i :r 1 I I t h O LO 1O '1 O'I t70704, tiooo, 107 o o., L 17 In o 1 AMI I007 2 fi00070 02 l'y i 0000 1.1, ' " 00Il, C-00 10 , 1 ai i 17 A al00.0 ha- ... ~ .0 .7 .2 o 2 o 2 o .0 i i 2 7 o O i I i O I i I h O O .7 2 I O 2 c 1 i. 2 c 70 2 t t 2 soSrnooth itoC On eooo. b4 4040b-,70900 - . d d- pp Oho oubHli, .d L- Pd-l4f-O bihjoChoooeteh- . - -W L. o*1 di 4. t ufordo.bcO,~ __ R..doOoo $640 Ceoe talc S.d.. $920 Oh., AI)1.1 OeO F,îey496 TurtIg 640 UOoi I ,"oo - 734 ff . ..e107074090 .. m.Oe l 9,740 t- fo Ecoeomoial T amotat"o Ste tht adoange shoswIng el Camadima Nalloua ExhîbIIn- modelai80tt h oyfbOrnof COOPER MOTOR SALES -MLO k01 The CanD.dian Chamfpion 104 'Ubdpi be0.Wrner tTeiler l. ,rn. uwtoYFJXE n haoseo, Carise .I ilieu 5. ___ pm ï»iEqobt? 1e *0 10080OF Car Ne libt MovO4 og141)74 ioc ht othoOO. O eo orromFwlia1I *~l0Ii 22 IRas1i Coler la net wb.at wba et l~01 WJL.HAMPSHIRE IS LIBERAL lifer , P ~47ta Ylosuel409formé the Northo Pole ln the0 ahotP Norge. - ban> il0la. bin bowrIcsales lis CANDIDATE FOR lIALTON. n ,sbht Io7d. bt bis 000000047. eu04 ayao hat around the0 Poe a To'r 4',o1,,9dn O. ra teo iw ate 0as ç6 vitgeoo~7otoi~P0eO~ aee lotte9 e taiI f b.d.l twI d 40ka n eted fly rilaterTeo aisOee4 Bae ue, p Of ilO'0 open00 aoo'thetp ewanbine ACow pwort otd 1077040 lTheh Oe uln ltl el a fwwmnan hlrn ltt 'l opOI bn.Ataly wbat we es le' fTioe'4o, -la PrN - é,tg t 0 .'l.Pre 4 riet", 2 rouis in the iret franne, . 10 orn ai' 004,1 bongon oahlhyfleelo whee oierepowt0 tf f de7iOlit- e TI, co1 th, se t-i tie W"bebi.$I0th00ien of ot is hemoltofthlîO "f 7.0 oL.ié,iA." thiod r trrd infoorofAkins. ooith 047epoOO b1ao40aD att. OndLorEtaselect, absorbé, aui otO eti Ii ' etLit 1 ien, t ~ 'ti04414 rehile, 40 eld o tsgtd ranges ut ni untaits Oin g Chalt.; ful ofi <1tamioe'the 7nd oor 10 m tade Il00Il 0 Ou b1bil 0 I ; P n n ,d d l, t t r o d . p u is , it b n $o d y o t. 0 v eo c1l 9 0 * 8 1ee t b u s e t a Orl. a ty e t c e r i t e I V M o o l r I a e o l g i , w i h l ,,Airtdte I crloi t lnd lnteX ben1 noOt-N t h iee d-0h00 kind tbsam raoOmahiyaamOhoe 160060e70 100 Dr Il'AO ni(4iooI, gott-, t't790ineth.en OtléreolPolar exlemrth-OB101IYb0- ~t fil, endoooOO.anaeOOoO. skioooy Ilt 00 oforl tutI trhtan anerr i lteoed l Plrcontinent lyn ta mon an00d 4000000. betdltnOlb.,'t10yrtO i o iii ol04ii te g4uamp i>e0 pelof000 obeooty su otZw0 f.0eleberg Land. Try othél 9,044-l'Ouled. tutoie. abfle94ta itti ale eoond b vibatins pire J.lie g4o4Pir0ost Hi et t ot pet A lliOe laod act44l7tablte nf00r14 Oay-if 0hey doo't bp t100 belliwben a beantof t1%%t ha.nd Bray. of Branlte. 04044figured oal uder thenintfo tye 304217t y7440 09e0back. . o a cled tb404b a Sit wdte a 'hl'h 4044ab ig rOood, otîh Cor 004 L .one000 4000000giined ten panaode in wu >4 0001004, 10 oh a I l w tof iilti' il4o.oo O00.éd~ b104a xitionl reached the twenty-Ono days. Sot abon t1y brluoftal bano ao olr-r J '2oli0.latitudeof h00 1land t: oootbntflt ocents. Ask il 7druggit tfor Me.Coy u loo sof beven c iol-et, ON oO , H.t'but ses, 00et t ya luterthe CodLiver Ettrat Tabtt. Dire. Orange elw ge . ise, vilet ABRH i o ighd 071aon dàgo, This bad uttL*t M acM tillna i tl te] ten0an f i mas onlG hotti olei hs4rlcin co' h gnland en.10ne.bockwbeas te000. tu 3 1) 0' .0MacMillnteld 0t raitOt but il le 00000a large-sul pectr m inThe rA 300 1Il Aller te ble 4 ed40,1 oa09, 40l SummeUCOAdver'tst00. The ol oraofobjecta depend eo- :12 1 0 ) ne oes0 he tepekt antiroly on htO 0h0 substances0,0 0 4 2 h ried t mabte butoa . - obloh the objecta are oooposed des.i 4lAi' 1t Il72tt o1o oeo hoo u bay Thre are s )oolm uiefrrot uit ttOttolbîllO othem. If the0 vi..'.ti i saletOiblew lai and ae heth0~~ee t h.ou.il.7r w7044t0000. heliWhtWeafil tOtO A If> 4 00 mit IL'Lisent p rtit ee t70soin,0-. eowhite, ILoye tu mach. But bbet( 0 lo Iv bat on , ittot sndt or e ail the ayo toae a iIse atctrions point' A gratO7IlloVtttoO7Ohav o nds in O onilI f iltla ohat we c .l lmit 7t 2 7 tiTh.tillesai ibis a t fihoOed varia a oho1h7oP bli70 tîîho04tt' rr. 417prO40 0744 tril.lremooltb onipo bieeoCeplaiodno.L Pttrroporton ofhe ays. Blac la io4oemooo ,andOUd40144Styles',ly otiy change lo' 'y ...,o4ooIta boOhîOOailîthe 4 11Ni'bat atlatgey 'bait ttlattic tt y84oflit tA t f oit onlt. tPct- onbcy 9c4 ptleh 1Otîttinent Owy 4ti4 de .11IY fif '2has o li Il o ddettr ite . léotrO illt. tî arptth 'alrttty, 't 110 a oh r o t Iii] opoh he 7 t "soe oe tm tt0 I t.ealillg So tîodf te llght. P1004444 da- i h al... share ahl Lnkteru uelyploeoroîpot and 000ed00oitîoooooyttwhite;ttaurU tOi pish lnotheNotrid, 4herethe hal,.altte Yaell .~~~i o o o 1'~sace ot eaeo i ris00 ird . I yttltli4 fort ish thiseuto 7,01 he oe. ad d ee ged u y ioe ad 0 n e rbe tho 40L401 ep.rri. b uit 7yhhare7007444704i707104 i ture104,of tl a lowt paihlier ..... :1 1 1 2 41 ) "" 00. Il lier40 t0 e t oCp OO t é un e poo t é, at Oru if ed r ; als d ac m x d gv u A toI) ttlî1r() GoOedP- t 'l pei ou4t ei IL 444un kttr4 yOo goo4 n"',t 'heoiio. ~ d 4 l rOl clo e 441 .t4 it, tho t he 704 010 hotl ttel il 77co tîthtrIL i, brtheyor e0t 7744 2. A toly tttou optîmot lie rîpîolty g o r vPyot47t4i and7t vPPott Thheo. 019404 oo oof9d Aid-r04O 47 Bt VO4î00mtrad1 eboe . î to474e oOoi t2oesa ibfrent ftbÏtCh in c l l tos4 e' 4lu -h17 to12 14 rg oto',ro t do 0 ~ orsmxdonraoal palrut e Yeaill7w .. ~ ~ ~ R0 E40 010400br044 414 4îrd. pub teli eoO, 0104 t i d il it te 1ii1 l p o e 1044 l. th e dormd i a te, o cl -Il l 1' 4 7-, One o tCe rrs pros netto L ikIP aiI érsn adP8 Ll .idut Ni 1O13 i 1' lOîi OURT.o ndsh a inesTt , l)th p uidc1 y t i xyteo00779 dwt ood aSfi 00nt 0 00 74 ltotol)_(I.i -ifi on. h a en adoood eo ue ootor 404 ic d770 -oog 01010004iThet e ooo tonthf7 e l tt her 17 +O.i. ,ooooin'o-oloyoortlen, .00u hi begs rt a400700t o It r tîtyll t, ltoheofn400 nisn adOtîte O o n4 t m40 atuelt4d4y0410but j,10l 0000'0 0000\1770440 7000777it0,uter. 110 1er2as 18e k7own444 SrI,0tare \lé n Il - t-ý 1 ldersn of B Vincnt, an la bllhaedt hae the tore4707Milon. 1r44117taBllChina st-, -r h Warier 1belo almoit eterm40ate ln te0pat Desructon 7tet 10w tloctina are l I[ fi et'i 1, ,if7All 4,toff ett4n, n0the 4opes ofv.lcho 1't-2 la- hiUMItL5.ton Vi.IdIGH SCHOOL isplay lntherlwarhtilt4otorso lrn o o, 1o' io>,, lIDD lco Ed SOHO ýronceavMntINaInfimeESULTSe laeo le 's"I llI,-,,,1, Ie t on Ffe lots, w o Prtir ed .l000ilit2thlOo'tei stil Hodid or , Piiescold tep. l ixd i0lyl psiio, n f010.0 i ben..Te.gruo of'lo4éatesswing toth Ondo te pnuu o,'] o' o O LICE' COURT.a halo' 074léy nt. Oé-, yJ.Ie oierydw ndht h tra.B 'I co.aptrd eebfr oie oie iio Gog stecpiv é eghnn oepnuu ,hre doil 0" Oewilho Maisra'0i "agpl it ai brnd n he "ndenpaeaiI blw ae*trckunI.te ndcorts -- .7IL rtlna f.P fs Il al He a id oàsitl btth7ie T e h rssa cel ahhaial 1-p i llt he1-.1 o. en t ar W . h,-.1,ll lo- oud uiliht S snionepore ,co pued Eah xprieI . te p ... 1,1111 nl 1 IiprPd t I e Luprtieet heIod thi éets it u oi o h dyw enad-ho AN NOUNE See these advanced ADDED POWER: L01 CER LIFE Features of :SMOOTH ER PERFORMANCE- the even FnrOldsmobile ADDED DRIVI NG EAOSE AND Enlrgd Logne SECURITY.aGREATER ~2OY Dul AirC-leaner FI N ER APPOI NTM ENTS :ADD EL __ncseVnilto BEAUTY -AT THE LOWESI Harnoti Blace PRICES AT WH ICH OLDSMOBILLFI StonerCete Barng SIX HAS EVER BEEN SOL' New Axie Ratio Dome. Shaped Combiuo- tion Chenber Two-Woy Cooling New Cam Contour Double Valve Springs Theronostatic Charging Control New Manifold Deuign 16Steering Wheel Light Conteol Twin Beone Light Control annourflemneflt in all 1.it of automobile progi0 r; 44'j benefits of manufacturoogiN miee created by the greatesi h, hieoory 1 Teday Oldoooobile p740444.0 ho.. o.II public yoOferenOeO 104 0440 Oi deoaoototed worth-t,,td oio Laboratories-proven on the 4Gror' Groood ta pro4ude c-no 1-l-,04 ance, 0een loger 7774. 4704 4440044 t101,7 looady 017747.14774077047. Today this 04o0 fioco O7doooobile go you ae invitedtosec i70 ON 000004 luxuroiuapoitetso4îf t iher P thoecar, pinthy pit, ea. 140007407474 oely 00470g 0471 tel1 444 04h17 a ioiy 7g Toda, more444 40774ever hrfooc 0000 47 ' c- it7 t74youooolf. 7044 44074070. mobilje St,. s di ei' U200040 h. 40 (".2 COOPER MOTOR SALES Phone 227 - Milton, ont. Suniner Sl Dresses, Undercwear, l, v0o Ladies' Panama HATS HolIERy C le a r in g 2 e C k I t Il " g a t 2 5 c VOILESPlt%1dGn~ Bg assortet pt tu tIýii G nh 19e yd. CREPES 5y W h it e m id (D r e s s (C h a m r b r a y ý 29e yd 2cy Clearing Dresses. at, $6 95 ~ S\Is is Bliack Satin and Cover Ail Dresses G11,11,1-1 Dresse8 $1.95 '2 BARGAINS ALL OVER THE STOR Galbraith Compan MILTON bAC] o7J4 with a 10~7o everytI ]Public Iwork. -.7 -ci o 10 FARM FOR SALE. Halte. Rectlves Conigmet t fBoeps NARI Under New ImmlgtfloPeticy. '270 i. t 770îî7100 ',0 Trufalgur. 3 miles frooe Milton, on stone d4000.ioor' I raud. Bak ashhs 5 2750. cornent iorsSixteenhboyshave tees ptared oioth "t0.00000 oeidwateriîs tables, drive bou, enfamee n ]laiton ou eoty 0174047 0440 "i, bouse, hog pes and 'garage. 30 acres li theAfrielural Represeuoottîoe, IlR7 077777t atfatto, 12 serge saeedint FleBoem i4ng . Tee are the lrtrO00. rstidy for whont 4 acrees ight hoalo. bal. fil5O0d In the county uoier the o.DE suce00in guod fr9214 rneded elover and tim. i,,J0O5otl00policy. They a r044E nGt ;tred *iepng0b t P=b0 .-..a ery moaderato orage 049 ,I'00410 770g7t74 7 avergeype Tbee o ere select, ot .o tO '809& 2 frod fgsluoand bave ecei Àï,2 7 l, es glsb ef4î U *Wa ndoo4 training. Ttory10O4 t0,gto ok iel10ye*o'eootage. A .04771.Ro01V47o0h 007 o " ". erchîrd.Apptyto . noînbeetre otéil be' placei lujethe ,'olooof 0the lIe Rer 000O 70 o2 ..O4 B . H . o e it o n . T o r on0n r f o t O 0 0 T e a r n 7 t o.c A o . ) 7 0 7 7 ' 7 0 . 0 0 "0 0 0 .o...~"A V02* iP45U w uage. 0*0e 'r04 , . îoo' 711902' o*aoaoTage--'""' 7.24 '07 722'~~~rndI2iJ'~~~ '.04' 'c satoeie 77 n3. ~ qi out0îl0i'q04 .7 o~O; ,4 >2 Y. .. i do0004'12 Text 1E .T 10 0.t SO JAR &Kf ÀH HACHSAT 0 CioICE QUAI. 23 TOMA.0 TINBE UfA -D FRUIT E .0'SHORT'" BEi c 75 20lb. 04.00e4 14 lm-ri i i Y OLDSM "SOMETHING IS HAPPENINC, lý, 1 fil AL TOMOI IVE LD"SMOBIL 2 2