-mai ica, M-firee RM1 IANNOLD OlBI iUT8 A ING FSURE n med For Many11 The Pole of - -Foio hEMAIRKABLE BISE FBOM A Frmn etre latu a ODE iBAGEB.l e e e UMBLE BMGININ. sornedtand unappretlated, as ons of G[T R[[I[[ laccessiility a the mtu worthless of metas. New Designe of New Equipument Cilim ---- ir William bMackenzie. Was 1Mn 1.11In however, lit has come jnto its own a o tIpratVsiiiisi Kirkgeld, Ont., seventy)-FiveYears is regarded sone ofthe most va u theorirtiornfEte de o mmer.i«Il One of the most interesting spots Ag-WsSholTahrBfoea .a sfu ofieasogada ilUeo te ½vsfrP Untl She Sterted To Take in lhe globe la the oth magnte H e Weni« O.t «e.t - with Sir ,asina:tn, as tat fglatolmaecom.ctosailm S pole. If a maRriner were toa fnd himn- Donald Mann, Buit Canadie a ihsnaer casedouch ld ecite-r nrated.inlncton-tteEln "ri-8-tives" elfi her e. the needle of ie co-pas Northern Rlailway. ment, étrilla and. misefy. It was tited Ivul ýffrdflntl idiaiono di- Thkasn rSrWliu e nown to the Ancients, as la proved PiaynrdIo communieation, wouldcie :e rm rut t c,ffor hmeondicatioprnde Tepasndf ilimr-by discoveries of old mines at elaYn ofa sdar adln The MdcNe adiFnm r rcoawereasth e sedles e oe n ftedominant figures of Thebes, in Egypt, and elsewhere; bue binerteler aphstachdlnefiae R.R No 1,Eveett ot. n sch wa asto ve s ii tr te emrio i aaianr histor.y whfhthnderful qualities ofthe met an d demonstrated recently by Chicngo el- " Lhd eenroub leforyl Il h twoud tpoicntrverof the earth'. wsrmral o h aiiyoit wslittle used. perte before the annual convention lyspepriIltga vleran ine 1s e I, Twaedetarth ls a huge mnagnet. It its railroad egpansion and the conill- Later on it walisoemployed by coun- o h Association of Railway Elec- i , ntia-ties" Thautiis to lhas two points called the magnetic quent opening up of vast areas of vir- terfeiters to makte faille coins, and ftrhalengnes h einr .h1eeihlato, mi no alpols -po e )f afrei gi trrtoysueo h o yralw hagohudrdsofplatinum or this the new equipment claim for iltim- a a:Nir,,HOASE ould stand pIselyvertical. Theé asthe financierof h evelYriwaon- purporestagl eogt-uotnnpsiiie ntemieto Fri-a tiv "alonecrail lIe isuchl no:th miagnetic pole lislin latitude 70 building partnership whi d Pierc day psuch "ba et, taly wouldbohxtned cm ertlas-o h an cucessfut tlsheenu- degrees north, longitude 97 degrees ceived, constructed and owned he wortuh "aeor eald consf te pote a eos for rivalnthcommues u,ý t ves" is fth faous, hwest., One would naturally suppose taTonietaaalra. OtheWothmoeight, ldcin fté-o tal dd eom erha nde prtes e emderofrilahesndont th sut mgnti plet b a te as o te uLig of the Caniadian The modern appreciation Of plat !tion, commerra elprfhado ru1 it-a "%es" is plea 1,1-A exact antipodes of that point, but NakOr the Rilway lbe brought an eZ- n.ralydtsfo 17,weneptng 'eutil gluli rtethl l ieuhehh finalt oiAnt righ thineasnt -aordinary ability to initiate, 020- *Mtono de Uila, a Spanish nav Beor te"00 assembled en- hen ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ l tae euc ,dre rmta on hog h etecte and carry to a successful con- d$eer, led an expedition into Southgneeor essge frmasndd Oe. ho6 or $1 triat4lbize25c.of the earth wold notcomes ou t aecusinprjcs -fgeat magnitude mei Teeiefon tdpa gbraastigstatifonteailstafdrom Ai or fromiFruit-a-tires Ithe south nmagneie pole by a consid lSio rWilia MckesOf wa brn etan Eiee le touan u edpas ue ua n.etrable distance-the reliaonwhy fbn- inKrfelOL o coer3,mt l wihohenamed "platinla, ,lthe convention room astypedl ngthat hegi ear Lth's maeti i 1849. He was the son of John and fromnpt a, the Spanish word for the metnghllo la rinary arv eglarlyi.stributt-e' . P-Mary Mackenzie, bOuh natives of ilvr. 'ter, large quanites were "stockticker"1deice st the r IliFerer OI av Hi plrsTh emantism o te t earl ap tÏand He received his education lshippeid over to Euiroiie, where the "tcinutr evc a her e Famr h Gv Hs patoh1atIL utaleto anetfie itofhe pIlicschool of fthe village 1scientits eof the day began tIo experi- approximately 40 wordsambi dcon Health for Hi& Son Indtena1 ,-hich isotan undåad the gramamar school of Lindsay. mntwihIt ad lsIover is mar- Because of itt os gcl-anmd coni ý,Itlaa itfrmd, e.,3-I.oe e1ltue t liecuen t he pas n erou t His first vocation was that of, elos uaiienections i lweedngad re c o-u rin iaig fraednheavy-ane, Id 1rog tecrs o hepant aI ioo00teachlerbfiti he leftfthe schooti- The mtal son became more machines, which. liowev@r w ou-t armen wit etle e- dbry isouunese om xen y - for railroad construCtion ln widely used and appTeiaâed. ai- ordinated as between e ,un eh b'oim e ecta trhurson the sul. n. flut te amot I-,arts: securing a contract for thoqgh fitdid not then attainfthe tlons, signals wvhich vre -render i nnwanted hboytobe a doctor. emrikitble thing about [lhe lmag- setoofheVcoa tlwygracmecalndriscanehecyetnaa t wr o he wokd hr ,a ly and- at e - . nicplsa htilydontsa ielýwalater mierged with theid- it enjoys to-day. telligible, nealytyped depate i w e ,th. a t.k 'g Il rtht.pt th-Itl e 1011 laeti polio seech iange he land Rai way, a division of the-Graj4 flatinum is founda in stmaillgrey imultaneoundy ec r e congller r . thre at a c o t "Flu--.unti ishe noit l i o loyn le sems t T'runik Systein. lie continued tis particles aleng with olthe* uetals, lin- ses as un l ette lIali E cn l ure feots we a couldn't wor nd preentaime rto e ov ingnorP911hwle&I-,k for the neXi len years urn cluding gold and chrtomàe-iron. Oc- ation ofmennsm r edrom «es t tenu.n eIfan w rda r1 f ieto g which period he buili the Toronto casionally Iltlit discovev-edlinthle formu and puncetua(ion u rk, ll devold lit he lur nw-uberculosis. I'Mr a jyear ng as lins. wihI l aier be- uf nuggets, which are inalurally ex- ljnear spac ng.t onfi t ha l e, leg robaubyeti uwl lora apo raame a pari of the Midlad Railway tremly valuable. A 2à-pound nug-1 The key devie o e y m , u ha vehdbttrcr gdbte ar-northernri egion you will bu ,1anld the Credit Valley Railway, which gto laiu ould aitlihe présent lis a smnall inh u e egi ng le os arreiaid at uoka 1iýtruckeb tle mensity o waciIve-a absorbe-d by the Canadian Pacte timetbe woth over fu0 tislathan 20 purs no steDur) oital for onsudmtives nid now t 1IëIa, ihe reine Archf ipelagooftailway, found generally in river deposite ln more relay, fihe invenlion of Francis ith skiie ad tmeicl ndrursain mr wa. Iat isin gupoint of size bya 0n1completiou Of thse lines he Russla and in the republics of Co- W. Duidmore, a lstaf ite er of th us oh ac arig etierf erd fi theortOeiorouphof igslansuitwnt0ohe Wettunder contract lumbia and Brasil, In South Amnerica.1 United States Bureau of Standards, ngsil, Johan s athumaltig btter, thiioe wold. ioneo ebgeu sad 8Bnst fwi th theCanadian Pacifie Railway, Berneo, the West Inodles. Australia This instrument t-ansmiutes the nd 1ei netuisi ose o roehproenilns ak which had commrenced work upon the and the United States also contain radio Impulses fito a specially de- RLH . taeh - is wll beougho. litwhrag heaes. akmosu-Rocky Mountain section of fitsgreat smaller deposits of ithe valuable vised land fine telegraph code, which, fte .e ots og akt h mer %ae Traders occasionally transeontinental systemt. Hia cou- moel, in turni, ls recorded bly the printer la.y. bu ýto, the octrs adie" he vwisit BanksIslanin summbarer tfmetracts kept hima ln the West luntil Previous to the rule of the Bolshe-1 or ticker. In additiontth ie seler- su lutangont erher f tw od wihte bre o 1886, whien the liam of Mackenzie & ybiks, Russia supplied 90 per cent. ofý tivity function asn regards wave .Zae tohe aimae up&ondthatboyim, Inaddit- oMannthwasoestablished. Ithe world's platinum, but to-day thel lengths, the relay alto responds tou na.behe anstil endhi bo m inaddtin t te Nrt an Sut Sir Wl liant Mackenzie and Sir main supply comes fromt Colombia. délinite fortes, go that Interference oHe11re. geogr-aphi Poles. and the two ma- Donald Mann first met ln the spring The usez to, which platinum la put by sendingr stations with correspond- tekmyb t ei pls hr sytaote oe ,18.SrDoadwswrigfrare aimost couints. I1l lmessential ing wave lengths lit reduced virtually AN "harltoSCollge Street, w-hich geographers call the Pole 01the Canadian Paci e Railway near ta osente and chemaistry, as fit l em- to the zero point. The. extremely T rato Inaccm tesbt. t gets atlametheetwnsfoKckn HrseLa endployed tu makle crucibles, being thel close tuning afforded by the tonal - rome tlhe tac thais fis hespt on Sir william un sawmllsï fo.r the sam only metaet that Will étand reallyl resonance works also for the elimin-- l,%hee 'il io SertiChisinq. Ihebearth-s luraceonmofst. dint toem ployer. The first contract .of the Intense heat without mellting. Neither1 ation of statle Interference, accord- here ~ ~ ~ ~ orl # lYuSedCrsms rah h oc aing tai lt, i rmnwhich lwas totaestablish an in-is it affected linsany way by the action Ing to the demonstrators.- In ai thecycl of lre vu die wIy notr theof Bahing Sraitoua ternational reputation was thle build- ofch lemicala that w'ould eat away The signals received ln the stan- in a then e the midle o the ndisoIere con ing of a short line for the Canadian other moea.lainthie manufacture, dard radio set are passed to the re- 1,,,t1ilYe i d eThou hyou . e....pacific Railway through the State of of mont éeectrical and telescopic in-'ly,1ad thence transmitted to the de ilr ý" leml 01LNobody ilhas evr een ypthiconty Maine. struments ifisaalto indispensLiea pitig elegraph maichine. Thte dll fi oe tI-home lr tnt, yetoit as boftenhyporheily B182hewthheasIst tca ble drawn out i nto the thinnest primary sending an the receivin g • re pibe r. uM r te nmapýs e stth e.gapie ance of H. S. Holl and James 4"' wire :Wlthout snapping. equipment are idential to thaut used op o ikCide t here,-. i Ille long ago wlhen lra, mee o thae bnavyit exsedrne,- of NMontreah hbad constructedfitnes Ptnu aued ln the making of inPritrtlga vrln Hlin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u rltswr m e dsaebig inferreddfroru- fo agr o dotn nro m sulphurieacid, and consequently ttvwires. The privacy trick la turned COLLEGE ST., TORONTO. '0e eopit r ;mneed man rryteon l'beonf t a n IcuilCalgary tou Macleod. When these laisoluhtely necessary for the manu- by mnerely placing Ce wires of the nci en Lired great harahip)s tha'tha e ealybuf mllo lines Rere finished the firm fora facture ofbâigha explosive. sending keyboard ln improper rela- Da r dtr mighit he vith fiends and lov ed ott-1ogl1b eryhi alu time ceased to ope!'ate. 1 Dentistesavis a great debt to plait- tionshIps with the bioadcasing pul- di erMrs in medd .1 l'r ma Dy.T-day ilti, r If nai n re avyd Io enier fihe Sir William hadt become interested sinum ås it énablles them to fit artifl- nator. Thren, by arragging the samne Raece have e led attention to the nt. Thle modlern rihvalwy enabl' vileca n sb h rai electic railways and in porie e- Ciel iteeth with plates and rivets order of pulsations yat the desiredlgetsriernee ya t ilro the crmtinent in a few dail, nilah of Nothd an ytie The velopmnent, and had gone Eat tgwhich do not terri or oxidise. receiving staitiopi ecmulea- gdaterositaletrough f balit u-, 'mlr.'hiyear there proinusr ., through Nothe wlater pahesayoiwate the franchise of the Toronto Thin platinum plates havTe been usedtion is possibl. auswhredeentied for rea trcuh Propilyfepro 1hYual heavy ( h'rtisnltmas -1n - ot 1eland lTho third is ,:rt Railway. Shortly alter litsr- withiM recent years for making arti- stations tunied Intoftle proper waVe amnapeit the anfoupt of NIeo, aru inravenr th.r ,u n-th, 'ruaZh BehrirK StraiL The shor. il, ai tuOntario lhe becamte one of the fltti lrooifsfur the mouthe ofotldiera lengths, the pulsatiouas register an thiswoaprkéconucea udrsh -ud1 weo nd rer thlla y Iln elroad to Ihe undiscovered promoters of similar enterprises in and others safferingfromn fatal In- uncanny x..y-2 serles.The unco-o la- auspces o th edopitdefr tck un e il nrd pmron s erm m aalb rthe latnDamedt.But lthe South America. furies , lat' the only metal over dinated signale give the code expert Chsiden.of Ye it is ol foby intesv and speedlyi> pos bly. e.anadian alen binecks it ne, irWlim' udnctewhich wounads will heat. a problem which several ha.ve notstdofhecueofhlrn' at al Hala are.mavin pr batr!je mas ie d forty-odd year itrsswihha eue h o been able to solve. diseases that the houiplitalstaff has paa 'ns fr mIalae. nyni a t oLý hJas ptee dition- ronto Street nlilway franchise sub Ble-Pofshr.The broadcatn a emadebenaetosabshawrd prs fr, fi df( tibv cet e au ¼ekigthe North Pole," À tl cuie e oAwel-known war corresporadent available tocmany o-odntdr-naosrcr o ue.Saitc avimi, tneedlonly to place the u n d iiýyeth re uiLrprise termninated L C nd the MSetropolitan electric linb telle an amusing story. White in civing stations simultaneous---or show that the rate of Infant mortal- ,i t he hanrds of nearest irkt ages lamena sewhich were consolidated into , Pare at the -beginning of the war a held for a single station. 1ity in thi,,,province has been steaily oft the hn, ()nr rprTnthw nljanetesiled frominaIn Trno&Yr aillala. French Inventer persuaded him tourkdecreasinIg, until fit lsnow amrong ieliver lue transportatin r 1ra11 e179 nd two years Th oldingsYofrthearal.iAanio btain an opportunity for demon. lothes 1 Mthaloestiniheworld, What t1a end rg ei vnulr friNdshl,) '1a' we cushed by the iCeritepany are the Sao Paulo Tramiway strating the usefulness of a tinla Tree br sue rpclArc en sta udeso nat in hin lras ew h oWhn Ni , wek wa are y h cditI.Ight and Power Co., fhe Rio de chain-armor shirt which he claimed to makre cloth. In days gone by this pareu cowe their children's liVe, to h hstia g,·NLenl &,a accessthe Arctic Ocean, and JaneiroT:ma Lighit and Power would resist any bullet or bayonet. material was solely used to provide thes research work in the laboratorie, file lo eight years afterrward noated 'o. and the S'ao' Paulo Electric Co. A &le shIrt whlçh hie claimed what little covering human bodies of the Hospital for Sick Children ROD AND GitN down the east coast ut Greenland' Sir W%ýIlliam, wbd was chairmau utf and dired at with zatiéfactory resulb needed. In the making of the coth lhuhthlotr gv h thrughDenarkStrit whih sp-he board, wis associated wvith Dr. but it was with a certain journalistic h rea ttpdt egto services freely, thle bills for equIP-! Ti sor f n v u anin aaesGrelad rm eead)inoPearson in thle acquisition of these scepticism that my friend attended about ten feet. This bark stripping ment add uit annu alyt a good tripy ini,1d in, 'ý i-- -s f he North Atlantic N alutable franchises. the oMeWa demonstration at Hendon |ctan be done at twelvemonthl intervale, many thousands or dollars. Bu! in, ,COp AND GI \ t , A hV FfenyasarAmrlMlle he tir a as next heard of when later. Anyway, tu oblige the Inven- the third or fourth bark making the view of the resulte attained, i fl Frnv wn \\ a d himiself one of thle survi-vors of lthe il acquired somne railroad charters for, he put on one of the shirts to finest cloth. The lnnuer bark is usaed that agot one of your readers wdl F-ish poIle Q 1 i j u a Jeannette expedition. procured the lin the Province of Manitoba and pro- show its comfort and lexibility. it for the cloth, and a rips fromt four cavil at the money so speut, and 1 good dcripnnrf i chätocnstruction o t strong s d" egded to bilid the Lake Manitoba was ten that -the French Inventair te eight feet in length are beaten confIdently venture the hople that the Athahalisen lH e trr 11bI . enry-, m«ned to withstanld -rushing in thII Itailway and Canal. 1n 1499 the açhierf)d a dramatic effect, for hie with a mallet lo the thickniess of many of them aet this Christmas sea- ,Yble F'. V:W m i,;11y dscibe ce, and had themi lropped in the C anadiaàn Northern Railway caernéWhippiled :Out a Webley automat.le andr heavy brown paper. it is.then suit- son will wIsh to enrolt themrselves 11 a rng-dy of Id trlas lunfoicded by ocean northi of Behring Strait Each lin existence, and in 1901 the cuom- biased away straight at my friend's dried, when it takte. on a terra-cotta the Hiompltai's campaign on bebafo ira,1; in il,,snoi, in hssoyA fte adanme ane nIt.payobtainled controt of the Muni--chaest. "He is still alive to tell the sade. Haies and flawsure patched Ontarlo's chldhood. Tobl ini the 4now. A. A. Haine, SincaIetn everal of thern bave been toba lines of the Northern Pacifie tale,"ý adds théecorrespondent. -Bal- and the cloth in mad‡ up intoshet1 T crry on ihis research workll who i !an auhority on hunl g picked ,l up i uropean waters. Ont Railway. By January, 1902, fitlhadtfore lheshadl reeovered breath a War about eight fet square. tip ftherae isnot one cent except wha-t kIalniv i h thell risrated alta wa ca laothe north cudonst»ofcopletedlits line between Winnipeg Otites oliialgrasped fim warmly by Afbre fromn the dry stlem are oued as comesln fromt voluntary subscriP- deain sahth vrios ás Nowa; noherwa fun o (0sand Port Arthur. 1 the U'nd. "91r," he said, "you are1 thread and the work of stitching ls tions. For the care of the children btintir.g ,kniive-, together wcih ln shiore of Icelanld. They had drifted 1 The transcontinental systema was a 'brave inan!" My friend dIsaP-i alway-s undertaken by men. In addi-1 occupying hospital cuots there are uipm:n, nf themi. Af tertryi-g i leaï shioss the Polar Bea. 1pshed writh rapidity. fin 190 1-2 the peared with beoming- modesty. He tion, the baris used for door hinges,cetnsautrgatbtths yae asponycstl Dte hb valoFro thesenmrs odthder obser-Jamnes Bay Railway, fromt Parry had gent, where hoe could get a stiffi drinking vessels, grain drums, represent scarcely more than hait laen ra spend phtogApiir thie tons of curresatide énsurt-iSound toethe Canada Atlantic Rail- brandy-and-soda! cradles, nets, gamin rape, blanke;a, what the HospItal -needs. Last year Heil Brested "f lerganler, arl I, gon infre ht h rtc ca u-way, w ilehIlfat er became the Grand I dahbing fines, rope, eord, and thread, for. instance, the' Hospital doctor dhïrritJiont 't ai!n1Tnaba,rd rounds a great land maiss, the undin- 1Trunk Railway, was built. The foi- selln aDg.lokdafe a erg 1o 53 t Sbbid ,fnteefir ab. IThe Jancoverdrntinetbrad teain ep 'lowing year the Great Northera Rail- An American, while travelling ln Tasty Colfe ptetsad19,utptensd thýry Fi s w prailhefirlbe to hae otile. Da a sraightritnedro wy of Canada and Caeuuy & Scotland, saw a very fine shepherd Frenen cotee, Turkish cogeeRue. Quitle a colony of aing younigster- Ig hi 1 P-teNo[ ol oBgrn Syi n hr alohdg udtry aidc isonrtaso aft lhv a ter* Adteepnue --altthoigh Ili asalottrug h i ith mlleage in the Province of Que- ael[ hint "Wad ye be takin' him toamn thos ho are constantly seek. whittled down toa the minimum som, ,' ':1 ý i I n die or thai continent, as hypatheti- bec, were acquired and renamued the Asieflea?" inquired the Scot. "Yen," ing te hiarre; but, ln *Ali About mnsurale with efficiencey --%j an b f th clyouilined by geographers. dita Canladian Northiern Quebec Railway. replied the American. "I thought a Cotfee"is found a recipe which should$1897 The Incomne to the eYýI rii lLit' iIi thought to be a our-alded boy ofi 95teCnainNrhr mi uke"Said the old maen.. "I be wei-d enough to satily uanyone's ofat least $100 ,000depenw N(iemer eprt .S No6,Traalar.(I; ndoewh ta atregu atnoha. flviras extended to Edmonton; a couldna .airt wi' Bruee." White they ItfasteIt la "Judge" Walter Rum- arerdwehteeo eme RprtSS.N 6 raaga.o( Bennett Island. hethcodfar-rtyearlte Iebetween Winnipe Rrdaiga Egihtuitcm sys"e n uerirwa fma. toha pnro Ilirtl, arelie Iýnoih o Pont arrw (héand Prline Abert wa comipleed; along, and the owner soldt the dog to lng coffee" ais given in b5 u and s8the egrd it - hamil troh. ila1ry neinoms rehndf ort ka B darrw nt e an ihe samue yeatrthe Qut, Appelle, him for a smaller amounit than the muet fate equal quuhatity ofrbter pesta ead n Ma a h.11a no rnmot tens o Aas r Long Lake i Saskatchewan Railway Amerieain had offered. "oaodmdndSle-yeeel hmwl o MyIakyu r itor > 90 h n Euro M>n nearly to Banks Land, forming thewa acquired. you wouldn't oel that dog,' saidithe gether, b gby -thema. Then out to your reoa h optlt 11,1k. A ord, NfahM H13il -, northern boundary of Beaufort Sea. Ohrtanatos'f10éwr a ti fer the purcha"et had de-stire theln W Incot:W#*e uer- establishm"ent oflastfouim, t,,I:'vtJe PearneT Iý,1) The third Lornet is northwest of deals wice brought the Niagara, St. parted With the colilte. NSa, nal ae1tg( . elter-Se Curnta in every nundre'd Jr.m, - ;ilvCaphr BHnrhstofnrandteLand.corerlabec eSt. John Raiay vit' whim; Brue'll be back lna aday attirre -Xe$togeth. r. Add there- hv uvv a ipett Jeav.JI[ ,xv la S fi Ehn i n The usoere ad.cntnet 'sthe a 1This was ftollowed by ortwo-but ho couldina swim the mnt, wder-dy copie, to hood?. .For wit h ttohir a-tten 13'lrvreBrownige Ji1, rne in hatbed is in rdictlyenthu the construction of the Toronto toAtlantie!" aei lcur -ue'a eto ac ohtmn fte II n ileCmp ,RuEeas ak tern iber rnersOttwU n durinig 1909-13adte b auooil, honey, ioc and cofe4 migaid! 1bestow thoir benedieti onr S Srmlton, Gorgfe Ha uutn. elh above meioed, ai secb out30nie" sir Wlliam etarned the reputation Passengèesof the steeasib Talon 9etC m - tewr f Il eHosomealChr it IHa.nd. nGog rdon niýt. En nofient B, aarwb o rth hls fbegoefthe foremot 1ailroad p the United uTe ldsugliesmpanathedral is in sn othi mas Pe lndinWeten andarItL11hehetre: ougtbyswllwig he wll oBbiceau-petstlp 1ous PL nær- HwartStuto.fHrvoAntaHBaErrw ie n. walderd fte wi aKIhthde' f imo afer lahewhadotk ent lyuTlhey orids et cthedrevelaft E. RBRf 1e'l,1r1 neBa lid LraHai lula expeiene eel68 e tl itsad acezi h aspeutrosou yfhislre uthe.surunig oseTh thrf pea Committe Cla-, 1 Etown ofrEvefaham,,England, la tel, s nedtothe late Kn g t a rdt V II. froteshauirk a a ndor edtogea tery wi ti a i scver ed y. that t og e at ereEr Ethl . orisnTechrathaorngombrdd. it art nd 1908amnt touKingGomrso mne adtoylt nas wh haere lnit tow derstare faclig t aOfwpeen, 0iet, Topeneto ts of anairpane hichhad ot it en MaWey~en C191d. He marriedlher, and en ugswas uon thle wla.ofneichasrove or ines apknd .621i-ain . d1f icultie hleying ver te il- Margeae Mery, auKghto J offtreimouttghe rk waere f uooklate otheyrine aliaeothélteowadtefa BAl vae frm e avde as aridtaat h tAt anythien rongtadl hapentl ihLd si eh furë-ýO u b h hpa uceýltg u twdsc dis yha Inogret ents lCümlt dobsi reei n l asa awhofe ih a terrln lc cr nai ashtone atebi adea.- 1brkw»nos, og"leningtower."t iearsi f ageT he w.Moritcannot lia e opin the sreewt, narwl ure1thee ndredRng erge and lmi- iltih r ffuetshaiarem Coalto o ce. ofther Msptulopnd pek o al naro bt il a mssnu sartle cyclist Almot grntlfroovr.otaOn@te ambSall Th doma r wsš e na gn- rom araoalexeddeprim diatelyaterwrda iceofcn t a der.wHett rersbfrom ndWou f air ut «ýtereal koledgnery fntion artoé . Prom Bn-ay Boy Ilt iIhi ro ice w o sb lo ke t a s hi e hasyin ed tseof vma- Mthe Hebt ere recentlbr o ugJhnt hrs sog» wk o , f u d l . est n tra t o nic ea, n d fe r L ttleJ ck in a H wihsihors estab lshn iasteTheg fte nttion the owil Kwed e (1-eJinesI a ) te theoi of cmmuit shpy rai ofplae prtasuchas pice M W QSptheBäcs log, loaHy moe tan hatShe ' te$ anlý h, n the ai; ri dtir, A f J s . e g t J H w l a t a ( i a c u p a , e I a r t ALL Sanday, Communk i oybat MILTDn ST. sT 11d ârd, 4 DRS. Ni OzulmCE ILo. ec .liMe a id if P 15 A Chnstma HE whol&-out-of-doors is a Tplay ground for the prou possessor of an accurate,S5afe and trim rifle. The Remington Model 24 was de- signed particularly frs ,nbr shoigad target practice. It's anatlOader Ioading by reCol, and ready to shoot again after eaCh pA oth rigr ABrowvning achiß2ve- ment--the Only antolOading, SOt ,e af 22 short Cartridges• Se his little autoloader at your Seaet ei ntndealer. Look ve rthe COmplete line (I Remli ton firearmns. Te one for every kind of game. - -