Your We P10 m i i \Pi A. 1 IGalbraith& The Canadian Champion BASEBALL. WANTS RESIGNATION. i 0120. bf NOIR, Msî.Tne, av 8. 152. - SW*kbinOAtPaOi~iOÔOS itn' ai-In fi. ond dioving measarY Of Theilton nine went ta Actiso lagt To »&teror et h Champion:l b, ans is2.bie.Wnahand Saf ar etce¶Y o""n Nesnlwsi eiin dcto gaine there througis inabiiity ta bit the,. no *ibêht 1o 1 O. sehb8meabd 'of ar y 8presss ae Convention, tise offeringsoaf aau legd ria igned fconsi te execnttvOf ltise Blai.BrekonU-At "'ey, ani<Tdirisday, SdrbB 0ezi s otmre; ___part aide pitcher. Wboe naine Wa- ino ltbi Ai Àoeiatisi and baie el- y24tii, Sarab 1 And n trotan.llehliareti , "Og tn, rabUiyan iaiedilsbe sashetaye Cht oe. ieafCalit, John Býekan, aged Ber woenomenquite and hot dearf, l'i nmaI convention of the Nelson g T se gain dton aeinontil ainedatînah ubyeanie .upt to. 5 sae.Ndgte enèh t eeeSlla ý,%nhlp Religions dcainCauncil 91t In.UV il guises H efsiq io sMetOrb.are.tPieraadglo5or, wa edltt e ehdutctin , iml aout ta ac.rlngbon rrîiedcandidate for tise Ontario Lg iM tsre4 Olnseta-nMilton, a Mondd'. May n h ehdnCocsZmfronit ebar teBay sWber. FoMr. l Ry Daie. uid ,yoe lvd oitVednesday, May 2 Hd ilton, Teifer pitchedwiitn ad Me lavrsan"eran ieai98t.128 o Iaa ne, isebaed Not Bayia gLeRorth 'hferan ssson peedseth oen tb fr ia a e ast ltoiceisy . aviae ao@ ~cera iier cad earf . ' PrariacivaytoPaile ergeatan . FrledUr hoprsolient. John Sheppard, in tise uid have woan had neot tise gaine bave insiated uon piactog in tise fieid mf fW .Uenne nbrOtsNri o neee.ea tikie 'vtional eneroines led hy Rer. Mr. bunodeen. t went ta cieren inninp. corsehave fnt been ln accord wlth IFord-At Oakvilie, on Wednosday quitart. drinig tb5ouitise hack aloor I tcosooitotheCarile, foiloe y00Tisere was nonfailit taeise foand seti suacisaw," ineaning prabibitory lame, May 28rd. Jessto Turnisoli, midai 0aftse Uae s e. Ragera eocapcdl on tIse Bow ible. siyno - .Mi-e. i upires, Mcttombisfor Acton anod Ho knooma eil that sbooid tise eiec.ithese tataeGeorge Fard. aged se year. iota tise Sncbad gat awgy Ila astolen t'onos , Loensle. e aid, nation J. J. Pescocis for Milton. ilsl evrceseto livd or beprogressive 1trou resuit ta a Liherai goverinent!-1isabat. In the afteroii ooo whon sehot 55 o ot hee tos s th Bblefo tMiltn..takiag charge f tise affalre of tise GreenOmrd-At hi, e i reutdee.and kiiied' about eigst nies frotte ï,1oiegreatest factor sehicis me bave ' oRoFi e o A n.province tise (lotarie Tenperaace Act Nai StyEatin, n.Snnay, My 27,Nipiaing Ieirai talcen hy esurprine oit filenational lfe." Ziminemman Fsrlow. .f .5 11 i 2 () () mii he In ndanger. t miliinat hbc dea EaaruL Oeiordlos hie a. wasing hiisandneiin edge S ooday tchnol thon fanrerd lsa ith Atian 2 .....5 1 2 1t il o)anended or repeaiediist a fide- aged 80 yearo. 'Cf the ake add iron nontinite tsoot. -(Itoo11son. lIse preeident then gare Stewart, .s. 4 0l 1 t 2 tmnad froin tise people. Sa we innnt -- - - - a topos t ofthtie ears ions and the Chisaoln, c_5 1 1 14 1 staxdeetand that heoeacting mereiy ono _________________________________ -c tlSoport ws eead andI adopt. Bock, r.f _5 il 1 0 () ()tise priocipie tisat be cannot spport o'o. Th, s wansfolloseed isv sl rery le- Hume, Ii lb0 1) 10 5 btO card olhiiitianiet. If Q I~ i t ing addrss by Rer . . . HarrisTelfer... ..4 0 I O 5 1s, o is d tit ewon heoiasHE D A TE S . Pi oosii lopi-esentatire. Be said, MeMolen, 3b.4 Il i 1 () () tise Liberai candidate io tise electian of s H E H A Q A T R . Th, geatnee of undy Shoo Litlef..1 1 0 19 he foiiowed tise leadership nf n ttssodav is te,e oonecrated lead- Merrot, c1-.(I) o ()oIl artieyDewart? '*He did nt et bie 1- Woso1-t bacc leaders whm are- - - - - - 19 gasaoddy icpl ointerfere wîis - FOR -- ssllhng to '5ce the thisg tieogis." B. 41 ;; 4ax2 If) 2,h isanitio n, nordid hoobject te KX, sfPort Neson, led in the xTwoonst hnnigrtesebe ored. tis a8prtof r. Dae,.ibm iras ane Althnsth OUrtmon*,pAolon. tiCn. ie wanted aad gottLie ssnited l asnnone, sec sere ecoote-osegnses o tsehadea mrkrsfa bs ec jy sg,-Io tis e reports sent is froon tise A.n 5R O et) A snpportrf tise party misicisheo ns ho- ldtosoott-ohoos. We serre tienfaror. B.RKen'edys.s2 t OIl i 0 toays, askiog n awibard questions -I wiLisaotdoot front Nelson Metisodist Jenkis,s.9.3 () 1I I1)labout tho moira tof asy Liberai. He .tstlIi Siooo. After tIse bssiness Leismns, 2b6 0 2 7 I o fignreo nomas a horrible exemplse of Ail the noweet styles -for every merember of the fîfmily ves 5 0appointed Be srKaey, 3bs.5 () t i 11 lncnnisteiy aod ingratitude.We co Il 'ostossot goa-e a splendid addressMr- Drsne, O ... 4 i ) 2 1)t oir gnesathis intir, bot perhapo 00w in B atook. l'oxso. Wook." explaisisg tisedilPes-- Masters. is. 2 2 14 05 i he hapeo tisat in tise evet of the Pricea Reilseorable and Quaiity the Boot. ottpae os tbehenrk tiat seteisg Kentoe, Co.s5 il 1 8 1 O Drory veruiset being outainred it ,-iii1oitsin tîsat departient. After MeDonald, re1 5 I1 :1 (t i 0o ielhoMnekind cUnu aas ithbas een ta Ille ItooldTable t'nference led by Barringtan.p 4 tfi 1 O il 2 Iother repegado Liherai iawyers. H U M IESb ±±SH . .O J. ITfl IZe5. Mo.Hliesn t seas tooved by R1)enes 1 ) t 0tt () i b aysnç tisat,"certain Liberais" pot lotteM. fs'aostns, seconded isy Mr. - - - - - -- r. Da ertto tise fied Mr. Clearer limise,flisnt a reeolstion of sympatby 44 4 lit' r3 13 41 sceuts ta intend ta gise tise faine uim-__________________________________ b'ot st feonts 0oucnovention te Rer. PL H. E. pression tisat Mr. Dole is tise uooninee ,Ils. Illossltssss.espressisg eebearr- Miltons Il1 20000000o-3 7 2 Of, a onnali gronp. Thie fart ie that tP t, nstatisy insbisnrecect bereave- Acton Il001002ttO1-4 111 4 there mere more titant thitty poinn "los t- Teboringeegation rose and Tiro-base btt, Als.;; tolen bsases, est Liherasi t tise meeting etmmci. I5o-, MM. Tobb,, led in prayer on Mr. Farlose 2, Alla.t. Chishoin Bsock, Tel- it mos declded te pot a candidate in t "ilg Illeomestinsg ad;nsrned for pie. ingtan 9O; base. onshalls, olf Telffer 2 cýxcept hy MeCveo. tlleavr and Fisher. m t sloh . off Harringta 1 : seilsI titehes Har, Stnce Me. Clearer ba nt bad tise 'il(,e onsissg session npened seth a rie gtan I1, Telfer 1; ieft on basesMl-i decency ta reiga frmn the Liserai ex. - FOR "'tig -ios-sssad derotional esereises, ton I. Actan il. Uttspires-Aeto, 'Me- ectire bis resignation ohoold ho' de. 1-'h I? ,toMsi. COssstos. Ils tise roliContis Milton,J.. ..Peneocs. nsanded. The party wmli Sho ettreanti sU tIl1 tttt s n to rorepresented exeept At Besate ]et yeae's champions de-.sel feel eleaner sitissit hier. poos snstvaivs then sstrodstoed. isgs. Batteries-Beonte, PollocisOjot- 5_____F C IN a d~ RVC loit llsod i555 excellent address y ter and Thomas; Campheillille, Early Nosi-. 'lebs, of Bsrlisgtan. on and Lamsb. PISIn LANOED TREMSELVER. If t. 14 aid. "lise parpose of Milton yeteeday afternoon. iritis O tt soean r auh.b I ls'sb-sin n Sidooltars ise isd TsàatnLast eissee nSo Ahr n r ags p e f o r e iîsssan's il te eacs lih ta gire match siti Bronte, after an addrees FinhermenOi. e f Po k à A V a sigii osi sîs Ises. s altgssse. iy J dge Elliot ta the loyers on cles. Dsrlsg tise great nothwesterly T- lutalto lie their teahisig and so - ingi . ooe ofn tleIhseu Bedinth mnsto '-otu t Stssday Sohool teacisers are aosonsisp. t. ono ofd ntgle iis nisee Ostis mcti 5 1-tohil tit fr rme, ut or te sson te tbink tisat itbad not bers Match la Great Dritain large soals 'ts Ms. Josss tt.ts Zsnsorna n tolheart, for a deaorer gaine wsnof herringi denve toto Lacis Boy, en tîoangil stott t ers aoeptably. Rer'nrrse u is ctc odfetn iems oe f etad n îsPRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY Mi.IlaIs gis se ano tier addresoi prevasîrd. At tise close Me. Joy'ce. of nt, Lsch Keal. Nezi day.mises tise N, ttsillie s.1od, "Are ' *' n heBeontle, President of the Leagsoe, con- ride menti est, tise Osis îey le masses Ordera Dellver'ed. PHONÉ 42 lislt sattosssto m ssgts gratslated W. Chissiols, tise local amollgrtthe meed-clad rockts Inbebtlli ____________________________ 'n tiste scisolarss manager. on this fart, on tise splendideîsîe t 1el tnissimtarndtp hcisolroditiosniftise diamond aod tise gool Any aid ihermas miliitell posu o thbov ar'] irl whm warehnlitsg of tiselaget roird fAec- &Juilarinstances, anti ierelogo ar 1,svtog tenolsac. A trios iy tise Wat- Latrs. Tlersg e '""o hig nhy nosmnsntise Cnl is 5 t . titi ts 500 nssfoerjy thesy lse st. Be helsI tise isitars oohssal me fo sI % -ttot/ts nastes ydoses to fosse lits atsdissted only tiro bre ilaibisîodd fauhlsn. ;,1.Alenetto Zniirmnthnpase.Pollock piteised mcli tae 4nst Uimes of eary fronotmanyc P I i7tî'tosVnsk"etsng adesss o hes.nssrtage of its beiind Obm lntsoeemamatles a point ef il . oI Ats stning isya s u 'hqseered his iptoi.' Allast led at t'em-auInr adonc tise rocks etisse fidoe, 1gs -s ss-t ,opaioss'sl feeling tIllthîsisanent, is hree singles. Chishol sm ils as eyc spent for cai se esseer ts ltoi s5~ .ssOstn soit the pir îsi otcbsg t Borne Yels agu oessiwer froti a lto n C o n serva tiv es~ ______ totseisen tbey casgittwo ontt-Yarmouth, nottcingag ecommotionti la e v a v s âû OBITIIARIES. tise plate. isy cersmisg tise squeeze pay isuge ends irgllng n vain te regain l sigal.Poloci ma oe o th vi- ltases Ocbotlis fnishom ani Aitonster Pienie otader tise auospices of lise (oservatine Association of tYl wt.~ t5t5~lt sOmseg . P iseckmas o f r then pvnie. stcthes. ektie ti home,'ndtise Cosonty of Maltaonitsietoterdata of tiseConserratire cauose anti rise a masde a triple. HasI ise fot heen cangbt At Baattisem, neer Hunstano, Candidature of Sui e.orge Hulmet,, wili beiin tise Park pi \\'lt,. snasklasnnstr sîed ast SoOsse- lisesenîd banc secorrd on a silsIpitas, on lise Norfslk cosol. ea lsngasotemn lia 1asi ot hi, hsome s.aiPatersss , oftee a tiseonsly son ethis eiiTeifer mas coahl ins amibe fashlors a congorer otoostoo ewsan79years ol ehaeged. Pollock batteil n Brotro whm ueic t ntise aimos a recorfoira tsG E O R G ETO W Nme '00 i"m- l theossdent, best knonnad tsn..Fariowse sorrd on a singe isy epeclen. Ilf ira. elcisl tet elgist O B FTENO Fdu -IItudidttoson tsof tise seigihor. Alla,. Bock on osother by SeulMilc incisesi le logti.aad eiciset 148 Ibn. O H ENO FuL iuý d tosta tesners-sag liseiras asîdi Stewaort on Cisioima dosble. Asotior curiose tiscnvcry mode 1.4 ( .5 oi tisl iiltosn.lic is saenived Botis ssmpirea gave genreai satisfac- oece Maryport, on tise Cumberland fthe~is , fi s titloo. bs-Ons. Edgae snd tions. Tise Bronteboys are gond lons escae, wmano aga fiish, a h itous L. j ~ ~ u , j ie Elgin, ui toits ,,assd 'siliatts, To- ons eIl as fast players. brueieeuesfeet lsng, mntris isati 4 tU a Mi ston'lliesîssi- tsirîles Tslsoaroste. tr4nded ti leon tise beacis. 1 't aii ts Iottssel ra 'ryA.O H eP.0AnE WisAiesoflea drire sabose.. In Jsly. h paeso h a ilh _____ ~Osborne, 2bs s t) tIl 73 4; 0 11, a s$boat of pilot mhaleC coma Ts paeso iedysoih lis t' .CesnT. Stansisare. sti () t 1 0 inOttIMoonîs Bay, Cornalland etiho-e Poloi, î t 2 t iNa5 ados0 ssiegse ro- The RIGHT-HON. ARTHUR .MEIGHEN 10 t îîîst tsyts -lcts .e Thsomasn.c..2 O O 7 3 i tsren steandedti hoeîneî eson tise LeadIerof the Cosserratîre Party in tire Dosillion ton t-(sfi(]ts>1Monntîy asliser homne Joyce,2t. iif i 1 2 I1isiacis. Borne mere 00cr 20 feet iHNn.HO 'R E GU O 5i ,,il MartnStrestro. Stubilssdsffeeed Ctsdmcre, lb.4 1)t() 10 O i longlis. H N r O A DF R U o sstîssslog titte terott beat diseae ' M.Doetnd ..o4 s0s1) O o 0 'isrelaaecordti lathke year Provncaial Leader tme st-on tbhe causeoof hem deatis. itiatsj, .f..4A i() I i) i)1046 a isard of-ns femer tison 1,540E 55 eots nt îisslî er f is5th e cos R. tneand,t'f.:l 1 1I 1)i0Si)osf tirettemhales camesabhote tnt Quen r .K M.George ossîmer co t~~~~~~~~~ -sso T-flae ors-iei - - - dole Bay, South Shetland. asti more Consiscmative Castilae in Haltan uv0 t 4of4Tafalgarliwhîleswe teeoi.1 4i24ir5relueBleucu otîssei-it. l'ssanssmbr of yeoes sisea htrd eivlu â iastonitlt residosit, of Miltont. Sise Milton, absot 708acpîeeo. Proineint Membemn tsof the Dominio andI Provinctal Hoînsso y s itieberof nItise Metisodist l B R N T's0 A n 1 have tepseif seanusoton, ipama- i'i ,I n ierdet s o , e aetow, l.. t 't () 550 lir lu a sionpool neare bee5 of erg a rltiiiiyfins le ssivvdAllan. 2ts - - .4 i 3 1t 1theise Det. ifng tiemselves rlisî t p mus ic SPORTS POLITICS u 1l 1 ier's tishiand, twsns5, bMttises, cf iteseaet, s.s 2 1I4)i 1I :f 1 onl aseuiltibatik misenttegisteneti. onC 5tssas k. and Gleorge, of Motana, Chisssco. c_ 4 t) t 12 4 0Oonte occasion, of seven Sis in ca PoToelie Ce.r.îsy i tolstigto ittss Bot isa, atîsome,.gad Telfer, p.._ 4 Si) St)S() 2: O lis ol otrigst orer litrecaltte hock- PUBLIC HOLIDAY -TeRn' rtdy-M EI GEORGElTOWN tove 's t.o.t.ttr tiJi.iGahannf Esqses- B isclkr.f..._ .4 t1 t1 S>0O0O atec andthaittloelPed hck.m igTflrttea i wltake place ta- BHsme,tusl_ t: Stil 0St i t roPlle Bau, m-boretoeeSis Speaising prorsmmeè 2 pin. Mr. Jamea MeDloirnilCOntinny Prteident da ti2 ts.itesnen tins Erergt-een laiande.l i (1 ()t SiOso Oummaowasltmiiotf iii acmnnpy tte chose. Sie CoMoMîslsîs, b.3 Si t 2 5 2 lump ristilunIsa bcet iigbfisl h ulc r oeai Ivtd 5i - - - -bas ac ilgit abusrd. Redi sncpper iiiTePulearSutily nie 9 Mls. stEX. WItLSO. I 7 27 17 5 do lise smline n. JL E. FLECK, Chairmmon Comntittee. GEO. ARNOLD, Seceetary. Edu Ito'tistoosseed as lise honte cf RHns n gnn mnEnClinS waters grsy moilel1 I .)ý1 .itIntosîs, Miltnn, son May rsnte .......Si O)t0l1ii O O O O -i 4 4 esmetimeà acteihiomeelve». Saines(JOD BAVE TIHE KINtG. ev ts1, i'3 f Snegaj-et A., belonssil Miltons 0 0OJUS0SO1i1x-3 7 5yearao a stio tsne .Ssh iad- lever ~ 0,titxatndersl Wilson, in ber 7st Tssn-base it, Citiisoti. Tisece-isase ed lise Great Western Dock ci Mii. T s's1- she tittehon its rlecasd, cons- it, Pollock,. Sacrifice iit, Joyce. bey, PlYmouîis. Tise dock m-a closetioa I iss , aada in t170, asd mas maeeicd StoIes bancs, Joyce, loartose, Allan 2, anti emptiti, cand 10.000 n.Wtet, his s Mabv 187:. i. Bing spent mssst. Stewrt, mhishiainl.Bucek 2. Strsii elgintg tour antd o altans, wmarc l 1 itesin Eos>sesing sheislenm ts nisI, l Pollocks 7, by Tlfcr ). Bases caugis aand packati fer tise 1reecishte -d-tsi Oilton thisieen pears ago. oits balle off Pollocks 2, off Tcifere2. mat-kct. a iesiser n-fttsePt'fsbyteeriatt WiIdpstoi.TelfFe. Posrdisatl.Tomant. b______ yte] o Si-lt ,heoattendedtl fl-sît ons bases,, Bonsle S. Miltons6, Uns Cn.5nAp,. tiilsii oStis,%vnasaes,,t(l pire, nte JABryt MiltnJJ, AC" pl ',itOig tOi. ier naseldesi tr '- ppOsa mthout coresaor »ais ct-s hisgli-se ens tsp al sebo issese tromisd Sy e dulcoyery noed Actais silI jsiay here on Sstsdos- tAboeod aadteprto-ts I-ase o titiss er osConne -sit sci othe bbanuno '.oi'tan. tbreeo dotghtera andsix aso te frMilton. or otohehlfor, aaale ares- tienne,____ treodmaoisbarriengst ecctrtoi \1 ttI.t . lttto eteSpigby tise U.sS. Depnsrtrent Cf- oin' ai lis M V i. Bais, Calgary, Animleint Sttrm&n. mrc. fron ConnnI-Cleral lalteati. o At- MIt-. J. J. Meonsîs Milton ;,j 1 bavye hcaed o slsry 0f a yssg, rln udteRain eet,a sssg tt55, loleet tIn.'al, 1 scîts m-o. otterlpaintintg o pîcoure ~ at eriuvrsyf'm Pa, i, of2,1iton rand f atkorse feeling O 810cm, mas net wihdfesbtaihk nefldn St',50istorMes. A. A. Roek-' stfedîOt mI, anti. feelingttatihisdfe u iln Osap aloua 111go. ,I.andst tseoe bcnotisees omethiot mas meo, akssan- 5rm nofflary »%Maee isy Seng yson - .sîî WtSut, snsa.ssttoot'ocr taePlbos i. Iisîsastly the loger anti fltter ai tise enta, but otig. u.siI Daid Hs tasta ilgreaÀt 50h55saldt te im, 'Turao tise i f O.typisaI eoorng anti -ti, Ilit. 'lTse- issrooslk hebrse ecoand.' Éxept for, c slOgisC sarklnig on tiseat 11lut e t'otdettooelMary' Tiseco itrlo-uiser beai10te Sfeshismcbotlinth ie situation 0f Y ,i My 2n ad m arev t.lioreth hrs ursOietel.WTh"l e. Big R easons ~ olIt-iêt i E orgs O, ens. -ibit dtfferesce? Becaoîe ee adoapta avcOtrdrescsets iliiesTht t'I t watui o rîsî istoareluse tbe Plan best soîtodtei ta neetio astiVOs denrSVfitoed luan ardloard let Ah- U 0 e o-;ý,ýtIl bli owig to ra alatoY. Hw ralnti ettelbu aotidtise discavry iriASey loVA l s d- a , o crt t oitse g snabîe to attend, tni Iliste ht-ast, squares heothe e se tofth mos ywuai s-P pu a tyz tOi l b-lawtttE s Wnn, ced iy n. ot t eavy oS Rocf OtiO 4nt. Tltshallbcdoanme tram a nair sîsi h fotrir. te assr m at nds. Imlris itof boery at suport stbock et Fameuse, about elgreasons tis aots tso htie 01, -beat-ing for tise Seat -ti "ONOnofthetus ggeut -r m sfor thse reent t.otrl Iati tise deeeaaed amos h, toestonervoui anti oseitive me"keî.oiMstttties. The'diWesry -an great popuîaruty of thse c--InuA ioibl OnmpanlyI t-s-si' n tsi-si giiie' s i. s i Sti îlot mta Dr lot man fr t it pal ;î I %:Yt ,tr iur uec squar Ueal Store open every day foi'r sîes-~'i \itî.i~ afternoon, when the store is closedJ. w ît recreation at times. Our clerks enjoy tî.\ w..,4 holiday. You witI not denx- it to them,. STORE NEWS New Wall Papers New Dresses Curtains, New Blouses Curtain-Draperies House Dresses Linoleums Scotch Ginghams Floor Oilcloths Egyptian Cre-oes Congoleumn Rugs Ra tine Suitjng's Grass Tex Rugs i Voiles and Musli s Big array of NwEng1,o.jî r w Boys' Clothing Dî >î~o Suits, Bloomeî-s p Water SCLýs Knickers, Shirt Waists 111o ,- Iq Mens' Wear i (Chinaiti),i t Galbraith & Company, The Standard of Coosproumno An Outing Companion Desired' By Al <'Master-S ix- Sport Touring, Modcl 23-55 Oeglarice as ttis BcLau'gh' lin-Bîtick six- cylundco sportt tout-mg oar esipîlaism-y tI tiany dsscoimsttating motooilis so ardeotiy desîre is. Ose country drioe un ut coptaits why its unrs arstovso ertshusu- nsti in ilsunpou ce It faiot p spokIc i tttI iuht and cotor. andi lst beotiul incs are a dottglt t 1thoe t Anti its heautsp i. ont toitOc the surfaceh ecaso it us h utikosnte famjoos Meaughlit Bul h issu, antid oso ut,n.stîithte imsnut McLaoglttso- i- O n t ICs resm-soIn1 p otttPls'te estn5 met iCs .t i i stytts for Th- rnAr&.15 MeLaogiBuih Aek 55 , tChbsionProm T. HEPBURN, Agent) itn rhe Star car isHe! Peensier tof Victocha., F0rôla Astralialir. R. S. W. Lai- an. lisePremIeres! tise Sate Of vie- t-ria, bas art'let iOn fondn on00bis rat s-uit to Great NOtais. OrtInari- sy Australien pitictans ara of lin rYPeo. In tise antI-LaSer partis tiey me generalY aien visado anoi enter PoOletntill middle ltfs, mises tiey âae hecome inefuul mes or Carats- ,rs Oa tise otiser aide, masO Laisse men botnits e artisans anti cta- tuale for politic. titrangittests oiaon seoret&rrehtpa. But Nse cm-nson dos netbelona t httr et tees cl"nses. Ue Mr. BOi»r Lam., le la anaouif OSahe sse Hlm C auser va a Prshyerian minuster et DIa- LOJIy (VIctorIa), apt ysuniLant tOt 00elegai gercer tls a #tats ist01tol.r &r tiser.e m-est ta lthe coCs Collsge la Melbourne anti latat- Cise utnlvrniaty. Ne le nom inbts t-ty-et t pea>- anti 0e han at con- -n îY lo tise Victorien Perlamen t Dr one cossttnoy einee hé m-an osnty-fonre*aoof ea,- Stnigflysix est Lnla ight las-shasan. asti miti elaareuOftas- are@, Mr. Iweson et!Il hanutise boliti c arugby Coward.._5tt te niversî- lue mon hbis blue' for isotiscricket ad footbsall. Bilces tissaail hniensu reo have iscos devotei ta politos -onte asti muanlias-aodt u lise aiIdOng op of bOs legal pr&etîco as astiamaîre. Ne Ola a<entai. ettrac- oe feliom anst peako clearly asti -cefaIIy. Me. t.airon'aSoet MJiOtarlal of- e m-os as Mlnleter for Sanda le Sic szxaodcr Peacack'n Mlnistry On 113. tio ysare later Ina Sesaune flictot-Gene-ai asd Milater ot oation. Re huclle Premier early 1919, at an ucetaineti that office er sillce. The Prsaeçt Lameon Mtaustt-y can et Sc e serihot On tiselavgage or st-mer nember of IOC. iunetihm et Mr. Lamon's 0cm team m-as 'Woil,' lie naît, It lea uoti Pea terian Minîtry.' Nlom Lord Kelvin Pmoponeet, Àromantio ctocy la colSconera-. rLard KelysIa nrriege. Whouat )faisuasoseant m-an on bio Incluez, yaeh. Llla Itooblo, inWest lieaers,. ha got up a syncem lnmplti4Ing tise.nethod etoSsignala se. lis caketi MienCranm-boian greatiy admîreti, anti mho -ae tise glister of 41n isoat, If e nter- ti bis cote. She epiti aise dit. If1 St l sigonal," ho abot. 'from. nr Si, do you Othkyou counadecei i 1couldanme " Wel Ieailti , elle reontt. Tise signal m-ai tantiele ilt succod tamaklng )t and ti mttlng tise repîy. àQustion m-as, '.WiII You mér-y 1asthie csier vas TYee."- [eadowvale Mill teadomoalo HM ill ii hocloseti on âdaj.aad -fondaeo during June. randAugut -Bt - ,s mos o iei le C, hat the Court Cf Generai Selu tiof the Peace anti alap the Coutýy Sot i aid- ill ho )seid in tise 0Ct ntDonne ,oWs of iltonW ECDY, pt 12, l23 j isoar ofOne0c'lek-pran O Ilki Jstices of tborcaÛeCor- nois- ansd a-t-n- -- -dor andi - CA' Somne P TsFA KESP tsa. t Lt S tuti ,ï to t -BUt.thIey Ca tiou prints toasts" veloping. ihtthe mako ue llealth TSa its lOuBlalIl Liver 00110 O7 geOOO ruIt , Ic-n titiSoda SSilits 310 x *I3 x 4 VPE 1 %lrs. Rii mres> fer ti..e in and oee it and have a otottil0 otS Touring --$;0ù S40-0() Sedail Tacpýet ta. Ait pt-tees F.O.B. Tns'otst l ie DURANT MOTORS OF CANADA, LTD. TORONýTO '- CANADA F. . Robinson, Agenlt.Mitf Coeuiinotîo dits snd full 1-P..t..e-deampie. usa tinato,te]adsoplrp 1-.ur. scibi ts=p. -ir onor iso ni.inu. nisisice rat. troosaia 15mbc, noil emiulatr, dis.tsnd 540e mie. estsitn stI om 00ar. ciooardnsiens alun, inaminiuOîsdoîhtn tir.e tri. exîtra tss-,ount tiniseti nsnneeOseint, asinut nnitiinir. oun dots se, - aet. onkditü caintun, d-sse. Sontpistte ri-sa nOsa sinisdaiCms.s, iar UOhris. IF ý w à-. tý-. Z-0 GQE AT EST KI'AILER 1 %f 1