.9 vie â e i=Z 01ff1E0 DV TIMNT [Local NemàroF mu9un oS th înï or OS lin5'frelaa. ortgages for sale. rosiemetAofpth r .fE. NîxonMton. De a tm n :5 amioe heg i osais * urbi UBoe fl oe bu. A ITouloseo (ander for Saie. Âpply sale th'aad,,oNslesi t uas i. tmhotAbuklO0Oyu hoOXpndd o teoger Presser, phone 154r-82. 2t. îftril r ýut ith tthiiialityîi clothes. Nzw DM-ELLINGaS.-rn Hensoa Mrs avug@DtmO n »lhmbus-Serig.A .A.E Bucsal,. pone uresat about to begin wnrk on fv new brick hold furul hure at bar realalanca, comrac 15-r-8i. Apy . 2tc. hn re gît ,imibeoegli eswee wellings citCourt Street, nteait of Bell and Mary Strooha, Milton. un Bat.- ATE c a e oes in e, lse , soag 0 0cah am hw ue.oer.- rliiy toe o fice mark. 17 f ras a a a n n o u n e d ter s ly . T h e s w il l u r d l ,ay S l# b , it 2 p . D u . h ; î î e n i t io n . a n t d h y ý o ia n Mid g v ea e a Ie $ fl 2 t n T 1 e a t cape e t w ,h î A e o n eS A E - Y un.V rdh i e P ig anddos-ciaby h ukaTeta u (earg ' iC uce . tf olp , ln hoa oxnS. KI.o. r t 0 d i r h d sF RAt Nc its N îC KE SsA P R sarsas T ue . A h O cam . C burrh, on lO rday oven 51FOR K La Yo uno k h r i e s ~engagemnente. Hrar Misa Nîrkawa the Rev. E. F.HarkIe7. who has heenl FOR SALE-Chotre pateltnes for table rit -t tri ti Spiîî ltut.nextThiroday eocshîîg, Meareh 22ad, taken ail. Serviceata 7.80. -Al wel- , orsed. ah 75ec. bag. lies, E. Galatie. Nov An Colas. notax) i. Lltîed ntiieohrf ehild- OOSVERNMENrT SBnaDY.-t.aat Wek J 1FOR SrsL-Bi-aneogotituer aniI i! ~s>' ndoriiseats ens25 ets. (fousfronset rocta. noticwareedfrom the Ontarioluantity a! eriputatiies. Aphte Alex. vid l", for Fpring. P. Ta ~Ni5itT.-I.ast Thirstay vn-DprietoHghashtaHiihne5r. \%irikg Clotliem, Over-aIils 4tng sanP. ZEs inu, t. Clair ittapter. eheque waa ahout ho ho acooftchathe îh, ,J - t'gad y iarhorts Ht. ot. 3îî. JW.Eiiot wo, n ire ulte Treaeurer for suhsldy diteoTnot~hyla v forhîs al e.i- tua W.chir -ir 5rrt. rk hirts & on. ). char ama-rtone. ibisaofisthet10822.ndbridge espendituire durig.Tav.bs i ner0phtne M r11. \\.,Ik Sil*rtlqand Sox.RaFou AcALde-reroilm Hessie.aos fr2t ffere Rt. Ex. Colin. Wni. Ptals Vy. IDr. usargaret lattersais Jîîdge afi FrtSAt PoomHa se.iie _______________________________ ,E. om;ps. S. R. Biewu and A. A.Arm- the Juvnile Couret of Tarants, mUt ,rcass uconditiuoeom vacant. ru to i isins Clothlng and Farnsainsa. strosg sud Ex. duîuups J. Nf. Maurkci- givr an addrcaa an lher wark in tiredo ateonce. .1. .agiessu. i 5tal ste,îîeie, Olea. H. Robinson. M. S. Stroat, Methadiat arhaat rsamn. su Wcsnes- Fort SiF-Wliite B"tosoni Smret R. B.S Galr adthd ii. W. MCrE couir. dar. Marrh 28t13. uder the auspces of Closerrseedl Si huit. Fred Mari ilaon, PlioifS. R. BEWS lt. .trea caidasmere exatteut. maifh1e loiralW.C.T.U. ta shieh ail are. R. H. 2, (irsi-gehomu, phono 42 r- 41 _______________________________ Spriusg Mllllnery Openln ai MIS cordially tnvtted. FOItSer-Tîvo goins Wock HoCrees, Carrols on Thturoitosv, Fia f n lIAi~Uî-blM yrtl Hareait, nrheap, anul Ruîhher TiretS Buggy. Ap- Salurîday î. i.1th. M lut ui -i îiaitt ta s the uîuîesctrain arbool ply te W. J. Taylor, tbaserfine. Phone TheOreet snd iiortaitracli ce styltes of 1the Hanaîon (tissera]if iVaspttaLa. t09 r Il. 1 e t 1'.S - foi- opruog andt or -Iannlec r e r' s he le uttheotieat of the twenty.t, Vtcal- t o s, ne t blieslîîîoIl and lt tiri iii îiit itYu îesiîeîs 4of the Tri Musical tClub who FuSLEtuteeeant. tntaiitt \Ve fît ~ i iii t îî il a sto c k oi ,- reopeci fîîîîy iii itcd i i utesîl. 2ttiti-i rfi. A nather rutertainuicun t ai ga etlf o ui1iug i h a-p bandtii aIt sî.oiv Su -ii't i 1tîi- liL îîCis meNt ADE-Th 89r-13. lissi.Ioîeiu. th e lus-9,haese Ie,,a largu Ie s Nii icug l itosS", s Foa-i snîhiî Oe litus-i-i io t1 li ct unît iers aiftho Milll uiî rling Club So- cl St.. Toiiugtir urtuîî,tue at cuiel. urua. (iîe riiaî- îcjîset etateo uu York, dir auit middle of Aprîl. allia !Dit Wes lit Thrr iuiiiiti aîî,trîp.îî. au Stiuay roeuîug and tmo, st brel. soid oneryouunghegoff ing s l ioy-t ha ic -îî- , .ii t 1) iinnrvli iaKnox Chiiechuhere Bev.uV. nisuhtliq nit. ^Win «Johooti. 1.R. 1t BucI ey e 1550 finit scareiv*o fnd iouii Suis t i0brtolaicksfiraecsliteeut rdueep ihere eocî y sriuuer inditl[ir ee, tsScw ll N 2ec celt-a aci içs t vsii.i15u Ttuii-waire-iiugleua stra2 . Orderenom for Aprit deti% ecy. saîcul f Tc,îuî'trie tsok v pan nt Brawna Drug Store. Boy Addresa Mia. %V. J. Heury, R. H. t, antuiiuemicit mai riuitrtioNa-saga. 3094tckets andl have ihe. .arked i Orgelsss-t. Ont.-Pos 2Lito 51 lLcu U UL Ur snrya aluuitu issire or oî,oeu. hll e arty Tickets for Sale hy menîbers r-1lt.ri cunur fior ttetpli. nf Lailes' AId of MethodIsÉ CharCh FijNiD-On Blarrît mut, uotNos.10 ALL ABOARD. -Tlius. CrIi itandl ut T. J. Browno Drug Store. siera, ewe 4had7th cn plac e ilari tf ue 5.5 tis îuilsir téiberri 'i tiittttl.-Tlur subter fuir Omuer casl get saine ai ther Chauuupiuî WC, inrod.-d f, lt-1,utuioi.sulll:i ioruii i be Tireuuro.ffie on proving prurperiyandl1usuîsg El er~~~rues uitatt!îuu cuucîuuiîoî.îs utee- iv e are foc thia notice. ___ P , c1 r s iieniili ihcth i hbadtesbetwl evrniated. gond îîîaiity, reurtearut itiCua-re itern« rîtis.t ourui t,,, t. S calaub an r te asuitjeetm ut onÀ.t v-L is ee-uue s-eut $2i tounie. reiie iiiat iuiuitj uié eaec iteicre couleme$1 u.50 e. lio . MFolfn is "Ail.AABOAiCIt a Irri-iaecat ,il- u cordial invituatioîn ta mon-I.ier i pic luiTs. Atss ointS Hs tR. fllarket, IlnIdlug froîn 6,) egggo more uteretung casthr ilion iiresut.. ttîsHuttooro, uif 19etington gar, phone3r13k- iS.Omsliia. .rt ~ ~ 11, t fstue tr i-Ir Itter deliî-ery. s anuie iesutheluý.rice fiicofMr i 1, B 1iayttoi . i ls, ie crfn e rm. PC IJE orFleysd S l nhs s -ithe iuh Itîrugei tuiii r sug5. ii-y catttr, atong wmiil itother dayi Mur. lOth andl 171th : Forget Me p,ý lt r.fîrtnm ý t ii a>Jttt ii, i. t-iu ria ho. ln ttr,-h2iltiib an. imptrsuenta. ris Harery John- Sot,' feaîsrlng iiesie Love. A ruot. andit 21-t at Pincca, Ttheatre,.MitoniiiMilton. mha takea posession mange oft he gloi-y Of the YOsag o mn" Stuoon.i-tii iai, an ed Mca. Be-et-ciital. t.t,%-ry attrresinustheut seis heurt. Also Camedy asd News. Clements Hard are, Luliton etter Lise Stock Trais. eevcorcars, tilee ____ mao ut 113eaiTîa.erittiltonhere uit> lote tSatuieda, Ito abjeci tt is s -uta i. l <iK l trN AuT-n Thur Jîronflituin Milton Methodiat Church Sate s. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;;7 *,-__ _ _ _,__.....itt ..it s .oghlured uuioiaýt tu re uirtti-c .IO D E ., ga e the test aud E mes-e rrnui. ft o in parisrrui. itucru- in,t katinz paty af the seatios et 1 tre monatrstirioî. uith ti--rtirea riicrsurtuuaieteday eseuiug. The ice Theaaubjert for themiuoning seroicet1 hy ac u otljMr. Miacdolon us irig eîacrillrrýl. was nu t ii coniti nuitdthe ai- miii be. -Sacriifiiiig."and fort t - eo sepinutIfe i ri , 1aj. The M yoedne the eeig srie 'h e rto rte 1eipVpiiig sitdiciniig. W. A. .Bcroownia, tic i Srhoot puipito grand Great Frire. The paulormil rnduct l'oufi 1 1 t1.. ( u ill ruii i t, tt-p-evert- prettyanso ficiuefine bath eries. heurt isriii ai s iuuuii, Sa- s i s, , ri" ttc raiout rompiete. thueRien- The teague sf Young Pt-opte tuet Cc lagercit e soit tmi o-ci iii'f il ît8,-iOeO.onModay eenrigt 8ortalck. The1 ta. icu tu ruait t ttvisrl ,uei tstîc.vîîîis-. e ain am i n charge urt the itcracy w Ewi~ AID MID ~ luoateibutasiY,.uui-,i.trhtJ-tt ar.nh esrtîoîesd social drpartmient. lolotein bol]and uwo YIirr(rutrs, heiaCmiipbelluucrtbe Asveektcstin uezt Suluder i miibe, i,.a. - eeod taotte farroi-i-. .% )t ilu - 13l rouc t e t i71tIaustivecuant- tf the chorch. Put, p EL/IUIYEE /NUE~ acu epe csîruie tuu.~ - -rrucyohreets, 'a t c. Fattis, Basok Stewsrdouithieàlttl-i P ~The Ladies' AId aifKno ChurCh h , ltytIi ibriio) fultl ufuis. The hetintservices. mI rto lrahn mîlI holl iheir unsai Baaar sud tItrue bren rehescsisg for sotme bt escs willbol thir nnul Bzau an 1 i- urit tuu p t iltonsis the bcst orit Concert on Frlday, Margh 16(h, aller» rts 'rIr i uilbt lesin perfuriocrino!or u1 sa" nd evenlug. Sale of aprons. iI -1u. Adioitsit t:e, censs.chititero - o Il to 'ifancy mark, etc.,home-made haktag,-"R is 1 andy, ice-cream, alter»nneIr. At - K juin; i-,i.-Thianlssuaiatuuk- fn 8 o dlock a play, "The Ladites' Aid -rt rrg rsiapetition for laltotruudcr i-Set ~ 6 c R "IR1~IR. ILONmeeting at Mohawk Crosrsaus,- sillthi ri . ageneot fimis Oepartmentt . be gien by a um en ti ane - Xi-t iuue.oitl be hetlitis 7dtttlire C.R U N R ITNb uub ubro ais ýitrtîaonut tusomeeka. Titi date cuir E vealng admission 25C. luî .tt c ld sotibin a few dayu. Prizes J. tluj givcn asa toitoma by Hon. E. C. J Piiva Shathortheifer, îuy C. S. J1 as Ayrahtre heiter. by J. E. à Fetu-ittcutone. aYorkshire soandsitly - .i .m E ,S ?., t e ati MBra.La stxfordt-e t O Ranu-itr, of Milton, agrd CANA A:S AVOR I E RUG wok ini a bemaia the Atlas Ilui i, -us .ýplant. Be tpridonuaa of t e a chenl 10 alae uit hat- ns- umissdrnundflett15 fret Ilo th, wtriuil t anding os tus heaul and tirs At7 &.n. tue wmsa fotndl. I t iucusiiisso t te 1,hoirs. ii. tir tue ajuslt iihia ttsarilandl M A C K E NIE 1 Ilctsliîe mas hut internallt-. r iLttrouatu-ethbas rmenl frotta Oige5,ti trerk, Mai,.. 102322 813r- seeWinnipeg. la writisg ti urî wet o vteurmhtusutbcripterufor n , hapiounitegave esaabout SPRING TONIOS Requisites for the wlihwi weloeu hi@ t pToilet ai. tus recovirdeoithe bl if e'lpdsoute tinte befors he riet. but bis health mas goaui A contptcte li t I - Il 111t i l, atned to btatuuuesne atyeand Prep raion ilw1y in t.,-k.th( wok egrerd atih htttu. 1 ret FRANCES NICKAWÀ RECITAL, tPstadisCoucs o Bon I il, AR. 22ad.-Mies Sickawa mlIaop- 'tbary Gardiner Face I owdt n at-pear ai the Princelua Theatre sent T'ompean Day and '5 gît t. O j Thraday eveslng, Iar 22ad, ln na- \%' o bucy o I-ace Cru nj Gvcostume, Butler the Ladies' AId 'i' . j! ýsj1iF Socity ni the Methodleit Chureh n Jdlf ii-)n 5'ee sFacePosJnriom Pus(-i-ir -Miss Nckawa's nembers mîli be In- t 1 1 - t i Pi%,cro Face luoisutr limer Hc ýtruti iiii Irnipenleal wleh mniea nUnibers hy tt11f1 t..I ACars-Numne Tafruim iîuder. foCal tlent. Pupular prices. Re- SplsPouipeian Toitet Pnepartstf0n. s seldseata 35C (un han)- Plan P itititTbtee FlowescrPlerftinie. .toft tiene ai Brome's Droj Store. frattri rt fr-ru, tiniriarLove-me Face Pouilet-. - irrritnato .ti om ca- ------ 1tIitakville han i sobruf an sgree- Water siotloi mth liOte Mîsistr .aI ighmays TOIL T BO PS iti lematter nf thoe eecrtia lutttrhftileu ri lii fiTiiet t 'igh a con ilrt .~srhai eN ýi oui, n ta Inbutid the bridge. Oakvitle andi, o I psy 20 per rent of thue cash, but ited- irtrfr Kcrs t riýj t listants Def'glît Botties left that are t i îîmore than $18,000, seta sa1aply Sîtei i tunt- eSentirutesi a - m tcliustfor theItilt sud pat- ait and 11 nit iluse îuted ySa, rattog .anranlthe Cierk teituyr.ttr t titînt arî S"81)t tii R uoya' Op sure and get one.<msnteustoielh Inteaee lirnn ai oj. Paimoite cui col as fîrl y Irir Esoht,'i ,1tri>tCeaî rni mpf sî it erg. 8200 for $1t3"t t'RuieNa Se DAN-iE-hre ma Liiis. (ikiertne TanSiop, Radio Soap Reg. 2.211 for h-7!) j lange attendancefo ttamthse homonal tir atît ttorax Soap. Reg. 1.50 fuit'1.tOn "tiotuctdaneven listihiltosn Pire -Burigade eah" t g.homo hall lish Fiday NIlCfl1lg0~1 Pepaatios SuJ r , ~ a eouutua. Ail arrangemoests moretas an os attle Rirrîtdrf y . pssible anal he - nustu s Merals ormestra.of Hain- Drug forHomeand amitos, mas vert- gooal. Tiere mas"a ~~ug forHomeand arm MCKENZIE'S COIJtH POWDER for Horseri. large praportion of old.faehiosod fsts~t îbo tiatttg sîtupTbi isan old neliable eioedy, userutex- dane& on eh e peegrmme, mhich l th rr 9 At sri enoicel>' b>'the beot horsemen fitl ts i m ce greahly enL7aed. Dot oulybysOla 14%rPlf ak- scpii, iiUa ie danere. bhy thse ytncer XV i ia Dy, ff country'. i1 oes. usnmurs nu tisat there Wmssa eli , Kms ii, ull FlemingCough Retnodies. gererat deairo forcanohes'sucnaray- LggriG Comtplet, alinalor FlemiginmgisIt iii hagrahlfloa y ti.hélgsie o On idý1Lu f m ing Cu ietFriday evoning, Apsîl Ohb. Rersenîher -1 fls" ) OI Drir Fleming'sLup J Crthe date. H 'tmRt, odor e-oap Dyer, Condition Powdes, Pure Saitpeire % 41,Î)ina Satia-FluaL lVire Cut Liniment, Gentists Ruai Liqoid Veneer Pare Smeet Nitre, EaysClC MfmeO.IU I 5tt-Ui Hat Cieaner Worm Pomaler for Horses. JN.M. MACKENZIE î ~t840. : The Rexal e ore: muten. nt. pat] Ch& tJ( in Cori C( m FRANCES NICKAWAt Ai PRINCESS THEATRE w THURSOAY EV'C, MARCH 22nd g" $ti00 Reserceit Scaha 35 Cents. pios CAVELL BATTE« Phone 24p Reas' Paimers UI. S. L. Batterie Finat ciass repairing on an Ail wonk gîtan w AN DE RS O :1923 m- SPRING -1923 WALL PAPERS!1 4% The home of to-day erinnot be sympathietic mid ireeable to lit i il ttttle- s 11 the backgrotind as prnvidedl by Uts -tallils in haritony with the talte o t , j occtipants. Beantifol papers rit so salaot iin mîmparisoil to 8-à and satisfaction it protiiotes adr i îl to thle pîIerisnre fth(' S We cordiafly invite yrin and <tir fi oivns tIo onsuit lis net fý Sating probleins. RECENT ARRIVALS! i~ Men's 1'tne adWüo ri es titq V0l(1\ests \\ork anU fît SShirts, Sox, Ties and Brames, Fitîi (VelSrîg titFlats, H1orîmîr \ tii SLuilon Lady, Pionton MafUt, Jtoîîgtî md 'Vu mLiFle, Little King, I it'ýi si and varioiis otlier mikeq (,I reliritule hi ii'.. (il îgîaîiî. Voiles, S,i- 1P(, OP Twills, the old vtome <ashliîel', i'] t i. (I ress',gi(l lines. C 1 ),111 op etiefs Sateens, Casenietut (Ieoth, W iîîdov, le ind Floor i- <C ip splendid vri ety. Pv' MILLINERVI OP' 0 .iot aîrived, the New 'tpîiii, Stor I X ivie otito v ,;t ii- Uel)Rst - 4 Op ment fo r y oiir eed. Exlu t Milliiiery at Crashi kore- Priemu-. !P Sanderson's, Miltion's Big Cash Store- Plone 9 1%' iilbert's Bakery! 3READý i6 .AT THE STORE ýokles 15e and 20c doz. ALL(CAKFS 1 E ANBLF A Tria S'iciet 110E M ILTUON. CURLIlsG. Therpiayuseof the saurbedgnteg rthe rink championship of the Mii-Cib, hih F~ROST NONE BETTER , 0ri t he omg lu i haleuiiu rt i r- Xi n, io hl i leu on Sattirday eyeruing mithth le' uicbnenww i iat letwrsrs the Maxtrd asand l'ait 1 i ii lr. ifflI. TEtiM.' r 1,'off foir <A.F i i tri in 13e. th3e former mw i iig, i3 iii Y. i r ii t i ii- i, .trbd W î' it i t rh of th( four mioners gets ai irs 'PA l tiy sirt i lon-bau basket a ad LI] iiners.tiliget a hrasfern oii it L.Marashall i. Bayis.O.H D W O P. Lecocq E. Hamea O . D W O IL Stiourt A. Neitao oii ie 2S. JHA ltItWARE. Miltoni, titt idusîrd, ipý 13 Clips.'Eai l, oip t - Ira. Teasdel and fsnjily wish tei ex- d the'ir heartfelt thauku for thre__________________ autifut floral tribaitrsanaid drep 3cm-gý p t lhyocf tîrir many friends and se, gli 7- ira i their recrut ssiibereaecaentfa te~ imau At Gertesi Hos3ital, Haino st r i.g g ton. on Satunday. Marc 1it. 19Z3, John Cliapman. forîriy utfiMlitoni. Nit -. i, ti u ti , i iv i- rur Easter - r -i lrithr i t ihi& 85h3yrar. a [ie ti illo l-t(I ;lEa f. usf-a To Mr. and Mlirs. H-arold %V. I~ iiioi - iîf f i-fliihi tmîiPiii Cotis. Stretuoit, on Ttuursdae il f i- Mareh 8. 1023, a daisgter lr.Fora~ tanette. MONIEY WANTED. SATURDAY TREAT I sot u br, rss$OftSlostin lu *~ Tl1f. roiîrt v, ti r i i i100 lbs. of gris -fttohriîr 5r mt paucri 7w anul onufIst mor i ~.ii iit iit [r.tii.... Saurday Treat Price 2c thosasul. tVit eossuder toansut 100 or miore. Addreris lR. J.. Chais,- >riOfftee. WEEK END CHOCOLATES 29c. lb. if. Ni > ru iiistsswhile tî-iw ii. -i is Ra un Lois t -rîtil iitiati trie slw. G(Iris> tribu ut hr s' Club Milton, Ont. W. T. BARI4ARD -s orSae.PHONE 14 - MILTON ny make of Battery. ____________________________ ranteed. Good buys in ltebuiit (6 and 12 voit Batteries. Specitîl Batteries for Radio. Open Tuesday and Satuirday aîghts. Nlght Phane 173w CleaingShNsaIl! To prep r e for thLe, spt-ting seautw-e msout moet- tti, stock to niake t-om tir tie spnîinggoods now hein- tulipped Tc do titisirnices Lave -boom eouBiderahiy rediuced. Wel lot yot huave the proitn-beceause vo mst h as-e the t usoti it wilf psy youu weli to investigate what wNc at-e otiering. Spot cash ot redîeed. prices of coute. Beiow are iisted o few of trboîliÏes we are elle ring 1s pt-. Ne'qMo k n d BtSitIain, (,foodyffl -cii, soea-arh ofmrieeo tor------------------------- ................8.9 p0trc Mn'cs Ditumit and iBison, Codr.éliiî, crseut dtiruirde tri -25 pis Motus Sottu Leathen Wttkork . 0 pt-s. Boyo' Box anîd Unio Calt[Phoes, Y r and hrien siururo2. 5 30O pt-s. %omena Bt-oniCatI Bal.,tom b -tiru m.tsp tift..t.b.h 15 pra. Niomen's oner and tîsostir sd 4s ........2.7 15i prs. Womrn's Brousn Cati Oxfor, .......... 3.G11 24 pre. Woinien's Kid Oxfos-il s isted* ,- **«*»«*0 , 20 pt-s. Womcen'o Pst. and Kidl Pum,-(U ront t surip hîef ui 15 pt-o. Misses' KCid aind Bt-t Caif SbIeÀ8,. 25 uts.Mies Brown Cal( Bais. rubb-er'5 .......... 4 pro Cilid's, Kid onîl Box CatI Shom, PRINCE 5 -TH ATRE eoua' Wlmdovifou' othei' Maàr.2, h &215t, 1923 AucoM,.IraS~p1oeDud GRAHAM SHI Otyour týea now, from ej eLg~~ f eUid and'-Ugat. The Rome ol' Qi Iý o 14 ..... :0 flm ot lited hero. HOME ho8 's ?any Milton.5 T - e m IAN STEZ'- IJCl ' i ""ALL ABOARD-9- A Farcical Musical Cornedy in Two Acts 75 -IN THE CAST -75 The Cleverest Talent in MilLe. Olever Dances, Clever Çpmedians Oatchy Music. Pretty eirls, The Show of a iOOO"Laughs - i >10 S- j4