Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Sep 1926, p. 3

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f Hdfi' blwe as i&.j0. es, DlfeeyîILce e- waic ih' ric î6the -etgteScec PAYNIETS. C ps bidfnwriocefitheevce TeDi enipce cg Cbocix ,,gh cc p iYho e Da25e41.te7mMiltton., TL 00000 omon oma OMbeic1tiaN ccd tAe1O.uN le Sefi]cn hicci1-, odteran i ihe Nertie e5cii ý w K. 5WcetIM in ,c frmo eceit i ent e o Mutesif . h id le flic Wcteefne )jitai. foJi ty e n e a3.42le L S. r-'. - hie ephecct, Aibeti -iO iem nGe et.an hatw ;rotinfjece.' arý-i SkVl Ladies, C-otton ant i S learing at25~ ?riuts and Gil2ghi~ Sýoîcie 36 iu eide, 25o yd. Dress Chainbra3, __29e yd. Stylish DresseFi SClearing $2£5 Gingham Dresse $129 !CKENZIE'S ~hoo1Opeinz! 'III-IIf 1,k of everythiog îequired for Public m> li.îîext Books, Exercise Books, Loose i--t and send tbem or bring themn when School 'et Books. bok, i i coud ruled 013 , . ioîd smnal 'i'8 luii~ticPen Inke 14.TheR0 -9 Public -Sehool0 - Text Books Seribblers, plain and rilefd, Siates, plain and cloth boand, Suate Penilis, Iuk, bine , blacke bine back, ted and grefen, Art Gain bc. and 100. Penoil Shal'penesS ScoDl Bcgg 1'llers, '1.0.,dit.î do 1. Crayonui,qïilmk, (ionpafofs, Mathemt (S.l sts, Focsntain Peus.5oQ and$100 -Pecoend epo-veiliif Sec tien1 ine tiennid6 Dol0. E. 'W riedeSln M iretie, . larmer, e-i Anci-ece Sept. ti, Rey. Dr. Mh MiAY B. E iiucney, Tc manie. CIa Fridayan Mr. and moree.. cf ibeir u te Naaey. St. Johne.1 end Me.1 tesn. Oet. quieilp e the Apocile Leber Day Canada at Panrb. Nîc iy and ye ti. tien. mescgelt band prefr Secie tu bas oncice y e-ahlro neden M. 19 le qeeli obchescraed attsactila Ibir preusa aLle aed s bsastiîy ae rempoaded. piecling 8aie ca.Visle and aeil pl late Le nc ver a seni Monument bac. cb cEnenAd PIANOS diretd ilte-1c Su- scert &o1 ce'y, td fr.tiedieLle- n Sung- Tn i c ae nc tcn. TAP N IitedY Radino., .cW EL f CI.-ccmetleidegiebce tienne e-creet îrîc0i t bthe Exhihitlic. Wrey A. Agent, Mitcn. White cf Dallas, Tee-ai. IfUflIliDAlVRIEMN itcc yeterdcy te ccc bis ~~~i t. White' editer ef tiaee te ho le SticenSened te bsLiel. S'onuM;AT .-Pandnea CookiSte-i-. eceSyxeecinenwcriS ceid uAppiy Vietece Merde. Beoute St. rci,:Site o.ne Sicdc4' Fiu eeiNT.-Sin-ronied irie-bence. ert Il &.m.' ced 7.01 p.m. one Miii Street. Appiy David AcIer- Icefieme-enofeToroneto. ciii cen ,hn cervicec. Spcial meie. Fou Sac-efeienceci, and OIcLLy, Ieeherpn acd emaii graina tece. Appiy Mien Bal, c.gent "toeratey cf ShemaSt. Ussreearned le Miton, id Stardep, Sept. lEd and Bous e-ceRSAcE.-Freme bouefer Jiucenu 8, Ronyal Building. saleeoneMartin Street, cnîtainhng tee i Mec. W. Fermer, Strath- nrs pl r.A ok a.. nence the engagemeet Te-e enifeetahl ie nme c l cna- ly dangbter. Durve Morguer- vneieecec eith cercitheet board. Ap- tc W uhaeienAiustin Therpe, piy Mr.LewinPar,.SarahStreet. à NB., yonent sananf Mr. FOR SAE.-PnsedJre cc EdineTlrpen f Buriin- 1reeh GOeeeecmUeiteeed.Sjeseaiid. tLe marriae tLakLe Paee Appli WlJ. Robertsene, hre2r. arin Dctnbee an St. JanepaeISri le Chaeeb, ideatreai. Teuciei-Lire Stock, fereitue, ON, EERYBDY ec long ne short distances. Appiy i'-vcccc -S Pe d Ferdl Garage. phcne 171 Miton.-M. y itLithe PrimeeMinieteeîofMieheicî itf iE tLe West Ceaire District ire Pienie. Queene Viicria LOTSn FoR S.LEî-qniiabie foere- Lgm Pelle. Beîcg tLe fain- desne building. ce Lydia An-e. riit eer friands,. Let iLenear freen ni eaicee Lndi. Apply Geoege ArcLuer3figheees pennenal Laing. Lydie Ave., Milice. c ii-cniiies.ery f0d Te LET-Sicxenein bouse.adean d r-aie. Ceerate ce Niagara ccli mater, gedenand frit;calcce-- te. Speabiag ai 3 p.m.,dey. 1y decnratcd. Lydie Ave, Appiy ceai dine.-BergebLaing. Centcecev-TLe sensad conl en ORSAE-Foxa ened pepe. wei aPar mSunaedcyeCeeinge marîed; paeae egond weeeie. seeselleng ail iami- CemeandaSe timiornephoe eoerge e pogrameieebeige seenedios- Btiley, 77-e-12,. Ecreby B.I îedeeed. Tiie Choral SocsleicWueiTsP Benefeaibere ;ighe Chas Eltaly tbn ccluiprice-paid. CenlibcegbiteaDem. Chbers.cHais ly aee.pfo5 ecilL e rpLace 171 and tbey iieereceeiee md.ee er ci Le hclleS fr-Ifrrîn Miehnc. y oftnsaned expression. The Fies dged tioule eneed. cee-e waaedonded addition ad hnepaedad greeed.eieneeeeeral bath leuefniereaniieet leiîLeepe-eegriedîce. Apply Charles T. 1îl asinseavera-ssi musl- Campbell, ReLert Street, edjinice Toroneteind iceil aSnd cetcnecr .cf fir geonied. >no erir or s y el ies- SusED Wnc.u FR maSutccliepreeed xpprociaiedhly ail. Mr. Dae Dee-ecae Golden ChaefSoSed Wheat, ,eremeent andard Ne. i. Second iioleaiso"Souvei"a" prznin HaionCeenty fied cropeein eeecaed, gle abe kiLa ldiptitîca. Trry ntrongsteawc. $1.50bue, .Mca. iacEriSes. wci a a si-F. C0 t.encrLMTd& SeN. Milton Milice audies, au ca nal, d e ver eil seauedsred ccd DIliD le ce len Sd Mises Daidece Nflîtyce-At Acta. one Aeg. 25.jcLe sed Mr. Soct Hcltail la tudr Brlatyre. eged 62 peers. iceicea. The Millen Baed iVuilaeeAi Dekiiile, ce Sept. ici, d A-111galnti-- ud àlare[ ferJ.dM. Walae, ibe d71 ye àiacaad asSêlciss 'Bdnalblad ec 1 ccltf lis pgcdiiec. tL, Co emmnLlic es as ceand cieclici nm lea aId il1Le Fond. St. ade (3UnitedChercle Nee. Labov Secdey. Sept . SL. The reg- mine erîcea cll ciii Le erd ce fci- ne-wa:uie..tmooeinge-eechip. euh- jeet. "Jieece' Interectine Lnovead the Lboee" ; 12n'nnLeekBone. ehere ehoi ;7 p.cc..eceniegccnrnhiP. noie jee,'Eecc Jeae.eCloseethefBook." A cordiali eceiearte il ccnechippee. Semaay Sept. ilti, tLe Suremeai, c)f the Lirde Si pper cci lire dmin- iteerd. Therpeepuectnny emvices cii Le heid ce Priday. Sept. illL. eai8p. OBITIJARIES. Mac. WILIAMuinPAxeca. Liip Macenzcaie, ie-îeOf Wiliam Pcnteacnsddeeiy pacied ady et her homnein Milicnerry lait Sînedey aoieig. Mns. Puo laS Lbe ae f- tericg rleeuaa etrcnition or eeue iy ihreec pea. She e-en c Scegbier ef thec late canoe W. J. Macenzeie ccd e-uc boniat BdIiieene, Oct. Sho Lad bieau c reideni cf Milten aine s 878 ebecber falieùcamreene nMiton frai Mitent Purent euS becme etie ef lbrane DieureL. cf e-bieb Mm. Pecte e-ena neey ative meceber, as che wee aine of -hîle Bd rune rgaaliîiice durieg -tii5 e-c. Sien a ie cieled by ber beeliacd, te- ouns, B. K. B.-Feu- toc, ni Tcenue. B.D., unS Maneine F. Pceien, eanager nof tbe Banki nS -cee-cti bore. an-sxdu eghtec, bMm.' W .P.ihDuncn,Toronto,Lecncci nI. Bicë Mcitba Agielicral Jelege. Wienipeg, Kathce. eepeintrcderti ofet îLeufres, Hopital fer Sinl i id5 rnc roronci',jean, cf the University nf Tncecie, ad fielenancd SMarion, e-ho are- Ktli ticec*.t-o bTLeote.," Arthur H. Maenzefie, nf New Yorkh Dity. ccd Wmf. -B. Maceiec, nJ St,. IcncuM..caider, Misen M-knl'ce ofMiiec. uS Cefurreabida. Fanion-Suddenly. ie Milton, onsAug. nit29ib, 1928, Liij Maekeczie. b- icard ie-îeof fWiliiam Paeuiin.and dangielceoc the lete Caece W. J. .edpaih Seddenly. ai Hamilten. o Seteedeli. Aîg. 28iL, Peter RenS- f aiL, cf Duedas. cieetinet a dai eiestery. ce Tueeday. Aîîg. Slît. Entehicion-At Weelee, on Mnedey, Amg.30 1928. Patricia. dengbier nf Bi. R Bteicoc, aged 8 yeas. Istereneci teclaiee ei ivecrside Dnmrtery. Wetce, ona Tneday. Young-Ai DaLemile,.one Aeg. 2OSL. Mary L. J. YTnmg, idre- nf thelais MaitiadToung, fonaerly uof Ber- lîngtonn.anSdesebgter ni the lie Capi. J. E. Ceddy. MA.. i. ber Stie Pey-Icnîce si ieeery efciue te-n dea on@,enc. heS n la eer, Cherlen Eeeey Fay. ilird Sept. 2.,191f. aein Richeed Pdy. ilicd Sept. 3 191f. -Mther, fi'tber, Brothees. Robino-leusSBad inigmmr nf Bertha BeelaedWciecf.A fRobinson,e-ho fe eic eJee Sept.1le.. 1924. Nfe .. eard th. oaiteeme Th . ceeaacslcrdeoedee. & eStceaie eue ebike i b ci' lIcenneniebdicelilie ceEeeie. i udaa h-Sndiy0 eieccd servicee-eh lic eiëd c SE.2 THU SEP. 3 FR1., SE?. 4 SAT. This-is your opportuuitY to get good good s aflgreatly reduced prices. S ANDEIRSON'S, - Milton's Big Cash Store, 2e SHIOES FOR SCLIOOL MiIton-'s New Shoe Store HURLBUT'Sj We heve e ver'e large cnd ccni4te ýteck cf chic iccecce 1. 1 o jcic ether, lhock ce broe-n ceif, jenelcepef, Oxford cci hîgli lielofoc %oe oacndcichildic. ou ilo bi hndelighicd with lien ciee. WOIVEN'S PATENT SLIPPERS Wceene neaef ct ecef.Patet Leechi c Sipperc. i ow o ceii iiiei icbccc re lonSie 3-7. Ycur chcice cf fcur tyle.................................$2,95 and $3.50 Boys' School Shoes BMSnis WorM Boots FEB E E 1 Gedc$toutblack ineed lîcen Wý e aueryilargestcOk of Wih -eic peuofCitldec' fer feit eer for boye. ccidileatb Wc , o ots elale fer eail Ien e-c w iligiir ccc rither a er threegbcer. Sine lb.. Bcx kiedofeci.Smec6f12. ince Enrfîît "Hcin"coraSeibbiee Oel 52.95. Ceci 'eu ...... 93 11, prier range fîcin $2.95 te tul a. cor Co ie,. Ailifor it. GET YOUR AKIN BRIN(GUS SHOES R l.FfEN YU CAREFULLY XU FITTED L PHONE 2S7 MILTON SHOE ROPAIRING WBIEN L AT REASO] Corne ini and ask to cee to eh( Justi MENS NEW FALL styles and at prices tise Quality Faipr T REPA by epr qabb'ý -hie liome Ancief Pneimey Fie-mie. Ait.uh i ti i uind tii cialer ie- ciiioiciiee n eont len Euroe ýN NEED 0OF . cîîîccliei.eeî edcedce ci tLe, elgi oe i, ceiuLr, tito Chiea nd Cci etitmi i ci ccirti ccimnilnuba- NE tonorfci iciri' igoseiiouceeda of E S r, c c ac ýTtc cj1iiiei Egypiias ccitýnricousvsof00ici im-dîird s )icksoke ici oîo a i n ea nf ce allus ce6,000 Iciccs est.cei iice 00. Ii ir 1'e .-iEncen C-day. SNABLE PRICES - the'i ciihici to ee îceded doce- ibrouhtiiico cetre, fe-ecefatle Dur new lines-No trouble Ce ci. Tirecg e cicetre 0flir, eon cie ec passagcirc ic pen.i iw thern. o 1dcfie o cii b aiebi slnc Fie r cm tncicoiel n eci racle. a e .1ca ecf i euccie liccin themroof. xý rrlveu ! euneicnmcbein te i ao ro ni.gg nheic edinuld e ecIlghniennat cf OXFORDS iuthie lateet or gieEeyda y eisheipeeî eh aineb etlfieBoce ehci ceca the tChue EtI wjll surprise 310E. cemefoe the le ,iîieb te breaki forthieilbue ric difficccîy le dong o Trce and Teceperatre. MSOTTO Ifa adiecceionu ef Cieeffeet cf iree Ireatument Service ca inmpenlture, Me-. W. B. LOcacli C ity Pereeten ef New Tork, poicts eut Cieoi if Ameelea neeeead parbe e-e-e wenl uppiied e-ile olger- o ue treete anommera e-eeld lie ~,-R NÇ ecrer and the winte-cwarncý'.Be wornln lier che tact îuiat a t ibiýtue of ni e oCee errveariesn e ue-aieor c e - s f l e . Ifl en c r o s se o n e cf Éli . v e 5-ho 1_ 1 pt neso ei otday.- elniee M-. eacc, e-eu b emeceicîce la l10D de- of Good ihioes MILTON gresahenehei, utS pucea undc ibte seieo f aeseen re e reiebiy the ceel aie thut mrccc on. 'fiat maiese chbage? Netthler hade eione.bue rbieSly tLe fortt ioecare lna ibe preceece nifealbedy hat hue e flxeeS emperatere cf i60 Segrenu eFa- renhelt. ne 46 degrec uner tien tee stelenetempeeteire." *C rService Je' ln le On teeue-oenscf Lakie Bî, ucce- '0N HA M I LTO N Itciin estr aal le't giguctienscetree. This true nuorej n.fias ferfliamilliers bn 913 lent 01gb. ic, teanirJ.37 eent in'nrceenc ced tien 1,,erad v cfuÂYDAS 'ofAT fs ble nceseea 249ic b tce pin, ',ie,,PceiLIO1en by Pc wocc e 5ji.iec- c s-heu. h nIeilt un ~ e e-etier cliiieyoe ec .e td Toron toE Meeicg Taiegrain. 1 Lecuen Da&y AT KMBIDnuic-Grecat -------______ prepratieee are beng made t Kil- - - JAVidA fr Labor Day, Meeday, Sept. SO. Thece cci lie gardon party. sic m bea .. itin a programme in whieb, the foi- Iutto etmy eau loisig cii taLe paet. Ye Olde Tyme irthe h laie La bansa Vilage Quartette, of Toonte. Missese BettyeMeekenze.ecentralte, and The]- majBairre.Theyo, andMeer. W,.H, 1,dertuseec the id Chapiene. acenipeniet. There ciii W.1sadtelBe id e msiby the B. &B.erchestra. Dr. ig i, licg imad R. B. Meleeeeid wiii Le chirmn. There ciil c ebefi llteernameet. - Calile Mapie beafs va. Cerliiele L.. L., t 1.80 p.. and Campbellieioc. >IVR DAY TREAT! . hge t3pe ,,MtFucige, " 1lvre trewberry and D'A"eeeCioCmmiTrED.-De Fridey 551 'iîeudy Treai Price 25C. lb. ert DAngeic ccee taie frein thr lai barttice ileeand e-ne cmitl- ted for ftefal y Pelice Mdegistrate MIKNE ClHOCOLATES 350. ÏbJ Sbiedseone cherge cf mnecegliier, 40.cd ceigtbedeatbi cf JameeeJcbeeec 11' -tcntree. Rcg. ce.aLd ad Gerge Gli, pieeced by e-ced ai- ..weeiend SpeCial 350- eehui1. Crewe Atterney Dcciprose- rutedaed HugliJohn Mcdeceld, ni ý,jjscej5s Ice raece. Teecete, defended then prîcecne. The WPv- tetimeey cf the nitneasieae-an a relie- b'r9 tiion ofthat ginen t the icquet. T. BA R N A R D Dra.Soeened Sen-egerepeeted tbeir sae eue înLte po"ccertemi. eey- M ILTON - eg tLet the mec hed died cf poieoc- icg, preeeemeeb cf tLe eicebliîc i Suff w m zeiýroep. Prufecec L.J. Regeru ni the à tternity f iceecte dec eubiifeie ___________________________ --giebiseaaleysisof the fiid feuinij aneceth d Medalfybes preenciere. ~ftjancd teetiled tbattheeiocefbic th ýDVERTsNG - VScutainerd e-ccd eebef. ýER THE STO Compa 'N air, TiC... cie49 VeP" _e 7,30 RS' HNRDWPiI biiici.ii or repairidg let US qp ir. 1-etster Buoard, Hydratf (fit-en (icaciy ucesof Biilderi Spray for Cattie ti r i l i he cattie V f lligh lGrade Fly SprayI Nocuc gel cuere milik, S0 y mit iii c SUr ali la sto satisfy. ients &( MLTON .......... l5M5~ eble, sk thie ccy te 777 e ccl ccci M

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