The Canadian Champion J HOCKEY. ouI frl Mnaoeo. Jan. 25,I. At thVIe aftna on Monday erenin COUNT COVCIL. Miton Heighta fiat Boyne 2 tu milton Highta-Goal Carrilerde- fence, Timbere.and lui; cenul Milton. Jan. 23e<l, 19n3 Pryde - win sRobt. ana J. bcL«igh- The counici met at 2 p.m. in accord- lin ; aube., niM. Laaghlin, marmb and ance arth the Municipal Actie Clerk McDnweii. ithe chair. Boyne-Ooai, Willmott; defemle, Tice folluwing geteen filed certi- Frd and MCann; oentre, Gabrath; ficatra cf aelo and qualification aingo, T. Lawerence and OConnor;tel Trafalgar, Rerne W. H. Mordon, De- Referer, W. Stewart. u*@sn o h puty- Reeve J. A. Johnstone, . S. Bramupton. Jan. Ltb.-By deffeatlng teoru o ae Eaqueuiing. lIereeW'. .. LIfomp- Milton lier, tocight by f5 tel3Brampe- Nelen lere . . enng lrptyO.ILA.junior cerieo. There 'eau s ReonoW. JBreckon. recordecrowd for thecgante. nearlyoune 11@31S' Nauge-r BerLeonari W toîîundactrending.flcevistorhad lis 4 D ag . Z te m tté l rîn b Chînhoîju.awa 'thc brut cf the Pay in theo firet prricd. «N htuth.Bkcol . aral b lnue t @Wb n",ae Mlton. RevJ. W. Blajn. buttnd ue lbard tu bent Telfer Ntiihe anBhcolhn amith.tmmtm aaimnait th Octeilr.liere lien. Hilmer, De- coufcolo effort ccored for Milion the oiddsil." "Ys Mr".A. Bacen Moun1 : t il qlhie mati t. ir lcuty Ileere W. N. Riobinaon. oniy goal 'f the firit ;teri . luthn StrsiI North, lBait c faw Birbangion, eee F. D.Ghent, De- Play prcded upte seecondtwenty doeahbinbote har igbt foot. nehd U=N=ha brtha lm d un 9aia tcot Brre . H Nihclcn. minute. ccad bolh goalre erre branv. hy aoaa r.oa -eaed Ttta andpalyitanonpn . Oert-onn ereDnadMd . lire c dtb crean . .teridhy brutual. blachened aadm uttheV Georeton. ReveDonad b"In M lgiee% tiedfli scoe o aneasy . and ad* t faiated aecay citt pain. parta ioofheewMofnma a t yer. bot it'c cc y- cut.funter anda'W toa it on. qptitpimsible for m-e tu imoueloPaM.ton"": Actcc, Bereie. Barbere. Worthlyi ecuple atti tbeformer l. FoStât ~eT.a h ii Nominicont for the office or War. jtcllrl3 Braniton'ls fiurtti. Stewart m"aot, my hoahancli tother it UPiaoremidthens. aio dIrenWeite cmaasfollocen 'onca cicr rubh scrred a igoal for Mitl- mata ltyam-Bah. it oasuraprnsngl "Iou cetheM torth. W , tli. sq, y r.(,is'Within rWO DAYS ail saortbng hatueta M. ffl ~1t1~tus tiof En., y le. bo,.ton Tb pe cdiicibrditc HuIernd i Iaoraa bai diaappe.ared and tunhta@naettai Imiaiormot Ihmthia Min. pu t tbe gamne ufely away in tfIn at' naaitd. a FUR ATS mmd.hiatmealons adt siec Idlt- . q. MeIlautît period "bc"en rbrat i lIfor a faut pain tsus tbaise.inFORi.S ü»an a uit ho-able Obnt ndib2r I o crTbhitiemaie ac feraibid in mîdet bnt cna;th ah « «toatdel te tf Md~ata 'Le 'niebfi ainM. rig-i^r s i ielmusofZMBs 1i iletBnnt blar-. aentdetlured elecîri Wnedec for 1923 calirsthP"eil"d 'o .il uotche foot ,zà, hrnghtr héalrd.*' sjf« 0" la ah The Waren ret tonde bic declaru- ttry oculitre Zaat-Bah-.»ipnrll.tteo liata aian .al theabama ue tiocf office befurerbistu [foeJttdg etnp i ui rl- R hn.bah qulh l 1cm. Ut tiaci - d mi mhOt ayable itte emb .th.A flionCo n il tukthe chanir. île iti trcniunidMceaeu; crnîrerWoeîiy;cy:oe'uptiun a isdami ad rumanet t1 e MM d ý ht .am ceu lth y ti tae N o c om u nm o in iate n t cd th a .. autiecunfil fe rb ncesmtict-in igt¶t. Agieand Lttý1; saaC. 1"ru- uetire the metirn bùrît leri an Knal.or $I mie tcttuittly camptare atth ewm*h. . .b brier îc ntring.ti .tun-liui. Bill ;defenre, Telfer nfna-ItaS. tota hon to-day' 50c.nal mrt L OMai» MLm . 4oa~Ç NI. ilme ioed scdeniers cr FREE SAMPLE fnr 1INc. y, adlà@ t mm u maÎÏ, Me. ilit-eccrd, ueucril'y tIe crîy ce-nl-e, Stewt; cwtngoe, j mg euZa-a a oote t.mat.a e anaa mm lamit Emla Me. Niceden. thon the fciiowîttn t nem ikinu ueuh.,Chiahelin, psagmli dému o. oto b«èteooprtue"outemibm i aara berehia prrcil clmdcîr lute"ý1ike Rbrracc ui orcet p"aU-i oant l tm "à bu" tepr- 1923:lieu Barere.W'. J. IHmt be a , Armstrong rom atyaaai0air rg ols aeat-t»mg h ittre. L. W Ubtitoin. F. 1). ibent. fBunkert. a 5mmt lmmait.iand hr tttut .T W Bae 1. N telcntvre, 1c îth et bc ttntdhtanouexhibilio gant:.,ý' brîHmphirethatmeurd , woctibd sttnatretmcr Oit- ituya tee tu ePrt-Cred. Miltonu nernceintrt itilaveci on O. FRSEVC. nmityyanaat .mfo=maan- Y 0'c rTe cciaijottrri. iA. Rane i ttcl,tnnitc FOR SERVIh.CE. ""U peapnuy i th lieToomi lie tar.t-utttiiee.i.ttertgc ýI.:tî ho Heralà o 1, o fl àma1h unU.ffothe ecnuitgu, wccuagreatcrie.with Pure-lited Tamworth hIl arer ce 9 *lgt.Mount dueaLa eneh Me, Iilcîr remterooîf ite tryttît (,f Ctle. liarkbîcu i l aitrt-pet-Dccn. i-e t Lot 4,0Con. f. Traalgai. oat pel dtil iona tadmt ilite triking rummîltet-. et tteIetIgîf-,,teorgeitwn K. H. Limicttc. 'A rtamhdhalt Mt-r. bitumer mverdoeontîi e le.ocb% iu-ttM rtc ltt, Buck and An-'_______________- Tisa alntota in1ottcoaauthia Or-tam ou the cltrter, Lheut ibe rp ctf t lxe r,,o, ofersnttlotM i te . 1 a"' "dY oet Pahmay rithe emmf mutter Lw-ioptdarijted. O Teduyecte lo-et .P.D. S A LTER n 101ik Prmntiljau ue n utI Commîîuniciion» terre rerti e cia, îcu c-rtefardbrrl a RAUTEAC MEER b dtheo Zrmaaeaeu los;feotîtthe Onfario Mtuntripal An- rtroher ultr ov ante'llite lcraitbegan GAUrEmaama -taaPt.ttaora naOr toToai otcitincerntmbesip Departuent iatIejci t-and oidirct tnte tp until ...otuea .eiy. NPasata eh. Onmn etth.Tns tt.hi o cf Punblite lltgtttnyare entui]rocretî- itetIicttto 1,Ice4-ttcol 2 gtun un long' ittre a tinah iUndy 1tain icaemaiteu yla thstel - t ion cf Rond Stîperrnteientq un ruond lu ots ite o, f-0 t-ri. ,They Came = i.yiauta. mie&nv. cnstu tcion, tliefinaecin fcut ttIl ok t i t . ul In l()titt theosecond . ....IIt .....I Eua-i shaerof rond enprnditîure antI Ont-.iteecitct l Caierkr..eirIMOt.pna -ei 0NY IT villiebridge, Associtin of Homes tforon lMtttlttphonetttpcitucgdefenes NOTI Agi and feftn e conentioc. Cae- utti-octc o it-tte. Antitaathe Bot aern os rsata adiuît Naticoal Istttion for Blini.dtt C t "'as ontbutiog. le' ne kfmtLo» " o,«te&o l iu Syo y auoigruegrant. . W. Cureilr I tteletg l s Itu crong. The; l- j_*OuiilstPOt tbmaotine ;the ytcma nenbiigr If.P. Moocre,. litcr Ntg. ltet;-18 choice Lahefronf and Highway th.tthdayIofJmaéaawey tata. oy o etatrof eocllefftrnishnigtIHospital nd iTuctt ti. iiiIl;, ifecur. Pfulnm yLofa fer tale ; choie tandy totn] Aad tntbti- ais, mtte. tat 0tOheur. fer Stin Cbiirrn. auinnfg ra-nt, antad Telit etewicart: wiogi, AI-abatte trer.. batbiag beach. $16 ; SaieCor Onltt&; Halticît epaetmErttof Agrtcutlttre. nersn ildAkco uîbc ,- tibimolm, Bob- *OZ per ft. front. Eaty ferma. tr tJne MOOHll atbtng for gruel. attd Hamlîcît uti iceccet. lrgte 1 istutcttre Hflion ittpiis oofeCrgrîtne Ccci ."»a.Wiggiau;- de J ~S FLUXMILLT A&SONoeOonaotchainbat, Coa Hligh Subeclio for 1922, the repocrtcf Donaldi- tnt Guiibbo nnd Kaley RDt the Ptblic cioI netor eatndtthe a. , c.TeeeyoiFe Agrieulturni Repreeentatice c n i a Reicre-r Becilieli Torontot. I-4. Us0 "M2 copyof ar-slotin otthecouian.) HA mei.m couet-il of Latubton rr juil offletc ia," IYéd ut Burlttft il andOrhrilie on'!nlm- Sn 11.0 1.1ito 4os Me. Nicholson movet. strreceitby trureecng Bcrliogîun ]eto1f0'2'3191- O ulla 0lin s n281 Mle. G ient. tibatiE. At ai iti,. 1la, toe Bronîttvie:in 1 flBuse, of Beame-1. -t Mat12 101 lait3 cf Refuge (Coitt et cttee tie lcrd.-nlle. Inu@a crn tri for aauiiig Hail, n 215.t5a2u72t28e «2o1 Carfd liteg l'liTe Ontnilie rame be- 182-t 9 a W&ss 5 ou M1r Hani rtaperene thie anetl -r. twerrn the 1ltecicaed the Hamilton -utue-lua iota> 28tuo8 4M.2 port cf lite Bubon PeeilBoude ofRe.Be Icutee e-etaOfir cIter ?À) minuttes tu1-t 9@a1as ,2foa Mau loge totamitnionert antd ropiinrereitîtîriý. 1986-13t 306.91 J.n. na ta; ture.There-llhmbrudottbte headenaft the amin 0 al 165i.53 niit bic. Meedon iiitterd. ceontird hte oic. arena to-tccrtc.Frd>' vntgI -u c tftne otoo i 4tut09 4@Ki2 lhichoin. thsorMe. lieru.Publie Ash vu Buynte uttiAnglicant va. BIt- lO-17 ttes" m010tcun ileboc Iinsector, br beniý-Carriri toît Beight. licolockekyandi Itact of buBON IITN a-uc 44.58 8&70 45t3t Mr. Deccea preenetrbic reptrt fcreitettent. Ainniuaiuîn 23e. nnd lIc N sa-i cln ecu ia ]Wi2 adiaidreucrîithe ott neitpub- N 1u040.8 r 0548M lie fichool maitera uNx lfdy ennîg ope the hockey OnTUESDAY, JAN. SOth .ao Mre. Iilinter ncyrd. teuniri byMar. vntîofthfelb r con ut nthe armao5fu 0 816.6 r0. Blaie Ibhatthie acafrprtu rOe ampton intetttitctt e iu pinayn la tî y acarload of home@e, M.<rynlatn ulipot SeulJIn natch on enhie ranctte ipenda. There M. eelu, HaecrtnPlednndhi Ika~n- il bra Speciai train front Brampton, - ail cîameat. r-a tuu iBaIbmm C.k m nvàmpam st ou, b etednderd to 11fr. f 'eha big crue-i. ThnelocaleIncti the A. BOYD, dMmratujepoodqinîBilaus àiàta»m« t sue lite eeecnder coi Mr.mon Oye- iiirs to a tir ni Brampton, but Toronto., Udluiafaieia whih hereprtlacopild.ea oîn on tb etcmercî, n ad 'erre ceit h eotcmied.-.inr.obrd b a irferînre gonîg. TIney - --- - - Mie. Humpthir enri, ucscudri bhojt Lu xitcnbereý Mi. Ciubnimtciai the W'rdrn and Cierit br authurie ni goand luth- Convicfton tands.*g mit to the Ministerecf Public Worta andaiIigbn-naso:f the Province cf On- Torocto, Jant. 19- Tite nppeiiate Turner's M eat M arket. tario the petitioti cf tIe corporation et division ut ligouce hall to-day t-fua- tte clîcc- cfBolic, sboiogibanc tu epitcaîiue forsa renerred cuat- duricg thepreici Ja. i. 1922, to De- t n ecncre t the-ttIconviction cf1 --FOR - cencbere31, 1922, there bau bren rit- Samucelierent>n George Fenton fot-r pendri on the roue ty iigbe-sy sytem ocinet-piingaut Milton fair lat faif. thc coin cf $125,544.02, equrstîng fine Juige EChiot, utfthe trial, foîtnd tatutor>' geairbannnonthtmt. au them guity and sentencd Grn and provded Y th Ac to id i tlATISFACTION and 5ERVICE prorietib>' be ii utnAid l m. Fenton ttoitrer yerannd ix montba proeecent cf Public HigIneas-Ca. racin. Fran Carter, n Hamilton taxi __________ tîri. driver, e-un nlocri eut on noipende> Sgt>) W. A. Irving, 3Vrden. aentence ttpce gning 8500 eccognin- [L.S.] - Wrnt. Pamoen tret. ence. Fentcn man aino give ires ef Lo5. ee aL Me. Chiob.l oit tnd, econdri b>' yartand ix munîlistn, W n conente- ef Por uuVa. aund tLambe Mit. Hampehire, ibat tIne Roui Super.-rnliy.for ncpiof feofnn-ttti cuita- icteciet, Mie. J. O. Wil.cnnu, report fOt>Y b bee.-CarrenîApptiieationîtad cnde ou thcfIe appel- always of the Best Quality. Mr. Witson prereniet> tis report for laie tivisitnictt O gottio Bail for a tr-. 1922 and gave rnpfannticnn. orrntedcce cctihot court mîgbt mcvei nserondri by Mie, evie therconvtetuons. It 'eau aileg. PRICES TO SUIT EVERY130DY Biain, ihat the epoifofRondt>Sulper- en fttietee %lat ttc eidence on luteaiet Wilson be antptd.-(ee - wiicbJîtige Eiiiot coîliproperiy con- OtadetaitD.lvmitd. PHONE 42 i ied. net. Tht- uppeihete division bau gioren file. illiîcîr novei scrleottriby luiicmeroi ;g the rentred casea, M. Johnsthiaf min courcoi do toie- A peretot cf the eiiecce -- "as edjcuen nd ci Itene a meeting br Me. Jtticer Ruddirli. et iiogthe jodg- beli un TîîrayJane- 2iltr 1923, n 7 taet cffine roourt. -thon-n tInafthere ___ p.rn.-Corried. o %no uigroucni for fIne contention niecotteoiieadjuneti tcnrbeait cf tho prieuners. The eri dence is vnsrong and, tif Ikm STANeî\uc,. Ctîcîcie-rc iE,. conclusie ugaive." etni The fuiitîingcarethcttning AnuftufIne appliication for a rerore P mittenesofthe Countu Couici fcsonFnti,.ovcin for uap or g con, tl ut 1ctcdy, Me. Justice 19M, cithtetlephoce numberen: idieli nasyu t Thia nenurî at W. A. Irving, tande 71-e4. B,î- on theorelunni o the oîherai n my ingtott. opinion enuli bve accliid errabai E ' fInlece Bilimer9fi. lin48, Gîtent Ithe tortor e ben OOcesafui. E 'SW M N 3-fi. Morde304-t-2. 1T n a $150 Rîb'd Underwear- $126 Br. WooI Gloves B o u m n dti B i g e s -M c ree e J o h n - r C H e u T...... . ...... ..T In n0 l. ...r...e tece 92er4 Outile, Chiholma147r-fi eeting cf the Buffon Peoteetice Aa- '~YS O 1.0à MlîtonBrerine441-r-1i Brunie lHam p-. a.ctatiuu cent held in Milton un Tue# ahire t5--4 MiltBl on, H iijm er. d y e tbh l -g o a iten ian ce . T he or- 9 0 c , U i d e tw e a r . . . . . .. W. H e ç 7 HR o e CotttBuildintgs-Binn.Hlup. fgacitalon but lue peara bren effectve NOW. 0bîre. Nicholson 273. Appieba 84 ci precereticg theite aiaioof.Inerte. ....... . . NOW .........2... . , Geregetown . ndt>fier lire socitteet nthiecruant y Oan.~ gBn. Peîctîîcg -Bare 2, BerP coru.nNonew'estcien fast yent-. There a 5.CM>'-ne......... Ntehttluun, leIntpre35j. gtiy mrtbere, nihSillf a.lait NOW NOW ..... ... . . . Eclîenatioîîliubineon 275, (Ciiboite balancer. It w e-a cidte lok lfter Barbet Jttbnotiee. ato ibirr-o ou e-ru au horetandnaien $.) Speuinial ictm~rlt cliftera. Offlern e-rer electrd au fnl. $8.0&emers .......... $6.00 Sweaters. ...........The 1 A e. Chisou.uBila. ton-o; Preiirîî R.- H. Harrison ; Vire. NOW .............t.39 iS NOW 1.... ..... $4.00 , t. i n-cl-aiuni - Ohent Preident. W . F.McCrerdy; Seerre ____________________________ ondei Rbuinaon, Barber, lmien inry"'Treaduere J. B. Wilson. The- di- liod Rtair.Hampattîe Morden. rectufor rbte four towennhips and>P E PE I L a Jobncîonc Appiebe, Boetter Chie- the tcn-nan- er i re-eectei, STA 100 yd P ECIALS UlbIneli Meicîpyer, BIte, Citent, Nicholsoun..LO lln T Ail Ou Bei in ses, ATH-& cMPN Ja ua ySALE be Blggest Bargai of the year! SILKS at $250 yd. Black- Browns-Navys--Shot Effects. Galbraith & Company THE STORE FOR VALUES it the Co t'htimf lirt Mr.tJ, 12f , theit ii 't rd lieu, A l.l ltiu I"tagelQe cq o mmT.P.The Customner ae '% MUU zDdb demnanding SUMein « d mepa ton- Quality and (Jomfort ,.Mima Ena »,ust ceda& a la tebns at et- metpeUtt>in.>twea e. but reone -ltonbeg tInàpt'la will fnd a varied assortmeuat ft=d Ofthe.Latent Styles atc hau oreau~ 8 9~STOU tome tolttmen and wf0 S teid good positiOfilo we "âsst out gradUt19tý "cure mIlpoytfeflt. S Write for fcrms . Guelpi ue*-C. 19 r' Ouring tea A. D, S A V 1 ut -ppoi4 ld Il. Intt.. lin": t o rg ji j ý ci i r -th eR1 lofeir otr 6 i t l ne, ai-t , I . Jr ore th in tic-meu 1 pn Ilem andoIIn tai t t ct coneaRt, ' hi,, p cnî,c tec..f t Ot N-,y - ' lii tl. i- . t re- ia be M ltonlietzat t t ici m N..rt lfttr tc j fotraring oi l/nore'ri vche and t on '- I-tPace and> sang %t-,ituori îogt: Lojt .uibietth. ' t-est . Thce pictitre :- t ,l,, 'erernjtpelic ail filerv Eee Amit "t,tA, t'ro cu. Thuti, t- , Peopien bt-cii -tee. mue-n t v te' t.' Dîd- ot u Januaey Fnb. 2 -Z'1 ni fine lat ie fint c yeaeu. Jauirn--Suddett i det-n. nf Art. ne>' IlfIn. W - yen"-. Jurd>ine- Stil I 18. ai hi., t Mon, (Wtlct' Eliimirth tai ter y"resi atiet Ntee. Mec t,,î n.1 uta n l-theet, rin nci_ miertttt..cti tVirutd cFe, tacet1,l7,n, tayJ&ttt- yýiet, lut- 0 O.~FPHOSPSO frM,,dby a##ici lu aIt«et i ot-e-m N" CEDAR POSTS FOR Anchne on> linar nie ieîo cor lotsor l iess Mrei.n utneetLB 4tubIiti -woe- -~ tamo t-8 -,di-a. 20- 37 42%1. t9t4CA eaçtasu a.miUsoa -4o over 1914 prim, ES thiFMI) TOURNS Cm ih8drpd- . ca aid- %aieL Everybody's Businesa HETt Ford Muter Cnmpany lia, maiesa genaim e attenipt to gie tîe public o onitilje tramiP9ý TI to C ar, B e wi' m a tain re c o fl i If hua ra re ri edn t ttc d rain o ft l t o r ol f Ith e Ord Cr, Hnry on, n a.planai th Ford Meter ompany n tb tien cf pet. lunming n Publicr ccie tt epeupleofnCaada.oc t fat dfinitcîy maie ne aptqdaâaetynationalt ittootheing surIn iordMo1oO Comcpaty lbell-es !t iinnauifiem in teliaagtinte public if servect, Inn tie loreftci1 "I'rfFr Cî. aafble n-.tintmin 19M.rf or How the Prellent Low Price of Ford Cars Cao Be Maintained in 1923 tatear e ahtoioteiy Iranta 'et th ie public ohe n wa ay thaftIth precrit J out-ý ae leoti inntifleoj hy prement pcoioucttoo bit oaily by fine production il t in oeaul nul rsait t oimtteun Tbephe Pet loy price for Fat-i Cura are baaed on amaximumt prnductiont on' Tu-day'& mta r k t O nt- t e el, am in îbo t e r r tya n a r ta t a a t g o «. lo to lt h e ma n uf tu re o f F o r> c i ifI n o F ' warrant the. .Z; tePC t tPeut prouorsn. edpeaa-aSt a-a-/-atts Ewroi, Buaînema Y*u Can SetthfiniPr-ia bThe Fat-i Car it eveaeoiYt Car-thr Ford F1ln fin te memorandum bel ccnd mail uInoessna .evet-yhoiy a hsimea.. Von and tefine Ford dele-vIena-nme aars tbrIon yeun neigihorand hio% eihbo-are *il nifalIy Tisamet-ely signifie@ ynor itni îtouya allected Yhyie peimtof ForCati a Ford Ca-r and obligaîtesynouici tnane If Ot- ardetil ccnerned about buytet a tohiY F Com.pati.metknoeh, tmua the len mke t ourbuinen o l raare yaasein i. 1 in o "tu i train Ford -P-Yknowabou it. tinepricea, Youcancipilyouacat -.e -~~~ OR OTRCOMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITEDeFORDO0TARTO SPROAT & LOTTO, MILTON, QNT. eenCot.OPtint mue t oe alwtai tbe itouitie. tttir ct -1fece ed by tahie e a. b t aSt er lue 1, taSci tacee trane .,, - t,ac mo tbn h . c ta ia/,c.i b --dS-n- _ a ie] t .t ._t- __t-dur t-oit. à 1m Mt e int anau steA. in ettetePr=o mn oi ea an iiii - ... ......ý = , lie nt t i th a - i cid ctr bih ms tin- O ý aa mia n &navmb a loi.t tat t e imr rooce rtetya Ciil" mu"r hi aunna _ - - lim di-. gr Maole,- Foutitau .one