Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Sep 1926, p. 4

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<r - .s> >0> ,0 k ~> IHEARAISEJFW LES1H UFFtJTREE-TeP 13EMJTY Ai;o200 SaOIDO!flASU, O ax 8,Oaaa yf District That Liel BotaaOOO th Rveloon (baan ad ahe leaai Eaklaao 1>0001@,d 8aOwlO, Turco'l hoad.a ý(Onoa»lBaea oed lu the, In WiwmadpelTf0 BalolJo lbo. a~r7Voulges, 'ilahfaem Engl>0n>, b001Ilan, ' l ood. and' u a ai Waosat cn rivlel o c>01 Oeof the tagahoa.a Engload s ao>ab> ho>, Lit, 0>010»c. taoa 10la theanaw-hat 00bLda fea lier 0>00>; ScO>bad bby > rTro-- thhomof thEho o Geenan aý, lierb>-> Loh fo>aond, b- 1» H1011>1 duolalo the aod. daa' oa> h landb; Ireladb> br 10>00-0» 'a ,A00irele aine. Inath>00 fha» a lf al'> nd felio'; bb'oîa b> >0»> , aglobe, ifl, la al o f saor 10bricks (I O'n l"00 0>out0f froz000aoanod llgbtlY If -uld1problably b> a la-»» >oo tpooed. foa'aol.an o>h ring, 0 for >001> Il > final ad Loh tat h» tII are0 edg>'d î>getb0- by Koa , rio IaDto. bol> 1fo>thet» »>l>' a'»wn ght 1n ohla »>'aîOa tw000 th, »>»' (e,> a n>d 1the il Lota ln omfort. b-l qtrl O ranot otheiws' a l,>ex- The 0wigwam00of lb, ,i,,rth Amer- 00.led n te Btih> l 1 ,f>> 1,8 . 0 inlsais nia> ny»> res0pects Pai.tosanod pilets ha»>>, d fla dî dodly curiona. The wo Iba»> 0>'>' btw >-C d n Il 1,,Id e, o hloh la bllt b> tbem living ~g ~a 0> la >0 > ab tt he' Great Lake.oad atarod. flo,. obl>,d a s1,0>Qî>o>..»> onsista of aframworkof a»liaOo afflction. The>fatons ' o a o eti thela ond ad tiet iwar I UOb" > as lta>l»Oplac> of ýfore oao1droof and s000>0-» Dl>o>>aFox; >oa toof »lit , -t-»j lah>id together b> oàuo> >f >ihl>a or taong, the 'ahole b0.10>0-»>re obo». o-- >aI>'d oothbl ino or>> fi0l, ola tsof b500h ba>k bal al1,19h I l l uO >>toi) .> oaîgwaru lo a a'plaoed b5 the tPee 1, 1),0>a>>. l, lin' eatl,,r il, »»la»p,Iha,lîa and pIieblo. TI>1 th. 1,t,>bo oketilia 0>1> al ak seond la 0>111 of alaa>bb>0'y, lsual>Y aaooro 0,01>0000>1>0>1o> »>.a attled. The iklîo he gisasbooaa nani-, Tuiru,> aa' ft0ll00» b» . oid o theprairiesOad deaaats. The> et thIt.gIl,,7o> tho da arelboratl is an aarth lodge constuata'eîdi o bY te idbo a tbea 0of 10>001, ahI» fi n-> > .> > >>,> p-ttO. i" o»»> la aotha sellea»for th, l I la>>»'> litre, oboda ofr aa> XJ Itto týg l bil I Il o If ahe p>abll> batoga t- b > r,'>.' 1»>>»>,'IJ tdah-a.r b> o he h> 0 1 Ill I toa> .1 >structII>e puall» !lh e h, J a it, 01, o h lba>i l , .0'»>a >n»Tsecod 80»»> a I l»Oi d».oo nIli. IIIý I-oo , 1 lb 'f f the b. 0>0>1Ila ah> bulld- M- through ti>>oa>>' > > 0 l >> > a1 ' o> > a ry >0>00- oroofed >>oJtilb,>lýp*,,,dilar w.110, bul, >0»» >d fi>,> -NI, >> ai>> -,01>la 1>1>> > 0a o» o>,toid b> fitr > >on ng a 10 sson ofa lle o l'I nil li , i,, oý a >0nti st ia .b .' p n 1b a-lahan- .nIl d ", 'I l'o' h., a(Id h. Ir- ier i) tit il aT1 »1 l el l rve fahIIe 111 11l -'lt i, . " th a c olt a alin00 .n * j P lh I 'o -> 0 >> 11ort00>00>01 na-. -;Il>(jjd' Ok, > 0 lowsoy to> penl f IlIt> l, - > , f, , l>i': 1, sa vhcha i h>eteo s>î !>11>I . o >, ;'> o> th, >p 1r course of th lb-'n,', Q>the. a abîi od o. ,lnin, fl. e o>»> a> , lu I, 1, 1 >> 11 Cs >>>>n Se il ll In 1 1 lifte t lie 0>ia N,'t 'o,,>- sd ik th la> Y;,.T>0 1>l00I>0a>d >. ('t »-t> i 1 k:,, tH l , ig >niî>t and 0>ir >0»»ightand 1>ent In, lo,, >d0or. >1>»» doo>a - I'IlloaT >I- o parts 0el ;,h. a >>>>>.o d o > > o d ,i>lb >il >100 so,0I o il 011» 1!>'llIl >but ,- t 1 > . 1 o i>,oo i' > »>" » oin 1> o off I o If loin >00> 1>o.0 ibol I>o n la».> aong>01 0,>> >f>inll. 'l-1 », 0001 JI p'» ,>o. > f o alit.g I 1 >1, o 1 O o- o IOo'>>»' >1 A>>>-'ca, T i la e' aîî >0>> 0. Ilîo> 1». 0,0l a, aIn l 1al-od o>> 1 IV >o 1> » > 1>1 . >» >1^>ala0fah >1 o>»> o>-I.> o > o» >1 Tho Iab»> fil,1>1>0 t.aa»d aH>' > I ,1»>>-nd 0 >> ï» O> 1>> 1 1, of 0000> >od> a y of Il I Ji Il r 'l> 11» i g , > I l, a ofo oîoathe f >0>1>00, 0Ji, hop , t ood >100000> aat illai ta- In 1> 1,>1I'> uiI>î>l>oolo.1» bo usaemo ïn»>>4 Il' In, a > o> 1 l110l> s lu> 000tbe o >0w 1 1-doo' Iî»î 000>bl >000>01 »»ýand hoaîdbThaa 1 i 1 liItI oTbo i, lan do dwliII aIdoalbaa Ti I hli I',o-n > flicoTlboi 0>.,0d0 If 00111home.b>'Iogoalfa "I îo> o, la '>01> 1,> 0>1 o ah> ,00 ld, oa o lI1 buildn o tr1e- poa.'1, îohoî. - >a>ll,.t">t>0la»,» a lt> e»oad aa sewveesyht a a f AwilllaaThisgla raflbl a 'in01 J)> toao>aies,0an>Jemad ,Il oI,1,iI0,'> a 1>10 1 , a , » bil- 1,hoa1 aw ooi1llldba, aa "'l l , , r î>o ai, >> 1 >..1, , i a ataol l l a nuribr f laf p a n"d î> o: : galoo> a P o fa pr u a The deali L er la a Int"i a oh10.0 LO lafa. thacll, t- C .aaaa >agm ara,18 ? O S PHOSPHODIN , lSeogoaoa liiof Aît alaTeasoj w a r ,L;ý oAl.i .lOn d ras lvr t05> tpste c ior.mdthe isbIM. Il _ftal t;f ailn talafi, '," alewol o 8MUIUUKf 1- inu te sa a lx -alaaaf $ ,. ' 1 Part'If l'dY. ( te I "d 5()'flPrH te v With the custorns j vestigatiof l tIar from finished, the King Government already stands convicted of havin gco-operated with smugglers, bootleggers, dopesters and thieves, and of havirig thus been a party to defraudingy th, National Treasury, strangling legitimate business, debauching officiais, high and low, thwarting the administration of justice, and bribing the elecrae To cite but a few instances- -already proven- from its appailing record of malfeasance: Stoien automobiles, smuggied înto Canada with the coliflvance of Custollis officiais, were sold for a pittance te friends of Uic King Grovernolent, and those found guilty were allowed not only te go unpunished but te continue their nefal'ious1 trade. 2 mgldliquor selling was engaged in on a large scale by Cusoin oficilswhose duty it was te protect Uic Treasury. 3 Corrupt officiais were unpunished and promnoted; honest >officiais were punished and demoted. Prison-madle goods are on the prohibited list, yet tons and 4 tons of such goods, produced in prisons where contagious diseases were prevalerlt amnong the inmates, were smuggled into Canada for sale te innocent Canadian >o'suri'lrs, with the direct knowledge and co.operation' of Government officiais. Police officers-members of the incorruptible Royal Canadian Mounted-were withdrawn from the Quebec boundary uine at the request of the smuggling ring. Honest traders had asked for increased police protection> but the King Governolent preferred te grant the request of those who were defraud.ing the public revenue. Glt owledge even in 1923 of Uic frauds that were being 6 pactsedhasbeen proven agaînst Uie King Governmen't beyond the shadow of a doubt. Timne and againa ini 1924 snd 1925> Uic Commercial Protective Association-lI.n organizatioli of business men placed before Mr. King irrefutable evidences of it, that they had succeeded in tracing dlown at their own expense. With his Government hopelessly entangled with Canadas criminai element, Mr. King did not--dared not- take any action te remedy Uic appalling conditions. Sresuit of the smuggling thus conuloned by tlie King (thvern. ment. 8 A $54,800 loss was sustained ln ont11case> alone wh>n Mr, "Cardin, Acting Minister of Customs and ie, s> bued for $3,200 wth a dishonest inmporter, whû, accooiînË 10 Mr. Cardins own officiais. had cheated the Ireasu»y u..ofa et s amounting to $58,000. Thi> deai >W asb onsùTr»n1>îd jiss previous to the last election. 9 Free liquol, fromn Goveroment warehoubcs in Mo>treai,>a supplied in generous quantitie> Io membei >ci>h,-, Kii> Gov ernenent and tu Governmef' t»>ffials in (î'>'>-> »>0ilor- vention both of the Federal Law> and the Pl b> t->0 »»>Law oî Ontario. 1The habit-formiflg drug traffic is one )f the woers' ourse> in teworld today. Under th'e:1>rote-orÀon o01-r f0.;ýg Covrren- ment, Montreal became olle ai the g»» 1 > i tlb>0s> centres of North America. Tepeak of this corruption, anîd of thîs interferonce with the Cstoms collection and the administration ci.. ic> lpïoOho by the evidence to have been rcaced juos, 0>1>0 îo the general election of October> 1925, ývhen, at tho >ritien rc7qoesi Of Liberal candidates, Ministers of t.he Ci-o'n ;tl cri» the IRoyal Canadian Mount>d Poliice b>causo î h» e>e er.f-,orcî..g the law, kept convicted cro,,ks out f e> j>.;aod sar>ouo>ood Treasury frauda as a means ef ecurinig the Fet-u-Oi et oli19 Government to power. Despite the fact that with Mr. Kennedy supportmng them,ý the Liberals had a majority -n the Investigation Committee, that the Chairman Mr. Mercier was a Liberal, and that the Prosecuting Counsel Mr. Calder was a Liberal candidate in the last election, and despite the further f act that the commit tec soat almost daily for f ive months, thus affording Liberal members ample opportunity to uncover mnalfeasance on the part of previous ministries, not one word of proof, not one breath of suspicion, was brcught againat the administration of the Customs Department under the Laurier, Borden and &he Govern' ments, but only againat its administration under Mr. William Lyon MacKenzîe King!1 Has anything more disgraceful ever besmirched the pages of Canaclian history ? Can a proud and honouirable nation, whose people f ear God and eschew evil, afford to condone such dishonesty, such corruption, on the part of its leaders and- publie servants? VOTE 1cr Dr-.R.K.Anderson inilalti And avoid another Election! i - S. MOTOR FATAUTIES UA LION C rami EIRAGGING-DOWN PAINSRELIEVED Woma Suffered Nearly a Year. Lydis EL Pikm uus Vegetuble Compouad Brou&htHer HeaJO Mmm eJo>.Saak.-"Iamgaga t la toI ou w5at Lydia E.Ir O for me. I anS aad var>badly wiih daaggoda n ss-ad da=-ama alyhop mad dwa my whole mide mnto a> iag. 1 had it narly a yen> when I antat a doatarand ha aa5d 1 aoald have ta bova ierab-a.But atyaahrauMd t kLdi. E. Pihhma Vegetale Campmmd msit saad har life years hafare. 1Itook 0>0 bottleoad I fund 1 oaa botter, eo Ike taiag it adl"osed Lydia r Plakham'as aativa Wah. 1 hae had 0w. moehildrau alaca Totale a 2.000>Wth Neaaý"l .- HALiiij OUNTY UALL FAIR Auoamobileafatalîtias lu the U.'tada 9nr '0fapaimtl .4s0,. a> M ILTQN on Statea fo1925 totua4 22,à>00 an 1924, acoadiag ta, the repart af tha Natianal Bur---a!of asaultyad a arwrts Th reulSept. 30th and Oct. i st., luere at>iad ar-tr a. T5oahet OraaIthea StatiotlyaCmita_______ of the a NuCoaal suet y Caoiocl. The. tody a ha(at (taa umbar a of automobile flalities, azludiag Colliions with Street carsanad rail' p c al P i e waY traias, laareaaed fram 17,600 la 1924 ta 19,000 lua 1926. Thae total af 1Ba ooa oeodOje.,iarmx aaddl h aa> f talatmoblUe gtude'romaiug 8uci' the onhibitor. lt laà$1. lad 10,. ld105. deats moaatad tram 1,688 ln 1924 2 Sent Herefoa dOulI, saber ar helfar. .hawa la the open a ft >lf clas ta 1784 Oun 1926. Theta liragutratisul of cara, tha lat $10. ataldy ahows, naramed tram17,691, an23The T. Eutoa ('l., Ltd., Toranto, Sent Steer. 2 yenaiod. exhibited (y, 981 la 1924 la 10,054,347 ln 125.aiadivida oawaor aad raiaer. rockar, value 014.2&1 ar smeisa u aDa Fatallty r=1on athebasla af regiu . rticle ln the cataague. tratlaos be Seu aeeoaualg fo leming & Armstrong, 85 euh for Boa>lGradeaRaelier, on> ugo. aeveral Yearla. hut the rata fur 1925 5 Palmer J Book $5 cash far bat 6 uh. Butter la priata. Oaa raetiauiiy theua ameasau hat 0 O. ToIeLt4a.,$5 aaah fo h5at 6Ibo. Boîter la pinta., fo 1924. 7 S. R. Bau,, $*b-afoot Palr Dremaed Chlakeaa. Deatha of ehiuldren ander 1l eurts 8Frallck & (a%- Hamiton, $5 ln igaa>dafar boa 5 Ibo. Botter ia PolafO o14 continuje ta ha on.e oftthe moa 9 Wernser W. Howell, afflrer. 36 King Straet North. Hamiton, boa> srions aapacta of theAetabjj- ou De.ae tfha e ra>juirooe o faiadme qaity (tu bdolioer.d 2 arala cident asiuaton. tha r'epart. daya. Inter, aowace oo.og>fato . 9la 1925 It la eetlmâted thut 10 1biarhusrBKaeia-arôwrilip$5 ahfrEà aro resdDcn 6, hl uu umhie 9 erewreue rs',aa 30 K Cig tr'eet PaIr amilteon oa killd l autmoble ccidnts oswaaîog the au et ùali1nof rizes in cIft . awuavice onaur or >, a0f., mpraoaed wth 6090 ln 192k> ow' OOatJ$l, a> skatau,>br>aguosaata a. aîîwaacof o2 S. FALLIA1R5 fOR-1926,.21'b 'O&W scjf1IO B">,» 05hta1a~t>adylh Vear. so k0 001 .0 oeait'I,'0 h.ial"lf erh5oha.yeragbaioa ý 4l? pl urg'1i- al> 7 a.$ -Tl F]RED~ S -la palote ar rolia. teai uis a>valua $10, -058 oilar,'relua sfI&.so$Zby Ci 0, L c a ab VI 0> il e- C70P'; ii L cr th. d10>.M>»0 gaaO " B> " d > $r7, ,ob 0a la»» PMILT &W10 =.Oa>00yO 0 tu.y; ti-0 10 '- > 1 a-a ..uioca.kh M'A. & tIlit &o; NIERSN M. 0 lai. nd a Ic- 0, ' ITerWi, OoalN C.1, rEMbIW., -C liDaNTd0 o >0 l.IRM0 BI-k 1o TUA N C E _EW' AR> M11a a> Dce Campati»t -UNTFY tiF COURTE L)ayu > II 4. 0.., H, .Ag Osa B' W pa.> > ada A> Y. ta.0Oo. ~DYER ~pio n BNIN(î 010 ON'] *faa> S'> 1 P%- LLI db -- -- -- ým- -- - - -- - - - - -

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