MILTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1923. it Roasts as FALL TONICS. Itexail comp, syrup f 11, $1, Peptoriized Iron Toni( , i er OÙ $1, Btickleyjp 75(-,, Rexal 1 iron To n i ý 1 ý j t to i - of Tar and Cod Iiv(,r Oil comp. Syruip of > MACKENZIE The R-11 MILTON. Ph,- COLD RF.ýýIEDIES. lýlte Pille f \Vhite mid Cilb" ý And Th' M " (; 'c F Nzi E. Tb, oNTAR10 No. -ý co, G ý - ,.faFiries and pretending they're queenrs Trvellers Guide. a8# ¥6$ #8$$ $9 nd such like, and talking poetry to Clal) o T aeac other. The late mastier never l- N lN NG ANADIAN PACIFIC RcA T itoLateySrvc tain V== ngri h IEST, LiGn The farmer and T R WFsT a ad 1 It wans probably thre poetry and iL h6.5ghn PHNIE 224 NIGHT 127 falires thait attraded him to Mrs. teb n e Sat urda only lA Mo torist's e adquarters for -Yes,, sir," hie acquiesced withaHOUSANDSof 5.03 p.mi. gulp. "I suppose your right, sir," pp --u. t &Su.You ahoud be grateful to Mrs, T farmers throughout a t 7.~43 p.m.Bteyneeao adSatrTobe ashfurd for net bouning ,en ail for Canada have proved for --sNoY-the row you made last nighit. It could themnselves the value of %V wet -4.a2 p.mi. be done; ln fact, Mr. Torrence has 3o .m oAR4 .i ulsoko;e n eul atra nhn o l edsggested that legal means could be a connection with The been of g re t 1 Charging, Repairing and Rebuilding of fournd for getting id of you., Bank of Toronto. ance in hl %ANADIAN NATIloL RAll WAY BatrisaSpcaty hat would lie very sad, ir," ho h pnn fasml ucre 00 IH. & . W D ira O T"Hn' Mrs. Bashford kind to You? deposit account has, in hun- 1:o .onsouTH ïUo;4.NG nT J. A. McLENNAN !Hasn't elhe takenitpains to makre You dreds of cases, been the Farmers' bi a a p £1p.m J .m 4. .nall feel at home?" me a n s of establishing as import a T - -You Bater TetedandDisilld W tersuplie fre. "Well, yes, sir. But she'is taken El- friendship and confidence, Bank of T Ior SERVICE FIRST1 ie akit h ose n hr' oand the loans obtained from any other bin Wi, FZ work for hier, there being two women th1akfrmtm.o ie wlom1h a fn the laundry already; and she's toldth Bakfo iet tm wl m teFiii- ec ge o t h ougltr; n sd pacor farm operations have any of our Branj_1ý ng Germans, you will recall \ --- - It'sjust lher kind heart, you Idiotl C NMA Ald O CAAINNATIONAL RAILlWAYS T. F. CHIH LM o.,ve ilbee polied; that-s what'. SN ------ " heDobl rak oue Licensed Auctioneer "It causes feeling; that's all, sir." Incorporated 1855 be enMILTON, ONT. "It needn' cause It If you brace uin h a enain o shr.Ml > n c âiibetweensad act Ilke a mann," I retorted. Theu.m anviola eursigfru e MoNTRE,*Al, Sales Conducted and satisifaction ouaranteed sorry I hadt been sohieash, I added: ýHis visits have ahlrmed thle servatis METHODISTCHUKtH ~~~~~~TORONTO Moderate Ternis. I'-We nmust takre good care ofaMr. but thtere is noting .-to fearro - nsi.M .Pno' aarr setHn sTOH CK ET}{)lT honeWr-1, oaneeFredRbn so.phn .Bashford, Antoine. it would lbe your Your know"-shie silled lit Mrs. a Milon.old master's wish. It would be wise Iworth-"t' rathier hie wh oseems to a ene ued toeC iniCarR . --~~-R R to keep a guard at the house for -the fear us; that, at least, is our uii ires- U nexcelled DnngCrSel vices. R.J eetacs o ytrossr. no"gg IlHtold' ae\aldt t hi F hesbigettore on - ------n AicipluctiTfklo e wi t 0yar'e xpgern negetue.d h ale onote my fun to find yoursef anriobject Of spoif Iwart fon', imtniil for a mani to argue tak;i o OH w(MI EVICEdow-i argainweleeingorarsionfrnigt ainsad AloRaGEttet anne of teeabout te unknown Icilattention nd t b folloed, evIa llisl nto.Se a eenmrurol ights."N KNox OHURxpansivtaretAe lton IrorarnpncsipalC. Ey Tran- es.vsi.,btli aen cmet ursued. We've even led i oa lit strikingly beaýutifl tonighitthan 1 hall in ihs A GOD SEVICE WATCl ha un icetA C E on- PHONE 36, AcToN, ONT. "The guard's etsir; front and Mrs.,anw orth launly di-witwa nyi ayietaseW e ec r o Ingxpen ie wachleta t . Dsrc asngrA et ore ý hlle there's no danger vwhatever tdta hyhd e h ete a Ilwere ht ierk-and wh ie wa exceed ig. 'rli l oa il, awa s o iht o epgootim u se a ast rn J. E E L gnM's just as well to takre no chances, Lanta tife "but width l ir cusent e - ly tbeclinig to lher. As we talked shne ,dred thbefa ÙRAOE CHU RCn he bout i n our stoid reras .E. EL , A en, Mltn.Please tell the boys to send for me lion," shel protested. pmor se ssNx DI(ly aftan-a handsome closel.the fa FItA0E Ou CH 1.Of cr ,iseal w ea drer TLEPHONEL7.SWAN E NW immedlately Et any hour of the nighed"We met him here and there n1r11 tOf OstrIch plumes. A pretty mloment He l y a a:1 heae rneslp ie d R LIil aLe, Ai .. ., If they see any prowlers about." okyo, and Iater were surprised to weinan and a fant are the hiappiest carenley:"A n ru l e nh, L-r ara'tdt gvIortI ytic o arFeiOsaed "Very good, sir. But ifyýu fplase, find him crossing on our steamer. IeI po'siblr comnbinatio)n.Iam lwy cu Sam Henson "~Tr ageesFilowerin srubtc l"h alrace h aaead threwhlm ff in the Canadian Rockies, There is nio severer test of grace1un lascr a vuo, e nt . ia lgh or gnatyGond PI tFelelTerriber. sr-ehdrahdtegrg n where w stopped for a day, ail elud- 'of such tifles.1 ec. e ..Il 1wwnt -"al1n.knwha Ths gecyisIalabe-orItok eIlingered, fingeringthislbadlers-n dhmi hcgo hr ewsei h:m omn rane fusing a fan.maker'smrm I. M rsa he hepe.t .ac the highest grade-Adllgrown ini ily-- If It wasn'tfrth aie • kig e ir aCinca o hre ius."Acu yuoa rava mpeib sa h i h y1 M t Bs reao m UILlER and CONTRACTOR c,. usrie-g ad teait of about spirit,s w,"me " 'l ul xl ,ta n tn " 'Tr:see" u Repairs.lete ~~~~satisfactory dl vre urned tie hs"ais utpa tb- But please don'tgt he datMr :s.p iHnglierthit k-,or aisrucorsbe- se soo t ILL bAIN r Je & A. - ARC HAM U A"" "' thrr'h brs in . tl eth Etabihed 40Years. i6u0Acre. lievIng in such rubbish.If they really ;he man annoys us," interpose fore bl, ckboard. Bilieuniti grcefL h s e d fa Agent fo the Chaberlini etal Weaher repaindœndsbelieved In ghosts, you may be sur@' Farnsworthý. lui ti nbrsvamr to o h laueo lWachaTss nTue elrs XMBT L STRET. PEMMLN RSRYNO. they wouldn't talk about It at table "Far fromnt! " cried Alice. crto ha essa I r fascinates e lead wenI amýý- ie y a t ornaers lian msveWce e 5. M ERILSRETToronto, Ont. before strangers like you and me." 1 "«Yo've seen enough of us perhiapis tebeo b t s e. put it xa d n cariefa my raa an ere -a pm . la orewit a onsiene. - -Though this seemed to impress Ihiiml, 0understand that we enjoy little ad- With e hspey ad euaimt pfund it.dw c-u ama"" de" F-" 1 sIBISHro IN MILTON RINcx IgS9- ~ ~ -a moment Iater, as I was drawing 'ventures" said Mrs. Farnisworth. 'Thre was istinctly cos nio u tan t y onta- IrLlydd a pu an d r ~~I NS U"R iNC E g E »0«*» er, bngs"r'ted*1aoom, lmani pretends tbeo Iteresteib in cr CATE"a ALLWKRND a frightened rabbit. ýstory about the disgIsela rather her 'handis thalt Interested himi as they beenl set out on]i W.m Fr.otle RucuhunA TER2& WORtTnHagainst that; but we illgive hl"m the tmllinl rinterested lme, but Nwhen,, ast, whose a hav.Fitaga siv a W. F. DEWAR,.Phone 102, Milton - CHAPTER 111. benit of the doubt. What we are frmtm tot eseptdw th etrand se ndo TIl.a ad D Is R nC ENTo pan opaitng ur tha omelth ri ellyaur- fan is gaze stillfollowed it. And yet unhesýitatingly po Ngg g"" FnONngmaMcmeNfTispesLsenDpr-there mwas nthing Covei in the delicate statedvery pa bILondon LbfeaInsurance Company ! The morning mail brought a letter suit. With you and the army of serN- cobinlationi of lvory and feathers. Il opinion. iri a l . t. ~(1~, ~ --vi---~'^-fromtSearles acknowledging MY COnI ants here we feel perfectly ara; so hdsenm nyfnstaIt'l1aparo1tew olh Ir E w æ AL ,O T- - --gratulations on his play. While my we're for giving hima every Chancoe o acs eejtlk t.OncOasshe e Whe lie -a e auma ethsiatl pris plasd hmhe ho hi hnd. picked It up and lazily opened It, I savi spections he Il I i IMPRTCE buslIR. A»RIBÇ. C. R.T U R N E R - svery scornfu" o° m" s"""'"°"l' "He is the Count Gluseppe Montalni,"him bend forward eagelythean, fin minutes and too1 j t MPRTEd I R algeCadliaT eR roM r n ymi g g e more depressed than sirti my surit, "who reprsel Shimuself inig that I hiad notedbs eagernesse that hie was spem!1ün I -E IA MIdLorC TON E MdusectII our work in uwhen lhe talked to me- aaconnoisseur-a lover of thre beau- rose, pretending thaet a brass screen Inn rnear Stamford. MEDCAL MLTN aMndR Embalmer "It's impossible for me to plan other 1tiful." before thre ireplace hadl caught his eyel Wl, said AI e i anWor. 'ad aksu'at h 'su The mnystery Issoled:It Is easy and asked whether it was not a Flor-'is machine bal <fed &out of me. I'm done; finished, clean entinle production, wvilh shook MYyutik fhm C0L S T RLA ) getfo al uerl esgn. y utofte unin. hee' olythsfaith lin his coninoisseurship, as I hadl "A very agreeable gen,* a --B re O r Ui0 e- PHONE dg MILTON. M R DT orpr.Ihdalte rmDlo bouglit thre thing myself from a Newv swered. If hie <iesn tr .N.....NICHOL3N saying that Somte timte aglolbe asked at York brassworker who hadl made It to lains, hie fakes luis ta!; e .-- ~~the hotel where hie sent thre script of mly odr Ada ofn - - - The PROVIDENT ASSURANCE CO, - Lady Larkspur' to know whether MssMonansok olte'orelin• asot. l1ilr L E ANDERSON M D H. CAMPBELL" Dewinghdsn owrigay"h to be sure! They doni't shlowto, I hadl not inteneIfpl t, a Head Office. Montreaic, Que, dress.ylHer accumulated mall.had1best advantage in electric lig.htIl tant's laterest in A i iIilfun I. ConvyacrNtrPblc nsr ce o sm " " s" been called for by somte one whose a they ? But I caIlIN hav a few of the remark surprised me,. c lve lvrlss1vfie x ls gn lC .SIdentity was not disclosed. Of course,- prize pice taken inito the dinin "Oli, I sai fit all from Eitil t l PoHies ,o r losstes by Ire, eplo- Agn fr .P.NReamh2p. o. Wais this inquirer lame-a small this isn't much to hang a rope on, butro, adAie luhdMs an tr port a th fal sonemPloy- . Po 9.dark man with a black mustache?" I f that play is what I think It [S nd r s. F" arnsorAl haicusd hr- as he d or , b Il GWty lan a e > y n ro-or1E-TOWN HALL MILTON, ONT asked, suddenly Interested. "Such üa Misa Violet Dewing ever reads it she's a ·sel t insha ldee d l r -uymrrsr.tu he dmeinen ronhsbe hanging about lhere, going to jumop for the telegraph office sch a i I old s eher head benOver n"'y i n The haiit ^ jWMlP N ONiget, MIL O.9-~-. the boys tell me?" the moment she finishres the last act. c ) thee big desk in the lIibrar*y. AIlicerng th fn--poncd G H ~~~W H E E L E R ".Not at aill11Irmay as well tell You 1 have no plans for returning East;*.fr ntinan Ifoloedhr nt e ,ecisil MIUSIC TEACHER it was Raynor-youpoal ee-teflk thm e ed sIthre hall to ofrer myi aid. i rtIn it -l J ARM I5TH 08 vi.lin tend Yll ber hanm. He' a splecilist in Interne- please, and it's a relief to be in seclu- OhIdon troub",.le," sheo said. "A,,-caughtim esai' a ino iMn * a Th oy tional law, and they took im Intor the ssien where I hear nothing of the do- toine cati Ilanyinui; nlecessary'. Yes: (TO BE R"OPRACI PIANO TUNING AND) REPAIRLs. stedpamntjtafr the Lusm! lnge of Broadway. I hope your an- A TI utcher & Lve Stock Dealer "" ino. taias business.- .agntea n cetgoetrotting sont still lingers--- ---- 'Sugel OteU)at)'a good f ellow-I've played golf with in the far East I Kee the ink flow-- Sugry rOsepth.--- - -----F - him a good deal---and I hated to lie to Ing, son. That novel ought to be well M.NIELSE N. D.C. Feh6atadCokdMas D.A . BREMNER, imr, but I thought i'd see this womn under way when 1 get back Ogggp ilryinsiRsl hyin n urenbefore telling him shne had reached The talcompharl son withs eutter a p.ars 1, 1ATEnAo1I confess that I was a trifle dis Alice Bashford, i hc, mc 1,Ni, I W ., K. Afi 1TdYr Ade ANTriTEri mayed by tis. Raynor I knew slight- against my will, I had become a rminor PH.. NF.. HOUSE 162 oaead eiecei od id " y. Professionally and socially he character. 1Ilha rather prided moysl PhPhoneBrotallstoahigh and evenwvithout the pres- on my abill to sees through a Plot lnve 8 --- -- tie f is mealpostin e ws otthe first ch %ter of the Most coril- "The MysterylaSve! E MCCUT CH EON . chap to snrIeezt; but I didn't want cated mystery story, but the r o nestn hyh ashutemh T.O. cN CHON Torrence to know I hailany dol ubt spoinits In this unitlte la e.drtn h cbshu h COR0PRCETbRS. PAI N 'T E R to the perfect authentlity of MY un- balffi wy romteeoue ntl "es;qit as.Cun o ii cl h vr rnsOtn tlPi irtmwe's idw.- wI s received quite very anxious to aseethe porceli . R t "'-t "",nd uecrannPrHning , "h, veritrnscntientl plgrm dnn r-tmwen waAliceand Mrs ".I wasni't referring to thre pottery; andDecraingof llkins' is probaly crutiniEed ClOsely the sea an nd ybetl a fbt I shan't press the matter Fin2smpls flallPaerto elctdays," I1 remarked carlessy. Ms- rs 'oedls isub Iadvise you not to; your remarkl MILTON norionfrom ashfornhas lt a rae inS.N othe ai t III teAto ine than the prevlous wasbilgly improper from a nephew to' LTONular ihmoio erm Moerat.Ian8S.0W st waanGehve't manyne And night's discussion of ghosts. annaunt! I have told you about ll I M rnai aly(loe850al3 mr bitterly against ybs BoIlu- Their day had beena spent, they ex- know of this Italianl gentlemlan. amin 1ailand EmpIire. . . .5.00(K) 5-~¯ ier_ companion certainlyhsn lied nafrhrexamraination of going to ask ia favor.liIe telephoned a r anaan Toonto aly t ar.5. 5 E ALs o l a futtre the business," he de- my unle's Japanese Iloand theylhad fromn stamiford titis afternitoon to Iknolv lærters or Ie l anHerad Id en t ole taken a long walk beyond the estate's whether vwe 1a arveaninb StirNr-Mam \.00 :.85ri WILLIAM 1• DICK Leta o nothing foolshI Iinsisted. boundaries and were enthusiastle fnuCai o tnig i. 1lu il e allisI Mabbo H -¯----- ---- tyUron Attrne7)r baof th s esowomenu e t ot h' a beautilly peaceful % slould like to know what 3you maire of Eermwmnanos h aswr N I T YBarrster. Solicitor and hovyne. 1eur further fromn him."about hee,"Alce murmured. 'i feeai "ert ailIasned lasdtit n e pmoentbe rng s the ans -r NT IT RY T G.R A S AW"°°"°"liemot' " f cpurse Ialeltohadi a ,Tat s ar reaitr bmt te o erica," ashe badl take einorco eHappy Thought Pipelet ss eiart of an canri r om ,10use.angriy.dtat Mr. BasfordMrs. Farnsworth remarked; t"for Allceeand deeply Curious las lt tlalFurnaces insure warmth Whtsifaio to ava e T E. B BCOCK aluato and Actioner him mmd ae ly Ldalyloves new scenres. She Inher- connoisseur. Whiat ashe had tli nIle so i and corfort in the smnall ta sa"àdbkr" ht RAL SU RG EON sa ca t rtt edtto. TII0M A. liUTCHINlSO ur wffwiay; audetae ast oe e laes on be ther , evrai tound 1 usiby inot, io-h omne.the to yurr R -ches e-il pubted,•lar itr.S tr.Ce ya, r ot o et. e p t ! h oune rsrveille; o U know., tercest shown by thre American state de- Happy Thought Heating a steady, eve heat. Theatre0PbliTNet. p- c5an put h whoe resons t know and 1 wanted to asl partment n-my aunit's arrivailiat Bar Stoves mean lesful and HapThu tRnesvey r om e - o. loE 08, . MITON Tlehoe m. f he a temp t bt fileavg â3mm bout Alice's father, but au ton, which troubled me amuchli ore more warmth• food, your bück, your time -d your BRAUND they expected tehan an d Ryn they, .f 4t ghy. us to frbclustae w I owd thewomen across the Pacifie and t gvn, -eveheat ;- N AL ESUROA U r l --CN thley lièiexpedtosed h wa' ures myhe pacntake alo ls .Is.U-Count Montani arrivedshoi tl y and'large eon surface mak et he w ci Tai' LSURG COUN FHA-TONthitvgaee. dvn atr ecape fromwa ecivdin the drawing roomt. The • ie. o n*,essarys airl r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o A i o odhmo r.a frs1Ilutlte BriIsh.- she haI rend the stoiry ladies greeted im with the greatest elpake man's woiev r k lighter oeroee in LOC AL COU RTS C A LE N DAR tares Ila rng A a ..e mis see she de- eerdiality. As lie crossed the room 11 e we ai d ms.- i7F Yo e ovicn i ta hr wsaeuto ear that therà verified the livrit and other pomnts of HpyTo tRne.Akyu Telephou "a "M - ~~leftinonY P i he r exp res, dhm rd.ait anÖ ifn i&o Atlesdsrpi i earngnighbour. Sb* probably ihais one. b u ry.. grtee s efton pomie o eprt, Nomwas that of a gentleman; and ln his, dalyata iven ourand lin i li sIoll vrycoret vein des h. arl G. eiceor it aso aa Jue ept Nv E unsuaacdrrd. ws at d wi o.,looedlik amanwh wolddisuis Fr Sleby F E AR O e av- Ware mnagic. à from :ooked nkage. krey, or L. For 1 SMP Lg. To turkey, sil-añ of the asting! eans as or hard ýry size 'e, two- Ware, ware. Lrdware E A RL ýà, JIL -Dia-