Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 May 1923, p. 2

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gi' lis - Se L.adto POISON. m The ço6a.iISDcbPIU Unmor.Mlay S& lm Fariner are busy t"» ed& and ' many n hn esual oatn t.he LibealcoWnendo bir et- dey, but t odrt waat nf ,eztaadtewaa hall waewell t,, fo th puli eetng.Dr. Me toll. Prensde.5t. waa n iebir The followng gentlemen were nom- inated, Ue Roy Dae, barrister ani mayar of Geffgel.ownï W. N. Robin- son. arrllter anu Duy becs of Oakvmlle. Chai. Readisas.fermer. Nelson, Dr. Ii .A. licCoili.Milton, E. A. Harris. publinher of the Burlington Gazette aid John Kelly. Oakville. The five lait nanies retiresi in favor of Mr. Dae. wfloe Domnatin W"i uenimous and enthuslaitic. At the publie meeting W. J. Cie- toents wa8 chairman. The canddae madie e short speech nf thanks. The principal speaker wai Roht. i. Brackes. M.Pý. for Wet Ken.tRle citicised the Drus'y gov"rmelt forý ils extravagance,.Ilis abuin caosser- lion snth parun cwhich lb bcd pronieed taoithla incotopetence ,oanifrnted in the ireqiient appint- tuleftA of commissions ta ineestgate asnd repot on mattaies whirb comn- ptent Megdator wnld have taken oas-e n, and acting on the advlce of the1 ,ansmuasinns instead of on ie nown knowledge and jusigmen.liRe per- ticulerly condemnesi the Gregory coni- sisson. Hie gave Premier Drry redit for abilty, partlculeirIy for hie 1ersaiveorssa a speaker, and for higli idenîs, but nid le wa toa n mcb of an idealist. Ontarios needed pri. cal goverumeot. hymDen of rei husli- lie&% ailtty. of knowledge oi finance and with practird expener). Mr. l)rury did nfot ueasure up tn thece ce. ,ure.nents ani the Province af On- ,aria hall uffered for tis. The speak- e ecriticiseal the expendibsice iY Hon. F. C. Biggn on provincial and other highwaseand big r Mai.-,ey Of j heru unecery. 1. salMe lliggs' bill, now e broretheLiear. Io relieve rural lrirt fth x perse ni construction andi maintes- 1 noce cf provincial bighwayn. ail 'bey te h.honte by the prt vince. maiplaniy an electio. dodge. 49 %I. Breeken ativimes i Lihrai men and si tvnmrn tO et once begin a tbos-nngh -r< raovasfoc Mr. Dale. wbose election ae svnld h. a rerbainty if they &Hi work- se ed with a eili. ty. Mr. s-ckenaspeech wmaawitty as ae t wen ennvineing. lie mes requently Mi e1plaudrd, as Itr. Dale wilI h. a srong candidate ER He is a lawyer ni aiity and le lnpuIA lar. "hie mas demon.rated la@tipt. -Te ary e thecensuit 0f the Oeorgetown Po mtavolty. He mai electeal by an fi ovor whelltisg majoity. g THE LkST POST FUNO. T. The Edttaroc The Provincial Heatiquarters of bhe Fi Lest Pot Ftnd Inecrprateti. Toron-.et ta, which received i 1 charter et thbce entd cf lest ypar. bas since ite forma- th tions, iveseffot ta the logan ni ithe t organizatien,"Nmntn irbo bai gives a' lis services for the defenre o is lu cotuntry îheuld h. hurieti ai a pauper. c by daltng ibli«3d canes o itement. I 17 diretly andi 17 hy way of reim-L burcssart. The mjority of tise form- 0 erwere the caseoi men Whbo hasi nased awyyithot friecseor fode. 'eworkhei.th25 fer. bren rarrird on sceisuly h y money rereived from bbc Dominion Headsiartee. Mtintreal.1 f rom ea levernment grani f.000.00 f or Dominion purps-ns the apportion' ment ni whicb ta Otario wcs 42% or $2,](X).00. The cae undestaken hy the Ft.sd te this province afford an ilusrationn >f ils varied andI useful opesations and, t the saane time. roneiitmte an apelfrPoincial support. wlich filb neer Pro if a furtbes- grant bocsmnde hy the onves-nment. a tbc epplicetions likely ta h. receireti irom aIl parts of the Province. mhes the Fe.d ecomen bitter knoomo. ilI far excerd ils preirot esoircen. Dtring the lat fe days the Fend lias lid e reraI uoh applications f rom outtaide Toronto. One ni these le from Milton, Ont., for the interment of an rs.servtci mesnirbe ba idw ithout friends or fonds. irbo, ina pnciled note.,sritten on is deatbhemta the local nthoritie. sais. Please bury ntie ly the Lst Pot Fend." Those already dealt ithbl compis aImperial ytran. ibo liednres il, thse lndten Mutny. :Y'ork Ranger ivlnhldserves inisthe Fenian Raid; a tnaval man ;erother. as Imperlal v'teron. ishone body haed bren tak&en in the Scltol of Anateomy for dsner- tion,,and a onth.r nf yoînger men, sciso hnd served In the C.E.F. liti th <it ot Wss. Iacli case bas lied ils non 1 atbo tic iterest &nd Il wr totoln t,, thets lait reiting place with oev ioriimstagi"ro nI rset atd 1,iti i-tomoswer. i rotîthe osly ,tsvirel,,tlt the fond le calîrd spots 1 I'1 n r istansttrelaie.lin infe s bln,seto Itefotîtît, i hs ei) the tceffets f the deceasesi i ntta., ortat ions, etc..have ta h. .oteiinoded. lisescial help. tue. bat# 1., 1..ttîht loi-canes ni povrty .otttt tlpcntenls, and, occainnally. t.,,t,t,tnadvice andi&id given heno, t, ,ostary &idi is requireti. IL i. nped that brasehes of the lnnd vilto-forsoed inotbs-r prteol 'tPovince. lise schbhanalready h',',, os-strl in London, Ont.,sd an- ohriin procesaofniformation n lCi tgsttnt Ont.. mn that placi distant totoi the 'Toronto headtiarters iay Shlnllaynof ynr leaderrsdesire to tontîcilte tte ,t he -Fund l ,,reqoirei 1 ,lu:ct noitmations,1Isitld h. glad t o11,v wsill comstcttneie with me, the "'c, cot 'Iesttrr thie Provincial E. T. SCA MM ELIL, lttn (icoh Si., 'lorenteOnt. FOOTBALL Volottsng isthe noetittîronithe Hal. t -ý, taondPeel Football Leagt.et F#OSSRUWDUIW~ w WHLY GO to the CITY for a USED CAR When you can buy RIGET AT HOME at% Better Prices and Terms ? FORD TOURING FORD COUPE $l- 10 Cash $150 Cash and $18.25 a montb and $24 a month. FORD TOURING FORD TOTJRING $56.00 Cash $68.00-Çash and $10. 25 a month and $12 a month. FORD TOLJRING 8 FORD. Touring *$7700 Cash $1 asOth and $12. 75 a month and 17a month, Liboral dimonflha on the ppfefAl t A 1*. 0VU and .6e, twm eau Saay mL Tou ring RaStè PRniC Cop 840.00 s'ivcd Miâ Legs! m IlH. M .RYALL, FairsMaIe, ofnithe S.S. Boston,'iYarmouth, N r w s- Aler a fail, when t ladl ccot My sbm.e. mils leg% began to and oSpatsin bdîr. Ioctor els sed tîte wonts Oece pot.orsl. ga eme calte spi te jnI, nil e OStO lItso,,ei tni e apdl y ýoese, .MiV ,atfî tat thr docter soli l nlîtolel-vcd,.irlItaI e.seled WbatsWUPYom amttso ssat s tub 1<tte i. etnms*skia Tr«ew.Tuy "On a frtents sciait ad,,sce r' begasu ottiZoir Bot AlnootfrOmttise ls-st appît ZM4UK FRE catesonlo iis, sothig arhal bains. uet tise che sak stnatplane. Ail contieed te use laie Bikhesc nonds oece olees-ed o stl àwwb~à &Il pososeoenMctter tietrslesossgislc essaU isolons )isoaledithnit în Nosttlibsttbist, jS ' drrlel lamit oa ulti tave suitaMYlegs. ~ sn9 ts OBITARIS. andsone datghter., Mias Mario Laid- WILuÀL tsLÂLW, K.C. B.M rTIRWBhlD The tieatb ofWilliam Lcstilàw.K.C.. H. M.n Fle@gof.biitfour weMD. ps-omentTnronto bmas-iner, Octîr- Alre lns fhtafmmes i os Bntseeii thretec.duration. lHenry MeColittM o.Fatte- Quoens ark. inetmait8 ran tiee tane. Ml>.. ose ci Precrott'n Weil n4 for 40 yeashoaleb prectires i i nm at mniis-pyicespic trote.Ms. Litiai ma a onof the amy et St. laucentt de Fatul Hospital. bâto Wa r.s-Laidar ani ai hos00 nBrckvlle. an satns-daylies.ait&ILtce midit Block, Eequeeinig, Haltes colin s-erly sge of 49 yen- N e graduais5 maiWstralicdti thebbcbas-in IO4 fs-n.Trinity University, Tor-ontn. in ti tpeneti bis tinet laie offce bnu 1 .ail h.sg t0 on Yong te prartice litai. Lâtes- lie ntovctite Manillinin <lanesha lie cnt te Use United wd practitietitn partuecseip iplti D. Statsani wben lie ecamse of ago 3. Clilolm. ebylA ni fis-m. Uhibtaoîn.à lh.came ta Usis toien, mie-e lie lia ýaislaw r, son, Hanmilton lie ment te pratîretbibliie profession ccc? ince. roronte. lotnte lilrnofi &Lada.Ka r'a n mýV ve unuaily Ca ie4hm. mrac boue àKis-kiecî. in mlieih.ocontintid ureseulin hie ps-artiste andsilsa ir a number of yceen. He mai crtiel gemes-al favorite amssg cil mbom, be sa great many important cases, but rame In contact mlà. lHe mai a gs-eet >rcticeti littîr in criinel laie.lHe lover ni Use out.ef.tisooou. ansi to ai sai fsorsary yens-n cosînscl fis- the kino intecest In âai qiria. lHe mai c scronte ltalmay Co. anti other IaM rbe eporteman. always. lie miaà ispos-asin. lne mai ereateti a Qsneen elmembr ofCentrael Lodge. No. 1101 A. ruse, is 188M. At the tinse ofthe P. aA.M..and &W teoka deep Inter- asors-srastan failtîce lhe mai prmin. est in Meeosic affaire. HI& funerai. pt in aises-bing the righie uf tbc undes-Naedies-ic ers, tank place osui oamelider teocotmpnsation front Montiay. ces-vice brlng bld et the Le Dominion U3oves-nmcnt. In polil. Presbytes-ian chureli. The romaine s-sn lie mai a ntauoch Coneervative mere then eosveycd by G.T.R. teIil- an mrais iosmrly vos-y active in hiesti-s for interunont. He Isn s-vived hy mstp. lu religion lhe wasan Anglican. tirohit.1 lier@, Freriotanti Herbes-c, le monas c mbrof the .Albanyv of ttilttits;, os nste-. Mns. IRey.iCiex 'lui. Upon fciling heailh. Mr. tos.,Iiioss-jam. Sank.; a bailblste-, aidiair retiresi froin actlive nrk lent Ms-n. Tanker. HorlingWn, Ont.-Ps-5 lcinbrr. Me la sus-vivet b>' hi. widom citi Journal. .The Milton *attory Service 5tationc; PHONE 224 NIGHT 127 A Motorist's Headquarters for Battery, Generator arnd Starter Trouble. Fîîll stock of.New and Rebut Batteries on hand for ail needs. Charging, Repairing and Rebuiiding of Batteries a Speeialty. J. A. MOLENNAN 't'us- Batiery Tested anti DistettsiW'ateî nupplird free. «Why chevroket, lathe Fest sel gStandard Car' MIade the fasts eling standard car built Itr reeth de iome smatonal value la I.nodqrn cc@0ical trallapoitation over sa- tablishe&! Chevrolet offer the Most stdlklng sud cou- clusive evidenci 'ai Il 1nowi n gonce-. sary t. psy higla p Irs on ty trace- portation. Ail chevrolat Este cou- apicuona for their buauty of isÏe ma fiu pearanoe. ig u5I Througb,*ia.lvge- DWWOA'~ A 7- Bee. ork and, Veal a'lways of the Beut QtîaliLyb p1 RICES TO SUIT E3VU.UYBODY OndsdSDOIivOPed. pHONE 42 The Star car is Here! Corne in and sece it ;td Iave » dernonetration belore yoil boy. Ail the New Dress Goods Showiig. îo cf 'ires, ' " 'k orf iodyr anid 0( BritishiÀ11 .aysPrice :Î2,gi P. D. SALTER GRADIJATE AUCTIONEER Fer m.. . .AIy StATI FA TIO NI GUAKANT ED .e . b«ilw , h5 0 2- rr-43. ioaRmeY. ONT ' TRAFALGAR. TaeoePlex rà. AI, .teeF B. TeronltO lLaside). DURANT MOTORS 0F CANADA, LTD. TORONTO - CANADA J. F. Robinson,. Agent. Milton. PIIONC 104 STORES Dominion CANADA'S LARMET RETAIL GROCERS QUALITY - CLEANLINtSS - SE RVICE WE SELL TO SATISFY 10 lbs. GRANULATED 100 11). bag $120 5UGAR $119,5 PRUNES, 2 LBS. CAMEL -1 'K'. CHEESE, Perlb Good size, 29c.1 DATES 25c.1 New, 25c. Saab Cord O MATLE LEAF ><g CLOHE LNES&a *MATCHES, 3 bxs3c BREAKFAST BRUNSWICK 4 te" Richrnello Blend 1BACON SARDINES, 25C TA Mahie BLUE NOSE 3hIl.. Sliced , lb.c DRICE, 25c <5c. lb. Valencia Cake.......21c lb. HEINTZ SPAGHETTI, Dundee Cake .....29c lb. Stuali aize ..... 15c in JellY Rolia.....2 for 25c.1 Medirn az etin. ALYMER MAPLE PLIJM 1PEAS ~syllup Jf JAM ffl per fin WRD1Nol10 in ~cUNo. 4 LtnVU Thme Si d 1t.I C 'tof A McLaLghlin-Buick1ý That Fts the Spring Til Ma'ster S'C23-0 Sport Roadatel D, . t0. Isisi 5.--il , to. .t..d titist. an .i,-d .tc- .b -Cs-U o. st - s 0'.ci Ft , til . SIOE HEADQUAREI -FOR - - Spring Footwea' Al the lîeoest styles foretr j st ' nor t' e, Prcef Repolnabledan HEs' SH-OE STOI 100REID lIORNBY W. L Mlrte Cantol î,'nt b~ . < ttttceloO oi' 4t tetha 01eo n Is .~ab's tntt ls I roos U Ii ittt 'emm m ~ s l.,rtt s td,,tttIl 7.I i lcehslineiism<sît ~so watte . Wc ,,o tts~ i. 1' K ti0.oUr ieî (,Ses Drtoiletg irbristît.. onWhat e gcblsering un Tuc.tiay cveslng, April tri irbem a large crscie of fs-ente andi neganutespite Usç s-cm ant iebad roamates-eito spenti a scial even' sng brmore they moa ete theis- ens homse mscar Bosinby. After the pavtO liati asembleti astithe susuei greetis more extensiet Nat MeOs-cekenisa askrd ta take bbc chair asdt bhie otal gonialey anket irMs. anti Mr. àMo Cîstreansi dcugbtes- tekintily onate Icrwirss. Tha..Wilson blien recti es atitrceswhmliiWWllilanmGreeniiepre. senteti pus-e« ta Ms. andi Mr. bMcClsre anti theis- utile tianglter Mary Matl celia. Al hghtakien liy surprirM. MCimre ,in a w ieil ciiocen isords than7kedtirs many fs-ents for tho geners-omgiaanti Invites! ailta cren ant isit thern in bliir Dn, oiemte. Short atisisesses more tlieé gices in.- nperae th ibia ie gond nid 5sang.1 bMusW*H* cCauiley. J.0'l Dia Me ouseS .. M Wel* i. E. %v. Steen, 0. S. Bonhaso asti R. Snt.' Then the oo.maiu cIrasrdandtihie youbli asti eanty ni the neighborhnnsi trippesi the lglit fanititoe ta utise magiec fus-ninh hy R. Homes..%Viti Sîmmofis ahi y acteti ai fons-manager. Towerdi miniglit a tianty ilunch svu sesvel by the ladies. siber which daseisnti games mere sesuutedtrinIl the vmec s=0ilheurs ni the mcrsing. when cisetus-sei home aiter ihissi Mr. smtd Mm'. McCiirpeoves-y noccebs n tbmir ns-m home. Fciimsing isth atidres t ,Ir. asti Mm. MeCliîr anti sinstert Ymir s-ft eois anuineighlsor'tbas t getbtred lbrrr thuncevening tosrsîdo stooial eenisgwith you 5berolet fer llcs-mtty. The sces of yons- leavissi Ibis neiglliorho. the place nifIMr. MsCloses Iirtli ansiserbec iespent aIl bis boy hooti say., came seacgseat nur- prise tus. We r ietl bliathbe vminity mhrb yeî. bave mi iesing good. trurp frienti.. frlettts mho mere eves-resdy te lenti the heipi.îg bansi men neetird, evefi thoegli lbtumeant a tilaisvantige- W me ove regret vous- tepertttre fren. asongst mgn ec 'e ei tlierommusn' lty ta wiiolsyotî as-e geiisg ili lie beneiteti hy noir ion.. We metiti est ymou Lncer5t Ibe psrses. set for thels- mccl velue. litt, sicaeiglit remens' brasce. iom urIs-dlt sorictes. Asti now, Ms. anid hMr. MeClître asti daughier. bey ynmgo fns-htba0yeur nemW home strengbheneoti y the gondi iese of yuur neiglhors anti inonda ai tiIs district, anti ena>' llamo s s!lnly plani or future gisve vos trefbl d asti confort ta doisnly thocethingae ibirl mii h.inspisi, and uplltDg te the aeulio ino 1 misiléiyou are eat ta ve. 1lndon hlAif ii cwIrlende. N. S'Otcken. TIgLcon cci Wn. ormumie s3tv-8tt Reviem. Wlsmeiof rsce et .584184e mpccsble. but h ls't. âniecoasii effriesent. have prov- cd ibat spon glese lthie bout sbstl- tué foi humn h als-.. Wlgo mado Ùf*ot is aiterlal ara eztaordlnrl- - y l t a n d ! th e t e lu r e u t a n si ahe-iIsI, . urlea a w" 0ani the IaaisaoS b* U W*Z* M at ll.flt sIdatbat the-- bor" aonda1 Os To te'.-. if -0 il FirEE AIR L Paul Poiret created ttîtîî 1de, ues eilif t he New McCall Pattern, i'prnef I N Parie, Paul Poiret, the fansîîîîoutrer îftî i -t t iý, I Irintedl Pattemri, ereated designs e..1îcc'olly fort li-tit 'ftutierse patterns." <'Fanltleaa5 beesosei the pattern ipioied,fiît' i.. the same style uines <bat Petiîl >oîî'ot (or îtîy one ilt it design. That is how, wlieî voit arînbor tltîg tIe prîi t t i.t yeîî eut out thn dress wîthin t lînîr's breacîtî of Pciret':. ,oi ,t . yots the treaeîîrud Paris liîîe. Only one of the Poiret dtttîgîîs îq hi,\%tii ere, MNci tiIl tteutr - -- 1 1 17Â" iwý lw- SERVICE FIRST 4 m . me 0»- bmg a Wb" IL MAY 21d TO sth M 1 LTO N MAY 286-10 9th

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