieti. Adtiea p andithesaser ik I,11, eS aI.o i t 82.5. lnocy Mc ssii cc Se,Isstrouentos ad msiac books astite 314 il 11 i Sîti ii I S. OS Pipîe 75e iii 2 75,. pled fret anti rîtaieed by popil ai Frecch Cieaiog, dyis i 8'2,7iiii<O5 tliitacv SeIn $2 50 1cl), cosuplellea of coorot Ail sielnso Ccepes, Çlavse, &c., nontlig toc, i ii ltsO i leechet Ceihbs 25c apu cquppcd cith laist abollemstap $agrr fla ine at kcaaoet ceoan ibeaeagh- i lI c 1111 lethnclicnce 1 S) îî icand. csablîcg tics puel Ita secsond y-ART WALES, Yoe Cloaser. 1 ii.XIl 81 0.i.,athe 1uss 8.89 UP, (est ev, W rsoeote violin affina W 75c. jjyili Cadstr .cg.iide hem ceto ml ensables BotsL SenOe CONCET- Ceens admiA Sf., -iig vu-tii,.Seap in laeucy boxe$l.t1<_00, coîspl t ica acaraicin treothe iriog yoe frloods o lejolly Christmaset SL5 ai liit inild $1.7,5 Records, 'Ris Maste'ns c.' Onott es. plicationsorteribsoceert la Bell Oehoel oSoday. Oetx i ap'etslee uetsote inlbeteroe. c. t t 8eclocte. ahore lice etildreescc ;Oie. ,ao coua comences the flln.otfiwil ealeriaia you mule pairioe anos elytin t îl he tes Nom Ter. linorleelatrm- ncydrillo. recitaisoou. tableao, cheorus- MiscllaeottiGis J enandtarnsoapply t !Hsree. o.asti o lemorous dialogue eotiihl. i Setion KdieV Hpy. ruas onOt. Pboe 24. 2t *Ssl5 Work $bop." Thoe msical part i Select KiMosdoTooTHappy -et Iborosgramin l er the capabele in- p se vi iig Macisc, PolilaTistirdIsory Seto andSeParate Tis oaid ticat largecorporation.bae, isiiAdulteo25., odell. trsa.i j ion. nitetyi 5nsBettnleyasi rI. sooa. 'This. of course.,esta 5. lldo re T -lteoro ar execetionsa to the ree anAd ooll. oeer JUST LOOK CONOENSEO AOVERTIbEMENTS - Suiggeeson s rChristmas Gillets Win baccteaupelceasivn e e Appiy te Ses. M eenete. mtil of ipt' isucenta letakii 1,îsaiT - lv Malini.nu fob faee yen ereqeiicei c h fiNae.- ve.Arri 'S. Hceîon. 1,111 B.B. B.,GI. uyDeivis,, ii ppiy Lîuvck-B ,-ac n l 2 AriebnC.aac Cipe. mi eIl vnctiluedaM îýLvon. Peachet. airlgsatins 011kiiiCe-1ec.e..di'20 R.-dcksa Apyphn plincami eilk cececi. Auîib,bCvlgan ,r sti tigaretta eltd.insc..-ee liget cita Caoeoleeothec amvi malsi Lgltes CîFortStLEcElevtieu-HSt Pitrn, b Aala Teayc, .h.viasilacs Ciayuing Casisii v mu. App hapi .. Canît., etc. .c i ail ic.1itde, c in. Ol. v vct 10, 25, 50l andiffOU i.fnttei i,,u WvvivEui AldiicbcshcaoràBl 50 andi)lta. Tsiuevvî, big aevcvnt, Onk icbhe)nc A pply MiUi ,-t. inapcgs. ai lii.lbtirsIf. iinidîuIIi.i2.ubcuenîn, scytbir;gino. ionie kiIily fîte. sl - TOLETZKA'S for qîi,,k cale. Tec-et Ayply IL chncMiitcn, Ot. St Tebacce StoeandmBivlSliardPilor 'enlie10md n ,ýn Si.,, lefandleei sift ater, c evirisil 5. Secing .,sbvl.kfany <cui, Ilue Aptuy Mr..HCcacc. geatiy eppeciatnti. l'boue 289I. Cuill SALE Ccc8evu lvrs o yas G.. E.Buk. epuy am.Ware.1700lis.icîuîd ic o] lueScsie couee. C.SucbDeuuyGaueWatin. - S ens. Ayply Seecy Heuiiseîi Kile Carpeeteyaitnativsovne resus- Ail kurtitMtteicci.a rd 1iciig faet. Wisn. Dgict, Rîobertii. ~tî ic Croin Aieasbot et ihoe i ires. tF.CEenti, phoee273, Milton. Feuiin The Higli Ochevi uiiCommencceentformaetion et Coopers gaageNo.2r. milis oaiti et the heu ovico.ol aati tornuttueTuucetiy anti Secicay, De. 20th andstiit. DSJs. H. H arison, se Cent Ceib ne, _ _87 __-'S C UR H bnetcen ni S. E. aion. et Mitn, The acsa Chisetma pe rth P icasicee- eelctedhytacclamtation to nti,,n Chanc< Sebeel. boula.n .I the Petrt Ceib.re Bdo f Beni t tte-ca suit ciii eei. thce chol no tin. Ceîday, Dec. l6th itoaeeeoni sit6lpîn,, Mr. and MrstJ.A.iiii-nc er nvinse andithecevtertaininentibyllacsenretal..... the engagemecthoftiîcle daughten. ctasest iiifolov Phyllus MaetieueRuseisnA. Beanke. ofi Siieday, Dec. Iliuth Hamuilton,cecddito t mOnplacec ihis 11 e on -Muudty ,.nship h n mnthil. tuai -Witeic 11 ervie llb Mrn.. S. S. ets, Miss Beneanti tsîcminhenithevhsteuillvccpyuthe Mls Reasn, efMijL.' e, cen ,eea. ventecatees un te u hrch - Specîi J LJ cuit vjsitors et at.bee ofee. .ilChitu usictoetîibpoldd. rcci MsOn. A. B. Wilson.-Gegeteown Scertacusoeciii Occ uenthte Stcramitof sald 1epcisni fsr chittina iti beOnsccctd, I cliiito ascot spyccopuitalcoîvrcos ly t)luv u Xmsua ioaory, ail the Oew mniole. The ceguaiu SIharOiiot abades anti dosign, frosu 50c. oip ai nuitli e ihîlcn Blrawn'a Grog Store. i P. n iiEentet s-tmviip, Acn hocrlof CONTvsYcCesveCIt.-Tie veîtiycolin- spea uslioc. Corneaiandcn1vsihche c (j onaTutrsdoyscao, Der.. lltictu c toi. liicd aoypctotChristmas mten g tic, lesecdicy ticeWardnsdotiuacr the aeiuexcellentipnogeeiemwili)ie pon ii Milto as t8 Pa..Tic Y.C.L. letnt itîe veningccl as 1e CAcDoncTeoso. -Mes. RicheetilnscharegeloftlacMsieeaey Coe uic1 Jons wshe t thnk iertreras adcila Mise Ploie Stemart ls be.cheir. nioscouhafeor iclaectt-itiaos-tiChritmasseseoleiing. etintest aucigcsae iteasasnd sfr ses icre Claristmaos Oliutay steele.yMisses Eochera. imade asnejoyaland tt Ths Knox Cher-laSatlath Ocheel ohle cvecueg. de eoig, Dec.. 101h. Seppec toe the KNOX CIIIIRCII pi; areidcesO."t6p... Conicereteaswieh la s Thu snni - collsciona.Womea'a Miaooary Aoaîlsanry mas BHary Sulith. n"Miltos, hastla oneldas reat o as-Thesatal hoasoýcarmig party lutonigtinis "" 1ms etitd Ts aa fins sets leme. Quito s nomberetf rsisceebiog csiraely in rocecofe people fraot,Âetaonand sieiiîy acre leeir allocaion. Theo oi mig oSters boere. abarisge les piality.-Actom ere clced:-Preaidesa Mca.. it. W. ç FrocPros. -Philip Vios-'reaidcentlro. Hardy: l'ose rem. Sd Vico"roident . rDay Jr.; K Clue sceeaho bas teesuenTreaourer. lieorgiosfltorey; Oecrotary thedestafftehBnoo Snt.l'y Bssdy. <hor for thea ask iyars Nasrse î Te W.M. S. sien reparted a lmcry sera ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~L fofb etls yso este saietory seaaosad elctd offieras Lam ranserce e ibe e is easeletan, a"tfolletsoe-Presidsstr,Mm. D. S. Lam shoo" o ml t toîeraesusttRolertison; Scemtary SOrePhisp; F. -S. Asticeseofotheb- Sarnia lerasch. Tcesuarec Ms. Jackons Agaem; Shaih hes*hees trasaterred t eilto n, arbore Pisnst MMih ea.es -drsteàTrésè sud concortin, esou- lrgs. tsîl coodoot bath services scat scteos witic<$irnle Unitod tjbeeh Slab te npiaso etMr. MopoasI. tsb hepsife'bstslltel btltoreI, a ooThe lserv. . u ge AotKoxs ol e. cËr9nsiday esiug, De .vvt>%fi O UeR 'Ym Peopto's meduieg ou 1 v.v.vv5 he-ss , ln-%'&. 18 gcudosde Setgrvics ethAlgti t o. b$blOio ~ ~ ~ " ritl enil<slit ~ esoi55bh iniratigeea ey PHG c lsdi staon, - o My a vm - vi. s i inq osdki pe1 by M orrvn ' MitnBr al.b etyf . v va-neR ',a 5ts5. .tt divi. AterDe, 19 rit7,ýV a là. cnel z hci - lyor A. o EiNtIl ýI5âm 73 j 5, .r-,t'4) I. o t W - a 'Aa rv ery re'd r ENSIBLE FTSS- ýý 'i -I ns lpS j ils' t' I 0OCK 0 A L s s s <S fî gmird sur health hî wearing î\% i m ,i le Bootf; and Ruhhete. The bent ta ala <-ts Iw We hiave thett Rubber Boots ut $4.00 and up. Wlnter Rubbers at $2.85 anuteps FeIt Boots at $2.45 and up. Goloshes at, $2.65 and up. ýNîssIIv thi n- Io lisse fI m mas Slîppers at licasonable îi- Itepaîriog, Skates mid Scisnora 1 Soles stuck on hy faisions Cantilits i I i lacNabb's Shoe Hlorne= l4 THE HOME 0F GOOD SHOES 1i1110>1 IRISTMAS7 Carvîng Sets, Flash Lîghtoe pa, Eloctrie Heatero, Hooki aps, Candle Sticks, Book Es nlesc Steel KfllPesc Mouth Org fritsîtHockey Sticks, Hand-SI 003K HARDWARE w CLEMENTS DNE 43 C N5TOlhampiop esho lits: Enîves vmotbee oluiýeme tbs-Intsayss tbe oaiest Of eesttilsgoo Pfos Ci id upOeesi. items -,sleîeb areýyesr.-fsri S. if YotO.fav'Ïisqd5voi5tO the ià rexw-trv El,,,r( Skates,( oela- i, afetyI iElectric os los Toy-Sets iKO LCo. MVILTON Lse Osto. Tbenelie., tford 1doeiI ipi Tasses Gaisle behi.. imbleo- of peano îe it. f esate. E"sr.atieolc.le. 3T, O1.bieet the greoe 1 Speclal for This Week Onty 1 FLNEET BLANKETS j,' Ibex first quality Blankets. largest 12-4 size, 'ô' ~'white and grey, with pink and blue borders, pair $ 9 9 ù if~ Father wili be pleased with bis Christ- j op mas Gifts if they are purcbased at The SWalker Store, and stili înore satisfied - .P if mother does her shopping here loo, for he knows where his money goes fartlîest. S Our Quality the Best..Our Price the Lowest.%d j%01 if, Visit our many Display Booths, where ai gift selections are nmade easy, and otîr Toy- ..tt ]p and and Gift Shoppe on the second floiîr, .where we are showing Christmas Boxed OP Note Paper. Pictures, China, Faney Dishies, 'à lBridge Novelties, Fancy Wieker Worlç< SBaskets and Trays, Perfume and Toilet U OP Sundîjes, Pieture Books, Dolis, Ganî1îes, 4 a, e Trains, Meclîaîieal Toyýs, and a host of otlîeî OP' 4% articles. iëJUIE W4LKIfR STORE j,, ~For Milton and Distri ct.ti