IlUi .1 lAT REA in5C (,lm STwlIE Ai -1tl tittkct tceHEnd.iittii i ilruO Ord cf ttc ol4T.I i latc i i 5 l ltl , i l'. c It lithO il5e, slSe halt iS"de.oiio il,. e iutuSSftiat« mit tbrilIi Mit'eau , O c 1. htiore. lic tcattî il, biii. ndte-L, til ila i, huit iadi I, oitit t T i atrailiIý.T t c. ý I I,.0I', ice lth~it.t, Ieib tt.. s. 1 IL Ii Iî,îîtct . I I L '* T 1 sîî l ictibeti ctîctl -Yii Iîl t ieiîîtii that faiti cet n t ,ik .0 _ ia, . ine...c tî . r Il., 91 , S ifîi l t.,c01 i'il11, titi1" OuSt Ill'il i.1-ît 'ic tog. UI I îîolîlîti a c a iii idtOiaD s t, 1s r I, . il l , idla S i ii ce 1 i Il hId ta dl-.t a the ridIîdip,lOtanOi Il c.aout,1(In k 'I dit do cef lI i"u", - lîd h tOto a,ice ori d5 i i 1'.'îiic * %O I 'tqtd . I h pu1 totelçtu iM 4.elî î I.itd dtoe tîî andl Iriîdto$.2".Se o t' ,,.ur til affî îi IC. I Dow . ho a prt.' 'l Iit iS lol tum t bS I cd tai Oriea p Is a 1925,It L tiieci i.-i lli1 'topera on tle i*Ie i adoi'anIlIâi t ii ali, c . d, od il t odiit c ;kIllît 1' î.c C 'tn Idli,,g . tr ci. o 'c diiItîî Cc ici id rP 1, .lU i t il . IMe Illic ot piEiit- d co1 i i o d hui. iid i. l 1Il i tI i tii igil i, 1 2 5 11dt Illdan cil i: IttOs i 551.1 I 1 dî eIl5 ed iii i 1920. chi .1t IED Il 'I I i 5 ! I.ped t'At al, ri 'l' . I. i ï.c, . t A dl li.i f 'î.liîî M A R t I E ) îîd î I . "I l . , I . i , 111 1 ,î . a i O I iltiitliitr, liý1 h k,'îe anci.'diIi ilîlilîcîl c ccl. ,.i cuit LIteSA1,,26c liîcSiîî.îîe.îliî t,,ie. tyîî tirc le rd M Fctr clîW. . elt. ti Atihur il l 11 ibiSiiliytecOeikeNleit îl- Iii. II..tciii't ocntli cof i \' '.%IASi e r -I -- Ai cîîat t cci. he'st ln bot Ctees __________________________ t Il delloato. acd hS o ebe A1, ~ O8PHOINE.prolected f rlie tle sun. and tee hia .15k5eda gceai ihliet atid 050e e ieiîod head U, -¶7Xt.n. ié,~~ Ili alraulroi leccliie. Titni pro- lm 9feimMda-os Mci eliu ca..,i c-ed -'Cal iadre.' 1 ci ora-mottbcc I555uS5IVd5~5, IThecMilon Publie LiiÀ wiiib@ r eumensThtueuday " Ne~w Ca r Troces. Roadster- Touring Coupe - Tudor- Fordor- lisu, c- j'itîi, - $530 - - 560 - 69à - - 715 - 780 We Also Have Real Bargaiqs in TIRES 30x3l Guaranteed Cords, $8 00 30x3.' Heavy Cords, $10 00 <teî l/ at prlees aecoî diglv. We Have on Haqd a Few TRACTORS Complete with Governor, Fen- dors and Pulleys - $636. WXe a1so bandie the Farnous ATWATER-KENT RADIO. I'fllil 1 A t telî id e t t VIRTUE MOTOR -C. --MILTON. Dresses, Underwear, Silks, vo~ MILTO" fsir, ThO sias Lit aldt -aiW The Carsadian CamNIED utIb fIilSdai dt.bIM"5 51rlSp.2.IC. G T I G S I IIrDYh.lAY e beatifle un UÀsaaentofily pas ?sel& LNVEILING 0F WAI1 MEOR4L LLIE * The srsi shi ah s Ca aghhias mm a iuStaedoza#oflesa il' i St- bile. hei anatie lrea Osh 4bris~e a" Pagcs5adthe E V E R T B A Weari longt h alel ee EtS~ O 51 t tèM la .J_7e.o.strag Biat TiasSc ~ b a is se. etc, il v driste.vOne bearho lilonsam h . metl a ag te. lbt morm.J. . tithee f eraei a d a Iaig Ia and akmi lcci 'aDc, 'r-cNuý e Doe âîidy ne Ytk p r t tie it ry5Sd 5 ba a e ts css es , ise tis a iii. S 'loi.~~~Si aradFatS..Mre te uti as asep r I .a c- y. ait nsir toSricrTt hoa Piss L o teît Mart WsD. Otte, K. VIK . . ]0rJ:V 3 a Ircpin epO bir ttîct lFtis. Mreblacii r ll-ý . LcîegoiiIriz,,k,,,,! I, îd ttrr eby sesmallesatoa i.îil bssr- ikte s.lute UH ..C-A o tC oarl- La'n I, i 1ro ," , g. '11,*ans ea edà. malisge.GD ote asd A. Og sa. le od rie ti ,,bi ioktaacdCci isecistiti hesd c eote re le. beb vaased out e - fa,ý, ia, Il il," tîtî,,cp dLtory ee, ici îrîcdcl e e eOtr rtgbeî saagthe ire.K. aDcarS t h e Bal- oicii ccydiogeci ci 1 ne Cus dio frt Ses. llaly. Stoo e as ctaciipat la te ax- T,- , tith- .o thtî r . d ..ii . M.Lr Tola'aaMajBorts J. - Il ie. t-a cab ou tA ir imoîcaoeg Mait Maryre. e t l5,ïsi,1e..Cptain M B (oi aai.dlpoiedîl Oe Ol.i Fore t pcoeecd heaJa. alift5ettseadlC.P.laam i,,i ciel ae nilan D, 5cre d b and ieFit.ona Ral- i sse i tisaH. mEntE i E. hé A s. c ai C. It, Dewar. Se So.tCind"i .1 I i 1 ittiti ci i i :tâl. eirdery toaPaetA en f m se . i m a d o h 25e HOSIERY Clearig at 25ûc 25e yd Drîiss Chambra3 29e yd. us ScholOpem i n a-f renbae hecoftw4 Ladies' Par of Huribut Cushaofl AT Sole Shoca. ,There illu BATSg no breakiflg in.The' Clain flrst stop rnoulds the insole to the exact VOILE;ý shape of the foot. Big asoortment of p YOU Carl 11W get19 d Hurlbuts up to Size 7 1ey for Qrowiflg Girls and CREPEý Size 51/z for Boys. zhiead (l HU su r-il29c yd. We not only adIl, but recoin- Clearinlg Dr( mend the= a $.9 R. M.FASKEN a$9 iglios dîit rt Black Satin 'IcrnliiiGoo Cover AUl I CoagralaeslCS allas Rifles.$i 9 'tîîntAîg. 20 1926. Ediio 'leelîli lI ýl, eîi likthe.tlcgh your' BARGAINS etf Ilie Hi'u lc ithoîr e eou ni h, ieicie Nettisi fFlh' b t h Wer, îlil,-, A). e Altaem r Mi[ i ' te il P F.and tîiî St' tiiti c ttiiig ut' o t î . ts at ' p gth i lliii liit cci rik G lb 1 -g <tiy d ý Y ULL fidd eo ctseS he hed o W ierk -d-t, letialwa i te výt o the i dybee- t. e- tr.lAcer tge - d ie ,= P.« ges il ocSi to e aon aoa ne. hrenri h..e , ý @lth th iat Oti tin g[o p-t touS rasthe ThaSm es Cheveles mdcslec a ee b - ncny ee,« baaadcy sbe Gling atth Lw,..r COOýedýPlER MOTudOR SA.ih LES,,th,«,,b--, i y i' a f. Phone 227 MILTON HAVE you ever experlenced the pleasure and thée savings you maire by buying your groceries et the nearest Dominion Store? You can shop there with absolute confidence i any yt money and QUALITY MERCIÏANDISE. OPER TIO Her isSPECIAL TEA WEEK OPERATION turiothopoof RJCHMELLO 75C lb. T AKE the wheel of the new Oldsmo- famous Domnion Storas C.yIs. "d AsEa Reg. 79e bleSix andl c p the enienpeed Tea& t asavizgBlende range. Whether at fise or fifty-five miles te, suit ail tastes. DOMINO 69c IL an <our, you wil find it unbelievaisly at ndFa« Eau"ikBreakfast smooth. Under the huod of the Olds- "itandFao motbile Six is a power plant precision- u5Cquald. D.S.l- BULIC 59e IL. built. Simplicity, compactness and acces-1 sibiliiy have been sought and attained. 4 NEW PAcK NEWPA= NEW PACK ln workmanship and materials there is a PEAS J M L B T quality found usually only in neuclu Choie. Qeit equiptnenî assures the precise balance of 1,,' , 5 C 5C RdPsaSl.Je 1 2 9C¼' '~the crenk-shaft, in every position, run- s-N ~ T59 9 9 ci patented Harrnsonic Balancer minimizea U every trace ef periodic vibration. Thie #i Harenonic Balancer is absolutely auto- % icin action, reqiring ne attention or adjustment. Combined with the pre- cîsion worbrnanship throughout tise car, O a affords an unrivalled emootimneas of c performance that will <e a revelation, evn o thie drivera ef larger and mnore espensîve cern. Osly et the wheel cen you experienca and appreciate these mooth, effortless performance efthtie Oldsmsbile Six. ,RUY OLDSMODILE WITH CONFIDE.NCE Cooper MKotor Sales PHONE 227 MILTON, ONT. G-enera jadio1i L'S ELECTP a 1hS '1lt jigS I' lyl ttiîîl'I ' S. SiElii - URDAY oanut Fudrige Sîg >i ...' . EEK END CUi 0(O .T. BAF D)VE RTI s I ti AGI BUILDERS' HARDWPJ! ~in0 012i i it- Fly SrîYgrCati le iabiout ilý diticrimii iies ioi i1 tie i>1 mreaîî aqoidt be wiîiiî' Clemenits &C maaasgaeya cudi. Aag. itda 926 Accotsces PASoD m 26 vn.a~ ,~ ..1- -W77a7cû « M School 'Tet Books and iti o. otailsi ADVLERTISINVG PAY Ltylisb Dress (,:t. $ p n and Drosses (i<nghiarn De 'SI 29 > ALL OVER THE STC ~ 5.~ e? f'tý, Lith & Compai MILTON i t liii,.-, d *1 1 LTON 1 Thý 3 Pht' 2se CROU âmau. wi in Toilet F, 3 iw 2ge s'ap Chips 2 ih.. ïsý JARS Lvp $1.65 S&erGImStuù2,kt,,.2& imp 3 dm 25c wws pimag spi« 2& ib. zix jar ai»p iot dm - M . e lb. Cmpoud 'et FStua 2 29t lbl p.. 2 phb. 25c 1OUU5 ma TCHU C"i" s"ta CI.M PRUNES eu Teer i SOAP 4 [ýt9c J* 2»c.. 2 mw 29c le-C