Bdaf enera Elé Rad i olas Hot Point Va eunt Vsashîng MachineE biýiECTRICAL SOLD . AYIENTS. îOSCKLES ELECTRIC SEOI p1hlna 54J. laterials for Su ue8sle "S" Stand For ;his week $1.95 .SME -STL ewStraW Hats Special at S.J p, O '.s r.. July Sale $1 (0) ~Sale 6 r Ilea( sky, arie() '02 Iii tii voirplll'iîas MEN INi PET1TI k-1-1 dLrii Lu A -lt. i (utet t. rî I, hl a'2 6 -.,.ldlrs,. l ,111 Iai 111 Ci ait' i Ci Cis I î'î îitu1ler i î,îîî i e ,hri cl i Iollil".d of1, Il",nt i nsro tuIiiitei b ,1, I . rn laî t'C il II e rs rlsud, ualdiO s itiuii uusutt iiî CîrCu trId ir -u ti, itt el"tiert ea Atl ay iatiu'eCt Clip 0t enuin tee pea "' siuastuoa, saed te paitur8e. lse i mit eC e sCmadeai & i gl elt ofCu rtCtced R soulCrt ueutry ure sit o.r at misi u n a Iaid lu aCr udth at uîukt e eCrCuIabout bts. eatC r t ti i tr i lu1 oR aualr asi orie Or ussvie taa S fudu _din tua u wtwt'arIsa He m k igb spabout tis0 eueeut. aetdIfrdui I neirt o fCuleCu l eh, dut. aCrCiru riSes eCO CIii urdInCuitu usthe rtîitd eInradr" Wt manC,,,81d.,to reruer Taiiueu'heu Pie IOr aPlei u sd hmuen hlr0u TSo olnt o -j ty- wrs aa t sloudea teilapro A 'rd orrt e ,55.a Crrrlsdhet hiul peesaucoasiever me>.tarsd MaO perutoin Lodn lnuPd lend816eud lion-810o. ied aehue Cto uuppu'di ,.eations a.nde tors dueesinu. chicltisl but ChuwasllegodsiniyO euersutwho haulSe sîruatýdeý:ge de Tnh8e , nthe lsu thn e but ths aeeiCiOrne ,anel f med te li on ore whr hef bu ud heearO tl'., es2 tos6, aSsorted kilids, _,ý od. ltha Udr 0ana as Tréornuut -w» 81 Wa nir u e abnnueùlnu i ai. istu 55e î eoods. New lhues h4rfi îalditq wuotthe uoetbSru emo1- te"'ulUaDu I bit usur. shicli iay. SeonntfdO) h. rearement, e ~~"'~~ ~ ioW'er temnperature at Toronto. _es- - ýiO5tplaiuP". O tordaly Mamio' iguewa @,- Mr. sud Mm e ane Wbiuuu ~ 2eululiiib psi Çoilars and Ties. on-h eT.Wnle.aie vlmting tist5i4 - HB LE t Bel'., Caps, ' g ntaChre 3. Miiieu ,m.à- it'l WHue~ S;.5. EE SUe R Mlu. jaun,.I set Palm Beach Geds. TEMN Cl-O odah im. ejl#in leming and la.tqidnn_______________ Sr uit, Candlhave it is' e %munorial e tue ot hbaerso ot an abi.% ____Coi,______ woîrkunnhip. anid sighhuehuid and Cthe etsCu l.. OuiiCmand bear, Coelaldeu 8690,COIIESEO- LOVERTISEMEITS- selt srrived tpou.Torouto. were lunltm o Tut O'ut W' 3. Lludn573n.SCl S' o 1, 1 C 1 T E D. od fnto positinsud vmiled uitli Ïdhite liae, PMûenegmuen TbiiJàyevaninq.- caerton. When Cheo nveling aili taare Au in5w. l of Sbi Steèhen 8 jroa .iE-Two gond building lot ~, R B NAIgleu aud Who il h6it b lai not yt OhaicOb. Mmio>b..vinMain Street.. Appi>. phone 24, Mil- a l i iuue daittuno e Punit-y culling tirMai unys. wilhoanoneda "o a 10t e u th, ih à Two cointortible runcuis itli ail con- Cahingaid Fîrulahluga emonmet lots2c,.eereti venleiicen. witlioruithoît huard. Ap- ONE 58 Mesg5tdeug dsign hori lg Tuirpi IÏ uld k.niIhe a" plyMs. Lewis Park. Sarah Stret. cuiagesta t a 0 e e tireMileeu.TOe ENns uCourtSte. sud imuet mposiug tu enunnlu caultr, ito.Ail niodercuvueuiuees. Appi>.teuS. ada outoide the larger oties. A lodge ufthu Sono uf Mielaud Bon- Hennin, Commeruial Striet, Mile-n. Mr. nd Ms. AramStar, oîra et Society. adi iehupoucd lu Mile-n friue falgr, erykinly ntètaied he n Ag. Lh nyoeIteeteid and' tTPutcame-LuieStock. turaitnc SIrsudMru Alran llack otia. n Ag. th.Auyue u c i,,..long or short distancs. Ap .11 dieufutSt. Pels Ohurch W.M.S aubineauoliformiationu pleaun eum- tGarage, plisne 11 ton-M md jose CordCoud, fer hu Jsly meeting. Theomtngutou mni r ee ali i lon. Hiiud i.*-. 7 i e' elhan ornCaiya ai holdàou hueia. Menihuu ur ouo ae.DeMîeu îhil.t wr esy-you'I i furet tgr'and hu couregatlon mry kiudly let AruOiSALi OrF FURNITUBE- Fou SALn-You cli uawitb S pie, ueo uer Th a her carsci o nve>.CuldîiSon ai icinml ul hy publie sus. York suvi due July 25th. aietoloupeu Th s ud l Cta .Men lutue , i-Linliibu uhold tuliri. tc., at 8 weeki nid. Apptodn~îg tCuuty~1u~1 ru1dy suar>. troin Euiukrebka, gave aair>.lin e idcucr. ini St.. Milton. Salir- is n li bu 11 usudy Ch t y i usueur asud g addrcmsud SMr. urlhîît day. Juli' 2t, at 180p.n.-T. G.. d yliuwtsrrsvrer iatyus eerai ndrr Mr. Pracosan solosu, uhiolihain haus,Auctionucur. Alun BuoseN-Yuiterdsy uvcsing eu ue esuet rmucb unjeyed b>. ail. Ater S. n.Jarmie. uf TsLsnlct'.lGrand Fr&ui n tSr u ie .L theispveswit ou a otsu d asoial Utie, lunch aiWesthy Patriaelofuthu Ordur outh& White, Cii trou is ltsbicycle st lie iod tusajucorr ,Sos eau uceOfOtario- lu at. hume hroug Cthueruetiigu gral p1eeiatlue Mu. Stark'ste-nding hu National nieiii)uloo2rCuh morl e n lho wantud e- dismount. kindesain pin tagise honi îsb Amurica &tthe o nnai usessi, alibi The bcycle ras agnisut hu cernent - ptasan htenon.leig bud this YeOr in huildelpbla aalk, sud ho sas Clioan Co hu SATUR DAY T R.A T 1 a eruund. Bslutarm wusabrukun STROCK BY luHTrN.-"heru sas Mr. and Mns. Walter ESYWIrd and loetutJeu lbuwsud hu fracture lu lia ai torrt'fr he saioe rais berusou Satirday atteunns. Csuulyutofruo.qi ish Ci hauk a hîd oue. De. H. A. ? ol,ut ured HERR SMCKS, ili riF,ýh kin ofcand fo the asher waelioahoro.Ilaepurtud hir osu>.ftricudi and uiglhorofor uithim thi moriag ta Guelph G n- ......Salords>. Treal Price 29c hat hu aras ut E. Ppouor, tous Uue hur iisero iaducsan sympatli>.oral Hospital or au X-rayeamina- Ne lsons sud Toaalgar. Frank Hadie>.. taîeusbuother ruent Bad hire&uo- Clou.Siru. White aise uout ia Chu F111 END CHOCOLATE-S 35c. lb. Nelonuand Ed rp Cirns, Nais- tmont hrouili Chu destb ufthir c soya. werrutiulIr, but did nt a oo ugest ahild. Joy Binera. USILD DowNS5i.--Au.Liduowniug j nul '1ot jt'nrrrr 11 t. . ond tire sud the damiageu us slit taCu al C149EUVATIE lvu O ou. -Tic accident oceseord lait FrIkayý ut ...Weked Secal35. tre. trriiethndrstrm wthHale-s Lihoral CoostieAaii ruisquin. Me. sud Mrs. Walter Hay- heayrvanset inbore about 630on25 useAgce U, b.Meuda> ersouiug sudcontînuad toi &tien n itihold a ususuutiun at hu aard aud faissu>.lire s on blahuruaov uonseur sudshaIt. duiug wish ILt ewu hall ou Frlday. tIrd lint., fr tClii Slteen MileClreek, at hu soutli M. h,,rie, 3 0Jfar70,. a auer .darh. Lîghtuiug trukthu hu nltisu ut a candidate fur th" corner outhu village. Their littie a ý A . Cg taë onusthe o e- a ll Cuare. but comiug Dominlu ionovral letion. daugliter Fluors. aged suxeou monthu, W. 7. BA RM R IIM l J jdidîit lte Cdamage. A HydroElostrio Hou. Do. Maun n wl oî uoas ufthClii ompiayiae uitli othar uhildres andina tasformeron t hu North Ward was seakers. sunpoed tashavernadcrd duan Clie MILTON put -onut su ad usai iltampuand TheLadie'AldOf Zimmrevn 5Uuie- lii Atuuu eh fr lier.u mied et ~andls psut oooeration. ainaluaIisrcli ai hold a a i sSl&usatdther s aisoaiseitclr.'o _____ nedd n sofget thu me utfSMr. sud Mr@- 1N- E-Sin- tathuroruadl ber fioatiug downtlb btgulai.. nieu ahoro. m-1ýni edffdv 4Al. hA gi c racki, ith lier h1ud edr wt [ACKENZZE'S F.CCCý1 y Dr. says: Tiv. our Coolin-9 City Dairy Ice Oream Sundaes, Sodas, bce Cream Cores.. I City Dairy Ice Creai »i<k - ,0.0 pn.. n ig arrauged. 'hc _____ a liefh uruhmeet hon outhe grouadu. Admeiuuion 25c. sud 15e. VICTReInA pFKit -.igt-Thebe-ut rot t The ClloiIg taentut usîtlfur- ih thprogramesi:soiSaudy Mauiu aid, Scotchi usmedisu ; Mins MsrgsuIet Taylor. oterteine ;Mi nAusuClOge, dausr : Miss Evelyn Spaithwaite, aileot. sud itdtte-baud. Pîooeedo iu it o l Ilrbrigade.,ttollection 25c. aud 15C e. nsd holp hu bosu. J EANT TO MALTr RIFLES -On Cisayte cuuty ueuutg.csted SM50te-th. HaltaRifles Cr 1926. The oeutuilbc au nuopaldvueri oe-.Chu00.s hat C usli ho anallablo' fo toapplicatiou su hu un puuucn ut the usselug camp t Long Mtrsusb. Tic Ilgraut eill bu ighly appreeslted b>. unSuci s d mou. 11EsURorereorrierR os onHaLTe- e A long lit oetRuering Offleu ap- petedhyl the Mogion goerrmcut C.orntiecumiug Dominiounestiuuul t us - uslsOM~~~ W.EZ.Me- lead nsamed for Hale-u. HOibu sîreade bsudlod Cas pariiýam8ntec> sectieus uiti uredit. The appoint- meut lus agond sue. DIMuICuTUOnOO L)-AC 'Tausdau metiug ut tho sout> uieil I ne tenders aere resolrod orCie 8.0000 f9t@euu.>.ur, fire per cnt. dshentoreu t e bueuosd sadr y-Iau Nu. 543 orCie pariesut oft altoni uabrsu Cie epuaae ofretlug tic Dakvilli bridge. The tondeof Messrs. Mas- Nuil. Graam& Oua. Toronto.HM.572, wsiCtheebet sudwae ascepteel. DIPOICOLTT OurutLBE. - For aoime mînthu, meeting ater meting. heru ib nbcudisusmeu b>. Cie aint>. 1Ihaniel of hu sîsisof thu toma ut Oakmiliu or rsut outChu oSfie utf Plice Magierate Shields, undur Clii Magia- trste, Ast of 1922 but datiugelhoe Jan. LaIÉ, iS. pisol> cnua0128. 40 aryeas 1 - 20 rest aitf 820.76,. tel 1770.U. Liabitity ue d pnted. hiC a Bettlînentwas Fe ' là b>. the re unt niuOn T0ndy Th.enoiucil agrsudts psy g1118MuIn tae-Cenmd uttisu yur sud 12 a mantli attiruards. Haitun laute- bave s Suhuol ul Ag- culture sud Homu EccimmcC.ul cuning aine-r. Tii coucie ailnism menue Denihber lot sud un nuea outil Che end ut Fusari isiel uf thecounrse lu te g e D au 1 aonuu e- Young peuple ahhoamef Cm LtIt- psible -ti atend collegel lbitrai nibjecte aWitlh . deit*I5ly epecial licue-res and Hune» le miliiinclud Duùlnetie sicnc<'loiniu Nùraaing. Flut Aid. Seaa. w Ui.~ and Mugie. Ait Cthe uuugP4uliteo 'Haie- cntmI>. uun .ue puénisma l u attend CIs n1 LuIeul81@1TuiRI KILLOD ON CP.- A tatal aicident uconurd aet Gulph binction Frida>. atteruou. shun su unmarried Italien, Laigi Sertori, sged 25 yorsu. uai khlied su Cie C.P.R. trashu. Sure-pi, abs usiunpioyed St ChristienS lime kiloaset Heopuior, irai ou hie nuy tuviait tpiends tChristie, t our miieu west utMilton.,urbere lue 1s taiufrmorl>. usrked, sud gottlue off Chu osut hound paseunger train et Guelîphi unotheul, earede ualk cisC ou the trauktCousard Christie. WhY hoe dld Chu lu a myutery..Ss Chu train @tope reularl>. at Ch iuti .Hohit usnlLeîdsnlyashrt di, teooWb,.,.Chu firpouofutChu pagine- sud othur uyo. usitucuaues tato ho cithur slippod or Bdolihorateiy linrua himsîtf aCfoaC uftCheonuglue. ahichlikllod bueîinsant-C ý ninqu et sm Op sud b y Dr. H. . Mscoil. coroner, sud adjuuruud util Cliis uvîniug. WANTED-GuOOeteathurs;È=0 priceopald. Cao ho hrongbt te-Com- smercial Huei Or phono 171 and tho>. 7 Ili ho salled for.-Murris Mishuieli. MARRIED Laoe Park-At Toronto. ou SaCurday, MI l>. l7Cb 156.b>.the Rer. W. F. Mrs.. uu Je , snthîrd danghCur of MeËsd .Mc i. eiPark,uofMilton. e-t George William Lang, ut Hamil- Nauli Pemy-Ou Thucida>., Jl>.15, 1926, ia Mile-a. 'b>. Itou.A. MsKay. Eloio Aloxander, younugiat danghter etofLLiet..COL aud Mci. W. H. Ftsi- umey, e arnos . Nauh, Nous. markot. ion utf»Mr. W. A. Nsh, etouey Cocot. tint. e oieu-ibo-At Domursunot Baptiot J OCh'.Touonto, ut hig inou, Ou Mod.inJIr SCi, bY Rer. JamueW.- BMoyd%Maret Sophin. an gliter ut îtM. ands l. James Gîibons, Aue-u, Ci Henal tWiltred. oui>.snofuttMt. sud Mes. Wiktred Colcu. Autsu. Halton Liberal-ConservatiVe Convention. A'meeting euthClii Llheal-Cuunirva< lima AssociatuinutfHiton. fur Chu nuits eau14diSiinChe Federal sryt ils iie buteld lu the 'Tomai ' Mai0jilice, ci Fuld»e eeuig tnly m,.uhi uCa il tolua aRe 8 e-u- i wil yryboeiTiulaieted. iA26O l mii lie gtmeurhy théecandi- ulodte, HON D igi ANJONPosutnml. Siliielleuoi, 5O IleI... WieMiddies, asgorted styles, $ ýe 1r D~~eng a1t - -79c ea. taiLwi4s'-eand MisseW -Rose, the ends E)f several lines, ýp -t co5Opair- 25c' % L~dies!%Dreege56 rag values up to $3.00, - $.Q iLadies' Kjmonas-cleàrinfgat - - - 1.49 ;b OP Men's Balbriggan Combinations, sizes 34, 36, 40, 42, îb On $2, o - - - - - à 9P Men's Beits, reg. 75e for - - - - 50e* 'SÂNDERSON'S, - Milton's iBig Cash Store ÎP I SHOESI I For Sport! For the Bouse ! Au For ress Wear I YOU WILL FINP A GOOD CHOICE HERE I Chlidreflis Patent sltppers One-Strap Sîippes Childianu boit qoatit> black ptnt uauttrup Wioune.s eBtetk Puiatet esuelC ippers, ISîippee.usido tue. whiteu lise Cîie.sed ajth white ttrhiee, rubbtierhelaal sieu 2 .... 1.25 SCue -a...... $t195 usi, ........ . ........ 2;5 5 - j .. . 1.50 1 h 2 I ... ... '2.50 I ~ "~'"' y .,niue' 1.lUii5uiSiioers Chldduen'o e-eau sauvai cui-a-mp Siippiu ..9sd 5.75e. A bîsk eureate ueo sCep.Slipp. Smitlieusolesu9C. Sico 1-2 5105 S ..nus 5-O '"ath iflM S ho s LadEeS' COMfOrt Oxf*PdS you i elsed a pair ahuuu viii ga-n au ir vs. Womeua HBlauk Kid Empreuu Oxtode. ptain euteu. Ila esC, geens, Stue and yrtwwtaiusjl i it toeo, riblbelý, unuhiOn sele. Sires 2t 7.... 50(0) tpjey.St esu 3 7 . . .5.0 G ET Y O UR R FASKEN REME MBER S H O R E S P O E 2 8w e fdo CAREFULLY AHON 28 Caefdo F 1 T T E, D MILTON, ONT. Shue Repairing. Great Rejoicing by Rheu- matic Cripples. il Se Cippled Fou Cau't Use Arma or* Legs, Itheuma WittIlHetp You su Nelhing te puY. (jseta hottîsetfRîroma e-day and wear ausatifisd eileo osu aceutu- itusruneed>. Catie tnilbine Chu aislucoutry, sud 1ICi Juot as gond for gour, siatiua and lumbago ai toc riuumatiufm. It drives Cie potuonoue naste trun Cie joie-tsud M acis-laC'o Cie secret of heuiua'sucreie. Bt au dont aik YOu o teur wodCfor It';eo tuJ.M- Mackenzi Or an. drugglet sud get as eofe ;ifIit dusnt douse iC wo~usasitîug or you. DIlID Laikaîr>.-AC lier late reidunce. Oak- vilesupSuda>., juiy 1tCh. Mr.A.. Lookilu>.. Middlts-At Waterdoaiu. ou mi>. ilCb. James Taylor Middltiuu. exs Sierie s.C Wetaoctb, .un hois 6Ilu Braikhank-At Saik-a. Out..Maux. 4iy. li>. 2CliMary MOKeo2i. uidea uftbIe late i. Hcnuokliauk. hute-reul l iritiviile Ceinelir>.. - WMFald-At tCl iimnillon Hou. Olui.inWedneudele- Jus ISCli. Ueyard- On FddaY, .IUIYiyhCi.Jop usidnrin'mi a ireli>.. Women's Strapu and Oxfords, in Patent and Kid, from $1.95 to $7.50. Women's Arch Support Oxfords at $500 and $7.50. Boys' sud Girls Oxfords, Tennis and Sandale at varions prires. Mens Work Boots at $2.5 Up. Mens Fine Kid.Bals and Oxfords. Boat Quallty Fair Treatment sel REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE' MacNabb's Shoe Store The Home of G06~d Shoes Esquesiiig To wnhip Canneil. A BU I E S F O Steautonn. l I 1 9126. =ui ce3umrssuh, Ss Thuc9i uun ett 'oday aui4pmused Solle ie. md c-auce 511 tosflb o in n u g a c eo n u t e e ,seI m eh * e s o u i ie0 c c1 . 8 f o e 5 S u i e s2 7 n d î 5 î o s r i g . . 4 u l u d i ni au d u e c e, e t l ç ce muiî.biing ------$.70 .a. aSmitha&ao. Lsd. N l4JurOnt to.Meauiu s ling snefl i d 5 ...- ... 1.751 WU T1 l lbmh pa'a"c. tir July'.. .8 IY. B ta ~ ~ trh oI lvi. n A flE) 40. The Re ail S1 o! QeD' 6 W,' il For the Housè 11 For SPort !