Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 1923, p. 1

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mure' ~5o - MOTH DESTROYERS. 14it ' 1 i lîtia t .aai lî .akes, Ni l lltt I-li 'u >KE NZ>K RI Champiiîî'i'X's oînO ICE CUUAM FOU - A.A CTY D '[A' IceCrem huIS mut luh..Frul0F laitimpeclal attiBilOti 12rl1923. T ravel .iAN A DlAN oO1Niîi 5T'o tiers' Guide. ESTABLSIHZD 171 10 to en ine i'aj autat ,air OUtil- cti tice in t tlîc mnecy and tanflot ale. He cat isetciS iîd " und .a pc ' ..rcf iî. w ih iFo-estfl' tBuidiza ,OntrioI JNTAIN aýi l arin rt il (îu u bi TA ll No. 0.100 5t iAS n rinrlt lite inlbusinan- 111,IoN ONT 1 .: ..ri nyb salse n 8.4-1 a . l. ma nuin ettouhp I oineac (F U ".u. r 12 7 ,i. Sth l .1i pritained by friendly co-operàtiofl and 4.2 u I.se iIIed l red n-erffi1li - dlo . 4 n . 7.43 P.m. efficient service. The Banik of R Ai1- t.d--OIJNOAY- Hiamilton, while rendering every GCiiig Weuk-4.:2 PW . - possible hankitig facility, consjet- -to-day's (.0 a3-.5 LU,143i & 94 . - ently maintaino the bet traditions 1y PKJCY M Mp l c Sss CANAIIIAN NATIONAL RAILIWAY AI.O of solind inancial practice. Coprgt1I LF.enoA y ouiN. W. idGON o.N1.11p>81p.R . u> TIfL*U U ~ _____________Man's work, PANUN~u fl MILI u -t day, 15 1005- 'aB N FHMIànrfiaemnts1oué n mured by what i - aiug II, but Il vaLS, If atnyllu eta Ç_ . H.STUJART, MamagerMhitO3 fu " a ahaip aghonbmthe.slip frnDY ecao do in a c Iuaém. olootta footing upcn gpven trne, with -t . .lt va» a matter for consIderatton.WArdy I nt ait myIn~~i f mdeu eupe th. slip t. prevent lth e pen ming es Te orcib burn Tai. Thinkonce bacS wt melfor Intead i etbing more."h oo u est-a' 1 1 ' MDAINTONL ILA TRUc MIDDLE (I5ARS. i,.et.I1ndur ml dureon, 0. Ble4ue 1 woidrd bow a Inteed te aill Te IftYruar sts ot o-day's CAADA NTONLRALAY bad ".4me t sp05e. ,thisening erll alhtieiber mset a pya ace. nIf ouaeaotyoLr The Double Track Route AAttenspt I eUsea Famlier ,qqi a goultton feeone'yaabBideanitOf - -------- - L ------ obetween Phrase. it. ortuflatl7lb.he asof it acre bait muid homigbt do. Weuld bo et- vroet' iavnae MOTtEI hatuthiidireil ~ ogbba, u.ciingn'lthlbrope telit te10drue ber? Suddeayli e dreaOecoeirsdsdvnac t 'I O O N T R E Ao os în aey h eav e ca m I inr v i l .a nd - fot e. i m a n a g e i t ta b is e v o rd . W ens lb . a b o u t t e w o u d S t e. u sre g m d is g , TROTO :cfridsirlduiushaveldaïeul agopfb Ir Mysilmvad ib 1 eiber aud Ibueseccure ber? Be stirred'Fod t 1iol euir alt e sptae l»U u lbnsufr nt e tOreil nto.abrigblec dame witb laii>ii nt IlA dicmlnhumanity. like the opuratiou. Dy iettIng tbe rces elde, ShuI oite t he ve apo lngu.1."e ARE YOU EN AGED ? Uoucelled 0>,01 Cac S> o.a.s. abie r id uocrucy ut the revouitnu- bte-u iy Itees gradnuîîy as îml "oc1 au tin> ad OOS O5p0V n 050 7AR o ,E G G Dary ratars.- sure Mr. Wliknr C. Ah- vancud I bronabt mytelf to theefluor possible." So ouid dedautlj.osrn I yinî cal> opore la a tea Sleeping ~bot. lit a retintarltice lu ibe Yale sou. fuel frontlb.eedge of the sliTp g alIe nuesl rusn \l , ) al spae îl engea rir a arewhaIaîaadl Ve ~ a u.so otto ppeit)aud aer. biersandl.scb oe e es 1 1 0 ll 1 Ili. a s Wi.' sillîl i ke t n ae p rorC ron prilîc[ le )av Traman. *loln t laisnc ldpu forl dou my bande una bu 'k2 boli teti to b y a e e n orplllla ilioî rîî l aitinformation fronît ail Gran Il a.indehlrlbn te te Iradtios 1tdoaleMl b bàu mId Dala low- P D T L T it n Il hn. ldeei. huai ie lou.I ép. resesasd ro Do. a ung odw . lbr-s i.vui e ufc O T & LT it n lio~.1ly c~I tru ncS Ticket Agents or (. E. Horsnul-irs of more hrth and oulauru traille gnT. reIlsqne roînlu eok* î 10 mateesure b . . . i.'ng, D istrict P aseuog cr A gen t ol. r iac t bas been te pion eOr of tbe III droppe d very eu louelY, sud ii y. "1 b .uneWITT knov-meal lb. O g FINEout tJEW.Eol Rbe.e'wn eiu i..i.i, FINE EWELRY. rsto. . mvomenîs hlcb destroyedt tem. f I niencgY Sud beau centereit on waul abo e ean spct n efîlgleme__________ W u ac anweg .na«eielt ins 1. E. BELL. Agent, Mlton. la 001 a closed grsup. for neotller' 1 vas oing. Now 1a w& re1 îegit ucas e le, cîe retescncpri hv e.a h p ttescp s bt î.to.fe be onthori ci a touaiuntI.uî us nvudoe eaenos a D .2 l11 i lul u oitabie for engagemenst TeLurusOse 1 Ô. ta . esc siîu ol' o cent. thers wa sIlgbt. tt hub i eutraite? lb s cm1dcrac ebe Indm.'l', OýD h. ,t .r kIfo ______W________îusaliy rccralted front above aud beu i n le id e. The tIpris tht doluddigbrng@dals- mr fo sifb. ea.CDsped u>ele. Bete rck racorce»lime me ualbl eutetruggias.ne.[lToocolme ot tutrli.lagfitet 1ig e13Ot 1,"I te-arag pl uobuuan rne-l e nsiles n tr à u ad* oif u~ebock aceos lb. duugeon untlîlmy foot oui>' chalus.My il.rllot. I lare You, "in NEtrous caplatliono in arts Tb.'s vas s pttorinth M ide îfarqb#,. "Ter foty al ntur5 For Eves Slemdy. nI.E.soEI auhe dnl5dvbly the t.dueg ueu.spportiug tbe low Venir 17a"Dohl t au. n arngfe lsngb, anoh us fuemes 0ur lipemet. Jewelr o Eer y lu tf bs c inlnuied5t l ly 0f ithiâ drI di i ntheneiE pleaMy my l dQuuneol M*bo me caretese angb. fur Il onded sln agurgllis slgb. ,0Itlu thUe, uIn oher moment the _______________ protiac,.Capital. But capital la ntfol . 1 ad1 Peig ul. il r porall or. 07 t* 1 siul aluet dUte Ibe salatpi Ipe ires as door ahi bo-lu." MA IUA I UILDEII and CONTRACTOR theetocs hone et the mile clam; le au 55fied. Albrous. trouibohep.ispty for loun. 1 bardly nwe TueIssIof tho iauler rues cul.for the t ahuffle ,r lb.e ege as 1 epatu. ahlch te W basnsumethig te sel besîdes leit ficer vlrWl udrul îsuo o. us551 U1*- * rDmlurogbhm.Henbeenp i .a-. Il Ours.1 W-t. is us cIes or le blrlb Il là cem- waalo )ria oaoch t the fot of m teliesnl.the oddmee IaII bru hm Hetew pbs Ameas hn aie <andberlli Oku.' posei of that elemeuti ab là laca-jtb.e piler est Dadlaber bands cînspoti luko»Il Tellebt.' lderm e ailo. I eut 1bofll C ÂP' lie-V lia, ûcselomvd te rely upen itel rallier' armesudpa.srecoli ock. fsllng h 0. i O . s ta uaT W tc m . k e s m ii J e .I u sst t l n H ela d re bis camenu In u yl armeL 1hsapOesl I us hp fhe ard>'seeeli10 be lea e91bis et"e lrd a.rmlteutrnosouileso.3»u o. i î:>5». lii astisma s ttSurosMus s an upoeln exVasa. abosuscmruudlotaIshasîde to te Vhases.rdWaoua frestandingol",devseerd. low1>' I" trut .i... . ~ la Prcc Qalty-SrIC . - tbrth or aslh or chari' or alatOj eiclu tSubr. tnltlug rupîdl.dm W bob. meor1051 1 e cI ntDn -e uî e aid; capable. euergetit. ambitions,. lu-i -J bavs bes amblîlous. I bave de- saDaerb aryOneblcos Mylavre.i stl.kalu e fomet-orela c pc tiyvieu.E ltrepet0, udIlu'cIvel you. 1 cravee7051 pardlon- 1 Drs epptiogstoward him. Sut Ibat Dame for ahîle. Weallîl mastiImm.lluloly. I feiUber amam & WORTH I "NSIJR N C E lutfor itunîf rather thon suhiect lu; bavenet douse Il for m>'eelf alan. 1 o Idihn ye o ssl,*~ce 5 sd h sar atttsrmlm llî.tn onu> C T RALL KINDS ..1 la t hie cla au abc b has,.ilu arge 1 a e d n t fr l u y lv a e m og e irsr i& o k o h o d h a g rI ihe o " m ite h twI at Due-talc? WORTHc measare. made ns =bt we arc. îî, spurrel me on. Tre oul ltse moe cdruei l. bea o b r 5"lot uyn-yw. eu eud e t rta olcl-t tu masr. No 0r ml h oalng br s ,tore s O I -toamthe Cnfbtforeu> lbh. delmndo nsof seea'tlug t h l>'of1 w3yod>' the hook@ asd hrougbt f10db the neal rggla a nm.Nwyu am sotgbr hiefc. di . o..' i io '" . i w Ido s et 100 aor I f. 1 a n fuculabel flot mu>'b.reho it 'Sîrîtu. sud atrISe de p r s d î av l ainclius nt em r t ttb u t s ole Ol MONU ENTS ail@ Lie leuraceeManvth. dlsovorrer and tlb.olenr t of"TOI an snet a king." Bis moment oft euril5 vMMy « ndose. t*omdma1twa. Il 1li i ýI i Itheughl sud action. the inventer@,ti abeiugt; ne, tomelIorro "- He brauir t topotnt. Ilew 51 vr n u l u .554 m a My slarel e5t Isuu. IEL sous rao O ftae -- a--i ' GALTa ~~andl uov the capital:.ta. Il heuneci- OU ezciiy. "Myaflithal ou ahI houp anseoo th u l. ogeOs. vord t la enda1 drav bis bat weii over M SIgyii bt ehu. 1 ropo ONT. ~~~~~eionuthebe uainesssoetHle. Il hbas q e ftalada o s>'y qsee.u.td 1 nuntre vl s1htoy C ' lcoi ia i'heIf.t "i> 's.Itp -' ., ,. a.. - c R. .., R !' E R ~courertedtetir mdu of t temuerske> lu- nv.biandt , bI ouen l ar he> austvl u cia l 'alleC "o aish.S>'" 1siI davsiI eu. iW & seseea 6YOwn ta§role . C . U R E R te a real.Moreeser, aboyeail., ItlaUsopen 1t en. lu.sin a I bondgsoyeu sllh e Iat . ei l at spc l b or, --Hrs lathe cIs. "& raistn 1e ose, vu> s ons oua0 u i Os- mol fr a b i iaenuéII ua I90 oua cneStaDircteime-bonutieuocthe tm-earyng@ U bava the ntann 'ort d oilrubed n a u. Irenmueelthal they isiti denter the daogen abus o von. t bave IhoUbOl sace btha Ibtis IYIEDIAL MI N Et;Zforuagra laretnetîoeseil.ylsthe -vins leur faveras. Tond word salI eau>, au vais 1the ltiarialocrafit. dn radn rgi culdajblsus. nel senktle ubelluh the paut. asntseeal & bu ain Drm10 su ad ha ueppeti slle us enr biades met. ondbore' n uitrm.eUa u1ehur f1evu Agen fo Dae'@Funeai esine.ý Wh qm m te Dmblsut ye th h Val> u unet cruashyour onusu>'Duw. 1I lokthteident] aniahb>'blaisnupl o ier nIho e ahe blartg the iroc ~> , a.--lusure Yoar Antobsmle.. PaoNS e MiTt i. Wllb aiIrIlstauilse.TIlaIsnet onl>' pfl tof Tour slaves." oi. 'Ttheli lyo aurant ak e te" aaen d p.T heu I te t h g ilf th ae tsaurSl va es>. l e r he mast intelligent O. ma l o-Isacnl- "A pteulsgPaghp etesl'ncltfaite- The lestS waY la fer uoîseeessl>' ont of elgbt. &te*the uxpsslu o u ulto f -1iAINth' iii,1e mant costructive, butthe spokaS et."l xb»ln1eu o h ______________________ liiesco e I atu.Tmro itti ieYu"NWcreF t a &',îîîThe PROVICENT AMBIPANCE CO. . CMBL a'frIlcnte rr'msaoeal ing. The tuaI obsacle lie illil e utilae- is eyes vers ler anus tr a nmine mi and0 0., l 1seyscrNear asrttactleensIh ldtrhond ltusl i.rhrvn"lsdasmIe bsesor lahe lt ltogte eyl Ieleluveuthr teOrl vtot lshuilsa ori day forell Mudsusîremnuwo .Sfle. k Iardonmne, b s odollse lb. aao s ror th racn esTlu 10e adla bu Head OfcM nraQue. C«eacr oayPublc, 1liu ete15e s-callel platitudes of expert- mle t w el as uh ulI W wsacu fvie ntecrio hne M"sne; anliai 0.ne.chetm 001 CI, m5etuthe eICHAPTER XXIV. 'ta terce me berS tovmrd the bols. 1Il 'Vlascul Ts rio i Tetlr otta.t ols.Suemsdt îiaî.>s-,,, ..- ifi, ei i jsunCP.a nmubChic ThiOn sa." Ph>' sdouble tarte, Irlednltl e ilmlOlchange gnounud altO Vos(-nl" tob itrii rt ante fut -&puils.M.-,owN tAL U MLTN.ONOac al B- eteelet r f ntuneeedYama e tln!"whýpre Dri. as. et mintorenen errha Irl tca 1,io-eir îl l it amiedpn'o- va tv< AL MLi5> lT As Lulremîlut expurlence 12a1 0e vereiy. "Tes Otn-ye ehabahil the udvantage. tur the tlitur' A thunelrlut tiock cumeantlbth e r apeel Inreased. tOut l0000 lust c>p'et llt y ng. bl iIPIt ~once hui altObears ablie anderlui am oos oi n u protenseel 10li tsrcb vus haloorme aud spatl l oav. .. ü clo o er to osletraIf1see WM PANTUN. Agent, MILTON HWH E ELE R iOnnt-e TakIre.r ounbrtacu. Se'lht F.U I EAC R 1by Mu Lar C Ilou d tr actie>' l v on yobave transferreti yeur ai- mue amislsiteoc 1voies th 'lo aa lal.'sal It1lo ului>' SiUSin baLie.'f a tatIt anmîcalîe1sg Il'a mttr. once aimeat breaStuK thcesgb I 1drea uys>'asord andiil rew off t15hé, rlmembuf berlcot uesoaf f r1 _______leu ".-_o___srTEACI"Do"ni'îîmpel@efettliaul S,>'plue.n pianos. Vots ad TdOy fu I van le arîtean. etbst hla 5ocTu po mercl. "De y guard. Thu potun tfhie seespela cloal. At l I alg i nn ate eie ui îcirî10 oî 00 ii R. J. A 1TI flborielaluil olves leepu n ind Dt forgel tha."toscbod my am mesd the bMOIlabosed.i- "Clutas. tit e .'IrtrrOtlI rae leculuu nktOgeTAOTNIOAN MARS. a1tîtia he I TO.cessanmosîeFurTSMyuxt momeutt 1i "Open. opel" 10yehotebîd athtOos>iîthude.an e as tplget amillaktahiee sut Cosistrou the I i lYsa are aprinces.ln u rsuelsul- h u chedhm s hr nnlUI UIOADvsaaIed b> a- N'n-uand S?"îtoaereaI ie oeslt esoa > I-I 111&0i P laHk AUT aIoe paurgrath.No.pntuetb.vd ha.ueI "AsIouc -nlTt -" tcausaone ongeals.k.11havenonI B DernIer dens eecol. Nepre ieTou vW lh us.Anpu lh ou fe. enceuler fer a tarmoments. 1I 1 i sîel be, uelosn105 ___1-C.H.____, Ota br oung ll eer forgol the. unyk4 as s ing ca gTe eu Mus>'@bock as luard thb.ttop. t155 Penap1e he eos pt 0.Ihctt tose moment v ilige lno tohe N IîLD S E N. D. C. .H. ESLO , vs. aa10 rt 4s o teeat lmoisb-g. r 1 t n.» ea ga faird u ouruceedl 0 gtta cun hl. ov io thl u."ahIliîa aÀlll(4ll'lIoi. I try in seastn.e"la a le broke watt ih ie-bI Wh.tbur il vas the "Yeu ne lt eer lestb?" slbl Imll îci 0fe rrgeE baar van ceusîntWbmum e k Pl.1,evu vISu .T.vnt &haslem. ou. :soster nutiOpinata.i>.a oiiitl awI Spcaiti u1bv ow te covet a lhcue. Te- IlgbI Ihat Irooblel hlm or 15*1 bis "No"eo us' ua i odoa iig c,.A, YA r)Q ATIT , sit ent san d Feloe Disases. I o cuhe, made ddectl>'ftethe a- UOO i. corage Ictel hmin Edo not Suv, but puinlol TOIbetrup.InaM igstt l'hliN 13 HO lE 82 I1102Pnas su i an.. ier O. Thoogb 1 vas le thon fttty -Noerrb>' my u>'ah. 1 ssn o re leo.a ougit leus fre5>.l imea mter liae uOuly desil mou rte Tt.15hey sas>'.Asel renthu o I1 t î'leOv edr liaILi aile diIInet tep aeuate esuif the aiamiShum if I coln vis perraonse t ra fm bbis oandsUnd ue t o > aman rnueste the surface. W1 01îgO teîder luse oer .iy beutd agio D .A. G. BItEMNER. bat caaeus aialg n u bIlrl. h suMY vite bbaa@promise1 >'O lte drea ucurer to ths bols.Once o vc isclv.I spor cOuucie e. otof ulot.Ub areuo asli rat ne. ', i 0.111ilîN-i ~ D . Sis eso" ions abanc e for a bot! Truc, ubol qsel fraelom. Erou se far ts Coca> bin ees lot mine ton mn In tant~& lestS cemes il all i uad o u ec oegt 1u lp rm a d l Fll I l IIIOPIIAI 018 L. U Uu flg esolausandr umd tu a toungbt nucrr otel us> els pvufu. o iru d ei a -bnt I lt ma t muit A e" in ra l1 old usaî-fl> otos ui slctai lîi PALRM "To rioroob1i5Iheepuna ilgrenier am. Cosent, snd w. ui hlems. Net ted a moment 111 I oret iifr leorrotV" one am ado intu e'la Jso in1dîn0 >0e- PAL RFAO Th trio reachd the sprin and Ilm re*this Ingeoo ni th5e rty. Dewf1le m a w îbO hom I al 10 1s. L b d ee 50e T e h ,vn )r lipu rm kygap ous_ saS nasd=o u cl l" dia l.- rank depb>'. lappngr he ater k oenSbf duylte 110e obsMOlmortllserre'1TOIThabmis.a e -l Dam iipI ftDr00 a'grs>'." tirsI> doge. %Sen Ibu> b astIs@Mti i ad p - --ilrcl 5 l iel Ibir bîe h stu Os :vubtl.sP noeto t a eIilter bettron hl@I .WtCOulI j"QuickLII" tienonl $isa loy aon aolchest- DlIi P I I .11 41. ..s.s Ct maa ~ suu '~' tramn 10e spriug aud eougbit ont a pet te cat itathIe Citît 0n>'boncer. t e nderastait hlm. HBiserSmes anc. I ael doseson 10e edge et tbe Irs>'. one bandilI mc>tend ld lier aid wthttO III, 55* C uves uwlb.he saisietsrfusemomenin otcrwsalIIt >wlegs Iutîdtheodt tu r ~IndIInIdII Wtu~I~ Smalrnan ITCHEON ->'t-n.abe seprcsli 1 nuet tSe icempe soîsindentday ripe. Tomorrow Tcdammrs onl Iavuocn thespemI cen Id Moent s ohoreanclos es1 rck Ot u mailO balS.Ch pt E mwud so . Th e ca l e nede s avtien aIl sk te it'. "Stbshem.o sI eO r s e T l the rocki W0>iMai i l antodompie..oh.1500 $3 AIT RetgagnOl ln mlmisksttie andi Illfo i, staul aouet. "Nlase p me' 1 arma e ette- 5 50 BE MoaEoiar PaiO6.35 Painting, urmiinlg. Paper.MusggC. 1adscace ad IoSer. Occa-fiIlssl pmmetlani'eoua.__arme______round_______me______0,__ iIIr,;,,.,tI, Torono mcilDu8ormîlsa of ail kinds. . 1 ra "eu rarlla idos e voulti t 11e ton !,S"I fortlnfla Dos net i Yhn Montreal Fm.eosdFie mplsa Of WAilPaper t l uIt bard, andlthe ther otî eillonsti bal ol ho eae i tt e. h O .>~t , e-n ud oSl tc.-2(X 8 fo ithk pa sui r;gu1 er55os 15tebiile - permssielo n 1of r a cme te - - _ _________________________ eh. 4 rgue ModeratP. Main st. %West motber. abo vas aletched t il 1 I asusol SacsFon sulesYe lenth n he ud woldri suad Meu. Prom Iis dungeoil .......remouutrate. the pfurotasu.neaflerad i s> T. G. A M SH AW ~ ~ 9.1CbeINUUI yongotoen tadl eXptzloriug. Il W- - cii,~t 'Niî. ~ tlu$5 persece 1I t orprs ons o tec I i.elSduogi1en ,bt il emoe u -[.F.E ACC -jl tnmh .01--oos ae.Thnli II sl u ie- S'og 0. % l.1 ' 0 sul Mlc l bs oîe. mISece i it. 5und s a f ntlg s"s ah s hoi rAl, SURGON valuaions prom tjy attedait te. m oru@m% etp e. fot teMotcm ia1 Tles it thluiW and satisfaction as u55. oonsSrpgrise lproteC i or s ft da 1 1- pbac hisdt. A .=f romoaccîdlnto twho landgo STANEY RAUD CUNT '0F IcALTN ma0. ,tebreiwuaftcis - ThonsrhcIdedmak yor ftur DENTAL. 1SU àOtONk u sisfeofrom lvsnt Il'.oi So ha sm tS, sud L, *toi.n1a&_ tp aliss e vs entI>' Hu A ecorar s u ates d ait L" bis ie«. fr the b4eol ' 4sv sita tel ho -.Ôuatsnl. o. . smIh dpout n a aiti ngao - -- ___- .. ,....uout of-theo es.Ficl.pstabotI @Sea"gs' - tecti sud sel 10 msys EGAL Mîit ~ ~blslog e TWWy U B toels..e - 9Sauli i »sul II sch."s" D so r l ise it er w yeso ! o DENTAlL i lICGEt1q surin ma s j i - - W"enostsmy of eBr Branches. '~ >1 > Oie-Iber hauts, - teft er tisa t soa>'lt.cand s eady a-- LED ~ IiIJC aifSONif 0ffl'--au.7 iomulaatuse of fu4dfs sndl Mg P'oii ut.laO" to"ý - d u. isl a 1,-ne kMtueho . ATu soW- ý . -. lceà3i..oTh ce.ecejuite t0 bl year round, t et e .0 l ,dl lune aroits «, 10, aI ais madiïo' t105S

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