ýke Bird& Again~~Mut TUIWftIN ukia nmsaction rselladinl t'do'Quick Pile RifO le ~ !J M eeCaetlnahelis reasUr r- i i !iô A&dnmtSiNt-Foi8 put- Sue Bssnflid $50 oe vautit con- Dr eonherdt' Rse,'udi ie. iç4'n 1o~'t t-t.-CO5't~~~d nnteed t teisnan foeaIPi qoserit-Tinattir Tcasm essY o 0505!00 It Ces crdieg to 0tk$ NOW WELL psy he Iowing ctifi. eh ; 12 oi it a ' 'tna ~t c ~do thld dg.ad--fdt yN lat l.Rsm't lihs dsa=m:nti'a.I 15 1isç55 1bld!.', Her Suffering Relieved and ,ý art olp. $2,. Moanglteo hil ison IaIus etes o pincluolvs01 Health Restored by Lydia il. w os. -lba -oor îct- 134. .,I iseej rtbcatiqockil dlna E. inkam' Veetale lt," Coottk, L ob,' lih. $0. Re B ',-t-y ,reea c-ig1 ..M ooe-e aenmbr (O 4..i 7otea actCs> - tbtbo l. ,'tst-e 12 Cacic. s~ d cîiats ng. J. M. Mck oî Olhta bs È55,--m puy bIe Ittt- shet-e e esetiied e bp _of_______ TOs sildlethe gelse 08 e. Compournd P.t-iste Uts, st ashetihed ILIs-,sr WlthiO guscsotes. bu oea439 Thaiosn B l e nîsminerof blie SOS eat5 -t tlBoibtsdt b.No. 3504 13,PNe2. à =6 of - s5ntie epO! hatcme t i tahi5e Tottu Isbtt. "bs5' -e-tutt- itb t', s tt o 11$24.t-JO.No. 4, $152 7.Ille,-pat "n i5Wl bOeu ne i)- rush a!prs c. WIceIe l . -y og,.e-e-tforth-tthtbtt-tt- IL.,3, lse.1O DO S W NDER Aess 01 e havehbeen gecnre tiselu afacnrUes i&IaL in e _I-t-t um-toLdituE, PttthmV ( ,'ott-t ttt l-se d Tccasi-c - iotheand Only iavai' a! ,tasbie bottpt-O5dais- te o.rtisttt t t"t oil forbb tCO.RIensptst-.linhAid Danais ane&6tAi tin cca5l t he e sa s eted a fax er f eitnsat e asin a uarse, ilsasuh notith htlb. lttht-' t .tteeOft- . i- i ngtbsslousaftc tae prapilse piayg-gnnmdo fi Vesrisses 0 ur~vled." cras. IStg aharveted- sadlles a tot, tes t tod sot th te. t t t t. tt ot.Sil. . -or. A t-tet oepleaaace-rounît Oua- Amaflathalargsr eàimneccial flylse spriscg t-ceea grainenid15 i5 silaIdtt-'Ift-t- ouo hs-t-.th t t 1t,- tbtdtot.dlt-. 0 BI ' echoy Patk. At-as. bas juatt bcsn eaepaniesin the boliin are Brock tIhetlaver ceas a btter chance ta tti tltlytbttistt ,t-,,s t- -t--,met opnoeêh lîc 1 at'andI Weynnnnth. ofslaaa, imled, nompeîs ofoo as nd maaturn fi, "l a.fl,ýg-tbl 'tjdgnui crbd i n fettbn o ono ,'.O.5 Eplotraton carna- Winter wheat la able 5taas Plant i,',tp."ttd dtet-d tlu t ~th,1.11t- lsody-TiIts o',.o t a l askid avallahîn foP ýtins ceceatio a sasv. airchild AcaEiretS reePa CaU n d m inlathe solt macs efincist tinan 355e2 strd 1ttttd tîtt h-t--ti, - Ittt tt-Atttti teî-fot- 31 t-otb s te ,ofth.stcpeople, a ) vsitac ta Laa- t-eny af Canada. Iolmited, and the pigsne Fal en croiea - tl-scil Cttkigfiasheho.o e - Lt- t tt-ttI o o sp1sied fot- .uots. dunts sOI ummnel U isen nteing Nutthaen Air Service, Limitei, oc f o1epa oadmaferlal i in In bo tn e,' 5t g sot-t.rattyt-mt ail ..... . lA eT acytst, sttsoi t b l.HallayhecP Ontario. wlsaeus1 uld l eached Out bl ataento oolt-t-dbepochtthtoi,tt ttito-tth. -,tJtOt g1 Geat wsathhbasbeausnt5Ion Thsncatnoneseîity ite nasth rua. - , ttto',t- btet t-OIL0 t'tto, " tI l-l. .bos to . tibs.tb, t colder pacb--evesht-lot-e 1786. vse e b repott, ws a an lestrot-t-i Wialer eheat asnipiside 3ptiU sot,'labt-st toob IE ',ïano t totttt' "1t. t 't 'to n , lie-n t t-.tt- s h e s os thot-blldOatqoleti If,.Itmethoi oftrnspastitiona ndhoihsir- 'heat is ld Ontacio train 10-30 sy.tI Ost- t, r1duh. t'tthtsO , t1t Ilit i'eIt-yhttttt- Iraisnots o l lia beauty, asnd orne- voltlasfolacise peopec dst-nlst-snt undiboh eisee r ce. t aise glvenn btt-ari-etoo . .t Mtbt'ri-,t-'tt t teusettgt0t adi toleItoat-it- tesi olthestteept-tn amîîstissevceg et-l taeseatgced we (tý; "j I I y l ttttbbotn",'b'adtbbet- o tl o r c e ed s . W he t ceul cani F..tttut - t,' Iti Crketlohd potaltitcest-Wnset it-lc thi rsetates0E teGv ttb ,Il , r it I lt _t,.fi 1This Iol Une b Is th'tht polît-y. orhbth stork lua wn ut o t ortht l- wi ti a et-m selcompac ts4 eai bei II -:Il l',2-; IIII,,,lg t-o tt-Lui i-- 10noOw hbeig 1gsl o l oit lîoteOf su stet. Ths I d-sc t-edad o - . fa.wi o pce ed b i- t. lnt-taOu t;lu -i t(ttt Lit"tI l Pt-etelbscpuble t-byln-fietda bu al] ot-ilsotd i as o t-oaeeatmeetingt ati utthbuceing he se-d is closae contact thBt-ot.'t tc.nhresthtf-p -lste 0 The ohrpeettve ruu al Iht etielleo sot ad eales Il (An, lt-caCaleIsieIl IlOpslîO . tlt ee-etssthel-o' I ebtot ste t apretcnatwt 1on btL'.tt -'-tblttttt tosen set lhbls lot-ltntthot- baheues aevt-ous t t t entd. tteoaottbl-t-e-t050-W Il . a l l o t -ae 1 gltt0 'tiesn bu hbnstoch, a ou bossathc e bt- 'As olrert-e l niosit-. ,' osta-t tht soli. A teavyt- insbs lowslog ttIf.tt ,isnist tof Hatt5îo0 îooetoun tOtat-ot-t.toeosstcOt-5î 'dWsVesalaecîo lllI a ,Las,ýIt0e Mrt-t of eoq eioe burtbereortt-d 51tinCaa 05ttt-ni gtt-o1 t- . t tugg t i tttttttt s tritbofopenopioce e sttobbitt- tht- ralt andti tquît-messreui __________ __avc__15000t0.t-- mta t-leuhafhberenslut ldsnee-o- 11-1____IL_ _l__los' te -vts A gretot snueoflte p lctît - tu- -tsetobl pot-t of the satsf -tor et- t- Mt l, h tinb i IouIn existet-ehott-t-t t- o. --tpmt-at t-f Coto ibaebt- tion" eut-t-10toit, eulttpseis and hoccue 9-Tht- sot-lUt-t- 0f bise st-t-i hai ?s11144h1>iB IRbit ilîI 1t1N II L 1i1i.' l-l o ttt h, ets-tahbishmet-t10 otuttot I 1925 ea conuto-ntt-btt-t--ti about tc«-bt-he 1 tatl'oiît fit. Stit- y sbie bbh e mot-t Aeo tsenttd ingtulet-Éc0latuTesrae f se dcl bOlN XIIt-iibl l ttttt- lttt-t iot-yst-Ss ocaloe uthot -ate. Tht-s-ttehse ferýt i-l t -t-fttht- ehouli ho Itose andI t-umhlt-, seth t,' t-itht-fise,at-hbsines il-m etpt-r s-eo tt ---tb s-t-It--olts -0odughta soblbot -t-tbgevd Seretl-omer Sf AI OIli, ituue-d ,,l -tttdd etensive st-sta got-st rsit - mult-tttidt-t--bOpbtio t -t-t-0î5 uit-t-Op tt 10se et-t-i us fot1 aump 1 ,it't-tt tb tht-te emplot-es. Pblen- flit As- le Manioha. FP'bo ett t-t stotetO , ot t be-o!nassnia r tlt, ,lt en ototttnd tist-neîustt-t-fttcoans 'te t-k t'h o ohet51005b os thte u-Infcr soct-tbtoshvut- s eolht-tt--a-îttît-0- ti o s t st ac t-iesntPul- i ýý1I.1I l I ii t Oute t-he fiheronto ht saet-t tht- t tawa areeo ail lcotu ll otI Ot ae ot intt- ndTh o ndit on tun he - ii. y ufi,, i1et-tb1..to. Ih-Ll.t tlt--bt- th oîtuete t o bs sof ai of athe t te tht- soT htet-cu ht-s O 0al i set-t- li p t. '0 , - I 1!1tt::; I .t Ilet st FocianSo-ts, u esud t -tut tott-se tLth-ltdht-s R-t oa eecie uconsa l an acle dsstst' t Iltt-OI i e t-h ielsS et,stît-. e lot- oial a ata rts Inbt-eoii hs BuaO yt-b t ectlO. A. heullegO t ", tlt.ott tttt t'N' rutie'otesi tt-s- itbsbbasi tob e'-ntt- otsur t-p. o !n n hWn. L tvno AisttLt-toIldl. k. bt U- ot-Stur c ot - f a ofie ln ala surtot tt tt5t htt tttlb-t t tpteI taec- F'm Cs itiFcile t0, b' .~~~' i.. t-t-t-t- 4210AIII be anscln t m und t -za e obo 1 ot-iouf tt o t-nes ht- pd e o sotnnde lumolt -ys osepoahl dltto ' oa. o ld bhtyo-ttt- e sîto , a1 Theo Coudo ammoshelttt d- W en hm alfero t-l taleds 15 p i- i - t o t u Y- o u n g u u ttt - h a r s n w iv r ft-e.o ylo l p1in t ho e h sl o re m d r il l U t- 0u Wn l s îî I 'li b ,Ott Il t .. -t Xl. llt-ll e r 4 200 t-t h t-t-ht-tb le te - ahto l F e , th e F r1 iT c a n t e u t b i e l t h o s b l t LI t . ' t- o S o tt th - h- e u t o n5 the cri k et p _ _ _ _ _ _ _i e fu - f i'tltu e mS ent- c Set a s nif T b uo r t -ouhm i s o u i g oh i ets lhst cee m b ate ut- t-t111t, C I Iitît tthiet 20 - aFre ,.bt-T tiD -FX. .lY bUa ig trr.f Id s lth oodt-. st-e nmt-e at o f h e o r- tîat ri, baR 104 1 sislncCanadsu" I uuo u -uhteeorm orfte oft- Tit -.Irtls.t.Tliett.tti ttd hootm-bttt--Oahussofo b t o t g t st 'i .t: - - - '- tlt - -t l tt1t d yt- t t t t b O l t t ht- o o ltt ot-th t g r nt t-t- bt m bt- -ig to ,oiitat ttt tt-t-tauisuotith-t-ttt-rui tmt, 'hte o-hihta-lutttt-ttyttitt-tt ce hembutstod lsI r e ttod s - t- d, - r .dti-Bay. o u -t eott-lotirui ar ttt- th c ubt-ig tt-eru de teoilou il stt-tin-e tht-e tbîegr ofl ut-ioe, - . t- tt-î pot ttt t-tl t-o - ,tio ot,'ut transht- ot-o tht- at - s u do estret- lbu tht s bu- hts -tb -tht-t litts ot bu t- tm.the h sb os e t e t t , , s t t - o i t I t t .- t t - d lt t , B k o e h . t C t lio g a e-o ts y . s t t l p rdotu - - 0 t , - i t P r ,lat-t-t- t-S t t t- t- o l.m o î b u u t- i 1o0 , 1 1 - l .n S t e ot o u , e p tr a Eil s î sol u i o , LtIe tt.,ttiit Andi. o'ftt- th- l- l uit au boi scit-stotstî t t o l I t he- - bo sof bt- gs St-oi-t-t -t-t-. O. . cetatot-o juiu t h tJhtlt-tt- tt-o etega,îtu ta ttta at- estt-ec m n a--la d izt- theU' t e t a10 pte gs l. OlO t- bt-t- bu th e o e t o bil uo haa It- gros 'lik 1, ilI ' Lj 1 , d, il- t -l ottAndt- t ttta ulti onttit- rt- o fbt e M rk t IttY ato t h f o -anii n Itle bt-ot h e î -att--btutt-if t i s t l k -- - -I f tàîondîtgr tîtot t at--lot-t sion.îtto the LL Ittot F it du -v bs be ttîtttt s op Ono t-t ttuo t-îoottuît-tt-oebutl- tt-tit fi',Itî IL h 'fad te B el n r E am r l n Bian N w go es o t stlt t t-t-,ra btt-io t-t-lut e putot o e rTt-deost- t--ki tottttt tttt Oti t hesain hs xettnddsrbtr oaefnt-t- Oo aletoet-ut'boao o rtioot- t hes fer-tt t.I.-t--tttest ogar s o tds fior, î'utt,'toîotîtîtas l otn htlte tto tttt dot-ttettt-tn tb ietht jan Roy t. gtiises ai t-et- ob finieuutte adîttat eta dn s' u i t l cuculr BAtttUivrit,-i ae ofiid h u e the t utottt ti u. frit -aLu. SeesnDb p.o E tnin lord.. st-i, ,d... . I a u t-- o- t.t.t-tIl ti -tt i t Itî tht-lt- îtîlt- ourt, dtot-tucet. t ot-to otga oott - bIt-y tt-î -t. o. o d cohttti l tn- I ,a c m u a lc h ttin g ra oductot, tole s rs- c teet-ot t, tht- tIft lettlt- o f at-t-t ltI t- l"i-t lt-h t-b hbot,tot edolttaay lt-ynk w te o a fo ce t-du fruit ats il otdtortbtt-tî ft -oOingo, it mb ste ovest-laIt-i ooi l t-ttost.b ttttttttttt..tlltb l,, albeu ltuttt- u i o- - t-toi Id -d I se 00b 0 hanT e s , anTOd Fb Osýg I.'ti An Ao d. ii,- aou to! tt"" tt.( - trt -o p y e 0set oit. hl ot-m houlotTne LInQI St-U, U-L, i, h t-to Sokls t, sist-n o tt sstut- it-hIt-C.on o , ,- tboat -mos oiopsot or p ln tm l ceet- I pot al, , , iii, thi, U -, pit.ct-pouithtip.utît-E tu uo,ý' a- thl t-t-o nteeî - d lh e oc r c lgh h r In, : -'t t: t . . . ,t ~ e - nu tî l to ,, M lo sssa sor sst c t (t s ftt'sItu h t- ,L ,t-tt lE -ui, shusiu t e o t- plo ts" n d asoi o ub s"hra itb a y o L ý ,)Id li Iainrid l 1il c s o t d- tufid e lh, o-t otubottruth11 aottf L,, 'ritu t-en edpeo y nth c waoteraor I .si a i, tgb t tht-ao u iit- lmt-thetct-tt oft t -t-t tttt npo-u fo, laIk e gvete neesay lsatt ,Dt . o t 000 'au ula tt- tht- oaa to opti' ,s il i on e d . n a . v i a Iu.k, pt-o a et-latl t h t-t-1otltttytut lt ttoi.at 't, o b-as tad t-l t-b u-, t titriae meeamobbogmuepc sgc wenn e ttt-splireeteIt-frittautyebut-lt ai biotIîtgvfbclseu ate ntigon ad 1h11si at-dtit-t-itt l t-o . it- , oat.d Tht t-t-t-lt-ut h u it o-ts dtat-t-t-titut op It- t e Tasegeo rus aot-ee ib otot-m o t-peilsD Totittuits Vott.ttît, fiuht-et- sts oft ah oi, 0 bi-usnoitt am Tht la 'i Dt-ca ab e o btîti,4 pldobit, olr -'t1itIf Ou t-, u, -t-so iIthtI-I t -t,-t-. miss c S te r rn, O A. Co ally e I - a s a v i n g o o d - t) ý , t o t o , tl m r k t o y t t i J t l , a b 9 1 7 a r e t a r dî u e t o i n t ht - o s t o r o u ,ot o t - G t - e ' t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L .__ _ _ -- a g ,ih a shtt-t- abndltotit le m oottiote a o-os ,toot ughth tObo lt o . i, t r o x e so ,0 Y I t a s a It-t- b it-I t h- a C i ia l] toît X u o t o - t f e .b u s et e lun 1 a s c ýI h lm la g e , AG u e lt L i e t-it-tt-imt, ou dU t ittln tooi Tt- a b h t- lotoi-t-t-sn-sbbteu- Ibue y menahrack o the Fp lc euotb le nR. ,ký h ir rlu- si u at-nttto -lt t- 0 - t-tA. tote eu sii th ina- dhInscei l stt-. l e b siess w hyue t. îo istoi obît 0 at t-mstotbot-t-" e.otd Om f t-iti a c ecmgto td a toft-behabIt tie t-t-o-lu I t 'i,.dilt- tb ttt-stlo tht- Ie -so-telspne-.' Bis n de thut tut-o a eh Aantupy et, la, the pubicaIl tissen Tasitoceell doakplhcet-nlabol- tel" eTht-e ttoutt-o l tntntetotoitht tltt- iletchly o-Ime eighdrinlay d. assai Ollathfltb Ou OdOO grecrdss IOO C It-ais Tht-eopeeouîutt-s lIt o EogsueutanRtooois d flot- b lc l t -r.KOWeg a ag att e etand imet E S Q U S N (i c o N c lý i ,r , a n E L r d f lf - dT 'pio toi ht t-bt e S Elt-t-e, eeo h l o ist, lwl t e î os da rr i te o i m ot t d o l oeb t m a do b e . u ho v e f lu si n s t-s tI lot ut-iuobht-ttt Os obht-eelir ic nla last t-sanc Tiosce cepibat- llait a te mu su that Iloarte t- a o uu t. ,iý eSclt,îer M rt- rISi it e Mot-uatit o -ispens ti sssct e eaoo les oi itgaIs resesnc m o uil u-;~-î ossit, >.ys<-<j . " slt-- . " Itt- l eh t- hes('sIaettt--bolbo A psm e n tha e-lon slis , a dlcot hererta ai' dop'e ta asyseet buered es )-'555motsJ hJ'00't"5Aostate Wtieli Lmoot-e At bt -e ast a thuss lati înscsmali bolth e an tises i'andblu ies.bs aleeUs Ilf tht-hpetasoald obCa-ilhae-hI ho faIes lSO0 00 o o i-,£90.505.000. a TIs t v rYeeeses dcis ri eau nup s t itisd erobustt t-slsss bf th D m Ltt te Ntls sl Cfsa n o te so ntierai es s r ro tta an t e baul ise u t ose7t4a1t1m9lles yte acte, essalatein aaaldnseiptavtiso aesil a poater. tf 1,> SwtRr tume! D yo afoda-andthOe t- sdiisltl e a lccausesaofdloaeaonat ta Lii 282 17l totn'II ai,,, dtIss,, aie, or ares ats Ti 'Thiees rsil onc lnnasssnsiweelaaî - w 'Lely i8001, hect îmospale ara! ilî to A e aasle" uta sr ad e,- s t d cae in -a is r aki .g . anch spt. il fo igu t .ps?" tts c- e. laei fltope r mmswsataedtin na'1drei't- ods(rtinPi) it 11 Th, D sIivngrasslof se Weît- ell.r n amsSet-bs a st csr t ilis e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ed 1 .lin crsF n o l i 's f1ct, Tedt'etcn ...for .......Snd t 21022 I - - , , That tht- 'Oboatusir,"tt-recfeisheoporter, stIO t55 - . e t 12 mot- afl o hs,,lt,,lbutt-d to .,, Sotîse acient jsseGo - kOSi .Sr te es on,,..,,..0.. Septe. 4 ] ,-iltot ntlgls n , au-g, hlUis n i-"t-t- el-ecp MiLSON.. r ...nî 0 c couverdo st-cutr soe Owst i se Erln...........and.Rite.,,,,, OstOIt--S t - , "ail-un' cone.hutts malers bve t-Waad ers -Of.th.. ........... Lookt..8 e t bill in- sto for 10eta lest Ici], xs"Ille tet-tocs.esebîlat hass eî ica iy; Pou '-. ly i hndeekingtheOsir e2ote hmsait-i st-t- bate ld !i re - 'ttran x; Qe upoe~ Brdsrsnf<ihe nadia ndanss' C ROI e OsThe -trs.n. 0.moie laglniats l lave t oresinleon. ocitif aEgln aialtmb est-nd is e ied a ibeal bal- Nis g o o d es oosss oftiss l . n ts mo Isedoreassi oral essacssi Si ng at-tn- -50 t - - edrtio-m n, - 890" dt-t green Canaa Te rersde Th$10 tayfre-osso assaisooitia'deelpth eg-atn CANADIAN N il Romanabsa ta i rsd Ir.oney 'sib nlnscedd nhligtorhbt-Arranse the as t sit- EXHIB TION ainntssomn O lte id ereso,)flatYer-Te r tt eBe ipnuS e brl on 0000 -sn a 'gan hv lnyO ilel 0ta fale Staue t ir Joh A." eellesd odw tst iY he il aalsefo 73 0 fRONT Cae F 'iatht ers 'd,,w4j deedntIeuaeeaans__ -br.TB rvet he od 1020net0s-Assgln the varionns Raclettes, and the Miss Ldia Fulce, capo fteCl orange and white poppies, itsdtatnt. j tains and gay touriet thststgs, howtt, t 2hotld be done. She is otai ttructtdi dian West, noisooled itn the oqutictt rt it dise governetsisiregsat pool, thet ýI t a, Banff, eheresas h s oy tt- lier yousgst days. Misss Fuloher bot-sotta thtotp - t I a Banff Winttss Carnival othensot ý1il th. Cave andI Basin, filled tt t tt't I t IL froia Stlpher MMtnttatt, t,'hti tt ' aide though thi nofoftPtttttftfit beow the zero mark. Thts f-- , tpi-z $20Fg Fr -i. i.--. Tinrengn nesli Ulan-In.1Wlsntip.scs t.tdt, 'st 12.01'> e . . 2 PROM W FNDSOR11 AM t- p ttdtN,'ht Stmudtg h om th - .11 u 1. 1t It- t. 1N ' t TrverCNDIN A I Why shouldn't they buy from you? Make up your mmmd to st-cure thet-ode of the Summer cot- tages near tosen, this year. Think of ail tht- things tht-y will be buy- iug! Why ahouldn't tho3- buy them from yotu? rn- the- city they are uued to ordering goodu by tlt-- phone. Cati them, evon using Long Distant-t where neceseary and t-t-l tht-m whist you t-an do for thenu. Remrind tht-m that for week-end pur- ties YOU tan give tht-m prompt delivery. When they see how easy It ta to order from yen by telephone they sl likeIy prove gssod t-us. tomer. ait Summer. .11 ILI :1Woolet is LodCIeýltt- pion .-d i t st-oeON .le5otOs R LT 1 ,i Fro ni WnU et ns t-" TI 'sto"-,tb m0~lî~ot-to . b uifU ttt .. ea,1 t -t )NAL o..t t-s e, À. 6 oBR . t- W, foy I princelY IuxUd TOertsti, t New Ct-t cstoma- tir-esoasd j, Thsss - dietiettst ti Aed Mlit thoan t-sot soe it-n Saut kE,, Cf1GCR ATES .E aMçAU G H LINuBUN ffl.9 £VER BU IL p k i. - A -i - I L PatO Olosslc o ;SERVICE te Tour Autmobi ors10st-lyti. tt- tLL K~IoN 't t s nisance colsa o- COUNT CAL COI ....las... CItLS -OP..ic