oECIA FTLMTRACCIDENT. -WT ADU~ MI4LTON. Oct. 18, 102. ThebluI athoe weut gaiofd e ~ gnqIMi The Canadian Champion FATAL statT onwa the l ss l i4p - t P Cb8wU W tI P pe s» eS ikA c e ore _________village__________ near the radinlciennSti- h et runi office C..D. for Parceo ,,,en f e rriledMo t on Slut- losI iBiCI b Iet o he Prl-OP vectibSa n i i t. s ie fi M o ftin Soilise, Th e S o t w ll v te for t e l 8P " bislisJoh U 11 a seriosnai iii'f rom Stirling Cooliew 1 L**l , CO- j,' , s )f cC-0. .for pareel Esquen n ijitffoerMes John Giffen aiment tie wholt brtmdth of sotand n.t..b lois IIin eoperationa year, alun of oie lai s t ce frtai her rait, e te ses. aseond chOIC o ------ ,~,îcî'etigs Ieîow acaidlîs. tlelie d severaI If the Scot had asIC la etUre lt as PrOe ani" lied andMrs itLanîd asc(lt and] wouldpUî roi for the vil îs ccli t liai hýeeeaj preciated by ieth knosked doinPobbItsur1, u nom bafaîrrutsade'I'be th, gpectatornt uluîy gets anunu- 1) Iljabas i baas d l front B 'lise leud'y r . Gff~~e xapldsl fthe Modlern Athiell, 14,cmoi Oct0her, oiJ,-he irit f Oste 1edge caite VC ric ali] OeSot :U h blh o F rh in peration- have src bd ea pe iilro i eUig da u s b t ,i i n t l i , t h î n t h t p e c e i i t h e r .a d . ti to l l s t e r i n T i e I c r e e a c u eras î g e ] L i i b l u mo0 ! i e b e y u f ld .o lkli i~ oia. ws liat the taLeeI beîng kniicbedI reoni Mr.Gidclis Wlh ~ hwever, would g adoul 1and si Teeotl The t bIsr etahmn u a b tcI .oclelg iiciiilal'. Ttelotalband that U V E L V E T S A R E INIting (Y.. hefie ar t'Ille"' e 10 I atsw jtl ieranipi " art" ee s liy kfruai thet ti Flo rsi (e -B a k hic' ruscli tii h f aroundtoi v"cc ltcSeadearly" e oklo Newsmkea da'Des B4slal~11a io~ a5 IlHakavatgef>tiiisNIl o ,ojissie i te diftrSnowduoi. Then eh.Seo uld and %ilos plie, Vevetsinak an ieal rsi] ,1 1,11- l I 11 t . 11 ,,t sn hiriceo te asisanc 0 iiit o, o bo -I oqiiiiirled -t et d 0a n tisco ~ îtan isudfie ntrer@NEW GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS I recsboth thi eicr î;iî heacdcuerf a noui gand111. a lIandusheis lIr ON iliner livig clse I tir sev cof fat" hev w in Bn N is i thi, cc11r, litin,iil the' cari l1 tlt.iiaccibydecnts slu ancu rie ac-olnsmaesr, ), D. Hegi, of rampton, soderfisi. Ilhi taMnt yuui l cIai clarlito e-liioi ae e lc . Hgi. lerte tfa e itWesfrom Bll les Nsî iuil,i.anîd adiitaielic.1scica inter asistrd i sle ioi itattle u mîOf quît îîa l i U ît,îbill, esesi]laer ~cluose te CsolWaY Ce, anS aItest;yur te ien'sWTeeir -LEv ,iTUEici OESpOse aoIr tAtSE. c l i eri afîi-îitle' Rl orth Wae e id4 n wde, rollains5. i'ise ter iied troulia firait'Tinern Âlbtt, lu sethtIe WOai l turd sine PISSig avaN alnott '- ig trouh t - odefor Mles andShtwl hycs iTF,011efO- STotTA.MCASE.d cci ted lfilbmelee. era t1iiicgard to lat ueeke Chaelipio e it cîsltimi h iedol1ictc 0 5ni la emany splendid $1.3 fIh allteylok are sone thnu e int Ieh]' a sr on co dition,, ie focîbriltbigle visasfrua it il l il sthla îl e sOI ar ta âM s eo eteu at îsr î3ii. ,F. - sais] A. ficult te decide et~y . W a îItby cs if ail dti atat. e soîr.i b. asritlsddb I-II Rs ut s aiflt ,,, ,,. ,I ý n ' i r e s ie ae r pfe re v otlf rqt eew nd.f uM co Ni lî(( r s er aukI! e r o iqo, Allister. o e ieciet espel, ncluîti su Isa p e 'irît i i c î t th a h e a s isti] lie r fo rt h c ua i t e c i t f 1 t h ae o llia m p ar o s p e t , ie so le fg s Or iti o's . B s s o nt# a v y S e r g e H îw i i i lh eyeste ..to'Icu lid se tleihim aheCLesi etlasot 4, yers aga' ~adsoes freintshie ToesrontetpO viial cd n fVutr;an],nval e,1ov i catdlei li i ta eith il l iii lt tothers ssy ltheriew p n.W le ttitt1 aluai s o ihtteuaws Il hect.-on îofie a' sr lgmrIe nestl nol citera-l " I ii I a i altetyt iC8 g the MI,îl F'li"io. rsînBoa Hiil, the ti et e itOislok I ,1isscle 1n eiu a tcOiiel'l % -i. OS soi e hre var ni andepe~ i 'of1 lai heava nt gilt ad 1 % s aytelilo i .Nilucii . o aTn d elare l a tt pseole sloS lais lln l' l I>l t lity oi the charge Presyeii C'îioroc If. W ork SlIvt tI. ()'- - I i i I l mi]a at e ,niby myseî ei teielY Misga ' ddcaetattefns wlalriiii ii,. Ii O I l eseIo. Bîltof 55Il NI. , .ll(,Ihedraii otftlîe prelir' inî1 s tli ,,ulicî ' f lrciic i s I l udIt uh eia ' latti iltii itrsut liciitc %%,lîic isteA hsIeNe mr ea ravsy -Serge IbIiil'lul0 t er c liii' liliil adit 1terriiii 3iiiilufate atsîta i u ", ut lii' i i e s i'ii "i It,ýloli i e 111Tinine e latm as s i frnt the lîntle lyl% 1Il î t i ht p o li r ei u c c l i ' c i u c I i î c ic lu n et e l ae i id l s f aa i i e vlf al r i i 1 i'uîub',, îîîi-ti l li l,, ,1t iýl vd-i re.'1' wicîolsignalIe lea lorti e - es W d t 1uc cî itltaystîiltiill'l i cctl lIketîct1 l l lec ie in filiBurt Hiii7 5 . M.jcCasll Pceuie Patitrn34ô2.3428 11,tuullli iin li och tia t es iy m li * C y L ic1 i,ilicîit ? REsFN~TED AT OI"T. motcoris e unief frets Loidon te oleri,ty. the Scuth CcaOst ha sttlaais.W EI~1 CL R S A T R S i .111[gl.uuc , tl t ait A Rel.tle 'Des lus thse le i(Ifse Tic fine hitubuat eser tise CosaaldB c A L D E A T R S 1 l' uu 111lit ua >;L utiuiui0' Deoale ommaucnd] ie si]i] uleasn 1 ht Tics W B_____ 111.0.1 iiisl.tret and igtiitut.ebltledirecions. -t ,,î Uîîuttc lui lIy iot.ctil " lIg AtboliitrsP ttcîaTheret uiela litl ipee r t'i fîc h 'aII ti il p sîttoc tcttt geeardt, the DOc billeailei] hinetiluait t he ~ soutI- ____ltic Il.' uuicuc'.t 111il 1a111e pmps e a _the_ I uiicy I goit ufronliy 1i l 1e fiction peastis i I rn iorder of tise laie ditrict, alth il, itt, uutt. l osu it,%vsi huto ' iutate whO s îse ferrtcf e Issor a muer o su ls ommîl ereted _"luCu s n -e u i , 'iiIlI b>- P a e ho-yif tldot-belsc pccsciei] to bcc Souecein. Is.oer tise ffictra. semnti en i a'-ci.X ater Se t~s U p n attîe1 d sIi itt li alat i eeigtonnai d, nd Fo' fle ie ll lie bulathetehst rtflesof lise Davy.w ae matlhlth inn r et,, antPrsnw ila 1 al ad htils l o 91 1 bctreate cdctad irstail olrdla liiisle m l il l n ise,,ctc altîc on cea!,,hts an1 79. ruitsfo f11 e e ae o adt 't beliece as]otconIiii& c sîit deftatd tist Seuls of Frâmcee. l11ie n l iiiii ite r es eoen iaal,î a _scti e f l tis st 3,fr Spain, and HolISUS a d arnuti Blti per ort htte a I .rethm ans me-otested liissrtyor Baaits- Farm fois Sale- BLIBO HFROES 0F THF I NPF: loess e)D1799." Front the font of ! I iProueLs i,11,%,d altaintîts e " elie aid's ltcoîî cll b se fer t motlihcnfneîngh rWidr acelcacesîaeeiig Onelip ioe l "1' 1, i'lirai goleII bolide f nehaeY La5 se o ia l th t a lo is ltO sC tli u f W 1 s S am'n- ligo n d r o ae . a n d ra n g r n o u e . MN u t le t tif S in e r s lc d irceoitrd lh c ehc îcoOsie aculli su n ieaciti esaIIls iutI. tineer, o 90t g el t Isenooetsstb algla îe p eeee Thn]e fsul lucut fotButtioa.ae I onefu Actistu'lita ,lovee p ]u barnuI riviigqtIcul ( h peddedrnmto lari d s uhiaksfur tinu ebiats ss f ri I e c m ott-srrseo iri ivste aarda od yte a u î Nîtîîîg i l iete .M umis rledrButaadaShort tare tint tietreulît la loerd ut e - ieni Thld- ertain typîe nfolers >,ifB e s e banbe 1dogh i i hv, tli gt i Wluornk e a piisat, yt eeseu Th it' istonce. a s aw, aderal laSt y id isi aid ralked s okli a go ui a If e "l frin lunrabdes i , lofas le aste aIn]yil cis Oculio TfM.Revl ise@ I ucliftccr cSo uts erng cibn bslws lmu apbosiultit r Oe un it- reolverfosa usl0îie e icui cînt G icaion lur ccsi u r eport of li, mie esiale 011 - Iig ioladtlle tricM.Reei iu c t, Pailtce fW eal bnis T e i e etrn tosetu het ecn.îegpetnjh J l >ATE lat hl ilrîr Il ;liior 5 h t dreice 5tilt neni! cimsteotiiliahinl o a or nc Ovo lianditinst. Thrp dm0c hralng l uiui' t 1lButofisOrC lofthePal Laoca homOrlon «transuoaetd cer a ris F R A E.otals N Caoniitler ýldsoc nd Iniliituiloilie iti cglaCi ire, tse essaies o! the Lune, ther 'aid utiedth g, falZI sk ,e- 9 l h h a bs.Ite ls,;t tiurt lette Wyce, Rihisit, as]Mersey, thieCosthil no ak hr e e ashnleiO- A E . a a ng e fatentaionL- clype-e 'cllerceth 1)to o uile s II t cli . lln te i ciato cpartnIîitai fr go,- froni'Liverpolle fsiecamlie Bat.t.tebufrco.M gn&II Pao II i, li eea afct ag isan .,cs T .wnetl .,>IN IA C tueL ro ntoner su. I tey p td i I uth osto rhWles1 10 ht- UnaioBai k tl p i r r 5 eaî,îiitcua11ccsiafct u0 il t lttt l iuu l of M s - n te G episan te lat iste apNitsraeo bail ile lsuirfer iî, ual ,, îî,,t d il Mc. i, Wiesth uicaIlGdbuI0 te iLatem R blwyl wnatd pr iery isal eutie Se nItàincs ua.iuu, i'uteu.niuc lo ( w it éur ea ifeatlo hn t iasdt tilk ,u,uil c11,, susot aa te tise Menai Sraits. tiseMounotais illoeg- ye, buinessile, Fariueeslitîîi.an uttcî'lAtstn i n , u'ciio, i setQ fe o-adh Inh*etrnhrzn h ntetler sh'apr e oul arSOLgi.i go ,,, ha le we-aswrleIse tMa. et cage. If uant II II llle barr e ealî terI e-1 fuui1i.iiuli r isiiiseei.ih ci lîciigi dato as lie~ are len zaie leiS e lie lae o Mas th e euuandte auc~t ee, nai] bedreillie liuait stcandic ,nu ef,, s t a t he1 in ne hsz 1cicoretti n Di ng a e te aeDalitanlG llat e trd te oer .81." teaneaeY .5 1 ilie aatier ru e n cli lt . Iossu. I ys -l1 ý'l as anvotiIf h liantcauee Drawig tos Seule netaeremtsi thc ulitsci he li .1 f -'I N , i t 1 i cu Il , fNIes] )ailli, tsteset e ll tict we fr Sn au].hce le es ten Motfulonts so tuthe wrtesodi fadwlfldYig is P el il, Miton tus"Y an ibis ustom as fclc) bil-top tei in.r hti, Ii canuînetxpîeepililOfsea ettandsbtLclu liii eillll nt hons. So fEwadVl 10,tue sb-b ais r ebve uaode eSluul n thrrceilen. F-tS kI mii s a, te ste n etLî ý dg.Ii. Iiuh i ni ti . ic Il,-asculityilfcite Oce att OasieRoe ti tutd.thla seS mesuf the eanlslieo ncams i l utner îl iprompt'IiOgliglaa Gltrc Sp Ottes. i]oa e aetitii rtîîc' he o plyZruktcll N Intsliit' tîsi s ic Eeo ucin Corts a ae aatous Tpa1 p salun rt eroi hfnicu toi nd paI lTset-r gesofre ' I if "Il. l itl Vit K as] dSite eem atif thse] sotilP u -t npres1 rlîn î eIes tikbadis a l 'h rfsi.ls rce o iselil7 ,n okdIýtewudo ota ,iiuu' t ii e g i eun d 1 h eNl O r ot l i u d b cr n rea i e so el Ri sO I 1 11 l o n u . a ] bil a n o ca e r, atdl t hu ue e it i I l n a e a ae d i n l p t i t h i u u i ta n l l il-,Il1111i i lO lit Milton. lint fil, v %vill coni, r Im es t e ie aSicpailnC uthn i-es u rlunced.Mspologîsa offert-]"hi tploîmnyilist wih itysav% ndontne t ii ii u i tu l c t il , tui l ci tsa n tc h fneos en 51 E i]a rd V I te 90 . bat sm o i se po l an t a se - i n ti t pr u sîltIt m atiri ry Ilie su I a - u vni- E O î l i I S . h p s o u e e c t l 5 it s e o u rt seeinttuC clnricly %ili" hervsdarhpshrewhe tà,Ntc ele .. atteett htlie fr ia cier h bs ÉI o oto nIr rmtknsse s O a dmednthe ora0 or t-Ianl.the ciab an] Le St-aies i ierlseb s en faf liest uicf. oueds ont o fi ... , IIIILth,%'o'ili [ae', miuce preienatins ltin Ie p ffi eceila b n Ilocke t a w liii ithe ,oierntntihan adoiistiu tise- gsar pst A tuil I T isetie u sc îr c oh itle u S lit c or re s C I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __f _ t h eein etia ira n o setise o s end te e n . s a e' t h -u rp pe o ft m a n îe ih b i ýa t . o n p r i s i t h r u a s t al m i f aa r o feu î t t h y t i sr e ri u e t a î n - î S aî s . e t u u i r d e s ct htu iaf c u u l tu c a l y Z s B p v e rs i s t c '1 1 1- Quee laneo rt otgilnfr e hteat-e stiilî pueeli;igal yu w lelillte ucilccnsrucioios0LEi,00,00aubeas] la ___il Bukighm alýe Ad vet-e e 0 lege ouliOt II sed re a Is MMi l ssl Iosallup usialle ceenddeta tise Cuise i &lio 1 iili utti s i uil ete ane ce] for t st iea Siraelirs o h.etit . r-oe he2t da Uuapli heeae a ... r anet- ume uhebdepoapier f-Y e!chJriWEu5t. nd a el Is 4ea- trh,.i uii. ir ss lcsL5a hi i ,e loti , oics iutitlaic tuui . airsud fnton of pre setains Tt ersS I aa pim tal e1tî"A mnerselnewutlt-soiga anilia riluilibn, hY it ciîc ituîikitig lifter "idtdalits- cxÂl -a-tht 'v, ceGo55 us uîuiAffliction salee naîlRmalesisur10..erelbut.tisth.eOstar.,itht lauaduplS In pIa-cgondolasuufils1iepaie a u ] tiskr.s l r 1u rnha v ee e aIs s e l tI a r s i le - a 4 0 .0ia l u l s i . laitth e Gîle t s u e o ie he n i a s s p l e o t o u t lT s a C s tîLet c suitt lie huee emi tacrameg II mtura seond ima" Sabado ae Sct.geine AticOî'Saee.uaitse isast I larsdlp crneen0.t Mehd uetesta gmuCo an d senis onualetbe aoa-P ide load ilbsî t lult. u ar esu ci h- 1sLUas t ra urition tiai stuitl? renn]tala, hou eMld fu ni ur .,t t eiseS5ln ougliseh ) 11 -1 .'1d te ete ey -alnoiesfa1IhaveiervlMeeScents(o! a dîffereolus al i laiglalicr fertserenthe seseaose p IiC anvitpriosiare iu0d by the oSdt As st sts ste ofethe ousehaliivrta e wok licansc i il 000 wll b pal On te «tbl"M t NoiCe o Regsteaion o. ,;tas fn . m u e t l 'l a p r e l e n t e l b y a c h p e r o , a ln l B r o k s . i f t e t i l y l a li s e dca wlnrîl S a A tIt hef f sti e ic Cti li.iilieilaesli lehl b e ftranshe d hmrfeuin.t. Tecntuto fth ii I .R inAcine.Vgvnfle ytaeo i I ýv,.tfaIts ,in the sr Bane nfrsW W llam on55i o acl Ffled t iIele S e .ta s fteO5iis. -aoacs]l neheuî hcawiib a aleo ar - t2p m otc sb nid h i an 8 elees flir1rP Ig150aBegeB uad tn to puse . e. i aDle of ae.B lnl. 1 o it Tat flate ii.ilutu nd t eN le itaned ailngav nr; lin ofor the Pacuoii ltc mle b aea nd . wil y aort80 ites tu Sal ai 2onlos -m tAktrp e- lfo îetnsuits i7ieis5lt lery,,n]Ire S 1mai00 ano liiaii i ebrBo a t.,e os a ie If snlct oîh iguIAn]tt ïeqsLIt a mie il .- o e f l v l ' at lle s r seua utcoîlo lIIan SIOPh p o l e g -f o i s ho a i r - le B CAt- r v d n o r- . erthe l î oi îîlt ua. in.se RoelDeeel. a e p hitie t e cr a d arh usil cuyeg te ete-3tW yyuso ci i t"Iii, .c i ""-I. a r c e s e er tIsia fr tret uots Roulestil i reAocUiAio nae.a, o , ;. 1 for11iurte yeard. A---ordl o! £950.cticeIt t-atetndiul Il ecoul'atiOn O pecilipandausiliu Miest t Ivtatl r i s e l asuse hy h t o d lrea p n l o h e sue. let Anndsfinatîcnsait o! île lnîssthOîervd il,- î len a s a hs ,e c 1011 se ar 1 frs f aout£7 te£80 ina aie Is-is ahIiclit lit-Id us Notircce of R A sIEA SOR YAR caeLesl, s o! non lb-atoiut ltb ' f-' ciuatluereiete ya îpeeu ahi00 apale pof i ng n tIse t0 e BOlteof tie tînt nOseley-LaW. î rîua]îdicstanor c eil I o u,, 1 COA ipe" asd Dy f260mls T eG yrm n gd5 er. D% i nyttIi îe c pec io upjolul es is tocir le 5 peut' lady fo! nvtais iis nle ettt, aI ocert c 10 od l a. Ton ests e! J.M . S.is d d y o c o e ,I . A t, c i n t iin , n n a from onegentern lierte not e usp shc ainclpais.- AR. sq si Aslcon sifet-t . aNo i s oler t e sieo1n at De i o oln ei 1 ~ ea rî cî ht ni los le e fhe sLî m nP si1 t' e~ MtonA r na n B tes d, esa , île m e c mo e o t in tw i ng, asi .110 h \ ,[,i,hîîpa uiohf ih id s udbe n Il adrstusn i ie eetessd . m er ' t ie noo sntd li baO! thé m il ib r i cliS . I utntWe LitrWIlliami efaputlictIs, Il( 17ffl m a re]o h-Ptiel l shoud I b 11,1i1ilt ,dd aldlt ce ',ll t 1guat tlatan l elesd cfhe rae Le1pak e rte oe asien nIuoni h bto te;ollu l le au ai n tis e ad fSe i is t e r n me atisla a l !n n ai I l b b a ' a u o e p h eM1îcu î i (ie i r s 1iclltl' ie e ii] i lu1 iuiiutc is l cSpte uae e slow pr - m I Imatle st y. T a his ptra e 0 m ls i5aitltale i ofl3 91 iethellub-. 128 Riteuf br i uuil ci lc cuiii la 'Or ccci. disodeluiI ta t Oct. 311hntV.stcds faceetelCeepante iluho uiouesledsie, £3,00,- ticsianh mlrtesco made t peotistit -u il îil.ictlIduudb0I eest btr Kinhg c. ci000 nS n e u aincy elellOtul montîb.rsIe te.h yela'tuinr Iliiloisu lie 21 au.ueul lip e n a o vli', 1ltsetol ltotaIfBretaallaanS Dstta matMiltonfille_._of______.dNle.dals eham iers e theirta eireTlac nautiseptsanttise joum not hlisseel A urîseneea lIl n uî Iloîhiil. peer stalettero% Bell y e ituueldll lalonto nsip o Ot.11 br.lm erdntse e IIc ie utguciislci Iîd -or aut eo helie ad era s] vleesanboa-l i e tte is 74 Oltbco lot fe f lo - W I.PAt lo'guit T hui conclusp ion i i aii hiI l.iines nl'i l i Marlla ac eln]ln w ietin Ys aniplaaitltu o! m ailtepes t ju elerbsE ofis en Sa3da. t u is e tusî l li Ye . uuuîStuc ImeBritishoni a ditac itiu u]lse frew ts se een anlc aa e te fean a ec athebeliagauit 4eiso us r.Scheir t- sue i àCt. Oc Jaen. soi eeb ie l in r usfue eao h t as es t plla, ct leeach ltlt(he oiercivd is(rt ibi'- lbiccttadhitAt h e e"teusa 1.eIl11 I sha uore aesc: tiu et 12t %illlac roielvi wih be Quen. gain abceurteys ator wie OfBor-J- - Sca" ien n te II deyof O tobe. lr-31 'h olcg aed bla. , co m lo îo £3 000 Mc t- i k àovim siietio G or e soln oun]fnethee suo e bueeliir. ui ite îe tu 10 , lillul il illl s! liter c opemsn. Tise sn un tmlisry sche e wî.Thrapd I tal o!. tJ ue.o NWnOt nth airo teT brtteSfr or leas T9. tra ,t'ac tt h blet. ses le ehSa o sandsi lace"0 cusuit u i-t elson i MMshJ. Jus Gel,toIl. risiam. 1113list.ofpeenown." a boulk thi iI4 iand icee-lSar. 1 t1l'lema i i's ('f1923.1a ut p Ofa thPe siccus s] a ce le tht Caineulalosuahe ar tctnthîoutyiuuuiMrtr bsjutwrte V i d ip in te C T r , luo gr al re dad by .Ve-u aili hec KanC. I ' Elle W lietlhr. be e t lf ! laIoe, PA S S Ts oCInI. a rc ] a o tof H i atl î .Te L o ppîC ent le o s i d. t i rtii 1 N i l cM iuus th S e ps tct, ert pas-sLait & M e oo oicegede ytata. 31 Cleel ni mi] Ileuîthe tua leso e aue. Meurt cale lpi n r t 1N ESA UR D UC tour yards long to -aeIV 00lasus Gel. 13.sba Tieqse us f tp*Townoealit an psycis. alo l ivd 11 netlCo-I ,P atkI ong ;ashions, t.hIX gtbtL- 'I s u $tMh" t ua tbo iab l ulove i le ut h . 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