pany1,, lead. l0 Gai- d ollar 138' Boss 69C. OVornn's ckings 7e. Pr. Btuy iY ýocks N 'c' pany 'yen@f 2bc 25c - 25C - 35c Li ci. i.. O i i iatrtit ai jt' a tieORed iil- me c eile 1 ;i itr RoI la eotp ups we Jt, lattîle soute cftin phlitctiL uic. UotlseaidF dtt t in hecentbeith ew t. mu ns ou ite f te lc'he e t . icii parentmseln dsrc t îîgIe s-s7 oe t-w to ew"ý noalo ge bc cler e he ife et em rant liaw P cirLoui releWtoaig Laglinswioro, Iost eof 96 was et 0te ffte arneaf.A 4, PiioNE 240- hMeats: Provisions W. R. WHEELERi Oeadquarters for Men's lothos WHAT ABOUT TOUR NEW SUIT? Start the senson rcgbt and early, and ho sure you ,et the beet selection nf Worsted or Tweed Sitings. lioady-to.wear Overcoats, ruhber-bffned, which i c.ake them ainil proof.1 'Caîl and inspeot hefore you Stanfielde Underwear, Ceeteea Underweai- and icelitiiiic5s-aol gond lines. The,.a gonds in Mens Furninhinga alwatys on i îc c .Gboves, mâtts, Sweater Coats, etc. Iitiu 1 LS-Pabod57's, Carharttsa, Kitchens & 1g î iu. .1, Lîned Stîox. Mackinaw, Coats and YOUt( CUSTOM IS APPRECIATED. ItHO r.-S. R. BEWS. SATURDAYTREAT i FIG CARAMEL 29C. Il.c ody ebonld tako i cime a pound of this good ic e e nds IlReu. -i (,...Satbrday Teai Puce 29c, wVEEK END CHOCOLATES 35c. lb. h 15 te tha mocre-cý, of Cite sales tax we !Sud i cimicî >hMe (o -ell t(boa Cliocolates at 32c. The 3'-uo',its anîcot ho beat. JIiog. -10c. aid 50c. lb ... .......... . -WEEK ENO SPECIAL 35C. OTHER SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. aesMixtue29c b. hboolasSeaoati35c.tb. vi icChere ca pIt i)inlh taxes 59c box. W. T. BARNARD ÇýH(NF14 MLO Ilhe i ari3e.,Acpreeeitiig èereat MoowU '-- .iwtwçior tinte, r meueeriae pictiores te the-public* tanrs regaeelat oit estu ergelo a2.n. _An fmvi-. Apply.o; CeOotea W4&lSKA tidon le eeteed'esfa n.m"dtea JMI m-.i.tsçekh~ 1,5,ai hAd BeesvT res-V. .Ltiiebolm.. Hall -al;r Ne Elgttrar for laiton, hba ven bis tMusto. e~i. P< - 4b e OLle aI-aaSe SI nonne rep bél 25 ttenete tU beSdev lt rsorttt;ty 5,11105 dea.iNi 7 ja% aing.-l Cat 'ut. wic - wret he a etroore l-eiTaOMÉ m.Cei.pbnei.4-f fril u cîy~re aià= M ond The ie for let qu fr tI1 wçasbs. eso et o o e e ty e b a r e le 8e s. d e"u î,gn eee . a tikt é a p, T h anabdt Pa ftriokiBaeer o m fe.r eeod"oni M fI..oni mny et anee alou oa. Ladie id, vili lee bortS eteelOt- o rialjto ageha. ireli i ee came C ii wen .il te pritt ai. ~ embâ ofheq e orIL bae, IBO*e 5r-.e tht e D. Uies-tRrii pavemnts. bey ae danereseteAbooutLEi 70tfl5 Yn eea meS pople wsbae alkg n aea avoep a 12 ingboutE aeke t. a en"ond iii. Ge. sm sieRad =a. ýp Laa e s'ti , w ler ie eat in he cho l- .. Pr u te a ds ing e b a- vavas e ws521 y ae a i Whoe e e man -e trday M.-A ta-oe t5iga iTea MeFy udet. fl e. a i. aten AtIa edee Yraid fat. ie s 8" dpaegrtainirmaiaietg rieuuthb Jnp etya ser~.gheSSh~ edShmefge rdtt patvements. naean vl egve Apeopl e al ta ..rhtdes ite he2 weege a dt hemm n i tend l t artt ttettaincm et. Thewtnt n tite iethNem.alOn SaterTh e taie tS abeud i ltty B hebdren eeo etare e th eorAe ofaeriii vh lai a wsraekettya tia e u e nai tatietia e tariatt rogin trthe oletifor asme p o. from theTrnte ora a tsd anfa o 1.rid eeicti. pu ai i .t eradwtoe6 PtFerboroTNrotameetng AmaegBo8uemcFeno-GeI o. I aien,&tos odet: effELL, ewa toeohloet osta o trcal eotent phon re oceeLd by hum r St M. lEarid ofi Ate Bellet hia foe e oan Prlrary aotet lante oxCncm-r. tfbdhadflivedinNasea eyora thd rgr m e. oly s Aelb! iu b M sris 5h ël. Re i b imml . g iifo eid Sin Goangso, v e. ton e iiain nd brhayteged Totiet atttprea-ebin aSfia forer haerueprgeiiioo inPumetAL, OPTiCA. l OFeR. unChan ietStdy ena BUo CrilMu.Fco.adBe Haissh-gradu gldtled openildent2t5at.i tew id heve omeinîelton Blcateahof Bath eacelmte el. oyeglenenwit bit lotephriat .~. L.Made nd saahtr rtot oftR e balseau t end Toas el l Teera tofthelInte.110. AIl c heta ehMolton Glfat d Conttraeihg et. lu roeryoCubnd-y foothelsie,, ci rou te.TortioNoee atrm l oee. t we k ronFiay vit tlndaadlPie soarie fn Goga ittyr ea oma yla. Ihu ghaa. &fan tas aiKITehToex-er . E as n lan WeAsTofRGBEri, t thly apt ilepeatfarIeaets wih, adar acTouaante, he Tedet ccre sdely63 teirae wl. te brtatricaon vto brenstarsotuen thi nee oe M. .î FIidîo f ai Mltern, ll, s. ed herd B t, in whch'Mi8 Jen Dewir, aKindr. l ara.bistLo eooband, gaTivo cyP iary WadenofyadTront io oS tu lo Pete r Meoei, o a itMoedy and min N els n mn e aci Ib Noloy , a euly. liKnoxele TrotoOreegme i e e go. ed . nu wie andbite I iice eretiig afthetema oencl aea hld ha ren ofatfre r Ch ar. aterie fiFe' Nie gO nd-icicaisptatncle--an dm-andeoea vae. Te cfha-et g.M tou eeotery.ý , ate el, poe nt oboes wtua pt, iotaaffec l Oa.Mn .L tMondeoîane ia Cte etee.o &ýga ad T o as Bli ofbtamePaît Offi e poulowst e con- dJaonanne'm arda a term e lâdrp a s tf. Ce foursse aedronde faonmianîfmaej tnend id tean nter asre, o Cho.msrofacb, amuît. abo. ar rnabpical exper forum nts ritteon -inilea ade ib m b t- h la m tord le Bre ptfaN e un, r . h ande ]&ter f rn e nryo rg n & C . oh c rg r o iolncae-s il e.o tnye thongo a r Hunt.' Monteal Thebe naipica o e ekeein to min eb oacopait it- Ho dieoa Ted nd etfoer it at rc8 r n rJmsMrshal.R-fitafebeirmea ef the igbelnoel5oarde. arekeicî h aorlob edîT e fndbeeeusuy pedentetbeeoudo o Twicittrdotlciicbricucvpa an eyegs sntofauhelate Pte eoe ar f Mona sd inca rgftoP e e of the olo. te ars s t2. i ns eu tirniaac eso .Orneiie, r M c obi itmou. piic il2tItalmeic t oice Aflth e aaaWnts net pl asid b t-he Pepita. H mer olu weh.I-noamnt an imitai. onýf An i ta n. ey a eeotamo. Tne liefpoation bob LSalgcee, A . Xan pta mort tboîr neaoeptt ploaso eoll et elpel ni Peel Chopter, RAM.. ChtiSea th eY Ofce ie.u t en ut iin-on. ontsar senndlolla rrhesangeotlrrm s Dmuer ai Çooe n .tR irdrniFr iert tîbe tpealunnydet aleona ittilen.-i,îueetr.ldpde roe eote and roids raneYnnt i ofalîell ai tthoConyTei r hre .Fecdnit h orde bldi.lie tldûaaevlitMitheni is tiabp e ovo.. a i ome e Tro-en'bdChnaod n FBerapntne3 ears vice noticennd longhapsourceiofiefonîatn, ero]btorja nd aLha ofal,3Roe-.I FridepofFehiaarca ibitîndas ibcatai otigcde te ha poinal lamesibowl ing S ei enetonicthoelitacfeivin ondlio rd nue fo dag o ran more, th a r o csri n ofn the Hlînrnived Bpoaie Bntd asuinc e prscuiuu. eaI inrSeau along. BahtRoe me r. ong Freh otitt G= msicapcpit, wrOhii aeiinioO be ncc 14 pouele tbofisnet aidbs pia.lewsas elk ni rp pooaont eponiag iad eie t he metioary til e t t nm o ll- atar Felî, bOn. ad..tesgo- esan ftlitnic. iiteni tacr i . Anur F- m s no e nti a sto o nigb- u e.t, A . n,. Write .On t pin to meet, tited Tccaubt.lpheeseace i au cipal of PeeloCtaptnrb derna.t anda_ irirE ogYriicl n Oe.-iecia taj'nnn- thecistr se nd 1 lil a rane nir e a ho oî Iaia Odr ofF r cotingt ta, icnleicîldeititui, nid ta pnoceeeds mi bnppitlc rot hi, instrument. Dacin fcani 8.45 P untiti ot..Adersini 1peu aouplo MACKENZIE (J i~t R. hi (t~ coiS Cold and Grippe Cough and Bronchitis Remnedies Remedies a nd h ,1eiieciso ic Ie eicîtcc î lind tet cllede a ite l\ere h I aI a lcimgtppo. bot laireoighs and reiiciitis- tfr e reliCefti ohfcld..ncgi e. :lakenzas W hile Pote -ati Tm% et nexql CId ab'es 2c bx.îhîlnted, 35c hoitie. DiJ.ccc ccî mi.Bitte t Quiciiccle lt,tic PRexeit Cherry Brt Cetteit &' (tt c S, Itexa i G îcîc- Tiiat-Oic ~ Iextl \\White Pincanditti ia-')c bicttie. J'exl[ GippeTabets -)c oxRexal Tatelese Ced LiverCilO 'l tctte. ttciiLaxative ('aiI TJ c t ict tocli RexutI Cd Lic-cm it Emaliiaci81 I ttie. ae1ta 23 hecsctta Cd Liner Oit Riicimeci as in 5c atîcixet 3 tt .Warmpoi's Col Liter Oit si bttie, ioxalilAnaitgestic tltm 'ilche. Bîekley'm Brotahlsbitcc Rllt Aspirin Ttihiets '-)-)chox. Itexaîl Astlira Pan-dec S5c. Supplies for Dances Fariner'sStock Sick Room Supplies and Etterttnhielts ~ eedS Clinicil Tliernolncee, tn et arî n es Niittt d eu l ysodDisiniectiiit. 1) :1 i ) gCards Krso ip Ar ti ph agisti c c OlpC tIaCiltle Set.pueuSltpetre .ini u Ci and agces, Ciii aI Tac, Sa-cet Spîs. Nitrea bena1 Cupa enltOa Pilier Naplitice, Crîcle Canboli c AdI, Fiati S 1net icclg SccoCare. Neatooat Oit \'seliii0 îlot Witlc fatîle. - Po, lielScore Calinsent Pc. Adheoiima Tape. a1 it es, -ds, o.'HlleboeHcbbing Alcabla, i ,Iiy Puices, .Ps. Getinnilitt, Brast Piaipa' ýpoainPo Elurompante, EeandULicou .-yritiges. tecraiolO - Hoou Ointmaflt, t. ie utable for ppices Mltking Tubss, latoanEtnen Soblion Baini, i We'\ax. SalferY Con fectioflery Ipnd Iape.LOT5~ nd buesoes ize. Ni on O sand Lafftîs Chocilae, ci cr7--s Vil veartioehie o 0cia . cbox ap. ~~~n~edse r c 1 Bih Cholatesa Cn cree. cits, iluSo in\ aPaper llehsino, IndxBao esnllcherry ceni ja îe t c odncn Crd W&Xi=oa ticks and maxy other combai- 1'Ii tiere, 40c. beoy De e bixs îorc il .BookSs,-l ilaIs aactuNul Bars, . ag oo 1i aIgece Day Books, Minute Books oondTit tia, phnt an s-urt bottles. Mter PinoS lititi, HnhanTws ,Ststemeot- P44,8 g~~9slaifoe5 ismi oSa e9dntt aord geingnon ESAusentCoiuLsoa, a oe ne nt mach trnnolleaionan ouect Emauel Coulsen, e liie-langresidont efb.ocdrifts. Suiteaeneaersi eit ofatheteownship of Neleae,.andOne'oi deep. theo tartiaipe baet tanoar fermera, THn PoOSTnarucE-Te mort tho do- passez]t aaay atha, residonce. Loarville, mond for mare loch bases ithe post oni Thorada>' aoninf Fob,7tlh, aothtI affice 1651 bove bren iaatallod tulý.aege et 72 yooro. merk, iiiohleg thîe grand totas,10li The Abnout 44yeareaega he waoa mrrioil mralfor uraulrouteseaow goos o .va teCeita Sheraoodof Ziumoutiioe chat to thie bisement, wbore the o dosghter ni the late Win. Sheravena. caur.'iusitrt it. - The lateMr.Coismn arasa mermber Mrc. und Mu,, Isae Werup, et Us-b- fer marry yearenlho hold o positioeti cîtt, ay oe Soeobuoted their 6îrd armai the Quartorlp Bord, and testa an îîcîîg auninernny. Tboy have liied activo eurtin ail its ativitti. mare titan bl! o conter>' le Oakville. Epoielrlueblo aras biasavortaan They linoS ninuMiltn fou nom. yeaua iii th. SundSoil.B atnirrt the 60's, mhen Mr. Wrcsp badl charge as o meuber of-etNlson ownship conut- of 't o M ilt n gu i ten il . cil. It a so p ea u re a d iin p rati oti Mus. Hi. F. Hall, et Bororir. Setk., ta ttnsee aro vintrd Mu. Coute dur- and littie sons, BilyadBert, haro aur- 101f lltiOsl eovra marurrorgret, nrivd te teav, fler apediog the pet thr bore bis anfferung wth Critiae nonth mitb ber aiter, Mm. frtitude. Howave a good neighher Meaniea. cf Bsffalo. WI'ile in Milton and olmveya reedy aad willing ta heltn Msic. Hall milI ho the gaeot ai ber thoerio troubleo anollie, Mu. John Beadley. H.Bis oaio, hinij mas louri>'at- tendeS. took plane Som ie islate reald- O uaVattn BRitaa.-Tbo reuît ai once Studay atteronn. Tbeour the examnin o f ithe OatnilIo bridge vireent the boome aaa ondacerd hy byFu k Barbe, CE., his net heeta Revi nt E. Conren.hipetrd Pbiaeabat it a. rrpauted trnm Oak. Hon. T. N. Liave, Cempboitvtfle, anS i lie tbnt thb bridge tasntin las bal a at the uhureh hy Revn. M.LE. Conren conditionas oet fSot epnrteii adthat anal G. S. <tsserare, o Nm.agaieye. &Il defects a cn hoeaily remodird. ,-The feorai itieuhago aere beautidul. GncOuezCince.- The laies et The pelibearer, arbo avre orienteS GrceCuchgve a henqset le the bYhimneof. aereloem. D. .Bsn. subool bouise yeterday eelog ta the nett, J. Je>'. Wm. Fiekett. A. H. iendoy Sohoal techers, th chir amid Ferler, t. Fentheratine euSdti.colin«. the nficerue nithe ehsreti litaras toi' Hoetevea tu meur e tomed by a programme ni spehs ndS e ion anid dasghterr Sheravood. aid vnal aid Instrusmentat muici. andi.ira. CReadheed, beidea three1 Rev.Cano Natel as hairan. brethere. John- Wiltiam anS Frank, Rer Cnan atti ae caîns. aid tavo sambre. MiseJennie, et Loav- PICTIJRES nitlthe Prioccos Frîday vitte, aed Mirs. settiard, if Manitoba. anod Saborda>', IFota. t5th andS Itbi The tamity have the sipterre .yu- ',tollywood." Tht ausry Mast v Piuthy et ait the neigbohood, tht scetentaitk, tse Motion piut isrseezsMLesa aspirantsande Nt.Slih vev body. Atea Enri MngomerI7.l On Satords>'. the th leat., titere aTticpboti Troubles." peseid ave> et ber home in Bassaga- gaevynerrCampbettvilte, ltu er Ota HOME WEtin - Bemefihar telitest year. onerof the adgat and muel meetingecnlIeS fonuMoedap evetilng. etrmet i adeothîe-twaiin Fnb. 18tit. t 7230 pum.. te G.W.V.A. the persan Ot Inn. Catherinea MeLma- moine, er CtementsHardavare Biere. tans, wtdsw of the iateAteseoder Me- Euerp iltin lezuodiati>' inviteS eb Leenao. who iluedeceaseai honton thia meeting!. AMilteti OtS Bos'ye yraega. lMr@.. liLeoan. abose AssiaoniO aitt ha sîgasised and "adeDame aaàontbentne iCampbell, cumitteei Card te complets me-.aras bore Oct. 1h. 184u. sean ligere ragements fer cotebrotisan te bo betai vilte, te the townshitp of Wapote. Joie 2th ta Jotp it sent. Baid(meed annnty. Ont.,, arbre abe ONBIL oD eas - eein.reitded cUntl ber maretage. Jan. bIb.1 Otis Bsî,- matercrdivesdy eventtig . 6.siorlty after w allieeremovedj tthmît, amotn ie ains b r> aitta her bauhandloOeCapbllvileand1 Breown, et Niagara Feliti.sered Inmmi latar ta the tarnm ahich had bren berj te hi itweaY tPt 5Nelsonl ta theeheme îr 4yearispriernto br datb. sideVandetituck;tMiu« Bile eot- Sbe-aa aavmati et qaiet and ten- ter andalitra, Cadmas. Boxa voe ing tpato.aSeeeimte n f ared anS bedi>' shakos eBroanaras inrone.Clistias e aase dmotemband arreateai, chergeS avit tcieminal 'sogîs. sncembatePobteta Ohoroit.mb gres .and reteed on 8Z.00)boit. te (iampeliri, *bose reter. 1ev. JLT. hotiSt-mornrw. Me ays tbe deS ta Ïý4h er iae!ser- ieow anese ttieccident. -a- avice et tbe nomsat lveo'clckTusa. Msihetst heita Noes. a>' ftirnooo. 121h fat.. aren a large - aSatchrh oes bsnt of>' iii Mopd-andne ibbpore gthened teaythiertlut roeets tO Thte cntai Miasnmy lenvicco WDL este ,lwuvlll a Ily issedinth betd in te Mothod[*Vlmc ab =S encîcm utntt . ge m Sünxday. tsv. Dr. Douog o.f Oak-' ldes M eraigraoeinitttdmsshe M. TaCtor "le' ProM1ite sprintali esra tA. w mante for etsOesgn= eei nei~8caeioialoeg ~tI Who" Drabla ,Aun&m,55 ounte e Brtbeet flcRei and the Coat- Raneo*hentrinsam o ATàîe' '.fyt~ Myulen ' bs me ape»rpeýV r ft'Wbte' ~ Y~AiL biei a Iaengite toFd divSfer - e t 1 - l- qdi" th ij~ n= a201 .jfqý Phoi iv ecw Spring Merchandise, S Freeli fromn the lorne of the world's moet rehiable iuak-ers qF1ait repes for dresses, Fàncy Silk Crepine and Crocodile Sati , fro qSilk e~d Wool Voili n stripes and overchecks for dreses, Ftitta Wssh Satins an& Lingerie Satinsheeo. These goods are in to e desired cooings-exclusive but flot high priced. Crisp new Gingli 1-Casernent Clothe, Sateen and Iepps. Curtain Serims, Mcjt ~ ýq ana Nets juet openeci. IWALL PAPELS t S Ail in stock n0w for yor inspection. his aeason the à i, c elled therneelves. Even the low price papece are charming. Sooig over the book, and yon aili have a better chance ttc no101w lthan bter in the vear. g q~ FLOOR COVERINGS«-New ,Linoleiims -1c' iÀ,L' qOilcloth, ail wdths inadie, alto Oi1cleth, Liniilemin and C ât al aiszes in stock. 14 g We seil thenm-Headlight Overalls-Me at1il ttiti 1 crn itep te bettc, iiis til tie îafultciii ai ti, up-le-hic ntinute ichid S cash c a eiod frc i i ii, ileti ce ýlie knicea ueo beeinieaS. qi Quality Goods-Lowest Cash Prices-Satisfied Cus tcii \Vel exteicd to e c riacitl ivitatîtit i k tilîteagit deie w Ppiii hi 1!' Ilton's Big Cash Store Phcuïie 9 ýl ocil,.andWilliam J , ttheatine J.oaI Mtm. Anoholleordonast boue. An- atiter dasghter, Nu". Nairin Simnp- son, Tronit, dird oe yeacaga. Inirnnt ernemadeaia Usmel- ville Cemoteuy. the polit-beu, cing threenoti, Albert, Archibaill and William t taore mss--bar. Norraut Simpson ond James Mortin. andl ase ouite cousiin, Peter McPbsît. CUJRLING. Tinrntp crackinkseplprd lOuu nut latonde5t la the ainsol benaptel oa isc Milton Curling Club. The mouCher waston mildand the îoe too t fcu aeodacurlieg etten the ea-raiiroud. ownardathe lestmany geucai pssm coandntget theirtlesoeethe itog scoe. The vetoran,Hill Scott, of thte T.os-ia evioe, ehe leauneai bo rl in Bittai,was oecof tbo chieS elifmerer.. Ho i. 70 peaus ioi age. Ho gai bus eatonsup, bot hi, tirea ploy- ors, ail old men, canîi nat Thopuiccue were aaroaed on ibe pluse ,em. iTavo Miltan rils ot0t intthé imeprîco lot. Tho mne, Finat Roundl. Milton Richmnde il l j j poaeck ..... il Moadie . i... Gaît Granites Mtlton J'Welaater..13 J FLittlr Guelph Union Milton H Oleele - ti....10AS Willmatt Laeoviemo Guelph it i W Sctt.,.. 8 SC RCroeav. i tlait RibPark * C McCeenlnn..ll Rît Woalnsiv..i 0db laMilton * A Doler ..... v" J Mnîted ...It Miltan Hig h Park * Toltîka......i11O M M oue A nMilton totO.-......i JF Rotbinsoe..h Bramiton Gaît Oroîci-,, iseaidr .-.....15 liiBchanni_10 Guaelph Ueion Mdilten i Smsithi...-.. J Aruetrong, 11) Galt Gaît uleanitie McOactilan -..... - IlWebster ,. i. Gueltph R C Guelph Unon C w .......à Stoole .. . 12 Milton High Faut aceet ...14 ivnlshmv. Miltoni -Loboniem Su tî t ....t .. 10 Scott-..... S btilten Richmoindi 11 Little. . i.. Bon0M0die-..... Mitton Buamptail Toltzka ........12 OGtatuetidr.... A Miralaton '~ batS ..... 1) Mss-led ..... Armstrng-....3Dorter . t.i.. Guelpit Milton (SaIt Braile High Fart Buohanan ... i. l12Moore.... 4 Third Rounid Guelpht Union BoIt Stoile.......12 MeCanalai .. . Bittai Mltai Little .. .. *Faect .. .12 Mitton Miltona 'oeteba. tMaiteS ....14 J, J,' Pescocit aina ahi Mnttiror Clip ami Suiet rie. Rresltas mItlcvs. I»-j J. PaSnn, Mtltas. 3 ovinu rieen tasi Guelph Unioun.i3 3rsad-J, Maar. lmts ra -d .lsI.Miton's Winniag Rieke, F Deavar JBayia JLecocq CLoes D>8 Rberteon J M=atr J Feaconk, akip. M Cetiteti. skip. The. man>' tusends ni J. A, Ture>' 'Toarn»i, lp r of et Eqaestng. avili h i toterrt iattas bas reroveret esebig Wless efflcieedtu te ure mati Londoa, e btshome. URi±T 1N0W 1t siReay for e Bso-st am gaerrub> A#aeding W MELOP OWttat 845 sN wwlton iÉt.. for SOO~W' M S s - -DR. HESS' PAN-A-CLA- 1I t h. 1tkg. 3C. 5 li). 1) k Sîtîphuitir Selbh. 1 ' t- Saîts i3 Ihe. 2;)(,. Lancit Oyster Sheli 1,5 lbs loi25c. Lait: ' 'l i t Oyster Sholl 100 lbs. $l1.50 Hrî lî n. Black Halters S1.00 biin. double seaxeci 1. 75 D. 1 (laid Wîierpeaer Wasiier, siighîiî WE AIM TO PLEASE. GEO. H. DAWS<,ýN PHONE 4S. HA1LDWA1IL. Do Not Negleet Your c Keep tiienu xarm iuélli.We have a complete stoC-k i \I Wonietî's and ChiI4kîîi' Lifehuoy BJlpi.îî GRAHAM SHOE HOME The HomeofnIGond Shoeos MITTS Dont fret about the COld wil 1 in and buy a paix- of ouî' Mitts. WtIî i best in town, Iined or unlined. c-Ii- iety to choose from. TRY US FOR Axes, Saws, Wedges, Chant Horse Blankets, Hockey Suplies. etc. our-Nwindow ov 0515.SiDWIo coal, specîti lICS(i >,. anti $1,38. wMdà . T _.: -