rM PA NI of ail kinds Lced prices. 5c Table, 5c, Table, ý. each. 'UR g Sale 300DS. mpany LUES -for ~eafl is ýoods Stol M1 IT( Our many Scompli- ~ason and a Hlappy 3us New ~E HOIJ d Shoos in thÉ Â Veexten id to aIl our- Ca11 iii tand let(tus Demonslrale 10 vou tihe Coleman Gasoline Lamps and Lanterns fi i"111Y ti t U lm . Clemients' Hardware MILTON WISMING ALL'--fl7' The Compliments The Season Phone 63 C. R. TURNER. MILTON le "'t in is 8Iiih ceirle j isni'Iîîxi y hi iNinm. Fori xxsiy yesrs lie ccixl Neinon, o1u t le moiiinisiiniese Milsixi Tie Ihiil desih nisi thal xxf Reisc Hxitchinsoni ni doxi xxithie lice ixîxi. sui ewtx'essxind ixiiixer ofii lix 'ein'tres,cifixrafalgarsx' Cxx'diexi i tise ihomxeix ixecrc.xunic xxxilSo-.i, niera. Surina, in lice 'th cens T fixiex-al lsio.fi-. v ,yescdxxs. xiti mxenti ii I exiyiecxlxxa iix' Giexocge- Axeiesdiedio xxix iNxîa lx nsite aiicu ni He-xislxxi lxsi'ilcing ofitxe aileiecx-siand icoltili en lstx'nke. MIr Agxnp-%vinox liii Itlexiyeax île wc on xsinsNelson andi wa. a sooi] i hlîx'xxi. i,cxii cxAg seen. Hel,.hil bee xxiîxîe.xdxi ofi Nasnsgsieya o xxixixbouxi liIi lieusl, ileslxii 5 5'ailxxi . oiinl.x Camxpbell caiiiMelvileanovrxxexlxxxx iere.Min sAixi, nl ni auxmpel, i l 'ricxbsih ec. uive ciceliii . Wxc Nelson, Jackson, c ou ixlo anixi Sanîxîci. ithesseot. Thxe fxxix-xx -! tixie paie tix.xxncccs. icrothelxi xi lxi l'amiliteliixe leiexiy issniNellie t'xxspixeii l iii Suixi-ilila seo-u tni ilcvpx.ni.ii xi daxîghter ofxitue loisCciiPeter ixi xif Tafalgariiexxx itonxiiansd lxxx îîxsoy fixîcîxîllices b,'x lxviilierci) iq înîxrh ounexi.',lhe i ii cxxv,, lxx lier xîitei. assitis suI',,,' Ili Tirne and avii xx itiix'. iiieixix nf Mitonx Mins ELîLsîxi cx MxxxvIR tElizabsethiCai-onxixi. ixxixxifc .1xxx Mgnie, ixxsvci aixs txix i -x'ii al x hiec laie icideie, lot . ionx. 2, xo Eiherixe. ilex'x'ox'iihou xcIiiao lx long esxxlnxxoftbxt iii and i. xicithi sili he iccixtexi lis xiax-1 -ircce cf freoil. T'r ix e x ial x illxxitxxi place tlixsTii i * ixi.riiixixxtauiix "dck dxiiolxSt.rxxxxn- 'iixxixoh, SSi ci'lxis'i. I iixixi vO i i xx xxxxix' m ui>' Sspiixlii'e e (sxir .s fMonkey Heasi ua- xi 19 ..a.e&ni i alsahe: nxasbiasx. rOnDt Wîsisxh dsi.isa I We w'ant at this time. to thank yoii 0ne andi "il for the wonderful patronage x'ou have given iis during the entire year- It proves; to us that our effort,, to Jlease you and give Vou -service have met with youui appi-oval - W'ishing you ail the best in health and hap- pinessi that a kind Providence cau bestow upîll Volt. Yours very trîîly, JNO. M. MACKEINZIE, Milton, Ont. l i mass bippxChristmas. xi Ia-..lohn Tofr e foui on the pane- eton Sstixexa>x rseniag ansi bxib ,nxeif lier aeans. Suie xuppesion one xxi the ulsugersixa liden miichis ldren i' iersitin ixaklng. 'russtE ('ANi.nxxuui:-fcsis auder- hes oo x ian tia iereaviliile thraeiiandi- ea lodtes foiethe 'xVidesii -of Mltaii. ule a eo. Barbes, xoi Acon, George Ilillsiei - niOsisoilie and W. A. Irving. (xMsi. n cv oenof chom nii landi thei.ho tilt. nt Mis. Hilsandifasilt'mishs dxithank ,al ii lxiii iiendsifor 9s' mptby abomo, l, lt)I n utif ci iral gifts,.il iring t irci fi1-ling thigbtfxlvns dscsg the loing iiisso if thexe littie dagter anxi [ai Nl.cnd ivs. Lennaisi isiude. for tY tileusee and fsni5, mis tutiiiai db, xx ix fixudu s oibeir kinssnds avsyilieth>soxnCtientin tixeir great 10 thno Ie sirsiliof their sons, ar- cli Ila.orfixe lisant' beautifti flscal icessand for Che aiseof iutsr cars. TuRNxi'S .TNo esIuixNmr.-We ake bu. o1pxiruxnitv ta tuank ose mas>y uxusuuuuxeis fmetisir patrnsage dxring Il'x pont ycradcxu is t'uni al A PcsxîxxxNew Yerî. As our appre. uoi- xciii itrieme mii givn U-V ox'xxi Sotncday saxsag O iilahcas- toxiii- C. hose 42. Ordeen delilorexi. lic XCIxisiti-T'ho xSliet fur e.xxuuuxss xxxrvuîug mii hbe*TseMpisi xl lH oft ime." Ecenisgsbjert, 'ixlix i-it>'ciofe. Mr. Mackat' .1 cii i ni-fi u t lutb eroxces Thse c'hxat axxxiiuscxiiatabie' Seais are .11xiixx'i,-iixxnilin >avxicfast ipar. lo xxii xx svip iin1922. Wngivee c i xxixxliai i,.inia i m oclixi- am, xxii.- iva netaithcebaîseof 'xýix ii tus.Sidnty Fiexiinosua ilit it uus eynien thx- et'cxttaiscd i i ieixixîl. Ausxng ibuive rresent Mtx and Mis. Aiex.Sidneaend fviii. xxif oakilie, Mr. andi Mcx. Ml- V-nixuss andx so i ixilv. ociToronto Ml. andi ous trs. Jiggs andi family.-,of Amlr Lxxiiu. uut ime scas opeatf diinc... g ginescad musici.i lxix 'xlMuiCA Eu CKsoRD. isassbeli 4 a ix nxi voilette entertaineis, icho1 artiU, [ n1 si--sa la nthe Prlncecsst "t i,iix xxx Eidaux evnag: Jas. latta., lxxii î',îîciteriauuxisg thxe pieusforv ,xxxi1.aiii cr f aceoturt. TEcis-v xxtii[, cmiii>of the ocgsxuionv, s xilt",xxxxi.xl ini charge ni the coin- ,-, Si ne tithei fst sit to Iutltoax,M iii --ii uit.tse cbsu'dtli ian r ix si x lb ue fxprograrme.xis n 'Ji hi.,-A iuuugefics seasnof. h ;o'%%-. i, tutxlii ne axcut'iChue i i xxx11,otge>'xu have iexu xxx x1it'. lhe iastnese. dxi' effrs tixV je- 3,i iisiii~nix gond xasx'ciav- xlei uc iov c îes.iuug, ho nx ii))icaied Iylur sueman>' eustamlers ""dxxi uxiSîx, do bm nenmenurcpec- xi lix hv for ithe rxsierity e meluseV dc'u-xdsiag 11,1 'a rsperit mc iuwx'ue have e cae. Uisg ails1 Illi>'>>'NewoYsear, S>ei'cx sa 50c. y )j njt IHocoRxsFai t IALTO.,;BA(oo.- J. t'. uiaheixixua, f Hoaeshi.m'5asa filxiu)tiur ot tise Ontsric Proncial Wx vi n ýrFas stc uscph nofbeniansi Iiuigsand wmss smsrxed ticestY rnb. bxIl. Amnng thenu wssoxne cf the mut nuxoetedi icies ni the fai-tise tlcnxf rizeoenatxemnour bacona eartasaesq. f andli-issnpinaiesesicrcssofnthe xxsh'. Me woi nautb ono iagie bacon, unith *)eadriesai'nthboiiusisisofnxrti onxxreed arasia sxaie risseandi Suid mua fareo uxder ia mxatliss. Mii-. icadhnrstonaCook eighieea linge txi 1 liefiasinaiti yose retarard snsolsi. lhii cc ere large ngregatlonni t Knouxo'lhtuxch oaux tisîtuosi Suxda>, i iflttaxvonixg ansi evenicg. Tise ser- Siressee greaty enoted b>' ait pe dcxxi. At themaoiningseiceIsî. ofi- lis sang Mnily Nigist'in fOse foret, suid thecheoir aanthem. The aong sevcei the eveeisg mas cerdaisi>' drligbtfi. T'lisecniai mastisse ni thia sriewsa niixilxix Y Mr. Erst ynu0xgWho sang a apleadixi voire ansi snuhodes- feeling -The MrddaV Of a K'sinn" ut lit'Mca. C. FD. Mn- icxGr osin irs. sa insbhst, cf Toron- tv, axrie grati- ta tise ejasieflt af heseevse.Tise ustisenisth mors- i In, aîîd eveniuîg. gave evîdenco of thiurtixglisprepaixaion by txe choir an- dri the direction xiofr. Giinis.M Ocusolu 05 -Ttse egise _ansditendler cf tise fasixttrains frainindTasor tii To- routa due becs uit 7.20 a..On Christ- rus'avla>'ece dmraied aîJiîte mest of D the Milton cromsiog cf thse liT. Nxoc cof the pasacacero in fie coarhes mneebait. but Ithe ere de. ia>ed foc aonme tin.e. Thse erei transfercesi cxianoiiser train. he cen- gise mas ais tise rails agais by -noon mai tise trais ent os ts Taranto. T hoaccidentlvimas due tsi a thiri fag. A G.T.R. trais mvas crosaîng the dia-; mnd as the f'er apcoacbed Tise driver cof the lattesr eassitid ut ae .sgsa mas -di >0tisse sir tise page" - Gn itiel. train ta tbcam tise amitai bcifr l tis cer ta crossl. mOltos MNethof lt CharcIt Notas. Tisera mdll ho saiciai Nom' itaan sec-i laces in tise MeMiodiat. O0 ic r e ýîundaîy IThe- e' 4sto doiei u ii XwUilf bqÂtaleLith Sol Tise TxirsSuewii ll etithse Êt - ai.tisicei 8 Ile Donc t; aiso comedi- and wsoeki> HOCKEY. lat Fridaysevgsiandpixyidoxai hibition game ihtinte x f-xxixnî.. ' <f f tiat tn. tOurcboyxs"gsxioe a ici <f disiacconir ftxIa.xxixeiv, ei '[ixi xiA laa) iî iiefcated.hiitxyxxvx- goalxi xxxi>' xxix fandl P :to2. Attixatlxinîxi xiii lilxxcixgîxxx If' goalnsocerexrocexi xui xxiiiyi xxg lxi Milton jiisixxi-xpromise t Ir ixxi thisg of afiguxre lxxirx 'ixxixx'x iii ii'fcf game.. Th bcinigixlih.-xixni lin-iii- Galc, î'.îxîî i xl xxix 'ri 1 fee andi Ctniexsy ; icixi- E*t ight wise. Ailoîx; c c i xxîx, - lJxLi subi. Robeitsxon. C,ixoiboxixîxMxi 'xxxi W ihite, Brissî. lici'i..ix e, i i),f Nilitaa s wc igal71 ' e ii joies playexi an ogxlixxtfýgisxi ixix'txx'th sxins yesteidsc e-iiixith xx imuien interoxixixn, if .... x .x iexiii & e.e 5. nodi sbnwnxg lxxix vi i, ixx.xxx o it pecicil. luimii'x 1, uiit 1i second perînd . a 3,iicix ilt 1 tiiexperinîl .%Isiimb, . 'lixixixixi iP. J..3- 1 se-up xWNERTR Oau Js2' Miaicn-Gxxs, i. lngx i'x'ii ' ELLIOTT2y,"x. Mackay asd l ilerox itrexx. 0,r wlngs, Heatoîx andi Cxxx ix .xxiii. deshi-. Pixnio, MeDeiiinoti axxdiSix'1i ï-& -1 xiCisiCe-St..,. Toxisix Miton-Goanl. Chishlxi xxx letîxux: f xx nrlngs, Back an nsi ci-'Oul;' ilx Fay. Thornion. Cxxnxsnghoxxxai Kenr-. Orîxîl. s HAt1 tfceixg Banaiasa. Miltco fans viiili venqlrLnxiixiiixxxxii' cxxiiixxxcxopxanit--pntxii.xi.y vii actionsfoc tIse Orsi tiiehsittixi -aix asxîringe uxofxi ioinai. niîni e sono. Tiseyiii pis>'n s ix iitiicv xdx'Oi secoxinul fonds." or came ai ths Accus nifithi iii l~xcxsîcrs T- oidi' gon', eai Juiorins, a nec>'i-ctfa st sfx' iiuiic,. îxai]i) ixoix. xandi ix ota sv ons .35c. andi2:,c. I frt fn- ixt',xxf>.ic bi2nixoo. or a nd m ay t he c OBITUARY. Conioiitrcinil>tr ansasr nBTAY lassed according tu "bssd.- A boschyo hea that as les hn sxx s n csradi>y u e SAMUEL ox. xcvii . x maribniistheostndsardl bosch isa SamBilRnbertsnxslixedxi xxiStlixîtlavaine, ndil n cheiiOlsci aivene orand pi at bis bouleent Ocillix. liesîxoxi xxximore lus5tins are cinssexi as m1e- emploi-rd hece li snaut if theiri'ix'iv fsiriti. A sive-htinsibou ncaira fission-. but hbont i rsxîght lxxvmxxx n cin ixi accon taio the unvaclcty 05r iii-. Hec mss s iackoxxith. nulunsi-. ths trutoSand athesri iansi lie cil- E - tixinsii gond mechanir. Aiotri u- marie conditions ossier isicix t is E . H uoccka efnx-e bis deaso sipsicnis gnn;thcsaverage'weigisulaxfront attankex imim.n bis ci iltýdi r - ilxxi ttai' in 5'y-fc'ixouris.Occaioni lie nas ai mnrk. caisseS liiv ,riîn, i ait>'You ses a bmach flaha aa Phane e .Il l waa sppnseii.butst t verisibitat tixiermas>'ros i teol>'twn 'iusisansd m"as interi rpturex. Hecsa, mreciixnoihiccboarihbaoasai taken ta Ocilii axxxssotxxi mi lic asiiniciiaslargeaaiisastlisitweci ____________ wonnacrasckhnoier and i iiiiiiiii"li aappoixaicyonensbsniccxandsit% gecaiifavoriteberi-. pouinils.Wiseoa hssch o ni asla cx eii ivxiidoai plant la ducoryrd. Mncosic.-Yestrxi ay eievxxxg \V. Cbuttie mmi la stixi able to sensi ni~ jx'~ ~i B r o. A . S . W i i i o x i t . i s n e x li i i axx h n o s . A f i s i t h e u s t n t r o p n i f i f r i t oxîmber oni nibeP.Mx. ixstaties i tOi fionvi imnxxtaIvc nitise mosi ixnini m A TU tfiSseracf i S. Claie Lxidgc. Mxx liii . i ivgshoosiarec lfinta growanssppii A U D R.C.. as txiuinis x frui t aies. Outîsengottlisextat W. Bis. T. D. Marnie, W..t. siosxinla calinsi praisan. As the senu W.' G. W. Mceeie, 1C.P. sxi.soniis arnetl aimncsea. Yungso~ Dr. M. A. icCicsîx. vS.W. rlantssirecximing uneasaicrixi ts se- J. H. Peseori, .Nj.x. pince tisonsa i iii hase ta ha cot Xi-xAS MIX Wx.-'A. A.Armsti'siag. Se,. Clon.xTisscaearasmhee asa! x.' --W. B. Cieaesl, Tees-. scînix nf a siscie pianîing thexipanta' W. - W. L. Eliiot. Chai- bnvccouincxi usairodocc hsvsnas tli oif i ix.1i I1i R. M.M. Cleni-,dc.Si., ifor aperlod xi sîcdino unasic leas,,w E E DC tien. Galbraithx.D. foîîcity ers. E K NDC W. 'J. 5W. Elliai, .o . i' M. A. Campbell. S.S. The Quesi ofYa .iii. xi' 'Ros Stiscit, .S. xaii1ci1')c1, -J. E. Bell, .0. lIn o sri-e0xxOxas h us f ali-if mcxxx.' "), i' W'x. B. Fesiberstove, Tyler. pouci de becs ansi citi nnissu sote ci roebuti "If Yoiii iBut lnwIuc-if Ave uf Cnîuid!"Avc nt' MARRIEDonniy cns, bu osxes. Tise nssb i led n-it, liineiy nciognaiians. Mes. Feu- bcCay'Wod-At Eceema nisus. cx0Fui'fina orgecu. uai . A8 ise a lllý o ,Unix ilu dey. Dec, lts, Miss Ehl' cx S1se Se-cxih gs." yeis nîiiagn h-Ci Wood ta Louîis lieorge NMci(i'a. -hî Catis c aminocux. iili out syl of Appib. ins rinthe iocapixi m cut Shermno-'Smaii A x'ti-'ni xly 111.Oct in ena. AisFassis Han-E Mon. Mr. Weddecbsecrn, xvn uens xcix ox>' OO.s ofp Isnn irpepW.. day, Dec. i3tb. Nlissnva Siiialc ox'uoisul l uueee5ciovsfs Kiibride, ta Gen. Sheemooi, ci Nci- pri-rierxcharnioer. Mis.Richardsn,'u PH ON E snv 86, a football fa.ni tDvenpoei. Is.. Ccr-MtPbaii"-On Sctixciia>' Mon.18.chactnrs aspecixîrtas xicari>' t1isssl .. 1029,, at St. AndrecioxPsesh>'deîisux cesecatlonsa viRicbxocdsonn. lesxic ('hardis. Vancorn-,e.MC.. b>' cv. by hisieifath vie Yalin'Iowaanse_______________ J. S. Hendertino.D., .Exikiiasd. auiMcvw Haveni. UCI s Osur>' dauightx-r of Mr. sanl Mes.Ernesti -.Yun .H eloi i MePhail, Miltas. Oct., ta RoberctOlxi-advebouracauisI Heniry,.vos cf Mr. and Mcx i.nu. 1isi earo ries aboni unose reh FI. Kter.of Toront. of ii2MI i2The otirîxîncu snîmus C A B [ dcc iasgooutcoufnifaxuion. Tiscro DIED ta n Ssncishiine ansieing soi-e H ÎI E Iilon-Hili-In Milton, 'on Fiday,. nuiiniex. Oid ace ls nîmpît' a taxi Dec, 22ssi, IÇ22. Annie Elxiaethihatituutire oh n ueod ccqoicc - Maile î' Init tIc c li' oir Wilson-Hill, in bec t9th >coi. Nnew Yors Tribune. Méitrle-At Eiibrixis. on isixnda>', baicers, iixi a-ýI'ibiitf .41Ch Dec. tb, Elizaabethb Caroxn. helîxesila Peru. mife of the iste James Msldxiic. l Isc the ertnifLa Jaya, cPeusu E IL i tid1 <oorouse-At issoxn sreccidexuse, tieri nrec husansornicresent-ux Oakilule, onsSatuxeda>'.Des. 23rd. oi-exi snsi dunes farmosi b>' uhe enry' Moiiisnmnth 'innobnixne,,schuSs ansi ai>' oxvacigacensoý M..ute Intel snrface. Ose Investi ganor Mi-to Esqxiesing. os Sntuxrdst'.Dee. mosresi oe of ibose dunso, ite Snecial fo 28rd, IM22.Catherine NMetili. beiverd poilntsocf misonse escet e cm160 mufe of Richard Dieb, x lic lier76h focs opasu, wmule tise lesetis arouaxi Yserc. ibe tcex aide man 4771 icci Tiel ("reaiotPofin, lx eam Konkie-At tise îesidencof liii scii, widlh su thse ideot ipart of thue ires- Henry Kosbic, Biirliigtoii. on Sac- cent mas marc uban 1001 feet. The -JOIYllixuxxli Nulits, tira. Dec., 9i, ati.hioias Konkie, meighini tise sassi comiosîngthne 1 n bis Stb yesr. siun cas csîmaiex iat e, 000 ions. deerran-In Mfltan, uo Mondai-, yetlfilmoveu lit feel tria aracAux ece. 2tb, 1922. Barbara Ans Gar- tise dunes have uhe sani e îrrassi Phone 67- A. bacc, idaw aifcisc lace James Mt- ail bavc tise coacca side tocard thes Ferrani. agesi 8S yeaoc. ocevailise soash isl.-Wansilngton Star. Pewress-I Nassagi -exYs, an Mon- - day, Dec. 25, 1922, inlieca Mutai lflu0 alaria, soe,- mido w0f U tis a Benjamin i aai a ttmthsbe AVELL BATT m Pem, ,ceoun ber lth yeac. . md ta Bavns n ifhteiut basmercex 3 jifJ.LI BA t Damp 1l--Guelphs General Sns ide. stxdaoltocWse '5 DWgnéiaDiii 2710122.misatinsy'lis, Bismexi sildiOid e- Culeac< belli;nàdyears. iroicumn. Sada iris,-fat.a 4 Isîiroiesm Phone 245 Rear Fanr .Th anet tce pIassufroon the are beaiexi logeuses for asnbaerandi reseo<f bec motiser, Muai. Peter dcaaalk coal iîi1 sust-_____ ügmpiseit. hase. line. Trafalgar, an fOea on coolitg. Sawduioi or osiser igaùkday SO0th-iOBt., at 1.30 i-m. à. cobunsitbe mat' bern4xed wmus tise U. S. L.. Bat broient ti Ecergeen Cemneteiy, Mil- materlal, ud, IIut cas lIc made lato anü. ' bricks foc fuel., It woisi gîve s veclu First class repairing i Alanlcixdama. Konisger-Sas tnna! niimarnry <<of l a af BAl work dear danghtar 'ible, ho sisexos ft Jh i New eassli soctcnb<ifP1919. odFOas ood boys in Rebîîiht - slàý to cf iiiibedea ce, eut blOs efOer c otday oe&àne'Spbciii!att 'A"pa 11--, Il" FuçpiD4L1na WedWgqee g hrt fr'itl lorl aset î4rù Zn , -xM9rY lxèt \Te~v Y 'k 5ANDEBSON. Year's ketings comuing year brinig th, happiness )rosperity. DAWSON RDWA 11 AY TREAT! XTURE 25c. lb. . Saucrda its I n ice 25cx 1 h. IOCOLATES Ae.lb. .... . ..W ckend pci c ai 21)c lix 3 A R N ILTANR iSBREAD- afE li e t ccici iti ' i )r Saturday Ec. UL. CHAMBERS.I #TERY SERVICE ,mers' Club Milton, Ont. ut for suce. îy make of Jlatiery. -anteed. ad 12 volt Batteries. for Radio. Nigisi Pkono, t17,3W. OBITIJÂRIES. h'C ONOENSEDADVERTISEMENTS, xMss AjoutaB. Wîx.aouîHi".. v~iINew sY 3.I FOiiiSALEc-Doherti- organ, sheap c Mina Annie Bf. Wilsni-Hill dicd at *-ai 0tan orne china dishes. Appiy Chamn- the home <f lier mother ait Prida BualnZia*mmmna'àt aaa m.upion Office. eoening, aiter a long <lined iand , Bdrraas lemBsrB a en TUCaFOliai Oaakgof aufering. SheowaAiors n ad , l~ ha ax ag.M miIissm. TUI O IETukc i but ber family han been i ilton for~ ail kindo donc;c long oir short diance. a number of years. Mer siepfather Persoa deiring rosm and i hoard. APPlY Wm. Croso. Phone171.' waa kifl eiin acciln binFrance lIn the APppi> Chamipion 011cr. - 2t araxcifnmiasaarreiti gceat ma. >iiMi" ii maxian Anplxcatn, Weca ffedmlsssarie and ~ ~ ~ ~ W anatiemeier < h suc frienids ansi patronsa aday. If ceiiring ani- ral meons an at ctvenimb c f Urace igbt and Hapo>' New Year.-O. To. phone 76 r-0 . A. Kennedy.Honsby. Charch. She la survivnd by'lier osoth- ic-tz a. eroebnhr ak. cf the Bank sfi. TED TO BUY-dg or 20 layi-m r' ie rnt. oîe, Leansi cvii niters, iThe moothi). i.O.D.E.s'aneeting wil puliets, Wblite Wyanxdottexs preinrreix Misra mlî ani Wnni aihq bcunhcl i t the hdmc <el Mea. Jas. Mar. or White leghorns. Appir lit Chin-o The frnerai tank place i Suoday, ahai, on Friday, at xi p.m. pion Office. tecy.il Gae C-.r(so te i Nsfcexiinedcf xMiscs aMillo, of Gat, and Jon, Sae - cpaeslin etherviRes. CnnNfe odcelfteBank5 cf Toronto, Hamito: Stero, 5iaiand ifla relts the ervies.opent Christmsas et their home here. praicesa, satiafaction guacanîed ai -J. ____The Champion wiii msve ta-morrom cLenan's flattecy Servicc, Milon. Tia nsioCi8scyîA i Tu. istixi ti ocm quarters, next door to' W.0)s Tbcec nid andi respectresi enîti of Mesxro. IOcley & Hutchinnon office. a 015 500 euS1andlO.inc s, caooiixeI Maiton sied onChristmass îay. !John NVrîgiesworth, for many- ccxi i nsy iloitit>'r. hexi c "n xi Barbara Anc Garbliti, iidOw fxxilte yeaseeorf ni Equsng. and a form- deiivecy. loias, -cxi.i xîîeli' sate James Moreîi, diex itsictue ,ce Wacieofn Halte,,, is selugl>' ill 22. iboule <of lier geassison, Ni. Hoxleil, in!ai is homeî. i iluton. Mer heaith basi faiexi oxise lcFOR< SALE-Aloiixi24 1Brion i.x- time ago os Scount of hel, gîcis oge l Miss Aima MxlKenna, of Wyomioq, 'hors yearcoid liens. bredesi c iy. Sixix) ih wb as ini hecrm8cxd yesc.. sue iiif, xo ban lire ssaoisting at Syers 0 ecch ;caseois few blxxx. Nnthern Spx' three sons. Oiver,. of 'Ni ictnsiiiiRi i tstorces. left forelhechome the erdOsiniansi GeoîcgJEsi-pies. $1.7i5 h,,E E. 0of Draytnannd W. D., of B;.i'iixn iin as! week. Pattesson, R. i. iphone xi.1-3. adtmo sianebtels, Mcc. w. E.i.sk' îRobert Murisdoch, niFreeman. Wnoas UESai flic prias o r în.oBiihCouîmbia, ond tus. liîenîght ten alau iis mornlng , iCsentcese"cFn Saisis A. Bi bl)1. The fuiiers icxi ilatGbilnt d eso'ys foc. day aad Salacday, Dec. 29 andi .0 Itakie pace iii s55, n tecuieni in drxce îcîing s a crnhile intasicatesi 'Hm Tint'wifh as Au-Siar caii;! greenc Crxîsei x V. Mcv.MrFcx'nix's cii iv Tîîxii M. saii Mcc. UCcc iwsh ta thask alan a 2-ceci comedv> and sens. Mon-! MeJieccas. id)nxinoîue sille lxx u, Illx, iev Canon Naftcl andi frieoxisofi1 day andi Tuesday, Jan. lut ansmi 2, (fii 'p i1922 =1923 The Nî-xx' Tear xxfei s i xc elcoiie a pportunity cx ap apersonai W-ord of greetxg amd mon- thïitathe cxc w shes for t he cear ta cai. 'pTo this w e xdd our tliika xiand ippreax il,. to good xviii in the past. and the aisar me of a' onit iiu -. l efforts ta iimîprove tc s ecs xi c cIl i Ili tIl as bitenixi x x' render since Fe'brxxrx 11]tf, (If). 'p 'fît you and ail the fî'ieix1c i I cxx i i axe . ;i. ï, Fieids and Patrons Complmentsof the SeasOflu and wish to aiank you one and al for yoUr very liberal patronage. S. R. BEW$. on: y