Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Mar 1923, p. 2

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The Oanadian Champian P. D. SA LT E R NatsaC'dtO MILTON,. Mar. 8SI. 2. GAUT UTOER Inthe Matte sf tire EistfMaifWr GRAUAT AUTIOEER Eleaser Fsr>ew, t i ttire Towns0e1 F' .I .. rsi.ir. Mitosn. lethre ossîy otHttes, Stin- Tire Cemtiof Etectiol a ltion. Art t,r,ugttoîh sidy I am rrîpared ro sr, deceawe. i haule yur sles.Noi-l esishiro ie pUrRu"ia the eta At lihe Farineres club o00111,ber'. i .ACTSFACTION GUoASANTED. soist. i hai bsiuf iai ili eT5one Jaa btia tîeoySere .,,a slarge tues- MUttît tt.i îi,>eso-,sti. U al. MT.le ; W.s5i e sof theoTasw i Lutotfi'iltIer,, vvho gave .1. J. Mi- , . f î~i~r E s.oos.sirPls îe.eoha iry'l.osie. 1irîhiiýsleeeh' drriisad 'oas tsd i nor îb. uith il amî M Mîreit vdle'aeaere nttiREDIT AUCTION SALE Sicir.ii o fh od the i o.on 4tltogettie ,i ,od will i ii' tî N rdbpoiodai'smsîs Premîîiere ilrte. This. cms tttiig nec Of FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, &C.~.î.ah~ sNeh 9rS5i~ 11 i ia ers H îsidithe I F0. iitth.___ ss.&ssSliu 9fith.»esti f m i yO b7.ii li bores. ihs onifuil waoto ron..rr. .risi r tuui ý.. Tiîtttotit. ta er aicîî la,,a.Aio i .rt,,,ii Oi.. ceci. '. ,, - ia . ii ds tees t 'he& o1. ..... lit aititi. ti 4 r ri(a fatfoitt, eier 3yrs tul a ot, tue 7 yrRidîetim of sale, Auction Sales. îuuîîîuoîuî liferutiie itf ale, tHolatein uo ivr te Mii'Sar. 2irt, Hosrinîcrita-8 -,i.Mtrhiu'blitS Atui-ti r uelt ati. ;ttiluHlteein cow 8 pre iouullearisock.'. peuperuy liutiApri iStlu, binîle co 8 yrdeain n Trn,.f let uo, Tuafalgai . Mat i iruîli,' 'iom ytim ueo Jasetl. 'ioitfiiofti iilton. Sl tDIilititi' ro - ira tdti'.Aeg. 2Ou, totO. J. Mu. îldeu'soîî, Auîii. '.tui w4 cr0. lce (lu-. ali. milicg rit], gec' tu,4 ysidue'.Oci.t, 1li, cik. li. lalrcli th- b tleoriagg tuel, "Hittteit c. ttis de '.Nas th. -îiifulai iîtek aoeui t'lle' uilitg wiel. -,Yarltingu Hlsteinsiteilere, tutucry utf apYStrP8npeOn.o1Arut.r'.l'.tlîr, ealiuia Jerpeey licier. tain),iiiteai Itierrille. aie' j i îoîuî'uu îu.uî i titi-ut . .J..aM. Alutr.oe, Aitt. 1 Ae.ttiu- ouittio eut.e re cooulîiîc idMa.21.t Ceariagatie -tu',' rîutl itieiîd titule. 'lb'. alole - ,l-ti stîî o c k, iraileruensi. tiNil tue tut-i thoiiittt etierue tis 14W) sere 1t l... li ttlel, itIabyh. 1lhave ieetidetiIii c a Ie crocs,1' Mar - iýti.Ciul J. W.',Canile- uviter alu.iéetiai e tini' ou le lelul tudereaner, t.. e-tcut- cii, Trafalgar., at Ti-%Itt-Vval rai t'aiiu.lllraastl talionittcil lîtlti a'leîiu'ic$21) iOutiiuaer. "is,: oetihttetioet7 tutu soc" ndiiiupeuueitOtf iuîuuîiluti'ittmii tp1rotiedint otses.eo .AIiriruatiH. R. Faokand. i petceun. îutauîuuîoff frlatol. -d lstu etuen ueek, Bec, Petli, niEN liETeti Autiloseer, rliuW. aA. titui.. ('leclu- HOWt often do yoo hear ' H of lîmbs being crippled ~ and lies sacrificed through neget or improper treatment of simple everyday enta, scratches or aounds ?5 To protrile desatt ajurese avt Zaîtu Idulu s to prrvcnî aldan- geeouî coie'cteotis-,Zam.Bulî s îb the pr!itui lerhitl antisrptiieba ci wchtb bllsanàd cxclude.u dscasc- gerutto, and prex et esueriag and blitid-pouton. (110cr prores iZauldak tutitlir away paa and grose braltîy or-ut ohinla a onderfll vay DCOPsl Fat'rczr-a, pîmples, sîcers, ruogwor-m otrsd ple, bad legs, bol, abscesses, bras, l4fPItEtIO I tcldt, etc., Zaun-Bole s squaly spccdy arr- W,,,i d-adà sf sO asd poserfol. UL bo, ail d-W& themoaeo .r a u*fi,, . Ai-9towh.. K uh eh, arsi .-h admai. 0eeu s au is "da oS f au asse &H4E WO~*8£<IETCHA8 FErC,..ETC. The tuderigned ha@ brec icstrcuted by MR. G. VICK Frankland Par-k Faci ta ol by pubilieactioi ot lot 13 7uli lie, Trfalgar, ncrcHeccliy statio, ai TIIURSDAY. MARCH 15. 1923 atiii .rc. sharp, the tollowiig t 1 Iumeti aiS dsvecport, 1 brigbt cuir tiarcnpar-r.1 ioroed osir buffet. 1 iamed itak roucd extension table, 6liiug.oonm chi-ho. NMecis chair, saît china cabinret, colsrsî bail rckraewicgmahie, ka usa de 2 witiugltkgs.' eIiubis gra. sole ccd reardsider-bid. extension 7 table, oaiSdresser. ni ciitniec. ligirs oak deewrr iod waahstasrd. eirk dressec acd stand, naî i niseulchifocuer. dauble bren habet, epringsand msttccs, 4 daouble chie iras beda, sprrîgs aid mattreuso, t4 single chite ir-an eds ccii msttreges. e6 camp roesand 4 mattresses, lidisg mauch. 2 raphoordsa. 3 lsrge wîairea, 3 large rage, svral yards beor-y rarpet. casci fit rae aid ther moto, 5 lieut- ico tilet mis, seeral oicturer, iîceîd. icg Pinting@, ec., J. J. TylorcBaie. 2 hltrteeu ccd brecheis, tain csack, 2 moited tieer beads, 25 lar-ge seconda chaira.sura chir. wiceecchair, dossrc hll. hutche. rabinet, large refrigeratar. gralirefriqiecataur (elîscînseivI.drap.leof able, e klehei ables (vrioairss), 2 large gren iahlesi, maîl ceslttile. locage. itchen esnoaacd, large fiaac bis. MeClîcys seel racge No. 9 (neRrly sew2 Aeme B caak slsesianitpipes,.2 Acie Qorsi wond ha. tieves aid pips isoo ber. 12 itehen chaisa 15 wissîdo. blidesîd drapes.putlois and ensimon, cash machinse and wriîeec ottues mas. gIr. 3 imirtibi. houer, 'osaSh ennir, uap latider. 2 paire amites, Detavît1 sprtor Na. 15, Liet.aal cirac, irutter isarker anîo aIls. milk patta, Baverai targe aid @ai croche. 6 deu. qt. jars, t don, plat jacs, piekîs hattis, etc., 4 siuket.eisted stadtiampe. 2 iracket lumpe. 2 glass lampe, 2 cltehra-es 2 doe. tt.qL frit baskets, large iver teapot anu stand, cafftýespercenttor, kives.forks. spfun. crvissg stst dînner diairs,, a qnsntity 01 edd disres. pitchers. stcr 2 dos. watar 5lisses. doublruenrosaui, and ter eek- tn ugPais -ccd diires teen trmerons ta menastion, 2 besad hases., 2 ktciren dcks cd smaIi eka fac des-in tartes brualires aadinmsrs for d=gisableitï smaltsquare mis-eeoM 6 *Aer baries401 '..i55d ke oit caPts, esVWIf. a and 0 wer u ts, 5Wn lis hisof pi eno.idnassers-o iler artis. . EcirYtbisg wclU h.ie od iSiot reser-a. M the farausold. TEROiS-410 spd onder. cash; m er tirtaana mouihe' ecedt an approv. ed joi5 ntes pegni e annssf T. F. OHISL M-Agoor. i. F. Rsassa, Oleek. j Iývnwieisn h ali inoîder- ROY SIMPSON isoM."th.sasprtîs ies oihrsc atoely oedlwhite toîkiriea o (dce e' , t ~,,,,tiIrlt .rto. 4sud à. 1-iai'îu Id'r¶hr.ie e5sri a s niiesa diretîuly e lei e ofil teilt leiie ru,.ti a .titie t,,.ttte o or tho. a t. rai fte .,,ites ! e.ait.iii it Perrliela . tHUititi it ' ARer-a' a"cf.isd sd si Murai iy in- et tho '. i. iatii Plac. tacl Itafi I'tllt mentut io c ii tî.tO , - ..' ki.. rt,. . distribuir t i on. EP a iT 5i f i . e .fa t Ii tct i outtokIIeti i tti 3u .î H rt '. 'O i"h, MC.F i on O ntro Itiiitlot eitou. aiedeuîtlil (c 'ýet"j ?"O iJ.r (f ,s.rm'Ce:iSl t lni, a ia ,itiea D, i , iivan- uh.t_ tIl 'cuIttie)., . rsI-- .I Ot555 a utttut g iiii.itut itoui iner- ,0. f, ,ut ,.i'eu 'iietii ________ t A>ltt riu'. le inlato. "Tlie t ae -1,iltî ..u-odo r2 ýH 1. tl t Iti l tii tfa 1 ie i oieershavfeiger aNT'o.' 1y, s ý re'. e rfbiis. O NB6D E .,î o lie iltî litl a, e, i tader'. tuta tati eut.C letaringutis.donc uale it o tl il 1uIL .ii'. yti e ns a n i 7,1 ,'îd Fiai e r tid coise Ofsii rmS oirca, lisy siio ,o lit lat wkît nuld ib e in ui ittireuttttue dtr ' aiutnci. ,te 4drul WED ESDA nt M ot,121. co9.3 tuttiealih.,,.«l .iii loie bi publuit eucta.5 f-ttietb tut.'w.a'rare tutru tg, eu1îlar hi Trafi. algia.te tear rb t atoionO ut, "i ttitheitet ,ieiiitugasiaIltakele criduletiti.eeio ilK 1erre Pmîn o.. HiS i (ryec eoi ua Ors Irae ti iiiai]i1ut he sirs a i i ntO le - -iît tetNot.ria ri's,: sou t Ii b yra. CMA d, 21a. 1923 vu.,I ,bsî?ut fal i aîk u ttiî as ii e:r f i,arti e do i tts ire r a- ., itO' l, o irgpd r -,ootîi ouu. ittet' a t te, . . l bl, ai 1 gp., pr, 1the110 lbot iseg el îutuîMuIluIe tcai e par i.lteti eî- t a"i2etiig P..go,.csneyewelsice Albutee iîî tîu ,iiu i c ita t on e T5iii.reailr. at,r, ondbadiet, Ostîe -G sout Perchei r e ma rehr-, llravii Into il. The whole tro ue nIIbrdtu. ,, , r, tut btttit~ elti c fsrid .ast.1 10t@;b y m r, C de 7 8 79 uts I) yr. gendper grey Percler-.,rie e -elut o 'tiiitlat. ui 1itliti i.,ti ttituu uti I l ecir esc ,101b;;b( fut Onu. , auIRugofs i sione anetiar e lb. tiuttt. lui,e .tu ifu,trt,ooiaitr m"ea I bo tig.y re,s . p r s o etalo ilat tIi' Pieuetei ri hor'se. gCAT .,-Htile 1200iies ; yrac e,dii t h u let uingi2lou'rt.een l it r- Eitg e tr Ctytt htIOIltigtussc no. ercheport ,Hisiur cos5y s. b îtk e Ma A iiu uttionilbeittiittat ibe 1u'uuîu1 ('luîiytbtnýd.rcah;and '. 25b. greylabot300eticO;gry per c e r-ta as tu t IiF.t. etuiti latonii10e i r-rît en.prh e . iw r -au er r pnris- tthrning tuil l iiriti T e ,a,1ayail fatifile Jieaym e epyr. l tbi uhs uto i aillo in0 r tock.e Premier is, & C T-oc brcd Naenchr 8 tt b rebsi ___________ecandidate,_____________ IteiNev.mîar t altin Oo iysbluceM. tut î. ,uini'thuctur utîutiroirîîeîeullîy s rp ue.rh m beiie5 rsb(ledMi-. % Iure Far1 sgV Speci i taileH TU NE N r eelDurdhail 18 mavs, 5derliaci fid %illfsco, C edi A u tio S le Ï711hieerr D rham eicu beilé der12r, lt E chth,itut i aibiiI rr'îiing 'tlu ,.e tetitc t'2 u ite Jeer c 6yeai, 3 ste foot, r hamîg îuîeîîîg raoiaîoi- ii'.Prtttîu'O f ittF(rtim 2tStck, Imleet,. it y r', 3 beu ermleee ruee Duy ham titi~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~totr ltîea ipurteiiiArettti FDEDY MRH1.t2 Hf nt-fntrarehr-a fr r. iîetig stci.ulrîîgb ililis i qeearl guu o Xark srccaletimeaDuram ile rus Vtirn Be e o ariii Osteal.Tb'rait ..'Nors Hrfrd hit 18 Yack ba Durmo .ti i ths tttu h il, i e a' it u.iun t" Il " 1l Ira n tlo -Î ltitiora e, acycher s . ee ii3 mwee cles isg i itty le, 1 eirs fti ill. e. Iti i i ri' tit ,l 3 t'hli e prl e i r M..H.d isba rco l p ai c a i tua-ilI kit ,eei eai f.i Pro iny iiic'ia l t, t1fl l,,ietî mes ur IlMo i ltod , H onei crs. rris ob eliao l eb t ln Feeaoydeaoa'iimtoe egrcuitur-e oadie, urtruIFeiies oAdaMMCaR9 S iE- disue dr Oxfdrdecyr . ,ni ti,, le t1eor Lbe cOi .i JtitDit, SlD Y.e Ati titH.1it. 102b. IiiSe ba r12plso , elcraller 2 drura t i " o i', Ii lîoa'sg'eant tee uetire - i 1t'e fali te loîl i e. b ark n ga d uerp iir, ofC a les ut dabl Yosrk uuu, itiîe of Otts au. Ti tr ain f-".tti ieCltit. 20îb. Ho nde in s ci dis e ai. 2t'e rkhabt ig9tcmaon l. i, t'ai. lo ixen as sfolws:aIt el uh It . lutO il eo rq ag 1 2 i sg pls b T iii . -al bi plc 7W Na lii'rock ( r ou i d'e i es ca eh'.or fod, htutestl tti titiiatr.îil' -d. I su i d eer a g oad e r. 5 eie odr ttteetl-t., 3 aest or. ibeu ti'. 'tfiit TiuTLE'u il, e'ictetiir ie r iAyc, Deeigbuy r. dsharr0lt 14 bs thao aris lie e. 1 car tfoi- seîpandurîu1car îîu-k l ile otut îtîl. rosleowa. 17rr in ron citir bsgger. Obtrse cosuaier210 toi epolutivtypaseri s cartiti liictii tvitir ut ut. ireu , d file ie,'ii bl.ackle lbn.gond sair c. hLutgit ap tuaggyro ut'oîutitiitîucarîak.ti iio. iie art - Mt.uttuug rabdu A g.13 ig ler. otic fts bsg gy. C orWi Nog tii. ta"lsi ine ns O t he best >i iii Hîoî.s O ui iie ii vi s, . otllîbrîsli3. ay oaderit er-sru.ctigorpr hI Fluieiof ti i. i i'i "ii ar s lt e '.ausiogliasan.1li ,itÀ iiIl ikM rtt ero msrpsa tar6llO iott v tadîtor co tu yIIIAvrillb'. beiv. eaîh-Oie ibe. c aîl pigertorhatsaym aoies ar- Tliuuitte,t utgadof t"ar., if r 'itI, lckPt-,tltNt i Ilu.ie ieile-Ibo. gndliras e2. seglt op ug gyri Iete,. ifl i biih rais'. iiill b ieu lîd o ttiîr. Nsie-lsrs sh' ieteoab enolah irCher th el a , uIta. e i i eistuî ti ta'. faie ei.urt'ci iii'iiiN ii tii îîc 5 c rig bcirptaS v i eof rst .g tatie d p e s , in i re i tli egl i. i1 iti o u a. t o bc in wsot baboxrig i. t ae r-sehclp e -.ltuti rîiiu tst . ieethie h ii tara vlli . eltii tii uîcit[yb s . lu asrli ai'o , er. liisec reit oe o d 0 t-hu(ýi talu leutof gordandot fe. trîenl 'tt te'tu u.ei iotbe eretli ba iagec.s3 e cail etrr ag lycac rasso I gg iaie sofitra bacdndereittetuttu , i llt.ut ,tu ting ie itir' t ti eeuil per oc. seeder.losa es e 'cieaingbccse. truckt chii it a trir le xh îî ibafle c poîîtury , . i popt ivey c ol. ai bacc e , uissodde. o caber aI gond uhre r e siiiired. The raonut iltutu i'I. sA ut ît'.tî, Aatiasecr.c oltlant, acd ailier articles. iueeds of litus are ceoriedin.i u tii'.e(GRAIN AND HAY-150 blis.cois. o Ilite et rie a clip t ttitit C editqsoctity i tisuthy hp. o q uciia iy ol itiewil adres famerson ariti red t .'l l e tirnSa ollfaliaby, 60 baga posttaeo. lu e stcklii.tbjerto t pîintse rouite.. .i .. ~ a FURNIT,'RF-Kithen r-ange. Ni'. 'lleflo ingieîrîry e lein a .e-C tary's, isiio r co, iriglît Wood ' pi lit iulei ete so teCa-border. 4 bercer cuoto il etace ciil ovn adin titN2ationeal iiaiwse t Oareli tl. FARM STOCK a siumliec tiiehairs. (Ito rIcîulttu.MuLTOci t 2tli. Fee- ___ Ail mont lie sld, sa the farro lire bees gîtus iueaitgt.IDrayttin îalieeeooe 'l Te iIdr ittulteoto oinur leeîuîauuîceieulby lesetifotr- a oomber ai penre. t ituli; 4t. Ptiplev;t lnl. Wti JAMES FIDDLIR TERMS oooct0 adbsi ecdtas ; oh- itî îc îug.Bti(fell;a17ttlNew tar ît ut uIutyptiluî auteuitili toi -.c. iaii, pspe. BScclira cattie, ivent eatives, Kiltchen:'.ll, ICîlu . ecaryhie. ; l, 21&ttit. lIýiiue:Roiiibof grioand boy tubeecash. Iiulieaee titi Rt. ipît in-ak tî i a, cit BEN. PETOR, Aaeioneer. ,tua rîtuit t,2rd, Gi'.oe ; t24th. FRIDAY. MARCH tir. 1923 S. D. Bîtaîtia, ClerS, Chatami ; t2tili. Lacrence. raor'iact _________t___1___file____________________ tirt îuo , usCo' a tei3tuos t - ih, Ptlli y", lolei iii i, yrelMrs el. 'redit Auction Sale lad. 12 yrr, ol-woeikeir. C .K. Hoîîasîd, eoeial Ttiiutl CO't5'i Reg. Ilitistin 9yre. rllet Agnt iii iîepeestithe 'Usnaiiîaefoot.tReg. Hltiiri4 rs, due Msy 5tHOUSEHOLD L'IlNITitDE -- p ' - -i I Gaibrâi.th&UCompany STORE 4NEWS The well-ordered sud cansidered judgment of farty-even pur af every hundred purchasers of cars ta buy a Ford Car shauld bei ining factaraon yaur part ta buy a Fard Car. 'herilce of the Tauriug Car is $445. Fraet sud Gaverrnent Taxes extra. AndI it can b. bbughit an a nso*tJgy paymeet plan. ~QÂT &LOT-T, Milton, Oni FODUeP OXI 15-1tIPÂI¶Y 07 CANADA; LIMITE1», FaRDi s Meat~Mark~t.. Sdeterm- KTARIO ti. DICK ImAteriac> i MdauuScessrics lasilt agooti bs ave t 200 Pairs Women'ls Spat LESS THAN 14ALF PRICE 10 l pars bet grade Feit Spots, in coton. grey i roc lfan t'aupe and black l , 'iiiszes in lot 3 to 7.... ...... .... . ...............Sale Price for Two Weelis 98C. 100 pairs Broadlotb and Felt fashion made Spats, sllirig regular )y up to 83. 5-in colora fawn, taupe, beaver andIl rotvii- aIl sizes in lot ?, to 7 ...Sale Price for Two Weeks $1.49 HUJMES' SHOE STOIRE Better Live__Stock Train T'he Dominion c indOntgroDepariet fA-ýnti(,n operation aithhe Ih ttiîlia panewi oea l 1 Stock Train" thrî aligh-ttwPoicdnigtf imt' I-i and April. It îaîllb, il MILTON, MARCe lOth. On the strin asill lie criend animils llustratiîig h 'orabîle ,nid unîlesirable typesof Beef I itile, Dciiry (attle, Sheep), iite Pi[i inca of work in Lire SBle t naît oîiltry ria-ing aiid iuiot titinîg. Specialily elecil ii or., uIls. liarsandiîlsows mill lie frereil fir sole. Thc aninmla is i ii .xceeîtioiîolli 'oeil Ire1 ttuiiid e il- eult la pe. They wilt ire soli t aicoq(. Sece ihm. For furtlier I1ooeiio li. ti uýorwit i' IliAgrieiltiiral R pl pl'aei . ire in ynitr enity. R. R. FLEMING, Milo. R. W. WADE, Agiaili.ural Represýntiivi,. Lise Stock Brîseli. Halicn Clonite iarlioliiît tOlîgo, Tohnbti DOMINION STORES LimITED MILTON Canadas Largeat Retail Grocers QUALITY - CLEANLINESS - SÉRVICII WE SLLL TO SATISFY LAIJNDRY SEEDLIISS I 'RIfSU SOAP OoiRAISINS 'PRUNES 14 for ~.U 2lIbs for 27C1 2 Ib, foi 29c. SlicedBR D Bacon ,40c value 3,5c lb. 15C. Large Loaf 1PURE Esfrt o 3 tinI Valencia LARD por Dmno fut 2clb. No. 3 tin , UU l59C eio CIICake ?,Or villite Clearing balance of Winter St-ock at greatly reduced prices. Spring GÀoods are arriviflg. A direct importation of English China arrived this week- Dinner Set. Toilet SetR, Plates, Cups, Saucers, etc, Yoîî get close prices on ii ese. Groceries Fresh every week Try ourCoffees, Teas and .Jellies. Galbraith & Company THE CENTRAL STORE - MILTOPtg ONT. "~37% of6o lsie nS o*t alxj h e YOU are consldering the purchase of a Car. Yau ane nat qulte sureof your judgmnent. You desire ta haow wbat the judgment of ather 'Car buyers has èen. It has been the well-ordered and considered judgment of torty-seven car buYers out of every hundred who have bought carsta buy a Fr Car. 0f the remaining fifty-three, the highest nuniber who purchased any one maice of car was sixteen. Forty-seven peaple wMl average arnang them better judgment tban sixteen. And it was the well-ordered snd considered judgment of these people ta buy Fard Cars These people were scattered fra I Hlifax te-anc.ouver- with the average transpartation nfeedstasolve forthemselves and tbA* gaads. They baught Ford Cars. Thefr judgment was based an- Lowest Initial Cast. Lawest Upkeep Cast. Lowest Prices far Repafr Parts. Ability ta obtain parts readily and anywherb. Abillty ta abtain service at any one of 3,000 Service Stations-in a straight-ine fram Halifax ta Vancouver these Service Stations would be anly one mils apart. The knawledgie that the price of car, the repair parts aud service labar la standardized ta the lawest possible paint. W/hen in 1 (Iot ,I'bome 63 C. R. TLI AC SPRING TO W1e recrneuud tle fI aioaas the tiest utîeu, iii'. t RexIllueîlry unît tJ- COmpolint iirul hI ZB'td ýOBi.0,[iI uý rV - Fetto Sireit i jtýexiI t.. I luit titi, E'aSter TC c-ncr W'iui .Advs. for Va- Specialsi e your oliii i y for Eastr Lilies. acous PreparatIQo Mgs for Home and Fi SÔdforrniait Plotssh for 1le1k - foreeitt.- *bad Dyola It.. Siniset, Rit.,-tV- O mnmont.u, 40.:Th~ 'e. I s.:: ..'tuuu I 'i.. titi 'i lut Buck( Incubg ANDY Brooc it reliable kîîîl ggs. Orders tiakei a shortage isn t 1,e nents' Harc thte tittl W/e hai- ~Manolad I Peach Jam HarVýest 22e ih 3 lb. tinî 49e1 4 lb. 65c tin Peare, 17e tino Amnia Powdier... Best Grades Sal mon Li" ea,.2 lI, Oit 3 for 25e 2V hite3'a '27wbO Old iith 2for25e ai Iowest pices Split Pea4 .. 3 Itý,, 1l Diito.... ... .2 for 25, Rinco 2 foi- 15e Best grades Bread Saga sr Tapitea 21b,20eIýý Dixi...î........ le and Pastry Flour Pot Barley ....3 bhola Oatineai l .... ,2. c n wetpices Roliei Wiieat .6ILb2,c Loit iepLs ..2 fr2eCnfor orTc denPîîffed Rice. . 2 Iba3. Giletts Le ..2for29 Cadie fr cilden Corn Fiak" ...3lin 23)c Stick. .........2 for 2ke at extra 105V Shrre'd Whrai 2 h 0 Sirse Potieh.ý2 for 25c pries Pkt Ocras, of Wheai lie Attractive Fruit Prices at ail tirnes Special BARGAIN Pr ices WEKMARCU 9th to i 6th Ladies' Heather Hose, Mes s Workîng Shirts, reg. 90c. and $1.00 ... reg. $1.35 ai-d 41.50 ..... ..65C. for ........ ..91 Ladies' Skirts, reg. $450 Men's Black and Blite and $5.85 for ...$2.25 Stripe Smocks and Ladies' Cashmere Hose, Overall ... ..$125 reg. 75o for ... ..49e Mens Wool Hose ... Ladies' Underakirts, reg. .... 20c, 25c, 30e and 40e $ 1.50 for ... ..$100 Mensa Fine Shir-W, reg. LadesFlnnleteNiht $1.50 for ........98c Ladies Fane.ette50ighr Men's $250 Wool Pants Gwsre. $15 or for .... .... ...$20( $15 $225 Pants for .... $1.75 Ladies' Flannelette Boys' Suite $350 to $7 Bloomers, reg. 65c for -just haif* price. .. ...49e Boys' Bloomers .... $1.25 STAPLES SMALLWARES Flannelette, per yd....18e Hair Nets, lcecach, 3 for 10c Fàctary Cotton, yd ....l15c 200 ydo. *Spool Cotton, 3 for 25e White Cotton, yd...15e Shoe Laces 4c pr, 3 for... .10e Printis, yd ......... 5e Serub Brushes, large size, 5. Tawelting, yd .........eo Leather'Hlif Sole, pair. . 1-c. Chambray, yd........25e Leather Heels, pair..10 ansd Lota of othea' Ba Pgalna7 SyrsDty (oods Store PHON 7. 7 1 iiiiiiiiiiiumim i.'ý FURNI

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