The Canadiau Champion DASEBALL *eÊanOF 0An AvALNir& fljftomtu- MILTON. Jaly 2K19Z-otft eoot ymalle j 9. ef'tlO Iâwl gaturoay'o gamr ihem Pâlermo Pm#lu t"o Abe eoSt ga -~t" ne A fte u rles lP düdetsii voa Milton.vas a pubéèeotet and -Leof et te Appi g.O 0al o rordOiLjîýh t wblc iOïikr" 1 gl nt heIMM Wh, t, hwbei oi IMaie, a: 'ooe eW o-iOOTd IaM& fl 109~-b COIJNTY COUXIIL. theonvs 311eid 1e oal hete0 bmletalih Auahl1einitarii 11 O li *~ lny Out- - e oy lfo- Il dit20 inu lte mowvUechhabni aeemelated dorn-e PM. tf uuaa azooiat ,Jje 21.i. Le, 1925. 1otllt '0'ol"'Ing thevioler brisaU ffairad ollde; hi oise ennuite10a-fir.leoiS~ vinlraid her gtemme. m- taooeg ien'U aidSel The couied met et tl e- or-utholiler butoe1the box bit one uTY cI- hli ncig'vro uyltýEmbo ubsm crdare vitb odjotrumet. 1tr le ad boeoeed 3back the bats. aiytilg that bappon e lahileih es burty Main ewle ov orh.TIaobeofLO Membero preoalth Ie Weo-de l. the mae beaiog the tbrow, te Aie. Telioio.Botb the materlal damage dine1 u su rmontait ta Aou 1a e e- i lm lebddeo ý1Ln Char,ad Mler. Appre. ýAeev oaovantl.Plnomi d the Msetofile ma be apailin& in1884. £.re eo IcýroIlI.Theecuie lv Boie, lii. Barber, Ci Foro.riemesor.d by Nie woDve i %lxid avalanchesamare lme rag th _ehooe- ed thae rIy oob ie Galbraith, Holtbyr Morde. McArtber bume ibm eonteloa nielrbloo vre'nii uihievn Theo ow ogpeaed op ereimeet grseted a Sevres vvoie te leterillet, andl the trouble od>ended and ichoblsn. ;io-eoY lymIe -Mollie" Berg. etof'e thee loeeofeth1e South fouie the Bltlob Moieuti. IL la a mgot- ve Yainlita - lethe o mblete rrad adCorfIrBd. rer.tOner t e Mmpire and a gond teitllluDaconatber,.1 l6ote lb. - il ient oetoeA"ad ey valoabli. humiliaetlineftihe errigburgeiei rairou iiiimnoidisputes. tOWou eB oa. Sevea Cottages vire hocet vee,asnobh ais sous, i re- comieied te do publi Il..i Ihe Drpotmentof ,HighW.y. mre Palerme. 4 eveo-ubrmed; rîgh Palettenovon eu-wode. aid smienare tail ogmmun paine aed te accord large prîvi- riaaiy ruaedibY-Iâm. mth roder a- ABiBREi O À E r bitoed and five ithoro eeverely Ilelor- gifletz rim er coaitry- laanother. loesm le the Univeritly. Wheithi rOCIorjl. eprtin fAgrcltrerteoH. Ati, rc-.- Hirpty the tait ieeiv-oed le the Thal vblrh lae heeva se Qieou iffeeddlerli tanallY condescendd arîtiRo indedsronigbmoye te Agn eirlb 4r r manyv-oetthee leabtailo ElIeaebpobeS pl Itil" ueoa gIn te rturtY.loue *baihiito.' ube culturailIteprosavbe.r 0pr o~i.l. . ~ f the cottages vire etzeobeer. Mad 1teOGret Erlan fotmthe Nfther- hed aoiued to ecture la deiaee hibitaitbe aadie Naiiol Uv-rit.leo - cibor i L lppeaed aet nlgbl thon voauld baide. une eutas leeg agi au of thei ulhiet the maJeriy, vire, ei oni, the C ia rNatonal inla 4re0 t r lto0r1)bave bre t eai t onty 11500101es. 1544. puiied by ibrer ae 'itpSi- ettt or thîeBind Y rgnteoî,iDlloe. . 00îr 0 ! Fniwmeravaarheîalilanlbe PartaeairiEdrtinr aeroymenteorN3t12e0o.0-0Si 0' l Ai. Simtlmeiith uliedot agreteeoeole. Jo lemHu I5Ld Voes tuittran Ofpapîlo in High Sils ord Poil. pl, b 4 0 (0 2 940'Il ooprgltuer bresa ofad oi vi le lan îdoria le a mi-av i tietie ieel h Criiegiote leeilue e utaide lhvecrie- Trvel, 3Lb......-.... 2 0O0 4 I0 3 ti e . Birb a ba ig bappeord ai Mariime dii e oeiravela ahout British zoilogleat gardoai 18 Jimmty, LM o ad the SrerayrofMilonHogh - ---4Rada. 0on1ehe y Zormait. 1a btodleei ,veo-eepedtforblm maiy amit bbtverylIntlligent and if brbiiGoleig Relirusre,.reagi t 2 1 124 134'1919i.andaravvlier basoivrel hts a humer -.mdaedt. fcint hmaze i ig .3ou moionfl Onlaj.nd o itnj( s eoito aai :nylasorti lme aga ho vas driv- lu Dot meoltal asouseiaadsoit people. 0 PM. reioli roarAB R i Hc Aa-Oi@ Oîadrrd ait etultimo leg thneugn a romaote eiiono ewet Novnutlly leaned. ubea Jtîmy voIre The comarjl romed ait.30 prm.,île Clrrbrl. i s..... ..... 3 jt(O r)2 0Il briea" bieiyt. to'ichadag bat-oi Breun ikL ici t anoietof iâpar- 'wu broadessiod. jtmmlvetitla the Wrdeiîtecir.j lcrfo . ....... 40 10 00 aid soalbes, vire mroir tess d. tablierionbieiwu etrxaddod"North Mammtinl Moite. and bat oOr Mr. Ncbolso predeoted theMlb Pire- leaîYr. 3 090 tîo-i yiî; al the itaiuyathnavo ballte mihebissaliro ot. He hIe eimpiOio a Blaek MaoîobeY prOftesadn omte Atiboiri. r. 1 0 b 4 001t drea. ad tbe greaier par-t ofthlb. riewte otei a-miî ovr îhe.Alaioebai i loMr. lBberte eehoredocao.Me-i. e.Ii ...........b.r ut aîir.Am utabi ll.urn b-drwum opeeeod bv-a buta be larealtyfe- a fotr ber face .o.teiîlhrîpjrt.Aîa --- . 3011 iv b-eiiieeu i l lridvaoa iiva.wu Intied i ov hitte wltehlîe ..i tvaigi OuI br.ieenbeooelbrrorfront11120 4lioreginBieotbeao-en roe'ter.sidblibatifrotefLicmbiatiavblebèbaswonttierithe rihOa inancejre M. AFoi rthe ... Ilitv-n lainîgî itî. ib e hmieaothIe hektlb ire iIl iehood laime at Frebti. Srha fohon Col baarodM ole irTrfîp 3 12 1 4 0oaalgîbîi iltobeofti bteee If iberierre anly Efoico-gagig itto damit. ,aad JlmmY raR' r- Niroloyn i eddbyl i t. as rttpelve b vo i onasilInbe arlghbbrbîod. W ntl. aibair ber out if îlA tgbt. l M. HNibriare trtird oreerded 10lo 29 2 427 10 3 adi teo ain. 1ldiaaoe aibhrep-'"but bo-rd tattumoate Jlmmyv-ailltherrrse cxMeHîibv t bjo e rio, on h ifr Ro- E A mtre oemio-Oibie avaanceîoc- h Jh- a cso oehn ow o racsigPrOe h olîrepr- Sîjîlo,-nr (I 0100- 1 4 urance orthie Liieebberg Tunnelou ndth, barieîltbweeandi."hl ny uLk Fek T oeal en iiHeoiroolîre ai Ml i)Q iüOl- br-tlv-ufler IL wu ipeurd. 'the dt- l My aonuzuoobet' w rotbia l e - rie eMrvijie Orthe ,char. Ter baseie bts.Ellootto, .ii. TolIer. Placeenoiî f tbe air ceod lv- tbe Tree.rrniel efuednt.ire Wuren eîO-leie bases,. 5 Alirniir3. toZavlanrhebet ulrangusofrvatt_________________or___ tht ue i.Pirne, Peierei 2ellir Doble___________________________________ M, Hrlîby movrîd, orrrrded hv- Me a. ,11 L HToIL I lotî lreemitril e vrioc. The vlot bleu, Frlvîolitepeo ierrlel, b-elîb Hl3OtrkaiyrIteto arev fia batlaad C oIiluOiliiO thrI I vOle, e e i,;o Y P l 5, by HlIr l lerliruk13. t b iDiroî teprultet i Ordîlo ho te1vroe,0ehe onîtot, ifll3.b., a , 1. BBe e. n te idt f lidrptet.-Caevord. oau balla Il PelIi[ . rMtTelle '.J Hitl o0no trrent, ailthesaime limeB A Me HrlltY orod .eerrted l.rMM. bat.euafft' bv-Prîlh.balroPermet redr.ielît eaof therburldtieg te CAVELL. IERY SERVICE Mrtb.r, Ihît the natt î er iie it i alI, lleoiy. Loti on bases. Paiev-oîr "-"ri et jnpi101 Wind:o ceftinorh,0ed. Mion 1r.IUiopoe. eA. îe-C ulerroeeod In Marel E D UA T R O hm .,lfrteeem.,l rirdings Campvbelîlle wu baeat, o 181 t ferpýertlever lteOriel: bit ton loe.--coreoed. Hoelrgrr. 3 heoî iogari b lîed and rt rees. rthers ueo-iADQ AR E O M. Glra ith. Ihîl ,Olloe d a,oo or s ao-lini O hteil o itron bito irox et Irreln M. dalbvrialh re d' -Cte o Ie lîîî ia bepibeibra rly Irreottlhiy bt bndl o î sii is atre te Ballrî on rlreanne , ieîoe dipv-oî. Muio-ooot Arierlibar-eo fi th el urje. eotIhe r mev-o gbt Soo r erem ir.le ieI'a'.le MeGbboo dtreod iteoorreIrrbA gpolvoe vior t. byre ii itorot r i j i. mole n b u 1 idtenoiti li M.lait pereirol the îoo10,report hnr e ooe e 11v-disorre-d itoren- irlog;but thon onrîren. uîo-hlng U t.L h il thestiniog eoneoitre ono nuance. î-on BaHteioîe,1nîpb-llvollo- Anote.l Ia iable, ere bured nliv- I. otShots, Ignition Cells Mr. BDiuîî ioveol. Oerided [y Mr.. irr,- Erelr îîîd l..nb. Burlinooir. un Brbe,lloî i the report fet n l imlirrre Soro molel id Oil iiî Io- lro bore Orrfor geaniie tOitthlev- b.oTh.llled. nid ou f2 Mo. Bhiî o irnorot.or ded bv-Mo. Orcîdr yrhoello ete to o .rerv Irohlet 10 dlt i n rr oit. At last. Njehooleoi Otha . . Ellit orie ppoit eeon.nItere eive e. oaidti dia, teRlbet, S ppis edBHigb Schol Treeor th t_, fAlnIwaeirltedandtlbeoerged aiîe. Milod ofi i rei 13110, ,,i0e t5 toAoBi rrolvaW" defcteid Thoe stabir le l.-ýtrrail i vcti a . arie. PrtinroIrhm-bd MahoooitheBlue Headlight Bulbs Mir.leo or ,meMitoetiredupjo- --oo 0fo.tBriothît vîthairot tOir MeaDi i orenthi e oo r1rlanîo dDrv- aîrrî ,EhQký Aîro n theesae si n-aî. citeouîlr rrl î re , orir. oetr-.tîrrd ltb the mnooîranid tbe pris- M. DiIore, roîdo ,î ir NM o, ooryr gieorr vil be rnemo lr 1 ,lbrll1eb Nicoblsro, tîat irereport .n threliooe- areeot u i ~lew Dloai lied n trlrrrîrrr U.S. LheStorag cu u i" srrîd, bei ir.pteol. -(rroe,l i on a p belieolile.ilrrlingî.oni l'alorain. Th'ontiterlLr.i eI reîebv 31e Blîr rerl. rerolI v- îr. Tbeit n,îlo r brrrioilieioprtrnt',a orvîver, aer ihoîr viich fuI tfit,; P ST O L T Nolîl2oollreIl hrollr, adedhe ei,.n.rtid rtgrrvdroivvl-l~ X EBatteries Croriy A BHol an I.lîoe , 11n, 'b, ..lev, i h.uld iiv TeCamp.nrurinoiroh ______________ ,loiîe r an] ht1,j- ,1, , Rrrlat riiv.roiricrîpjL Booot , ,nor unho. IThemuie aciesaaanhro h tor .iroer, îv [l.o, Ilk l lliOriociI. gl i,.l ,rl, rnd s onewic elo ,lroea r pTeeth Mr. elv-. i l.ool,, ovdooed 0000d, lo Cachr.rbl 1fr1,), vv-r.eeGenerators and tarters Repaired. M r. ob.lon o,,,rl o î.e\ I, 01io uA5,,M,, reberfii uDnse, birckint he Ma e. îbiltune iî-'l î, 0, 3.4l ,l îl oi oOrY TAN. , vine Valewih descends, lihe aad Tbbvlînîrri o,,îl ,oo le,, Woîî lo ti beThoryie rv- of fOr trorn In Main St. Milton, Ont. Plin 24 iThlerorIw ol loor 7 2 .0 thr cliverrreoesoflhvalle-manon94 Barîbr,lbuiooByiî0 , hiIithe-,rii r lollllgl1rllsilr bee044ai ent f ritnd on ilieonpt ver mode1 il 3 ýýorC ig cal ii hrooghTlie ava=b se-] llir, aoooo,,, , 1ilî il M î,îort 1 l 2223 i o itnrtir litTk tbii Th b Iw u udtii, in. ki. u .. t - t, 1howvre th O riaooi mîtfin Thelv-lrornerrîî.î,î,,,r ler it,îr ri rin, Mu oîoobu e îlot nid threroittrrtloourpt Me. Gbraiohlloerle -,,oo , 00 ,llo H i. îot bscurer vîi rvnv rcnrl lll voev boeInthe Me..rîeebuOcoîolîilo.r djoo b l looritoi ocaîl lorrîbrltest.. He, Volle t i es andeiid turrlrtuarea lors]oi et ado b 'e ji -i i,,o il PIVr lourae dAa ât btouter ind PiorinfrMrtigny- taeli.fl o'eqfoleroVe anrit bIuî,l j -1nce aebensa dby Me. Friter rorord, eroîdo-d 0,, I1, 00e oiottrlel oîocaues. Eveî a uh AR 1rmw adarirnt o iilo 1)er,, rli POLICE COURT NOTES. Pehns bbir kovi tu eet thimoffov bl eill$211î1oooîa4our ie i irrtb- 111hwalaco fio fai t. R.Irlio ber ehoîlîg torlis Oh radai leite , lo tnror î g i,î, ii-l,l .. 0 . ,1,,i, e vrer,. oritlpr er aIîg a itou ilipe. Te ml-'Loigobi tgt Ililiele 1 BeggbIllirosod i riîai n . irrorol ecndd ý i,.1 oid .l'l,i'ijtî., ao Ie carsit oit Or lbresp r f or atr rile at wticbh___________ Nctloinoe taiîcci,lt afr '; tole îrrel.o ling ,terooroiHW.Stuorn, wet avîrao rerrnr if Ololibi modre H o r elth rîe hum o ,le,'l-teo fi.olrd $0 . ilan t or rrooing adanr t s Alpine paîlo Bolîirr Georgtow,r , ol oA,,,,, Aîecdorr rsud $5.foro deiiuog en te im iir2e , 0tea UaCi rooognidsalî tre illr b .il a inMrbreeît ___________ Mo obole îo-i, ro.oî,rlle o liorreeî,î Aîlor Yoor cfTrSonue people were flot s-atisfied _ Noî,îl,,Olriler,,nî,,i ,loooo un 11iî.lOl ad-L A fulonle ,r Exit Rapilv-. ai a moei,t îlîne,î 0e ordliroteiîor (;oilo'rîoo47oi.,d The loiear nev- ronba,.Inthl. with the cold weathcr, sm v Teeoe,,oo-l >rA, lirooedi , co , eîreo lnoogî,o,îîîlIh>s onrokoinerotiîr.tellsindtnrv-of o e w r J.rint f fi, -,oto'a, L 'l j oha A rO eHrberti Trio, vhr o nc e eted ooroc i. . .. W 3h theo d il ît 1,,- fo,rî,lbrfgî . olfO1W Lî tîe 10T , Oioieoy ooe,î.îr,.lltîil,, loî l ("" o o u t000ireoiogîîotv-in Aoerlrennautirnrrregoettet it aitcen Co rai d u t f ,o.l rtllgaroo o ri , o u i l ui oO MOai-iv- b Polove Nte. foreu"Iella otIlintl tti noe r 1e ai pretelo,o,,î îîooî ra ,lol f- , . ,17do bi rit hmo rrtfer bli o ir pyrr, nonouriot b îîe l e tu"riiotr (Lit oo il,, loi îooav-lîloO loiîrillv- 0 vue ini etireo Me. v î,oooo.l ,,,,, Iror loo h i. a inatîoweo 1î are,' oays Poerilui "Heousoitî -l Ar oty r1 b crel oo locrl$1 ilrotmnmîedvb-îtircaiorleoniodt witlu the dry weat.her, but the hi hIe.IIriby, loîloIe ,,oo I l' ilîme 3000îtBr Leero-e rîîrig ilobepectant atorero. ait. oOerv- oitu ieml o, X,îlnlo,,.oiîItSiruck landtHfleorge- 1 li t othe bckoftre hiiiîig ribi people who are always satisfied trt Tbhe310 1 îi .roor, evo e.11 o'lo b heeiî pl.ivig boillI1v hlei ho trio eedî to o - lv lt,tgt M0,11,1oînîosiMates irsfil ioîubrmntonoînîtheî t are those who buy their liard- rp il i --oud e di.chaged t'lobe Ma-rrtnpon0ý1d a , redt,. ru ein I Mtutemtn ofrthePeMe ru, Oc-40tiroiplaedoeint, loniOiO iibmadee. t lii ioî llîr tnoone"Ilnnttud or fhoo-oîr. ho ware fo n ofCnadai.OntaIrio, ai Hamuo01 Cntrîd et dnîîrnîîlRo luit errithtie GoradMustiri ndot eso PIESENT0ITION. - 3r l 'ma l"n 1 mâtonas aotha Wuaeiillotrd by tbe poeo-imiiooof oul t oitn' loi Dog fine oveto-oar M" ,eritoier i Titie vorergtîrolanid(Girls' Cba "il ntvorfiiotfroti îhe hiila li peronorOrby roev, allnfultronvore Hm.î 're niiboar Br.Ce.W. N. Porînton, fBelevilleerTh- ro ni i vuurt Wait meat. Wbo porie tîeirer oedîlo fo'v-ennîîîo lo îMeDeronet wtb "Oh, innîberl - ait Cbno-le,'bo CL isenuuv-nw:oooîîîMnbrver.A urge'i"m.surch e tevrible doononfast ,rîgt ibîjy ealîug oro-ritcaePoiMulcammecnî -Afîernanboro- 1drae u1lt hvng a nigbouloîha ______________________ spoeh, M.W. Dr i o nubaM. LIb-O1tira chaiu s'cal statfrher l o- eeeoilb- naer -Lo-y teat bigb r, nid hitlosmeaia- soPnîotGrand M asrnd oelev-enaov-bbsket i orer. niat ts Il. Dce a hivri Imamo Litnn-ornior of Ointr, cv- o-- iv g io hrîprescrit.anid biO.tifiilvly Itke Ithaton airivthitti?' an .hi -c-gb v a ii b-ogbiî e-b i re. trv-.ton,' noilîthte EtI goti erortunit onribur.piuphlenenoiotfor the iae ib nllce, hor vr oiihieign ibe Iobo i Or rpeU. "It oen attutit lnn trbnt beermi ciIyite ho-ru eholitbee r valIe if the gifttuof the ibPlole i e oltttiodl but Tbnsneabon nir inern o b ,,oitwmd le v-oap n d te .rr u jirîgO.' provy-eioinînic ohr-iporr Cc e hb Mos MCD rimet je bIt lu piioe, tor,-the ronuîotjîv-, ehilo nibmoî er Makig 'Sbet .1itd bW urB ro-et advero-vejro bl evei. Sotît nnlng ilu n oPiedv- pnices WM.Blnot7uîis .rth 86-1l. o og 'Vaoi bvogbito aîcose bvaigig Ia bull div-e uîrkoon ancar, umr JuseOuok.T 1188o i 100e l e _, na imumoîlt. le,,"" ..DîMo-airîhmba tb for theout 300 omiiîonlht8iIf tOcv-are-iof M.ereoOgote o-, 1in lsol Iiree yeac nurtCe 13,m are ou rl therorv- aille, andlofron 200te F. t-ou, Sdtoo 1175 mark.heono-bnitirtiioee adionteIri-260 omiliOf theIntrer uoes. S p îleJri il.ei ionlî,o -i 9.c ie re pupilu poesetot ber mitb WDR.H.l, oruonr... seroiiriiler taoionsiand the fuît. Ninihurul Aigle.On CtiB, qyje; Bitoieg a doi -r ~Noibmel Agle (il oue irhuro A.'.-au..LO Tru.'tit MDereaiAngle teleilt lt ntbeo Lof thelLOU .0h tOilag lh ar'---m S. il o on, , er.2ttv-no e aagrpnlreWotods, aitfomae O itrn-atiasl BIG VA UES IN SE -IUN- ur b P 0 ,4 l'Ou aongun wefont ur raneotltibouîa eov hîeeManitbabo.târtri '34 v -roigo tibu r em immîtluai f eut the UnitdStaes. 80 6eA B E Sr W ti;r treoOoeTrorî o ppreiati. Y00ubhnvebee atoli- C. r0-roo aim Imreilt it ABLt bnlbeetueris vo. o-aniO. illi. fi teche toreont bave ted-on or Teonuonie Metilee Stain G v hek.o-,iiie 1117l20 jo t abtb tmrid a cha ne, ad Wr WiObr. R. nolil . bot ubaltil b u o ill ese ,. t-om fne î ttia vblb inoda cl. onea ~~ ~4 rreluesin.riin Inmuaccp se tiarnne Chldren's Pia Snits .. ie I.lth v,-mm o-brnuee.ant wlebiegyee The Desoe Usai te Iodla.he Ladiese Bibbe ..... . . . lurerl neer eienvriovin v-on liutre home. Mail-eî.... .... *23 tolai. ~ '~j h)e871î;;' h.The ro-ase rom RErpe utte -.- 'oveO&...I......2 Ada i-orm, ZonierLafonorSndthr etei ee. tbat ls iî, e Asaorted Prnt, per yd-------9 RifhWsJOSrrttaibpî I iacouedthîe antuth i fb ~..j5totrsoîe ît o-l anmre imub. eotirai uo-oo-itby Vasion daiGrisona Cgese O .....1 Te abîuu.eîîînrt-w, it Ih. _of___ i-.Portugal. He efbUâtin e ib llglish GingIiâm 49 ---. -~ Thi hae Ibon Mate--tLof ir nîtIbecaptal e Portugel, ou Jîtv8i 1497, 0o..-- - - - - - --. M.Moooaler the j -îai .,oaI POmLICE COURT., an-redvit iC Ladjie -'y . Cmf Ot jisi il Voies Ing s Muslins, Dresses Big 1IeIy pou in' al Departmeqts! Wome'S ,hildren's Women's Dresses D0 resses Coats $18.00, $149,5,812.956,87.95 3 r $2-95, $1-89 $20-0, i.î - , looo 3.5, 2.5 195 . 8, 69 S 1 i Girls 5traw Hats on y s mats Gob caps CLEA RING CLEARING I Whitc-,îM $1.49 J<$295 15,. Broadcloth Raw SiIk, Woven Voiles and Organdie ,0Silk Stripes Big SUMNER SALE and Spots 79c. 59c. yd. 49C. ~I@cFor the lijtlecft costs have another new Ire:- 97 pic. Dinner Set, Gils Water Sets, Cup,.; andtSat oem-pocolîfl j out, Plates, Frîî i-,I Galbraith &Company ELECTRIC RANGE I Fiiîeless Cooker Oven is THE LEADING_ ELECTRICAL RANGE For Sale B Iton H ydro -Electric' The Teomple nf Jaies. The Temupleofmijai Ro ro-moto Oit b3 C. Duilius i hi I hirdt nirry O3 C. Tii tempoo itle as oets in On tibnocf waradelutiro- bot. ie of peuce Durint tht mI, n il buts, th efiniret pul-oniverwa t bOneil t-o.' nrhbing ohio-lv- '-le thi bnîh if Ou reor. The Jausr 0f the Riomnr nvthigy ~'Qî'a'lae uhoidt tîpreoitte er doorand Save onxou PIncr.qro.e tes, hi toct, mier thi higining o r nicSple bnt ait iunoertalbngsa îtnd îî as Y e j wd b. iu c -a ie i b lîroeof 'oonerîd hyrahrtuai eadhaing be*it 7e ara sanObg IoNhe t T.o,, '1,101hav L Ir i thuer h ihhefuture. Thi trot onuanu. n e ot 4 O. . uiok Iapioa, 2pkgs ...... . 25c r Akthe oG totuoon trle, t .lg IMuilO, r St. Charles MiIk, 2 large fins 27c MSHAUl 011124b p l ý2.35c 3K 25 1- 2 C CH61CE PINK15 c ISALMON POUND T5~ PR$PINTA QUARTS t, CAL HOs pmol 1 91rr', 1 . tbeicounty r yi be~ fmNNo. stîo Fly.of eelbeeo-î. f iy" ro~-~40.8&14 Youemoea eie', lover. tr .eeî ime for e ltolrgier d 1UL3 Walter-Beetrle l~ tG ett,5 Tiere areo.300 varltiri, e1 .;5*j.B beleE (0tdbe tound lntho e-h F"« alibs ndLo-vera of Engiamd, .0.0 E ipolicee My o t l wl thif0lt if' ing the cor.oâ PAYSTO ADVERT18i b* S m'aleale rý oe I efllib Pla When th liest lui F[e,1is - IT PA! Il 1