flISWtý ER'S VOICE RECORDS. no "o cold. TbpoUmaoof R t,, h.ýBp0t Îlotsyo gents I I V" i, 00151 1. MitonBaMILTON, THURSAY, MARCH 15, 1923. ___ T ~No. .11 obgl 1 n Travellers' Guide. wif ad-a h ýp tui JAÂDÂ2 gay TOULWY toyXTTUlarfooting place for the. nlght Four 1255mlniht esai NWMVONTWuo men were alttlng et a roughtal NT8.12 a.m.OS9.n0 smoking and drloking. Tbey Wells, inYt 8.47 &.m. 10.33 a.m.PIONE 224 -NIGHIT 127 ser î Iflnot an angry conversationL E MANS. . ' .)pi atnrd fi yl 5.03 pn . A otr jj,.Hedqurtsfobut 1.toCPPed as I entered and looknd 48 i Ilpn AvItrttta"ier t.I surprise. On. of tiem seem, IIlI Bd zellg5at. at my advenI, for lie cfor 7:8 P~~ DAT Battery, Generator and Starter Trouble. out ieri" omnraîvît cî pepi ~.m*~ ~S"nThe pnWeu-4JlpmThe. proof f LooiiSM ,oWfl at.-.0 ..,848- .5 i.Anotber man, whomftrghetlybtiook realezestoewaateesxtent FuIl stock of.New and Rebut Batteries on band for ail needs.ton ho the Proprletor o h enilh GletnLecnb sdt aura!5IO GRA85.ND TRUNK RAILWAY Charging, Repairing and Rebuilding of -eut. growled savagely et hlm 1 ta c dvantage in every lette. Tw iomea US. W. Dtvlslo Ta. Batteries a ýSpeciaLlty. lni nSte n nSltdm. For instance, with oneeauli 0010 SUTE 0100NORO."Ton are a traveler, lust an ordlnary of Gilletts Lye and live M.12O pm n8.5pm a1715 1-m 4.55p.n traveler 'an -hl-pudso lr ail r _________ 1 uTm~.uAr"Tes; oh. Tesi". annwered. dohllpndnIar i i o- J .w JoCLJJL'.a.J1There wu sbometîtng îuin is toue or greae, ten poundsofn oIM" orBoteyTee n itllery e apledfe. wih haiS the effeet of taklng the, good liard soap can bc E eeedad înîle Wtr flpis Ie. naei ntofo..I ae eyco. nde. Use one tableopoon Thero's sot lk r: ' rFR EL AI R SERVICE FrIRST idinri myself qut. ant ordlaary tee,- Gillett's Lye in gallon of sopt aatte nî% ..a o-«"f IpIK'cIcr.water for cleaning and pot that will de lot foiI i p M. r M ».tTo sise ustapiar, h. saiS lu tel- disinfecting r iertrsoup-the SMP Enansej r oe foi., t'assaut ah, s.. eiigettoaEvert fter nle greasiest or ii :cri e frTii.man &Adresser! booked at me flx unagrog-aatldSMP Enaioeled War cleais .. ~eiSud à ooi.ol,î- edly, but dIdnot speak. Heohall peug flr, btbs and toilets. A Fine hadshAnfr , pA NTOi . i e etcn is.As e WiiradPAloT.ezledyfreiu et tmyCl Useful for over 500 an«on "1 veut ta gtay iere toulgit." Iwt veuseIZ,.ttly lfor The Double Traok Routé' M ghtn~li do. "omeri Ima g orecr.t or S__ Clrc IfOtLTeW thi. seatMdy, or It uhy ta fient weet.n. îoint e- Thlcii ti.h- sel Wneioo ffeVtw<>kim It il lepedi orot fiaS taIntreutB, .îh o, ide i ad.Mt.hli. i cW. »,~On ogca ,i 2iONTREAL "LJl 'J.~ me. Tiers lu aofSue voterfell near 1ueU V-i toc cO"iL u, P- ihItal.ui&a -Md ot h I!,ý hi OOi. ~TORONTO , islIhaebaS"Op avaa do laaash .n aud? DETROIT' 'IJ ltonly for thia oou have came" ,' -SMEasrMITAI. PPODUCTS C.7 50hQelsaitclfi JN THERES MANY A TIME andl acnuaa nked Mustapha, wlti salie conternt ta wjien a few mntsot ftewyCHICO3II"Tes," 1 auuwered, tiroartng dowa 5 X.'Ai MÀ.11 Y àe îîe ot fm yOmgno of akupsanO and nprendlng ont my Lem ma men bgdYernc tii u. it Unexcelled Diniof Car Soinioes. bads ta tie blanze. 'Wiiat el ne ohould am Kuen iucu mont ta tie failtiof tie watci If you 1 have corne for?" i- EN, W. il, mLi. XfI, i" l ou or train or appointient, pro. Sleeping cars on night trainand:- The disopplttaleaInhe mnns raec . Oo Igt ws hot on irlhinioo Tievon du 0y.riu Os.2c mud" iided 700 mmouht iILt e.PaorrCar on principal I)ay Tramas. wW h droite toandbi co ord l o 001n i, aTh gn my f.oLi. 1 IL ali -"urtponttionsînL , . 010 . il1 nfr aton frntai radrrlli:ou iuhig.i eron ont i eeon oo orîrôb sieionea ; h i.. L i0W. NI ,Y aMo& sma0Wodîi RHV WTHS Trunik Ticket Agents or C. E. Hern-, Tk ontc fwn i as -eydfeetrr;nfo nodnr innsaioamoasemsiumnaERYBODY PsegrAeuT- Copyright, iS?, hy 1R. P. p«sA "aen ule tvn esy. rîhioo oi rc. Itaeoiiid ie mt i iWoe t.îi . fi .-no.a.a dw 1. OU Elg.IisreaC.bgheS tii londlord. "Manltpis lah wi on" o f0 fet hl een.d lie ouldreo o st tlinli i i 0 1 ,,, ysai,55ii5O aniS for evrry pir. urshwig m ots. C.dreomer. He alseinarmli b es o tlloug! tif . oer a a siednoi, xi iir * Li eagaOU the new Ihia mode[ lu both tieAlw BELLonAganttopsilteonolersose aDmo bou pioî e au_____seheMor_______________iNr 17gserate mn ofîteel ln u ts Ita ekuova. In sail sai allé, 1 or-û.]oî,oicpîcey eplnga iI ji;ii s.- h . nosa pierda well - Lie en~sIe ThOsromane o! he fou ktng 'novantee bout Sni veyle 'lOI] îoreim our rlsinhot coi.]. WiilthAeywengC:aii, ,i Mer liý« veuleries in excepthart ut evecy dag. A utaphiia luea stapld dreamer.' i escapie"',p efu D lg!i 1. l 1 à.] hm.. y eptiinaîl roeplte.011dom ofDrossenland <cane of he 'vouderfot drenuter la Mnai Mustapha."thdai.M ftîln Cco mk ara. s*aea l adyiO. aubtiaukeeppr. ragilated and guarganteed mwaacat'ngtls tha "isSaoluofaI;Islivste ouly ose lhe cored about Bis h010 aDo d fon.C alltgâraid ri i iL hhanId #nc tea.ys wh n aied nmen," the dreoaier retsrucd cmnlou s'Jersaho e ord otîca in tonis 0Olin, he salid. . i s le. They ' te su i tL!r tý au01y BUIndcîasA WDER lad CONTRACTOR o1erd 111t dat hs nteiyngbtIilatleooere. îi 'A eme 0fons aoti d o e gbhmentsanan- sîj- . . u_ jnm ai eool. & A.M HI g Rider Halgard erithralted the "I a oa ua ed." 1 uhuermel IOiah tal aeae.hsl xfwmmîi g e con. entiiee shimîren-hîsu ' -eith, 5eoMa0ar.Ta~~ ls *AltifRJIU eTisvus 0055. plublio ih"Sh." and "Kieng "Marly of lie men t have seerte ie aeu oiet I awao oii fyo iocaise, i ubt col îip uoi( ý t 11SAIii,îce,-5OaITO md>.ORToic eukesand Jewelerurtu u Al 'anordInoey teavelers. They ail go the vIse vornau lu Besyle, and iSe oheld totolrn ilmseorifnl ito corrlod ewae liey nai.c iof sf0 . Bie5îO. COMECALSTZE yo s s'il? forlow agallant /leo 0o nmf oyysdr"Me tt. Lthinnal anspesa-vasdestret'- Soulder. tI a an s10i :frbevanpat td,-i:: , r, aioj poiaol, And semon.AilPa. Prlce Qaly-Servlge. ISLrO1o today me .amwhmede! iasîlud asacoocoul m0ni iesreune escrtesroc 1 lm'teg otsOtirs .. i- d_______attitude_______________ Y thil a ir cutytiragi h ai-ln boso tf i mineIe e.;. 4107 sa" inmOOO aracige people af the i. « e of the Iastle os ie stretchied ontbils afianeyloemon- e vhchwnsfe fi i --- ~5 O0.u. îd haa icd.,Of ets. ai Seras 1 4ui f M os SiNCmca rusades, a r.lm muled by a plntlng lovard the monains ta thi tains andS tuot $ie hall seeu araied OP lm...R Nva - 'nartii. men goiea hhere. I ddS a e lleve safilanchlong. Ahie , - lu- 5_____________________-ce d INSU i.., I6e a 1 fu 1perncess, for wh ose lacsIl, sud Ilangied, bat nov 1lagino tIsg lose fon10 uc L- i iflila Knlg/intara ai <WRT AL INSho SireStar "hr uyudî aimorts. i have nec. liese stronge men terattIre. 1--rii os i maali aumintcouc n C~4ER VI'ORH AL KNDS batiles ait/i paierful enemiel for the uake of saigaaiietiig tiantmare thaon ac." nid a long sein ,el.. S.- XM s.rAND FDEAR, hons10, iltn adpriiae nairn 1 " uy o h eedwiheey "Where?" 1i sked. WihIangDfi on) 71o17i;1 ian1-.n0i. . n ,.TFl Pie(NT ventr-s.- "IboI *'O thetued lad wilcell even iw ooseIy round Illîe u ,.- MOS sý iaaai. iaci l fdi8.o MOW.F..EAb odyhuava andiS shceveryi< "nLX odynvltaetnre iidaaecui5aaiio al? U VIN1noni"1AitT senaes ___ aughz et, but t an viser thou every- 1If yan Inovel ta lie east. I mlii show bis armer witr;hgS. --ei - - $1 t soures-a ooUfcs. nossN. LeOUME TS udt. Lite lnsuaniceompaoy body, ecus 1dont îaugh." yau tic place.", SaS aashurI fcsiier o ut L i.i- i! IsL" 9 0Tean Ielo<.-"' "" SYNOPSIS. Aro 0 enmetgete u VeryWeili; yon @hal sow neme atoliet Captilo sRi Iýs1ii -e meu-iindiaii ooo uut. GALT, ONT. nAnoa ~~~ rinriof ri înt lotelp joligmorrov. We wil taet early Msanfrom biscunmrdes. iai4h idlshesdaci f 0ieaiM.piesyieisaoarhyo atapha,"I sld ant1prepared ta osta Duvnthti isei I ea- i ho i< ~iscauaiensrangts. Thor are Oin5l 5 "Let me et oa nd tl cI rs o te enigitauS tmy c-o i. -nt1C I U&OTL DRcTaus AUMea C.R. U INE î' etavaelanche Ilo t is mytselu e e'fiE Ianm l 'Iaitîl mai eaSeu." haieaswen-1 stndyaame pui iie' TcUR ouEntory.fMustapha t lu d, andVeran haRye Oi try. The stery wlvIL bond for CiataoAad Iqm.ur scwsnh la FumeraI Dîreclor ls captaieS iv Copiais CeFtyn-.. i sud iy manger latout00ripe t0a eeP." e.OEY we pnI MILONOfirsTRYo aseves the king ot DriIuu ilS, - of uecaity I ldeahlotory 1ut ni "a a ilrfre'ahS tee ulu, r o r i ' i NEDICAL ISILON ('EMETEETand Embalmer sWho laAt ar i thvIPrlâ Ao M Ai, 1 ta1 f111a00t1.he u î.lendiord. îcotua:ooer i - -' -1 î etelslesasuS erai mysetf tel ieao r iagu 1ueloirc'-i L-- s H. A. ICOL, MIS. il Agent for alon Fuseai Deaigis oi ilaptlie pionnd herurhat Vr-andeuSheu ea 5cr liera Inderd Whoa isut "We aheli lie hock bofare sanset. poaol i ii- i-i .usuire aOUr AUt.ob cio.p. Agent for DVncall'elluts s vort taikar etat.1î as a weu ready for au excellent napper."I,- l1lia au-:roX i f.ig dan unse. Ceienof iuI PHONI E 83 MILTIN. mta 'lienapected oclgho 0 tus@ 811e T e, Si emer by Inclinotion, not of ueeeity i Ilîtîe huw e sti thce m ËCin~ ho.oi oOmoiMainkstHaec, - ic1hî1luta &IS the prneI n and a rantanS, elthun tIactually seekiug &i-. j Back tatare snuettI whcbva fhomo, -sus50iiu ______________________1_have_ VsccallOlâonYn. 50 an- ______Verrait___________en__ Venulà tire, 1was not uw 1ta0 o hwmauy anelmoudnk-lteP IIrMd i CKvrltuu Cuun %lane. eterran /h'lilasreutinera1 madesyl aiain t.L NDRON M D, The PROMIENT ASSURANCE CO.lliliEr = el a ensonto Dre. Bosane mlS fom of enterprlse hoald filgitbetors I sawBfeyte ugal Hed ffceMoaee. ue A . cM.C j), lm. sran&ocsnod sii58tu5 h5tl ul um came my voy, bot 1iMlltlIaoughd It wals aeillant but cold mare lh Enml ni'ii iSOCNru c. P.. c izLoe c.ebftsspis Paisg : ': m 85hg 'aictosea tu Ind.fteathlm In à lanceturo. te tageepeilne w-' - 1Wou< e'erdth ewcunr..n1 eerepeesenieiîan. tuLîh lto 'îro ion,___ transport aud tiefi -alsa euploy- asd Decorating of al kîîds. V cîll M SU5 Vse . uf 555 loRea d PIe lef e. s stu ald 0me re lae of mIc h iha ta i.s SOLNMÀ,M1 et amnage. ksg' mplos tt cf Wri'& rll 4dTo theae I coun hoaestly conte"e thaî l lfstioned hItulabout tic legenS anSd - o iat m uuel.asd Ifoî ;s 1 ii freai teAgnt M LT N yVasci, drives tic knoIle e e te, aOioad sainetme. doali. '*ae h150n7 of tus ateeg lah.ra5nu e o 0eiît uesod Oltî verrso. aiss pe t nna e et ,taved me the ait.11 hlclh e hall prÏt<i edTho inalk petn, Of0i i.'eu J. LESLIE KIMG. III.B. ~~~~TrmasModeratA. Main 'O. 'ieiît msalncosttiry. ýOr hemntedeO'yn .1 Vacoî psse hiOass.teasme myei ha t ot ivys ierrsme i lonly iSescrhbeS, mIes e obao]it il oaài mllîmc , un V0f all.dp ed UA. a uI s 00, one incontestable proo f othe itrati aid viere lie baS htad veurs. Wo -lt bae n.CMBEL Jh ais o tl hoaD r LFr yprslul penife1 aeta mongh places, esharp turneasnaS The hlalcry 0oUr of e our. ,- Li:lg i î H. Varroîllaesnnm Dada niplaiiag liestand uTer air teel.an redsiel'yavnlng SectIvItian. Sometimes I haiS'd nJe aaoodh in-ii, h ae SlVerti Darib iOtallauclon taeheenSImtllee ierunlk..Wereahedmieloke lîa n "15TuBnioanone lief CJRP A T eL v . S o k D a e C . v e y a a r N t a l 7 P u b l i c , l s m r a n c t t e d or e i e f . t h r U Se r e d a n i S a t i e t l e . a v e f a i t I l ra s d t o n s wg r a , n ad o t e p I g r e v d lz z y a d" NS K N ' N b E À , a l i . Buther& LveStok Dalr Aentfor0.P._.___ OsuCID tIing. Varcalibosiber Pa0,841- are lmisWeil lavured meu la cie muniS 1pà.ttorm ut sddeuliy thenniS Mtstapha -"TelI nec hliiitintri oano Il îCEAPTES. JI. Then li.rin ce»oo tell I ,s te îîin *làtisa MYneILt. 5h1'ek. He rled to retrace his 5sto8ps rean esaghti o od, He> n.îîîî 1 TOLD ilihlm 1. le iur- , 118P8CTc OFIE ,rxu-owlO HALLM ILTOIC. ONT g<copni 1f "0 »Y« tl» Pf5i5T5159"Ersyleles, if luSeed 1mrs lu ctllIaa" ani eS. lu tryisgtIomoiteinyo0 m nove. Wao henafriend,.,,i1 milehIii n lutef -i'sli B LOCK.SIss h ,, Fresh, Sait tand Cooked rheats , e-.1 u ha h aj* era uli &O 9. vinlage thora, et tue Seat 0f one of lie foetIngs iecure I toit torward. 1 o- 'Vas, a ueo-ocîlesinlonce. hot don Tory lniliîeIîl i os.o'îuc.co IF AESOD nPnlr n esn.H- E , od. snirssasof the great Cauanoîsu giidng Sosenvard. Tathe leftI genodo us tnicoolo." île. ;In If "too.d suirf rlsd. 'm, sdlt, oî 'an______ lai E L Ml Vs-oeil tant» theus oasS i. issiIa.bat rag aIll .o u fIh ay P, retiers vaa aileraIght, sharply dSafinrd ' r*,,_-eSh Cofsu -i. -e oo lsiion, I1.m i. uee s . s wosodnd. a gsulicei liat t lthe MW omlcisprohobly IeiF toun.Aa haTe dIa- hlacnueeuan othlag tayoud Il. sud "Vcrrait," t sali0 liensOies sheis1O hod tii-se. fe ho e iZa lli,, lie UALITY ,A1NQUANTITV. MUSIC TEACHER V e& ot ha l ove s tu£ehhepissecovered. lit la enougi te salf.that. tiers vautheamouir!of ruasili mater. "W'all, Itr. Verrait, lie ajta J o pae "il.tako 101'I.'iio i lO.0come t15 flbrt y1. luthe itl of5S theticpr5nao O are cied la Terdure, the centralîTange, bcng Si'avw t h li e , bat 1 accel- ,rpue ilier. You wmlii ndersianS "WhSe.h WOF iWl - 'y t lO>ahi SIe. PI______________ ANSO TUjNiOG AND ItEPAIlIS. ted the troifiauPe. Lady Ailda, lîltJiu,& asnîJmay ti caledn, lu arld, rssiL&ad erated iny speed. The vay Is amad vhy lamormow." "Id lIRe 10i.o e W0c ,rtoîIo- ____________________ Thn peiný es. ntresVerral'a o& ID désolate. 0f comae elay salori nc.d amooMi. ad I Sasileddoua. gsluI & We menltirougi e nnrrew cotîasstarte l Ii-')i ssain ai ii.biliir __________________ antd Ry e tant for T&d&a'M M «Bas béiglit, lie utanntope elue injes- laser-ttmn tue rniilog mass betore me la the nolid rock, lie torches casting fore Ile haiS c." -f~ u t 'i jjduld S N' CHRPATR. C u bing - C. H. HRSLOP, V.S. slaloeute have .cnad 5oti 'enterlcelly lloothe ragluanIofperpeuai It vas eaen alover leTel thons1u s 50Sîelrd sud ataitîf aadoma Iaus, an, and tics i, 0 . etIûi l On, 11 r HN î.HLO O ta, tha klservie .Si.ssiTemsau There are. prall i peil.a-end 1 guI abremat of Il as ltcanr eiiamrauîy ete auunl ev o bIuty* il i i iq In_______ lstrietsloof tentsan ts. ortoes, À Aiag. no passes. ouly hec. sud *eme a the ulreilht black lino. Tien-good aru.,mîighpîtchied and of eouoiderohie ta roiýU a muid au iPHN 20 )ras n aoils ar PamtIns, zy anouglita gierae- Cod, It vas horrilel AÂ 1 a siies il I at. A ceere-uashruginlc o- "nSbyoghu5 li.i i IlSpecialilsins Sumges-y and Dootiitry OBya aid Vrrsaitttser sauos plate, nI e mounane' grlpei pnm tagtcusth bilgT trhe um ,afrIlck igte 1 no. iw ii' gedfujc smallman ~~~~~~aisc Canineanod Felioe Dlaeasca. AVi-ra i lu du1neieennul oilian eo utoerd an ss se tmlu iswY n cnei i i.t Wti lomrIenHoen-slo5a ai., ~ eo . II.Vrss vlI eS 0 Iop Ci Alos o. a dlnu Zl.lath i g e1ad lu tie neigibonhood cif -3r&yle black îne Ints spaee. ao longer ti(' timouao le t ite roof, anS aa "What dISyoiî some for- MILTON Bagsier. oh-p n .M.. pi, n l na':5 Ab ateIIII. aetrck ies y sgolulr r uits hal phta man. arma ,an es wmy c otangpothar enth i reol aS tepi e5 <MoMY"BE h1CO n I. ireI&LY Toron t)aile- Globe 85.00 86.35 Dorint,. nibearnuy, là MevIsg LOOa94 the noaintalu maSdvlich rouas lcisab s,," nesîy amai oong fron îî, ohici. Te lo*iuait lheu a ', ny i il Mail and Eîsr 5.00 6.35 DR. A. <G. BREMNER, \'ssca lu. a 5ite. b.o-»- IsVos- 'homeVillage. g nM 80 ycj id nla, (OBECNIIED h 5.sîi0cfotîToronto Daîlîs Star.. 5.00 6.35 phsyaoleaSn S-119.-goc Or is ic ofosa.camp, A pper finased sud s brIes pipe Un etagonat and echoed ay into tint ~iaoao~5~ iMontreal Fa," erdDoa&ordosuesssisPOentd aceàgoing, I siiggeted antier 1I9o th* salence of the ulght. bat tiers van ________________________ nc.<~ so0 lia~ and Weekly Star.. 2.00 3865 otR cartestélfc n. Eu55Éha«4 tnoanime. l'.OeL. Asd esiien n lu oadid.,un. ,VrrailStna Sies*$lit d Tema a am-and Mustaphaa tels. A moment later I plunged latobn Pinas Beenl Oc un prlous sme capureS, .tmes lu enlie.The mau hadl.druk 51 i elpiaseor mvai~m ers.Hi tse poeB nt8-2. Verrait an" Dsisgaiseoure lu "'th11do net tink ha o ulShave tOaithe 1 127QuioestiII Ifor ailanS ier . '~o ) 0 o