)rpany ~S AT NOON unt are those fi i.r t Itl flîOCibedo, ven Id (Iil, ruj ito t h (loîlyi 4YýýI - o ok r o l lu lt rsiiaall prices. t d I lie season. 1 mpany., aBy Which re Judged tcLaughhîn-Buuck has huai .uring this long ime iL h*-. ea affections of CanadiM dLay it la recognizeti as thu aIl other automobiles. rling worth has been MUe rhiglaest engineering SilI.M sd the (moi materisîs coud ia car to be prouti of, n«0 y and! durability. bot aWi ipuarot. et modeIs in every rsped buiht. A close iispectI04 Ch Mdal$ ta Chaaue Fiee! QUARTERS ,otwear! sr îeîrber of the 1 to Qu,,tlith the BeBt- ~at Mark~ andyRYC andV~ ist Qtiality. . E vE Y ~ » Local News. USII<IETISEMUJTIS <inlgDepartment pWNE-~Oani, ~ AMT L !* IT leus: albfre going elleewhere.te e a n t«oe o IPRSLE.....occshutt corn culti. Woodor taaîc<î 7n.' Ito, an.A~IHugh D. onI amerRod BatstChurch, ad md sorosos.toh (Jmiei e, Tra a gar. arr] r rrnsllaes.. en.a une 13. BansFoisnloatteodnjgaoo p- T is S ore isOpen Every Business Mn. T. J. Brown ha. bee vdsltl&g mfeting R.YJ. Wbaloy. R.tN~o. ThsdSi berdanghter. NMr. 1E. Wilkinson, for _Mn 1l uot tn hun24r6 Ban- l 0011130__________________ mmetirneha. rectivesed ftnal ber re- P mri oototi ek o.2t k aromtflmu a1iatIt i5Muid tuai unitr the uffig Do. FOUNlD-On Mouday, juatotîou e \e-1 for rpring, 1923, te ber 4 minlon rdIitbu~. tioootltss.cîn Milton, a child's coa.Oura e Day for Business. ij i i Clars.at Weetoau golng by auto aest weok.* Pumlinch willieh added. to HWoun, "mrn applying to Mis Shepherd.d Ih 1r,.riiigý and StYles in bMent Z At n, ndoornÂr.t. r tIsdv.___________________________________________ -- ~ ~ ~ A 1%PtOn. on Mondaerigbt came To "'-etreetmvilnm octan, idiram aigfr bsav ______________________________________ And Ci al-. for opring. , coet.fortbi'î- m o ea i.ltoni lant Sattirday and de- GIRL@t.WANTIED tuwork l1 S8inîng 9 1,1 »~'k Mg ('lothem, Osurla drap loto titecomit. whlch ran below rate.h OaatOluashdidmiiintWau ie ptmor ue rn >îupyat r'iAe&('irhrtts). dwelîtoaadla a Wmore<frsAp~ t ' é u11 hl an d 'Sox nuo bts oua, ot Wrn. Alexander, vice lu ibis orhnu Iet uiday at 21Mi. rSîun SBurllngto)n. P.-n. Rev. Ur. Stewart of Acton, FOR SALE-Reuideureofut .udge El- doU it i peaeb.îlot un Mili St., Mlton. Vivo eid rîrraci fr he ic~ ess ioTheM as Fmrmsklma. of wkvilleMettra-dwretenus. lecLric îîghting, o ctr ' i .ILNR Il y. B WS.for 1l lies Aid tset I'Ls nooxstoaro esar r Letheri range, b.tb rom 'P Chssch, iii on ondy. Js. acompota on.buldins suitable for go âeagind ' pbnt5. ----L 1110Driuii. o dy oea opeslnstable. 'Pdo 1 tbtb8iSocine , This Play bas been FINAL Daàr.-nIi finai draft of ' UU given Lwiee ln Gabville andtdre* aàLb.eiHamniltoin Mthodiet Confergence U crowded bouse boih Lino«. Admis. maies oniynoe catu Milton dis. OBITIJARIES. ' @Ion 25c. and 15c. tric-V. et:ai o n A. ewet. 'n orlofAtid'.W.V A. David ScOti. fornierly of Milton and CAPTAIro JOHN BRIIcKoN ' bave rernoweithe sernaitl soiers' mon-S A LEe VTO IR E S uon t. wbîc bha.siood for tbhmon ast er'y of Itiorida. la lu tihe U S.-Mi.-Captain John llreckon died last di Iwn Yeuim on the iaw ofuthLb. iiîder. . sitlNorol, 110111î4 Ov Thursday at bis bomne ai A ppleby, imu l__________ and Roua,. formerly tbe "tî 'P9 in froin an Opton or appeedl. hi. fiet year. He bâti brenilIt for 'PAE (omrrunlty Butin,, tLn1airemew Cerne. ci Lis. @moe re. Captain 1Breckon rntîutedUtA hul Ilth difeenttoy. IL ail lbtere necîîy,.asconniand. Mrs. W. H. Stewart. aitb ber am in thieNels0on Cmpany of miitiia, on ii.o di ý1ý tohol al thediferet 1ng poiton in th . WVp V. A. plt.- Rtobert. and daughter, Mis Ige' organization about 18W,6. uhen iL oas ' thome ut Mes. Steaart'm brotbei-in. McCay-. ni bcnêN. o f ah f w r ~or i li' bot W cary a ie~ietL.aeedl igan~crraddLea. Ptà3eesi ON TRAIN - TlrIi r . Seerttiie 20tb Haltan Rifles, wLth te 'P 119 O rSeii-Annual Clearing Sale of Millinery. do =outs. W rn.litard y .1 gr, 2.aujn sOrd e T-Cul. Kernu as itCaptein, 4ergL tr é aobriBrown, aged 2),utoHlitaisaudj Mr. and Mms. Robert Boyd, of Mil- Brockos gui a colreriso a ub C in 1mLl, ed 11Irgeg lhave Ion, anuîn tbeîr ari .1 l te r e e88,,aben Cot. Kerno'be beyradDmninru4 rb n or eeeo three mrntbs erneleg 1buter. Mai Ada, ta Mr. rame aMajor. Captain Brecion got MThis Season's N w stSyles at ogdoirand Doffinion Fabrt or or iieOntario Reformator ,.GueIpErirest iLele BndrOn Saiui'day cunmand outhLbcurnpany, ihhhed fo ryiug toave naC .tanatron June OU.i, at 2.30) p. M. bord for a nuieber ut yrars, util bc Y wihittickets or payion eu. 1by mre atin o ana~ th gUtmtfo are lu jailhbrie awaitiig au rscorL ta PICTURES ImFrII dSamd iz~eonreH ag od ffler'oneGreatly Reduced. Prices. 3.'h.Jane 8 and 9: Ily WIld Irish Ree.îi thie ut popular iu the regîrnt. 4 \ I 32 ~GRAcE CîsUiiH.-I.ast.Stnday even- a cornedy drame wlth ploaey- or &c- He bocarne a aidoscer a weeri brfore 'PU 32 x '.as iarsco lî îtro inaln nndymmdcQaac bit deaib. Ho irt it tree snoe led. fMltn LOt.0. 81aud visitars, Alexander Wilsonadfrnl bob andfml ihdud WrMialtuteb, Nauara P______________Falls,_________________________ aitb lady Tr inBles floinGeorge- tota iau their trienda for Lb, great adîgtrMien BIa. ut N gaameIt. toan and Actan. braded bsy tbe baud. kindueus and ayrnpatby given thonàinlu' ]]a rraruir ,ic ifrn i75p.ta Grace Cburcb. IL wstl est tbrir late broavemeutthebodeatb utnero', M ltnsBgCahSoe- in 1 Al trF irP, 1iiesru ron 875 u a oclety cburcb parade o r nMrm. Wilson, and for beautiful flowers Mit. C. J. LEwis. Milton. Maey peuple eul a sert. Mm.ndeLewis. - Mutons igfCahhStoresPoC. J. aiesoanenl't.Salectaa te cburcb. Be.. ddlast wdowftblir hoeateIJd Bîjil Xne'iîîî <[.~l)Ile orkCNattel prracbed su able arr. (OiNVIL RONTS- The toloi g t," ,on. grantà wscre made by tihe cousniy cat rnouth, Englaud. Mr. aud Mis. rod a<î Pnicetic gria. Spieiial prive in btlrrel lot, i St Tiedavis meeting :20th BalLon %Lewis.canàe ta CadatnEganaafotEgnd i________________________________________________ Dr. Henry A, Brasty, of Tornta' .s foMahr loacCm-lfranm- brutber nt thbe Preidentuf the C.P .' R=ls81 = oior'Aio;&e o- go aa y asao sud rauîn- _____ ____ adeauhr10ar i 'risiuo 88$70.101. Berton Women'a In- 0 ben r.Lws rn er u oficnn e aride a ther 10 acresta bis eautifu n'ibuToroto Pressed Brick asudTerralnI b' Olements' Hardware, M ilton ignw45 ce.Th etpucaeAteno eCuoemdebkn itan ra eserick Co,Ld. outate _drign ,r- oaud IE awu Lb. nid hmnedbelonging Ltansd eaudy. iclaeis rilsfryeara beture Lb. boginuiug outheLbrem atprtiug dirc.Oîanncut A T E ' labe tb. Henry Bayera. andlit givresthe sale o M m . .S. Robertaune lawn un war and aent tir England srt as btia hdvoceont A UT O T IR E "aîr f.roeroouscokatadLoagtr.Hde atground ut inlldelitylasporitted ta re- dortor 450) acres, practlcally ln one .tàdiy a rnnfoi4ta0ocok ien tw dubes eid a rrv bloc. Tha lai sle cmpleri!imit er the auspices ofthLb.Happy Help. ainter. Tbe Misses Lewis îoay com rne________________ -- =pmbaes tedoctr hm made thrughers' Misoiîi Band. back ta Cauada. C. B. Lewie, ut To- F R I<TI I J te lloubb FneAgency at The Distric W.CT:.Gold Midsl routa, la Lb. only son ut tho famuily, xales inthe DOnon i L FIRST MOR»aT Nmvr TuKAr TRRNraOO,. 1 at 8.15. The ainner train the public Oragh Schol Report for May. makes an appropriate ut a c.wHi hbldeiseiotstra. district ineda.Stieecdieeton. Sr. IV-Wiliie Haeod. 74 per centi, Yoie ad Cbri« Sat.Tl. DoînonEduane,3xq .- LoofWear-ever Kitchen EquipnuKNOXCHuc.Te mrnengme-Bant Galbraith 73l Mrry Broanrîdgo lm ooid fure Hgrd ft"ton o and aitI giv. a lecture on the &tory o utKt r ENoX Hine eii h.ouu.u .n ufo rmat-H rclsFabrc, 30x3j .. ................. alunlein ran L. mnota he m ic i ll le ducted by Rer. J. Eus.~e- lnVaaiile67.MinieDevgraduaui- t-«set ..pîsyuaeecue PRESEt 'lh. p rope reanedtutheoark- g .ulIHarris, of Toronto. Mr. Mackay b3, Lilliae Buck 58 Marguerite Law- iîosip.s1",.uustrnus. aL lue nuni uunsaanidho eaiuetid l hi teeveeieg. The mub- ec oadMCn 3 agr .J UÀT.Pi..; eclsCapo Cord, 3., ....12. r5 Nea meud utiswl clng ad P "c al eQîonEtuî. L.Sn t Broaucidge 09)._______________ batwil e pprcite b th A~ofycboiissatrJueltb. Br. hîl-Marjorie Bock,b80 perrcent., Hercules Scorpion Cord, 3Ox3ý ...... 15f.(I thatwil beappecitedby te wll o sown A iceAlfred Ford 75, Ellen McCanu 70. lanceonwil liepreare an sereiMr.andMm. . Rchad M ut ofJr. III-Mabel Butler, 97p.c, Myrile NO IE UN1BID.at the cluo. Questionm aili b. ebser- IMilton. soanese .engagement ut Peacoci 91. Llli. Devlin 83, Betiîîab _ K. & S. Tiesoold..re O.......15.00 JUN R DE fuly arswaered, but nu groudaailîl ho their unty daugter, Charlotte Zaïres, Staiitt 60). A cumrnîttee ut Eequesleg Township c, a. z nor prices given. A mpecial tes. Lu Mr. George Reery Baan. of 51M .i-ýCll Clasa-Stul 9 uti, M17p:, Lezy Cotiicil wall ineet at the 3rd lin. on Domninî anoouîy Tread.......... . 15.0U) ture aii ho Lb. guoning coiupetitiou. tan. tbe maiag a ae&lce aizCap I88 laniridge 81. No. 10 sideroad on June 7tb. at 2 p.rn., abon a Wrar.uever utenmîl walîliho given borne ot the bride'@ parents th. latter Bobbiu rtt n Ford 77, unuieta recrive tenders fer the gading sud C.ReTU NE aayraz a helukylay.Al te ar o JnelasaRu 0, niinhl74 (eu.gras'ellig of the aret boi!of her4t THESE ARE ALL FIRSTS C. R.TU i- r~ Eil lais o e al. Honby.axetiriaIn-1 table. Straabecio aH aheav19,'G.A. Wesoon NaoT. 10 e veoa . U O i W O muarrivitud ta ho preaeet. Bring your bs-1Theohavy raineaof the lait tea daya Hamilton 15, Bobbi, Camnpbel 22. 9AI\ S SIIET h' - - MILTON band if bo eau corne, The plae- jbave donewoederutforcroC&ndvregs- Harold Busbaed 107. 1Gordun StaîîttWJ.. AMI. ______________ barp. n tTuesday 5bon 1r oirri" ail leld igbt. plume Primer Clau-Mýaurice Beatty u 1Ta.4tad3ut _______________W,__1____ a dil. There WiIIio Hamnilton 136, Ratpb Ford 127, IPHONE 48. HARD WARE. MILTfON bas born a "reaishoa of apple brocoli, orley Peacoci 106, Erneut IleIl 54.* fl1IJ. but the rart y varities ail! ho ligbt. A Cas-Hoaard Stauîýtt 102,. Bar. f l *[~ Judr itutae ii. aatnt ~voy Camîpbell 42, Lurrene Bayfield 34. Mrs. 0. _____________________________________ huy e Er ugotra' biasistntre tAveragte attendance Te br... awq i,1hieh there ar e btauu mi001 . tuSeirella Crei sinMitn. Vori hVte walhnieihdr oeb taaEvery BaRton isunicboLw- ty bas busndredm ut appeale. Ibe BORN. WILL BE IN MILTON Wakris othtbLhree parties ai ail Wbeeler-t Milto. n May 27. 112:. busy ta i.and n.Bbo liuer. a At Farmers' Club Room Wtilarn La dlaK.C.. aho dbed lidn btr Toot.Arle2.lft bis estate. con. DIED. erSaudyftrc, oostiug utf$70,713 in raliasnd personal Eey.,ara fono,: AL - Uu property ta hie aile. M,. Tran- Buc-AtLergetoan, os Mondai'. IAP E E NU M AKN1Eces L. K Laidlaa. 49 Queen's Park, June 4. 1923 Jamîes H. Brick. tromn 2 to 5 ociock. Agoiioa ad a~ eîîtwt oso __________________________________________________ a andned ber sole emoeutrix. le i Milse-lus Na...agweya tawnei!f 11i- rsuAnutslf h.e adeMseg.-uu.l ltw oso scli. imade on Nov,.t1llut, Tueasdaï, June 6, 192:1, Juhbu n - -- rsu. a ti sin t . R g 0 .>................. Aller tsut Mondays Cosservative Baker-At Waterdoan. un May 205h. ..........................8 odyTetPie2C Sig metngetGergton ifa.J.A.Jon akria ie d year. îL Wloityetertabine aai BrtuhAiA î'yu'My31t. S HUI r WEEK END CHOCOLATES 32c. lb. i auî a nunhor t otien..latIn Captalu Johnu recioe,age 1y . So ePerson Stole My Kodak adSiumere n es ldisan _d81Ja: .Your Fruit and Vegetable his weekend 8pei'aMl aways in great deuland. ~ j.,W fio teals ny purse or property stealsfu aurouidie . Bnr> asir ii ilnws ie tî as ao a The Hlome and Sceel Clmb ahi PUBLIC NOTICE. H. J. ASH-----------.....................IEK END PCAL3c serve AfTasmne ti is ndhllh l reoeme aMa le and i sinmrcatTry that new Ice Crearh fleik, Cherry Custrl u t m3 J C s tserSe v ic e - Mm eW. i. D lc Ten M5 h a lffà 01e. osie r By- laa N. 574 out hei.To w o f TORONTO ONTA IO. N e ison s.i Bltte annot stalthe Srieanda tten - i ' ae equeset 3.30. 5M agiton Main Street ta Tent Mary Street lipu e1sasu a s sae arSeunday ateroon. a1111[1114, buKeau dmsted a tout patlà oruaido- tDelly Repsrt& Wsahlii ffmtoW.T BARN R our cus o m ers.auu. mand ail vebicle traffe linle future r tion we) give t u st o viLb..A upea l a~t 0is Xrbeci extedtin îusdiaovriy ho ahI ho reopoed I. k ider liy-laa No. 111 a penalty W-tik~Yir Flin ti ii- leveîîad B isr aic acho omiho- t ucedintwentdlre sMcythe ir- .)m FliiïtJ1fýIe'cipdandl Printed. Yon get the beegt ser- igp.pra4î ~nmeaewn. TU o n sasypurdidviugnydo Vice îdal oa adiesa, 1ejM. on siutiUuolim= theb.Toan iiiMil eS) ît,.r rr l'ImRaItee liii work and givesatif&tion auork, b Rev.3.LjIL. areo. AU pa- 2g uy rer 01rorrin i ______________________________ 1nadf, )11a or Glossy. Mlo oE- ia Eitd MnIhoL nsehatasilin. __ Il 'hiliri ni! reMisa tE lyid ottýiot kt i ceOcr - SmatSye n. !a o tea3dm'sc rae, R11210 No r e rayton, a loi rminute' xar.Syesin. rb< a1 i 1lget the bstreuli NMatter cohL onylibayficmt a stdou eli a bigbhumol sud churches; goa ________ l iO~ iiî 11lilon o fit any siBe carîed. buur limer ths L.T.L.lnthMetbiS bone. 7 rouines fareace. bacd sud soit at 4.30 p.rn Every mas,.ans;aMi 0 wL ai runted, drive shed 20r cI Id iterested lan igrIs aowk Inviteti 3; ail a rmediumClay loua, and g1c. on F o u e r eIbca#,one&. asteraet barns anîlrusnieg 1 liealth MisCelianeous Prs Sver collection. Mn âplng in poiifse.about 7 acres ba,3 Salts ReqPure 8 suad BnOitEMARUs.-Mr. acras crohu, sunda tariemueded b clover W a ReuieensS.Fleming came ftgroamauitoa lent a fulllinoIeofutimplemnets. neacly uew,' iACN~ - Md ný_Ytalspen.ti sebank bua1 t goodmt hoorimes.Duibsie rattîe -- have a ri Il- aareMOflQ - onay sho-w- ru.I M.MACK, 40. : The Rexall .~as> So ~~k~$$ scMM k ' asxiiïwa or 10". 1,i