-te Phone 58. S. R. BEWS. .1 Princes: Thuatro, 0401b Friday andati otrdny, JuIy 8 & 9 Sushine Slraw Hats BILTMORE MAKE- The Newest Faney Banda, $150 Up. Combination Underwear Petitote, C. B. & G. and Htehwey ceahea. BELIS for Mun and Yoithe, Oating Shirta, Fancy Hose, Tiea, Caps, Collars, etc. Carbartt'a Oveiale and Smocks, Shirts, Collars, etc. A good assortinont of Men's Work Clathea, a,... Sf 1h Çfli gar sud' thethsin aof' 9ekv~ittô 41e' a1peaed samiththi -seqnJteo udoptnd aut thtiï cetail an Jutlihitt. -Art l"Wollen, uTan à-irilin Mn. and Mes. Bath, et Toronto Mr and Mes. Bath. aI Hanetitet, an.teMn: and Mem. SttBury. nI Midgtebuf huve heen vniting ut tht home, ef Me. ad Met. W. N. Scoti. Tht Laditel'Aid Sotiaty o St. Poultt Untitedi Chantaitintead holding abusera theft eat n Ia Dntmht. Punitea. tues tuter. WFUt the ludina aI tht toit. gragatiatapietet utepi thist imau. titan. ota Matday Bradford Oteentt.Joh,. Ciemeatta. George Stewatnt John Sher. ay atdJamestDa erttt ta Ferndait Park, neur Cietetham, taitet tht7 wilit epend ite duyseut u hoyu'train- ingtcaamp. fi effeetivn Caadas Diamond Jubiles. ----L I SATUR AY TR AT' jLocalNews e e:tap ta: tanachequesof over $10 ~ Lo ate s e eeduceadte 2 conte flot.. t)heqaea s aAU D Y TR A !oie $10 ae exempt. The tax on V ca h.eg.d. thttat6.',Mr. and M J ifforal .ttDo.e-.***. C. ethatt aadM.atà Met. H. We.alsh, o JELLY ]Y[A..1L0Torntot, apet thethailda at the JELL M AL O Okvile'stai ela45 mille. hometot Mr.anad Mr@. f.. XCIeoe,t A p anacilamarshmallwtop ih mabry Ls ,i er ikt tteCa-Man Steet. Mrs.W. Raffey and lon Va pped tioheaOffthe.Care nîetiag iber tîtter. Met. ifford. tao ey Reg. 40c h.....Satarday Treat Price 29c.t a. agabttn heJblsth 12 ti t Gelh A ea.Comeai WEEK END CHOCOLATES <25c.lb. MB. BarlwofTronete, i vstrMlte81a-PRtri.tanXB7a.ee ngM.(DJH e p. sili teata Guephet 8.40 p.t. Radeaned e hactpea h a a t fe,$1.25 retaea. Caae withaea-and h es a ee enon ecAg docoates re4il Bhad oo. .B.F emin, fVeîaad. peat atiay a reati heiday.8 e ieh Rg, 40c.tnd 50c.t .............Jhn w e t fCheicehill, Naae n Satd.y Ban. J.B 17MTN. MeFaail tcoua- Weekend Special 35c. Lw eteokend. dactaunion servicsin Knoxa Citera EdadadM sia,te. et StUati-dratg this tantit Cenaon ternites ». 6 t a teent.enlt h hein f St. Paatl'.tUnited r u" te mEIneNsS M. CREMsin ricklud Buk R wChaneh dariag Aagatt. anitih eiti h.1..46t NEILON' IC CRAM, n BickandBulk Mi. Rby alt, oatTorotae taeadatelby Rev. N. A. Hrbt tu iu We cAry il i stoc ait te yearround the weked e e th e ie.eu o th et heheea undet fTereao sted The atnivreary serviete ai the » M,, Prkinon, ore, ins tee d. Lad.a' AId Society af Zatamerman .ttA.. ettattt Uni ttd uChe eiihe hbtdetnSaadny, .d. n B A Benetacd ahildret, ef Te- Jaiy 1ihh.et 780 pm. Mr. D .B.n BN W T. B R NA R aovi.Ln t E. Ratdaii'e. netterilllbcthLe: speaher e. lmsc TSF e eaDaby Watsen Bret. and Mr. F. Gaaity, aTEA eM Mine tOel ayl heoehentane st. elsone. i affernia int aidai E V.H. te artlat ntttittg vetia Met. CelinaH. Camepbell, et Wiaai-Ti. n ,t e "'a Ltoel ntad Waaghata W.hapAndetdthHa1a.Oaat NIat..Lois MeKay. ef Daittilie, ieats ahall Loagate witi a itandsott3atn tht gotetfMita Fid oetethte wetk- trtphv, t tu ecomeat et forann aaaty, ed. iaaaea.eyeofhlierathanthe latt Dr. D.. iil.C k ashtpuebee d tht Charies AnsnaBuck. et Paiero "i m-.47rao nof t e 'it uiesTR I Chain RED & W UITEf Stores Maanfarciaoatht secoadfinte, Teat fattenaetm tthoDtt£AdChHe gaeoafethe CetltderatieaeofCaada." a.ad Me. Snaanad ehiidetaetAt St. a..Chaneh on Saaday a hoatatiiv tageattd iineetcommaa- P. & G. White Napt.ha Soap, 10 bars 49e shanr. t iid thae parents hornetdeaatedhby thltsl 'e QUCAKER FRY's SE . S Mc aed Met. John Wheee, et Ha. Mthediet Chureeh, Miton, la Aagaat, meilton, taoted nelatve htet etDrain. 1867. wontgatena acttet bir int Puffed Wheat Breakfast Cocos Corn Flakes cen Day. feent et tht palpitanad ivastitattd hy, A teabe ot Mitea yeeag tat are anttay et tht ceagegatie altter tht 2 phgs 25c j h. i 5 cphti. eeapi.egta Fettdale Park, ataeChefa ri ce teacbaine SaN taN- TheoChamapeona is etadeet tentathe thoe teefumes their CHIOKEN ERVUSBRAND Me. and Met. BeewntoetTeeteoanto. wte thtetattat etfeateihting CIKNhane th-te tataag theianett. aee-i and p --ltttaa c.iaare De ciusHO..d ' tec trenetB'ta arst,end "w.n. HADD ES Sandwich Sprtad 'tttnt1t tito teesérptent 23îlie fcja Snal ee2e hie.e is . at.Joha Bradley, ene yoeauatpay y rie tsate Htaha ihee.ehed. thtrouehtoetatthet isae Jaailahaaan.tTeettta natl. ett.aed in the lecal tew-pape. Haliowi RICDPATH'S Pt-RE FRIENCH i g ,s snt, Irsames Md CaontheittmheCquapaa c ea Buik Dates lcing Sugar Castiie Soap IE.IaR-, ad tee, Haeeld fT.roate, Blvs neMitn atteea linat u 2 teb. 25c 3 ha sfar 25c 8 cahea ier 25c setah Cet tteh hm .i8,0.. a ,.cp Saawt MIl .. aec. exra r ea onSateedty ad Saday T.et1.0p ta. and 6830 p.ta. Loanen U A K IY T Ra Mi% ama ice. W-aNicKay, et Dah- Hatalletdaiy at 5.10lp. a., std i..iHOW L S O E MeesnatLemons FLEXO BLACK TEA alle, (alun fcreend5 it teanefatt p ..cenSateedaye, Stdaysanad bheu- La g, tai îaoay A flieaSoXap Filate , h il a ry L. Stewaat and Doethy PatESEeeaee. RN- . S. XW. Baurineeue R5 e. ieg, 25c phg. tee 19c Reg. 70c. h tee 61i.linvte, .o c ,, t,.eatti. e nM.A , B)H i. haepplaed.QueetnSt. CONIENSIED AOVERTISEMENTS.:iETMSS IUANE 29C aldaaaeateSelUnited Cheeech, L aday,taaitp - .td.det aliheaed aeeetiag daaiag the Àt UEFRATE!0thFO 1000sh PtIiCB FOR FRItiAhANI MAITCiel Y týnAh M i . Mtaad t LeeAhey, ree etibge ofdtthet atan, Pneetat Ane h e emeII M aipu N .-l iaa, aea h lie htatetIl,, hie. Beewn, tnhe da. Lad ient Set tate. Phonee79 r.22.te Metgugt Batds PHONE R. CUON NIN G AM ILON XMti ad i..E.lahond8k. ugandrmmoe b h oge atio b lock.-SyT.eD. Hae.ea htttJ. PEACOCK: ONT, ia,ael, e alt, Arstna aaag tathatautital fee..lttap et tht nght FeR 5ÂL -Colini)pote. AppîpO. * MILTON ,Quait.y Always Hilgher Thon Price" aOnLit. the Mitýeet Ped. hlete aitg fi, hie heiiday. Met.. B*T.ietphone 277r.ttM~iton. Ratcettaattaa-, A. itteteat&c. __________________------------____ --_-_ i Vllstae Mde,eifhast Chi- Hant taa pretaated eitha aeod- Fet SAtt-9 Yorhk p c eeh .tet noeattaie ehtad tray.- Matt ac,, -ago, basca lccaa aae.g he it.rta, Met. yaid.Appty H. Wiliia, peea88 h M .aUaadn 11. dtaat X. iS.tlewart, Coaurt Street, City Service In Pater Town-French Fis lLz , etit4 etha la ntht taet M t a ...f Ad. hutEliaeeh Nectheneed, puhlic Bry Clteniteg af Fift5ttttt-Slith, faId. Appty rotet &ty thcay. "êt*#e 1" t@,,ee ceacahroTootn e tepetditg Sweaterse tc. Faremodat andi re- phaont rS. a ah .. tbee hohehar coite your gormenîs anti finish tittitisatSAta u atAattN Ah6t0 M.an r.Haite Mone anad as new ity taetiofean Steai Sani ares tf gonddnttntd hay Appiy Ma.t teeaa, , f D tao ited theat tory Prees-Art Watts, VotreCuiDer Sitetd. rphotn t07-.-il.PI N e-drrgtht Jehile.a).aieandi Dyer. Teuete-Lint Staock. fartitata heph, e taît haLirlonheat ,e- Hie tauty Mdietn itaen îîî lnyna.etc., long tor titan disttace. Appiy e.ggedforthecomng oue Th rtizewit Ro. Fthejor ofFard Battage. phtonetMfMiltont.-M. Md a c k e n z ie's ]et fu, ngned tl8vue] .te n i- uhinaon inthedeEh oNb fNk O i acheRoctstere .Y.,epanhet Ceaay, Boueait.onîetMary tret. aectiarcte.AN Moth aqdn Insectt hefneaitokplceo Tur Destroyerscstrn.gado, illr c iehadIs tDsryr tpýtteJohacMalleftetliat tdton' F. Etard, phonet 273,Miltoan. Fulli ti Sapho Liquid 50c .ind ,'i 2e Ff0 X 50c. iseaad 1,9,arent. hors deng thet pahapo tiataest itrentitgeovnettoaI ManFo» SL-Th eatause owt. H. W H E E L E R Sapho Powder 15c. aîd '2L.. FIILand iCii'1' ' at.Catada'tDlaatndJuahliett aI Ced-ed. tiy the ltin.John. Rauter. ta Qeata 1 eNIdr, Ke tC3ieae and fifre. Edi.Bitlaid, et Bal enatiete e tatate tttd tSireJai treeBt.elitahas betatorogitîy rntte MILTON, ONT. Insec Pow er, Çreo Di, Cyijugld fai,;, an M r andMtn. ta. Bot, et A. Macdenaad'eat et etiat ptace ianastud and in la . tit e " . p Keating'n Powder, Hellebore, Patis Greeî, Il eltad. &pontt tthe oitdayt at That Cataraqai Cettttety, Kingstota, ataDo- PI! S. Metnpt Miton.ttaW pPHONE 24. Arsenahe Lad, Red Cear FladesFecala, Kaiag Steti.taiteiateDay, wenoe fitneran. ait______________ Mob atpbr ala, NahtelneFike ~ ~ e Ititetea a aaa.iy c a gamatit FeuBÂLtE-Bay ioader ad ide Mot Ca phr B Ils N phteli laks.ae'teeed te Gauelphete Satedty, ehere Asocationta trte piaeed oath ie greSt tent.nt itete b laSite, tr"; eWitt oel he tedd h neln ftht ttattet.tatagrave. taeait ttputeny, A 1 - s.W. Fleming & tt.tgt MnaÂc.e.teaTrafalg.aratatatRititardsoen, phone 2605--. . i1tee. H. WXV .iottealaeney et tht Mi.- efWatardtene. ellee o 1trýA ms on Toilet i'reparatioiis toac highachee etaib as itet at- Vatte,taltt passessionet aeal ICI hre .Lidegadeee FACE POWDEliS-Bonctlla, Arîcla, Coty's, De- Jerkiss, Thee Flowers, Yardltys, Aroctods, Pem peilatt, Jotiteel. FACE CREAMS----dSqnibbe. Ayer'a Lemoni Cream Melba, Seeleyse, Ingram'a, Yrdleys, Three Flow- era, Pompeiian. PERFUMES, ail the well known odars. Frencih Balto 25e & 50c., Alnond Creato 25c. & 50e. Talcuto Po. in fleah, white and brunette, 25c & $1.00. Muan, Nice, Odorono, No-ma-odo,*Kienex. Summer Medicines Citrate a Mgueea, i lan td htte. Soda Phosphata, la hatk and bttttt s Retait Nerne Tonie, Boxait Digesttate Tanie, Rexuil Liter Sute, Rexalt Tonie Bittrs. Enats Fruil Seita HealtitSaSoeô., 20e and 50eCtam s Peptotea, Sporio Salto. Me ma CKENZIE, Phm. o. Phone Rexali Store" Milton datat high tcheel, aut e.ary taI 92,750, hotat eedatliaet, This thket tat ented ta her geatedîatiten. James Me. ad Oint Recey and iattiedaaigit- tMaieg. entas ao eme.eiteeta te, Gloria,ofDtroiit, atd Johnte and Wentenrh.e ott eatuin the firmit Met. Pattet onatd taaaiy, et PartiaCataledanai pnlilatteettil 1867. Oneat 1 icttd NXX. atd Mmt Titaketet nStattan- a1 ahene edutîtote ena. ginen ta tarit day. meneraof thetorigineat puliaa.entand Mr. and Mete. Fred. Beeattand ttty are tata nereanad hithty ittedaaghtee, Daethy. etftiDetit, etati. opentt the wentd hea ut thteihomeat MaLTOraNeFttoctM ...a.ACae et Met, Betnettte mtter, Met. Met- Swoay-i',etduy vsea Fnttat.' Da 'alafe. ut CaLedatauaOtd Home Week ceit- Me. atd Mre. P. Adataeteuad ceild- hettione and, asusoultht Mitton 1n eta, aI Streetvile, havene.ana nttng BMnagdtt tant rnnnt¶mtOtatpteti ab tht haomtoI Me. Adar1aa p..the tootalita.oat tprimae un fot- rate, Me. and M,JeitteRaadal, EIowat.a -FMien than. re1retut. fietilue Stret. bhoket tan td an erata. firtt te 00-yard1 clasht(i. Wttggttentntit), adit in 1 Chester Bowatanad hi. Irtttad,. L hail-taite reiuy rae tElf. Wri 4gtnn- Camepagneanted atatReyeetd. af De- enoth. F. Katatnr .E.arndte&ni'I tratt, @ptet the Juhbilesitaidays et tht Wilson). Qaita aahmenaf I eIttotea1 homatetfMe. Beemntaa istar, Met, W. Jans ataan.punied thet tattit a pata.e Scott. tattan hus, TUECRI ÏPIÔÂjN ctt aotus1 O. M. MueKitip arl ny tîtpu uatttwi1e. et tht Miitta hit stitoat. ton Mate. xit A Oa. .-Ot tht Tuttday ta taihe a couate in ugricul-atgeement ofiC. W. Béli. K.O., toua- tant ut the OntaiaAgritatteerai Cut- elfor Dr. Waren Q.,Rytknnàn. und legs, Gueltph. cettan Attornaey BuWI an". àtjou TauraDAILY PApa-Tii. i. thtetatet aftht ohagur ofman!tagite titatot tht yaar whtn anohna I ttiutet.ohtlthtiit ao Sttei eahnartptionta tteToronto daittut ex- = ,tti~t.Hntia,- pire. Tete OeAenaîeta neilfat-eard eday latt.i!Mtnattttat -Jnje yau enoirttat ut utving ta ya. Dr. Eyekne6 ntî iataetyt rn Mn. and M.. J. antd Mn. and Mns.1 Owen Stand, epg deyntut he hanta aDa.. Mr. ad Mm rTuoat l icai. Ltad. ar twenacne. ta. F. opor, iteaneiftheact th. top of tht attalda ai Mea- fon tht ilnee vu etof Meaford itta tht tungeot tugait Bay o -FOR- FrpeaR, Cookeci and Cu'eci MEATS Fiah and Pouitry ln Soason OUa Meeren -QVALITY AND SUaVtCn- PHNEet4 2 ta-- MILTON. Came geltea9.t0,th Rue, Trnatar on abtout t Jane. nue pig. rwa.n raua han. turne on prevnh0pnpety and puyittg expontet, - STRAYRD. Oana t 1 tepnntsfth te n&net. sieet n te iAt SI utia ng eteila O.yeau ton ae «mrn0espehnt. -Ingireeptrty and pu yva« @2 W. Su il For MViliton and Dis tric t. SSUMMER SHOE SPECIALS Menas Work Boot, reuleskin, Phiica soies Men's Work Boots, retaîla Panco ailes .. Men'e Light Work Boots, Goodyeatr weit Mienas Mah. Cali Oxford, G+oodyear ha-Rt.. Menoa Tan Cali Sport Oxford, Goodyear mweiî Women's Peacb, one htrap ....... .... .... .. Women'a Blonde, te - ............ Wonnen'o Patent, 0one strap .. .... Womens Black Canvas, one efrap ..... 4.45 3.85 3.45 3.35 1.35 Tennis and Sport Shocs 11n ail unes! New Lines Appiving Daiiy NO TROUBLE TD SHOW THiiOf. SCHOOL'S FOOT COMFORTS IN STOCK. -llacNabb's Shoe Hlome= PHOBNE 4 THE HOME 0F GOOD SHOES PHONE 4 ' Iust What Mr. [armer Needs IN HARDWARE Hay Forke $1,50 32o lb. (lements' Spning Wbi ffletree Hook s Oil Canao15Mea. 1 100eae. Htay Carrier Forke ah $6.75 Rafter Brackete 10c, each. Englieh Siekîe at 500. Grînatunee 5a & .6a IL '~$.0gal. Swivel Rope Hitceen600. 00. Binder Wbips at 26C. Argri. Wrenehee at 95C. Paris Green 45o lb. Eay Fork PuBleyB. H'vy Wire Hlorae Muzzles 80c. Climax Bug Killer 90c. bag., Wood Sherves 25C. ; - SPRAYERS 50c, 76c, 85o. Best Machine Oil 0Ocgai. Harveeher Gi-tee 35c. pair Carborundumla Stoneas5~ t' ~ e k4 NTHE r. "The Speed Lirit" ieittiag Rayond McKee. A cetaedy dmrtate enih petyt01 Coeady-Lapiete loto ein 'DRAMA DE LUXE" WEDNESDAY, JIJLY 1th tObey the Law" etataig Bet Lytill COMdEDY: ttTw Tiine Marna" FpieaaieNe. i."Thta Fate Fghterm." Lon a t . . ........... tc l -