npani ws IRESSES ' an POllular lot I inroireil Flannul- 1 -o ' tiiiI h mor-e ex, $895, 10.00, 1,5 ES re 11-'ao t j) 1'esse6 for Pries ci h-uover. orÎWg Department flr s ou wth iiquaity'ilthe 5#Iý;rLi a we dsiu4t oliin g syes in ei -Th, i wxt ir Csp.for pring. 93 t îlare nil Wonking Clothes, Oneralis ILcd S i 1Peahody'u & (isnbrtt'e). Srhc i rt is and Sox. the uc fst Meus CWIhan d FutMeshg. S. R. BEWS. lm thé, tifl 0 e o al-t() setl Incubators , ehave on. iîand a stock of Buck eye incubators ANDMM Brooders -'iiie-, etc. Epany LTON, ONT. jadt Mliable kind on t Ile narket, holding from 65 eggs Ord, ers tîtken now for later delivery, as there 0 a iheitage i the spnng. mnëtts' Hardware, Milton When in need of rVRNUJRLJ Go to aC. R. TURNER. MILTON Sets a New rd rng Modal 23.35 igi nadIton nS unsJ:1 r give ubus McLau.ghi kFeur-cylînder Tooning a.- ry sppcacsiece iiat b- 10ar Coi- tus cln, Mme nove tendcrs, esng-fiatiuO< seS Sern. type heaanal lsmps .55 uto e .diaiec- %aaly cainpieue eqiipmesuul Se. ransmisaion l il.4 eiciS adjîusabl4fanae u..- the cuitauns. iranumiii nu npeedonieter, hioepeah icatien tail and ieOPe.qfý plates, valant instirument- Iansd aiesning vieel, etc. nial imnpi-oieîuents haCU-ý 5sen nade in notai. chas-e ~d body constrction viili ibase tili utrheýr un tii e riai pcs-ece reerdre cLaughliieBuiel producti' dsla. ta Cho". F.e, eqt, Miton...- IWEAR trmp> aud Oxford Cil un mndinl- seil hie convinced .nywhere rt 'STOR] LMarket nd 5£YLEu IandIa t Qnality.. ï-, il 1 Sidue Y of 0 à -A are.t; nsaataBag ~ IInnsoft- w.FoIis SÂr.-Beed cati, Ioncae te " i aniivr sea Soel1g pply A. A. Buck,..on OnWedausday. at 4.80,.MargmM in-law, 0.uyIL-poîiWcewantd b 2tn PattersnnJdne Of Jayenilo Co rte1 The rernian. meeting of thI.CL.D.. Ay, store o ws an. .Ipy Tur-tonso.iii gI'.. au addresasin le iseliiha lneld at NMi. Hmîltan'.,taox il. 1o. S 4t.Z;ly ni m DIa a pecial in. niorrow (Frj»ay). et8 p.. l iat .4 li tatiou le axeded ta aII ctitens. POU SALE-3 yon fresh covi. DAMOTSAIG. n oda Geog ie-V tt-, Of Pet, , anOut calyrdtLiiiwuek. A P, .)c1 ry DÂymonr Svrn.-n Mnd, adinlton estossjay for tiee Brut Hornby, phone 98-r-i dayllnghToroeaiag th ou la dseti ietr ii,.eeke' ilIn. Bred-ta-lay Barred Rocks. cf gond daylghtavig wthou à i-et'n -Mr. P-J- tlýP$a etLondan. Ont.. 'train, e e. asettlng. 0. B. Gap- Vote. It will go loto force on M retrnd om yLord 18th ansd end on Sept. Rh. Toronto Ir er ed heymer day, w fter visil tile. phoneo7r4, siville. havl doethis ehould lue nati&fled ina er Iiter rs IllIam,. via Fou SÀI.-White Binoni Sweet ,ii in l tdUie tables. Ontoide l ey ~Claver Seed. $i bu@. Fred Moriino, place. uhould 001tbe I nconvenienu-ed Eiqtie@ng CounSil ha$ grantod 1IL R. 2 Georgetown, phone 42r-4. 4t by charges. $3.000 for tii. erentlon ofthtie no AThe:Iaulmeeting f Oetii. itiue chooi et Miltanjieights andi$,;; Fo% ALx-Ced&r Poste. Apply to AthiticAssciaion illbe eldet or rad onsrucon.W. J. Robertsonlt2 con. ,Namas the. tao hall next Moda ueîga Rsxam,.. ai ia o.I~Y*Pione 949 r 12 Lowvilir. 2t à oeolack. A full attenulance is re stable Rellet hbu been transferred Fou SALE-Lucerne oeed, Ontario qu.ated. au business of importance froiniMlton ta Ottawa and la ue d varlgated. tiret citting, 014 bus. Ap- Wi,, lie «mted ed by P. tC. Akins, vin gotafroni y Alex. Lawans, Enquesing. Phione Bn.oxs Hie Lao. Laatprid Wni Sarnia ta Auton. O-3 ainpdan fu o pes.cfce . thOne tonBand take th[@ oppan- Fou SAL.-T n ure-brsd York alpe n el uapee fie n tuoity ta ezpressthanks ta &U wh oya, viii dyen ii sieawe ofail legs vas -broken. Tiie fracture kiodiy auisted In ian, v% n nd.1. Apply (les. E. Hiaiand, phone vas an ehreedlnigly bad o@ asd the rnaking tie production. 'Ail= Inrd"ir houe piotrudes tiirough the. lenh. anicl a decided auceesi. FOR1 SÀLE-tWo Youîng Bronze LOch- &bout elgbt loche,, tMr. Reid va, os. Apit taken to Guelph t5eneral Hospital. KNoox CEVtH-The nobjeet for iers s alun yoiugc os« wheru ho ia doiog an veilias couid S'"'day niornlog vii lie. F*aclng the mlot &cno. 4. Nelsn. W. S. fadllId. bave been ezpected considering hune neeiabie. Eelgsric IleRHR. 2, Milton. ae7.Ti.fehWndnbw lu wthdrawn swIng ta anoiveiary ner- FoR SÂL.-Seed peau, . au 2 pure. f tMr. Reidl bai iuîilereei vice, c iithe Mthodist Churci. -. hed Shnrthorn bulle, i1i mentheolnd, grestiy and ha lied lutie leae-p. Hie Oakriile'o bnard et uduction uaiu2 Yorkshise mvi. due esrly io April. reoey will h. tediou,. Mu. Reidute oùwn cunicil ta prueido *70>OW Robt. W. Dredgr, phoene 154-r13. if a niait nblgiog cienli and i n pplar for edditielne ta schiinin.82003fer Foa SALE-W i c k o rliing-roomi miii tii. patron, ofthtii baud, wbo public @chant. and SiOMO fer au@l., suite. 5-pieee. erar.dtather'u ciock. ruL, grestly regret bis accident. inoîi, saidiion ta the. higlu snhool. ceai nil eov. le, .nauaeline and A nieeting etftii. L.T.1... eill he eid tNîrc. . Baker and Miss Dois B.wa, ln lie iethodist S. S. rece,. an Mon. cf NWeleidown. up.ontthe. wr.kond day. at 4 N),evien tir. S. ri. Nlcclrrady,. evit relatives in Milton. Mis e oy Jr. Rted Croes organizer, wili h. lirus. asicli-d tii. cheir cf tii. Methodînt @nt ta gia.e an addreissce lie wank. (lîcuro c Sunday evaieg and sng a AUl letereated arc corelial1ýi rvite ol e 1 cîuderrd soin. h., preseîîi. Mi,.ý Alice Henry spont tii. vel. QI'ICnRCcONITRÀiu t ,cuRc-,.-Alcoitetcin i ti r. and Mrs. M. H. Patter- twe hiindi-i lelading iuen cf Qui-hep eson. i Weýoolntack. Mr. Pattersce sn and Ontario met last Satiîrdey ceniithe c a ege of the Woodutack Pow- invitation of l.ietenant.Uovern.or deres\tilti Factary. hichii a wnud Coekuti, at a aunneau and eli-cep- aeddc1,cuated by tiie fanmer,. tien aitiihe govennouent bone, Toio-ac-s ta. thse bjeet af mhich wastc ou.r- Mccs . W H. Bailey, Haraby, an- moe.a btLer eindereanding betîv-encuii-t hengagonient cf hec yug tise people oft the twu provinces and rt datighter. Mlargaret A., ta Marold end utrife et proviocialiun, mraceand C. Mche e, niy son oef tr@. and tho creud. Amniig tiie guesto wer twolate Ci-eoreMichie. SScaiBledk, the Lrnuaty Jadgei, Mesan. J.WV. Flliot, of nial.,'agi- tc takre place qiîietiy the lat- Raltan and B. F. Justin. cf Pi-el. Thrter-i-dief Mai-ch. bout of gucd feeling prevaileil. Speech. Tihe irmernian Relief Aasociationofe e. ver. nmade hy Premier Tasc-hereau, Ce&jaie lin. puirciaued Cedar Val. of Quebre, and chers and beneSicial re Fare), et Georgetown. for tir trais- noita are cnnfldeo tly experted, Mr. ing cf .i-uimeian boysaln ai branche, Tamiperaslotenda ta arrange four a o atîiciug. Fufty Iboys yull arrive in ainilan gatieriog in Qscbec. ie wbich May and aoatiier Ait latir A olear. Ontario meanviialoi-elnited. ieg e,îctioe aais vli tbe hle t ati tai-n. a Satarday. Marcii 319t. See 1%o Wemen's loatitate, of le i,,pariiarin leanotier celunme. having undertaken ta impioes-ethe TsFND OnSdathe cenditian cf Bloonifield L'rmrtery, on Yci eeFeoO udytie the OUh lin, Tratalgar, droire thetany i-onte yauîng mns gat di-uek. persan vtauing ta ceistriuate kiadly ibey wmi arnested and as Mon- eommniaeo iLb Mn.. W. J. Chie. day ai-i- pai-aded befare Police Maguo- bii. Horoby. Ot'errrtar-, cf thebe iuc-rate liare , aofiusîllngtan. Clîlfard ter-nCummitter. 2t la-p-mer evas fOued 2SM and i-ottai-o hciiig diuaik and iiavlng Ilqesnin bis TraouBcuIN lPnaL.-Tlr tii-ietcnrd po.esoi-,.oscar Yaks and Lea Pick- seccuien cf tiie tava cf Buauun if-S ici-irelieed $10 eaci.and costs fer ton tron tii. iaîuty cf Pi--ee l i eîîgduir, ceuelng bitter feeling e inte waships and. acrording ta La the lcReec cf To-10e tAW CAaaie.- Laut Saterday Toronto township, as quoed ein he thi- îîchold raton. of the sntiiend Tenante Teleg-anu. n.ay rauthe dSis. af Ti-efeigar riled. iiy a vote et 67 ta intigration et the coutîîy. r uîîoy 1. tueic liav authaniinng the UtiiLy mean tiese uceselan of taicîlos ad Comcmission ta buiy etectrir pewer di- Alion. they ta imnite wiii Ti-cumsehuiroct froni the Cataract Power Con.- and King,.in toinug a ai-w pal',Hi-rtafae the power ias been ccunty. vlth Tatteobni e.asLie pue-i-red thrauugb tbr mediumneoatthe coaoty tavo. Caledan bs a iiciuîa- Ica i "f iateille tion of 2,801 and an equalleeS anse.s- meut of Si.2u.3i5. while Alhbion bas a muetoý, Sectian 17, Miltonu Heigiits. population et 2,2523 and se equuaiised Boari i- eking for tenders for the asseuhuunt et 01.56.245. Tir huaiercione of tii. cw cv nil. iaving pplation et Peel is 21.400 end the chanogod the plans te a tvn-sts-eY totlequalîed an5saroent $lo,742,75. i bin p.Tenersdt o h. la isi the end The total ceuniyte for 1922 was M. ch. Planoasnts unoa S*050. et vici Caluon paid $754.. tIn!, Ieecl fier anyuise viuuwnhro tao 84 and Albion $4,72247. si-r 1cm. Far partieularsap1yt Ri liiiiii ito. Secreta ry-ieas.. Ilo iliehis. Tnin no RcwAx.-Coniplyiog vith rua,,. 1-j9 equesteLise Miton Fine tOiigniileave Sceideai ta repeat tue n cii inin c dance belai rececily. Tioy tiiere vili tea adance an i,,n11,.April lth. Appreciaiieg ih-iu uoy iitinen& parchased ticketa 0111v le supporLtishe fineen. a «geaaral maia, iii cci againu h. maSe. but ickci, nuiay h. proceireai tronc nien- ita Sacialinl Orange Hall. Hnrnluy n m oed FriSay igut, Marri ieth, un- di,, u uipices cf th. Tuxia Athletir As- cnnialionee. (4nmicaial aod literai-y ta-- g-ai. iecliudiog a debate. i«R«Dlv- i-ni tuai the girl that niays at honie unnn i-a a hetter lite partaer tisas Lhe o ne uluotgors ta, bamiars."Debstars, nI upu-ovi- anS Miltan. Admission ai.. laie wini bmiioes tree. AdmIuion r.- fennirSd ta gents buylor boxe»..Dont hii. ABoAaeî.-Tis musical farce, vnnnniiced under lie auspices et tir - mnI et tue Prloceon Theatre. drev s n,1 hoieuse on Tuesday eeai anS an- n I i-c yrsterday evening. ~e fifty %nicp peoplvie tank parthiadr.. ni-cl ncd nightly for tvn v-eeka uden ie ni ighly capable rcaching of tMr. li.-,haw. oethtie John Rogers Produc- n, nnC-t., u(dIrostania. Ohio, via o 9t !>iniSd esilte. Ti. acting acdaing- incp er, good. lie danciag grautrl ainnnithe costumes approprlate. FusN"E $i00-Proineial CombLahles lnnuseeeot rBranmptoan ad F.ep.t. of Milttae havlLg raideS Lise p Oftua~ Jeam. Fuunies, of Adtos and ojisnd'*tour- len ou hutlea eofnionoabhine wviltey Fnnchies appear.d bfion Police. MJi icae Moore ai Actan lant Thtlosday. liei mvas cenniicted anS ihned SiOad cîîeuu, Be settied. Wbune tue tomx w ae inade vasncot disct.uemed. Jack '1isiemac, et Actan, van Oined $M0 ond ot-ot, a boiLle o.lilquor haiig bccii tonS le hie pool rmcm. Boy HuitTn.-Lesi Saiurday, Fred. [ceeS 13, sav of Marny Cartvright. et Nelion, vasn oa lisîtSofiW111e011as Hi-acte Street on i way anta -Miltnia. He vas dniing andS tJD nas sag, vuti ius fatisen itting ¶iiaid hlm. The bag slipped offthLicI1a. ts o vent viii il anS one iof Le bina vicels panared ci-enbisabadomen. lHe vwan takcenintaVictor Norrt'a honais thoeugianericusly lInueS Lieboy ne. covreduicly.iteaoplishi on Monday. HALTON LIa L iaCAtca The annual me9etigottiieHalàêi U][A- ecal Asacelaticoti ii bho bld tule is PrnnconTheatre. Mlice0,806m day, MriShiaf.ifP08 maLle,, iii b " p laq i5 iev cf the spp Csaitg evsOa ioli 1h le hoçed *l iai ase, "bc Ila' attendanscofaiU.iu*u " and uaL â y don, 8 ol teca essetL Es etSi FOR lullul flhtUI5ilC3 Ste 2~btL~ s-cri- -ils. i-u5~miî nînî sludTjllll!uic rOrinnOS 15 l.nly cI île - tuniluiOr t .ni île 'lIeue- luth-y, \inihu-i, FtoerSel-ti JFiev-,Faet 8p eSahtPoisSer, Violt iSec. lisvCoîngecia, ingle acouhl ie tR LILIES Faster Carda 55 O iaplal & aîg'ýrgeueSipia tEa a e Lilîcu iv ui., lune,. i .chtu,,froni SQUeai-h plac!, ' for seUtp. ~I5\ Easter Reorda Hia 'untera V01 Rcode aed hieu tiome 's- ~ Eaaîer, Hat Dysa Ail alades, S M ake lce aIS blooke liko e v. Eastep Napklna ~ C-e PaPen for Decor. aUjng. Wt coIi 1 mlis1& ý 4enIeS sie.t lk "db.."l !fectionery! j 'eal effort to have a large c f Confectioncry for the 4,BnBons, and Fancy fOt Easter Diapigys. unitr raiunery! We are showie a lange and well assled iurc of ResterS-tationeryja bit am senpuut up ln prelLy boxes. All the correct eizes, shiepen caul texture. ni Papes- and Envelcpes. Correipondence Cas-de in plain and gilîl rugeul. Cîliing Carde for Misses and lsdii-s Boxcd Piper from 3.5c. np. Buik Paner. l10e uuire ci'. .EASTER EGGS Our d.playai Ee W.r,,a e- Ladies' Hand Bags!1 The very latest deelgus, colore and finish of Loeathers. Ftted ici the correct styles. Ladies' Purme in ail styles and ehapes of lateit. WeIl made and.-bave a beautiful finish. LOkOIIZiS The Ipail ~jp I ~ 1923. 'p The home of to 'pthe background as 'poccupants. Beautil and satisfaction it p 'p We cordially in 'pating problems. 'p 'p 'p 'p 'p 'p 'p 'p «th à boueholdj art ëleia--;in-0. Ccii. -1 - deg. Phone 3r-4, Luveilir. ' FOR SALE-A geeiie Thono ..A ' Ediucn Aniberola FPhoneorah with 33 records, nearly new, fer le. than balf ' Its actuai cet.. Cao ta oe.n at J. and A. Marchand@. Jeseliers. BMilon BUILDIrNO LOT vOn SALE-On N. 9 aide cf Martin Street. between resu ' dunce.,et Messrs. D. S. Robertsnoand ' Tics. Ccxe., iOj fet troniage and 173 fret dpptii. Appiy ta, Juîdge Eliiot. ' FoiR SALE-LuCerne ueed, Ontario ' varlgatud. gcod quality. recleaosd. 814.50uper bus. Alun oeed el oat 82 1Thos. Mcîadd n. a. R. ' r..1,M le o 5, i.wo lin., Trafal- gar, Pione Sir-IS. Lwviile. 4t PICTIJEES for Friday aud Saler. day, Mar. 23usnd 24 : Barry Carey la 14as te Ma@," frou JacksoeGre. orys faisons civel, a Western drame NDERSON'S : S-PRING --192 3 WLPAPERS!.,-. i-day cannot be sympathetie and agreeabin to live in îiil ec-i provided by its walls le in harmony with the triste of iV, ifui papers at 80 small a cost in comparison to tuie eherni I proinotes adds greatly to the pleasure of the home. nvite yon and your fi jende ho consuit ns on yor idi RECENT ARRIVALS!1 Men's Fine and Wool Trousers, '--uuts, O Id eestie Work;LI l iettr Shirts, Sox, Ties and Braces, Fitiu Caps, Spring Feît Rats, foir ir~ London Lady, Puritan Maid, Rough and Tumble, Little King, LitîleIfc and varionîs other makes of reliable firms. Gingans, Voiles, Serge(.lîy îrit j Twills, the old value Cashuriere, indi otlîci dress gond lines. Oui-taiin.. Dia:, li ories, Sateens, Casenent (lotit, Window Shadeq anid Floor C li i j splendid variety. j MILLINERY! 1 Jîtet arrived, the New Spring Stock. We invite yoîî to vi8it.tlîi-; depaut- ment for your needs. Etxclusive Mîllinery at Cashi Store Prices. Sanderson's,- Milton's Big Cash Store- Plhonie O -e-e-e-,-ee-e-e-e-e-e vashly. Comiug sext vtek- iIlrIld :bu ri 1811 ers akery Mito mg Shel WHILE THEY LAST! Mitn11g cei BREAD Son.. of the etat ainî o g acecommodatio t i ilo h 8iLARGE LOAF. Scionîtf,..ithe report ottioveromeot 1 6 C. AT THE STORE m 1 ocLr i. M. Levan, dated Foi S8th, tianie a15agand, btetluey havtoirTaares Th.oe nda str fr 1i at idne ALL CAKES REASONABI F T .grdngoth. asonilyhal affectedby thetacoit t it be A Trial Scie ited. osedaa sa"rooni. PnoNE 233. MILTON., 30 x UI Fabrîc Tîres rit............$ 9.7.5 enfei -The use ofthte cièce laboratary 1 I odTrsrt.......2dicd sel an ordinary clans rooni ha. heen ai- 3 1Cr ie t............ 25 al lsved taitreevti rcia n CURLING. 30) x UI Cord Tires at.................. 15.lOest-hi "The erlk etfLta coll src y Lent week tise Milton curlen. had a, coli eiul 0x3 ue t................. .1 ai iiandlcapcdbythisa adquaey ofthtiisingles cnnipetition. raci p layer usiug sconcaios. TeghitIL'a ol'y tw.pairs of tones. HandsomnepriesnAili theibox e tiresa rre guarantet il four ye:n.mince. itastatu$ a poed wyen gleen by 1.0v. J.W. Blain. Presi- f roms Continuation Scinel àaianig tii dent Wn. ChiahuIn and J. ISodr- W aef iie uniy that ofiàHigiticiO,inlthmn o n son. Tic vinners ver.,: Skip. andWeherulnteqaitt rapidly tit Ile1 nov conducted bv a vlce.aklpa. J. Willniott. bnd Jn. Max- staff etfi teachers and bas ainai. ted; secode and leads. Rd. tCunen tendance at about 180 pupula. Tiei md Roc. T. H. 00B o vis * ne-H. LraLM N building wuanoot pianoed ta acceinnu- H. Fatterson, 2nd W. É. VanMarman. G O . D W O dtese gexp.rieoredinfla.jding yi-nfr About sixty out cf tue eighty.iz aeilyexoinaaai ienislg eforemntr tteMitnCrigCn Phono 284. HARDW ARE. Mîltori, Oîît. ae. ave- iiocicl n.aeed ta Knox Churci lait Sonday _____________________________ A a n pna-nnno tab.ainin ,yenclng. 1ev. W. M. Mackay. hio is li u rm. the asaenibiy sal h ta.keroarer iimself, onueutMitn________________________________ laeuZu anrooceaionallas-rom108 n i eip4pea sapsc- rayand another in thoecience laborera- anrt. Inurlag bnids ep ainc__ho_ tory. Thisaarrangement la urîtiing î,lsns.b aIl f iecoe ie -i but atisabrY. Clad n r veoa casec rooke- -Il la ini&tant test a palîcy ot el. nems naig n r a i e nay S T ~ P I pansion aboîîid ta settied on at once., inuulIaguage. Tis ganse vas dent,)- SVII I.JMR T M ! go tiat tiers niay ta suutable provis- cratin aod. taing dean. ti.hi-bst et ion tur Lie classes tiiat will i-anîrin gond feeling pr«aIled auîn.u th.e play- nex iepteniber. cers. Tinugi bano ai n ceyn APEPA U Milon etedit huschNots. profiea .Tho payiag of play- Milon ethdis Chrch'_ ote. rs in oralicd amateur teanin van tac 100 I aI 'iIa1 le Pt i-utfor1hi ste i 1ai'a L enniiono. It led ta crookedocs. the setter stu i i i-.Reg. 40ol ...Salesday Trent Price 29c.~ Neat Suiuday lie Metiiodist congre- dsoct tcu aae.npniî gaLion vili celebrate tudr 7lat anni- oiTtepaId nien au amateurs and vemay coce yan iscoaduci in the WEEK END CHOCOLATES 32c. lb. ves.Tiiere viili e specilinervice: su.iieioLconen.Tt uls innuî-a i moDc.i a g a ll eiag , orte an et TiLere s as eno rfs nlim Ti we v iv oami nc nincînasùe tnt-ne un o liearekSewa a rd o Terana bouapiel tbree Ihin Pne assorinieni lAg -oui junw egan hec gene uuî, yneuî tii Methodiat Cisînin, vili h. tte. uvenuulenoftLiia veek, ulateen Miltone Pcanot do belter thonu ctIiiivitlieiui. A goocl vatui- iR-g Eveyon wll o mderinka campiiog. Onst and necond î0c ad5c 1 ..........WEKN PCA.3c veicme. vernne iiih. nadepris«a aaded under lie pluas ysietomîm- . - - WEED PCA 1c A apoi u ter aervice militao isilod f eerng. Tbe firet prise van aiur S c EG on Wuedocsday cvocing. Tesb ed iel y J. Farliov . . esales. J. Hom.uas- A T R E G for ,eedltation vilii ta -BeholdNoea' ton and J. P. Robinson. akip. vith 'a T Kingi I The service wyul h tat sire vinsand p lus accruetf17. Jas. ilacs euî on îoglut leur Itusuer Egg.yet? [ ý,il %ii o'clck.VauLan.Dc.King. Marold Raci and iay poui le gise iii; o poli. le bavi- a epecial iInn iii, Next Monday evenlog the officiata of MW. tuiaiasi kip, gnt second prizes frocm. Youn. nanins put ou f reretfi-barge. the clsurcis are having au "At Honie" vils tir.. vins and a pluus cf S.I for Lie eonacegation. IL vîll open at Soleiock. Te programme conritte. T A N R han vorked cuLa odl, fi a KiXex csckazuar. W T B A R N a a on-u onci Tise aniiial hanaandmiconcent. held __________ Wnrk." b y Lie LadIes' Aid et Knox Ciarcu an____ Fniday aflerecon and eveoing eftlant HOCKEY. vecik.ova aveny aiceSsfusi &flair.. -- HOCKEY.Tie.chool rooni. wvici vas beaLi- fully decaratsaifotceb.occasion, van Gieorgeowavnad Milton High Scicel Lhiiongetvisitars ail, tue alter- glspyeabardtougit gin. at tiihe r. Tboladies In chargenofthticdit- P I II aves Tburadayai-seing, ta ferent heaiha vere kepi busy. AtUu ~ I tty inutaaavertlne, vitiient a ment of tue booLîs cverythlng van IIIE anar. fo eltise side. old oui vien tie heuîr eti5 'ciack I 1 I Gorgetnvn-3oalu Joaue Leavitt ; van r.ebud. Tise evenlng catertain- defeuce, AMY MeDouan& d M i-onnEM0ni eby Lie ladiea va, veil at-____________ Adagne , centre, Giadys Tauti;vingn. end anStheoplay itselt van a Leonoro Ilooke and Grece, Forster : get suceuse, monie et Lis ladies shov- sube.. Mariona oalop and Editi Kent- ogmretan oedinary abilîty asaen- o prepaîo for the si-ina soason We inust inenu- nec. tactaieeri. Tic grsas recoîpta fcr lie f mato--",aI.Heo Miii. detence day ver. abaut $»i. tudgElRliet stock to make rooco for the spring gooCU now being ch)ippeil. Igobol Anderson anSld lu a Mrin ;neccupled :the chair inisia nnz happsy To do this prices have been oonsidera" reduced. Well1 var.Rb ao iaga. Lurette vay. _____y av h ,Euà n ;Z i .CemenLa seitae., lot you hv h profite-hecaue we ibust have tire ronnnr. Ma&ry Stewart, brens Graham and Miltl eils. It wiîî pay you weîî to investîgate whet we are Olfernr. Ruhy WilsArhure. - gae Spot cash at roduced pnicos of course. Refcnec-W.Stevart, Milton. S csenio rnnngv cl ____________ tile lier iborne. on thl1t Below are listed a few of the linesi7ue are offeriurg, FOOTBALL lset. ilebohaeof otber daugiter. Luilu IM L B. . Richmond). a Feinsuanir n.Mc.Blc edlay mIdi.Alho"iofiaeghbori. andtnriendo eva.Mn' lakad lw, Guodyecas- ysat, ce slect ct-j The Milton Saccen Club reanganîsuai froni a distance, us Ited le viabing tie 10e ................. ,ý.............. $4.9-l) fan Lie beasan lstFriday nlght. OIR. bideeaucuuhapplnesu sad ail spieni a 310 prs. Men's Blaeh and Brown, Goodyear- wé4Iecwed sote, i'ceSc t(n ent rs -Gotsu l O 1 themois i dol t> iofan Le bade -............................................. Vce.Pron.-D. 8. Eoiiertaaa. ~ ~ iîrcpeta ayhaîiu 25 pus. Men's Solid Leathes- Work Shoco .............. liewa.60 prs Boys' Box and Uria Calfi-ihocs, rcgul' d broluon cie..2. i1>7 lacs..Tte.-J. Blaylss. 3IN10 pus. %omen's Brown Oulf Bal.,u loy sesj br top lift ... 3. =a irle-if - n ner-s Muemosg. as Satunday. 15 prs. NWmen's one andi ivo tnap K Id ......., .... n2.n ,Tb. ciilu balui î le@ am* e lith. I, La Mn. sud Mrs 15 ps-e. IVomn'sn BnavCali Oxford, brokn 3.-----li lemyer, wuiiep» ee.1ii 1 ,,eea a dangiiter, Wilsta24 prs. 'lOMsns Kid Oxfords9, ansorted lt 6411id dteep - 20 po. Womn' s PaLt.and id MPaimpie . u,î is '12. 5 ~4YULL ~T2 Phone 848'-~- 4~P P~ MURY on -VCE wë' eht* UltOmý Ont. 'FI-, 15~e ~saKidaond Box ClfSlos~ 45 Pmis. huSs Ki mu1 a l Bies, si lU .... I. 8«s omma' W1adow fop othes' Il t l4ted hors. GRMAIV SH HOME n