une 111 SALE 2W SALE sî.ig 5Pairs $14 SALE 980 SALE 491 - SALE 49 À, or'. SALE $19 il SALE 981 SAl.E 898 SALE 2 rails 25g SALI 2 Jbs foi 25j SALE 20c dîzu, kSalq li~ Sale 5c gaci pany TON, ONT. ~IN Pric ndto 8 eg. l . ni . J.! OCi k s aî B O c .1 . and :i u i \Voi P, ". l3.5 to - ia]~f price. ~ALLWARE t ctt ý :l fi r Ods Sto MILT rgai n$ R DAY Goods 5tors 90 tti$ 98 ii48 . .. . . .... . .. . .. 3.7 ..............31 ..............19 &ay liargainP,. on f the Bannia *ds Store - .MILTO M crcehan ta ti;pter Undrwir -h Sweater Conte, Lo a Nê s .L 1' 1m SfIAI. Me's v Neck sweaters, 0'.o in 210 prlori ia aOoph i. Str ~ l&SiIk Scarfo b i omu -vn ioldrdinh uit e ~ Store Th X~URoWdm my sftâuoo.1110arcb eusou Cty .. f Neckwear. Coilitre bau heon moîung l ha Homo a eoo Cubioarei taie Arrdrero ie . sen., agfo lns _____________________________ iltn atean=1ae. *PeUil 1ad westbr eud,.J 7h. et 130 'stock. nel iliton. attere e chool haiewa Miltn siencebasThé lom d ScSl lub iela wltu:1%ber hubumbany yeare ago. es report thaï; thoroIItellitJofront lura O=Uior auplayi b at ofipdmtheMrâ~~ :1I11100(1 timne to have a New Suit tir aiuudle,bi bed ~OInce Mo f urha.- raiaf h OKTPtwaa.l ' --- pitt uff. Sp=oa r recculu trai=,Ott moutbly ochrar of té ain1Rbrt Prentlseof Milton, dird at S P R IN G mm 10I9 114,11 Ladthe scrlt i atrtaaotOm'club mi11 ho buldiou Tbureday I lramaitnonouMondav.aged 87 iirr ivereoat made(t to 'otir ii'neasLlre. eiod OClIR, aebOa i He maon born In Neluýand tarctod' la hrnesaawpcai» *tbit towshp uftl hoetUrednnomfr '4' hinve et gnod assortiiîent of W'orstad and cclas:!Milm Fire Driti ho 1 OCKET TO.ImOT.-..There wlma ti eraitiotai Mtonai,, Owife died borrre - 414 i- i Siiing ad verostigs n an . ed a ho teezmau « Fiday, or " ita ti hc oue aitheicbut, Aclain rn Mr. Prailtisu wasa a (onnerrativ i OI. Uorl*&mIaOtra, uof r vDilo Jnors an'tmnanauOrangeanan. Tii" fanerai nk WLP A E > 1 TillA. fledt-tr- tonAUdsi efooply mu§ m @ a~u îint.îî h ay htcPlace boe Tueday, wben sec i< TRAI, Ped-ow3 iltePrytatlilve rde isbli h e thd tChurch, foi-. Pii irt e i pt ( adbiiy finlt Hae a n test trous a t.d y iernro.i oin Everioren 'l'ilie hi uicof to-itndagreea k ICT~ Suits ndOv mvey d ttlhe evoo ttesu. ne'"'t wîcaatt,,>,t r*"'s siCeauetel. A oaian r of the b. baren tu î î" i(I u!î i n Ji touluota r -Cnts-.cf L-01,No.1.Ptirotindotroiiii.. 'P haek.i,îînntharxron w i1i- OiDE~ îaOvr-~ nl ar a le oidied luntGuelphbGurnerai Hosiptal aiu kaiamaa. rauhl. uOP ocetipants. Beaîutifui ppl it i ) inaliia r st in c i iii.r t> h Fleshirts Fldayeyonig. Eiattomi lt at oui-ie1RAE A.ewg i bo utrarsi Theofin untbek haau hli«eAbore.irftHan. atisîufationî t, prt n rte iuds ti lie pease if 5 . Hride by ca ttlug hlm th T er, a ew ai t aum a nnbore Mi"M arrgaret H ay di d on W rdo ri. 0. 5. R. BEWS ~~~~sXî~~~we rprted ln thCaint*J Oest bas à è' s on, u!chb ha»lut Fri d21. tInari,êt ai .tthe homeofrbo. pl\Vidîliixir îîn ici oc Telmritflace nM dy .ws bonagert u PHONE ~~ Orîmiter bavlug servait iu the Imper- .al iMnnaebon na P tngpohe9" Ô ail Arn . th e .W.V.A. toii charge Tho lAdie,' Aid Soiciety aitK Ruai Namaayela, a littie narot of Milton aigpolus 7ee Ibt a 8,lvcd ln Milton for ' 4 III iand bu0imvrai milit ryhonore. Chitrctauill holdtUiir annaisiho noxigrhtP»EC NSbA RIIAL ihe1 b 0 crtýli 1(IIatorqi FR ANCES NICKAWA-iar.2Zud. Priuar oa ok le a.ch I nie,& reri!aPînu 1-Thé nana fannaum Croc Inienlaug irilaasàA meeting .of the ilaruacrs'Club i eakn ta ufoN.frcromoo ' Miti bvrty uecoair toi Uthae . lots aI1ta ell i oPatulinare lla ccrdne ib ,r iibe. h-r 'Phae aîi ecl iîi on, WîtA dd V st,.ith î \\e îa~C' H Iî~iît a.,t(îk f .ohauii. 8, WI apoain Hlto ai 19S. î2p.. Z i. Marn 3, ambre'narre hroghtl0ooShit,.s V inesand Brac ro iii, . ýiiîg Fi tst, ilitc, \ t1 tbhiernotai aa urr rrrr cn-e aboro date, nmer theo spiceut tao thU FO.. w k hobrennt ndîio. cco he Ladies' Aid Socieity, wbeu ubea ili give an sddreu tpioripu. -'P Lno.dn Lady, Puritan %faîid, I!iqhi:(rnd]'lumbie, Little iunt. Itti, (S ie t.éi givr a réialto(in cotumie). at0bfr OGLAce C1cai, -ReMr.Reyof Ml SRtiMD)p,.anvain te akslrlab Iii.Gncan, (lý,C- Pro naîndow a avertiaing. Mark MAIl.22' et .lade'o CburnbOhe ic, tyo Mt. akw rillîî'eaî,vrrll thrîniks î riill iiu. ighm , oJ d Mt, rnau rlnaro o ing tertatin- et' S ie pesh a Srah Sanlîton. widov fni e 1 e heo. P 'Fvl lîe nd valuîe talmhnîeî.t, iii tlic i c inîeý,. Viit Iii-, Iil yoîîralnal...r.....l atheLont00 service ber, lait Fnday Chari" c,' gooddinNasat niaarlaxmn Eaiow On Wrolne- W.G-h-f-Y-n lent Satîarday inlaiher :Sti raîîlea d i tober Y)I lo%.-nW des .M ,ofBriitontp elle., teeîîo, i aseliiin intii, \\ îî11 O 'iiie aîi loin 2iut oit.. s nad accide nt ha prnod preacher. te h bailbrnnofr isn e Intiici 'cl p ;Ieddvre boo omer andl mdela tunnel tbroiigb grcatl reduced prier.-OGraaia' ber dr-ath. 8he noro o ei l - by hi,, __ o large drift. Mewaialane. Mitioln-Sbl« Stre. aother,. au Ca nbIloill tre netlcmerd ioand haewas moierrrd. CharleadR ti Irîo~ i Whrn br bmd fail tii racb boulîe by Tue i.O.D.R. hellia ys uuecceeful 1Valan lfheBi N elsonîoan ,' îtu l i tî îrîi tc V nieyî i:i a iton olock a earcb nasa inetititanad kating psrty leit Thuru ay nn r010 , toOluçit rM JoqlI P ien fo urM lieya C sh treI r,. he oa foud ithe driftl, %nlli live. Whbirb iLaby a uuu- rMth, twoalell a ndiî,,m, N 1, ' itî lr ouieîi. l.îi'îc tiîîîy u ahSti'P but ho died @con afterwards. br h ml ca yroToront. The funeri îtook laeo ',, P____ B o d r P(ILPCAOFt;Ugladoetrmde ohP"$ teday, intermnrt ioE oerli e"a OP ' grade golal illeal spectioles ai , yireytteeei etryT,Mlton.,aItions- lo' BgC hSor -Pi-ie fl giovairoa wjlb bolet Mat opelorical lrosnm Hrnbert Archer. mho hiel hoau oper. ' -idio itnsBgC s tr hie9' i i l knu n le nake, olin fot f6 e 1sk onV $3,50. Ail othiier tyleo of Stoir ait the C.P.R. détpent ber, for ALEX. tit té, kid n hemkrkthldli fol 6 egsf ineand lnrotoeata ero. Ci auîrly iree yoare. relried aiotice ta en no fr ntr elveyasth releeineînor y tir. Mogheoîî. iorneriy yeuterdav of hle appoinataient taithe At. Toronito, Fehrunry 2Jlth. l1W20, Uni-r tike nw on itr iîlveyos hee iti ri pent forKeot's, Toronltoi andaff til L ondoai aid leurefor Ibat Alexander Green. late of Speyooide r t I lt i tl.e spiilIg.lati- for Helinry Mlorgan & C~O.. Mont- point aient Thursilay. Ont.. passeit away ihis 7th yrair.- mal.I The brat aptial worh te ber oh-. MILTON HIOu fiCIeoor,-I. MLravan. Tlt e i.Oeinaabr, a ro teineol anal at truste * T tamaua~~~~hlp moiiar Milton, io 1844.,vyber, ItiIiORAOE Sl1- 0L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tadanl.d n oeaedi an e@. Tiî Ineqpetor oa itHgi Sebocie. bau hore oldolpcacticiily ait his Ilfr. Ile ELLIOTT daviJ.L sbrrnnm e hrra an ldo. mloa tdHigi h ai.bt mrly o M ion era mt e i the rîc te l ili ofm liren (J lernents' hardware, M~îrit'o~ Mr. 7th anal tb. Coauae rarly.-H Tîr. ig blchtaorihly oucHitnmu h i h areWiîm1o S1ouf.prayadaHardwareamodato ta laroly toder et.Ter faeracii tauof pil i ieiîadb,,i~o.o ____________________________________________________ Sheman Stuio.-nMilton. endmliait adatiotiona'nOho ton aud mas ellaeiilanthraaghout tueaaCaiu.i,,,f Pner - oril, ramitteal troua Omhille for lcema teidne raiteNormaun Cralgatfumerai libepai.- i nn mI aae oi,,,,oii triai on the charged wnitia itomling ox Ccn -Te nlet for Toronto, ou Fole.2th.the ercer e- d ouble oaooirsupy Ïtni.-i l%1ii i t cbikeau. pperea l*orrJooga i-Siiodiay aring mai11hte 'Power.homa lng conucted bly the Relir. If. L Gregg. fA irloa, W I lcî ii need of 'liai, for tillon Tuesay. 'IttIen ar- tl ia nad uue t." Ereuahi.DJecî. lutermnut toaik place ia Prosect W J.nL.LII.TT. P-.,, ragne ord i pleadeal 001 quiii . bat Tueatoryof the Zamnzum miam' rt,, Ccaetecy. *ihome acting asepali-bouc .- attirao trîilhe changrd bisin a 2 2 50. r. Maeky mi1pIeca rg ar . P. Thorton, of OChi ugli. rha saentie, ur.bah crire atu arere"beer eera l. .Oen. .O.D.E. Bril Aneual Meeting. F ot& W o e c cf ty P a to peo. thretil'iîdm o eve. a.are freeGrec, ladaoe-rTheCaoCu.l Frost W. ooGreen. tennanrm. 8po f topopei. Ta e 1sWe give yoîia acordial invitation 10 A, Plonib. WS, Monteith anal L E. __ 1 thIDb & ID ra. d ad g oai d in arelororal viroal ly imao brother,, A. W. Green. ton Chapter 1.01). , oabeldli-i w-DrrD esadgsriceoverneas anal A TaBaT. 'Tue Drean aithe Toronto, Isaac Grecn,. Rlagewuy, andl Frlday at the hbora f M,'u. Book. NEEU W gtanhnoaleduchrgr.le bmd Monihs. tue oe taeular pgatPut one iter, Mies Cuiohemia Grern, cet The Chapteas iejui rodeale ry M ain ~ LLUi ïý U R N ITE E1 no jrevioai convirtion r i, o r calecd on by the pupils ofthe publiec801100, T oronato.aucceneful yrar. about 01200 helig sge~~~~~~inut hian. Hola a laorer anal lad drema a brîmper baume ait t, Prinaîeee -atdranehc duiouaeeP it riing lu Oak 'i lleto antlueTheatre laut Mondaiy erenlng. Tue 10.MLoe,. mi ted ar .mgac, ontholerena'0 P r whrena rretmdt. Hlm Honor talal Spaf- uhirn piayed tiair parts to percDM "E. sHntlo telalyLel.aiîe orthe n ferci tha.le uconidration of hie naur liaiandl deigbted everybBible MiseynTbrhedIstittankfoplace10aiBPureipton rerord, oai hielavîng lieeaino juil far hadlbeauivieil coacheal. Oniatucdywvielra, h sbe e na reuiding for senra ildaul i rnfeerau ot aibtoisout two weekm a,,othe fait tibat be afternoon there wnmaie A n ataf oc anthu, of Davidl McLaren. an out-e nai : als i250 ul.the louon i St oaial ie ad ieendn o childrea whicb driaeaanathor big standng figurein the history of NrO iu o r M erreuraluioa.ie ui~ic Br osPri of Wboulc a ve tbe lo e bumuon ritbu bou se. r ara.OmgliLn i îîgh îîîe hono. i th ho retrea ion upendeal O,,ne.thieTr. Halcai Club bai caeriaineal Lare. aýteue-g M u l i llant arn pronte wsrai.edsicat CabbluntPriday cyan aen. n.came frainitbe Unoted State te enoeay oniesaIlof ubeor; l Phone 63 C. R. 'TRNER. ,MILTON l e ies arîo tathuled hbc ftai Oit. Threluib bas 1w-i .tyne mente taehlai 8Man ltgrcld u ar,-te i al $takuaug luigrn %a- i o ii.- grb niiîpoube te îsu ilned briand tic byusaitthe commuuiy&ed eahn lenaîy lho , i d rt-ae uitaan i h a rks l ondt,, sentence nanuld be aciteul.anriboeerrai aim otan u 'Mceeuatal ion te ic. aors ie d n hemaig pn i e ie a 0,0o -elndX a cervrspovddfori- iduioti liragemeie nb thucicared al hyears sigo, as vish i no ewi raîrlGEO. eD W O of the -. - ara'iig r featnrso f teg f es ad ap@k- te an s nooeO it , a A S- a i?.latilon ni a baidkerebtef traoc«ehnith erery phane of the deveeopiîîg wcenuof clite 1was00enlai hoth- H tRDWA]i M!i i 2ýep meabrcthe lubhtriie myrtte Mac. country, hebelaler McLaarn having eru tre ouffererai. A fruit ohonver a r (Iaho l leavlng toril week ta trairiu g h Je y h s ide in the year 1812, lrl tant 'aVeiinpdaly for the ,(iî,rdotii for -urm il hbisaeigbar, AlleaniMeCerlir, H a' Ofe for nez t yemr alc- 'fN AS F V - 1EDR i'T RES ANTV A Hooiaua.'-Twaoid hem fathec.i..lia. Deceavral narrued HgniM.,een oiti 1 u, 4 U1tJi ,'J4ttt on fuiil. B laduhm e langln Torie , E. iei IlnuiVice,Ji Tueatre, Harrch Bthandl 2h.. bnd r DaeD. Janaire ffeLaren. fr- tCatoa ertr- I- ýHPn A -' thc aliepicest of MltnReaulanal Brie, tany yea-m a renilenttoni Waiurdoivnn, dki emionSecrrtarc, airi Pa I m ____ ~Baldd, Tue rut wl emai d e opalen- 0Daniel McLaren. ci-recr anal onancil- cctlindcard erer y.M.,. .iacabo. -___________ v iItirrly of d0 Hilton ladiea anal gentis- lor, analtonaship cierk of Nrlion for Cjourillor- Meadaaiîe iituCleiiuhan, ltsSauda, ehatve IX)),. o F iilu,:ý M A CaKE N Z IEifThe John 1B. Brdgera Pro- mbromad businesmanaianal a baik an- W nCeino i.ltit. Sloail s :ne, rînaludrtldrforiotr.tan yse.bailit MLar. Jotarhandt.H.Stnar.,Id.-.I yfod -1 d OcagCa.atf oetoria. Ohio. htro Loo ai.Tonaratada, NY.,anal on,, c Kig. ndîîMisoses Drivano d bed tae' in rvn utmIlhote r at lat r. a-.Davidl anal hiu iteralt n eut armîaIr Iheatricai .1e2t Hilton, tendoal h ce" teoary nf St. Paul@ ______ WEK END CHOCOLATES 29C. b. lasia e.Firher pateulanuIn local Proobttriaai Churcli. Nelson towna- W- Fa mers " 1/ Sick R om papaiaid adrertismanailter. ebip li thce ummer of 1922, ai tiae two -ti i i Supie rî K,8o! icoAr Kodki SpleS ~nebr fîe HOCKEY. iu isttiîi iveuic Oid. . 1tni iiit' hlcu1iritil. i -îî. ,oIiiuuîpJ îo :Coi i liîue. Kodakn or Eumtene i adLopeaedet Toronto yenteraiay analdo coinu i î ofu zru, uiîrol ;I%îiîer fne %sîpi the pîî cc i , u i iii. iiro, Cture Cameras will give aiou mien. W% ter Boutles mi11close ln.alay. The attendance len R aaather lait Irido. mccc ing nîthe t Hutthanli- _lýi eiiies tutuo er hie atifaction. F u an Syringea large. St. Clair Chapter Bnasa replire.' ro il -tei/ci eai lowîer Enome Fim t ft al îcc iBua nd Inaent Syringei-, s- en ted yeulrdi hy Ex.Canp. &M.Si. Biackiock-At Camptelloille. on Thurshe. alliarns, etareen the G~~ auentui îgoupIi)(.pnd c ho i i litonl i. dr Criii- lic Acide Ci-ealiuiSraZnt. oea .P nton, a.Fh 2 99,t e nlM-.andal lto aitrge alitea dLne. The iî tri , , i e2~ .tiiiiol'iwan. d îoakesof !Camreras. Aoeîi PO.S. andl Ex. Canps. iH, Macken. Marvey H. Mackloch, noe Jeau ndeaeylrgAtedoe le l l il fturoot sado2iordeei piîîgi Cape, Ao ns ie, R. B. Galbraitha analGai, H. Pot>. CrOmar.Lsoi].locleput on thoir full tona. the sîok 1iý a a Luui p ou deenoii ata.hSprays, Feed'g Tiibuo i nsoane P. Z'& Wliite Oak Chopter. 9playeu ing reccnered, milnetN 'le s li-e i m in-iI1 i. A-luDriiiidCapraInvaid iii Gkviil, Haltan Chapter Geoarge, DIED ipletely oui.layrd aaid oitapeiied eîl il- ,ii it 0uîs Kdaatrie965 n. toaî FoeiXacui tomnan sd Peel Chapter, Uran ion. Prentia-At Brampton, on tiModay. vin re. TEeir corahinatioîî ira, the oîîii u C e i-ri-- o8ilîi atieCmea 20 p udSl , Plueten narre @Il epreented. Rt. Ex. CaitP. Fol. 26ti. t10M. iRobertI.l'rcntiae, oein o lenneumî lcr hc milh1ýKEos kan oame6.s np. OldSlk hsesJ. N. Me=reaiof White Oak Chap. li shya.ecking vraigreat. In the,qroud ________________umeter,_viens rand Supe ned- I.. penlo II elu lecore 4 to i for,,Mil- W T A N i tiiii _______________ i niepionru ot o. Hai ton it rictadMRt. S. Phalpe-At cKelsar'a Hospital., on ionu î ia enradrul nai ton- Fer- T iarndit (itle ioiphiiîr Absoribenlt Cotton, îont ut, ManaJmesitain Dim1tP ONEi4etlran \î ici-to y Ilemolicia - -. - Caitp..R.W. Lowimry. of Drain - Filiam1, 19f , ae e Pof il î ont. o.îe itat anla ticc.irof POFE1 ML1 - - - ~ Snaokers' - Antuseptîc Gantîns i ie abanair trairaToronnt it Wiim omc iMt,, tryiiigtinoere ilacos i 1 iiirSplisBandage, Capeolta Ditrict. t o theli- eta-Chirhri Meon atreitloe net liico ylfaiat ta o ieh' TolCCOS -es piesnalda bngThcrmomuù,i- dITRSfr IdJB iar- , 24th. 5M, aai Stittao, out vit i elwaiii.ioab.FrL . - sup Bcd Pane, feritaPii andiSetlero UiIdaw o h aebre coel o eal te n wl, Ll sol Bed Pan.-, Must.0 1 d li, Mr. 2@d and 3d: otLytol In ber 95h year. libre Wsagnrlmxu.I h il -1ipil. e-initie Acil, TBCOS- aD adsHypa Needîe n SherIock Broman," a commdiuit IN EORAM. confuaiit Moefere Goflalera ge-a Clîcwing and Smioking, Mac- iAnieptir Tablelee i ceI W mM"iMiatoM ilaI lvn aeoy fmd ntikn e n binity of a erge. (nd'Chuu Scauoinp am omdgmdNv.infant ason, Victor Lawrenîce, Who The vPocq uade tuisaapeutfi haineCasha tad New. 'Ym1r, tîei, agnra anprt, mnoi ~e S l a' - MîChium e ewnrthCap itl), alledal ur. Soit. 1921. qîititng ana lef heu île m.Tic line.op: Squre Fret ndSrt m, DRSDADVERTISEMEITS. Ra id teM emoi mat s rod n mli;sil.Bak 1toYp4ial, Rex, Orinolfl roya oaaealtiauu e i.'buinie rodaa trui ii.He Grippe and Iupia, e.lam is CnetoeyPuSL.Iboz obe n b oe o ali i o t N îîyOgdcns, în pku uoad M vsu1v, Fiau-1 bouis.PhnerMilanalâseht "WB$anyueolnalamur.iro. Sb ou ley on i nakin BruIenalKntomr ;centa-c, liarlow peal oilliii-ig seý01 e' aoud 1 ptIn.licoins.x WAaE. -Ptanmsiele.Jmtmdeo a wiaige, Hock anal Aaideroiioi lard S onwatore ait bffy ri ndbroile ____ ara. na fe.istrickto liitukc r Ii th e uc priDggncd in ieicheingt1- 11 GARETTES-Playerers, -ill-Rrferro-D Putilonini-.atrboxesi lady, *toreeci-enîîe onsid îîît Stewartiand Tellier.-Il bank8 ik-'iGrjeTaItoPhilip àMaoril e x, RBig aeso - hu o 14 tli p icet' b ' lu Xii alt tolrIDnl hs- Bngtasesortent Fose onK.u-trao oa, u itn a FOR BALE. TlheoHarald seiyo GeorgetOwîu aejtino lIhave the 1innu)it-becaUge Wtoc us iîi:o t i., looi , Thi-osiGua trgIuu licId rsVaobcharriesafruiard maok.atLuo raeo coteApldu e àpeaitatealthe gante.Little lu likrly to ic 5t oIt Tii-cal oodoite atiltue,.lut i ergetow.a had It wili pay yriu ccli triniuuîestîgatte n-le)ii i- ie titii te-xl T--v a Sprov Tn Cigare and lPipee. centres.and anvi c Pon- Fox, phono 79r-22. 20acre tartoin nIoiwer part utf5 ondefor a l e ro ln S P Ca. idue pî1ý. fcore i,,niau.O r