soli 1, 1 IM -- - 1 1 1 - -- tit.ý ý ý bl,,I lZ ïiflttý,,ý0. --j Il , ,1# ýý ., . . - ý - - - 1 ý . 1 ý , 0 -,ýe,ý',,,. en - ý,né-'ticirk'tin ,eletig 'm' - - Iswat -1- ý - ý , n zm , :ý - 1 chief, 1 iniIë il 'l - ý'ý -ý , ý: ,ý 4Z>w ýýbL ýý ,9 - Jý la ý . 'l 41Wtffc1stý raqë11L8rZ,ý -W ý,- ^vul , , ,ý= lit %L l11ýý Il 11'i7'-I111ý1tr11Týù' ý" ý ZC -"ý, . bu IZZVU- a -I..,,Iýà" ý 1 '1î1ý L, nuit lulk th ý . ýe'1 f eý t ,ul and let ý . ý . ý , , ', ý ,ý ý - piol) -- ý 'r ý G 'a.- 1 1 ý ,= --,,ýt.,- ý .ýmýt-^ 2 ,II Il, - 1 ,h ý 1 ý 1 ý 7 t cýuE , 1 113 r De idfi., uho a , Z'eýýý,ý,ýý-',ý,,"ýn."^ý',ý',"' - Lý - - .1ý , . 'Out. tu m aftnyon've clirabed loin the L whl theflc's a L' ý il , ti', , , îf . li ,ezýný;rl" il- "' , ý , ý , : , , ý- , PACU , IC I ýý in ADIAU îc ,,L.A .,WÀ,y ý 1ý , ý - ' - 1 Ton, M-cil 1 the PaïýsII911 o c= a 1 - , - - , ,, ,, 'I11ýu et , ýw die d'have f0and Out Just ý'=t - Il Il , ai ý L'ut, - MA - t ý i ý , 1 Il. + Il, ý IýîX - a OIN0 «ZAffl - an 'S ,ý . T h , ,,;icý0ý,,,.1- ea. RlPIeý sam, fi, IL 1a;ýi-cOý " ý 1 te . d &Mý ï, ýý', ,-'a va La ', aW.yý Bc ý ' -a.m. ýLYOu'rC in for. If Yeu S'Y YOoa.m-1duýýrýýb.,,tm- tl us, 'lia", foi. '"4 y ln ib, 1ý- - - " ý - 1, .;ii , 5 M 1 . . , - , . alre ' 114-reul - - 1 ïOlIN - S= - , mette Ji Ka l'a b ýî bit , ,aen, Io, ;hi-, letl wl- ', ,, " I, ' 'ýý ùý,I3 a, m. ý ý - ý ý ý ý 1 , , ,,y tim,- Ml L , ýîyi bu erh"!ý. Il ,1ý,7 a... ' A 4193 1 1. m., -- 1 ý Of C""Il fi"", Thý nem, "ennui il av is týLka. in. -I 1 . ', , _ u I II ' r L E T T maille, IIST , 1 1 - el ýzkwà,0ë,., .,ýý.,ë,.,, ý , ý,,,,,:,,ýu, ýý.8.,àu lý2P1e ý I)erýý î ,bb ', ý 1 ' , C en, "O, grourd V. ýdî ý la the botel la '. 57 P.M. ! .- LI -r .= ,,.d beë»Mé ý11àCIký ', k,,,, ,pou bauýe rýdlnad h - -'iai ,ý'Iti" , 1 1 . oli Bat irday ODIY ý ,, p. m; Il , - . , , ,ýj 1 ý ý ý = lLýý., 'n, sait . Ing 1 1 . é - - c ,ýQ 1 ' - - ý 1 1 1 . 1rýuL . t'O . 1 il t 1 1 ýý ý 4.30 P-m -- 7.*7 l P.M, r ec ýý 1 : ý arc of éclat, sa uèke lathe dwanepý ' -,evýt7 ovýln-i,, - 1 2 -ýZ,'i'î ý ', - I ý i - .ý -.ý9 "Y 1 .m 'mi ý ,ff ý ý ;. ei 1 ýLý ý W 1 -1 . à ý -kinu - hý tu thba .fii , - S= erùý Ira( *R lia - ý , ýýt 1 . ý ne Il IL lie "-"C 't ýý s'.'t ,- ltba,ý"se y heh(f il., capt SaL & Sumf: Il tomed on ý 1 ,Mtb the' 'Orý111lI 1I'11ý11111111i1>ý Ilý11I-l'ir "s , . , . 1 ý ý 5.W P.M. EZ I , -, - -,ý ý , ,na- 'I'c' h= 1, rI',uOc,ýý plu, - ý , La ý ý dui --BSmày- ' 'ý'ý - . . - m- ln "le 1 hle.e. If In, ,11"1,iený -- wa,, ,an, 3A.I fait 3r a-thing tact a" ', ý Wastý--I2A8 a.m. «. 1 , , -- - 1 , ý ', . , 1 1 . -,ý ý ýu= - týIat, o- - *la ý 7 _tÉblîs 1 -,ý, ta ButomàtleQuY!ýý me " - 1ý IE ciel ýI,'ýI'- ý I joies 725 4.w J.ýSD-ý L' > , ý b ý 1 -case' ýth, fjý, . t'melon, s'ô,', fititul thl il Lad kept Il à ttèm ,..W. a. ý1. 9 smt_ Is.M, 9.43 & ,_,ýtp.m. - liq ' - lighting mood. . eïe and staté It."aDd if bc bu a 1 bl", Ill'eýV-à,lon b7u' ' ' bard "Il th LOI - - ý-,1 ý :ý 1 ;- . Il baftt t-m IomýM' L eALLWAY 1 -1 1 b;,Il II Il m».. $1 IL ' ý liAN ADIAN?*Nýàwq10NA' . - ,ý "Youl gra .Ptl"tu, ié"7 te the M bÉNIM ý , - new generai , o get Jus ce. . - , ý! - - ý GOING SOUTII. ý I.. 1- 7 , ý lýýW ý0fý the Pioneer ý 1 Naturally, 1 1 -Yon've doue weil ". a way a . INOÏ NORTIL ,- 1, -g Short à few lime ialks ime , ý- ,ý a«m:ý,4 ILYN.» ý , 'ýNow we Majur Klemdl lit A teaspo 0115 ý - , 1 ý ý Mid, firtskIt Lfids. face te facéý-ývitb the mèn Hel %ýMlk Blllonghby, . - Il Hals 1 ý , il. 48 p. m ; 8.06 p.m. 1 7.209 la .10,Pito.- ý ý . i lÀae"ïimmtgý a" 7ëûr sal Il hý sàld ay& onful of 1 ý beains, te-&y," ha 1 , Y. "New -bWst, -HOW WRE When. 1.1lud 11 , out a 0 caetes 4e sprinl ý et ab, - Il 1 - Iïe ONer _ Ille lie] II , , se, Il ", - -11 ý lèteï go ui'-to the bute and set our the ruait, and file. ý ,,a IL , -1 - Maisle n Who, let nie L «k , ý CANADIAN NAI10RAL sàlt.W ý Oives. soonbegan. to put lieu, Ute inte aie rea4y to lire th d Aiggled th ý 'ý a--. 1 -, c Wý i ' ' 1 1 ; . flow and o ,-i theGarbaje Cân à , , ý_,ii el .  - . - ,ý ý -i4ffitidg ! clifthe, on... Mr. Norcross' old iiie!--prýpomàl Io ._ ý . bouse if 'V',14 àtwijàvo,.. ý - ýý ýTheI DoUble Traok Jlà ý - l . pet Dame ,of -IleU-abd-rgpmt" hall, TDý.èr piôpatles- et a,!Ulr taluatièr, ln alai-teel' the bOx.-Of -91 - ý ý- .. a' L- -. - - > "'.1 ho ute Lý L - ' ý 1- - . - . 1 L _ . - fiass, ù4e. We sût lu the ýdimly Ilghted 1 oi; - -,.,.,ýt,,, ý, 1 n ý 1 .. es #MW tween , Ilowe toi ý Le' ý8ý ý . 1 "il talked for Et few utes. - lig- p, ,.l i I Y , ý CHAPTER IV ,ýýh Lý hall ý KeVents f lies bre"e4ihg W."ý', ý » d film ellivira - frotta Oregon, as recel 'a , oopystgutw Silà. fainsacria le was bonnet to' but now It began or , satime opposiffoui les,- ; 1 led -,"ý'l1J 1 ý 6Q"ý4 1 -- Ï --HO-"g Off,-GenUment» - ý 1 O.. tient mont rail- ý teffitilil and IUIÏê- et fiala other farter ý On,ýt1,1,,-,ý el,,Id.ýiV&t.thatMrs.i - 1 . , 'f .Ily , TOBONTOI . lie unied in th. _ ý ^battu Lied ýtpm lý ,nà L,,ý.ýÉ.- DETROIT - ' day--mi 1 but the next 1 ri - *d » men use the phrase, &'The-Old towing.- want ta blànd-their own, -piments. - , y ald the nome,02, Use Gillett'a Lye'fortali ý et .9 .lný. 1. ,,, DIONTRBAT - ' ', ý, i C and - > zlI Gub au rd ý , 1 An 8 of a big boss thot, Buý t'bey, ýýBdto ablide by a Major- If ' ' BrIttt. Tfint wasl i Cleaning and Disinfecting ý W - o. ý le - q(ý 1 :e Iiitocl-,,,' --týa lt S V ' ý On Z olà » L-ý,ý,ý 1 le - ,ý ýqa ,ý,,sC el, B1'fK,ýW q,ýiýI+4 ýýý ý e rate wiý -pýôrts:'tlhIs mQlmt '? à;ý Lbat,1ý .,,..ýln, ",.,.,".. i HICAGOI 1 - - ý gaq,>Iý %ffl-upta beat the Ji ' , Inkëý , -,ý,ý, fio 0, ë-ld 1 - lý1 - 1-1 W*-'e-,,' 1 , ,- bléod mïezeow,,;w.,ý mtut - , - - art, Lisait 'Mtb .1 ,% ,,, 9 111. Ll;'Ù'l" ',.Il,"",,"",,,.,! 1 e Ilý W 1 - il 1ý ý -1 'e 1 . 1 . ,ý, - ýN ie..IK-,-*,Iciý-,tbe t'à - - -1j11f1Zý -1 ll,çoi&aJwkc _,Zone ,,nIýo - , . t b 1 1 - - but always, e_', tins me Match, di aft6r»" 'ýé ý l'ha thèý Prtlý*36 iÏý>'ÜW ILWOlDttà0ut '-ýh ne l'Iffleil e'.0 r..ýi.. Liae.c.lied Dining Car Set v1c". un = cigare Mr. Nercre , , U- Û-1 f«W week Z1*111v'. lÎl.1ro ý 11, nt n' 1131U - p_ - S 1 au Offeë ,viLi- be nilull lire . . . ýjmfw.otý, -.ý got up an! t te ait ý.1L th ,am look the eMe" got"L ifalf of It. The wolek we, did, foi, 1 - -"(Irick 'bouge vigils. Tient -1 Bide of the big rotonde, in the beadiquarters buUM9 ,18 , r the,,,eiý& Towçr'ýplm4 toàay." , ' Major IKL 1 effective ,,;W .* Sleeping Cars on nifht trains and where hé could , tmy a tilt mything ta ha seured op about. las, In J'latine- Car -ta prinilleilla Day Trains. watch the elevators going and ebultag. Vacated by- Mr. Shaffer, and lit wU pUlUng> and hauling tlaIngs, tnto shape, ý .e,.Norcro.1ýs mat back la lits chair w a - W., Po", , ; boss bad ta give wurd the Caillot; d or cigar 1 Sinoke ta si; tirai. ,tri didn't stop i 11- Full Information front ail Grand 1 gamme lie hàd lots of patieiwe, for »MetbIB9 awful ta ose the WIRY the was a frigInt, and my end of the job ýv a ýO. - But my chunky little g ý 1, ýý ,, Et" ne Fi-vÇ" , rrunk Ticket Agente or 0. E. Hom- 1 tend ta have. 1 bad been Sitting ln heads went Into, the basket One by got no big finit the 1 Il ha prediaied. -1 think we eau, let bit- Van Britt ý ý Ilg, District Puasenger Agent, Ta. my corner for two full heure! when one lie callea the Duntonites in; the 1 Me hap. Following out bis own Polh'y --liateb Woolf golf, telle cure of hiruself," site said "-- ý, 1. - .1 ý - 1 manager, the genette, Ik .lie, là 1 --Belli be Dit, here before Dight white, bas known Cousin shella for 0 ýý-- -- - g down the broad hall a litta. they are only just i i 1 tiII-,,-(-orueiýii(1 -tir :ý- ýý I saw the boss Connu traffic - superjn., ha let me 1 ,CfCtotl - [ ' "n'ý- a master- P 1ý!.IýMyÎ,. V.ý..tBh a mye. raisrather glati If bo 0, mail stair with Mr. Chadwick. ý y .Ihý b nod "' ' filme and I guess 1. E. BELL, Agent, Milton. tendent, the roadm8ster, th 1 picked Fred M Y, a Young lias ýc...bdown ta the etual give mil nnIýHt^.Il,,,.,ýý,,,p, _ TELEPHONE 17. _ Mr. Norcross field op a finger for ýmechsnIcP-,eIoar on clown te the roulait- , Who bad been mater . Van Burgh. He telle. -1 dont play the walting galue good friends. But there lm something IL ""' t 'e r m " il. 1 knew il,,, ý bouse foremala and the division bande. i was md, ,,,bt; . 1 ý - Yeu ought ýtQ know, Jimmiýfor Mr. ý 'ý' Id kilt hinal 1 'file ta se S 1elegraon, "',,a UNI ý f ,, ail and when 1 jumped op heý gave very Buccal fuily. Billonghby. KFep. ý "l O :t SOYLE w eL3L me a sbeet of paper; a Pioneer Short ý Borne lew o, file,, w-1- 1111011ed te pertemp., but a wOrk., ý. .ton5eay; ý in toueh, and keep me ln touch. ,And Norcross' moite, ý,He ha been Baoding Illmillit 1.1 ý'.."l.". 1 thouglit they'd 10 1 2 , il , , ý .ilegi"ee and StaY, lots Of leviers àd tbings, and cousin ý probably limite film take a frerh strangle ý,I ý, Il -, te. the amfb of the ont a latter back, and finir Wells what we were .rail Ripley ta 1, theebeRmse-- on thkngs an be fired-it lie hall à%,1ý", ,.i 8 P - ,l R N E R Une presifil ' -head w1fth a , -Sert, on pushing on MI ý '. , , few Unes written on it with a peu and ý but the piace.fidiers and paY«roll Pm- 1 looking for. 1 a somme vie get et It, the Shella bas beau takIng 1 belli me» ; ,, ý1II - I 8 p . . eral Directer lg4t«, the cousine and the nephews ,ut of 'hos. ad Celle, . well, 1 gomme les just beeausma Eb" ,tobetired-fighting Il out 9rIro1ýOVIÙ4 -a sort of crazy-looking otinature under o this frantic hostie ta get 1ý'r,'OoAnfetérTitB'illwoilulghbbey aver." 0 how Dot te taire them-* 'own Hile. But I wasl so.sure abolit .. 1 an ,,,,, 1 Bel but My Mal the Mrs. Shella them. et th broth«r»-in-lawunevery ax. Mr Nor« doesn't know QM'R'd 1 and Embal -l'ake filet ta the Mountaineeer job mal' Of tnem bad ta walk things miel and moving riglit, mY- cross came at me on et had buslnek;s. That wa. il le;,.01.1.i. der the la« body couid have reliait a couple Of , littie inat!er '*G 'RgoIIERI,ý, dli.,i, - Dates and have five bondirait of them Three days later, when the wbele conclusions that stock op higher than tient -P avez 1 suddrrd y grown dIl horse of sacrifier coitir, m , I'yý 1 Agent for Dale'@ FýuMü:a1 Devigus. town was talklug about the new «Jack ý hall been alowed, te 810 back. ý "Such tilings--flowerg Yeu knOW- 1 bail Just reiîched for y bat and ip ý phuteid4" was the boss' order. mrbau any of the rest. The boss and Mr. mince the dey, DOW saine timp ella's don't ouem ûnytblui , the electriI , 00; il.. " ý ',la, p . , the Ripper.,, asthey ciffied him, Klrga'4 1 him Mrs. Sb 9 1. New York. wiLs getting readY ta sont, Ww, inli. 1. PHONE 68 MILTON. ke fi ta Mr. Cent- Van Britt .ere steadilY winàlng the lien 1 liait 9 vert 1 Men sen4 , off when 1 heord f.ot't"lýs la the Out'-i ,ý ý - f ý make a eopy and ta ,,ho had beau out band mRehluerY renk and die over ta sometiling like blot atout the identity of file t'ma ýýhrru tve've beau, living. office. Wbea 1 loukeil OP. a stOcIzý gwanai t ý.,d.y roll, the editor, and oeil bleu ta run If 1 construction, tire one liand and 01, flic men Who had Bat &Dd "Moked tu the tilleul to their women friands )net 90 ý rlt 001;lle. Wd ..- ý ln temorrowla paper as an Item of man on the Midland ý W l-faced nain in il derby bat and ,, rýa..o i a k - DENTISTRY news, if lie faille Litre Il. Wben Yeu tumbied la in answer ta a wire- Mr. 1 other, wherever we wl.t, w, fourni lhey pu ss thaler 091117-cli But l'm sho t OverlOnt mas stnading in Il,- « - N ; siammed bien Lutte place feu ý the people whe were paying the freiglit ' flmong ' flair ,men nfrIends. are through, came down ta Mr. Chiait @remet i .flaii Ills il ffere t with Mr. Nffl doorway ami ýooýýiiiiý-, ivrass nt MI. aw»"'a- 0 minutes after te bit the toWIL ý a Solfil unit against us, hall us like ý ; IL ,as Mrý ituflis iliIiIli, and 1 li-i Ii..,, .âýp. ý -Your office Io el the tracks, blazes and entirely unwill lag ta be- ý ý 1 t iý IlITeent," 1 said. la notion tint tio, )lot I Id Of l'la blù !' ,,J.&N.fI.,MÀ 11-- DR. G. A. KING wIck's car." ,ro,,." oï,idp. ' "ýý, ,ýý,,y DENTAL SURGEON 1 Kirgan," lie told him. ,"rve beffl the 1 a the thing thait elgar g1w-ýfJ nt iiii, lil- a baleful 1-1 do y ,, 4 ,-- Since the thing was going ta be ', db,",.ý,,aâ, pubLished, and I was Zoing ta malle Have tbat my good thing coutil calme tr ,,,,àI1ý1- -l Office in Royal Building, Milton. a copy of it, 1 didn't scruple ta read 1 bouse-cleming laver there by Il'hug out of the Nazareth of the Pioneer 1 'PlIl-,, site toit! In sýi,.l, ail , k,ýn,.-y t. 5., Teleptiolle 197 LI: as 1 hurried out ta begin a bout for your predecessor and three or foUr of ý Short Une. ý nafflo lle qweil op and ,mt ,. In,,;sý ý ayo wl,. lie ,ý,I,,. ,il and mat do-il, E-ins. by .Ppoi»t...t. pet foremen. Get In the baie and ý m 1 "Il rul bc differant 1 ýiM. iý And Satan Car,ý Aie-, ---ý.d the Mountaineer office. If was the bis te t soon as we retumed from our :-1ýwi-I,,--à printer's copy fer an officie circuler, dig ha bottelai- 111 give Yeu Six ret napection trip, the boss poilait air 1 Consil, I, tonifier, yfoi kn,)\v. 1 - st.w ý,nýI 'd1h, 1,,gltg front Il,ý e DR.STANLEY BRAUND dated ai Portal City and addressed tu menthe ln which te malle gond as a bis coat-figurativel .. 1 - "I kuow .lie hfus been ,nIl 1 l@týet.,, -l., Ille ,Dy the Red T'l", DENTAL SURGEON 1 m. ýpteý...'I sti! ý 1 l'I let ý roll th- ,lie ga'tâ ,ue the , lll>,.,iýlý.,,t 1,ý,-ll,, - nw, and IIdý ,,, , lu "Jrý.,. ail officers and emptoyeel, of the Mollet superintelldefft Of mctivePower- raflait op bis sleeve: y 8 'ng- o 'r - ýý exlT,,?, eïlý 1 Pioneer Short Line. If rend: Get »Usy." .ay ýo bâtir much about what lie WaS ý Ir b"S' ', ood ,,,ý. ,týii,-,I,, lc,ýýI io the OII , ,,tuý.-C.,ý Mai. and C'harles Etia., opposite ýc stl,, is n'arl nom, al fil, . ý ",[ll 1, Pl,ý ', I, 1 Ilup W""' ,,ïýý,ý 1 -d. e C ý I , -Tbat's me," Wd Kl"g", Who k2ew going ta do: be'd jiump in and do if "WIIIL- - ýý, "', k,ý Hýnr.-O ta 5 Éventais. by appointrial cross la appointait generai mmageg Of the boss uP One Bide and down the tiret, and then talk about il lifter- i blit'd i, stilt 1l'i.,g." , .11, ý , 1 1 0 ýý1 -1ýý- el Net .1 , ý - Ta- 11-11, Milton "EffectIýe et once, Mr.. Graham Nor- C I- vary W.d...I.y Short Line system, with .Iller. --yon give me i ward-if mytody Insistait on knowing 1 ý I. ,II a little ,1'ile 1 coul'il t 1l1ý t1i'v- hi'. N,.,., , ,- fr.. 9 t. 5. 1 I:eep -am out of the .hop.,, And ý the resson why. i ýý . ýý ý . . 1 týý,io1g,îpbut gaPe 11ke a ,IIMý,n ,11:L - 1- -- crolis, ,ý, 8' et , ,,,,.ý, -, --- C..pb.11vill. - the Pioneer the ongines. and . - , -. - - -- - ,ada.ý-i. n'I'.ý. a X-RAY. , ph- ..da... fers ai Portal City, and bis L'I ýti , Il was siI11111Y tipt , '! 1 1,11" W,.,r..ti... 1 alrd.. v'.11 ý r - ý ý with that ha went semas the Yard and) There were long private conferences i , ,.(ý 'a' \vell as I 1,nem anythil Oint ý , , ut, l Iý1i,,i tIlýnILt I1.ýIlidl'ý,1,'tns1lPPoý ý1 B espected accordinglY the bright Young Law- ý ý 'h; titre back ln tic Office Il ý .. bý huit fallait in lave, fil 'Ilh Ille 'bat ilight nom that if was sa III, 11, liap 1--1 - reekenridge Danton. 1 took hold, before ha had aven humed ý With Mr" Ripley bosý las gone -a Mý, ý -i1aý 1 ,-, 1 '-uhl c 000-l J.- 9-5. T.L 6 . ý1Premn1de2t." op fi pla'e ta sleep ho. -yer Mr. Chadýick boit sent us from ' ý - ý 1 lanaül ÜkiLâý- ABCOCK ý Mr. Van Britt, Outr gaulerai super- Chicago, and with a Young fellow ý - ., . l . baci, of lier neek and tl'eo ,vith lier -MY naine h, Hatell, of the 111-LI 1, l e,,ýý DENTAL SURGEON ý We huit got Our joli ail right; and intandet was the next man te show named Juneman, au ex-Ieýsl-,aPer mm 1 ' . . irtt, face and theil with 'ail of tfts * , Tower comptl he gratel &fier IL me "" , kpavtng the ladder and ib, Fiday atart ila' was fine; a BQURFe-built, who was on the PIlYýrQIls as -'Adver- ý ý . r ' 1 minute yr two. -ýy.u're the aile l edl.ý,L L .,.l,,,,,ýLý-- ý-.,:l, , ,I.t. interne F-h..t.r Da.tal EL..Piý1) oeil and volet OP-ck, se raid buste . and ,tg ,,,,en ,vhy ha ý es aren't Ou?" il - th. On. .Iller thing finit ý Little gentleman who looked as tiging Manager," but who ý ý toit tb" Il Dodds Oifiqp .ver Prie ýrb,-&,. ' Dot of the question, I grin Ille _ - one y îhbn£klh m-61ts, Niant appointaient= lie -rais.à. -,-1.1thf.t If he;d always had the world by the nema semait ta ha ta keep the Short i. . ýhad let Mr. Chadwi-k persuade litre 1 admitted it, and lie WeRt un. Dl îý -%" PAINLEBB EXTRACTION. canot or luoin was the tact tbat 1 --r sud --va' Meant ta let go. Line publie fully and accurately in- 1 ta stay ln Portal City Wag the fact "N rcross brought you here with - . 1 m ""' - Id, dropping Illest roll- ý . had wanted te be .Il Il 1 1 - 7- "lie . dit . .. Weil, Fm here," lie motel formait of everything final tlInt lie O'Oru the West, didn't ha? Wbat 1e.111111 11,11".. ný,,1111i1 - II ch«». wi il bis legs rend eçp ta fil ý - t.,aholit bar hoýçv lie could make a Qer-ý him fi -- 7ï%iýLrt from foie a chairý sud Sitting with bis legs compandies try ta k - - ---Igponea Pay are Yeu gertüng hereT' ab, lanceuse, swen, good KPOOn Out- of the n-ýý. - ý - ý --- wanting to abscril ail the dope 1 coutil vrille apart. And then, ignOring me as, sellives. ' bar,, ,il the Pioneer Sbort Une. Ir was on the tip of My tangue ta =ýý-WlLL1AM 1. wck on the new job, 1 if 1 hadn't beeD there' "Graham, what The next Innovation that turne along ý ;, 1 Whon 1 begar, ta gel MY grip back rues IL., ont rIght there nuit "Il' as 1 went along t tell bila il ,,m, none of LILI 1,111i- MEDICAL knew 1 would lie needed every minute he devil have Yeu got against me, j was souffler Young Chicago tuait lauleil - ý a littie 1 was right Warin tailler the and t But the sýcaod thought (Illi,11 ýý - --ý "...a, Cir... Abt.,..Y) right ai Mr. Norcross' elbow, DOW liant ý th yo thould drag me out bere On iBilloughby, and bis Vite , on the ply- ý Coller. Lices. ý "-I»t.ý, 8.1i.1t., sand C..ý.y ...... lha'edgu. et ..wb re and malle me 90 roll was "Special Agent., L 'l'o was ----- Ding Broutai isn't EJ'I'aý's as good as it's saili il) pL£ k StThý,RLAND the actual work w begimaing' e ., -Sin, ,lugit.'t ta bc p ývi y. 1. Luncheon was sas ad ln endoutfit, naver once RU5;pected the trac tellIng p"Ille ý soit set, bot, fair lie Woulà go. >'.) ... y b. La... erT the Alerte, ý t. work for a living'? ý as close ta the boss as mybody in ont Bile lm a dowil, 1 bc) ,hisperld ta Me te Laud Ilh" "II ,,,t I - 'l- iýte..-ýi..ý. H-se. Infilta. out .. 1 business taik go- The boss Just gril et Idir, -They Say That the Railroad Has blurted out ý - - 1, ý,;l, , - 3n , In - - - -- il they kept t le te w an Id: -It's for the good Of YOur sont 'nature of Billoughby's Job outil the Never Played Fair." ý'She d,,iý,Ii't," ,vas the calm reply. laid bile th' figures Of My Puy cl"I 1, l n:ýn , L , , -l H . CAMPBELL ing ILLeta bouse ail bile they were 1 Ultou, yon've Leu marin morwy. YOUT'day ha came ln te tonka lits filial re- ý nom- 8 ý 'l'm needil mother stI01-111:1illl ý---- eating, lie hurry being a c m - Chad- ý Offlee 's OP ' nt Surduy alght lit .ýI,ýd CIreek -They've s,.I,,intd, you k year fford ta Puy 41 9 'od mpty and waiting about Ille Ialk talmeffl R90--aDd Cl-"I' Shella bas taken lie, ma., and 1 ,wu ,,il your Illair ls e It ,Ithout sendlng me Out On ait erral ý adding, and If tilt ,uol thau that," lie gr."Id Convoyancer, Notary Publie, Insurance ýick wanted ta stsrt th, k at the end of the corridor'port-ond Mr, Norcross let blm make auto th ' LJms0Ný 4 - 1) -, MILTON. ONT cago the minute ha eould finit out If foi- you. 'l'OU, -Ppointment circuler , 1-Wail, 1 think l'm ready ta talk Ille 6alue IWO Liait 1 liait ovel mother's mmdeu mime, Nlacrap . the ail W 5ýq.- -- --- - - -- lion sp'elal. 1 bas Ill been mailed out." . Johnson Il was the way Billough- ý the follewing momi.9 we were goirig ta live her-, lilways Il "They Are you open La kilt ýâ, e .,.ý ý,,i..-TOWN RpaA'L'Ls 1@2' - our connecting Une eant ýOMd rail ý tell ion you vire Weil op at II ', "Now for a le- unoificial things, S the test f the' by began. &*Red Tower la the one "We are going ta la th, p trouble ,verdit b, ,iiff,.,lýit. Bat we l- ,"l[Y t'Il, 111 ý ý1'L1 1 trftd,. Jý,ý -I l-ý 1- - N' "Y Oraha., and we'Il rail il a go, Il ha 1 Dew have ta kilt Off unit Put Out ! witil a gentleman bý Ilame of visiting Couýia l'asid, ., 1 suipý-,i, ,le -ffr'?" AL, 1- -- l 1 THOMAS A. INTCHINSON 1 M, Homack wà -' - slmr ta calme as Under one naine or an- Hatch before very long, -iiilll,,I,, mas are,, ,,-ý",ý h1ýLn he- l"", for 1 let Ilin, lM,ý il ,trniglit thm. "Not - 8.1i.tI.r, O.-v.Y..-' ' office staff ta fait ln, though ha oatfit we'Il peiblie .W.I have au absolutely 1 didn't have nearly as fer of business. 1 frm'l -uý, 1 -id- Yeu beaded and worý glasses, They used ý - 1 bat Yeu told aie about that \ioil[iay There -l "i'l'Il un- tý, h, ,nil, 'AnýI "I'y ,,.t l"'In me?" ,,, -le, str..b blil,ý.,---. T.I.Ph... &a free band in the me gement and the ; of the others. He w _r, Li la engineering every graft in ý the way be bagou. ,,y,),, ,IIýeMbmr'nearly a %eýlr-- LwýLANw. m. A., M. B sald. *'Yeu are ýtO ma Borne as red- ,th, à.. ý Perat1ngý What ;%ýe goes as il 1 te 'a finis country; Lit ta even IaIcking the, W , ff 11,lo -', "I',re 1 mode my fir-t ÜM0000 ýI liý lies, a MI Danton bas promised me liait , y of titra en tfie Overiand Central ý faite mining boom ai Saw IIors,--t.ý Moming talk bet-en ilttiI and and prettv 'Ocu 1 hall Itugl ha coutil make business grow Nyoulè Witte My 'Iond and gont, I-'ý I, ýL- upI Ili ll , All ,,i' a sudden 1 p4 - Nb.. -, ': Il.., -ô tbere shall ha no appeul, not aveu ta ' tiret 1 this raill coin- Henckel in the Biiiiurd iobhý. IL It., l flint lie It il - L, He Je AHN13TROOG 0 ! wbere none ever before and 1 WhIch, by the way, .oeil line." [ Yeu ha willirig ta lia luto vourt as SýOff1ce. And illis ma, ,hy 1 -nidli ý t li1g, ' 1 ý 1 1 ,,OIl,!,ý Il him." Llsny la now building a hl . o ,but I'-I1ý il, ing. to 1,,,>, ,.o finit 1 .9 ! that's what a treille ý wituess and swear t yol very d"I' loto file lial Iuil,,ý', tiong hut red, and 1 1,11ill.,11 -.1 imagine lie dil Say tilet will- grZo ,,,,,',,,, ý 1 Mr. Norcross turned tc Lue: Naturally. the big ttico-Over brOuglit i ote t i heard?" l with Mr N-1el whell l l II" t la '-il Lî DDINIR, - Live lrglyý" the boss Put in which Wus the 1 "JiuimJý, malle a o o' tell hiT. 1 'ý u I, ýl1wý,aue 1 don't litre au il morts of disturbav-es ai the seuil- "Sure I would," 1 sald. wlat he Lad beeu .1bliged ta do about outfit---noz If IMý.ý. q-- 1 hilà Lad finit lie ý Il V a Britt ta bave the work stoppait 1 for LIIIY stro-9-arra - Stock ý firmt ,a,,..,,.. aff. emoa of the relléved cousins and ý as, .... ou the Saw Horse bzmch,ý "Aliriglit. 1 May have 10 Pull thstýtIIe Sand Cl hold-up. linov fil" FAllwalo a...-t ,,,ý..t t the directera' ment- nephews 15taled ln rought ln"t little nellient on Mr. lialCil be!rO" Iý If ha hud been like titiller ,,,a- it lie Bat Idiakilig .ne. ý it". l, ý , 1 ý 1. I Own "'a lu'p'>a and .11 the equlpment b ý For a littie while - D ealer. ý , - ý , il, ,th dýý, ,h,,1ýf B., of il, D . w a a doue wilelk mon-1 And then ta Bilionghby- "Go Ou" getthrough with him 'the trahi bol&- wouldý,t have been sa bard. But 1 il lits busby eyeb, ý,1 s, - il hile the big et agencent. The He Wh 1 t >a "The main graft, of course, lm hi p %Vas a c-ritninal net and hall a feeling thât lie huit gone Loin 1 ý.,,.,,,n h1'ýr U, Bl'.1, - I . ýýo , 1 . you nMý a am rile.r ýý - - -- - --MILTON 1 oý -'aW,ýnýýl'ý, ".',"w :ý,11-t.Iý,%W,.Rý t b-ý -ý, the witness who can ý,mvIt fi,, Pair ibis love business just ma ha did Loto dmLýt- th was druwn il Plione 162 1 eu,,,,' , le el. But 1 liait filera ether moroing pal - grain elevtitors , the fruit pack 'It d Il.a O of them. ý nothing-burning rinkle coming and going ai the car- Hacr, wr tý ai 1 Macrae and the little 911-1 entil j bis bridges behind hile, au hfJ9rý, or 0miýii1)athy. I - -- Idn't wiggie. Yeu art down-and-outs, and 'I Y stries, the cent and rallier yards and' Of course -eli ieliVe N m., everything-neck or Wtb a meau """ m tiare they c'Du thing ton Menu, for LI, '. .y -:ýu il havIng no 'lit Chiropiâý & W ORTH ta Set your own pace, et Yeu are tel the boss and la neW the stock yards and handling corrals, - knows that lit" tien of ever forcing a" appointees. Tben lasi-public, DILI- out of il. Nobody bock. The boss nets of LI. 'SERVI GALT, ONT. th. employons got bosy and the griev- Hies the railmad bas La4ven thent-illi were thare with us, and nobady ne" bad never beau benten. What was It (TO BEI('ONTINUUI) 1 CATER bave some money fer Llêtt-Fme-ts. In these publie, or qi ý I38_a t kl di ta him wheu ha leamed ý1, ' ý 'ý, 6 1 lifterait tu tient a new lom un aba"I' ance committees began te peur tu. fat, simple, Il SeeI tTTENu,ýN i MON UM ENTS unie notes with the Cilicagi) Lanka Mr, Norcrosa never denied himself ta 1 roule, switcheý, trilck faCilities, Bn(Il 1 agreed ta duit, sait this Menti»ý9.. Ilýt.Ïl about Mrs. Shella? lov-, atIL4 "o ji rt f It .flic f Il Sheila ilivi Mais e Art maké« on top of tbis came the stIll harder 1 ON tldzmzezay rized If." .,,body. The ,doter stand wide the Bite. Wberever local cOmpetitiOn .P,." - , 1,,-ffiý. ý las sa - .as .o, -rk il the board auth ', 1, 1 ýý- -- - 1 ý ý ---- - The boss pushed filet "ai'. of "' open and the kickens weïre welcomed, remeillber th.t J've beeil leRving'lalock when 1 saw filet il was op te ý ýd - -- - fiside abruptly, as he &LWRY de. ý bas tried ta break ln the raill eue membered ail the ý "a as Yeu might Bay, with open amas. 1 Company bas Élven If týe cold should-i them ont pretty Keverýlv for a gond ý me ta tell hil 1 re ffie saw it % ,ýll- : I'l'!",ý t er and il bas been elther forced out' long while They ,,-ýrrn't left out iaýstorles l'il ever heard about hQw the ', W, 1. ý 1. 1 ,1,,,I lie lias got belli of the gist Of a ,yeu men are going ta get the .. squarest dent Yeu have ever liait, and , tt., ý rCaJityýnOt by a iligful. 111 spite Of ý most cold-blooded surgeon that evel 1 and said in ecstasy ý ý cet >New about my staff," lie said. "IV@ ., fosen ý >ýoqsý.hâd wouidn't trust himself ta stick a ' " 1 the walch, f il 'l' Il 1 -r. A Idug. ', ,a. ., , ý, l.ý ý G . HtM \N . ý m 11-1 1 - . 1J.y & 1 Valuator a Il à open go 1 ssip ail over the West Liait t'o a situ squarer am a little farther "ExaLtlye.ý"id the boss. I'Now teW ail the rush and liuý.çtie, the 1 th % ae is he., - 1 t Initial ta. ý me how far you have gone in the found finie ta gel acquaii t = fat, a member of bis own foin- 1 cti ...... MILT -- --- valuatione no t - . P. S. L. le officered by a lot of dure- ý Major Basil Kendrick and liait beeh Ily, and 1 knew now just bow the! -for me ', ý __ .. ma g .r y am ai., Il - sales conductJ suf Satisfaction guar mies and place-hl ers and relatives. attiser field." , ý ý ý dour Autmobile-. l'IL have to ciefintmal 1 "We are pretty watt shaped op and made et haine in t'le transplanteà surgeon felt about Il. ý anteed. - . MILTON. .. 1 are about ready ta begin business. Kentucky inansion In Ille .."hem mots. White 1 was Still 9WIlating limier PHONE 108 "Go Io fi; that ta a Pal of your , . piendid work, and. urbý 1ýtbe big load Maisie Ann liait durnped ý. 1. @# bas Etpley. We bave succeedeu.1 But ta get back an the firing lins. open me, the night dispatcher's boy : - ID sa- - ----I-- ,fraie band.' Have Yeu the material 1 Junessan bas done si ý - 1, 1111MRANCE, CO. M. ta draw from?" - -1 ý ame in Witt, a message. Il %vus froin Un E -.1 know a few gond men, 2 1 CU . li ln's Meilleure, thongh tue OPP-01-0- - wasn't amant! wben Mr. INOrelým,.Il % ý inil, ,,glý,ýýi. s a m H enso n b&elbà* long up.s. steadY boinbard- hall Chadwick, and 1 rend if witit MY ý _ Elateb. Mr. Norerc bat il B.1d» 1ý get them," sald the - l: ý ý, ý ,I mont ,.keép hie "daclaration of war" telle with Mr' '1 - 1 1 - ý ý w ! il ., - ý bons thoughttully. . - Il et I.... tý t- , -p BUILBER .4 -Tbe one 'en 'a . 1 ý Û and SB, belng pretty, eyes bulgLng out. This is ý n'j', Las- and CONTBACTOR Olt place ut sight la 1 loy Own or Contrat ai Sure lie wasn't going ta have the*,, -Ta 0. Norcross, G. M., and til -, ,midoy- ý a goQd corporation colanSel. l'm Ob- ý ý, 1 = l.dle.I,,eT . ý ", , B.pat,@, lente. / ) am . Pers Seing off,,Jiad sent me out ta *,Ise%- ý ~Portal City. (il ""t ne:Bp wood" with a note and somimAru Gtv». - in the state, and, a - k- ý, t...ey ,a box of tafias, i --p. S. L. Common dropped ta thirly- pliii, iiàb.i, , ,ad pro- liged ta have a gond lawyer, Unele I)rom "' ow cit, Was, a 'l ..yz, liditug an Short chais John." Il 1 are mgbng - Open I d ta the office ab" or today, and batiks le ,Lg,.b for th barlin, litalisi W-Sthc- and when 1 got back D 1 W-ý Oý. Age-i %liLTO salarol "I have the man fur Yeu, Il YOU! 1 your management through' these Po'. eigbt o1clock, Hatch was jel gOlný,ý:ýz Dates for bettermen, feu" are 1- -- (»MulýBoi" BTBMBT. bgLTON folle hlin un My Say se; a Young fat ý ý- ý Pers- Theulel rensult &i' for hall beau away. 1 met hhui on the stair. getting nervous. Wire train New York ID m - low Damait Ripley who Imm doue 80me , 1 y ta keep the 6 Sitting tel ln hk l ys bondholders are stirring and talk- mu stý--'s .1 ý - moral _people a ý thrreâ op The boss wa ma . .fin corking gond work for Me ln Chicago. - , - l > big swing chair, smoking, when 1 Ing recelverabip. GeDerai opinion in a bobutet -watch mült R A N C iýý coolesp.ftoating z rH wire him, If Yeu IL»-ý Now a word , ', and doubtful. They SRY thRt the r--- broke Ili. He tel as If Il beev'ânancial dircles leans ta ides Liant new a mIt;IîflcýkaW moye»tmt tuw 1 aat." ,LxlÏg if. rapt gond and plenty wlth MX. poli, *dà. 42%, ' or. two a , ý p yed fa*r-anu KINL), bout this -local graft we - ý Md bas never plig cy 19 foregolite foliaire. Are Yeu ý ý .t;Fg&---Iîô. 1 411 toucheil inquiet 1 , -t ln. t p enjôyIng It. If Win?- ï1saactase.- ast nigbt. I don't IMOW , gueSýfrbnsu, 1 ý.DE - the- lm and Ollits of-It butp-plt, - ,;,-ý--,, ,- 1 ý, -.14et-*Ithi ý W a thol - ilyfus Batebtýffld . stw Sure Yeu Can moiteWAR Ç'2711il No, a. 10 -1 = d mince, wa. . .'Chadwick." The embusWm th-t the faste- el -- ,4iLTON ý 1 wià ÏT . , . wlU tell lieu that IR gart of ho] à -11 the bOW CVZýýCOM-eûtý ...But go oný "NVO've jet 'em gollag Jimmie," ha - II elways iît 1 ... . il - ý - , 1 ý.1 ý bucklêd - ànd I* salai lit without ank- Right on the teste of this, and- be, aitis î pair I 'oi, , ( -ý1 p -, 1 COrPOMtIOU4 Called Bod 'Xower - ý lertilà yeur stOe.ý ýý ýý Ing mè'lýoýv 1 al get my breath, 113 C41ne 11;9 ,, , -1ýoýug, Or mythin the boy again with another telegram. et. --ýtE-eiIa- w , I"C lWàéw mille *,as akil or mythin the, IMP-b 2r, iority of lits lesurafice Company - a K 1 molldated, h» a ýstmlWe 1ý on a, 1 , -We pulied*t)lè néw- - d'eàç-à j yutw _bad, foltrail Mrs. Sbeils, fore 1 1 ý et e an in Cet hi ý ïutLre region. . - ,ý l dayýoLmultuneouIi!y lik-el-ém deltb-ý ý et wlre front Preffident DUn- inovement. les centre ý ý - , ý ý i 1 pÎwcfp#l '7- --à 1 î --ý go g, QW timý-onis---ot'ir sortes filet lie band beau Produced. b: ,illýely ncw MMný ý . ýý p 1 un 1 è,6atore L -tg"eý ftl-ý M -, eý - 1 1 Met Mr. nateil on It Wqg"a Il lit ý Dack«'oS,ý - -, ý[ùg. of the hanse ýý ,ý shoking, in ý,4iý.er mince left. su .r - prél - C t le 0 d 5, (D I- ,,,,i T Y 1-4 Ai-:,, ON . îrzàt ; paëlleq' êè,ý 1 r ý ,jèOjfý,ý -1 a 1 1 1 1 r ' 'jriïý,-ànd local cir'tiq - e,,,,$Î tr a'. .. Norcrosa ýý lutributil ý j 'Ing ta Yeu' dIdýàad tokel land begim firing the 1, -1 ,ý1 ý . - 1 - - , , ý J ,,I. üë il ic . _ weeby dit r,ý, ýresR.aîud- ý - . ilistribla - ýthiaý" ; IL istà-.Wlpre belli, "il Wf imil a Mmait 1 ' il di t y an - 4 ý ý - ; ýý ,J , .- , , ý ', an . ý , f e ch orle of them ta expialu our.lýilýu -ý '1ý ý . "-o o - - ized the Butli 1 , wrouet - EN DA , ý - LL ,'ýj'i1 ý - - ' , ,W , ý. . 7 tousimi énd"üe CAL P - eý ý, . , "Il Il - , -1 - ý, lia ýAüè«-,On, ý 1 1 te - ý ' ý 1 ý ,,.il ta Pledge IlheLbacking, - ,ý - 1 .1, tg, pull tient Swra ýXô-,ÏI1. Nolrcrolss, ,. R,.>M.. ý revolarion il ,-,,,,;] m -g . ý 1 Atainer, on, d , ý I, - of, the -rai AL COUFtIrS - . - ý - ,p ",, ý ëâd Alle - -, .. W1 -926 "iom" ý-, -- 1 ý . - . ý ,ý - . r,, - XOt.ifhit-aüdinË.ýàÙý.tbë doubt ý ý , c -Xe - 1 ,thods. sciýîrîf1c accuracy VOIS I ----- ý . ÎÏ4 ý ý - 1 ý - '- imil fi -4ýOrIâ1 city. 11USEL, Me 01 - - 1 , , - ' ý ha on ', -fte and bis papp --arla ci litigtationo for todwy. the Buren chMýcfc-i5ticý ý ý - ', IT , of 1 ; , - -. , ýý- ,, , . Il- - ý mess on him, Uerr . ". "Seo- sin -ý . ý be',I>biÏ '- III . ý - - - , ým' à, arklibly low price is îeàdîîîj,ý -i've b , Ild dust th'l bëeu l'Ickeil tip hy the ý - ai a rem 1, - , , , 8 .1 -,*,:iôi v!eMi ---- I May ou . - ' - . Jan -iteeT ý 1 bave b Unit ý ý - .0ple, If- weut ilke mqlýl-gre. ,ýillti.9 Sp Il - - ý ý 1 ,;Yeu ý' en Am Gicfilg ý, ý Gýt' thiel . --ý1, ý going ta fliht'che new-ompmY]ý>T0 a yeux ýptIIiey la p. toiture. Am adviaed ,ý ý P-In# - - a manr-"tiù.&-I.,Wi(bit vineb M ., . ,lýW4tb Luiobýýý,7' querIcIl tire [I0,. ýl ý ý - . . ïÉre te Yeu BrýuOm, O'ghflzlg Red Tower. Stop t4ý4 ý - ý - , - 1 Il- -IlImennest pýai 'Yeu' EW tý,dýý Marey. Cttl.'ýell., ý lnhli, Il he im'rely ourde op . .. - 1ý Lý,1;,, Wt*t V'; ý, ý ,l, in Gfffl Il,',.,..". , . .ý. , .7ý . . L. oný Storage &,WKrpýoui , "I ý WI, j'dit titrât f il0ight if tinàiad-làtely and assure Mr. Elatcif ý 1,ý',i,*t Goil' FI l-, $15.00 OP. 1 5 20 lé 0 ý' à- . ,,-,-,-,. ý ýdtriý,. - 1 ý ý Il ,,, aLs ulmnioýdjtll m, ý- a.Id L', 1 ,- 1ý .. 1- - - - 8 6 7 25 10 2 :ee jp - .. . - - ý _ ý ý -1 Yem; wltb . reui ý, w , - 10»a.m. - S 1 1- , iroiýý ,ý -"C,14ý --:ý I&QQ&M f - !ý iaýt', lýegusd; ,,tl,ýqt wo, are ffiendly, WýLiIl .... :.: I0»ýý Il 9 - - - tow lux ýd ý, ýOu -111 . , th, Mi£bl,. Say un , Ille spoël ýünd i Il -resIgnfrý f n'ý ý as we have si- 1 ý i .., . - 26 ; ý 1 . wl - ë- -è ï., .,ila 31 . 'à'ý 1, Wàk, as Yeu' -ênd. he'd ger' . NV , if ne admot be ,ý .ýT YOUR JE'WCLLER'S ý - Th.,.d.y ... - il a 1 il 'à-, spur ý . 1 .1 ai,, weép ydur CIO -, B". ..ý li - i ý, tiýà' e9st - . ý', . w enIl am È à ht Ira& 1 enoue c . :e,ýâ - ýs11 , -tIl ý nt blini >m Ë, doue la Ilfl F,,,11-trésý1obettier figure, ý : , ýý;y.. ý: ý ' ý. ;;*&-= 2 î i ý . ,ýq -ýtpitaiý 11:ed cke m , - . ý , ý t;ql"»fng et M" ..: 1- ý- [ne ,.>ý ,ne ýQ% - . - M ý -- 'l , ý1IIy1 ",'l'Il .. iï.iie u ý si 7L Il 7 -Iiïd -toý,ý 'a .1 ý . - ý i 1. If a' gaies-, ý1 ýl»--- 7"i' ý,,,,,,s,,e. ,,,,,,,, your rI.IIlintilýIL, ýý' il b-ellia Oru ý - 1 - .- ý ý lu ý liéýll'e -coaiwittw , , d- RI ,-ý ,,, ý 1- 1 .. 1 tem- lien ý . 1 Î- or. 1 1 - 1 1 - l - -.--- ; -. t ' , . . - lmeà Lwl"3t-,ýýi'erylý 1 ,ID in Il VDIS,4t vu l ý, ý L- ý - -'u , te, - - 1 aq 1 ât, ýfMtmIes1 " - -k. 191AH-919>111 wia, T Il : , ý ý , . . ýiL 11, ý 1 - ta . 1 Il ý - ý 1 i 1 'Lý- Il -Ry tilat'ral 1 - tenailla - ()13.ýL-VM ' lé W.& U. ý ýM you'ed t --W . ý - 1,11-1, ' 1 oly 1 1eý;ýý 1 1 l le , ýý4 ýý - ý ô frhfZZý- ýL1', :- aý-,.àý ' ý - 'Il L an' Ï"-".. ý à as, & . , - , bu .- ..; 4. atce, a. Aonpw, , ý &* « e 1 ý ... i , 1 - - ýiL V . er, . - ý ý - - ý '1- -, If ýý ý - --- -- Il Il Yýu . 'if ý ýý ý 1 -ç1r*,ý-ýý1, 5 -,ý -:-ý-,,;,- L wl cOl rsirgly, 1Tereý werm, t'S "ci. the ý , . -ý Iýi gJýwff. ilmilig, themselves in av wý ïtekin Rire r i ýà 0 d' 3 iMfý, II. kký ý , > alIeqsamýL, lýàýe 4uaëter-'bdur; -, - - ,, ý. - 1 - .1-2-- ýý , ý'ý ,MJ,&-Stoo vï> , Ic9ý' _ý - , - , ueosrtdher abilit , as a h otgraceful nf dIve view of Munt Victoria In th t and otlf mils away. With alotede swell as th detail deiethe-fact thatth to the ifinimal fraction of a hThe r1 , o, situated at d lti 1ý u r in th aa at~~~ the d e lnth and ti various b g.hts n. hr are spi and the water os duit the expert 0r, wailhing to v'tuIrwar enough to at Louise itself, t th cooler d; 20From Wim $2Plu 4,centper a -stoad including Torno n1.k , Juntion, inclusive et of Toronuto to and incui .d , anS. Thom- Bran FROMTORONTO Plus haf a dent per mle beyýod =1poits i toba, Baskatebewa, Alberta,-- onton, Calgary, MacLeod and East. RLe tirningL-Half a cen t per mile to% plus $20.00 to detination, g18 (miduight Aug.17); 12.80 P1..Aug. 18;1( ; 1230 PNM Aug. 31; 9.00 P.M. Aug. 81; 12 Aug. 17:, 2.0 noo Aug. 18; 1.35 AM. ug. 1w, via Chatham,Londo, Hailtonad I Guelph, Geortow and Inglewood. Swith abov special trains. For detailscoi nal Agen.ts. SSPECIAL CARS FOR WOMEN AND CHil SRailwaysi, whether or not your final dlestinati 1 inforation from nearest Agent. AN NATIONAL rs//ime/ ,e- :e t ast ied 00 celylux£ andst l at >derate CO i stprýincely luxury an tblin-B i detail of the 1927 M Lug teyersla :orîationfoliofin cishes; stew i- shdeor eterib r dinteriorware i .ve up d teins n Fisher; rec une ,closed boi esb efets ; jt b s ith two-tone custom fe nd jet b>lack rims- tfetre arehbt afewIof 1man otrCars. dvantage of enormnous relutestMr-Lang In today and se. th eat M iA Ever Built. s.HOUSTON...DaP PHONE 51 - MVILTON (teGREATÈ,] UGHJNB E.VER.UL-' te.rouestsas Ais vêt'