Canadian Ge' Rad fhe o' rît to oble, tj ichin for nrasC j! r homîe.- VANSICKLE'S -E (Ilres and NeW S ItS, ;k~ ~ ~ 7', 'w 1oév t'n Que eui}i ec ad st nt ier fuCoi O r Fe owlng B t fÏ e d prh,. ~ ~ P n~t e ; ~ e-~ -' l-ý Tt, ron ir aoe thds sin Iueellt le oT,)os md orTÉau er " tr -ifO'o-li a ni a I g es IOTJ nW ksei3 'tyonr Dew 0W k Yp1 I. Ch.resh o_ tj~ Q0~~~ p iteowT j tlheChe.lSitJh f1 cl y Wiy-1 LI hel W WdnIey Myft, dam'Thridy f Hto e bâ l,0 Lp. ny Irna o ooneniare. . .:)>sàkqùw-, '&ftýnoo At ~~~ blciK. af-n ats for mlisses wnd matrons We Ie n ooa cordial * v pp-ER ornl too n ç Mii' -e-Mi ipiedtogive voioth" hit gheio w5 ntt d (, 1 ý f induceng- the 1 in tHoi..e,' ililýry il -t 1, 'telce ýIt owest pps o p is N'L1,ts,î sp l -, -Lth tmee13 ini'! Ties, OolIars, Gna SetrhvbGe "foroTiveofoli Nw o Me.' iue oatSwaesPlovr.s -n, , 'in 1. rhuio bbo, ý iiîte oottoi] h B E 'NL s-tooh- Akveris 'Tier sSwatSeatr.ul leso. veo- , i a:î rot-x-i.1 meu ed .. W is r llcie (y jst lu. c,, C I] tvvt l r vvv- LOe.nife$e.Mr A OdeRo vo leh --,Mt . 0" o I £ 1a l bc wahoi ip.h Thteoeoooe . leO>i. Ms. . - Toc 'v.-.Oy e ,Dify A- penend_08_O___________ bwi] lýh iXttfoee., . Ûs, Mas, Linloeums e hs ______________ j E -ht Nhet 1 . 0., oea v tMats, '----e'. , erttt>jhiî l l bc 'c.itli-1 ' Ccav to ceds i. 'a TwOf . a the f usies igeà ntatta , Grih-t', .ý n ort 00,00 ,sin ton tota ro F nedWatoovvalj.'oim n toect ihor tee viver. BighaCathordtoreiT!e SATUttt 'SeDoihAotieo v Msoe icoI c> il nt hehi'fi e Il~ Re 13e b ovi.,hae heoma> o tiee lto. e Dvrait. Aov e.lieto ngl ert thtiehevie- veio000 C H C H R S IN -i E . c h r e -oise.e aU , ' . ý w bl h cr sgio f c re o p fe r e ~ B , l -------.--...~asrday TraatPr~ne25c. to paiom; ed atson andvoD.o Ltaw- eneoteotte o hte hythe5v-oSe . J Moo-y.St.h. Vo Cocanot Rue yo aanotO Sassk., hatv lasse mo~ aiteaef Mitter. la eoto tV-e tuet Dv lu o i Sho osîte a.itore-ivShrophe.MeeBv Pt. <e t., B he ivptmoa e ti nad,p voter. th t i s v eev ra vi nvi "d____ __Shropshire ___ __ N ts e th timntivaee ihot Boaj Set pu ov,' jîre Oifo rb thre Stfrve aedSlvlentplo ero toeietabfierbyforhoote gtinvita rpoeiiog fao itondt eee. 00pimto eoto eohI>v h eoc gainsorth W mafoBarr. vele a e vove te f-lo s e S or iY vert JIen' iso oiet f1tlooetes, h s i t , ki theagleto euaaotoreRrrngv J; qev ral aS hrde f voitats i tevi Wtsonaevo o x bic teahvi n e -ai C s&I.Ca c thgi t e Ll ie hnyo no tDr, IelO opeeOe iRdovshn ce re m n ri ks or bn k. be odthhe t il 5 ioo t Se 000 or evo5 Mr.eea îotofDeem P oa yR vote or dpho e17 ndt L icL tttg I od y h oo Sr m v g vt v v t tr d v Smo Ce mo pioytegtoro othr ptoyorof>lriIfdoanady ho Steve e 5..e h (etdi YS: vthvrgdW Seeev iton a tu omît thn vteroDtothEroohL lennthea tteO E otvoioo<aee oee esC -oesBtrtvN s D .I A oeey erF .a.,of whivoh thv.mDi.- rem ae lt A tmoo wln ho lld o F-tnt orr h s oea Shoot, oi eu 0000 ivPlan. va- w tetim ohve R aiv a i e o ivebe hn- t r,- i * Loc a Ju Fl Iad !eait .., . aem chmo n adepivedid pete r.ev- itctoe. Sos tddaoe e hat cianc-eig Qaity Recever aqvit e tnaito mevyan etxhebiton >.v o FChristtmoas a o. " Mshotaieppingishptvt t Beget' EsreeabnS ReiathBeatere eb..t....h....mve.. on 5eENon oritiaao0# of oeharkaemvronet at tho homo et hte al 1e.FW.iLo t oodilovne. Bimpv. andv fer hor eeis. e m ho Sa vhehrpiyeo0eO oscrod W eahe.n.E.BaehrS îÂpeh, AuIiwtm S o ite rtvlvg...atev a tr ins M. aeetteaister joit, CAVELour lon r BAT eein itERa se RIeSiE. ______________________________________ vpaee t t nre d wmsone afovay le aredy. i hhivedt t ecet no4tn toPv digloefe-d' bhoactst of- L-àls C ocoate ........... ........ 0e b. n Cd i o hr smt efI8i wh et vriving l isethe' e terra eannf -The Priset rai e Oheet> paotat BîntoS leafulloatI pelee ve t dagr Asglpynnao'ac vit PHOput1a sepviniveriomevg 'slit s Ohm utc toloere et hodTdistint par. v temv. emevvd tor oeoain et- ivotdhevgommmvrfstoandvat> w10a nse-oe poisonreced eticethotad 50 p-t ____________________the___balance.___ Def oard living eet tale-eag .ta ya- go efatre ett ee n oeinonisvmnemtd lttessendate'sthosn ease Ltofrvh omnsBaey Itvad." tnddt h mvs tc, oe hBatiday g ore mev Al ee eemv.Ltheervitcms tertsrndpe i s W tnn.yroi ante vmth.oreoet5eek.çce- eynto ac K i Steo'ortt W M - Mhiv -rht tm- bln 0 na- us W aeacmp elo f doo ad tee Cram in brcks or buk. bcmae, hi tkig lac a te aie oes's t t v e ns2et tontectvy $untvgcyao eot.i Hoanstonbg:- o avtoogeovf ee-tg etiLýay Rama Srmeg alsn eto on dTframaotmiserds. SnWatooncevonheh a U, O eul 000,lue-eedveo oteeo hto. &e h tIre- eoottectjsre re amyee-ee-aee-inghouseevrtg the S c violicy forvgrvtraand Moeoechdvedmee-eneajorinîtheBtt e ted -o.ta at atc uv e t ermot n.Toeau i o eli e - * SuS aoit erîto, 0e- n hr atmiiot veto teFreroOnt ctnm laiotycfthn sa u edW ee oh.-KngTrepoRceves W . T . [ ARe A esoemont. Tiva av 00-and,,odeoioS.Mec cs<erMi1, ,. etiho-cIt>. hice oteteo, eoadeanhe-vavoattries wa uit tei ý ay fte f I oiE y rLeqe otto ire Oiau otoer ieeov pa e p le, e minvetvaett anas. a cassby imslf s f ' sOri t>yaIo itda ed et te hoevof bs R"d PIWUBgdc a f1m pto, chuead h re oy esc vit eatothdaat epe iog ayrs ra heena' Woiot er.D .Base- Otom tlebaihionS, we.H v io ra et.tvv et thove mho eok g.Tl ioeeh oivo tha$5cvot>.o, Ovlgbi a odtan FofM. -aiesandoveTeren heeaagroesns LLhool Y ShoVSo Eudh expefi a sc Fed alk waywlt Saivrody. et 1v-ee pedîsoiste11,WA Te fée«B at tho- thestr payrsmee l Trono vAn t oe. ryet.ea hsbas tag i- of echd Lov Bnom rvm e. t herricht Doteta e dep fnt (tletg f av e ogtbr one-ivts beig made ta aranje a toDateuset ont adhooaitSrotblare b a4G ta -trotig. osoa lOyvt ' vdhea 'neo- 0 hmt ravlth tisr giomgte-a a eof ITP Y O A V .afS. emth aienM WasnadM.t e evy itriteeev mvry heo"showo e . H avos a. tyatFi'to vt ColneseWinpecamin f Mou:Mli G iaatemeen o n -Beah, io ' Jas. Rver pwo UsSoa"lstekHla r viii> service b CC qelg éi . tma, l lam ias it Braeatayar sapdonIao-s ht nae bem a Te auhveee orlnetHo"Dl 'ctmvl'yalgwsbeniv. eatenoF ev. Sireel tetor tetaeta o ate r e tl e ha go nnt u, u _be Uai SedyMesvet Dii>. ' O £ Se dent '0ev oeîtte on ve e nv alen iteo e ria ltth. ai edouin le tone,eb vt he et een eh en etv inde,e1 r nis.eie a nate aeve of PoliceMtratRer.Mo.ore hstteteeeong the b avenomoet lubosi pviioli;yft oint ve nt> svieeTrd tiîth o 4 e - 100ond rae , orvete th eoim I li-gtl. The h w neru smteo joi.erTc ei>dyaterevpen iho or Wdt« AiL Bertieetsrat e . rone inekie-st ce t er>ac h1ed e hzvrtehe r sge c MOU Rj-B 0T1,rl- O y T1anta Fes ad ogot 4 ecns orthserisnstayar techa feh> m fetierd vae via t> Th HîMveMneittii -omtviey n ýb tlyae&I.i lrd n r Mme. F e-tridge tpavn, oeS'Hortherctamevitiofponter aie maao th Maipeiaieteniniyof y, eheiItous iobiea --ve-Csta lo Mtieluitvelittn-e o-a i-ie e -asebatur mileoos ebSco thoesL ~solobc I l sette iui . 'l i ls ilb ee, o ee 3r. 0 Wte te o . . Wt Cn eiSoiîlO n Pcfi i e avof Tprton ihere o al ontarne itheipn O ivt io8.ndr ion., et eher g in * * M - peraot Cecet. Th onîp vEneit' vceoe orrS.v- ,-oh . iLtti 'nnolsoi; tteet m' de t i chig..Tan:, et u t b r saufsu I j j. - rat P e.and i 5 5 . F-note ýeiqbad"e b' rà -P.ari PeS a ote mps R HS O j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Het oi eite 0f -he tC5'T. fe aBSoduSlP in ge ste "?o atneTe R m fC d Son 111 ' tsee oe in etîrv,,ivih O..C i- w.e .kb o i ell> 'f.Elide o - ____ndWst__________________________ar___it stong For the voîce andcth rroat., remove ticklinig frorû -h throat; make the voicecer and strong. 25ç- Ponle 40, -il ..e' . - tort0' 1' vi A) 's?' See- the