eA M Ù Ç4. eàcff) B usin es s a s U s u al C O V ? < U N C I I-Ll V RN I ust! sdourO5Oltc. Jan. le sw ilpeean..Wh.WacaoIi Ourng Alterations. meatiog waa fiE We are enlarging our offices tiood RondsAociat[on, re convese RJ+tV S t U and workshop which wiIl give 'ir. '11=1ev oor eode CM u eNif us the much needed room Ùto-; tbCOte[I o sictO serve Patrons of this Estab- ' the rrports of [he varions standing .*'r« tire, yeax, 1 wu a cavdMa consittees.-CarriOd. ishnient Ietter Than Ever The couiniiWentinto concmittec of fur frontsDp<wisMlimmera the wmloi, Mr. Mo[rden in the chair. haath a verT laid. 1 eonitoltd a Before. The cotincil retoord, the WVarden in ph>'scian and too hi e s]liebut the chair. 1 didnotimProvdàlyh.to ALWAYS I. HIlmriioo epr[rd. repotacof cfocndiof.1t] ttee on srrOd amend.methâtIe1acoutile em& IMPROVINO ccl ccd oppc' ce d inccoiteo f the At thOm tnie, a friand sdvlceâ me xvhille. ta y "Frss-ic.clr. A fier iaklng tain .% r.. [ilfn cccrcf orcscoded [y boxes, 1 wasCffrnt[y reired; and A. D. SAV A G E MaJcverel st tidii,,: nite sa7Hcl.c thifruit medicne a ,de ascacspfcisl :cedcad opyr-cd icomemcit 0tr cf the seLf My digestionsdgerlhat oplomeilst & mtg. Octician chcfc 1c r c-d-Ccarerd. Dowsptaadei'". Scvicopterai Builing Mr. [[icli c-r precrted [the firt cc- GASPAR[D DUBARD. ho [estOffce c c h OcdogciOttO Mc 0 ea a boxa, efor $ .'50 trial ita25e. G UE L PH. Mr. iilli ccc ccerd cc-rodd h..-t.At deacrs or sent ce..paid Oy Ghent, ho te tiet port cf the f-in.mtdO[aa an-_____________ c___ oi htrbc ocptd-- Crried. iâ-UesLmtdOta. ,N3r cli m reg c scrc[ e )NMr. THE SPOTTEO CUTWORM H "t4, Sh.tlFenimore Coroper _____otcn' Nitof;- lr 13cm f thrrr L TbislosintWal Trustee for the Uigh Sch'ol or Army WBm. lU f0 iterary Pioneer Decripion a fleistory-'lt05[' crlcnet . o hcc r a ed Bail ]Romernndc- Kreep Mc. Nlcnyicr ccc seonedb Ldve Stock Ot cf thneiield-SAW l r. ilectharc'Nu. Huitt hoaprcint- This is a genration that do«notn cd Hih SeheciTt ut etfr trhecr owO rend tha worka atisher ofBulwer Lyt, th lea-Fower Cattie 5Obpaid.of (regrr0cfoic1clie terciorcfthreoe n rJmsFomr opr s ce OTi,.921, 1925 [oCaiicd. tooram FnoeCopad [cmo[ cltt re, Taorotnt c cHclcccccd cddthyNF. perbipis anet greatty Iterastad in Agrcccce, ocate [t fccc-c, rlcctic-cc c locr cr cad aither of [hem. The racentir publuch- lu july lat ercporteaPapred i l e hrrrhbcrccccrci ccc c-rpt-cac-cc[ nthcýe o repnncorteltrhw ete p esso nocrhreak ef ArmY cccrcccnitr iicccl i ocf orrspndae f ha aterho thhe proc11r ýf (hcc ic 1cru clic c.rcccccc er ar.cls attention te a mat gO- tho r ofio[rnoiice-cristt es et 1. 21, 92.(rcd. wu 'l05e of[ha terst te throw tater [ho renceri-a [Lnt [e brds M. I mrcccc cctic, ýconedrI 'y upon American iteratcire, and uviss wre icrcniof ceIodo dami-ge [o coma Mr. Glicccc dl tMr . h. , c iarib o! ho lcd ceos Thse auto a cjpief d a ac-c[oisoiccrr for te orntributions to il won rame for it of te feldcrozý he» secion lfp10 cclvIHo-ncfurcgr -Car. ahrnadand, lanli[ta Vy, raai mare vrnr[rd hy repetati âOf lts5 c cc. unique. Hia lndian storias ara i&@- Dominio andO Pcrvnciaul tMati-o- M. l[clLcccc ccc'ccl ccndrd hyb),hr. siesnof thair kind, end If [hey c.t logical dcpartmenta - ced if mas dis- Moricr. [Ici-thcicr[erce cf Milton 1cr rheCouruccvcCcccccifc rrprrenat iverc-c 0 nt [ha sort cf norltir[et ls hains roverenothcac tho e iet vas ntcfiles hildcctd cf.occccgrem-o f thr thild- writtaa sswc.days. [hep wara admit. Army Wcreccbutda coacsonet-w r cr00Shcicccr. (cc-ircf.try [hahe at s ai &lue whas the knowno asctrOcSpocteet col-worm, Mr.McNclciclet ioc r-r ecc-cccfrc lrM. B3rcckcccc, tdccc cIcribchcccccrcrd sya of Cooper wusetha acceptad lc order th[ hi-t [ Pestodmsylho t. o ehaeab-lo cc epntccd for tise ap.style. The tima ha. air-gdi' cou- reeognlzedaned ccntroiid chould [ccicrcccrcc c naonfccorcclicr leccear cclbas 1ev people reand Panimore i-ppa& ait ml nea&o, [Le oIt ovin gtnla- rfc-Cc cccrd.Cooper, but [ha [[mn vilii maer com foratonin iýn:M. Heecyhicoecccd econrd Oy UheS hi. nam" yl Se omittel frocU formaion c fcNe Mc.Bccre, hccr oacfr1colctdo cf thcn h it of thoae Who hlpsei austl [Mte mctw-y. rccccrcl b1cr nte cld [o cait o. Hco. Ammerlelatustan d von admil. Tntctrlccworm wintere oceer Mo.r'Bigg- te cthefecccng ccer [Or ation for il in Engtaiid and on tis Is tho groticd 5as-aoem1r rowa or flehrtccc-cclcicc cand E-c1ccngas aoi- Athrau;a ruleare gsit rend- blackioh fsra traicnm cu 10about Ouncccty pccccccrcof lighccey.-Cas-cird, ara. Cooper mie an axceptin.. We cf an echi enroir luteMi-y and NMr. Hlcliccre ccc,cri.cccodcd hy Mr. mureaiod that lha dilfati roadiat. aac Jchcececc-. fc-ocrccd, [hi-f thr county raid sons lttera mth reuance. Oc ni-efy foi-c hra e worm elcacha [ho cf licltrccccc rccccaauo of ighleeattoccalot ic gîte hiedacauS irosas oio olaoefield mhcrcit w[f- thoccad decicect coardo tho ceet cf ooo[oclcccc[Cic hcigrOefMa atin hmta reaid an gllsh notai isy Mmr »opale.. in tLc s-cc. Towarda che end oerc hc l6 it leCch cccn1the Tcroatc Wth the ramnurât: -1coaid rlte-yoc and Hacccctcocchihcnec, ccid gract aîhelter &trynoaonthat my"£i.'1HU eft[ho mioi-chthe o mesappoer ad n n ececdcthe sacd cca ircofeghtrrc wlfetlacghd nt tha notion, for set. lay thcecig o cccthehrdood wblh hlf0therceaccid(clfors andcci noîrocnty cf dh hwacltiattaA Let ceu-goucbchL.le. 11ahýOu1o icHi-ltcccc fcrciccc-cffrcot ali cccitro a ceow a usreti h r So ad i dead prahs- 0ofcampoaltiot. Yet[[ha e bei t vOekO cOrcabout9th[et" rAcgutoarrcc e oec ccc. ccfopochs-lra. Opta'. .[orY Induecet i m to ci-p nea.efy ail he i-Ici-o o!fortishrrod tcl. Rebnsiecccccccec ccedclyad ha muestimalastetila hic rmai,- wIll ho flîl grown ail wmur haeensm- NIr. Nicrhccolcc,utt[hic coty cout.hY t[ha gatle rdcule cf hie ite. ed eednt.The wi tosapi-pite lucfis drsircccccfgcgon rrcord aos l- Haset towrk andprodibcadis iam th rd and th ory vOn eere ng eunltoraicce cypoe ordlether ýnocvai, Prucautclea - itla.teralil 090~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~to oerdad[h oh li mr dc ca nccriccrccoiccc cheol ttdeamaed hic vorat. le fioaaticlaie- in Septecahor an i-wfli-y [Oee recca rcneo chcrh hicFea recrreicrd tOc' ly the methodet i-rn. @pie. and ince throoghciout ywrodY PlcesocFrem ccrctcet te Hcccnhfr [1reIiitor lItsme. v era laid li g[eand [o va [heue rggi mfrr ceotheovoerwhnter- ordc or [ccOotoccc, iceeca tcaus f&PPeudtiOn iavea [seat rittan y toc ci-ciao coerrrc.tu[cahote the firt [hi-f [ho rhifdie of hat dis- an Bnglis lady. 'This la proof [hat Desitin. [c icta0raIprecorcc f hini- odecicatî Coper hadt ha race gM et perroat Tht mtho i-cc a dull rown coter sererd fy thre[igh Schoea t BucF- limitation, aven hU-gshiisook Wvs wetO a cing capi-ueoet about an ficgtocc ecd Ochccfcrs Fn cc ratl -, a hbtter osee[[ian Mes, pi.'.. [I-eh and a quarter.'['bey fir arond atoce ouideieLdocc- ct[ohe et in.,f 8o accansafal vui [ldood [hat ionlpa ugt ctor lata In0ftht eveatoc. [crenti- cf rdcraon ce thia cca[ny bho 0eaiv oPesad heora him a new TOc i-î groe cs-voma r tate hoo cfocteicintio eotas cteoccupation, lad trou that dal fos'fi are about 1f14 innea ngi, @tot, ahc o cta -incehiotnhaedeted iaaita othe production amoth nd f abrwnih o ofendcotrcct. Wrai- t-rutproacot paycsg of sovain of mhlch h. loft a ri' sencetO i-cd e t hrsemnlsh o ettenc fcthcltho [rciy-o f [hi seecc [3' ever sael-lti iefore ha diai. te dld no biahin clormîO sierI t-e 92i- [cper on 1,cfr tho e ctt[nya share spots on tho Iac-rhmuet conspleuoOs occ11,cicrnstrueccton dehentot-esn ad aa"D [mitata anyonsa. m i varr tovarda [ho roar end. Thero la a aineaceor tfer 1c chools mhich are 1Wsatt ail hettar for il. Ra entera vhitish or lif ht ceiornd linronntni- ctreaely cce[ccco[ed and me are a[rescy' a Ikl i i I han aiue.t usoacupled alomi- oach aide lest hlom [ha broya ncciccctcccc eccîith chce txation at 'md since [the sanga.t.dSy mai at clor o e tcts.uOThe heatt la brownt preo[t adcrio ccjcctitcatiyc for in- 1aiirateabaiîity. 11ne iaif viai f ThiiisOt eureadity ba rooght crrtttf aoy grteoblehigattio hy test Imitated ad oarlaatared,tbut unifer confror hy the uaset ofPison. buildiccg o corfoco i-nd boueu n. ic[ic m"as-ole ddoshie fume. EH acer te Centrl e Attack- cresaay ctinuationo hec I it. wu " 1 Oili' lmotii bat isnovai tn toce etrnng a&tout aunest sct.Brocct[. WoIelttte Mi [e' uadehlinwethy. "Eintee-y orfthe terthlly asrtneUotneo irai, cnstcrct cf the preposec ichool 1have amcched hMm tthe[b.atat Dc tha foîccu angpoisonliait hereie sand therrriccpreveat t ecrOàuselees $160.OHe[ta oaltihave eaimai- an tOc ct-verma aire preaent, i-nd &IBO rnprnditocc0ef public moueay. Wn 1more [b" i0 55t hansfor thaliterury ilong the margin o! reni n-arh fcrthecr rcqicst [t[ho heClerk @end a pirntas i tise day. nifttiMpublias thât irc ta ho proteoteti. cpy cf thcc rrsorotion tte n oner-acrauiid sot oftan lad Amrin aauth 0,-uh c~ hie the Mcccterrcf Edi-cation and toiý ors worth ptig. S ut Cooper vua Parie greon ohita.seeie), 1îlb. h- Honor-ahle E. C rory, the rclre-jtresure for theu. u*" Meut DÉftlb uMelcanas. 4 i-ar eaie o ffie coun 13'In the Iegia-c Engiish people vhs bSq astnoelg Lsmos c ccci-a. [rcta i-cccr-Curcr. Lla hJalitetlme M j» %sttet cou- Wacar, ahoct 2 ma$. Mr. Hcllccecc mcrd, seronded hy Mr. tibini ta* %ilautaier a. Mix the brun iad tha Poisoi- rscp Marrtie, flc-Le un troduccetnd bsiglYtlmi thorouhly ic a ti-b or any largo coudab y-ia[o ippoint imembe[s cf'isept thir Proloa. racptair uîcgnîtar[hahada rthe Cccccc[Bod o f Audit for the Femimora Cooper @Met moesepai a dang tork for tha porpcoe. Pour 9rar 100- pcrd sesi.arcnt-0. oren. h.ue pined [ho molesnetlot heater, con t[0e The hy-1awmas e r-Ofrt time. 0 a Ot urls.nttpss lamnons or orange thionat a moast Mr. Hliicer mocdcolcoedd topMr.,a"0«. ens awkc nDot binded! ta tis McInvie tha th.1conei goinoodialmataof hie oms eouinta-y hen ho copernocd threw 0000 [he tubce c0cmccctteretftOche lo eon [Onesecond rotafiSetiHie frnt bok star ho ate Leîu1P co te c ater. Theadn oi-fccBcfllai-No. 497, [he lunka cameibock wvie"Home Au 90usd.1 tir tais hoocatry. Ncit pour [ho ffLîcd in. tho Wi-rcion o koep thnehah.-t mas more iitterir criliefled ii icquov rcthenpocson r-n i-nd mix ee-ic.houe tha ny o' f [ii pset-ioumoit se tboroceghry [hit i gi failthrocgh Thecccccccl i-cnt ittc ecccmit[cc f Ose a lleutial neýaauparrefu-ca tut thn Oingeru raadilrrTOnei-noce amocot teiho cle, [ho W'rdrs on the chair. hism as tisa mout olcmai lieler la nffieent for one acre. The couacil resumed. OfaapmaDieulîviLg" Cooper oi-oa.81 KaV ap [OsStock Out of [[ascii TheOc Wsodcc roportoci By-lnm No. i-cton agilot tisaeper, vhIeh lva Taho prcrions Ihaf jO stock 492 cel sconcd ccmc c coccitten of tics Nav Yack Coudterad Esqaitrer gate icrcsI- tho mxture b[corne i tchc mhoirad van gitan damalpas, [ha efft. la appliod, i-indoea a fnr appyng Mc. Hcilm cer oci, orcoadod iytsr. ls higaeandie eraractica. re~~~~~~~ iaJi0f hooOl[ohetc icoocono, ficaf By -Ina No, 497 halieaenavat histsry rought [Sm mor [Or 0n010 e toc eOctac o[Ougt-o c-dca hird timo ancd pnotcd and [he intn.Ha--otethlttj th il frfu r iedy e huhcc-.pcc&t c-aci1t tchel therto.--Car- OgtsHi cuu o h sl t0e-c c ne mcccdanger oct [Onr 0b- ciccd cfLake 11e cla-ed tha sicmi-la i-g tececeerd f theovoe Oretfiens Fchecyo- c cvs e rd third ime, esa dniJSIaDssnMU E311101 are ferlow carecfUU.ly-L. Ci-tsir, Mc -licllticci c-c occc cd, M rav chargesntnOIt uito ave _____ h, ,aeb gate e nbaute tehaterne[t ema--y [hat trodue a r-la ccî at rive he br Elhott shsald nt ha clearati. a" ifOlofli ng t et tOecUrrresa. 0Opr vuattaekei-, Agan heveron expudiutefortbi er ancd tbat the tata tisa courte s Bdal;Un wvas -li- nM 1 uNnE îON 'Oywa eno edatrtftimer-Cer- I cad 0on veeY Point, far ho vus&a ridcacefuase a hietrianme avie g iffas Theiyileas endfrt ticar as a navalest TELISW MEN Lact ccec er uctdd hy Mr. WiilePaople ouait hie bel TELL M M N Jon.,one tha BYlawNcr. 98, a hy- ad pra.iad [hem, Ma"y ai th@e anS How Backacho and Poriodic rcctoccc- cr ci [1crthe hlr. lanha l[Ied had hie -aegaoicrtias crities, pro. PoinsYial to Ldia . n. thec'Vaidocc uc Orep tho chai r- aly he fanght m m ay 1100 Sulit, haz's Vegetablo Compound rTherouecciccrcct it ccdormmittecf the tact that iso vasnun'Iy &H et Te cncir Oc We tere o hi, thema u eotent avid«elethat hc Lohe S-e, c o acot yarîthe bchucelite eaco fasortug is h"m o ,,7b s als tmt@iian a 5sd g W ii venus vtatasRisaum-e h aid, baniourI-& tWtainemi bair- patowr,aend t lim* hi. raluelct iita ton;ieutiao latoHie coarnd toot iaggi d .aieeslaglp' isiHua Om suds hlm,10s. nEuViMM t Oa ha r iitent»4-a.1[WmRENCEATE1titî-'l Gons a slg[abey bte tasilc.Mlpetitesu4:it114; Mrt, 8:2n-16, uriultrsiwortMdstey, il an tArT TOPIC-A bin o caW"a mc et efuale beuhies made. l.thecams vublldsdbibel. Corail Md IjUNOR TOPtC -Recscasbelng se eoaxed. pluchedai-ad petel. rvldftkGa- NITMIUD1ATU AND 5ENIOR TOPIC asti Vhaediill Yet 5tP-"a actfT.oot aGi-mnratsiude. bai- ho ,elumtu7 Pges to-vaNantdl TOVtIO PEOPLEAND ADOJLT TOPIC vus-yreouty. ..uiiltlUgesîsi.Habit ci- Omitada. ne Gai recte. 087 At 0"sa è, tht..Cus-tvli ipeblg. iesua sDowy os Hia wcp te Jrn". c ha vu« hll SY tish ee 10n hite cana- lias yaeraHawlitlieoroffereal np ftt ai -us tra txtbeoh etofsr- [Se »ait of the peapI@ la wt@mes llUu W MSe terutueia<leugae foreedt! t le steui- .uea lhrongis tire consi- dcv, i. aaviag [hi-eSt, lu os-i-cctcy of th@e Ummritsss, for île mse0ttc t ta91v.hlm taie su aitaie e crne ID taurî t ml[ciaelcu! et of tee ~ ~ ~ le fiulftact i ansd Hia lteaisg et [hesît ol- Eut o.dy v bav tia bi Lu- [ticîs icncondition offbaniann asture -e It sutlolelmt isse laested i. urtasenrai- anti ha wisckge cf [lia divise gram. opes-vuti for a i. at tre- t.Tissis Avfa[ Afflictio(v. 12). for a m e lelgbt; tta TlSytep ceers. rLeprcpla acou- «M aha la nmcv e-gariasuU agleai- [sgina dlgasae iltîtrota nff lice 1.uri-mli utruitima vilIa ayupthetic maubers ni the ibodypandci ealacte *uderstaadlng. apai.badl.for liesn sdetmI [tntay lien utotl(einlatice iin-eel,etMa «.8e tea[0aa thbtSodofthie pero foryeoirs. I la Ooe-band.l9ual iil It su preullp saof surit s faut nature [calt in@c.ne c'r tvausii ueuisal bâti«.- tlcsc aliitatileraO out lfront ocietY, 14e2î»Mm*D.0 aiMd " MOmeMy-TiIs neratsu mas in accordooce Il mai5ymoia ta bd"1elug mucl- vhStha hot asi ImLev. E1cdtti. ta itarai kaeiedga a"d thea10oy togoibt e v at l dof Nantr clasn[tise tai be Seea*tisb Ueka [bat met u -are. Lepros a @ a s e Ices impor'tanit tismulu tui*isiMginxrgticcectputc.n'nt ~, "mint i- cclaet~ Tisra vs tiiraclitesi o pus pefor sonte lu taminIs or tie palagagmes.Theua nmîs.tt[pss t[et ea lad gamisl" oisel uaiuly utifi Klee5);[t:itismaiNutr. 12): ['s. . Sa toc esîy mamcs- 01 O o t utel a l 1Klans15:c).Smibsacomuelnla Le and (ta lhlms) saaiMWIilla limi. [ti wscid anti toerrnt gesnultl e t vu ie sia u» aar a&«".. legeneatilitastirongis tisaraclât uthe - th aile vas e ds-@toui Otthtai ae nes Roa la __ u"te to ooesoiqil eteolslty breaiks eut anti deestys [Oe lor e h yOIugtt- Satiod,.Evideuc'aa of [its ira seaen ou sa21 Beal te 6 *ee4** hl-' eab»'every hturt., Tisrela nosnd et Bible c c- fami are geSSes. th" ock. peoof of literanll[p, k The bey, vhotescho.Ulit-esluthe tity Il. WrCry frtes-rscy f(v.13). n A tr.Bt I esin . cub," Tisaimers la tirerotend. No ou- 4 n rn fr iv I e os- Il h. s coa a'ilr ste ae iima ielp mac vliabie, Tlcey Ia t i[hatnt th. talter yard [su mat ai- - oualaov heard hem Jeans bOstiheuirti e ip ias bd an attrasUtivetaiing tae nomeaiters. Whert [Oece In rasil Ieal- t tis* lad. Tise caueSoective là ing uIleabootdt ie00noiseti sbout. This eu sivapumos-e attraalîtadoncaitise lub rsucetfillia[th ie=m. "FcO metO uag1.ecirs Ithe van-lumuos av, atm ai- dau wOthLl rcontentsanmd enathrrcc csara cal s orraathta. Sp hosien, anti beaiing by te Word Camai-a hbis leg baeiwltbout a etlmîce ttention oflisces' scWha heMonts-ail BkiCIueb hff1o nehe oyWmbta e a nm f Oaei" (f .1017).11As lie comae pewOseaamaiomer rancart, Ta-day delluht le -rsousona'.sports. Bat ohen vInier sat sà In' ti Moblkdit [hais- she[ioycollnier! ormercy.IrIo 5 rt challeagies tha bitboestoasl- tise Ca: an vintnr oI 193.1bu- Plea c 00te program. t[ Ls. >1,Tisate ia hUieuisw«tli iULt tisa privilee orfamli slanters te [tl palat! aupremtie of ffltviandin luIonga.rf canp sean», ta tb&old. t [ea a var Seau anyi ",l teior,"e - o h as-a pen jeans Chist for mari-y. Sabra- [he sailu or vlmtei- spohis. Whoa1subatan- antiprogreesivte ol si-ch r lispoanfu Uahol tseier."vud ya ute a g ieln trotmer[ha mosnt aî ulsi-rît bha.ot bastIor rand a-et. M oi-Iý on.ttre,- Ilthat municipaUlu cs ',,tret s[ 0,*bo oshr wo"yuW*t go îaivtt"alconcate t veci wo cano Hdit prd tda the ia imaipeopie end- tas- aiint peotasti tise 0pMUst",liagnneodballebîfsanti ottar te "ouvie'rdi- glogieaes iseintas- diue lieccu oidand e nec an h&r Y, fucoens, andti orch [1gb "WMad ts e'.. tenis.? u sinrerito. ofnIEurope? Csnda bai a scoar lonad rombine, bot à= mmid tOc msO tstr[hintnaacu wui tiesa orgcTt@pui. 111. Cii-dan ttOs te tha Preta mai-e of placés orvie-aIlido[tat 0*..ai.ateaitte but fMonttEipatfit ccdfns Tcr ih Thoees [h.eaaseue naa usiaeilI(y.14 M orite cas ofaer lutise vay ot vin. ynslti - have muhaitobaSaio. rourneoveoati, hut ['ccolh laTour ras] boy wviol e [aie *hare -Ratura te topera wrea eet[e3, ter apota lu at aly dlupliamlesibat But In iiln On OSa CamaI telas- bhohtd Ithetsaspirit cf n -nr I t [ey saedolug tisa.M d Seoate wera ltu nhow shausaives co te ssipamed. Tisalame of thneigs a ilna] efthtismae oo3f dianlaca tOsO hnocs hî,a - t ta of-setbmtacapnyvis'su.prse.Irei-aL[ctsaM Vsr m prami-lsbepai tise coaliniseof e[ght rnara masy atei-ue tEptaysianti recrea[bccn wO3a NI (I tartelr. Let. 14:1-32). Aa [hep vat nîai-eîc [i. casti.nl te lande tees thesa 1 recaoud-daigist eva vior. andcis botstefrInucth- aJ td &Cloai petitsBatsve ip"ei- a ym mr elt, ilnGSi-r - sema-wNeNciuserta tise Doulan tik ltinai- haieaiment iamm-, one DlOp. s5ey lu tisabertot mhiten, y e[ 014 pltarei-asua ladvbleh hibernsas aibtaf( c taituIa stoile 1 M hontraîl bas s d nic eef &4fore nteIrko avton e l hrouch a lous mal trysag vlut5h. cr v f tisewlmt.rM = asowrat Canada as, n a Raral ScIcoel S'are have di-aieiandsutc [ th@lueri-fs[lth'sFilhl 1 perlai-. Tis a 'th raeaitcthtearreatc - tOat MonttI1i vii i"c-d teks second -, oac c cectjsost giel h as fNs eo.Atvt t nytmn n blrUiswa hog tth aac 9 Ee owtegrýefUqu ,tara. To hae an eshibitas-, ani- par- * bma a vlsneret most - hise aaeedt[Onerln'part lasecnssacry go trcsl fer tiita of [hisemeiuly. vbiIn mastis-d &I[ of 9aI-uai-y.: ?bal laiîng la[sgncrad ncr0o thse subitimof ! may a Sey. Te o Ood'n rae n ru IbInco hlm. Fa'llrts tylo: nd mal hItimpsstlsv Wister -,orta Cammitten. ils*e reateasul -oît: cea ân h isov guwand i-vi lpcknasknovl- epresses isielt le action. Bp [ion sport.,l ai Vet à âdon ..t y te tise cti. Io ,espanl te-a thn Canadien N,?!-cal Rail- id dgeorgroin mian. l kow ness he ivne owr ad uinn tor Casdaa s e attiusltie lud- tisa are gemaiste yisih h*e- iicissagealususort 2 O' mcd ei-a 1 govagthien 'l bavmesn hadîceapomr udheaan- tJIllî et the itua.«et lsuiesMér tiular 7,,catitta ail 1 he~ a tramst an opportunI o islam ta grow tbl sMainu nienr-e- tti-arauntOeti, The osly failli senti- ed aarby fMi. - skatlls hitng. tai-ing. .e-develoPins istainessn ha f. Tise Omt Iuril Ichicol Pals-u i . anti, he aaelthîs c pet anlti lbc.k ' hmq is c e o as ad lai.power of Chaiet, ada hslaec raer. Ontnwa.ià5 apftus ta Ptorodta s and l - -'-o YIr£ovs bcudcrtesas Rd b"i l ~ 'go- irs Oc oe ad I m etcopen [Sera la the rnnaeqnent la- sI.e-aniasbét of aller «Oiu u d latne od »udl S~ ki amour Caiet ana themae ea s19S1 a thor a 4 aie, maClu e rees mwirst a-nit. la romptete sml- ea 3,81.47 abZim44ith Mattend- VatiU.Cluaitag ule reslîzail rough - - 14 a t 9l11-P.26 am oer haitor utam obédience aVote e Isora. At lieueflire prmit- IV. Tise Grttude of the oas iv,.- tour îraary bhimachet agriamlce vii u1,1. > BU i U~ 7eebtaaoait. asI[l otal200,ie0f00. Pereelvbig [tha le mas beasînt i tis CO E à- OMOOmies.AcrePi-ofit.Baby epraep. the Samuitus turseti hsch RMe l rinn ntaieh" a it m àîtea[nti vaine giartaidGeti, ints RCqUdilit Uic Cuttinta Cips alio sr-nul dthse ftamboy taemIaou 13eavonftoi 0i-oM au5iefare anti 4 Mcd at-dy.gst" thunks. The oseeitout exileron t Msd Suio4q 2.jaieftum aupewuvait Ame ta show gratitudeife tisasgrantmea-cy- 9- ces. gwat[he ont v isesncerebp exproeesi- foulaidueCut Daforeu Uoasnp- Thista otatosuarm mUattts et l.InPlut; tihe @Do Taasap Wetl-'S4 rY"« am t iai- et ebut.ave V. Ta Gratitude-eitbheNisa fot. Soica Faemea c itaeen-the a u" uleel tisceoh thse lai l19). snist..o Iaa Seaa M 7mira. asti someetai-whom hortis kf Praanilp they vace Jnms, Tise Marcis aitise Trumtai. et sortcouraesUàuni-cthe Agi-lulturai verr 00e. mSssbosld bivenbeau meai ke leps-eutatlve. Tiniy aeIncailaied- gpateful tidt sathiow a. ipre& [Ca5[eîutadti Ontario Dapartantmet emr Is edacatiosal. buainm. ands s.'tigricultumrrecntat Onget ari c. Mtia andoior.UsVma»VseSain e 01 f ront Christ vithaut gstlg Hlm Bnp- Swnet clavai- uhould lbe tut for [ai agrcuture. Tioy havae a,-mauve tss.Be exPoon [houe misa nxpert. la thc green suppp sOte luit b[oe t a ioaaig as i- adasu ttan-- Io a I mivtiojita Elle Hilmtioirîs loomlug, If eut ftus-eysi rent curests .smm n o ae Aas"oRltlnD@.ba ',COustY JaidW* 1lave sud gratitude. Tise Lord ln Oint ahoultihaokalaurpel cr 1.S 1eIMP ad hot a et s on 14 mpeitiase. Plogiin; Gouge- mhe a ved alasers go orf wl[h the toiid e am tnuta oSal ureILa tiaa. amgita Pulie~h l staiof s.lvmtlou as1 Iheugis tai là e tiinthla [[a and ui-dry It anud ao pare. As uRiootltas OI C--'&st, Baieaan LAsu"b, sal [i- sCles il. 1110Y lte ail theau a hrah aoaizya 0t h YWd Va"i,«gfrtrmChnist Md glvennorctisgla r tookybfru- and as ailstel And no meaa I. Tiseme Jaulor Pbouuhag Moignon tutre. Ail tisebleaiseogu aI rtl uatas stWuell.mpna- noorl-curet et bat-g ruaitad a.food.eaBe stai- essoebars ope puul, eiausm c- ie@Outara [[raugisrit, pat isa f ev hiY Prati-a es Mntcoditions far tisa a ta svI «iruted r«taet- I batk BIB fer [Sou, Theaproprtionsdevelapueintetoud £ *tO i.tatia ih [ha vOli aI dia luac Of tbse v ia W ImOuutatofor the vatcivr a etiUott it-m Stock 3hulgCoteti tuaot SembNMw hlbChistoua etsîla puAr- w«eoerhyL il tt Ltplace ilati-t-tae tieuntim ai fl hase ne t-Theni.tact tisit gi-uri-enastine- thsehait condiltionsa a vary ai er. andthotbee a e bua maoy tebvu e eoesalS altantgoaldmains ut pcèearvlmig It vouli- t ltfrConaityaipetitio. ns. i T kdaby fasv aeuhml y5OUioh t h tr 5,tig. fi-nhcitinParI tir od fhm YO sratirsuâtaàtroc trip to the Chiasso ts testa a hotam l rei lsed y" aplene f [amoflu er. i5saad ant ise:arlO c ttfprý ry nX taaualmlLv Oc hy i il ilîe.iovoner. isuareveaetatha tact [tha ht U". w hanmal, in "ie- Ceatal Waoc. lcîco t-i--c a4esiciabuth vith a -hisser vlimof i ______ tii-r cOlm.O 3T OTD5. atanpaieaosae MnoeauesUr lu whatc inasie and ou. wgzRyal blucecgedgi e Dopa'd ami- Oh Liv. Steak hb&making 'liage Il It i. ta came out or..d k_ ÇinSu ai-edoasmatis ta d6edos-tis knge ai trou mososi ta rulmgefetaio sttie, h.gsetc. laui tve h& .1- >.Tis e ale >la% etm aath tonga. ~11Cte ii -About a S f ainem ea a4 lott ul âe at~~çtitlcsor a aai ulaId e*e lua tisecm-ixsiie.Cseael iyieasle a lvi o ti.aoiS bhes- aing t il. misaiht "Ddhoe.1et beithe oima g. ise imefsoreaecy npscp-ipt-iiPam1c.tc46cec. eh"" b'ao Oteir aailet MullM uYer1tls l sum aa- hul- a oiov,.k»Ioey e be«aatlaailatie la.Grntcaa aca O bilmr -- [IIellig « Rm * s eit a ha55 hs [me luobea «et ieoea .oll Sa aSth itstise mageaun" tis.g"smah55551-hb lian uta no titat Hlat111t o ict;10Oc Ocý,.. trahtrt-r, alli *Psvlu mple ceevàta sietise avoer-put ttath* euaii t 01;06., patclaasly Wv1, impeo rsidlnPoîdlIe eccnccr tursc, osa LtaluAugatorsiou.jt n »ailt t;lisb . Fraude-s prprlr ic te > [ atche lanoZ1 s la doha ne at igla y flp haouim 'buasin- ci~ t cooo or True arloI ie cl ar .mit -i . n. is ts hpa os ha ut ho ist , ho m.e t atgs et 'té luratopOc th te 1 (1)foIrIci afcv hri-- wamh n. ox" 'oLOAN 9 AuMW)ar ansdin ha filoosT.. l . &ard I- LU at 2 o B ioU. àn i-KN0O co a sorW. ai. 10A.I set ib 5 g cciOei apa i.ti. ioàhd- Là.d ci-ar apns d tna5. an uaen acaiRfVm I. ti-. e ,t.a a "a elm s lus TOUA.~ J HaA. MseL-e.P-À.4 - i-c i eflis Oc-sPRai et e. rtar-ci-s i' n cc n ceaL saia UR cce-p. -tA.Bsec B1asd ocn