chamnpion 812s. SMLTON ONT &7a 257 pm. atrdy n 82 W, 4 0pm 7.4p~ ,ene'~~' 559 pme ExeePt8t& in .,. Ging 2nt- , am, pm OA.NÂDIAN NATIO14ÀL' RA ou0 OT. 000 OTE TheT W fî T hril1 LAUGHLIN-RUIC, Ojwnershipi RING iîo thr air-a clear road nhead2... hat re.ponds to your every modi that McLllughlitI-BUick ownerahip:_, realest thrill of joy. sep on the acceleratoi-gently. Sm6 uoer flows from the Better McLaùg k tongils. Forty-fifty--sixty--aseveo spedorneter climbs-and yoti know is1 stîl )ted in reserve, r s fluai-e i ahunance ta carry yeu iuoye ee. f il' - feuruwhseieaec 10 make Ina .rruos conollri headlight beoans th* rr tu iuuhl dri-ivîg. yoi.ho au oasa, incpscl theeBette, MCl ui, wiîlu is Sealet Chasis, Triple-Seulec de, v~.i - -rilnigife; Ficher Cloet e s- uî i itliei- csinrmsnllcoahineel ntheo OgI jl'1Huioi HOUSTON 1)I- V N A . L . MILTON ElLIN-BUICK Ih2 cie' .uî ehie"uh t a rcdlssOcr s.eY TmimaiX f- th, s- tg - fg isubi suofthc chuctîsi i -1,i1 1119 ites. tou - . t uoi t e i-a Onse theive i-e gatoi a il 1,t- i, 010 Id Jýi oard sd a if>lesa , ver eeu JI.- -luui-2tg I c fog te se tse lghthsari ,ris, theugli thîy seUlt B li i' i A Queev Pnit meir-1 't'am ThPea-icc'fhtid Man werei Icic specffsc te Itef cul i - - ii ' lfuîc ii c cac sre. JAR ih scîsî'eic cn."hli ns-uc fsg forles c ete k -hsec -'Cme acay. tll' c f1- alle E-ie eell mfrsuirf" t au lu i oý thal,______ ' (I r a1iIi ig a d r i eto I t ahi-f th t.l s e Eoirt i-uîil aloi- ri.-s ffnifsly .4 - --- 1i jI~LTQN No. 4 igh ieghis dintier with thie reaIses- itLis nt on the table, lie Wilt quickely ask for it: CP I a 12 i i Clecs-E00 100s5da) Let Iwo0 Amiere street àoiTSAL aida ~isg ssa,$1 14 sos odIee,sîoe-ki 'lsiu d.i, -hi W. AIl i . .. . ily i Che kieIO u iiuî i-p -o -y JtlLttl' - IKItiT Ls, ei..i.o >sRi "i DOnu M.i . D, GOERSOC, NIf., . G. BRECNFIl, rier, o r oscoyîihp. - Ti , D.Clii,. i euA Valeator and Auctiou@gm Valustieeee roue tIr attendidtol. Ut Atmobile.. slo e oatttted nsaetctios nglean- PRoou 108 ILO 11MAE CO. Ltd. Sam Hensona > 0 0 >ef r U I L D E R a n d C O N T R A " "O "Aý" MsILTON Au.., ror the OltimbeislEetel Tecihen DEWA R . ~ ~ i MiIl, ON ss1%.3 COUNT-Y 0F ^-IALTON ~COURTS, CAITENOAR Hieci- Brne. îue>Ir. e5ma", J n"ik lttuue -eea.gI I.i.ii. lez_______ i-oui se . siaseu Wie, BE .- .tib eJtyO ll.48p.m I 7.88mjn ;4.8pa. CANADIAN MAI lnULtiAtl YS The Douible Tra.ék Route between MONTREA14 TORffNTO C4ICIAGO Uneecelled Oining Car Une viceS. sleeping ti.0 e~eitrains ana palor caren"ir{neipar ýay raine. FeullInformation fros. ail Grand I'runieTicket Agent@etorC. 9. Horn- cf, Dietriet Paosneger Agent, Tc7- i. E. BELL, Agnat, Millt C. R. TrU RINER f uneral 'Director and Embhaimier Agent for DaieFeeneral Desigin@, P13oNEs 6 M ILTON. DENTISTRY DR. G. A. KING DENTAL BURGMON Officoe nRoyal Buildisg, Miltes. OîoaItol. Tetephe 1 97 Evsec y ppiltn...t. DR. STANLEY BRAUND DENTAL SUIRGEON main-Cr MeSsc(h.rise et.. eppe..Iw TowneRail, MOton. H,u.-Ote 5. sveslns i 17creelintt Xs Roeato, XAY. peosse2e9 9-o b I. TeLe65 w DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON (li lneu e oha.tserDental Oeesotsll Nlelaiets-eTs..Scce.. LEGAL WiLLIAM i. DICI< 13arriser, SeClter and Coavyas.. Usser le Lois Offls-O.«r qus.. Nise Oit THIOMAS A. BRJTCIIINSON ttrrisie.1soltli, oensresse. Ns %,y Pablte ste1 %9a1l Itres iltns. Teleele. ce5 H. CAIVIPBELL Convepancer, NOtai! Publie, Insurance Ortn-TOWN ALL MILTON. ONTr RJ. ARNISTROPO -Live -Stock -Dealer. Phone 162--MILTON CATER & WORTH GALT, ONT. MONUMENTS .ss ,o lieOns. .ule555 r - f.natlgu End Tg up te*'M00. Nldhpy ers and Jewli,> ý,wt a Co ee sc g- w Mailateilulne i my - LE 'e zile be ,ye, ba -C a1- De thé thu'AugÉh ii much.hnn b tien ,d t fieldesndh~l cr frn o-ajir "I, tl ricstt bcoe.)h Iý and whQn il ur oul e n en i d slense li eat et g the bonce 0 18 i dut to gy- oin - 'h re a Sieerd ar1m at ipn e~Hew sce I.' sid blllie aii7..abs geiug eu. ie~e~ ~ 1ni~Q uVls T est' I ho ildi gly ns ikaien le eve Btteepe ee~ ~ ei~i- 11r.N~O- 0007 l~# $5 P# attie e- lu0 hi ie nl sv e hd le etilvras bu eeeor aiel Mle e i rueeugeledtislI eeoldieeeip eliee~ hp4b4oe .l1'~eep loer.11aoutemlubmsken y le n n il ti wirr s!e semtieoT ses ersd eeilIleu- ofer eh --tin 1f fiieeeb IdI l ejenlich ndweuld i&v eewnmdfiectle arcemeg le ,g ee e pnprd e elnt l i-en, e eae to >e<e l s e l ht.i h a tn e~ legr aeli tcete h& y ieisatsvlndtoe mlece -sttea: nod wat n e sventedehn ectmal I W hneon aeeentees. so.tT se e cner,- t e t ert h panodesleT ten I n t e osfle, o l en ve ba r ved; an an aiea aeeead ln t.a (m eofe pr v s o ry dE trd n o f r - rw M sis lae Mirl e oSt; Bu. sed on1- cad >er I o i an i abel itoýh ma ieng way a bod roe. elCr.wth Prtnda ekse u e inp etty nsdatht hto l hii l o ul0 ke tee? eihog. T Ewld th pp, fram ace reit aies leIt ily iaeryterceçe n veok eh ied vr è 1. uhete e l e entheeiano 'tCatel fie not ift 'I *e '1t1 Wý I à4 e e, II, nll, gh itside K nsite te eUe o"lg c n eto s wih te B. fT rno thlg ad ie woWda ros hi.tefy hh ai te-mueoesoe etd 01 aael eve et.h? ae tdaed n tu o ai- hci cnde tacey l vny ene ie. "Ioed rilhowll1 lno es ad H rywild !eo trn Ou,,rtho tieeaie h. i1a ceeliCbes" UlewiM, ce t lg e eo e iee fr ea w t o d ncm t o ed lîa T salvesot le.en s nà Eltyethti 't àtth e - ae usi. sin - betv e o e , utnc te Lay l-a rihaie e tedw t i;e d a 0ah1'ie osee eO- nehsliooie il ce oalstOonice aat Boied et l ay" rêe.nsieetegte i eetlh hirr oT e n ars enafTno r ba somin We hm o doe iee5g lele 5 foi ba y thélepeie neit to it a fl w oud hv nwl ao a oig gterip n e hcd, i a seet n.olie ttne thae cma uea'c c orm . ntle r te.e se han sZie er sel reectchot hetrl he ,ccgelihteslhisctrae Witimocehm n ge-ile la c tlw th y o a baens cel fili het.re1she ther te aie lcci crvslee ha in rtne- bi4 pnsetthe r I lgyetlthae iecas usiet honfeum ait w tmplagBaracI utnr moe urn frnep ne cjemi har wsup. ar pn rg mnt s. Nw.he hast aId'à i. e vo ha isat0 cl erwhn e i e BaeBd .thdEe uteusea tet ies ese set'ed duc y our lions r h n I A ieLay ieew p aret hr e ndIco t he homil e ,Ldy H l y Ras y 00 00 5n , tet@cr er.ath e Ioatt iy in he, be anSittingccbutand ersohelcas hall- Md,>"notesiad lutnteheesm e - ti e bttbteed, every eue dean c eeanlthi . Elhe ho rve eea oes Qianytd teugetCueettieeoie vefl Yoievtieirlceeieedt- e yet l Tcihee pw~i? a oîeieiech toes fri e ste aret s IleIlcry 'cev eie s le go morviol .0 fihelog m e t e ge ot es Oxecreil a e1d-s*l, he«î* c. 0 a .t p>- neuelit bar mt n ith e gaeca chifo cmi goe Eelie atand fe. mlerereae hm as o e"le the idaeahcEt..Ideo l d aeind amie. lie hetSeanaieetrng et eincgetosw heB n fT rno th e igaflffeb.eîO5dçte éecleeab e epp ent le he saoàlneme n dsty d tegra mse A.1on lpimeth .aEa p elie tteo acefr eswt odscriycnraiyscr vy en d 'IIte Wnder ite i l!to-no Iheet eey Cor Wuclese is the thUhoivtdofa n fie,»eeoe. ne latti noe f le ee adtehroe tios.leoneettheietalmtters." hogla.iaeaveeimeieasEsuitntsa hasalecmee cgtieeareaitelo ab en ocwnrt te gr; a mltw . ad0ia ý"h on. sieee cteneigunk e d e wscnl so n ufrn; Tosorde h aie il tgi ie yhile o sobe haein lsms pier ascelte r t mv i asreuge. pcehsiir ete eroals. , poaneasabeu gg ed eier taecdsteM T e n etocBa ocT rntgeac tst ien t d ieavcth th piedcahm ear M. T hehev e t an usesat yrmme C ha b e ah elie n hieeeaciao Wistee tsîtnge'wflb la otakwthyn CUiue. ite wece tai e oey. Perics lie bsfe eri lov o fBm ree iepretms lhie, ccd eltand a e tee fiiteaco "iAh, ed. md ieayeentllledoite. 11 ietd ila. e ahe oe c an siOid sud *ooe iclidil n a al ne .Ne ci Hocy dri c ___________________________ lîîh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nid etillrrn.r lil eyes bcrese astecicvetedseecie tseand p iedermeed soaseciey iesroaied lKenr xecss?" e theel. t cdboe ide. Ies iset h eer one eose ai t, e'. " pn ' el thev. ot yielcash ma."euhvihearo voie .h o ud llis ab hr.ld e e il'e eoutimeLayadel w ohn u sr mt i Cn hti a ry e a b c sh' te Copo Mn.go ectrien avtt e. H- ieay c ies t ee heiny s poaer odn ih hngn n pi o etamm e til. e nIt etan' h r poie rapm e toing"Evn, roh erbeed mthe norgshm ,,h neUkoiw LadyaHilcry van gea me- . . ra eerît averier, c mclvee.ýrse C cevnI iea ilesà, side o e 'sd rcng wos itebKctseit? e ul dem e saa H adviseh ttr anYi.n ont h t-rc.1bleeteCutu Wad " mlh v il emt exclam.ton tovsih ie e vn t iîd h t tiensin oneeot e tel ie lb" itmu tîiceeh e so n e o a l tu efie os. c hi gtheC eîeîitîî.ieea- TIhae Oelease lodpleisnee i'e el a s tec e .ao ie e se h ae clr' - dbae lir te, ec, iii e e nded M t lied louis teto 'hn htad harvseme efree ed 5 ri ber-T of hriv I te ieve, iev l en e t edere htveec ElepTiow it ecd tie...F. îec ti anaer leann' glltn is lv fegie e e pane t 1 h vit ' adya, r Tan uo ' d wot alo iv fos ith i r- tM e D lookaofielicla .lit Ioe-M . Trev are e emseel h e t S e mlIcve a eeny ihesîte hiedbraceieee 1 er medacilve ntgigwt aii Oxodi Mr o me eI a ' nep easoxf.teeligi' - adE8ats.cltcioeitahewhtee, h-,',.iie ls i hîcynh l eitee cfe ia ke d, inh ance t ruie e aboumt e ute v i ll Ti gre . 'e phe hoi p- ii lad elii o dit cas eli.'>- l.Tr "M . e l ba vte m,"E s e eh sLdy iays aoli. .- ltanieeicl mîoas yiisteîiî h e cdIit ai er l ws tKeeri i,,. IdOc'tlaeeW.Je5 ~ ~-e w tst vlellt e aeeen hoe pseeh.- N.hcclto. e s edtciî îii h ece l. han- Wepie suppremmbe b.gtea e I adylenle wue isîn Mo-mcTro t.ieav 'eleie o se--"je ba iii.tuh e lirecîi thoutdhari ee ainte.h" tll? ilmta ve es coLay ery ale 1h. , W of-het an I cyIsi eliioc . - .i-hie ysol. -'i li etie aoce 'Wiey. steet?'echeetThe Ces- letoov' Acnty oh-ct i-elltoare Teie o Il o s o alyadeeoleie Illejoa Il nwue ce l ie ureAthon.v eo r* w heatilloc eeli n dtici s e teîe trîewoil- i ych eio--'i ionsre= . t ic Lcty H» ile Vcera Iccintec o'o e e hL Hin ene e tmseoignoogre - lig i-1- ii klwe e f1, MiaDg,"si I 'a "I as T ow ri ge m u t c l. Sh m et ha elotn eai e t ;o lîc o ticar, ii1,i - ri. - I. - lo i foti. ' h t h C as tii-c i meieaeooeleflcIr. Lehsrge. IWictsecilelleas? Ondeeit lii. îth lii il iin heflo.ii 'eyc-eoes aviIiersPibc oeet drhe.lieobalesetie iea e rîpe an ex.eeorteehloi e esicsîi' Bit yite~~~~robrdg spoiei eltgvetie ticie egeais.niet.flteb, -l h i-i- i-ih iii. he i lie areie i. eary P-o (mcheaftmee- etee bc ne ayeeetîelîhsieîeIo ciîsa hs c io ,ii.I.îiiip rinccco'i Ilc doclyko. Isltin e ancd0e- ccver l p ferhitte eneavaleC. Abate.ticelslie emigut e i-Lac i -te ui e s etiioet hiîi- 1 li petsrpsd.'IdW spoeh teacitfrtet ohieface "Noselste e lle hoeily eh l - i . I. .sages Of o i riluen athe ba. ysac oilqe ýe e belti~aetod"eie s uLayOsllcee v no tei' sopmheeaet dOn'e. cl atlt l ,ieq eîiti eurtîîi iiiiîi ii oi lec aci h-iora eondii Ic pet-trpsSoi tl et-hiiy ei h ogtt cem ehel. isbd bn aIt. - tou I o rilyeetien he a dem ecîcedh uh- - o h ici rcihie Il â ii îrt wLi1iiif Wh ned-ehe h OD uticg . do neomrtsg. v ei tersiit8 aaîl uoe lo-n-lteil hoioii icIcl' tem. sithan iecppfeoeipot- mortt asetlok of d a ppon m e. eulas r n leîivou , s het.ov whieS lieol iciwbidg c ,s ane.Ttws ul 3ooih itl jli t aste prev rrutcli. nd 1. ahs t a etwe ont, hsose.dn Iavec't teîed.Ie i ,stîs- pthbl le 'Tiie selie hioet oelue, att hptfersa cMeid et afi t a e .eldeethlyr ,,igwee ellt ,l h e e-abr-adtuqoieode - lf E sin ere nL dy et il îeough eh. inhidenhcr feelisieet oamo re tly asitec ielsiere oua at ofshete the a esîeast b ian Tiei tr l i,,.ieî i.' er îasi o iih dclhise, î icvlmtcti e t forst.c L eeieree. l teue iCe acle Rcsl eOrhei tt'mnUol eni en ht dno e i o ut;i- biun 1lcol. etae le I ii ti i lieholieiihaid-Ta'. îe elipstIele i l lap1sheflsrhed. a Ime irryyri e.Iennthingeepemeotv lie e a tf vat h l a et oes hmear hugîMeI u îoîîiîs.a nshort lti a) l Ti-l uetyhi cecai-' 'tý il tes lohe ' r K crtie se Lay elsy sen1 lu aiahîi cSl musli tif aiiII.,i-k... iil au oeaely;hl youcelrei.hercmeas. Twn nevhsieandttsa eahe s onet o Ilhute Iieg te pdleeavertyoehi-c-iîh et eîî lî'notilear i;' th et ifnditpn'tg andyou ilh eryain-d tne o eru ee t el io ar tc eoi-n r isceier eu euore i h ar tpee t. nohoet et îii-c nl-i- mî.vesl î kt.i w mOieyisd l htao le ie> i on " eofm a ino an. IAoeopthn re leemate te nseeeda igaet oueet 5 yn .Thn 1hrre...mg1- obrdi-býi oscrta itit '> i Oie 1" cMa efi ai op eue. twthlis Oue- I ng TvauAs jeso fliup o eIte hobu ihe lyte asti-op rai t I Ilt ,hli e s arego-hsh' i iert i tl i - a les.A O il yec idIs.'t go. Ld Sy Ht-onie rSe at a leeit f tesppea!' Te careten. the eegeleci a n el ' Aioeo sut the scarhadl s .ohet ,lig io PIsil- Jiie O 'iiBett-el-dtistnig oef ii sry eelheelele heec. U Pnieps vey oo eel sssi te havte n oan yst.sutlectosieeersait e l ' va m ia thewsane n i iot i i-o in,,, o uoi se ouit oLasdil. ke"-thng d smehig wil ter w d wht ajna h@je M uk.i h illh 1e" o -hsu sa o -iLi i'iitcbtset, 1,0-land'- - - "Mn Keeubct Whaiebas iale bleeteot'ouCocî\ ulî te~~î- i . letip ri-fes e oe.ame laihee teay osemeterig fr lte ta e lvet hi. made hn eceelee "eu-ar.e t. aiCyl eefil kp iolenmo'ce M.te ritheerel " hn l In seha-hI het ehot sl l e tncoeomand1 o at h ttetery" sin Oil ae i ve fert en t n 10-bc d : -lir Teashe st; o e cyhtoi a-Id.sie atelstac o i bule l s.s. ieea eemn aiens he rsu ho tehes semevieci ou iln, la ad osul'Ilîsc -fi hîinîs i teof iiio - icvi'ateen grl sepîigwctiestly.te e i ouit Mci e this us dipn' f eortheed.sud ingail a il dotnc e inageeg h-ateetocst. iseDem ee c aesifîe Il -, acîitet Th eso. tes> faI-lM i-- hi, hvecry'o e e. el m nsiele y oeel t t ee coaspen h e nsed.' u a m te bcinaise oter uscarvd e oaad eod asme as 1 e n c.o ea eth he'eos "g lilucîil) p ort byTOîa coiîîîhan anhio ma nte aile Ldy Lcmta'l. J- testdatthieine Lady enilyin teU e n ainbe dive.acnt.Iftit hoidelalu1bel e ovet aen c iei e eltui u i-i-y uer hecrd oan Fîioefcl; ..f . f '~Nt l' lc etoteo ejt uret ieieetfu a er btteeoe een hi te reeto id er hegneens e ra i-ae;sdIrganl tai- ee but 1seilco ehuoa hi-"ýidd ii havetsply heehb rte st Iaughicg. 'Mia ve aypo lientht. l osgltolgs aelete UoBln-11 io9eo i tn Teseyniusiii ific1yeciisufci:-yts-" I aie ltcc eimen rh at epthe e u y eur ctfiglad.Ihpe' ee haP l a ie armee55 , aotnhen e ieee Bitedela e en hel ho matcnt ee rops a, yca Oies do",v Cele- ber band'onnii oiý c lse .Te ogh a o hnene.l rsin thf L i icy a vg l-c, tc .u ai e retO iIyecita she Cd Hat hes Elpeie l oitha eon i- :W t aibarvslaeea'u TeleIlcl huh h cu ri-st cI thavect prceei O the fie- Ueig ia teeaiîsl tesa sraechaveuem. a ealt r ndeef. e mt Esneseejre. ad. " Ris e t hneocutosiie suei t 'e ar1 ih- rt)li I qs ii more. e tep te r s. TeIl im ef r te ae r eve co l ae bn lerc n solo hns 5u Kattan a lMse D an ale o g isl e t I -os e an, o L ad "î. o5 G io e sîiiu I couMsei tet uBerieshsdsnoie shcwainehatsgc eattolentare sav LdyHare. en gcst eiteteOsse îfy le- sitr-el i eom." Iit nns le. s t ai"shatIere el e bntPsteoliy. oil es s t 6e seat teit ,te he% aebe EIpoeYeT lai es e sighctt ay ey e euad tiesy iii, teetady sl H la md ite Oxfleos d.recta siftil Iag 't eenfre the s ud e se- h have tsite hene. An atomobieelie r CTosbdeis andme el ilh stlen g arh lth, tss uies cousueheI as ,î.1- l "hie Cat set Ocetdeve t oîagot- adM.evlng g; uteae. 1 g aet ltel i fet n e h aphoee e lie e nleetokai g me net If rsieaoctlewhieg e.w atîei t 1i , ul 1. ho t 1getet O nehej til I r oud'.Mab ha aol r lleerlbol ant elle ieam C . thi- chre et yer thecl . Misnîocsetnet. utn-leg ll cil .s teaeT-dentte M-El hottre e d W t j 8tryef es p-e clt I heaea o i- u a e te niS i b l deho ci l auei hot d v d eli "' n l e b t a e. e ly h r e. I u - . Me pot esoeils troub le n aof lheexprAncfer.e- dTa inmaiee _h ei spe ened n e n. fsuthe'sla. A itOsSIosepi ee"Ou' ee a ~ p en Hcne tente teva eteanhd misi 'jBôm e e gt tsfiteda t ajuge l ie ele, ites li uer an set hleya l- s FI tr fi le i e p s e i th ch ese seat.a y dieck . Jut a s ant iK - i iO it e . " su ip s bi h ci is m e a h c ho p e o l eehalvlh e h .I e t u e' W t set goeleina tet lint oeacied i n""ev oe fi-efou e cont' saki--dY - - br l h> lad. h renad en rea dIa ristpen tehise sie o u st iens ten-rtuereci Howdoyo lie ,Muiean odelohtw lito te& tern leM Y ed a t o CsualomfitaS ut M.Tre a hig e n?"leýî= l' shrly he bcbrs uthngig.'su i m g t fodeo be.shed tdKenlIh'o ehulees t etmin"Ith os t tu ev ceg avte fn>i(Iif Tt wu stange laghtcr, nd Elspeh You'linetgeosutene.,1 nntleg saack n chstrIllsgthe-Lady Ardel iaifie'ofeelsetrieedcthe" Iecit wet Mn raiei uteas ncl ei o- 0 Th lspttllaitfitne o ny- a.,?rsinytLd - ti n hewoldwoldab hveïDenerldr -l.Te lefet leeSuis teeaceerieeu e n Coesco wite cct emCaw en-ee. cllit ma' ae.éi nwee l thussil m -" b hae c rkefi Ocse thaelb. ese det le e st s oi eppeert e hIt r pe o f an-t- the s7c hejttlstplhecaryTll lmteR0o1 er peoéeU i iseilnce 's.ceba ee bueIt itl ss - Voet Gop a ,ý fisht vr t 'L a a'- s mi t erf 'et." ii y.agu et.B siesrs'om is- "Mydiahauffeur<bas liedehanve ose pueieathack.arspesIelaUeo y,' Hiles- roi-lied i e nt la eneucu.. n ith a 'N I l raei . o l -te a t- tP i 'U Y- Sh 13 an collet a pok 508 tee pote cIli se peu ady Hi ary s ace trove I I a, 1i k eie el hll ad h n ith C un- n m l w ph ald mt e lengthar an e s ee. Treaqintr- , ra forrs vteills. an e nts anreidigstet. t an'tscKn-oavceofte Ka dniii1c brn the two grls in in ' "a 3 , - 010 bd aloo- ofdel aT E X.ieveroà C ný A o eut leteie . bcwïlo teh eai- odi appeared at the 'ille . hurtet ceDisocichlyrean I f ruhiel#e.nailleheLs-i hie bnd ad ca drie, B 1 a go- - . s o moe. ad th "Itonn Tl sithe Caise sa ie a i nrtcll r'o ces aous lceyes s. ae- &nt W ,sl.i -tctho t a aye etW tn tc d te e et vitistpi o e'enr. Bies ing te telle Yeu tyhast.latineeeom s ana 47 allant oradeaee migitiehoInsete d éta is Ho bc frig tned. On he-w]ÎoleI think e er. "1ý repeaîncur di ailee I teue andiet i padsnkn d 1 may BayswstaouieCenciel: tiensu doïi't-lookateetsuceî hiel el we» atklysteel bettr dive ofthetiyo»"ï.ad. l, elii o Met, h anloner hi- ti n a p e cee cil ch1 e te hl y bler. f-M-uthiel u hou l a ea ret, ItI!"cl ieusconet a n-bct paeectoly et iai...1i, e e He put the toîo, grrls teleohcliih für tMlies. 5 ore -tt'a pee csctesaod iel>a fine one of tIssheiean tie tcie l tameo lefC1eeô,cesif power. eîî-thetgir iieede tyhe t h seem t stbot-e Hvsa~aneee'ose~tl-it Raving stared t b inciertha etbeenve atth -h andiîintile seale cnt lequelmegicana-eharais.inaiCaletinrliBente telihet e the log 109 màs hi repen."rthe bock ad lyeIthe pritir. ning way, own win «. 'tà-Blpeili lei Who re s beaue Tcetrirootris. , bssoeId < e V jtIs î'I~ E e Ir~ le 5 C swoo~t~w pii~ '01