earS -Clearinlg.at Prillts andGin, 25C Yd. Dress Charabr! I 29o yd. StYlish Dres, Gîngham Dres, I .1.29 VER THE ST~ Compa! he - $640 7h1sîr. loig fCado ela 640 esaIh hwrosc mI1. 0OFRSAE teaao c sOmAs. g ofC2Sth te iOSa' Wa el ar n athefs ora s ofCa N CHRTINLESBIT rC-A.g.OR t ht0SaODWf th R0:)s 39îs1~1 ELe TCHISIS MIII D. .L Balk 63' Is BICETOS32.. WIM SOLES OA S la2 HRT 5 1:wCas din e y N tiaiA. 3h c. apla1ndc Wece if. osnpae h abe f ,ity ad th es that Mon fL H an I CS DMtLT N. O îccEE TEM CORNfl.. 55 D...B l 3' 1 ~ S maltWO 'c" EOfI T caEtLPI R 20.4 M ll a.R. D 5. Geneéra l E RadiO'i-a& Hot 'PolnC. i 3 i, Wao hing fcbin. I X<l PAYMiENTS; IIHýSCKLE'S ELECTRIC .SERI Phorne 254 ~cahcrNeces, il I..., .'o. I Y' forfae. ain ýe-ting gidey eudSeuy SsLU 3rd, sOsO iiîderwear, Tha egd.aew C otatrsenn A thg..rou, 40 6tediaji ucesred. Therrr Aosot NI,. Idffrs.Jo6h. AL tOfffeu Of Belts, Càps, volumof Octbfs set are eseois Ibeanea Brorgetahe, sosouec epraed. Tbo pfolerigh ,m meunst o of hle second Iu -y.FIe iielTrousers, .Th60,rail1Y eqolippod*ed n iist.cif. n eO. Rllobsh aBn obert Mcy. Tisconstftutos tho grotet redin son aI Thdones Maysu t a te as ~:u- Faeyllo ,e.lueavalhefare aBers tQIthoPropîsMays, of E[oshy. thensmologOe tubsak Faiic RosetfMOlto staricob.T Ma36ny e plane ou Sept, 1. sernancdherdet ai soiisatOory Ser. lr. Jaes nessd MM HLsuehIl. 'Vices, iMil tos.Phone245,, c eeuc ns horgagenOeut -uo 3 sý les .uabas£ct ildersFîmua oe Wsrsmo Fol cyls o 'o rg L lloy oeÂ1'fnohte. L ,ý 'IllsW ATS t redioel l 0 o cO.as ieeslefh Hloss as ef M.ced Mso Thbnas Fotber- --$ 1.25un.ejopaptition 1îa ase, Ldged hby Kalsof roryuete h ' aMe. lot Witby :let, , p çç0 . uhplcoaryi Spebr. nott & Sou. Trefsigce;2lad, -B. . B.sŽcî o CecmsR.-This wnk' aute- AND ET IRSTCHOGEWilseon,Ersqaiug ; ed, (1. B. Cstie, talunent lu Vicouria Park bas beau MIl 4ETFA.SD.OOIUE. Ni5ouTrafal. witbdrâwu aud sf1 ses aerdillfi nit- t, W. . Shields,' Nelson ; 7tb. H. W. ocus,Âg 11.c H rogean Ricbardso, Nelson. wil ho girco by tbs ChoasSOnlotY, as- 1 E SThesnumal hurest t1aklvn isted by tbo baud sud otber artiste.' Mea's Cfofbfag sund Fuciatiago services enlif ho beldlu inSt. obua Me. sud Mes. Robert Kfebpatrfob. of tiboeob. Nusaganrya, on Susdcy, Hamilton. auoootheboengagemnut ~ONE~ ,Aog. 101h. tOelebratiou cf tbe Holy ar thoerseonad daugbtr0. Siceiyo CommnioatIl an.. aud aeoog Luchle, ta Willanm2'eederlob Snitb, t 7.308pan. The 5ev. W. L. Archer, Santiago de Cuba. oaiy 000 cf Weinig- MA., et Tborold, nifi tubs bath the tan Snith and the laIs hIes. Snitb, ut _________ ___________ srvcers. Thareo nul ho service lu Aoîo, the narriaeu15to kePfacein .-...St. Gieorge's l.iurcb, Lowevilf e, orat Soptonhor. Ssîoday. The ueat service os Secdsy, nCA-N RBnioo AO eoL-Pateiok l'go g otomccl My bea Sept, Sof. Celbratîono f the oly Jonand Janoo Tsraoy, bath of To.. l\% her techocofute bobos Comin al;utIlaun. route, appored in policeourtyeoOre gr BaatEM anDE.-Oo Saurdsy Cecil K. day cbargod ni h druneeseaud dis. 12141 gao uppoared befara Police Magie. asdelpcoodssot und nore olces tbirty i . ng -et loin bre. Tbey raIs Bacc, t Bulisgto, oae3ed deys hI' MagistsOoo . B.Shields. gigaejcy saieofouorice ustfe ulanfslly slliog graude nhsb Btb cul rtedmte rnigab $ :pýasbuveou soda-and h uo Ilo-1tcO O ug nged loto Cas. biog alco l. amtr roigrb ce Oc k artasleEthebo isd ad., us lI.aof inpeesouucing a eucs Woasa-, s Lîoou.AsCLU.-MslOaa onysn at andOboansbiss tonteoffIcrr. EBanos romnddsatal Librsl noso.ahuavenngaasecdsaolub _ , " ihtona liiog ine and taday. Ta satîufy prospectiveeus- , imth the f lowng offcres :PreeidenO, n(ly. ~tanes of hie bonsu fileshecloinod Mes. m. S. owland ; firstvice presi- nnnononSun aqulssaoroblomiO Mgitetodent, Mrs. J.I. Poeochl;seonod vice- Jls, of Baniftoa, saisg ObaO ho peeiloso, Mes, C. W. Martinu;Oras- SATURDAY T R EA T 1 ais alsled him wnthin.c5d res', Mrs.IlA. eol;Bctay od hes ilh nLire. Ton Brans ;casistant sacreotay. p~î ioules, c itvore, el fanoy hsnfedgeof or se. c........ulriuy Treol PritO 25tCh. qîsisoccceslanth the man. WAs VcnoERAu. -leausoretsa Loanu DA - - -î- onoue BrCIO inîle sAccorilicg aI Obo soldseeos WfEK END CHOCOLATES 85e. MLA D1AToLBID Getn ar nonorici ou Sept. 5h l a prearaion ar beng adeet it t re rcestyrequested ta Reg,4Ô. ad b e afoc Lsher Day, Moday SipO. cnacie ns efcB dafBar Weeknd sen t 850 Thoro nlho c gardenroParty, Will aIl nillieg ta parade isdly re. ... eeked Secia 350 wih a progrnme se mhioh the fol.-prOcOtthe rasories ons Buday, Aug. liag ulî artet.oOlde Tu-no 15h, ea7.30 pm., for inforain a nd ,nd '0' ' Çent'es N'iage Quatett, of Torut, Msss eupe ,ISlrirg$.0 o 0. BeOu- Mackenicoi nrato, aed Thl.qoprs teBaird ocpuno,adHoessrs. W.B. BAcu BuRýe-oa ThrsdayBR. . Norris, hcsa, A. C. Cbcpmn, L0ucr; Cueiongbcn's bars,nerar Narrai, T. BA N A D lsjinnie Red,BaaotOshaharcctertob lire ran acspce feam a theesb- cn dieuandeoeulist,nwitBr. A.7. isenegiesoued csdcstooerdmitb ito ,i 4 ILON Cbpmn aconapclsO. Thora il onatente, 5H tousohep, 8H0 hoshefs of b music bythe B. &B.orchestra. Dr. nets,toceatte and tu ccles. The 4. ____ B.BH. Metacd nillls ho biemn. eprrtur nas bhised, butth rst of -.Theronîilîbe c baeball touraenct, oOtlsved.Doulu pastiacl insoorce, ______________________________________Carlisle Muple Loafo ca. Ccrlilelo5.. lo hoacu-. L.,ai 1.28 p., .ansd ian bolilillo v. PS[SOLD-wn eteba aaaur'lSulis g oetO 3p..Adsison 25c.e.. toh ea.e.ai B.egteoey :ADVERT IS 1NG-PB*t1 uod 50. the locl flshrmnchbcd taoloe boe e nesot oa urledas, aigtfiera ep ounasdonig. Asntorurf baats brcught incratcesro f eso -tot ad acleusing themn.itnas -gfoodlthatacomecad spcsled. Mles of neslenrrrlest oaf Brauto and Pao W »zà z MilFriduy naruisg IO mn discosread tbsO the Bsslssgtoe paostoffcehal 1i., os.strd, bt notignconssaiog I escopt e psste[î ousod bu-Audrrp Poart, poatmcuOer. Tîso aeeîeg lac- torypncsruterod Orasgh a rrcrne den, hbt eatbiogma tche. Onotbe saie ibt E. H. Cecors Ford coupe N A C K E N IE 'S ms etoîro, but 10 nas rerovrrd, un. ieîurrd, t Narth Torocto, mhere i0 ACK EN IE S nus uhasdoned. co ool Opening! wom 2 týtock of everything required for Publie 110I1 lin Text Books, Exercise Books, Loose j o RIP ists and send them or bring them wben l' îMiplete. 3. Sc-nocil fext Books. ýe Lehf '.te Books o R ,ý lOc,15C.,20, ls s plu in and rnbed L,,s ýte Book Rug, 10 large and sonal ýibS ill ts, 4l Piij, son ont2PnIk Public School Text Books Srribblors, plain and ruled, Slates, plain and cloth bouod, Siato Peocils, Iek, bine, blacke, blue blacke, rad and .greon, Art Gtom Sob. and 1Ot. Penotl Sharpeoer, Sthool Bugs Enlers, le., 3à., 5o & 100. Crayons,'al .makes s MathenttûlSetsi Fonn$i n 1PenoSO-')0,and,$1,30>, Bons. and Pentu 1s, BIotthilO Baper, Notea.Book ItefihIs. atxColocr Ru-Pls. BOWLING. os, Fridcu-bMessrs. Warre ad SsOb eracef et Seotoilla. mec the fisai le the WillisooeScotch doesronsthe sith and lnt @ent of tha Domieson LawnaBowling TonsmesO at Terce- ta, delrctisg Messrs. Bal ccd Me-. Hactor, West Tornto, 22 te8, KNOX CIIIRCII. Tho YossegWisns Missieccru- Ass.iliaru- mili attend a rallu- ta ha beld t Sussysida seat ScOordcu-af- teraaas, Aug. lfth, Thoeo illîsg te provide arnsnll hisdl-rommesasie niOh Mn. B. tPhillip us seon as pes- Bibi. peiluno eiervicrs 'iliIcontine nerot Schhthca suel. Misa Duidson milsig and othen oprosal musico aseos pectrd. Beret Eatolu- asisted the cthosr last wmehkand gaveraspecillu-moll roo derd sooeathe eoassoservice. Moeclcg srvices ac 11115Sabsth sîbool innedicîrlu- fllosseg. MLTON,111611 SCHOOL. tlpper Schoal Banlauclon Repoft Fiest rade Praicîeof (7r175-1 Secod"(W-741-21 Thsed " , 10-800)- Crerdst..... ... b (0-9) c E. BeiI. Lit, 1, Conp c LousaChanbers, Lac. Camp. 8,Lat. Ath.C. Fr. Cmp. 3,Fr. Auth 1.H HioL , B. Beusdul, ir. 1. ICoup. 2 SLt. teesLoo,, Lat. Coup.il bat. Atsbb,fAig. , Brou S2,Fhyssc2l1 AdaFord, Li , Cmpc. Clera Heardy, Lit 2,Cenp e 0 Heasos, Lat. Conp.1,Lat. ulfe. Fr, Cnacp. 1 Fr. Aath. 2 Lt. 1.Couip. D. R eod, Lit.l3,Canp; c.- ASitasLI. 1, Coesp.2 FLti Ct op , .1.g. CTs . M0.,arS Lt.-1, Coup c'C B. ar 4tUTi$om C, Lau. Âooh eAIg. 'l'5 .PhY. - c:,.g'd.1Bî Se . NMeettein PIANOS FeOS. ysass ork sireaSos. haphone 266rs4,Maln. 010e sO BOUISEO AUE.rTSmEhnseo sals ou Huctin Street. eoctaiulog tors reuse. Appfy Mes. A. Tuefe. FOu SAoo.90Ycrk pigs, ô nere old; clasoc Tork son. due oaly lu Sept. Apply phoe 28-r-H. feiltn. Two cenfortuble roons wsnOb sil toc- reieclesr, itb ornwitbout bocrd. Ap' ply Mrs.Lewis Park, Sarah Street. Tnacusao-Lico Stock, furoiture. ,tu., log or short distasnces. Apply Ford Garcge, phone 171 HiCton-hI MiehncL . 0f Lova reOs SAs..-SuiOahle for gar' den or bssildsng, us Lydss Arr. Seuil tracs of variuns iads. Apply George Laing, Lydis Ava., Milton. To busc Sis ecm on uosead and, saftncatrr, gardeand fruit; affcn y deoratrd. Lysilu Avo. Apply sext doar.-Brorgr Laing. FO'SALs.-A Bcd 81cr Wcsher, Betty ncho, alsoa c lt penp, hoth Ic Fgdoder. ApluHr. R. Aodroen, Ocu11phbellesîlo. phase 235-r-15. FOR eALa-FOX houcd papa, Waol marbed; preents cre good morbeco, Con nc erothon or chocoBGeorge Bciloy, 77r 12, Boruby R. WAucE-BanSe fathrs ; igboS pries pcid. Cca e oogbt 1u Con- nercial Hutil or phoer171 and thry niOl bh alerd for-Morris Hiocsebc. Fias odgrd cool s sharpeard, sanrs ohurpeerd and groocd, ao groorsi paner grssdlsag. Apply ChacesaV. Camphell, Robert Streest, cdjoieiug )vrt eseueaf ar suoucda, 2b POLICE COURT. lOohllIeReBoord) Edmnd ConsrCly, origisallu- of OraneuilCe. maanteredo Saler- ify o neiog to isty days. hyPFolsce Mgitrcts ShieldsOCoflly nos r enstrd ou Frldcy eigbt ced ebargesi nith droshead dicsdnrly eoodset. Uccerd brat vsOtrecuse ot bis dowesCaI . A fie Of $10and oste mas imposed by Police Magitrat. ShieldOs le the Oavilîr rouet on Beeday af.eeeou ons Wns BuBman, cf Listol, Frth cîsetu-, rhcr$nd nilh reetes sud negligeetdeivsog. Eidenaspru. d.c.d toth.oolOora that os theovn irg of dulu- HOh, th. defosant lhed, shîle crosisieg thr Chisosi Street tu- teraretios en the Toroato-Baniltos Bigbmcy c et anslonfol rate ofspred, atrrorf fron bis bcyyeoand osused seriossijry tooneo DcvidiRiohard- son, of Ocaillr. T. A. Butcbioson, of0 biltoo, represetod the Crown, and R. G. MceFrlanerof Lstocl,orlred for the defedact, Ifgraslmeol StadsRobted » The Daisosport Brothes' refresh- usaI stced, Trafalgar, ou thc Coodas highîocu, cs bruoeinto andnelleed of goodc ecîsed utanexecuesof $75.00, lsol Fislcy ight, The thef t mas set disorrd tilltsoliig. Thieresheohoe snoc aed lootecO BisoeuBrtbero' ce frrshmrot stand. otuated os thuLako- hrrrmrst,ranrly Feîdoy noringof gooda nalundat $a0. The fIt intime- ti..sof the rohberr nusgivncmbru. the hurglcry alrn vintoffsishotly altere useo'eioh, Me, Biehos 'gars, chae ancd f0erdasono Oaigoresmhe weeseau breabieg toc coTorne to-as eesuccoocfti elîhe caîau goriden- tiulgI e tevs ilss igbt (Weod'« oesadayf elrs agaiu riued the oas- tents of thesteand audm irerlvd ibof geods rafuod at- abeut 028-0abvile Recurd. ý -.i Later-T!hs hasth of T, Coit, naat the Sîstooo besdge. mas ectered ou Scusday sight ced the robtîeey sauaosi 1u $228. Lashy-o Aeg. 15, ab Atoc, Offê Lssby. le bis 801h Yser,. Tbnnpsos-Oo Aog. 2, t Kilhrid, ChaessThnpsos5 lu bjis Sîrl var;es aneron-Ce Aag. 11, e a orotm Mcgcet Retnhtu, nldon - tha ista Ber. R.P0,FàWieras, w2orlCy-Oc Aog. 1". at BueiHa Woa. -I-o jae-S Nls . omshi, of:sa dhýa, Ag.Heol, -à 1,, Wdgosi 44 a 4bcadOis. ;and showing o0f Eall 'p Iiats. SA D RO ',- itnsBg ahSoeo Mito ADRSNew -MltnShBioCStore ' HURLBUT'S Webhave avecy large and opeestok o hsfa nu hoe n t bt1 athr ,ýk brown calf f'n obapes, Oxford and high teesfrwnin nand childre. 's il deighte with the shooa. WOMEN'S PATENT SLIPPERS Wosnon o neaf onefcorp Patent Loucher Slippere, wit o o em r on ee.Sie3- Your cooce of four $fyfes............................. $2.95 and $3.50 Boys' Sebool Shoes Men'a Woa'k Boots F R EE1 Good stout black facocOShoes I Wr bae erYa1,,,,n,,kaM WItb ee pai p DImd fer fafI noce f or beyssafid foath- Wok BonIs suOhf8.o1 of ho.anensf iseyo îer a etbeh e i..szo -I.BoaxI finof I orh. Olos i2, in a Hos.lbutHouse"or a Solhbfer Caîf $2,05. UrusGaf.... $3 15 prie range rarn $2,05 $4.5aO s vourbachoe Aot for it. GET FOUR E S IN BRING us SHOES N AKN YU CAltE ULLY *IU FITTED PHONE 2S7 MILTON SHOE BDPAIRINC .....WHEN INKEED 0F .. 6000 SIvOIfS AT REASONABLE PRICES Corne in and ask ho se our non' hnes-No trouble ho show thon'. ____Just Arrived 1- MENS NEW FALL OXFORDS n the lateet styles and ah priols that will surpris yon. OUR iMfOTTO; RFai ReamNO by expert workrnefl 'Nabl h' Shoe tHome. u',2. Iit-o ELE5P ONI' L111. it srn Be ossl lciiithe L'asisii Per Hsssilind Peress C0,,r thoe 16072,758 teleish osý eu personuin le ccountry-a u', cge nI 191 conversatiocs pet pis s aecurrd osnlecnaigle yocc.s ceedlcc to the ltIeth anusslrr compilation of telephace sacIlstles Issuesiby the Nom Yorke Telcphnc Cenmpcny. OSity-two Ver cent. of the moels's trCophas are ta escfeacdIa theUsnitesdOStctsee-or teson is us nsp elephaaou lu proportion la applatioacrs pnseeassed bu- the rosI of ths morîd. TheCUitedO Statee, theerepens con- tinues, had 14.2 eleaboines or encry hoodred people; Canada had 116. Osunfer, 9, Nom Zeuicet, 8i7, Smdo,O6.;and Noewo,O61.InC Oenuu- hero mere bat 3.9 phr 10 lchahitato - lu Great Brîtuanon Nothera Irelosod, 2.8, and In lai-s, 1.7. Thc treloar ss-lOus I10 coi thrcecoontrec. moreuden Goseoo ment oPvoicorhip and opeeatlon. Conmnsitiis of es thas 100,00c, peopleoi th-UnitoedSates ni, isereod ho 10I6 Ilephours perc1l10 pereous. Tise largesr uers. eonalie irefat er ihîd lu this i. speel vlth fb ere teicihonevlin- 01w ost onon. British and, French detciopuoe entws cuuis l Ihn the agere clîlo. Homùe of Good Shoem MITO 'for, CarSevc YILTON HFAMILTON e Miltons les toc IHamilton Bra Blosd l'On'ýY Aa oa) a o SUNOATS TOBK 78e ipn 78ses SîH.30poi., DBK '11 a ~ ~ ~ s. neveu cioo cny Hamiltonfl ors.MIitn anid Actas Fisur Issu-theocils m10V 0111 out1wel ?vI. 1VIAcK: p-o f '~ 40 The ~Rpi~ll Stç~ Natisonal Fastru- tES îuy Bouc net, but oy ure. iIuoýCnnit ha boe s' ~'ls 's w Xess' e 2, 's~ \',s~ service quality 1ý 'q 44 OU