I cMr one en. e f) -in s 'oud Labr eruî A RIl Q DICE d iore 77 t -A . ' WilrUnderwmar The - ter coule, *LocalUUANews.EIIn ThLealNew 6I "Georse.tr 6 uni W » L-Lcernle sed. Ontario - & cetee'V Neck swresteu, sou ps ouvm ovam*ad.P4bu PhnoB u.n Men: &Mly RI at__Y. aoh à 1n AlaRe 5 .LL~ . JE . '~ J. Mitton Hale ad ç.C l areollnof lnIw i 14ing art. ponte . d ga8e" pt1(.lrosr RR1 id hpewiremua en Wedèdmy, WtMainrg Bn itna toatgbt, Petnaa oaSLc-Sbut. Red Cloversert.9 '5 I> I' ( 9 a goo timeto hve a ew aSiestocat l er in s .o5e mo-Psltowne yon traNIKWA aita fit Long-allrlbe aMAmsito.Q a 7on 2r_ Appi isi Reab192ph3o Sr-R IN G 1 q95 fV412WU 3 \-e rcoat made to your measure. Meues teAndrevreMaie Ford tero 4t Kbut or ~l> an ai-y Ilst ersn. cof the tocSial t Radtairîngtehm. Fr LK- reyoi T wrh 11saa so & rtment of Worsted and tetephone staff. attendied tiseasi Msken ocs, s ii ome . 1 .thaeeDong Itifasnth have a Toto boni osratars' banquet heid ait Ir. é» oaoal %Lama v XL . I A i~r. ( 1,\Nce l'ýiiting9and Ovrco(tuse phhRTu.a>'evening. IMm. Whitesavlit t oa eumicanphone 132-..WL A E R Z 1t. Bîlitingu an ONeit MoingyOn iittnd.Bonne. Wedneo.dày the 1tt, witUsfult FOR SALET.droe Hote i f mÂKAL etMna'iiht n ihi od. ddi ttih . ilascondition, m oiraivac nt. P ie-ti Mai-eh i2th, the Mans, wood Ba&-attdyr cintg maiels up. shampoing. sonnat once. .1nC. al omie- The home of to-day anotbe smaiei n geal olv niil C. Faglenon.tig o hifeftmrappontaent TRAoRedylower lu wlltd tnhral tItaeing f hnofoaipineen.FOR SAL.-A î1îantity of potatoes, the backgrouînd as pro idedh t vlsi nhrüywt h au- i ORDER Suite and Over- tte a t Lg>';ijo. is Faeii. iceh iKAhth et UtND SOLICITED. etecton ot fficers for the eomlng se&- a- RNOUaw pe ÀA.Ma 2 irt-claps,no aurait one@. gron fic miliTa t lnanohrfImpotand te intpiledtwlce '5lthin tises.amoehain nrampton larsgeanoeherl01.191a tbai.tthr. AillMb4srom Occupants.d in Beamton tai-gese'd *l.ltiba. Phonei74.in occupante Beautiful pp p son t40 Fie hits plaleaten.ftatteing roi-eîton on sauh occasion.t FOR SALK.-Wbite Blossanm Sweet and satisfaction it proît oe (d ,g(al oii latro he hiiý 4 .~F n hit tae ted Hearherin M ton Mai. 22nd. Clover Seed, 4 lboc. Fred Mort con, O i R. BEWSI 11k Home Thore wilt ho a meeting of tise Se IRRGogtwpoe4--.4 'iecrilyivt o ldý)rIiclt '1Slt18O (!-d and Home Club at publie cehool o,'1KNOX CHUcu.-The subject for. .j.Ueret*. boe2'4 4% ecodahymnirso * PHONE 18 Heather Home Tiusîeda>'. Mai-i-i151h, at 4.114 1; Fil Susday morning wilt ho "Thse llaos ofFor SAL-Alfalfa sberd. front " tin poblms PHONE làAt ">l meeting Canon Natte-I wili Eroning sub/ect, ,Ali ciop. Apply Fred Tucis. lot Il. 5h aigpolm.lq spek.r tt intere.cetn h eec an t rs. 0 erO U are aJItcee and we. mne, Trafalgar. or to J. A. Claridge, 0.é ai- criali> inviterai. give You an Invitation ta worship witis Miton. '21 Ms. Webber Rooney wis, ostoniq~. 1For SAL-Siiver King range. No. Mondaheyevenllng; ofa very ati aiv se Ail the meftîhr, of thse Milton Ctirl- 90,. large Famous oaral self teeder. gond R C N R I A S 1 of Tnrsssjscstn,.s hower given in hou iioig Chli re reiiested tameutet Lat s e iw. Ap1ly M". W. Bownian, lOP ili tilU f car to set. =5*u,5a*5o,*of Mm IE. icithmosnd (race j1na towhal t i.3p.nî., Sonda>'. Marih phonSe Ir-lS, ior tii J. C. Engleaoii. Mens Finesand Wool 'Iroîî-.crs, Suitý. 0, Oi \ests, Work anI;i 'raitnten), a February bride. t5h, for thse purpose of attendlng phono 70w. 'lrs oTe n rcs iuCplrn etHtfoir We have on hand a stock of ~~andt dainty refreslhmtents added l ie chtrch parade te tise Preshytersan l10O0taby Chickoafor sale at 2U ents Y hrs oTc n rc-,Ft 'pSrn etfa-,Hseî\t..U \'ahv onhn astc of esjoymentnof tise guests.o, w b Chies. each. bred-to-lay Barredîtoch. O.A.C. '~Lno ay uia ud {ug d"mlLti ig îî't ~ i n wiuing tise bride fnic hlîappn'-. MAeOems.-At the ainisI convoca-1 straîn. Gi-dec 00w tor April delivery. L n o ay uia ýig n u be ite1ig itý ,1u 4 -Hamilton Spectalor. tionont tise Grand Chanter of Canada. 'Addrecu Mia. W. Henry. R. R. 3, and various other makes of rehî,îble lernts. Uiiiîgliami, Voiles, Serj,,ý ' I . t Royal Ar-h Mavns. Rt. Ex. Comn. (Georgetownl. Ont. Fbonc Milton tee- 1Us Sprtsg Mltttery Opeisd lt Miess ...Armston 'oronato. formerfyri-il. *2t, Twills, the old ,,aluie (ashîîîert,, 'titI ther &rcsi;' ,) i ueq. Clrtîil CaioD nThured rdov ;I~"1ot Niton. a-elted Grand rnc-FoSrietucre cotntrnSateens, (aseilet t lotit, Windoîî -ultdes and loor C.. B u L M te e SaturdayMar-.lS5, an oij 11,h fald Sjourner byaclamation. vthe ; e. gond uality. seleaned. iesi f(rirn ande arlyasommer oearnoil Al ladies sso ai-s sewing or con- 1. a o.As ee eua 2 o peddvrey nc i> t u sare-renpectfulty IloiBd taal. rNslI'biircliare reqisteltandihear- o. 1iMilton. lot 5. wnline, rai ln u a o stireota0tishe setofMm-s.Jamses igai-. phono ti-r 13i, towavilte 4lit I L" Il E C..Osmondt ballreelaeslfrion: li:e Narstall on or betore Tssesday. IStis M__1____________1.__%Ji_ DiomnDepartment. bealtis cf cIii:mt. 'mals brancis, an acerediteil beid -il", OD - aitnbi swHOCKEY.Ja rrvdthOeP0î' tok W ivt1oî4ovii)It ~o titicate, that hi@ bord cf l27lî i'îOii tiapter of the Dasîgitero of teF -Ali ietise Rin-I)-iig - 1" tin it y iitovi tt tiL1,1'- ài/ Ayraiire cattle, witts one gradi-e 'îe.i ILlalestyleot Pool Chapter. IL Acton jîsoirp1layed tise tocale O inentfor needs. Fxtlw',tc' \llmnî'ry ait ('a-sh tore i1'rices. malbav paard il he estsapît:el lîeiîl it.s fi-t meeting tact week. with. an exhibition ganse at tise arena ltoyou b> tise veterinai>' inspectarsOf 1 li' en . NW. D. Sb"a-p. Regesit.in tise Tissruda>' evening. lise attendance departoient and are ente-rai on the 11,i-t.iaie. îî already bai54muembers. sas ratiser aisi[l, but tise ganse wau B ro o d ers cf Canaian tîîbecîiouis free lienloff 1 %r. Citbu. sbnballbeen manag. wl'Y! Sand, at n cenwth j Mica N CtAuAB(e-e tndian go 1ter' if tise Atlas Brick Co@ worke for gond combinatiosi on botis aides. Mil- . adro', M lo' i ahSoe lol ecrllit. madIe sogi-et an iiipi Ci lbaree mentise, rsigneil tait week and'itr o,4t .Fn >lI I aille kid onu the market, holding from n eg brli-tap5rac.tist at iin,- OicMr. tlcd. aubastebees on tise -ad'third cnielesai. ion3Acn- <irderq taken 00w for later delivery, as there were aimable tan gain admittanuce t' 1tii for thecompal>'. wtaneam dtseiitoln-Gal;Hcientesee, Tltr andditoriuy ceetrelCeh iade ons t ___________management.________________andAtlanFlot> ho tage i t e srn. ,raceia -aity. She Sil iet-wau iecnd Alntst. b Il eDfltlR cppeiSte î..u RffIN-AT10OF irSn'iOOLPIIZE.-' toanand Stewart. eîl.is,..~n.te oî- ' At.15 l to-moi-os Fndal) afteronon, t Acteur - Goal. Kennedni - detenree eai-ly lie piinesu oteroc t:a pi ls of thes puis- Rohoctelno and Rome ; centre. McDon- 1. tise T.oson Coners atîuî of.1 lie ni-ool by tise John MIllon Ciaptsi-, &Id ;wings, K a ndtibos uîe C ments' Hardware, M ilton Musc nidwintei- examninationo. tue I IOD.E.. wilI be presenteot ta tisevi- Reid. Masaîsanl Foi-bes..1 s d ' ' onMiloin recee2atl clotLH. Wheelen*'ners attise acisool. Attisitererateci per- Referee.-ltoi-e Chisnin. M s mcl po .wî-tri Wer-e iuceafui. R soniaare nsited tti attend. ________ i wa iîniuur Piasoriaee Bennetti. ~ttAdsBncnioeiae-, s Fmie aîthIonorn. Eletmentary Pianou.J.N.Adro nuceavr u- ~~~~~wiocley. honni-e. loli-odiitorN fit sau l earlig sale tait week for tl.Meiods h1- Nte ~tttCll in neco ofPtanc, R.Crawford SMaice. (antiili fas-iy Johinsos.nps-ui-el e ttaefeindeline Ruina n eetii salid for $21 tai Sý The pastori stbjeet next Sîîsîda iie ionos-i. H sa y. eaeli, cous op t ai-0, bueys Ste and moi g w Tlh ie Lite a-o Anenîtstirndîuotor>' Piano, Helen taoiler stock eqsally as weil. Tiere sais (Jo.' At tise cvening.service1 b-LogDsne ___________________Anderco. pia- iiiWîive ws a ver>' large nîowd presont. hus i sbjeet avilil ho Ginga i.ttlet Bei-nets, Kiibiide, Vi-aia R euuiT. h ie Board ot Managenment of tise Fusitisei- gtigrayfr igtnw l vrCn P s icei. ¼Gordonn Home siis ta acknowledge tse otticiainare gton reaîy th.îrt Right, al vere ai- At..AOARD. Tite oualion tut sitis ihanks -tIse fniicwing donsationsctiseFanile the>Boon Mtai-h o.th.ie . aaslsenareai ng u titis deigistui musicaliartaio lkesl10 tise home potatiies. rolledOu até r.Faln.tbpocoSewrno ls Oit anot fois- Wiicon& Willmcitt i-lotis-Metisodiet Cisurcis. wil be tiro preaeht ponlcts ' î -s F V R N IT U R E l'l~~îîare on buard tise S.S. Fini-da. shere.and aleuin & ilpoatiit Mr. heer at batb services. tmrli itn iis sea- nrodued o a joiiy eoruv<1. i-ompaeicie;pliloeslar. Hume ;ion thsefollowing Mcnday ei-esinf optto ________________eaogioatiactU.rionu . .ODE Mai-. itth ie offciais nfthtie chu-cl forestalling optin et-uscsituationo s, inorciîs lnseand ol tv nei-bre.. i il l, ad etDE.h rdr hai-acters. isternsingled witlî catch> PICTUIlES fer F aidadSalir- wt ean t some tise>'d D.iiles- adetngheoes FROST - NONE BETTER meodies. t'nlike muetnmusical coue-Flas >' n the ongi-ega ctio a n Dr.he Faks G o to die* -ALI. ABOARD pocnesneg a i--c l d î ar t olk :James (iver iwwt lhioCThlene-tOBih-!thh bos G onovet plot. whucb grilles mo-c aîîd C OO' Godes Couitiad Th e meeting f tise Yonsg People NAt;f0 t\me \n hiît1.r7,,ufi1Ifirt uthîle ifi msor-e inteeietngau tise shoia proceetl'. Law," a picture fttted stith advesture Lagne sil isn i-barge of th mis-sia Pm it been mors jm- ~ u i l ii~ fir(ei I oer is aupies f teMlte nd a ctton-5e of hie tatsitS fte sl oas'summttee ns-Mna> vs- potrtant to tise business iWr adunder tise dii-eitoraiip of Mr. Bei-as es 5Phone 63 I.R. TURNIER. MILTONI haw,of Tise John BRagerq Pradueicg nri osmaie oay "~I cn ntoibe in aypce 't-,ocf Fotoria. Ohio. Maich Luit Au Otd-fashteaed Dame, 'sder ans- 0 piince ay T esr hMld n thOtADnhall«HOOL'y, arn oe day. he wmo e. 1MVVAR. M./ 9tis. MerreF's Orchetre. of lhuit- hn 2i tons wlsusppi> Music. Comsea l@ig I e a55et4. - Toonto __No_________ sy in o'u 7;-gG M r.w So e and briai your f rienda. Have a neie &il ys Onnanmd ifor egeniiscs places of once ecp mgr-y time ai te avent Of te SeiSOS dalas st ue suionmaEno-Wstisaf - hjue LngDitac isa Lditeid 0 on Chsrch nil u W.icns . ILIOl.T, Ii-esiu.I 1 h many cases the lisne Cocr nFiassMack dotiia osse that separates tins effi- A U R DAY T RE Ai!- Cooscneeli sFrda>,aith ethar- r.ient fi-sm the inefficielît _____________ lascy sork, etc., home-madA a Sei, fr SUCCeS la the thin sopper line tî ioIao cesdy, ice-cneam, aflermies ese. At i- «u lini s, a s iof Long Distance. ago w 1 o 1 fol-yolnog a Metig ilohawpliC. lh. Ldis AId ltîultiply your contact-- la b ~ turdayetga Ti, igerae"st* ogDsacednsi __________________e gvenf e atselm be o ldis.WEEK END CH~OCOLATES 290.l. SPRING TONIOS Requisites for the IODE Comittes fo 19filWe"' b giraTo etThse John Milton Ciapter IODEK. 12aesssla a orotvo sa s diýe. ar S p n reareb 1 1P jI il e l e fo s bli rpa-T i tlas sppoited tise followitig cm i- it," ,.1bi4aebjm isteea toi-tis 'ar - mîW5ehor sn oi>%.n1 abei Wc -10. W ek ci-Ocpecaen'l li eltnpiie otlé pteFloe-deserSnitew&rt, Misse Ruasa . emINTOBRCoaS Prs- snos.euu ASEIE A comi ete stock n'iltHittout'sToit Muisu-Mise Dewar. litce.KingL,, Mss. iar-LATR GS-,), Preparaions aways instofk.Chambers. Mr. RomR nin Wr. Ilkin- 1,t,820.W ,aeridýttk rlI lixali vand eIon ileifalin. 110W b pig.Mli Rtelief-MissAlezander. Mi-' W..Ni$X i -,f Wine and I Irm, ard ~i oa tia, Bo Ci J aCiemenlc. Ms-s. Repbarss. CAVE L ATTER SERVIC e riaiiiIaTonelarytGaini-r LFace Powdcr Enteitanment-Mi-i. Mocier, .. in A T RY S R IE ldili lititro.lIompean l)ay aund Nigbl Ceeunt Banok,.Mr. Gostand. Mais. Dawson. iduti71ilu'i DecseyWodbTy FceCr-a îMiss Ramilton. Ms-u. R. Cte eta.Mru Phono 246 Rear Farmers, Club- Milton, Ont. i - dy n ps e fy\ ' o b T sF a c e o w ec i ,H o s s t o n i. n e. m e M m P . lC o o k . W. B R A D , , " Srpo ilypctphoepbitev Seeiey'sFc wdr Refresbmnt-Mris. Crawfor.erai. m____________ ion Tonie, Jonteol Face Posoder ' J. R. Peacork. Miss Mettat. Mis. M. __NF 1 BloIBticPi-rs Face Powdes Pîsec s Perfuorn Scott. Mm. Van Siskla, Mrs. W. Seott,.F. S. L Batteries for Sale. __ 1 s o of HBitters, bi uCama-Nome Talcuso Powder, Jr.. lir$. MacKi5njs Miss Asaaider. le Meais Blood Pier, PThian lelosrePreparaliono -C.itimoittIMmMcOrolad> Mitec. Resai Belon. TaniaierLove-e FawesPerfume,(lowtand. MissBoteleo. Ail wot-k gnaianteed. Seuxte Ion Tnac LvemeFaePoivrer. sheter-Mire. Jas. Boit. Mm .Banida-1 otBteis so.M Slae Mt.) a-&Z. Good buye in Rebuit 6and12vl BteiS Pr"ogsaumoMiss Ras-ilson. Mrs. Speotal Batteries for Radio. TOILET BOAPS Water Botties f aitlop. n.Mci-ad> MrOenT".ed F. C.Wbe Ng hne13 aster 1 Castile Soap, large br, 25c. W llmtonotm m R.PLOIoeOe ala> i aad>'sgtsNgiIPsa GexlycerieSoap, 2cae25.gCrWeav fwDi ains. . amis. Ms-i. W----------- t~t .\lvu fo ate lec TietBAp nansDeiiî otls letth tar ir.amine s . .. - -a- t lit i of 8110o G e -tne4 . b o.x" iT %efU~ ~-~ oam -mdAidvs _ _ _ _ _ _ _