ro 5erve Tsu More Room for yo 'etielice and coeîîfort- New Eujuipmnett in uminatiait Roaîîî an ~rinding 1)eptrtiîient (1reter îleterttîn ~ive Putroite tof thi ishrmetit the Jest ini ervice. 'Ne itîerite the C ii titis distict. A. D. SAV tlpto.mecit à &Mfg- ( psgrlitrtH et tirttost G U E L P ETIING RIO OF Reaulta of Co.uperat ment§ ou OntariO ver Elglty bacuterf tseted-i for 1te Tîitie aloi Tsi Ersdieatolt IR(800 asi Ion.Bett. (Contrlbtest 0.5 Ctare Agtl oatrtn, Toi 1 t11rîperorin witl.i. ut eint uf g trota se tto b betnte eta teteet.- egodigte of the Pruoine. in t ()ve etichis laustees i farmis otdee Oearict ttc Dirett at he . The treeds ealsao Porosntiat dos Tiosie Batiter Cctetoo or Mutaiti. Ox Ete Dot' -weeti. WXXOts ab meoei e .5Y int51t5 able noiti enlerlflsnte imostrtsdzon telc o nthe effectis mess of il -Acs a itrt of thCi front thene experietsO otibe fle ecsttatsOst deistHe toets for O aut t eeis asolParent Twtte tirass, Biatit WilitiMuseard. Th ise opeMotbstjfo persosisial 500 Tt Gramis. tsiîivotete field mititle ef Jatos, ras qseatty eittt a Cul àcep the tops tion i te rots." A cuti p ointesheooiti ba s. oit the Sow Thlsfie belotesurfacees sal break uP th' muet. OAbont lb, oppir matureet It twesty tens per a- lbats. t Cltivate lboeoufhip andtii board plongh zfgIt. lasti, maklsg the r sl-alpeintrentape 4 iti et terate 0 bait! pouris per wt ant tbSOt telgi bs son for if tos glanetil itot bec %mtohte bs eeti etisr thtod. 1,oo1 eape panes oi t-b slow ro s ioeoto obeatiofet t ticJ u 110e. Suis uhercsl. soffitentlis oti00 ferminattio (tf0th- streta ine t i dura toS t itiote u.oo iroi oandtoc , lest wt e,,. t. t i g tout id l ree oi, ia hl pu, os oeilaediel tantii1l sa Veî ey boy. de my oo rb tidren. tebo ssad tbe moticte th e Vcgetoh e hiletter eew an «bat it bado il ta any wmen -Mci. J. R. St., Chathoam, Lytils E. Pi d otmatIe iise wamen relieves the 1 tp m" The Setter C WRM&UA To serve You ÛÀ4È O0 ýcOOO 000 More Roomn for your con- rnaaleoa SiteleastiPlatses Werea, venince nd onifrt- Teibsile Otaste Besàis, Entreprise x'ettîettc sud coîcîara-nsstîustry of tise BuinssoMens New Eqipinetît ini aur Ex- ef Our Domsinion - Istereseillse aîination Room and Lenîs Forts asdligures. (1rinding Departments. Oufan[zatton ie the totchwortIns business 50 dos ast i tîhotittif 1Do Greater detorttiination ta enteupuo se et ait)t magnitutie, or eP ive lPatrotns of this Lstab- nioitueisoetlatter. nîty soceeti. lisltînetot he Beet an icîaoco ro e d-telopoof It strsty lishiielitthe Bst in OtcaC oiitolotelieotte.n îtreautîs fl Service. lorIe toplopîtdemn ntrot 01litî te We iprite the Oily [ ane-o-i td plrtidd'-come-tact" l ot-, ou0000li.simade fronit tce tîtol Sutrface 6riidtîsg l- achuîterv- te e t lii orîaliacloîî ielo tast 0 iît tiis district. îl. .00 uoiruot tthe woct oued tosc-oine000ottut et l Cc tate Otent A. D. hoat i rsu It-en s , hlttstisitlatod uant Lbeotetru thcecaltiio Optomtrist & Mig. otîcîso onc t uSaegr Optîritt Bildting 'J'lite toast i etanLcu outtoof i tiîglit aithttct't-ttlSlt tttettcottiithe -Otou ert io Doul iton utos itedled mo îlOt p: GUELPH. Ilolo P icetssib ir oe phFia- ___________________________%elle, asctretnt ote Imperoal Muitliones Board. ho effortsa Oru ANIMALI.ON ~>TRIALt. ruoartteti h>(titeerose 0 lte tue> _______ eue tnoi o oress, wot et or ce Kooser aisonceCiodemed t Be îrtd aarneîscot y Kiîng eoi ge. in lqasoaorwosn>seclotsolet 1917. e,.lB 1500tiese effortis ltichePo-i Bareoi t tie StRke. ýli tittrolitout te te r ospeeiti e! HiistoyureordlSaine slialtOtcasesCaiinada dototîtethe latier pes ore oftaeomalstbeing aeuitetorttrini 1 huet ttttMuntioseonttuctsosetthe ~ le 1474 the etecîsteate oet tSIiý -hs of utIlle larterico rotaslet. t- Soltzeelued. ouderedetitc irso t ot at ito ub ttlrrconfideeeosdcttotled Br recuaetithivoiteaîdtti oîatittl te euintttIo ubtscetttetotied of crtime ut iaylsot au eg t oIct-oit tlliot et tiluces aîod prodtt demtod t eetrirdtai tIeu etl.o 'Cîrdlti tBIritish ptrchaesounthi- Oteofthertiioot Ourlai ttae i a -Ou Dotiiottot 1051 t f l se etai'd rli toxooto o oit.-,- T t t tut pu ilto. st el otomîtl whosseiricdoatl. Fithrnc etatcthtËsle t'itOffieroOl e- in t4O7, on acre otfctioomtoi- litarto tplct ttoti.tttutethtCana- ded and partlsrPaoooa uoioîîrli tilcsfoctueî-,, adeen mian> Cana- Thsnu sscttîd utittcatttPcl- dia-to to-iittttielrsodoabtîd about druiied taetii;tbIltIhe yltiog,et s Oktigqel,otut totcrititeeklie- wereracuitrd atoto utit of sttei,eami- otiilllto ill oîoeilltherit sstth. andttlit(,abencerofditret proetCarodians tue Io theeocuasiont tî 211a thattI hé> itd tw, leeurrlediiittte detnitttctetdithe tlloîng lt-îotp ctte csîeucpettrit .igii rr-os- îcts . mIictli serpeut ldrd ce leu103154 pe li bel ýae ate tutie l)ýotntot.noas ilnouoted thesîieatdsitcttoSIoJulotoie 'lit-îtPuitiulitIo -1orli tci tenr uaee ta rýeîoto, racue andital yo-ceeeditcn lI ite etiot lt-l rottauts wOtr mertre ostiuitetiagaovott horst A lois- placrrd loth,,t outodoati Seri Cent ou sou vrus oustructerilta ed ttiloto-tt-, loto lio utOo ation 0100 u i.ctfle ieseeieiretsuuddrii ti] Ille, o-ded ho ait iipl lottrio ni htstto ie. 1ttoeins were duesuotliOtd, tBocr idetttr he dorctt0 firtjos_-tdr Fosels is e orls l . te i.- t,.es t-,t-l itIte1lt - TO otight hit it board ail reurtedand the proseeettion a er lettmasot.etippd tthe titlshtaov-de( irorti. A jtdgr sas itcut t o o utto rt Il i t .34L)0tIiOt seello. 454.00- e tleuiasd alawr taodeeodoiooco ooL,00rat lotit, Cceuu. Immenseiso- qoteto Ttecoureoorsderedt hr intlatitatt-ltte ofI iTttotPiîq, ritionteubotes. n to prsvide apierurofiand .t-oi d, 1flO too.r.ttit.tlantd-aidtsorgligsetof t vioeyards, o etnîtesteuto. rttiin- Naltioto lýtspou 0,CtîttSpoostOfthl oi sees anti shrubttrîr. 00lot ro tou Lotlo eplto-otet 5,oos.00 patuds ettl irtiget loue oite oiiirtooitto.g Of Iloooil,t1 s8AOliothito ecns et 111 te t -. ' " ise t-lt iIPOU00 o opuois oetcuetîrc eto Tthetreeethrougi outleeeestl, cllol 2.tI,OLIotoototid-,of aelt of er retusidtoacept ttelandtbecotr ltoi ot oiir dtof ic,18,- aI vieass-trthtesnanttprsdticed titiiti ..oîttttt oOttdtoftrcalciumuabode. Soo How the rase roded s us tos ot o püOttutuoftnicuel, 8.200,- te A oomiiar proîrrutou ostow asoinsoit t- 00poiotu ofIIt-ru o loee.U,800, ed i t o aeer French teoi auit I1 -le( luaplotto-speue. 36,sse.- o eterpiliao.. The effeettero eretox-i999tetr. 000et-o oe deals and Oolot shut eommuiaeld. ant i cleg aird t.-, f tt' îunods ut polp Ploi ctteltvaed sotciuioonditrot hoii,0,o0tlo puols o e li-lo ot A eoenttInstane oftiegal poc- (lof uiu ater bict. r ogainssean animal ourrd auooooi!l dto.o.ouilds ofuuestos faxes Bonndeilana. ueneoft hu peet torPllilv iiiciis t scerdhtnlisesel, Pr tanaatraveling mecagcrott utu 00 11%aw a Itotsadtytie-erig the tonit oas a titusepatru eeuuo mrt- o ialoti aoogons Io tht t'alle per gase a performace îooldrt ttof toi'000to00, orut)loeomotties and hoE smoigetfacigaette.10100 t-mOlottîO.and otttiîur steel A psoteman tuu epped tuolwacool rot oiie 351 t)Ooton1s00.Pri aoîed teert e notutlo utiaiitot iord00i00 do e toto0' itttooWith thas aatoimmees tetchi e stir Th o iida.050 lo tttcut Sutioguea agaiesitoiiotcf tor titut -tarprett trpliitt. utît oroto ýPcetsi. suoehotrt law of the Indianat.egitoitei- cst, it oooo iideîooclrexpeoodttiocu Eg hibtsoa cigateette Smoktineg. 11 uuuîi aps Ot the iRoyal Ait Pei Iut couu>, il wirceardet i îlothi .ttll thtlAiltteserin cbosultusee cud sarurittocrexet-t tt.Ittesseetoieod istat-cte- los ed taohsw the teitofthosttotlt. iio-i .ltotvan.tttthl e oir! buatihu tmagistrale iled tOal -nl- Io 000 Il iC 000-1 Cletcr ane w sn x l ti au -toikotto, i l t. 0.0 ot ofI 1,.- oodu uto or tom and iecd the defeodcul rottudtse.-ttitd h3 suthandtio Ilu.13145 a bail gi-t o jjjjtoto lu ilt, -rtai toxpt-rdtotuti e e s O t- ho death aut Moso. Frace, cot il5.0 s- ,tf titieU. 0tt0.tt00> St tscerdta e tiuugled. A .tiso-., A lo or nctionul plants oas 1 codeie o rideatltttintl5îtt ooi --lo,1hloît 10h% lite board, une tut tai ieghtilieta man,.whtlrcapi.ta-o.ýo tuti et tortIllie tucdîtt o! fuss. 8sou illetia abtahs - se rtecocedtou h. ePtoot uill ouer $2000,000 tosexvr toosged. ploutotrl 00e îinTcentotn, Gel., fr the doe Aton-yens ageîtu-was pceed toao tulidorito uroff.N'.ssttteost $5,-cer a mont nanteenttoder eotu otuet00t.000t; onue nt rPerce'SouOnst.,.oa asti teautifusi n-lmait AI l Lotît trtIi('tloucttsseofcrite aaan( prines vas tetttd lyitodead on ji otol0 SOQottitesonetie n Toronto Es bed wittuapittotswoed thruotgiltte, îotr00.- ttltdItclofteeltroand orc. ta heurt.Heli er toobad ws ssepotrd tte-,t ortou wittto$3,e00,000 oas eta ho atîti tioesteti pio otind; in0tte. it Torovto tor the lIejîs robablOin t torsgsevotîi Oi tutttttrofteirptauiesotuch iev esBt haue goot- tard mste th-ec tet o ,ýd dtt .0 OttttOf$1.3l00, tter I otet ter oi tutte 8ltreodu.s o o tttt .tg00asualsoenodedsonthe Poiceu tfficer. This00000a uoil totutt-t;L itot0ttler0at Torontofor~ lare molitltgeenthe fiatottultilo.tlorcdrodutinofîauotsole. bedeote. A lgteti candie hll ooduud AItîlot.-.Plantos nete ougtouiccd n atalt tehste lted. ced tee motittu ae t(PaltOtOoe rus.em tht sbtre wtgstbore eidutimars ofo,-ottt-captleousoedtsttlics- u, aad. btes ltiengrd, ail s-rt-,îooî d-r butol- 'A-lait w001 louer omptrtatot stil. 'Ou lîýt oie s outeeructi fte s.oie of tee dosttfron.t toc lotît Ie wnttges-at ltîun ilet.the tgeet if0 Iloti i7 lite-prodouto ot sopet îlot revolver, shîtto halld Icoot blote orh totofutShrapnrl strîs t tICanada apsitithti otrut-rd( lioepiou tePtPretitdffflthe prtet.oftl, tes ert. Ilcas il car, 0.000 t los to-tto-itritu ut f rt ri leitu The snieee.ttast teouioiothal toîîueojiou toit tottttotopprt idrct taoFrance, ouvî ndastitod flleoton u t. b latte .1 to tlutoortigin15 pouot i ed wtere. itritootog e croit. - lis 0,00 lis.AIt litote utflite anemstico. bai struoe te troggeur tcfte pso, uo thepouitoeorutairrtaneeOpre in t obtue wooeet iolt escepîueoocî cse te Duooîooeoî ru rPresestet i etty per lOe the, vîiesurof ibiseofficiai iiouceno t01thoe rrquIred qo tily. prIaIt oazaeaqaitteti. lIt lbotîtdt ctet te Canada priso- o oiou Ill1e *listrty et Munitians British Collicries. atod sas tireeti> responsitir tn tht oîlie rrîveopmeuîntsottie ta lootyir. toMituec t5ring tiecrorset letesît hare teg srsdertattroilut t oriewo. ttoe Woe Dpotmcst, South Yorksbhice antiNttig om- t Do1)pol tiocut, Tiîtther Comtrel- sblire. srtoeth nous hplanstossr usen- lot - tpooto truC cou ad Ministry o! liOpnet aeeaa et a gceat Eetliil 5tijiitotticladeotil000e sf ireboard@o- cea i eld,. rares theepromise et atot-hurai- t ors-o es i> rurti dhent ertstIineiatusOtaoruetBo c0l 0eit lluti the United tts Gavern- o t traclt tmeiner suec t iii ptcrng .0 ersfrmunitios toataIofetrcntry wn-boette ta hi pietitourd ;lot (a4ata orthie agriroîturai o-her o s i nt est rcd Atoiricn itis, duh ritoteru plat- O Oit ailtat la eh t fSterwFosei- dvratutai anfcurr x ooftRobin Heedtame, lie tend;,- oitcocotuttalurss wsoatît. altine tta e roserd lotth,, adortese 00 tiF ha uuîin rtttîoe o! gtoedotflilsietiotrs. Iiit1ui1luîOftlett..coiitratthto business mn, itiseotledofehthe ,ooututus-..stcaietervo- district htetdetard that. titi. t Ior srate t sit, tce s11rere et tht assurance Oet tuosicntpencer. aOs0?00ilAororicutu approaehinteat£20,000,006 coetd -cn oeriiet hi-flîig e iloetei nctognin- pand - - u MARCLE-ITE FLOOR FINISH If pose fooeCn srehartitooti, Use Marbie - Ie ThePhoo finis-lt a mnneyiark gsaranLtee. le oears asti ocors andocears. It oilsot mac soc scratchiwhite ant is nol a!. fected by wator. )Feet That 'Ne-ver Toucli the Floor A omn flotr opoils thse ook of yu be and is imposible tesrpibutifyoutikecpye flors painted, feetpýa canOl oucb them. YLeît the paint wear but onve tihe wood. Save nie Surface andi you Save alIL SENOUR~S FloQt Pai-nt is easy ta us, -tiesvce>. isard oth hdnlustre ast ilsti oti stants ial aliol !hoveRr io askidlistareqasreei ta The rest od aol'y etoc,,eMh eaufy o!.fyssr homoyastI murb lahor wl soet otfaas01 oves>eeasy 10 ieep Cossei andti ts as gve-you ffu artibsiar We hve- ful efc, ô(--&aes: in - Itsradl There tT* 'MÀLt sR )T fUt~snes asiselo-MreeyetiN. WeRoi ogait advise pou. GEFO. >H .,DAWSON,,MLT'N -q tli~ ~jit ~ plli~ ~i1H hllHfl~'flIolnI t~o 4otr rib A and11Ie0ssiYi1~ Â-b TéVdw.the natif, I1O p1tiS se VentüfalW iýeaC the'- qùaysible IearntÉ that their yvorsel Ihmmagoxpet aon, A oc r erwoet,*att f« eî4PURC* f Wlth no, Iuggage, and Pr,»eably HaaRIandI dufl OiIOn uitie monoy Jlu their pooketg,atii.I pàgoex enve plaCe ta-'0 ièzMu i i l tii. arrivai of aother vesse! ga0ine l th dr~ ifeidrection. Poflz$tid especiaiiy for lhe straniger. ThO ahip- 1 Lite thdôlS (J5d ilin tbooands of !visgentso!- itisUe wlth whiCh Otr sdffeft loir).Aliel Voreer the passengers have l>ooke - 'thseir of Buekiflgitfl PIQ trieli usony J FELLY possages won't helle themi. Th9_ ani> remediels wnÉi sfont tO', toOs and beas !its purity,- source of stivIce anti materiai assisI- speialts; but nligtl1tn 11 becaue ofonce le -the British conoeil. Hie di- godel. whoi e&omne eourishmett, 'recto the laggards ta the ch:pt5 Fioelly a friend'odi Iol ut1e ry and delteate foyeor. boarsiisc-ouses, andi, If nec BsarY, î"tet st.2 Aise best fer homne use, pays fer their keelp wbllst they are he gasoîsie a letter: rotopeIlefi te stay ln Port Soltif "Fo erOveti-enlrs, T ooifcred terribly Erosomirol astd easy te Loohine atter Brîtiobors sindlih- from liut uesan tosd dgesliefl. t soute. cultles le oniy o uide lise sf a con- lbret belchitg-glf, bitter stafu it ului solo job; butit la one tiraittlbes ocomeupinoy5nsottl5.omnonstlîtt One portage serves eicht lot ef limie, andti hat reqetreâ tort and mos lerritiycnSipIesut't. I toot people. Carsts osty on, cent 'and os untierstasotioî or homain Fruit-O-tives oand titis graderso ltti t a servrez. naturemettcirino malde tee hieL". ser'lg. atre._______ 3c.sabox, (; r50 'tal2C 45 h eeretWant Iri .s tgssseae. At dealers or 0sen1t-y ivl*tcit-ao liteS At ali rocerpReot ietuence by tbe Irish , Mine Limited, Ottatta, OuI. Specn!7 Istry ef Edursîtioîtof on ordtr 1h01 _ __I4 _ _ ý MeLAREN'S INVINCIBLE ail natinal sehoot teorters in Ire- OrLngav JELLY POWDER loatd most withistoree -cocu obtois D osuoe a rertificote o! their conoltency te The REcgitît toouage ios cuoren by teach tte Irisht toegttoe - te more peoltir iait gay otîtr. Tîhe Mod, b, MeLAREN9O MItED, Guetit tooettoce-osder penalty of oumber of peolerwho setat Engltoli OsutOs os Wiene.s. rreitîng their positiosil they tati esceetis 150 omillion. Nest rouies coîtutitttteo the tiret radical '0move Germait, objet le spoben hy 1210 tail- stosde by the new Irish Gosergmerit lies; theti Russies. by 9)0 titltltoii* île tBprogrant of Goctiizithne lndtithon French, bt- 60 million, T'b te unbuots asnd tostuoce oft hocountr. Esetisit langeoge js said Ioleesstotfe Itle1. moreuner entableshtstrp ttt otte 700,000 morde, bt searts fia]tfeo otfte most-remarkable tttelemputs tbcn c elcher osotote or sietttttt Iitish consuls Olve Aid ithet Eturope bas Socteti s teany peara terms. Soldiet tscd lir cnensotit -,le rvisîl asd re-esiobttsttntelit t oOr ssrils. On ttchuetss et tte ro Ail Sorts of Britons cretrtet tctsuent lantgages.Not Lord's Frayer, it hon tee-s aeai .ted mooy prarso, Ioded, ftic GaeethUat sise-tenthsotfo0ar mords are ef 11n Many Strangc Places loonguaito nos belo steidicd as oa daeSnorigie, btot acesrdlta lu ie iescoagebyeeotinental.oisebeia. tictefoireoeilttteverv ss eotci tir as regarded ao otioS t eioueraitrord -crne oor wtou tire Cue- Th(,hiiiansid ofa cnsu's ooioleity oetfltc eplte oet iloeaed.queror. Frotnt tit tijne ( ertil it ilcOnSti- eto acsoi toto .-rpet. etecially tille a îoojectln prctuu lyls euy Tes to lietcpoenoe, te ,titosfritattottC pariot Sellant and lio t-n t tart Ill Treco entoutat tiyseterJ ong jestysreoprrsntialts a cbts> titli trsattlylte the oteol ttttot t Ireogith tenieiues tsioi*te tpoRSoso o l oto ohoetl the vatrionsebrotoiio- ! 'ittin lcalitice. Tht dottthototttoe >t te att ut o in tatetftir evsrid. stetttiti ont thlemeises te tantitt.treeo chatnguer;er 5rettoorkttcifitela tke a i t% ilenattpteofetaceEastern e uding EotciietantI ei,i-itroes ottaie eoîtry teo noîtier. tien-Port Said. ioegttcgrî. Oit arriing al etbis eocein000tir. î.?î lsho.îsc.Tîtepericd etdeet-t lefrtvaries itonte conosut sers n grailleof ,et tbledle rom 3 atot. tea . * waiting Lord ttittlrodoie wOc - tus Ile. ..7 1- osor. leu o oot teode. Setore re it o 0500igit maoyytecre agat, but Cicaraof fitutle etOqrt1iott ieorie essrd te bloregrcasr-staieed oeet uo)tht otoe ruittrr h ot.Ietdenttu Il;snparoe tie ataers; a 105 are o 'isru ontinenotnatote oc tl ses e ybnthit Iotrinst- iroeoln- eetIt cisîlird. Mest O et trot cPtriieed te despotrites mac ttet o e re- er. wbo rcads ateud te the s uiters. cemceoilstraned r ithobat uxtîre Grutqente stRine lte ottrrird the second îîatîd bouidings aood palatial tbetelo fîme. isosecond brid e Iethe ce ________ ail offcesat marks thbtegierttosors. site bcbng ttc termer Mrs.J.J re o Port dotd. PàiIadeIphia. gtD EI E M Ait ut0 [feur sotot thec retlsltoreli ThtomtasLitierortuorthBaron Rn LTLI UtM Y idoffereot tceooo-adultr. icones - Idlîedcir. tocloto1854.,s as a soidier D, ut* board. He latht- Kting's001the flp r Oigade liait s enrtît plitrt i tac tritishi sittl eutthe cto-it 1880. He otarrd le 1877 andti ABY CAM E i t u attrend tetis tocedo, tut.-1 Oct hreurdatoguers, bat klo i -oe c, e aIc pp Itrtjean s-lowhtir o.- ticet died ie 1911, and lie 5119hoemac- W Get Bnfedb Saiet of h etnttc arît n-aul e lried the widow otfte lte (toi. Astor.1W r tyBnftdb Ilai-rival have tttoîsed theo*r Hso idstip lsteaoues lter5anti Taking Lydia EL Pinkham'» te1Ps tioroîîgt broc admotîrd t iOs-w roter t» a blle tinig. cii The boots, eatecaliy. clr!tiVeeal 1m on oc ton-at treie reos ry. and hou- A Whsleu Tlîoat. _________Cmpoun ro eeddon00theilesoyet'cs.Tireni. Trtg httorhaebsî ttore o 01 t ealt, 00ow tod theoto e ntotailRe nasine)r mns o-,' Riltsaî 1 1t.raseus sootto-, Sy'denhsm, Ont -"I tock youe epe O asd ieu m tisif r etîteflto Itfood rutshets et 11011e Meicine hefore my hohy oaabaore,sand enyi ppteîi peutopnTetconsua: lite totais teîîed ou toc ses. The it oas s grelot bellp ta me os t1000 uttry os ta ete pte tee. Trýgic enutîootred ohates cat any livincg tue posr1 util 1 had started te laie it. 1 eTerptit sltîet hu>ey crirote h. iUSt t as t.hougbI wosireti eut ait T ae trc s tcuotsctr ________ theliman sd would have' Weoi, faint rtopslteo ieseut er t roo c 0h00 spls. My nerves would hother me us- oleth bas Pet imb Peut Scootftii P--ortMrsHonte. 11I couidi getl ijîle rest, nigist or 11oy ai. Plebapli e tas droitidt-(rùsu Prvot s o pss.iy ose of the t oaotoidbhy o friesdt ta oe L di' E. rmPalestitne or arrather pcatrt .itrorl eto1_clirarueiisties et Golts- i'iloham'a Vegeloble Compsourd. andi t uo:ït-sey, Calec or Alueaodria. t ot llai.Prttteess Mory's conse- snly took-lefeottlersand îthbeiped me rbaps teetalose tome otelti c job lit ta 000 ut% houlo otonCta tauteoe- iwopolerfuhily. t would recommend it ta~ es Iulte t outtirl.ell hî e t tiill strongllîîg vIllage 51liy*01001. -I 1 nMal5l5k 0ha1 trn tel t ilittîîîod a t fte r ttchemois roati recommendti is soal! nedicise. tIolili Whatecr the tessot ofuts on eu tie rea ootto ti o te poctu.sqne letld 'hat lillle bookyou sent me ta sey rt tie ment eut raeao olt- old 1,u o f ttt ersberottgtt Ttc sne 1canh elp. Vou can wth the great- en If tht Police autherîtîrs haut- tootsu tsalostettrety scueeidost of pleasreuseMynnme in reord te osuoe te detaiofilm.,thecuosul trote pubtlie utro t>a ngotî bî watt Lise Vegetahie Comound iif it til i elp etoclest atter hlmu andfted lotna ctioutit tt rlitreen theetreasce 0es areit rs. HARVEY MIues p te taire titen tust. fronttre 1sillage -tretetua tarke t-, Sydenhasn, Ont ' Altbese epeîr îdif eo outy aid soîruoueied t osnildtoga It isreinarkobleisawMay cases have et et mîstorîtone lutel. The cn e bieg fferteti ty Paaesg îsraugiat abelonceparted ismioe ta thisî oe. Msny il tintenotttettheni cli. t tutare plate. trick archway. obesctrulure iwluame M ari t 5mb lies esnd gel eriiei oubesevr ot esoibletaes a short aPProachta sthce boe iot sla n rs._dowsscondition, 0se.olet tc e s ltt eî. Whao This rountry reaitiesce wseosbltisehon i s essentiol ta lise Motter, as onratty haPpcoofistitat irteicotwn-abotoc 16i25by Sir liebord lisîso Weil o. tise chid, hat -her strenglis ho nter tels c ten wers' toardl and tbosierby asuotsce t kep0s t1.05u>5 atlodgiog and actue passageta coruentLaseellesa oOenoytIe t LdaE ibsn'VglbeGm glad tr oîstrlti prm ueosa rommndissîs mssycsbetiboR- 1000 tan excellent tante for lhe )reonsti haievrt rut pet osthuerisg, wote Stonoeoigns asti ssmerous, mte tIi im.I apeae toItf; thes eudeo odo Se ttrettliedohiseot o t frsssîinedicinsiroata ldlensonid Sometimes bonsa-de paosentcro g reccntiy ustiercoso consridecabt elat- sotcosSturnanyisrmfl dr-sagslt mobe ,esarolite Peut 5aid. Mes' ditiaos anti alteratios. lken ine bhhItItlIIloie. wft byte br OUDEn NOWAND MIAKE CERTAIN YOU GET A CAR ATTHESE PRICES Rounabout $405 Tourig $445 C<dupe $695 Sedan $785 chassis $345 ItORbI$495 T HE average Canadia,i Famijy The new low price oit lj ic Cars makes it possible to ad the sixth meinber to it. You are Consideringi the ott (s f a car-of a Ford Car. You lî.-uv i that the man-the Grîj ihL car is at a disadvantage. Yotu have IcISO realized that Ford Cutr,î t. ow pricecd that it is posio- ta výiVe ir and your fa nily what i? h(i s ,ha. rý A Ford Car fits ino the familvti uurine: does your vaork and tIili c1f tht 1, iilv- makes the family routtInar-1-huvo t d mÀd unworried - makes it pot tIbin ta save sorne time for recreation -ta visi t ftnttds -for the country dwtlti- tn -inil town-for the town dW@liCr it - - ita the counstry. The sixth member of th -CLriadîau Family-the FORD CAIR. The Price tof the Touring Car tos 44a- Freight atnd Covernment Taxes Extra. And it can be bbugh ta-i i Monthly Payment 1F du SPROAT & LOTT, Miltoil, Ont FORD MOTOR COMPANY 0l' CANlýDA, LIMITED, ï OPn CHAMP,10N BRAND À D 1 44l', Nr y 9 FÉ- N-CE fu:li PLAN FARMV IMPROVEMENTS NOW Theretî every reuban mli>yosu should pilan now 10 tO iPrC potof your fanrn fencing. Buy curty: fenace pricent ot ikeihood udvance during 1923. Order i advancc uf Ch- and -gel lthe benefit of the prenento prices. Ch amnp io n «CANADIAN" fence in naonc qualiily seelthe best- FULL GAUGE, WIRESe FUJLL LENGTH ROLLS. m strengls, ctinimumt trength iselnmumlpric-tdti ýset' your fence building investmenî -' USE AMERICAN GALVANIZED STEEL POSTS SOLD -BY, SLIM E N T MI4JTON - nONT. c 0. ou -,a ,0nmets 05TAR 063. dis" 0 cP'o' T ON1 t thé s~psisîd bII'N..0 - sum w Stt. . $3 t u or e5$a 0 b.t~' ili o r ,uui1. Ma t--- pANTON. ansd posre msYuPFr &.mOL. sud7 .- s.J.IaL. MO.. st vWtl i JLU. od7.Md no. .a osuaStsu, Osot in the55.55p id Sm y etO OUBO 45 sdR osOe wnu VAh »IALYý fl. A McOLL, M.».ei âoRo su seooOesr Ul. IL . NERSNM. ., à- [H.liALLEROLN, M.., J. LESLIE KIN6 N.B- Mdast oiosss. et rorMal 855. MtS,. ,CR-iROPRtACTIC CHIROPRACTIc OFFIC -Huu BLOCK.MILTO!. INiELSENJ e,Il yearo ea çp*od-epeciaol soola se t .m--msosdsy and Fvid ~Wdedy, 1Ito p4 ný -MILTON-S -. NT CHIROPRACTOR mIvle MILTOI Dve oe s etrts ill in a O- ýscasun DR,' -0 . ý.BABCOC Bransd lo*uxQEON noximulli L« Pi5Ms tbctaies. re t.44aDA 4 at JG2o -58 I n Dr. 1siot EII The sih rbofhf