Oraa'a 't RONDOWNAFILf nd otB A hObB_ aha maac rar iaÈaOO rrae odue' Vegeables.otp~ aah a 51f n t resouce il- , a5Is outotha e omtherrb eerute d Ua'ha rl a braba rrotOta o'b fa'har 1a haa atiag-1 d flb i Vgetabe Compu-ud ii0 1920 notrarad i s n aoar3e ra.ln t te tra ebar aaa 0 sottiea raof humbleaad rtharWhaOm d, aaaaaaa ia 0otbara'UP d aad aiaOuDeita aI a ds a t h ha' bs n ha -raga d aig a a gdfRtofai As i a aares areii10 fb ar alPO - il pia BJaaO a ,s a aa i,. f aaa iana a ala Faraaaai< 'a' i aa'aaaaahng of a dicatia' iias -1- lrUý9l aga p i" a itha a 1ofa a'fa Pa i nc C ar olf taira Co r' da l l l î ia' aa aa dd aiataaaiaatai flaatil , tun 'aia.aaafga7of aha l il h. iCaaiaa lier faf ala f a aan f i l C S . 1 dair il f i fa 1 ha 'r a au Chipse'0::.aOldW«k ia aO . ,L -lu ;a llira pf L a a aai~ a aMe a a a a ai d aL a a a I' u o n i a 'm a ii ia naea 'Mgatr a baah a aififib*thearit [Ja ,.na hIler.aata- D arufa i a a aa i g a nd a a a aad a a a aa aiaaa g ah n aa sdtaaagthsat ae aaate iaaaeat, aand b îf a a sa . i Poiha rftebanat- a.aaa aî, ai aaaaert T iibaaa laa ls tea Purh aaha], e ofe te theaaate cOC the tsassebascth~ e a $175 CONSOLE THE REASON F OR"THIS WONDERFUL OFFER Using ordinary methads it would take months of advertisiflg ta let the -people of Hamilton and the viciflitY know that we are in the Piano and Phonograph business-prepared ta give values that are exceptiaflal. This novel coftest enables us ta quickly'become knowfl and save maney on aur advertisiflg. We are passing this saving on ta yau in the form of free prizes lst Prize, $50000 Piano-2nd Prize, $175.00 Phonograph. THE MANAGEMENT The Cansumers Phonograph Co. will be under the direct manage- ment of Mr. Joe Minnes, who has beeni connected with the music busi- ness in Hamiltan for over 20 years and is well and favorably known. He will be in the store ta welcorne yau and give you hrs advice and assistance at any time. FEE for EASTIi 2 4p~GRH--SECOND PRIZE As a inoans of irtroducia a a ar riew Piano and Phonograph Store îh a Q !,!adUre in giviflg you this opportun Qg ha',,- wi ila6500.00 piano or a $175.00 Console MoYAi aPlaurograph absolutely withoat cost. THE PUZZLE CAN VR DONE It imay oeem a trille daffaaaiu1a f ia gat tha fanriiy tagathea and ouIl arifi aa aa aa f. Eienrartanwr herr. aahîbaa-au aaa, a.reiveara recompeflia of sonna kinda SEND IN YOUR WR TO-D)AY Inaaseof atie, the tirs'a, averaaaaaaad wias the prize. Conteat Close Saturday, Mai chi 27tb, Mlidnight lst PRIZE 12nd 1PRIZE $500 PIANO 1 $175 ',oiraih1 BOTH ABSOLUTEIS FREEI 1 Prizes Are Givcn Away tri tt Mostl Originral. Neateot and BesI nf Ail 1anrooer rragaaad a-m- a.a a fiaai al haufa are '0be theriaroraPa ftah a ,ai -,cai aaaaf teia i the ConsrorroarPhoaao- aa h. a aan a graph Cra.ad the pai iaai,u ilha judgea' fbodiraga onrtheaiaa a aa ffaa 4".a Yar anseriray baaub?, fa an'ai aa aoy other snaterial i ra 0119a., a! GaI yoar' answraay 'faaaaa miaa i luck-yonearat in eoiaf thet SEND YOUR ANSWER TO CONSUMERS PHONOGRAPH CO. 135 JAMES ST. NORTH ducd c.st et buylng- nOw c@ts us ouly 2 cmet» t buy 3 hogu" Tauleephone is on i'oiradtpfy-roi!. .lf(ii -cit r.iork forvou011 -Clubblng Ha 'eer Fiatl he eRare. hari.aiaifY thé Olimpie lGam art£0 rof be festinaiZM.. ~cha1flPioli 151l"o"D won,- a @ %» ON 50eLZ 40PAgcaaý a sice -nr~' a -1a1 a HAMILTON, ONT. WINTER SPORTS Iý I VDICAL C aiNNIIA D a a,"'L Ca ira.' Troianto Dailv ia Gair $50S6.35 iss-1a. .ae MaloaEnirie 500 635 oa.Os.L.s- TooraDall Star.. 500 6.35 aDrOeIsk.g MontrentF.M-. Herald ai55 aind Wrek ly Star. 00 285 Osilsori. Sa m tiej nsfl c ...dîa wintar sportthaifa a ifeartai thattif a SO l latir ai saaw moald praaaiaa, he' ha acii1 DUILBER amd CONTRACTOR jtlailirea'bfagairerand o aafGaauta~aar hady'r , a Wn, the Saawoaiaed up taîtheaaaaaaheaiaagalapaaha ..by a brilliaint writer and long haîîai haearirtea aaNa, Am rh.Chaborria oww.ss., hait through a deep, liaraiaara a a a iîa hlablaha a 3riera.hadftaflehelraahirag trees n ratie , andaai rna1ai <SMCIAi. OTOUIRET. KI o na popuiar shade rof white, -- ~ _________________ To tiheLarrenlar moaotaaaaaia h' proaviaaeaA Quebec. tiras thousairdsof ratycaradaiiaaafor fa9aaa PREST-O-LITE SERVICE! hoi ayapai every oppartuni ty. dauhr harinraofra rat loveis aere thore ibatrtha Cana an acia afic Boailwa a provided sirecial coarhes for osaaer.,i a af aacorrraad.a- Ale iagd .Orf Btte Ire OP ired a d mont, St.M arguerite an dl Shaaaha it, raaarto a a'a oPil rcs ItParlo Batteries. tOne amodgte fors. Ai and Ralanaor [ag f Aiho sto f rs paireS asd Over. LauUJ'Otiaira, unmroas parit aÀ , ata i.Ux5ior.3 Ila fa ALL WORK OUABAN=gD. a!- MIrNU Daftsq Sead u ar lai Jeo u Aie. 80 Thoa lOai Jersey Llght Iniaratry, BU0CIE< M»gm 'teS lobe ritainsa oldet armnea bes.àe ty esoner wttR O S lgoodea d tv~C e qtLP INAN îC d raE N ,a11 LRA NC0 cic t) i Der SENiD.C. L SRAC oUL1 a a ga ri ctia Drainrarmfstia' a apaa t aabt nitrrdaad dar'iog ýaari ara da et ~ iwhrrah roiy laabaawaaair rattha tInse mlghi aa ' atNOr ale1 oaeer riraS or wa"aii aaO ii dto compete os- ail ahai rx'iallrgewagacacorded ira aaaaaîra Rame* llalat SariSiloas testiiy to iaaaiaTh, 2IXtis H]iMpjad. Wlilra aaaifl isanr bebld àS D.6 A raagieaoqt trimpls4 stevay a o h u l t ,irr it e s E . N o a n e r in "Olympia-sa 1O.oesrasOde- mains." Bordeot. m Wlam Re- st25uao re re. e I om;th.o saturs Of p.'owS est, o. aa, a ad foira"d araS ý 9 lCerwere il- last liser Peu dts5lPe eai'Ii riairacron trm is o nIO". tn tise elesiet ao.eerge.t paecrdant, bodreve ato*las=7Ctear lai. liaeiras tiseo ta eirase a- oarrod thiso racere ao Mers. Uver nomuth ts favar iban selas .- l ainve frosa the ernb""d odte. irbo irceesrge_,d"bs' tl. Roman îltiaeehip Oilar" ssift MoSey.. _o .Aller Mer-a made to -blltte disgraee laisIsd os U*eU r, r Zeuss; the ceos.« th. s-g:iaU -t Ouithey ien, t.a l'Hz y d.y HOLIt