ler Dress [,Cloths cyd. il ES 10O yd. VICE STORE & Compaýý. mneter tests prove that the NEW car bas more developed horse Power y oîher c in its Prîce c laiTe TAR has also dernonstratetl the quick- ~leraion and pckup in traffic;frm2 n ouc ?o 2 miles in a fewseo (I1 TA ac renders STAR FER. '\X SI ýR te "supreme in the low COsO ur SI AR dealer about the Continental 1a %lotor, lapped piston rings. honed a and other STAR car features,. sof Canada, Limlite ' Leasde) oNTARJO ~» 1'CA] uiPrO' IL TI Win.seck IlBe2 Linse oSeO lameu .M tRt oes "S»" Stand' Fsor?a, PO8RT - sUMMER - STYLE autoeoy ail Uc4-,Canada i Nevv Staw Hatsthemiember tiI style you aree foking fot. Lait uin a s,ý-ght gonds. Hatcbcay Under- co.1,T * \iiheck Gonds. New fines bave Streetovilik k JuneAn gicen port Shirts, Bett, Caps, Coiiape and Ties. HaelBacl 551ftits aud Flasoti Palmn Beach fiida. iseegur, pie ýorNew Suit, aud bave it cntl Accordiu an ud sorkmauchip. tas applieý Mission te 1,I SO0LIC 1T E D. Brisgter thon that S. R. BEWS ht a tO E58Mena Cothlîg aid Fornaihga dieqeabîfs tcu ut the rctary hsd strict en nagaineo0 Manship,. fayors for eMCm linlosklng for a barfiain, misa, CescuER À aixo caady for a kosa. choie.ugs-i Chssrch. __ (jiN01 p tu hor bsoug ?Irlee a evenisg, boxecf candy with yus. Phone sity Vcicq e-il siuadoselif you mhosidl'tiring a hurch, H q'a' of ce cream sith yotua. Sho leadership ie cream-shbas aid gorePeaZ- choie wil Y. acetisto: Mes. Ruht Marguerit SATURDAY TREAT'. mueetinig WFEK FND CHOCOLATES 350, lb. ervative J s !ýý ar nd soit cntres. Reg. 40c. sud pats sf1t ......Weekend Special 350s. Anddessceu ýý9c lb.P.P., and Marquat sin Chere, eg. $1.00 for 70-, as follcw, Arnel . G W. T.BARNARD dnEE 15N 4- - MI LTON pros., Wu sca-pees., ______________________ 1h vice- taey, T. A poil ii ges, Hot Y in t -v t J ahng Xe 711 tNtELECTRIQAL P ASY PAYMENToS VANSICKLES ELECT#leU, Pko m rM MACKENZIE'S Hotise CIaaning Needs Spring Needa Ha.t Dyn f clr ysoi Moh ;C.phor Bais iii ~ ~ ~ ... P-.zA; iot i Brlrlua5t- lÇuO ieus B7 . ~ Fon Aitol, i md Dyonis Dys, i Doe ye, fi il llectrir Saliccr oni. Spring Tonies i i (l Purifier, i ii li;î,od Bitters, Ii ý iiip. Syrup of Hypo- i - iî and (oscars Toîîic, Bl!i. i anîd Vuine, l' I Juie, 1 - I . 1 ie ,Bitters, Li .-Nerve Tonio, i l. eii;lth Salts, iA-ilIlcolth Softs, Fruitt sline. OirigPowder. Wsteriass, Cloride Lime, Chamois, Sponges, Oif Cedar, Whiek Broome, Ivory Soas, Heif aboe, Formafdehyde Fumigator', Black Lesf 40, Formsfine, Rit, Twink, Stîneet iDYes, Cat-bolie Acid, Wash (Sfoths, Sheif Paper. Spring Tollet Needs Baconcilla Vaniehing Cresm, jtouteel Cream, Armand Cresin, Pompeistl Day and Nigbt Cream 3 Flowers Face Powder, Pjer Kios Face Powder, Jouteel Face Powder, Love-Me Face Powder, Sqibbas Cold Cream, Sqtibb's Talcom Powder, Jonteel Talcooi Powder,- Mavia Tjlcatn ;Powdér,- W.*tctLHazel Creata, Lavonder Water, French Balta, Lypsopl, Fresueis bibB to 111 A :b1sa ibel Aadrecs, Anna Blucis, Mary Ceas- stes, Anua Campiselt, Bcrotsy DBn. d Is,Stuart Dryden, tennets Bics, EitisBewa-, Jeha Perd. AdeisselBar- sry. BDoria Humse, M y rue Laiig, Wit- me.Maau. Morltey Raspisrry, Erss+ Walkur. Lncy 'uosdtey. nie Solscwiug buve Sers prosssted lus Lastin fs-ou t1 B te 111 ÀA: John Andersoe, Isabel Andrewcs. A s n a Biens, Anne Camspbell. Mary Cres- stuc. Bos-otsy Bas yra, Kesîclis Bick. Stecart Bryden, JosFord. William Bars-ud. Adeinae Harvey, Clilferd Heouston, DorisaMHome, M y stioLaksg. Wilmer Mauca. Erana Walisar, Lucy Wucdtay. Tise flocisg etadecte are prossuted trsie tieseconud yeesof the Lscer Seisusi ta Pures 11t B. Anye atuda5it not liste5 iselue chu cas complets bis second yrar sabjects aItishe Dapavt. msental xassinations in Jasa ittulals liepromoted to IIB. Bradford Clemeala. John MsAetissr. Pet Roburts, Carlyle Pqathersta, William Bestie, Busward MrOans. isy Bavidsos, Editis Decer, Katisîn 1 ick, bey Jcmsipos. Helen London, Nurcis Sergeau t, Beatrice Stoaey, Boy Whsite, Bsrothy Wsekî. Edstfs Oort- c' righut, JaîshaîllPaaliseesleee. Thar- Bs arvey, Annsa hMePil, Pearl Smiîths. Esayn Wilson. Baery rs- eCok, Ethel Taylor, Edea Anderson, Lillias Buck,. Aglea tuais. Charlette Neilsue. Isaelef Neilsos. Isabel Starks. Tise Solociaig stadeate base psssedi fraie fieat yrr ta uri IB. Tise assctrsia in chics lie pro- matdcduda.teisjdid ot paso are Se- diccird is hrackete aCter tise nasseIf a stodeat la chie ta obtaus all bse sbjeete uo lîdiateai et tise Depart. menalbexaminatiuae. heiemav consoler hîneît pemoted tati1 A. Any atad- eut chu pasned il Eglaa4 Literalsire oayassase taueai.o peasai la Ea5ish Compositions. Alfed Ircin (Lat., Prenci. Hist.), Charles Johnson (Gcagrephy. Art.. Bot.). Olareare MeDos al L at., Bist , Bot.). George Stecart (Bot.. Lat.). Jaes Shannon (filet,. Art.). A4.0hle Cleesenta (Bot.). Aliee Kentner (fia. Baie.. flac.. Lit.), W!Innla eSîta (Eg. Majorle Bacis(Iat.), Mary COut Bilest.. Geeg. Margaret Reid 11h et.), Gefresy Giihay (Riat.. B Liat.>, John ltaceie t(Art.. t.at.. Aitres Fard tEogllhl. ? ercy H" Geg.Lat. 0- rg Lac <(e.LaIt.Frencis). Nrmeo -(ArtLens Sim (L.. Air.). (unis>' Hist., Bng.), madoe $hal if fgt.. (eeg., -Lt.).Mili mal (fiat.. Bot.. Frenh. aI.), à Tckier (Biat.). BEfin MfçSab(I TheSelocig itudenta bacs Smccemsftl in passnig fes i Otl as Basm lIA..- The - have bain ~tce ~ î.sorage lIa Ail uie~l ~ 'ande $0 «nta ci Mma .?clube ls-y Ciîs iesao ti]esme Mie d reff plhW 5 ' W i fepiLptisy ehowe her lp her eeeeeth e- BitmoN-Th âith a.frsavemsal, thse deatis of her haahmd. &aeGaele fkniy teck plias adfrfoaitiue.' abt he reisdence atMe. and Gearge KL Efîfett leis Ieing coagealsi- Altridge. oser a tedw olae n peing lthe lRaIt yeeamln- îthee*sgfetahout 200 dQwend. ation le IawatOagoode H&U,Toronsto, rand e.Win. Gele. chs, and onhshigh standing lu &arge els.55. r their marelage iu Esgiaad. Re etoca i nth, and stae six bighset t ymi ea.emgele a tudens t s iolsehipe. bd sttled fn'la Bods. Mdtl ai SOND)A-Y SdmeoL Psrmnt-The echeuin es ut the ismiiy les ie that af St. Pesla. Knos aid (Grace Ohuseh- and in Weetwuets. The te- es cùî hbd their snnai picolo ait s veey pleamant uee. Grimshy Beach oe Wedeesday_, jaiy iPÂeeT-Edee CaltedCeh ltiL th.Sieciai trrilis beavea O.N.U. sIa. !sty et W.C. Sparlilegoî lot 6.lion aet8.45 a m. Fare-ýAds la 01.401. Trafalgar. lace bine. aear chidren 70c., [e, an Sctnsday evenieg. 261h De. M. E. Gowiand han eetoesed ilnecellent 0 ecc1be50 ecTr..et1Rosepet andi Tom am.ilto. esm-iedian 5 P"asI Ceeradute Huapitai. and wibb have Lshies. ppusar vicbsnist i De.W. L. Catheewor nasitn kClan, reeder. ced Jessie Me- aSter Jssb1 lot. Reisaeb osH- anlît andd aasophceis. Ad- Mibton Generab ooitichesh c.. chîfaires 15c. 2t han actad as houe surgeon. sg lu City pepees Bsebingtus Evangeliet S. M. Jones, of Beamovilf e. .i ta the 0.B.A.A. for pier. lipesiforie isiciples cf Christ et i sge co emui flapes.Omsgh lest Lordea Day. june 27ib. hecbas belrger population oeiged ee-saî. Il a. Mh uject otthehecdsaetes u any Pasis Charge lu Tissotisv' 7.230 m er cluhbsinthe ieagoecand bjsect . Whct Muat PeupL Nuýetoa theat to raieseahbobtterfor lue Sovd." Allil iibe elcosse. ast yece, hy a peotest an a ly. it got the 0.B.A.A. ta Bussve Mordes, cf Trafalgar, attend- Y thtes Milton picysers.ait ed Tuesdcyos meeting of the essnty te residentsof tisctuwscand souneil,hbutwas far fecm ssii. isfer. eom juniors. The Mifltan sec- ieg Secm tise cifeutsocfbod poisn- adaeen ltainsendieg these log and citis one cf his knem tamn- tihe <.B.A.A. Sticisierelos pueaey crippted sy It. Be[osashut ta sforcesenî of regobations t rase Sur Vancuver, B.C.. and Itlelata uthees, regaedbeascf spos- ib huped tiuat Salie ii retura Saiy se- a houlaid î fus-nosu pacial cuvercd. )thcmeyes. 'Ccc Y.e-& oR e oovel --Tha :se-A grand ccncert, sîdee Brampton an, Dail ooeve,charg- icca uS St. David'@ Choscis edcithiseutctiy msaslig a Gieore- i lu gises le St. David'e tocs girl. as s-cpcrted cest ceoi,pioad- Camphulivilie. un Psiday cd gaup a t Georsgetown ce Thuesday Jossc 301h. h a chorusetfisefore Putice Magistrats Shields. Ha Wes, fs-cm Knox Peeuiiyterics cas sestenred t u oyces le King. Hamilton, ondes tise Capsable nIon psiteatia-y, ta egla -t thoese- ouf RohI. liscalsoe. The prto cf tise thee yceis ta cisieh beb asoistcd by Solcciarb hd eca seuiencedlat Brampton. Rlit. M.cFaricsr, iscitose; Tise magistr-ats aid hie Soit iecbieed ta t. MeFsetaee, soprao Miss &ddt tise Is ithie tco yeea. The te Bright,uelosutioaist and Brassptn Bcaeeoaidltestcweck toat rierjyMeikic. violisist. ThsisHBose- iad isesa anBrampton, Icu e musicaleavatof thsesesa. mutsticîtisî iie and chiidrea.cas seIt. Speciladmaisioea god mixe and loied thebad, c., childe 15,-. picyisg tise double basa, but gut lnto bâti odos-anid cc sBred. Tise Banter sv.socvE MIT-Tis, asuai "idSus-tiser :*-Boses givua sisissbleti- ut oftiselitosaLiSerai Cus- Elace as Belfast. iread. Be marrieS aAusuci. ion wca ietd at tise a ciSc suNecwTYerk S£ta. Be la ill lest 1ridoy csssisg. Ait Mrapoacd o he is âtiSoa long and ver- thscrouuty cere reprseed. ieucarecs- lacrime. Straiog ctomo- esccrrociecred by bDl. R. K. ilsîtand gcttisg mîssied are assong SM.P., Geor-ge Hîlisses. M. thecthinssieis supposed tuibave ees iCol. C. H. Mollîce. M.P. fos- gustty 0f. H luSa er s-mIahasevea o, Man. Olhcs-ecre etctetuaiscsud toewceied t' ostabe vs -PreaideatisM. C. Smsiths, ..sterustiug etoey of crime is ex- aôn; lot vicepresident, ieo. sectcd tscoissefs-cmtsere. HBoer Georgetownu; ud vice-prcs-fuas ad ascisooirducatîoa. Recwriteo Eleaderas, Miltonc; eil vice- c signatuire like cupper piste.It ta tise BucMore, Camplielicittc suis caiigeepisy osiabusineas collage., .,Ms-s. (De.) McNiven. Actes; ______ ps-es.,S. Nixonltilisridc ; r- J. F. Little, Miltes ; serre- MILTON 111GU SCiIOl A.. Histrcis iton. bauce in tisa isory cf Boston Pres- cu tri, n Chcesch.' Enquming, tuais sonSueday lest. chea tisa coi. oeeaul lbiratad ite s 10is anal- avessars Long befce tise hase of wors.hlptheacharchcaoeeocodedta tise dose. Assong the audiensce ese a get nomber Seos a diatane che aet one timc had attended the eisueeh. Tise rscis chas profsey deeorated for tise occasicin, booked ehacsning andi tacis tha admlratdoa a! tse peent. Bi-. WallisaofoS akile. taek charge o! tise serviesa, gave twe veey able sermns,. tahlsg for his trac la tise emoenisg. Psabm É2:2Z Wata Around Zioa.' Tise miniar deabt cîth the iitorieal settiag cf tise tant and e. feeeed ta bise cirumsaeces uedee svhiei Il as crittcn and sisocallise para1eltisat rsintrd issaeen tise 7tamptaof lise traîstes aud tise cisurcs c- f tdy, Be thenkrd tise cmgrega- tios Sur tise isusue ut ievitlag hiestu coadoct the aaieesary se"Wces and atrsted that lJods bessisg seosbd reot Uupus the cissesi. Tise rissecistuday, aise contissad. ivas mach tisis as in tisa day. ut David. Tise ssening sec as cIao le karpiai cît tisa uccasica. Tise Mapla Leal Quarette, cf (tait, fuenleheai tisa maic aid la theis seal bihîscilse male harmil tisa audienca cils asmaroan naleetions appeopiate for tihe oee. Ms islMcBunabd, cho ascelleis er- Sself et tisa egau, belpe greatty ta tishe noccans oS tise day. Tie collectians c ee e xirdisg Ile, and abtogeciser the day dît go doce as ana aS the hast lne isahstary ci tise cisseci. Tisa gardea paety. chîis cwas hald tiaolocsawig Monday evanlng on tise baca s! George Pearsan. Pers. cas a islige succesa, coeaiderleg the Iiesi 2ent cealiser. Wilalise gala reasipto 1, eenoteas lage as tisa csngregatian yisau expectad, yet Ibay >vere cary grAtifying and lhey leaca a favarahin, Liebse. But anytilg lasi na han- e1cia ay ces cebl made up by an ap. pareciative adiece cho enjoyed tise splendid programme edaeed and eaSter seling isensebvai et lias ee- .fresiment hoothu, ail cvent home re- 1joiciig. Me. aid Ms Peaeson deserve ageat eredît for tise cay tn chlch they entertalaed anad lashed, allier tise peopisa canla. as élana dSEzra fIa, rcito.e kiadly gave tise parking egrouad. Atagetiser IL canla Vss eaccesui avent. POLICE COURT. palice Magiatratas oe ield court here en Monday. Tisai. Mseraycheas esuecas e ported lest cash. cas esnviclsd est steing a maito l et esafeemt a feîaw ceeokesan on tisa 0.P.fi. and Of reffVt. ing andsmaping fes ro- etsMs cas senteneed tathweemanth@ Ineh. On- itarin Betoriatary for eaeh affeiai5tha aterme tauhaie sansentlve. ait coince- Normai and DavldDfrs lam gnllty ta 1h charge et etealing motoS car 1: o~ ssi eu (ha graeof R., Ç~ii.If, kMitta=n e,lat- aTlsey ceelined I 10 and aaosaIuh 0and irdeeailapay 06..I0eaeb foretaen Iois chich cee ait reaovered. Ths- masey tees palai aid laey cere relea.- a it ailier helng In jail Bues121h 1n5t St. Paure llîIteCharcisNotas. SangpeaplessLSaWle ar Î, Clearing ail our 1926 stock~ at great reductioxxs. The PUnes are broken n ow and we do not carry goods frons àk Aép ik It one season to another, so corne early for best choice. ib if L 'làR 4% Clearnug ail lines of Mllinery at Bfg Reduettoiis à 1à 'pThe made bats are the produet of our own work roonts,à Pand are correct in style and do not give the appearaîîci0 Sof catalogue bats made to seI at a price, thougli the se à, Sbats can be had at decidedly low priees. OP SSANDERSONS, - Milton'a Big Cash Store 4%'j ed Jilseile SodLie.Pd PIANOS sasý-c- teammas Ooesrtaer& â>D1hsuy Taec ",esosiais= tu£ escissae. M'y rp=rsssavns ihbei H. WHEEL-ER Pb.Rinm 5 5g 5sflu Istas. Ose. CONOENSED A0VEBhI!.EUENTs.- Pua SALE-Young 14.e 5 ceeks aid. Phone78-r-. FOR S.su..-fison Victraba, gond anec. Phone 142. irle. la yeaen, vcanta position ab husecars. Appîy Champien Office. Pue SsAL-ity &cmaioet hole a- faifa. Appby Harrison iteceil. R. fR. t. Milton. At iifcfiSlang aud gelndlng. Appie 10 Chartes V. Camphell, Boheet St.,eet.cit of taie grasads. HBan o RJEr.-tMMedlete fpos- semsion. Six elsuns, bard andnsit cate-. gonl gardes.-I. Labng.Mlltan- FOa SALE-Geay Dort Toaelag Car. in god cnditiuan; prie eem*hle ; 1026 lisennie, Apply Win. MeFeideu, pisone 2e3-r-22. Los-A red and white colite dos. tasse la one hiad bec. Pleder please retura ta W. Potte. Court St. ehonfi t i81. Bucard. 0 F on SAiis.-Oaneycueg Grade Dur- samhinBull, aisaafecibagaeof potatuan. 0Appir phone 160-e-S, Miltan. Bostai Chnrch 106th AdiiVersar. AuCttOfl Sail'ease~tp. Uireuerved cedil ensIles sale et 4 7 cattlle id13 pige., (ho eprpeto gdicad J. Harvey. aI lot 9. cen. 7. Baasa5aeya, en Priday. .Jsby liS, tIl p..A. RK Lina, Auctisner. itredi anetian nss a rma-stark ad inapementi. Ihe eaperly -ofS Bd. Mîneu . et 1% 2, rd Une.fia4use9. iag. On Tnsdiay. Jane 251h. aI iP-1». kuectelis. onlaeer. I AUISEO U OW Women's Strapos ad Oxfor do, in Patent and Kid, frota $1.95 to $7.50. Wom ens Areb Support Oxfords at $500 snd $7.50. Boys' sud Girls Oxfords, Tennis sud Sondals at varioua prbcea. 1 Men's Work Boots ît $2.$5 up. Men'a Fine Kid Balesud Oxfords. "v L J.4l Jeis Ofo40. The'. OUR fUOTTO; PaÉm fop sale. - fleet Quallty Pale' Tpeatmell 7 I. fS'iàï,iEishl mionle o REPAIIIINO IEATLY. ANO PROMP -gro Wckbule. li teaolses Wednnay ab l2.1ïo, menday ~ " oýieRwa. '3iOd open tises yeiiip. i e 'MacNab.W-S-hot te -o-i ~ 5-s s - Oc s -o- &Ca Service DONE. îday at 0.30 p ss. rte, thilton's New Shoe Store CARRIES1 A Large Stock of Up-to-date Footwear WOMEN'S CANVAS SHIOES PATENT STEF IN PII\ll>'s White Ca"sses Sippeces sith one ttrap. Black Paet Po,nsps. sith -.. . i black orhecssflOxfords. &Il wsitb rpe uber andehsped black cveed Spaish l- sales. SiZea3-8..... $135 3-7. Vy speca is Picedat . Running Shoes Women's Pat. Slippers Mens Oxfords ln Brown Casvaa with srerpe A gcd qity one strap Pat. In blackor bs-wCc.. , ,ui, sales. Ycsthsi3, . I. 1.0 . rtbc Sippr ith Csbs.c o or edi um tue, cc ""5 .....4.......et. A uctwttle elippes-. Goodyear seit. Siz-rs Il MdYý -...... 165 Sj.s3-7 .........$295 ... ...5 MENS WORK BOOTS MULESKIN WORK 511013 NoI te htyuwr t ehv Thisis asu especially durables u n-o.r NomatieeWhatYewvs-kstsoshsole and loî5adhotîîs she tameet or c eds, Cosse inad sie Mulekipper.Gated fo Ios-11 iem. Pelces frm ........$295 ta $650 Buys, is 15. Men' . S-I.......ý YOUET ES R. N. FASKEN REPAIRS FITTED MILTON, ONT. and Sklîlfoily CAREFULLY PHONE 287 itoll. MARRIED ____________________________ Hmiup-ÂI Âpplehy. on Jane 19, 19W, AnieEarwieofAthrHesOhP ,op. and dauighter uf theiaâteWil- OPEN FR I.BUSINESSJK liam and Sophia. Ezard. of Cooks. svie, aged $0 yces. Westa-RyBDu-OflMcisday, Juae 21, Eva Mary Ryan, B A.. eldest daugh- W SG R G te of Mr.and Ms. CharlesRyaruîo WE T END G R G $kifle a.tu leo. E. Westimaeuof Midiand, sé ofMr. and Mes. Thua(epuns ] Sad Westman, IndieRoad. Toronto.uebr'sOdSad DIED Buick Sales and Service itorneU-in Milton, on Saturday, Jsss 101h, 1916. David fluseil, in lis 141hPo p ndCutoosSr c pece.PrmtadCutosSrie Poacock-bn Teafaligas towship,.POts eooabe =a ss d a . iu n e 10t h l . 1 2 ,W m . P ieB.a o n b e a ebis îlot yeae. Hare-tKlrde nSnaJn Accessories, Tires, Gas and 0iii. Mithel-At 128 Ws4mer Baad, Ta.GceW. INGDON. ..t% nJane 10, Thoimas Ansder- son tcheil, hssbnad of Mary E. smes. lN9 MEMOIALM. Newel-ln saÀiand 1 ugmeory of ~ - ow dear nephew. (àarW. NewelI. Who died Jans, 81h. lm.0 hidl"st e sd . hi.as- lises i sts£hsesdna S. fl< enteli f«thid5. I<1 iIf'"U r AseS Asels TorassIln -i