e Stock T.-Iki- Cs Overcoats h [irPrice Boys'Swe3atE Januar, *.)Silks 99e yd. THEY'RE SQ ...4 for irilj plati i FI 3 for I for 1w i oI L e dche man, RET£AIL GROCERS- ' YEAR RI CJT ) RIESe mmrced ,h byî( e.m.i- nom t'S CELLBRATIONf No. 4 N AL10 OUS iIlt MILLEt IT jROLLED lbFOR AWINER NFS, Botte Arme INEMLAT1 OICE HALLOWI E FIC -2 lb.1 VERY' FRUIT PLOWEij t ou ons -al Pli sm m e n A'v '01 -i he jýjp n1o i --- 1- ., 1 . 1, - 1 "1 q , - 1 4> O 4 ý l, e Thrnumhrne e- - nd moMn-dt, l y ay 1hEdBy emnz' " cotiuern eoeyo j. ~ W 1~den~ n Sc.- n dnnW -è CO' O nurnyermnu-, E w oh10thank bur on - -cviS t , .nn-Mnuiultl'1- i 'S esuecfeniil F h1bera1l Il -0, ýSuLI ,f>L v unîîý,èen Courtitgtha e925 willgPye loieifor l"n -J as sO I fieran4 Iýg,, - l t O fn tr émuno'nn,~ e. 14-Ooii ii e the, pât year anick BJcickfUaF b.SZon Tc an happy to oit. >ll~( hîî-ig the p ai eaiW- Bec 1',M Mack alla M'alleJ. P., Ma ,, f 21eukeik osI n elen e, (Wan, het'iod- Srick ontTimmie1e, on g n bore' n w wereOP E1etils nnio t de"f-i Y .ae> en tese m o~ . ,APfàC-ne t 1eLpo y eklst a VfMa Ot W.ih tn o O 1ned n~lttet'f neGh'nlotonte ILn2nnuparents, Mr. andniMe. G. FRSeLz.-M in n r n sM V ' WJire- 'W n t &eCe ,à51 tlSA.mee Ot. e.ei: r',nit n vee n gond cnT 1I1 EJ L > N ,tjidntieega oHappy J. * e OaIgor GMATiie od eotr geneh. rnbId in, c -o iag.toLnS " S0 - ipeee(Ml 57, 11. on nei i day àftor go sochicie. ply tOChnampion Offie. w;.as ;);f l e p ont 2ld,!t G,.Pecorn.; -t il, Ith fine, LenT-On Tues y. bhe n nlot 2, temadm~em 0 e n by csnefuerWehn n klor M lieGran Choightcna Fide planasWm-meimn comnunicote wtsuéW.4 R.ete ' e ge nd loineni Celrin on ,asin.Milton, Elit, R.R 5Mitn r fi 5. BE~~2 'eoit on rnethn, god oeiging. FORe SALE;OR 0O Tel-Si me oen III teymet e19noenommer kitelien, in gond conditioeiu bardn . kn oeil amt~~ &nh nn eeîyhnion. ontt oe: gond gnnden (.)eeor hienots). ,-King St APnlY 4îe'eit iû nel xct Sun. eioh Oe expressuheir opprecotion Ion Tu. 5 i ce ee25 iCi f ne'u '~l a h Store ~ Shep rne , O oin T e pen une oeig bnce d uie' he pet meemthoo h ie~o. h~ cf~ l l i o T e tc tnne i tec t inoo n d' ,R el- tN1iI ho dt- s tr, Becuiepe iMaorn. -inn Chaoneen t edrS 1,eC ___________________________________________ Sinda ,'n, .-*The Supremcn ofet Mr. anmesMc. ERa. BMiol hpini, otSent- aIHappy New Yec. ~- ~ - - nm-'Ohtoîe th pn tor. o ot ChIBe-Y- intmo 0e.Ce n hrietneonEne Cthe Boy Sconet. ~ ~ap - Sniendoy~~~f , p.nn~ OniTm tnmhp'im eI a>Cr preetu, ýMn. nd Nn 9- erem eini heir friendden o n hepntee Olaoin n Ec. Tieem. Fd. Mce. Mampiei~ î ie agnnl eymi." ""_______________ 'bc J ((O remmeen emtii malter IcoN eew . Teys n cw ois ecWhll. oMii------------ n e Teeedo, Feo.'Ch'tOO S>nemeeeep COmmneeonf40en- actes Inm tenget ynur Bats et the Empire Cofr een o b Eclo oi&'hdmntetn Itlomnmeiep'the Salvtoee&rmy honn, et amil- epposite Princeone Theatre. 1 iie a T IPOX tee Wtt.M.fbClaie n i on mnMil Àem Strdy o'd meeting et the muiei hCie G. S n a y , Veel ~ ~~~~.n.-'ChriOn limtrnotnd he Cnn e e sno e nni ether flmilt.. tn tt e p run lnin. nnun," te icai C csrnueoe tom eoi oe ecn Teebo n.eiiO S ie rneisdn eeec e m ni Ci I l 1 1 -ii Stuit ithelibj q II tCeth ffci l Ch i tm secie I ah. isl a a il ono uryJa .5t , 9 5,a Thnnty, p.m.-"OhcistaLae- Citnmheim, et Sanie Ste. Morme, 8De I p -rtryiais î),il ý' is;Fores. th L dine'Ae .Te ntroOmet monisin lin 0 V.. ýd n d y"rM in Foce,"h 1h> ta Lai nihmn, ee one Mendny. Mn rainne TeOtreioin> ueenen poe coi Nn ii IJIt(nI l îv îeitîV Iriend ifl renmDetroit,wehre liead ie taied caine te illiiitn oie Tuemedy.nte ieur ___________ ýujýyI te u tnn hckymaththie na eol Oten Oey- teappinaCioIr fon nnodec for ____t__________ - iiMlelnny nunymnCi n-honmdm e.Ov nna .enice ie b oiieg er of he NesonoTeielphooe 'etroit, nhilnthe Seo hakeondgirtcesosn paton o~g nn nhilogro onh om ietenî t .Co.'by the Bcii Teiephne C.Aceeon LI boysernd irls are ATTHEo FasoMoER' Cee n.-The ou- mneetnedIn Cwe ocee wih Thnannsi t n doy wsondnd ouai meeting oethten HmeteieCrolltY ten.ee-Cunienu mhehereoOOftT.I.- i' 11 tloeV aysopoftke ..ataivlyofte .. er'Cnedt oR bnheu i0. ii Seene, o. e e S. F. LittIn. Ch lêIntrutt cdd pm. Repocts et Tornto cn onvnmtion Club, met laer oie n S e m et and mepeemen cmievineieesenin Eonne cagn Iiegeo.get their meneherohipticketsate, i.e m. Oeotgaicrê.Ha p an ro r a ler I rp1. Mer V.'Newon n h areefiu ne ivn.hedueenigameo iii begin eet nence. w. e.L4eOTTn. er(i.ia ospros ew thé 4eanffOhr5e5rMOnemtne, un.Dememien baleon e n oid momtie t My ét. MIiii~hejecnrnnofbottejenugh tieh ee ner . tuoin the Kenox Cotnce rnThe Pre- cfro, h m's h ! oS Oee~ ntei rd otzeroehcre, itdid nt go rm nihn BO. 3mpn.Si C u%-Lnviie'iln, ofSt- heGliMs e- ani Ceceept ae u ndoy, miece 2 Seheel andniblieloen.7 p.m., Cher- s f N E chu-; t, àitIs, Jhn', ento 9, ismtered. Lest y eue e imhemethe tecean.' O Thmoeday, N w Y a n owoo. ' ani g-cn ri.nemo neffld necatie- lan. th, t 8 p..the Rer. tD. C. Mn- Beumemoodit imen Aroued 47' on- 5 - - ~ -~ ~ -e m ; Ennllee £-nI riedate, mon cr ineDeembmer. ' tieger, 0.D., et St. Andremme Cieurce. l. 5' onde o top-. nii j ~ ~ ~ ~ ) le f nmtJ1eneed' enoCeon nfe tomA BAD FAeo-MeNi. J. J.WilsneD r. Mregerimeothe ieeeaiandf Marione KrcNer oc, nne ycnro adn on1neM met cleiti a poiefleaccimet a mco e itieh mciinnnmeanthpresme, aned 4tOwnSud nsoueî l nMoitmehe c BnOTenlegédtebconnot CLTD.Y S N he ime igemee io drvnof age yeeternimy. hec tel ee in e ie't Ite g n e ie enee Cm est _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -1c1h " -et npecerem u neri. Eoeryhedy F O S A E s mcienmt ohie n e- collaeienmee a oe:n eandiomen of ber neicome. FO R SALE.Socaiie n >5 n llt e SobeerC Wadnieii. idemg a dleeiy reusei hast m o meu IEOIT HRC - ilhit _________ Cthoewin he Methedimet Chmreh aC nnendnY. hindonn oni ieih, eni i e d 5e m ofIO Ceo01, ec te ineme> of tienprieeIm i n eeoimef Cthenu meeuCon o-iC 0. .En 1iieuii 'ten a ca ontest. he tie men OC the evcnlng erviceCire himmbndid- Timeagni ae A Mn oaieMtooty oi rm:Rmtee ealderO uarteCte. The eon- fer Eiqueesinî formera te get a pei- ] I Jon heyvolt rcelror1led, grecaCîie neaismd the choir n iemigien ~tenppyeof Wood.BEAR IN MIND THAT il n Và Frescaed a.~ al Cie inoding Chrietmaso caos in a .B A~e nc.OL i/~ T ieimmeer icmih a a irnse ntirely 14N or a A e, W E SE L L O L T E etieeL)ameo. doi. ieaeûsi of run hbompschon. e ret. BEST IN. . . DocELING BURNED- m ace On loddresseev. Mr.'Boie rend pertieons igtthee ninlina l iOano paigiet etlirce nton attie andi osede- ot Poppinie me.ndertul Lite et Christ. Wiehiflg our Many Cnntomerst mtnued itieal tsconetenltsencelt C.ANTATA.-Tie, coneert on Tncndmey Rome fureitue ote gouf lor veig jînbytechi f h h which W s ve ne or, emeg McthodieC Cburch du mnet.drom ame woin e c iltemian. Adjeemeimegllrge an audience on mie qunîity ofthten dwli gv once.o pregcnneeeeed. Tue choir. s- complimfenltsn 4 m. ii 1 agnemoa t $M5 , pa'rP ly si c hy nemernuof he choir cI tien imemered.Preahytociano hnrcc, gave Cie socreni ne. a Coantat, 1Ti Mor ofet lry.' It m Saofeso FrdWtoni, ofioerm era. nrgtýt eful camttB, - epoeen __________________________________ neemeeeof thiefletone Cecnterlb dm i alti Je nibelene, ose ot tipe modermeL.E.TANS nie ioane iemeoiltochIe. 'm -Whmarri=composeprir.oABonifi, Ai tofhoc. wki n Trnt a e cmde -on.Inmn gM ettsngera trone Sonci' B t, the Weili inotne cno- 0Tme gt h egCe mole ontcomeerteniV t d Y MC-IJý A w ner r, asoî r gnn- o nu o ethe o r . T e onsn mg th e Y u o e a d W e h r y t a t a p i f B n s r i s S o 1o i st a . t e t i a n a b a l t a e t t I f u e n c e R e b b e r e , L e a t h e r T o p p e d , R u bb e r , F e l t e u î î id :i b h i , i iet meinn Inh hogran- RosM. ceberg play- Te eck s re hveu iin> Omood, 'ret e in s pad.asus asaeyprove iin tee s nOwilunl cm en rn ecnine CARE RESpEcTFULLY 8îOIiCITED Light Rtbbers toc ovee 30011 chwès, or aemytiiii-e.- bec eprernmeagnen tse n greot ity tint amocone et ofBU R l a c r ig t R n h r o t e i a o Ii n Lnt eekthe tOakCe ta"eiee,000 tic qonltnChie one, and:nvming.Hayo ih lbeFotarwhve1enii dutelbyth arat t rmonrcg oni; muet hae, on uch nwork in- £n.the m A ici- , n piaceni n ,thc fnndmenItn ,psroon, ahemuiel o oC v .henher. 0.r It We wish al ourFriends'and afoeoi e e S ' i ir.o rfl CepRibr aentwrhwhtte ot l teIi îymgO12' 50 the___________0 lechor. gar for 1925. bet-it patys. Lfe Beîoy Brand, the Simd*we sn I 5n0ce oen là ntegr 'Jb HCEY ouVtead ni AHA g HOE i bato ncthe wmd, o o.7iennollO en la d a n oS m en. ng fe itM lic. H-On CoK CEY. p om .IQ I 0ln or t .I en'geeee ies' le h e Jon.5-BVotetand OCfllence Ontn ' n- i etaie gCmBed JI anet t t he l UZE M pteno iHtMc ~~x, nie il Tole B n Soe :f~ fo~ r HlAl no r ARE Ev ff T onns'y 5e iit t e xp resIn Ws. lo e 'Sf9-eso pt n uo eam pon. TTe a ool P .5. ýý oe grttd o ' u olrri(e'ne - n. ?,-Bra tneg t oMil i. Ê ak ii e " ly -lies gon n Mil to e. ________ nectinoiep enISee doeCe'4 'Itoiaorknpes s 110 a doea Pose hp ôss is'oe ton or enda[for le ce emmo ltolnu Ne ve. 0 B. Reveofé o jnmgadHii4ph ea uofcko F n ilr ro r. 2olSoete 'SM to n t te - tonn "ru 71bm 1it er gnet on, nola io ngfoîas eni t enon rl ocd5o n - osn ýfo ele eT 'iLhir._ ___Mil__ _ t................ "'on,.eS V ;am;:"? - îitn tdF&i"- racor, - .nfoceli> encod Th SC4OC ' '- ! "i ' ofetme ý'l'sund vVîd n '~ l' e 'i tc;VwdJn - ~ p $ i t a h c d . - th oV [eýi51ý n, ' nC~kdt'ee ~~ tefeg 1&a o î iv l-.. Y ~ ~ ~ ~ .,dfrs , oloSi* ' 3we fVOfP-nntcrofild~. 5 Phone 40. Jend *1 pHoýv